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周培建 《江西植保》2003,26(3):142-142,141
近来社会上连续发生多起利用违禁剧毒鼠药投毒的恶性事件,以及高毒农药因使用不当而造成的中毒事故,这些都不能不引起我们农药监督管理部门的高度重视和深刻反思。 为贯彻落实2002年12月13日国家五部委局联合召开的关于《加强剧毒杀鼠剂和高毒农药监管工作》的全国电视电话会议精神,江西省五厅委局迅速行动起来,联合下发了《关于加强对剧毒杀鼠剂和高毒农药监管的通知》文件,并组成三个联合检查组,分赴全省11个设区市检查专项整治落实情况。总体印象是:开局良好、成效明显、任重道远。所到之处各级领导及相关部门都极为重视这项工作,各地相…  相似文献   

《EPPO Bulletin》2012,42(3):394-397

Specific scope

This Standard describes the principles for determining whether the efficacy of a plant protection product is acceptable for the purposes of registration. Where registration across several countries is being considered and a single biological dossier is intended by the applicant, the submission (and subsequent evaluation by the competent authority) should consider the conditions and factors affecting performance arising across that area. These requirements are elaborated in PP 1/278 Principles of zonal data production and evaluation.

Specific approval and amendment

First approved in 2000‐09. Revision mainly to reflect zonal assessment approved in 2012‐09.  相似文献   

杀鼠剂是特殊的农药 ,属有毒物质。有的杀鼠剂还是剧毒物品 ,若管理不善或使用不当均会给人畜生命安全或农业生产带来极大有危害。为此 ,切实加强杀鼠剂的市场管理 ,历来都是各级领导和人民群众普遍关心的问题。为了切实加强鼠杀剂市场管理 ,规范市场秩序 ,减少人畜中毒事件的发生 ,保障人们身体健康。从 2 0 0 1年初开始 ,我们在鼠药市场管理方面做了一些工作 ,并取得了较显著的成效。1 开展鼠药管理之前的市场状况2 0 0 1年之前 ,我县杀鼠剂市场较为混乱 ,销售和使用国家禁用剧毒鼠药的违法行为时有发生 ,不法分子利用剧毒鼠药进行投毒 ,…  相似文献   

《EPPO Bulletin》2012,42(3):358-366

Specific scope

This standard describes the principles to be considered when designing a trials series for the generation of efficacy data to support an authorization of a plant protection product across a substantive area or region, such as across one or more distinct geographic areas or countries. That is beyond the scope currently considered by existing EPPO PP1 General Standards (e.g. PP 1/226 Number of efficacy trials).

Specific approval and amendment

First approved in 2012–09.  相似文献   

本文概述了我国农药登记的基本程序,重点介绍了农药登记的生物学资料评审原则,包括审查依据、资料审查和技术审查,而技术审查中又包括有效性、安全性、抗性、风险性等。我国农药登记管理工作已逐步从传统评价工作向风险评估和预测评估方向过渡。在生物学资料评审中,在加强有效性和安全性审查的同时,更要加强抗性和风险性等方面的审查。如何能科学、合理、公正的评价和管理农药,是我国农业可持续发展的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

《EPPO Bulletin》2012,42(3):348-352

Specific scope

This standard describes the principles for determining the requirements for an efficacy evaluation (effectiveness and crop safety) of plant protection products containing micro‐organisms in a registration procedure.

Specific approval and amendment

First approved in 2012–09.  相似文献   

The processes by which the body handles drugs and which determine the temporal profile of drug concentrations in the body can be conveniently categorized into: absorption —process of drug transport from the site of release of drug from the delivery system into the systemic blood circulation; distribution —process of reversible transport of drug molecules from the site of absorption to those tissues of the body into which the drug is able to distribute; and elimination —process of irreversible removal of drug molecules from the body. Elimination of drug from the body will occur by metabolism—chemical modification of drug, and/or excretion—physical removal of drug from the body, e.g. renal or biliary excretion. This article first discusses the composition and structure of mammalian cell membranes, as this is fundamental to understanding the relationship between a drug's physicochemical properties and its membrane transport, and as a corollary, the understanding of the processes of drug absorption, distribution and elimination. Mechanisms involved in the absorption, distribution and elimination of pharmaceuticals are then discussed through integration of mammalian physiology, biochemistry and drug physicochemical properties. Further, the effect of changes in the above processes upon drug concentration-time profiles in the body is considered.  相似文献   

本文就继续研究应用呋喃丹、杀虫脒、巴丹类等内吸杀虫剂根区施用的十种不同方式防治水稻三化螟、稻瘿蚊、稻蓟马、稻纵卷叶螟、褐稻虱等主要害虫的药效及对害虫天敌影响的新进展作扼要的报道,进一步阐明根区施药的科学根据、盆栽及田间试验结果、以及指出应用楝科植物(印楝、川楝、苦楝)对稻瘿蚊等害虫防治的可能性和探索呋喃丹根区施用对褐稻虱的杀卵作用。此外,对湖北、江西等地约10万余亩稻田推广根区施药试验示范的情况亦作适当的介绍。  相似文献   

