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绿额翠尺蛾Thalassodes proquadraria Inouce是为害荔枝、杧果等热带果树的重要害虫。在室内条件下(温度24~28℃、湿度70%~90%)观察了荔枝等11种热带果树对绿额翠尺蛾发育历期及繁殖的影响。结果表明,在荔枝、杧果、龙眼、莲雾等4种热带果树上绿额翠尺蛾均能完成世代发育及后代能正常繁殖,为其寄主植物,菠萝蜜、杨桃、香蕉、番荔枝、枇杷、番石榴、柚不是其寄主植物;取食龙眼的世代历期和成虫寿命最长,显著长于荔枝、杧果、莲雾,存活率和产卵量也存在显著差异;种群趋势指数从大到小依次为荔枝杧果莲雾龙眼,荔枝是绿额翠尺蛾最适宜的寄主,其次是杧果和莲雾,龙眼是最不适宜的寄主。  相似文献   

为探明拟小食螨瓢虫Stethorus parapauperculus对杧果小爪螨Oligonychus mangiferus(Rahman et Pumjab)的控制潜能,开展了16、20、24、28和32℃恒温条件下拟小食螨瓢虫雌成虫对杧果小爪螨成虫的功能反应研究。结果表明,在试验温度范围内,各温度下的功能反应均能用HollingⅡ型圆盘方程拟合,但各温度间功能反应的参数存在差异;以瞬时攻击率和捕食处理时间为评价指标,拟小食螨瓢虫雌成虫对杧果小爪螨成螨的捕食效能随温度的上升而提高,32℃时达到最高,此时的瞬时攻击率和捕食处理时间分别为0.918 6和0.022 1d。表明较高温度有利于拟小食螨瓢虫发挥对杧果小爪螨成螨的控制作用。  相似文献   

【目的】在获得稳定的抗、感杧果小爪螨(Oligonychus mangiferus)的杧果种质基础上,以害螨和寄主植物的互作机制为切入点,分析与评价不同杧果品种对杧果小爪螨的抗、感性。【方法】通过田间调查和室内评价方法获得抗、感性稳定的杧果品种,经室内饲养观察,记录杧果小爪螨在抗、感杧果品种上的存活率差异,并进一步通过分光光度计测定分析抗、感杧果品种叶片组织内游离氨基酸含量、游离氮含量、游离糖含量、糖/氮比和总酚含量的差异。【结果】杧果小爪螨只危害杧果的功能叶,不危害嫩叶和老叶;在筛选获得的6个抗、感性稳定的杧果品种中,‘台农一号’和‘红芒VI号’对杧果小爪螨表现为高抗和抗螨,而‘鸡蛋芒’‘秋芒’‘紫花’和‘粤西I号’对杧果小爪螨表现为感螨;抗性品种‘台农一号’和‘红芒VI号’较感性品种‘紫花’和‘粤西I号’功能叶中含有较多的游离糖、较高的糖/氮比和较多的总酚,2者间差异显著,但抗、感性品种的功能叶、嫩叶和老叶中的游离氨基酸含量、游离氮含量及嫩叶、老叶中的游离糖含量、糖/氮比和总酚含量无显著差异。【结论】不同杧果品种对杧果小爪螨存在显著的抗、感性差异,其抗性与杧果功能叶中的游离糖含量、糖/氮比和总酚含量相关,为杧果抗螨种质的挖掘与创新利用、抗螨分子设计育种提供了基础信息、参试材料及理论依据。  相似文献   

研究了天敌捕食螨—胡瓜钝绥螨雌螨(Neoseiulus cucumeris)在不同温度条件下对枇杷上的害螨—比哈小爪螨(Oligonychus biharen)的若螨、雌螨、雄螨的功能反应和胡瓜钝绥螨以比哈小爪螨雌螨为猎物对自身密度的功能反应(干扰反应)。结果表明,在14~33℃胡瓜钝绥螨雌螨均能捕食比哈小爪螨若螨,日最大捕食量为3~6只;14~26℃随着温度上升,胡瓜钝绥螨雌螨对比哈小爪螨的捕食能力逐渐增强,(25±1)℃达最高值(a'/Th=9.3785),30℃后捕食能力逐渐减弱;(25±1)℃条件下胡瓜钝绥螨雌螨对比哈小爪螨雌螨的瞬时猎物发现率(a')>对比哈小爪螨雄螨>对比哈小爪螨若螨,对比哈小爪螨的控制能力依次是对若螨>雄螨>雌螨;干扰反应的研究表明,14~33℃,胡瓜钝绥螨雌螨对比哈小爪螨雌螨的捕食量随着自身密度的增加而下降呈直线相关关系。  相似文献   

