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Domestic herbivores’ effect on vegetation is spatially heterogeneous, being one of the major causes of forage resources degradation. It has been proposed that paddock size controls grazing impact’s heterogeneity because as size decreases, herbivores’ utilization is spatially more even. However, this has not been critically evaluated in commercial-scale paddocks isolating paddock size effects from other factors influencing the interaction between herbivores and vegetation. Here we assessed how paddock size mediates the heterogeneity of continuous sheep grazing effects on vegetation, at constant stocking rate in Patagonian steppes. We selected three small (ca. 110 ha) and three large (ca. 1 100 ha) paddocks dominated by the same plant community. All paddocks contained a single watering point and presented similar shape. Total and specific plant cover, vegetation patchiness, population size distribution of dominant grass species, plant morphology, and sheep feces density were estimated at increasing distances from watering points. Relationships between vegetation variables and distance from the watering point were in most cases asymptotic exponential, although responses generally differed between small and large paddocks. In small paddocks, vegetation variables mostly reached a plateau at a short distance from the watering point (~ 200 m). Instead, in large paddocks, the changes in vegetation variables were larger and more gradual, and reached a plateau at much greater distances (~ 2 000 m). Vegetation heterogeneity throughout the paddock was lower in small than large paddocks. Our findings suggest that paddock size mediates the spatial pattern of grazing effects on vegetation. Reducing paddock size decreases grazing impacts spatial heterogeneity, which makes plant-animal interactions more predictable and might improve forage utilization efficiency.  相似文献   

Suppression of one-seed juniper (Juniper monosperma [Englem.] Sarg.) reinvasion with goats requires achieving levels of defoliation of newly established saplings that eventually kill or suppress plant growth. We tested the effects of stocking density and mixed grazing with sheep on the level of use of one-seed juniper saplings by goats. In summer and spring, groups of 10 does (goats alone, GA) or 5 does and 4 ewes (mixed grazing, MG), grazed 20 × 30 m cells infested with saplings (500–533 · ha?1; mean: 0.8 m tall), either continuously for 6 d (low stocking density, LD) or with daily rotation through 10 × 10 m cells during the 6-d period (high stocking density, HD) in a block design. Feeding activity; juniper in feces; utilization of herbaceous vegetation; frequency of saplings with light, moderate, and heavy foliage and bark use; and branch utilization were determined. Goats in HD spent more time feeding on saplings, less time feeding on herbaceous forages, and tended to consume more juniper than goats in LD. Utilization of herbaceous vegetation ranged from 52% to 73% and was higher for MG than GA and for LD than HD. The MG–HD treatment resulted in the highest frequency of short saplings (< 0.5 m) with heavy defoliation in summer and spring, and lowest frequency of saplings with light debarking in spring. Heavy defoliation was more frequent in short saplings, whereas heavy debarking was more frequent in tall (> 1 m) saplings. Sapling mortality was not affected by treatments (P > 0.05) and averaged 5% across treatments. Branch debarking was greater in spring (P = 0.02) and explained approximately 80% of branch mortality and 62% and 52% of the reduction in sapling live crown height and volume. Branch utilization (percent length) was not affected by grazing treatments (range: 45–48%), but was influenced by the length and diameter of branches. This study suggests that high stocking density and mixed grazing stimulate feeding behaviors that increase utilization of juniper saplings by goats. Susceptibility of saplings to defoliation and debarking varies with sapling size, branch structure, and season. Targeted grazing in spring appears to have a greater impact on sapling suppression and branch mortality due to higher debarking frequency.  相似文献   

