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Redberry (Juniperus pinchotii Sudw.) and ashe (Juniperus ashei Buchh.) juniper dominate rangelands throughout central Texas. Our objective was to attempt to improve the efficacy of goats as a biological control mechanism for juniper through behavioral training. Conditioning sheep and goats to increase the palatability of chemically defended plants can be a useful tool in brush control. Previous research illustrated that goats can be conditioned to consume more juniper while in individual pens when foraging choices are limited. To test whether this creates a longer-lasting increase in juniper preference, we determined if goats would continue to consume juniper on pasture for one year after being fed juniper in individual pens for 14 d. Female Boer-cross goats (n = 40) were randomly divided into two treatments: conditioned and naive to juniper. At approximately 12 mo of age, conditioned goats were placed in individual pens and fed redberry juniper 1 h daily for 14 d, while naive goats received only alfalfa pellets to meet maintenance requirements. After the pen-feeding phase of the study, goats were placed in one of four pastures (10 goats · pasture?1) for 12 mo. Two pastures housed conditioned goats, and two pastures housed naive goats at a moderate stocking rate (1 animal unit · yr?1 · 8 ha?1). Bite count surveys were conducted twice per month, while herbaceous standing crop and monoterpene levels were measured once per month. Juniper preference varied monthly; however, conditioned goats consistently ate more (P < 0.05) juniper than naive goats except for April, when the study began, and March, when the study ended. When selection of herbaceous forages decreased, conditioned goats increased selection of juniper, while naive goats increased selection of other palatable shrubs. Seasonal changes of monoterpene levels in juniper had no apparent effect on juniper preference. We contend that feeding juniper at weaning will increase use of the plant in grazing situations.  相似文献   

Goat browsing can be used as an alternative brush management option for redberry (Juniperus pinchotii Sudw.) and ashe (Juniperus asheii Buch) juniper instead of more expensive and invasive brush control methods, assuming consumption of juniper does not adversely affect the marketability of offspring. Some wildlife species reportedly retain juniper flavor when consumed. We determined if juniper consumption affected meat quality or flavoring of Boer-cross kid carcasses. Twenty recently weaned, Boer-cross wethers were randomly assigned to one of four treatments with treatments fed different amounts of juniper (0%, 10%, 20%, 30% juniper in the diet). All goats were fed juniper for 28 d at the Angelo State University (ASU) Management, Instruction, and Research Center. All goats were also fed a feedlot ration to meet maintenance requirements (2% body weight). Juniper intake varied (P < 0.05) between all treatments (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%) primarily because treatments were fed different amounts of juniper. Following a 28-d trial, goats were harvested at the ASU Food Safety and Product Development Laboratory. Carcass characteristics including live weight, hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, loineye area, body wall fat thickness, and leg circumference were similar (P > 0.05) among treatments. Sensory characteristics including tenderness, juiciness, flavor intensity, off-flavor, and overall acceptability were also similar (P > 0.05) among treatments. Landowners can utilize goats as a biological management tool without adversely affecting goat meat quality or flavoring.  相似文献   

We conducted this study to describe the intermediate-term periodicities in percentage juniper (Juniperus spp.) in goat diets and to develop optimal sampling schemes to estimate individual animal variation in juniper consumption. Fecal samples were collected from 12 multiparous female Angora goats on Monday and Thursday for a 24-mo period. Percentage juniper in the diet was determined using fecal near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Spectral analysis was used to determine the presence and length of cyclic variation in juniper consumption during growing and dormant season periods. Significant periodicities were found for 37% and 68% of the goats in the dormant and growing seasons, respectively. Cycle lengths varied from 9 d in the dormant season to 7 or 8 d in the growing season. The simple coefficient of determination between a two-sample moving average and the mean of all observations on individual goats was highest during a 3-mo period in the spring, which indicates that samples collected in the spring provided the best estimate of the yearlong percentage juniper in the diet. Monte Carlo simulations for 7-d cycles showed the root mean squared difference between estimated and population mean for two samples with 2 or 3 d between samples was only 1% greater than the root mean square difference for three or four samples collected every other day. The optimal sampling strategy for determining the dietary percentage of a species is to collect two samples separated by one-half of the cycle length.  相似文献   