利用胡瓜钝绥螨控制枇杷重要害螨——比哈小爪螨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比哈小爪螨Oligonychus biharensis(Hirst)是枇杷上的重要害螨。还危害荔枝、番石榴、沙梨、葡萄、龙眼、可可、棉花、木薯、香蕉、槟榔、丰亡果、月季和相思树等。在我国主要分布在福建、广东、广西、江西、四川和台湾等省(区);国外主要分布在泰国、菲律宾、日本、马来西亚、印度、巴西、墨西哥、美国、澳大利亚和法国等地。  相似文献   

对广西境内杧果、荔枝、龙眼和柑桔等4种果树主产区花期蓟马进行了采集调查。结果表明,杧果、荔枝、龙眼和柑桔4种果树花期分别采集到蓟马6 848、4 078、4 427和3 790头,经形态特征结合分子生物学鉴定,共有12种蓟马,隶属于锯尾亚目(Terebrantia)蓟马科(Thripidae)5属10种和管尾亚目(Tubulifera)管蓟马科(Phlaeothripidae)1属2种。其中杧果花12种,荔枝花5种,龙眼花6种和柑桔花7种。黄胸蓟马Thrips hawaiiensis在调查的4种果树花期蓟马中均为优势种,占比分别为38.38%,69.10%,51.66%和48.23%。  相似文献   

杧果是世界第二大热带水果。其生产分布100多个国家,栽培面积200万hm2以上,年产量超过1 600万t,都仅次于香蕉。在我国,2005年杧果栽培面积仅次于荔枝、龙眼和香蕉,居第四位;产量仅次于香蕉、荔枝、龙眼和菠萝,居第五位;产值仅次于香蕉、荔枝和龙眼,居第四位[1]。杧果炭疽病病原  相似文献   

对中国荔枝、龙眼上的瘿螨的分类、地理分布、危害特点、防治技术等方面的研究成果进行综述.发现因瘿螨个体微小,鉴定方法复杂,技术要求高而限制荔枝和龙眼瘿螨相关研究的开展,主要表现为:缺乏快速、有效的种类鉴定手段;基础生物学特性、发生规律以及综合防治方法需要深入研究;区系、起源和进化、种群遗传分化等基础研究.因此,提出开发DNA条形码方法快速鉴定荔枝、龙眼上的瘿螨种类;加强荔枝、龙眼重要瘿螨的基础生物学的研究,以便建立科学的种群密度监测、发生预测技术规程和提出综合防控技术;开展基础性的研究,为荔枝、龙眼上的瘿螨防治提供理论基础的研究等建议.  相似文献   

龙眼、荔枝是福清市的主要经济作物 ,栽培面积达 330 0多公顷。近年来 ,爻纹细蛾的为害逐年加重 ,已成为龙眼、荔枝最主要的害虫。 2 0 0 1年龙眼秋梢受害率达 6 6 % ,2 0 0 2年龙眼果实受害率达 2 2 %、荔枝果实受害率达 6 0 %。为了有效控制爻纹细蛾的发生为害 ,对其为害特性、发生世代与防治方法进行了调查研究。1 为害特点1 1 钻蛀取食爻纹细蛾仅为害荔枝和龙眼 ,不仅蛀果 ,也蛀害嫩梢和花穗。其幼虫从果蒂附近蛀入果实 ,破坏果蒂的输导组织 ,引起幼果脱落 ;蛀食近成熟期果实 ,在果蒂内充满虫粪 ,严重影响食用价值。幼虫从梢端蛀入 ,…  相似文献   

几种药剂防治荔枝椿象的药效试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荔枝椿象Tessaratoma papillosaDrury是荔枝、龙眼上的重要害虫,由于此虫成虫寿命长,多次产卵,若虫、成虫共同取食,且为害期长,致使一年中花果和各期新梢受其反复为害。该虫以若虫和成虫刺吸幼果、嫩芽和嫩梢的汁液,植株被害部分发育缓慢,受害花、果脱落,受害严重的植株甚至枯死,大发生的年份严重影响荔枝、龙眼的产量,一般受害减产20%~30%,严重的减产70%~80%,甚至绝收[1]。为了探索防治荔枝椿象有效的药剂,笔者应用16%马拉硫磷·氯氰菊酯乳油、4·5%氯氰菊酯乳油等几种农药对荔枝椿象进行了大田防效试验。1材料与方法供试药剂为:16%马拉硫…  相似文献   