We used very large scale aerial (VLSA) photography to quantify spatial patterns in bare soil in the northeastern Colorado shortgrass steppe. Using three pairs of pastures stocked at moderate (0.6 animal unit months &lsqb;AUM] · ha-1) versus very heavy (1.2 AUM · ha-1) rates, we detected greater bare soil under very heavy (mean = 22.5%) versus moderate stocking (mean = 13.5%; P = 0.053) and a lower coefficient of variation across pastures under very heavy (0.48) versus moderate stocking (0.75; P = 0.032). Bare soil exhibited significant positive spatial autocorrelation across distances of 60–120 m under moderate stocking (Moran's I = 0.14), while patchiness at this scale was eliminated under very heavy grazing (I = -0.05). Across distances of 120–480 m, we observed no spatial autocorrelation with either stocking rate. Spatial autocorrelation was greatest at a separation distance of 2 m (I = 0.48–0.58) but was unaffected by stocking rate at this scale. Thus, very heavy grazing did not increase spatial autocorrelation in bare soil across scales of 2–480 m. Means and variability in the distribution of bare soil were not influenced by ecological site. Bare soil increased primarily at the scale of individual plant clusters through both increases in the density of small (2–20 cm) bare patch intercepts and increases in the frequency of bare patch intercepts of 20–60 cm (rather than &spilt; 20 cm). Our approach demonstrates the utility of VLSA for analyzing interactions between grazing and other landscape features and highlights the importance of spatially explicit sampling across broad scales (pastures) while testing for potential shifts in patchiness of bare soil at the scale of plant interspaces.  相似文献   

为探讨短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)荒漠草原建群种空间异质性在不同载畜率下的变化特点和差异,本研究以内蒙古自治区乌兰察布盟四子王旗内蒙古农牧业科学院试验基地的短花针茅种群为研究对象,采用半方差函数、分形维数和克里格差值方法进行系统研究,结果如下:短花针茅种群空间异质性随载畜率的增大呈增大趋势。轻度放牧(LG)和重度放牧(HG)处理区短花针茅种群空间分布主要受结构性因素影响,但表现结果的影响过程存在差异;中度放牧(MG)处理区短花针茅种群空间分布除结构性因素占主导地位外,放牧家畜的随机性牧食行为也占较大比重。  相似文献   

This research measured steer gains, aboveground biomass remaining at the end of the growing season, and economic returns of tallgrass prairie grazed under season-long stocking (SLS-C) and a grazing system that included a 2-yr rotation of SLS-rotated (SLS-R) and intensive early stocking (IES; 2× normal stocking rate) + late-season grazing at the normal stocking rate (IES + LSG-R). We hypothesized that even though the stocking rate on the IES + LSG-R pasture was above the recommended rate, the greater regrowth availability in the late season would result in steers gaining as well as or better than those stocked SLS at the normal rate. By rotating the IES + LSG treatment with SLS over 2 yr, we anticipated that the aboveground biomass productive capacity of the IES + LSG pasture would be restored in one growing season. Further, we hypothesized that the increased stocking rate with IES + LSG would increase net profit. Comparing traditional season-long stocking to the system, which was a combination of SLS and IES + LSG rotated sequentially over a 2-yr period, the system increased steer gains by 7 kg · hd?1 and by 30 kg · ha?1, had a consistent reduction of 429 kg · ha?1 biomass productivity, and increased net profit by $55.19 per steer and $34.28 per hectare.  相似文献   

在紫花苜蓿混播草地放牧利用过程中,由于家畜行为对分区位置和放牧阶段的适应机制尚不清晰,制约了混播草地的科学利用和高效转化。本文研究了苜蓿混播草地分区位置和放牧阶段对绵羊活动距离和活动时间的影响。结果表明:放牧分区位置距离饮水点和休息区的距离每增加100 m,绵羊的活动距离增加2.42 km·d-1,活动时间增加46.74 min·d-1。不同放牧阶段草地质量差异明显,绵羊的活动距离和活动时间随着放牧阶段,即进入放牧分区后的天数增加而显著增加。绵羊通过改变活动距离和活动时间适应放牧分区位置和放牧阶段草地质量的变化,增加活动速率来适应草地质量的降低。苜蓿混播草地集约化放牧育肥时,饮水点和休息区距离放牧分区最远端的距离不宜超过198 m,每个分区放牧时间不宜超过4 d。研究结果可为苜蓿混播草地肉羊高效放牧育肥提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨荒漠草原建群种短花针茅在不同放牧强度下空间异质性的特征和变化。[方法]以建群种短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)为对象,采用半方差函数、克里格插值法和多重分形维数等方法对其空间异质性进行研究。[结果]不同放牧强度下,短花针茅种群密度均值大小为重度放牧(HG)>禁牧(CK)>中度放牧(MG);短花针茅种群具有多重分形特点;不同放牧强度下短花针茅空间分布有所差异,CK处理区结构比(C/C0+C)最大,HG处理区次之,均大于75%,说明CK处理区和HG处理区都具有强烈的空间自相关性,而MG处理区最小,小于75%但大于25%,具有中等的空间自相关性;结构因素是导致短花针茅空间变异的主要原因。[结论]重度放牧增加了短花针茅种群密度,而中度放牧因家畜采食践踏作用小,导致短花针茅种群密度降低;在不同放牧强度下,结构因素是影响短花针茅空间异质性的主要因素;禁牧处理区内短花针茅种群空间分布最复杂,具有较强的空间异质性。  相似文献   