The potential for winter supplementation to increase juniper intake by goats on rangelands in the Edwards Plateau region of Texas was assessed in two experiments. The first experiment evaluated the effect on juniper intake of either no supplementation (negative control) or supplementation with corn, alfalfa, or cottonseed meal fed at an isonitrogenous protein level of 1.5 g · kg body weight-1 for 12 days. Redberry juniper (Juniperus pinchotii Sudw.) consumption by individually penned Spanish, Boer × Spanish, Spanish × Angora, and Angora goats was measured on days 11 and 12. Each goat received each supplement in a complete 4 × 4 Latin square design. Juniper intake increased for goats supplemented with alfalfa and cottonseed meal (P = 0.001), but not for those supplemented with corn (P = 0.944). Boer × Spanish goats did not differ in levels of consumption (P = 0.085) from the other breeds. A second study investigated the effect of either no supplementation or soybean meal supplementation on juniper consumption by free grazing Angora and Boer × Spanish goats. Forty goats were assigned to four pasture groups by breed and previous juniper intake, and randomly allocated to either the treatment (supplementation) or control (no supplementation) regime in a complete block design. After 4 days of grazing and supplementation, fecal samples were collected to estimate percent of juniper in the diet using near-infrared spectroscopy. Goats were then rotated to another pasture. Juniper intake was highest for goats supplemented with soybean meal (P = 0.034). Breed of goat did not affect intake (P = 0.240). Goats previously categorized as high juniper consumers based upon prior measurements of juniper intake ate more juniper (P = 0.003) than those classified as low consumers. This research indicates that the effectiveness of goats for biological control of juniper can be improved with a high protein, low starch supplement.  相似文献   

选用32头干奶后期荷斯坦牛,按照年龄、体重、胎次和上个周期产奶量相同或相近的原则,随机分成4个处理组,研究在日粮中添加草香味调味剂、焦糖味调味剂和果香味调味剂(添加比例100g/t TMR日粮),对奶牛采食量、产后体重恢复和体况评分的影响。结果表明,在日粮中添加调味剂对围产期奶牛产前和产后的干物质采食量有提高的趋势,其中产前日粮添加调味剂A(草香味)和调味剂B(焦糖味)可以显著提高奶牛的干物质采食量(P〈0.05);在日粮中添加调味剂对围产期奶牛产后体重的恢复有促进作用,其中添加调味剂B(焦糖味)组奶牛在产后28天和42天的测定值显示,可以显著影响围产期奶牛产后的体重恢复(P〈0.05);在日粮中添加调味剂对围产期奶牛产后体况的恢复有促进作用,其中在奶牛产后14天的测定值显示,添加调味剂B(焦糖味)可以显著改善奶牛的体况(P〈0.05);在产后28天,添加调味剂B(焦糖味)和调味剂C(果香味)可以显著改善奶牛的体况(P〈0.05);在产后42天,添加调味剂A(草香味)、调味剂B(焦糖味)和调味剂C(果香味)都可以显著改善奶牛的体况(P〈0.05)。即在围产期奶牛日粮中添加不同风味的调味剂,都可以提高奶牛的干物质采食量,促进奶牛产后体重和体况的恢复,其中焦糖味调味剂的效果最为明显。  相似文献   

本研究分2个试验,研究了高温条件下不同湿度对肉仔鸡耗鸡料量、耗水量及生产性能的影响。试验1用4-5周龄肉鸡216只,温度控制为32℃;试验2用6-7周龄肉仔鸡180只,温度控制为30℃。试验1和2均设30%、60%、90%三个湿度组,每组设6个重复,试验期均为2周。结果表明,在高温条件下90%相对温度组鸡单位体重耗水量同于30%相对湿度组;随着鸡周龄从4-5周龄增至6-7周龄,高温地本重耗料量、单  相似文献   