利用正交设计试验法研究了椰乳(CM)、2,4-D、赤霉素(GA3)和蔗糖等四个因素及其组合对石硖龙眼和桂味荔枝的幼胚愈伤组织产生的影响,并讨论了正交设计试验法应用于龙眼和荔枝组织培养培养基筛选的可能性。结果表明:1)对龙眼,诱导愈伤组织的最优组合是 CM 10%、2,4-D1.0mg·1-1、GA30mg·1-1和蔗糖3%;对荔枝,最优组合是CM0%,2,4-D1.0mg·1-1,GA30mg·1-1和蔗糖 5%。 2)适当的 2,4-D浓度(1.0 mg·1-1)可提高愈伤组织的产量;3)GA3抑制了龙眼和荔枝的愈伤组织的产生;4)不同树种的胚需要不同的糖浓度;5)适当CM浓度(10%)可提高龙眼愈伤组织的产量,而荔枝愈伤组织的产生并不需要CM。  相似文献   

荔枝、龙眼叶片表皮结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 用扫描电镜观察了荔枝、龙眼各3个品种的叶表皮。结果表明, 龙眼叶片上表皮角质层平均厚度2.36μm , 显著大于荔枝(1.93μm) 。荔枝、龙眼叶片下表皮具有大量的乳状突; 乳状突的密度, 荔枝为7 855.1个/mm2 , 龙眼为7 708.8个/mm2 ; 荔枝的乳状突呈近半圆形, 宽9.55μm, 高5.71μm; 龙眼的乳状突为长形, 宽5.94μm, 高10.38μm; 荔枝、龙眼气孔长×宽分别为6.98μm ×3.09μm、7.14μm×2.30μm。荔枝、龙眼表皮结构特征差异明显。  相似文献   

Litchi and longan are famous southern subtropical fruits in China. Besides closely related to each other taxonomically, litchi and longan share many similarities in origin, cultivation history and environmental requirements; furthermore, the developments of research on litchi and longan germplasm resources are somewhat similar and comparable. This paper reviews the literature on origin and distribution, collection and conservation, classification and identification, selection and breeding of litchi and longan germplasm resources in China. The classification of litchi and longan can be divided into three stages: classification based on morphological traits, classification by isozyme analysis and DNA markers. The expression of morphological traits is often affected by environmental conditions; the number of loci that isozyme analysis can examine is small, cultivars, which are closely related often have identical isozyme patterns. The limitations of classification based on morphological traits and isozyme analysis are then overcome by the utilization of molecular markers. At present, most new litchi and longan cultivars are selected from superior seedlings obtained after open-pollination or sport; germplasm with desirable characteristics such as aborted seeds, rather big-fruit and rather late-bearing have not been fully exploited. In order to achieve the goal of improving fruit quality and agronomic characteristics, it is suggested that additional studies of genetic diversity on litchi and longan germplasm should be carried out with more powerful markers such as SSR and ISSR; marker assisted selection (MAS) should be employed to improve litchi and longan's cross breeding efficiency.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,103(4):489-498
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and partial rbcL gene sequencing were used to investigate genetic diversity among various longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour) accessions as well as a presumed closely related species Dimocarpus confinis How et Ho and litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn). No significantly shared AFLP fragment was found between the three species, indicating that D. confinis and litchi are very far in genetic distance from any longan accession studied. Partial rbcL sequences of 501 bp from the first coding site in these species were obtained, which revealed several substitutes. One such DNA base pair substitute resulted in an amino acid difference between longan and litchi. Furthermore, another 4 bp resulted in a two amino acid difference between longan and D. confinis, which was consistent with AFLP results and indicated that D. confinis should be excluded from the longan genus, Dimocarpus. Within the longan species, no DNA substitute was found. Using nine primer combinations, a total of 66 AFLP markers were obtained from 41 longan accessions. One non-Chinese longan accession ‘Miaoqiao’ was distinctly different from all other longan cultivars collected in China, indicating that more genetic resources of longan might be collected also from longan production regions outside of China. AFLP markers might be developed to identify longan cultivars as well as expedite progeny screening in breeding programs of this perennial fruit tree.  相似文献   