Rodents often damage crops throughout the growing season, from germination to harvest, thus making it difficult to understand the cumulative effects of rodent damage for crops such as rice that are able to partially compensate for damage. Compensation can make it difficult to understand the impact of variable rodent damage in terms of when the damage occurs, its severity and thus when, whether and how rodent pests should be controlled. The compensatory responses of rice to simulated rat damage carried out at different growth stages and at different spatial levels of severity showed that higher yield was recorded during the wet season in comparison to the dry season. However, yield loss was observed during all cropping stages for all levels of simulated damage for wet and dry season crops, with significant compensation noted at the transplanting [14 days after sowing (DAS)] and vegetative (45 DAS) stages. Only damage at the maturity (110 DAS) stage resulted in significant reductions in rice crop yield. Seasonal differences suggest water availability was an important factor that perhaps enhanced rice production. The ability of rice to compensate for early rodent damage could potentially reduce a farmer's perception of damage. However, failing to control rodents at these earlier crop growth stages could lead to increased rodent populations at the time of maturity when compensatory effects are limited.  相似文献   

实时定量PCR的原理及其在植物病理学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
吴静  吴茂森  何晨阳 《植物保护》2007,33(6):123-128
实时定量PCR(Real-time quantitative)是一种利用荧光信号实时监测每个循环的扩增产物,从而实现对模板进行定量分析的新技术。它具有快速、灵敏、精确等优点。该技术在分子诊断、分子生物学研究、动植物检疫以及食品安全检测等方面有广泛的应用。本文综述了实时定量PCR的原理、影响因素及其在植物病理学研究中的应用。  相似文献   

《EPPO Bulletin》2017,47(3):293-296

Specific scope

This Standard describes the principles for determining whether the efficacy of a plant protection product is acceptable for the purposes of registration. More specific guidance is provided in other general and specific Standards in the series PP 1. Where registration across several countries is being considered and a single biological dossier is intended by the applicant, the submission (and subsequent evaluation by the competent authority) should consider the conditions and factors that affect performance arising across that area. These requirements are elaborated in PP 1/278 Principles of zonal data production and evaluation.

Specific approval and amendment

First approved in 2000‐09. Revision mainly to reflect zonal assessment approved in 2012‐09. Revision approved in 2014‐09 and 2017‐09.  相似文献   

F. SCHUETTE 《EPPO Bulletin》1980,10(2):181-185
Typically, for insects in temperate climates, the number of generations and the rate of multiplication is low in comparison with micro-organisms. Therefore, it is possible to determine population densities about a year in advance if the present population density and the expected rate of multiplication is known. Forecasting becomes generally more inaccurate as the period forecast increases. Therefore, long-term forecasts are unsuitable for the immediate application of insecticides. However, it is possible to give an initial rough estimate, then an approximate statement about the infested area and, finally, more specific data on the size and extent of the infestation. This principle was fairly successfully applied in 1971 for certain agricultural pests. Prognoses were developed preferably from empirical data. En zone temperee les insectes ont moins de generations par an et se developpent plus lentement que les micro-organismes. I1 est donc possible de prevoir les densites de populations une annee a L'avance, lorsque sont connus la densite de populations presentes au depart et leur taux de multiplication. Les previsions deviennent moins precises au fur et a mesure que la periode de prevision s'etend. Les previsions a long terme ne conviennent donc pas pour definir le moment precis d'une intervention insecticide. I1 est cependant possible de faire une premiere evaluation, suivie d'une appreciation pour la region infestee, et, enfin, de fournir des donnees plus precises sur le niveau et L'etendue de I'infestation. Ces principes ont ete appliques avec succes en 1971 pour certains ravageurs des cultures, en faisant appel aux donnees empiriques.  相似文献   


Between 1982 and 1985, Nigerian cassava fields were periodically sampled through three crop growing seasons to analyze the within and between‐plant distribution of CM as affected by weather (dry and rainy season) using the mean crowding statistics and Taylor's power law. Enumerative and binomial sampling plans were developed which take into consideration the seasonal changes in the spatial distribution patterns of CM. The costs of the two procedures were compared to select the most cost‐efficient sampling plan.  相似文献   

P. BENEDEK 《EPPO Bulletin》1979,9(3):323-330
Efficacy of plant protection is closely related to an appreciation of the seasonal development and population changes of harmful organisms. This necessitates national surveys on pest population dynamics and on the epiphytotics of plant diseases. From these surveys, regional forecasts can be produced to give advice to the farmers. This work needs highly sophisticated systems to cover both numerical and spatial aspects of pest situations. Thus, there is an urgent need to exploit computer applications in solving forecasting problems. However, the use of computers for forecasting the incidence of harmful organisms and losses is in its initial phase. At present, single pest and disease models prevail. Numerical aspects have been approached both empirically and experimentally. Empirical models, based on multiple regression analysis, are relatively simple and easy to use for various harmful organisms. However, simulation models of harmful organisms are expected to lead to much more reliable results, although, so far, little experience is available on their predictive powers in crop protection. Spatial aspects have been approached with a routine computer mapping technique, which seems to be an effective tool for recognizing and forecasting distribution trends, while loss predictions can be based on crop models, incorporating submodels forecasting the incidence of harmful organisms. The prospect for operational use, in forecasting, of the computer techniques mentioned is discussed.  相似文献   

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