以滩羊为试验动物,采用30 d、45 d、60 d断奶,4月龄断奶为对照.研究结果表明,羔羊的早期断奶有利于母羊产后和断奶后体况的恢复和母羊发情期的提前到来,以30 d断奶母羊体况恢复最佳和对提前母羊的发情期效果最好.  相似文献   

以滩羊为试验动物,采用30 d、45 d、60 d断奶,4月龄断奶为对照。研究结果表明,羔羊的早期断奶有利于母羊产后和断奶后体况的恢复和母羊发情期的提前到来,以30 d断奶母羊体况恢复最佳和对提前母羊的发情期效果最好。  相似文献   

利用EM发酵饲料对圈养条件下的山羊进行育肥对比试验,结果表明,试验组(表秸+精料+EM发酵饲料)平均日增重196.44g,对照组(麦秸+精料)平均日增重172.22g。试验组与对照组比较差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

高能高蛋白补充料“乳倍利”能有效弥补高产奶牛泌乳早期能量负平衡和减少体况损失,提高奶牛的繁殖性能。试验在北京市三元绿荷奶牛养殖中心长阳三场进行,试验组牛群每天每头饲喂“乳倍利”1.5千克,不再饲喂原来自配的“高产牛补充料”和“钙皂”;对照牛群仍按原来的方法饲喂,即每天每头加2千克“高产牛补充料”和300克“钙皂”。试验组和对照组的基础日粮组成相同。基础日粮由精料、羊草、苜蓿干草、青贮、混合料及一些糟粕类组成。试验结果表明:试验组牛群体况评分平均比对照组牛群体况评分提高了0.33,差异不显著(p>0.05);第1次配种成功率提高了8%,差异不显著(p>0.05),产后出现第一次发情天数缩短了约12夭,差异显著(p<0.01);受胎率提高了10%,差异显著(p<0.01)。  相似文献   

基因、性别、营养水平、环境及它们之间的互作对山羊的体成分起着至关重要的作用。蛋白质和脂肪组织的沉积历来是人们最关心的,主要是这两种成分的数量及比率直接关系到动物的经济价值。山羊不同生长阶段体组成的资料又是研究其营养需要量的重要依据。因此,研究山羊在不同营养水平和不同年龄阶段的体组织分布及变化规律,对山羊营养需要量的进一步研究和产肉性能的发挥有重要意义。作者着眼于国内外的研究进展,介绍山羊体成分的测定方法和屠体组成分布及变化规律。  相似文献   

Suppression of one-seed juniper (Juniper monosperma [Englem.] Sarg.) reinvasion with goats requires achieving levels of defoliation of newly established saplings that eventually kill or suppress plant growth. We tested the effects of stocking density and mixed grazing with sheep on the level of use of one-seed juniper saplings by goats. In summer and spring, groups of 10 does (goats alone, GA) or 5 does and 4 ewes (mixed grazing, MG), grazed 20 × 30 m cells infested with saplings (500–533 · ha?1; mean: 0.8 m tall), either continuously for 6 d (low stocking density, LD) or with daily rotation through 10 × 10 m cells during the 6-d period (high stocking density, HD) in a block design. Feeding activity; juniper in feces; utilization of herbaceous vegetation; frequency of saplings with light, moderate, and heavy foliage and bark use; and branch utilization were determined. Goats in HD spent more time feeding on saplings, less time feeding on herbaceous forages, and tended to consume more juniper than goats in LD. Utilization of herbaceous vegetation ranged from 52% to 73% and was higher for MG than GA and for LD than HD. The MG–HD treatment resulted in the highest frequency of short saplings (< 0.5 m) with heavy defoliation in summer and spring, and lowest frequency of saplings with light debarking in spring. Heavy defoliation was more frequent in short saplings, whereas heavy debarking was more frequent in tall (> 1 m) saplings. Sapling mortality was not affected by treatments (P > 0.05) and averaged 5% across treatments. Branch debarking was greater in spring (P = 0.02) and explained approximately 80% of branch mortality and 62% and 52% of the reduction in sapling live crown height and volume. Branch utilization (percent length) was not affected by grazing treatments (range: 45–48%), but was influenced by the length and diameter of branches. This study suggests that high stocking density and mixed grazing stimulate feeding behaviors that increase utilization of juniper saplings by goats. Susceptibility of saplings to defoliation and debarking varies with sapling size, branch structure, and season. Targeted grazing in spring appears to have a greater impact on sapling suppression and branch mortality due to higher debarking frequency.  相似文献   