荔枝粗胫翠尺蛾的鉴定及生物学特性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对危害广东地区荔枝龙眼尺蛾的田间调查和鉴定,发现原来报道的绿额翠尺蛾[Pelagodes proquadraria(Inoue)]属种类鉴定错误,其种类应为粗胫翠尺蛾(Thalassodes immissaria Walker)。对粗胫翠尺蛾生物学特性和发生规律研究的结果表明,其幼虫分5龄,符合Dyer生长规律;成虫存在性二型现象,雌蛾触角丝状,雄蛾触角羽状;该虫主要以幼虫危害荔枝和龙眼的嫩梢嫩叶,在广东地区1 a发生7~8代,幼虫老熟后吐丝缀连相邻的叶片成苞状,并在其中化蛹;卵散产,以嫩叶叶尖和叶缘落卵最多;在室内26℃恒温饲养,卵和蛹的发育历期分别为3.64和6.67 d,1~5龄幼虫发育历期分别为2.76、2.80、3.42、3.89和5.16 d,成虫产卵前期为1.63 d。  相似文献   

不同基因型龙眼果实中多糖含量的比较   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
郑少泉  郑金贵 《果树学报》2006,23(2):232-236
用苯酚-硫酸法测定国家果树种质福州龙眼圃中不同基因型的84份龙眼果实和龙眼育种园内85份不同基因型龙眼杂交后代果实多糖含量。结果表明,不同基因型龙眼果实中多糖含量平均为239.66mg/100g;含量最高的是桂花味,为578.73mg/100g;其次是先锋黄肉,为496.05mg/100g;最低的是赐合种,为95.85mg/100g;含量最高的是平均含量的2.41倍,是最低含量的6.04倍。不同基因型龙眼后代中多糖含量平均为248.15mg/100g;其中最高的是96-046,为811.77mg/100g;其次是96-058,为493.25mg/100g;最低的是96-059,为73.08mg/100g;含量最高的是平均的3.27倍,是最低的11.11倍,是亲本平均含量的2.52倍。多糖含量较高的父母本,经有性杂交,通过基因重组后代出现超亲个体。  相似文献   


Floral induction in tropical trees generally follows a check in vegetative growth. However, it is not easy to identify the environmental factors involved in flowering, which normally occurs during the dry season when temperatures are also often lower. The separate and combined effects of temperature and water supply on floral induction were investigated in ‘Hass’ avocado (Persea americana), ‘Lisbon’ lemon (Citrus limon). ‘Wai Chee’ litchi (Litchi chinensis) and ‘Sensation’ mango (Mangifera indica). Low temperatures (15°/10°C or 15°/10°C and 20°/15°C compared with 30°/25°C and 25°/20°C) generally decreased vegetative growth and induced flowering in well-watered avocado, litchi and mango. A pre-dawn leaf water potential (ψL) of ?1.7 to ?3.5 MPa compared with ?0.4 to ?0.7 MPa in control avocado and litchi, and a pre-dawn relative water content (R.W.C.) of 90-93% compared with 97% or above in control mango plants also reduced or eliminated vegetative growth, but did not induce flowering. Low temperatures (15°/10°C compared with 20°/5°C, 25°/20°C or 30°/25°C) and water stress (pre-dawn ψL of ?2.0 to ?3.5 MPa compared with ?0.7 to ?0.8 MPa in controls) reduced or eliminated vegetative growth in lemon. In contrast to the response in avocado, litchi and mango, flowering in lemon was very weak in the absence of water stress at 15°/10°C or outdoors in Brisbane in subtropical Australia (Lat. 28°S), and was greatest after a period of water stress. The number of flowers increased with the severity and duration of water stress (two, four or eight weeks) and was generally greater after constant rather than with cyclic water stress. In lemon and litchi, net photosynthesis declined with increasing water stress reaching zero with a midday ψL of ?3.5 to ?4.0 MPa. This decline in carbon assimilation appeared to be almost entirely due to stomatal closure. Despite the reduction in midday CO2 assimilation, starch concentration increased during water stress, especially in the branches, trunk and roots of lemon. Leaf starch was uniformly low. The number of flowers per tree in lemon was strongly correlated with starch in the branches (r2=77%, P<0.01) and roots (r2=74%, P<0.001). In litchi, starch was lower than in lemon roots and was not related to flowering.