徐淮山羊及波徐杂交一代体重体尺的相关性研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本研究对3月龄的江苏沿海地区本地徐淮山羊以及波徐杂交一代山羊两种山羊分别饲养90d,对试验羊的体重和各体尺指标进行相关分析和通径分析,以揭示波尔山羊的杂交改良效果、主要改良性状及其内在联系.结果表明:波徐杂交一代山羊与本地徐淮山羊在体尺体重方面有显著的差异(P<0.05);对于徐淮山羊,波徐杂交一代在体尺与体重的相关性上具有一定的改善,将原来徐淮山羊中对体重具有负相关作用的体长性状转变为正相关作用,有利于波徐杂山羊的生长发育,充分说明波尔山羊对改良本地山羊的生产性能具有很好的效果.  相似文献   

本研究对3月龄的江苏沿海地区本地徐淮山羊以及波徐杂交一代山羊两种山羊分别饲养90d,对试验羊的体重和各体尺指标进行相关分析和通径分析,以揭示波尔山羊的杂交改良效果、主要改良性状及其内在联系。结果表明:波徐杂交一代山羊与本地徐淮山羊在体尺体重方面有显著的差异(P<0.05);对于徐淮山羊,波徐杂交一代在体尺与体重的相关性上具有一定的改善,将原来徐淮山羊中对体重具有负相关作用的体长性状转变为正相关作用,有利于波徐杂山羊的生长发育,充分说明波尔山羊对改良本地山羊的生产性能具有很好的效果。  相似文献   

In the southwestern United States, redberry (Juniperus pinchotii Sudw.) and ashe (Juniperus ashei Buchholz) juniper are two invasive species that dominate some rangelands. Goats will consume up to 30% of their diet in juniper, but it is unknown if sheep will accept juniper to the same extent. The objectives of this study were to determine if sheep can be conditioned to consume juniper and to compare intake among different breeds. Rambouillet (n = 10), Suffolk (n = 10), and Dorper-cross (n = 10) lambs were randomly placed in individual pens for 31 d. A basal diet of alfalfa pellets (2.5% body weight [BW]) and juniper were fed. Juniper was fed each morning from 0800 to 0830 hours. The basal diet was fed for the remainder of the day. Intake of each was measured daily. Following the first 17 d, the basal diet was reduced to 2% BW for 7 d and then reduced to 1.5% BW for the final 7 d. Serum aspartate transaminase (AST), gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, and bilirubin levels, and live body weight were measured to assess any adverse physiological effects from juniper consumption. In a second trial, lambs were again fed alfalfa (2.5% BW) and juniper. One half of the lambs were also fed a 36% protein supplement to determine if supplementation with protein sources that escape rumen degradation would improve juniper consumption. Lambs received alfalfa, juniper, and protein supplement for 22 d with intake of each recorded daily. Intake of juniper was similar (P > 0.05) among breeds of sheep. Lambs readily consumed juniper and increased (P < 0.05) intake of juniper as the amount of alfalfa fed was reduced. Weight change was also similar among treatments. Protein supplementation did not improve juniper consumption. We contend that sheep will consume a diet consisting of 24% juniper without experiencing any adverse effects.  相似文献   

分4批从孵出的海波罗鸡雏中选出888只公母混合雏,每批222只,研究几内亚热带气候对海波罗肉仔鸡生长期耗料量的影响.结果表明,4批鸡的整个试验中的累计耗料量分别为4 745.58 g/只、4 507.44 g/只、4 682.73 g/只和4 545.77 g/只.第Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ批鸡的累计耗料量比第Ⅰ批鸡分别少5.28%、1.13%和4.40%,第Ⅱ和第Ⅳ批累计耗料量比第Ⅲ批分别少4.11%和3.23%,第Ⅱ批累计耗料量比第Ⅳ批的少0.5%,比第Ⅰ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ批偏少.4批鸡4周龄料肉比分别为1.23、2.03、1.90和1.67,饲料报酬都高,7周龄分别为3.78、2.97、2.56和2.52,除第Ⅰ批外,各批7周龄饲料报酬较高.在整个试验期,4批鸡1~7周龄的平均累计耗料量为4 622.88 g/只,其平均累计料肉比为2.28 g,累计耗料量比海波罗的标准少217.12 g,即4.70%.由于几内亚热带气候影响,本试验鸡采食量少,料肉比较低.  相似文献   

分4批从孵出的海波罗鸡雏中选出888只公母混合雏,每批222只,研究几内亚热带气候对海波罗肉仔鸡生长期耗料量的影响。结果表明,4批鸡的整个试验中的累计耗料量分别为4745.58g/只、4507.44g/只、4682.73g/只和4545.77g/只。第Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ批鸡的累计耗料量比第Ⅰ批鸡分别少5.28%、1.13%和4.40%,第Ⅱ和第Ⅳ批累计耗料量比第Ⅲ批分别少4.11%和3.23%,第Ⅱ批累计耗料量比第Ⅳ批的少0.5%,比第Ⅰ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ批偏少。4批鸡4周龄料肉比分别为1.23、2.03、1.90和1.67,饲料报酬都高,7周龄分别为3.78、2.97、2.56和2.52,除第Ⅰ批外,各批7周龄饲料报酬较高。在整个试验期,4批鸡1-7周龄的平均累计耗料量为4622.88g/只,其平均累计料肉比为2.28g,累计耗料量比海波罗的标准少217.12g,即4.70%。由于几内亚热带气候影响,本试验鸡采食量少,料肉比较低。  相似文献   

对放牧黑山羊补饲育肥效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对贵州黑山羊在放牧条件下,进行延长放牧时间,常规补饲玉米、补饲玉米和补饲玉米加羟甲基脲的短期育肥对比试验,结果表明:补饲蛋白质饲料效果最好,常规补饲玉米饲料次之,以延长放牧时间效果最差。日增重分别为83g,78.17g,71.83g和31.67g。经方差分析,补饲精料组的增重速度极显著地高于延长放牧时间组(P<0.01);而三组补饲精料组中,补饲玉米加豆粕组极显著地高极于补饲玉米组(P<0.1),添加羟甲基脲素组显著地高于饲玉米组(P<0.05),补饲玉米加豆粕组高于玉米添加羟甲基脲组,但二组之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

肉牛体况评分的常用方法及体况对其繁殖性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肉牛的体况评分是一种评价牛体脂肪沉积量的特殊方法,现已成为评价牛群生产力,检验和推测饲养管理水平的一项重要指标。该评价方法为肉牛生产者、市场交易者以及兽医管理人员提供了一项统一标准。试验结果证明,营养与体况对母牛的繁殖机能产生重要影响,分娩时的体况以及产前产后营养供应是整个牛群获得最大繁殖力的关键。在整个繁殖周期中维持肉牛适宜的体况,既可保证其良好的繁殖性能,又可降低饲养成本,取得理想的经济效益。  相似文献   

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