In separate experiments to test the interaction between temperature and water supply, low day/night temperatures (23°/18° and 18°/15°C compared with 29°/25°C) reduced vegetative growth and induced flowering in avocado, litchi and mango. None of these species flowered at 29°/25°C or as a result of water stress (ψL of ?1.5 MPa compared with ?0.3 MPa for avocado and ?2.0 MPa compared with ?0.5 MPa for litchi, and R.W.C, of 90-93% compared with 95-96% in mango). In contrast, in lemon, flowering was very weak (<10 flowers per tree) in the absence of water stress (pre-dawn ψL of ?2.0 MPa compared with ?0.5 MPa) and was only heavy (>35 flowers per tree) after stressed trees were rewatered. There were slightly more flowers at 18°/15°C than at 23°/18° and 29°/25°C in control plants, but no effect of temperature in stressed plants. Starch concentration in the roots of avocado, lemon, litchi and mango was generally higher at 18°/15°C and 23°/18°C than at 29°/25°C. Water stress increased the starch concentration in the roots of lemon and litchi and decreased it in avocado. There was no effect in mango. There was a weak relation (r2=57%, P<0.05) between the number of flowers per tree in lemon and the concentration of starch in the roots. In contrast, there was no significant relationship between flowering and starch levels under the various temperature and water regimes in the other species. In another experiment, only vegetative growth in litchi and mango occurred at 30°/25°C and only flowering at 15°/10°C. Six weeks of water stress (pre-dawn ψL of ?2.5 MPa compared with ?1.0 MPa or higher in litchi, and R.W.C, of 90-93% compared with 95% or higher in mango) in a heated glasshouse (30°C days/20°C night minimum) before these temperature treatments did not induce flowering.

Temperatures below 25°C for avocado and below 20°C for litchi and mango are essential for flowering and cannot be replaced by water stress. The control of flowering in lemon over the range of day temperatures from 18°C to 30°C differed from that of the other species in being mainly determined by water stress. Flowering was generally weak in well-watered plants even with days at 18°C. Starch did not appear to control flowering.  相似文献   

霜疫病菌侵染对荔枝果实生理变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了荔枝果实人工接种霜疫病菌后呼吸速率、乙烯释放量的变化和果皮中氧化、过氧化作用以及与酚类氧化有关的几种酶活性的变化。结果表明,接种霜疫病菌的荔枝果实呼吸速率和乙烯释放量显著增高,果皮中活性氧(O2-)产生速率和膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量增加,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性降低,过氧化物酶(POD)和多酚氧化物酶(PPO)活性增高。这是霜疫病加速采收后荔枝果实衰老、褐变、腐烂的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

荔枝、龙眼属间远缘杂种的获得及分子鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以荔枝品种紫娘喜为父本,龙眼品种石硖、早熟龙眼、古山二号为母本,以及以紫娘喜为母本,石硖龙眼为父本,进行了远缘杂交研究。通过混合授粉和多组合杂交的方式,改善了属间杂交组合的不亲和性。结果表明,在紫娘喜×石硖、石硖×紫娘喜、早熟龙眼×紫娘喜以及古山二号×紫娘喜4个杂交组合中共获得杂交苗35株,经SRAP-PCR分析,在紫娘喜×石硖组合中鉴定出2株真杂种苗,杂种苗生长健壮,叶片宽大。研究的形态学和分子标记分析均显示获得了荔枝和龙眼的属间远缘杂种。  相似文献   

Post-harvest micro-flora on major cultivars of Indian mangoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the surface micro-flora on nine major mango varieties collected from nine states of India in three different harvesting stages (early, mid and late). Mango surface supported substantial microbial component, including various species of bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts. Total microbial population was in the range of 105–108 and was significantly different in different cultivars as well as harvesting stages. However, all the mango varieties invariably showed highest microbial population in third harvesting stage. Comparative microbial population of yeast, mold and bacteria showed significant variation in different mango varieties at the third harvesting stage except for Alphonso from Maharashtra and Karnataka. Microbial population on mango fruit surface was strongly influenced by climatic factor, stages of fruit development and varietal specificity.  相似文献   

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