不同放牧制度对荒漠草原表层土壤氮素空间异质性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以荒漠草原不同放牧制度下表层土壤氮素含量为研究对象,采用GS+软件和地统计学分析方法对其空间异质性分布进行了研究.结果显示,划区轮牧区表层士壤碱解氮含量显著低于对照区和自由放牧区,土壤全氮含量没有发生显著性变化.样点间土壤氮素含量差异表明,表层土壤氮素含量存在空间异质性.划区轮牧使得土壤碱解氮含量和土壤全氮含量空间分布受随机因素影响大,自由放牧使土壤全氮含量空间分布受随机因素影响大,围封状态的对照区土壤碱解氮含量和土壤全氮含量空间分布几乎不受随机因素影响.划区轮牧能够减小土壤氮素空间分布的异质性,自由放牧导致表层土壤碱解氮含量空间差异较大.在划区轮牧区,土壤碱解氮含量和土壤全氮含量空间分布都比较均匀,呈片状分布,自由轮牧区土壤碱解氮整体呈破碎斑块分布.  相似文献   

Supplement placement can be used to manipulate livestock grazing patterns. The objective of this case study was to compare the effect of low-moisture blocks (LMB) and range cake (barley-based cylindrical cubes, 2 cm in diameter, and 2 to 8 cm long) supplementation on cattle grazing patterns in Montana foothill rangeland. One group of nonlactating cows (n = 79) was fed cake 3 times per week (1.8 kg · cow−1 · feeding−1), and the other group (n = 81) had continuous access to LMB in separate pastures using a crossover design. Movement patterns of cows were recorded with global positioning system collars during four periods (2 wk · period−1) during autumn. Range cake was fed on accessible areas, and LMB were placed in higher and steeper terrain. Intake of LMB averaged (mean ± SE) 318 ± 50 g · d−1. Cows fed LMB (8.07° ± 0.20°) were observed on steeper slopes (P = 0.08) than cows fed range cake (6.96° ± 0.19°). Forage utilization decreased as slope increased to a greater degree when range cake was fed than when LMB was fed (P = 0.001). Cows spent more time (P = 0.05) within 100 m of LMB (274 ± 23 min · d−1) than at range cake feeding sites (67 ± 24 min · d−1). Strategic placement of LMB on high, steep terrain appears to be a more practical and effective approach than traditional hand-feeding range cake on intermediate terrain to improve uniformity of cattle grazing on rugged rangeland.  相似文献   

放牧草地载畜量与放牧率是草地生态系统的研究重点。近年来研究人员针对放牧草地载畜量与放牧率的研究方法进行了大量研究。文章分析了目前有关放牧草地载畜量和放牧率研究方法的研究现状及发展趋势。  相似文献   

放牧率对牦牛生产力的影响初析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
通过2年的牦牛放牧试验,结果表明:放牧率对牦牛生产力有显著的影响,牦牛个体增重与放牧率呈线性回归关系;在试验期内,轻度放牧组的日增重较快,中度放牧次之,重度放牧最慢,而且随着放牧率的提高,牦牛平均个体总增重依次为136.7kg,128.6kg,93.5kg,轻度放牧比中度放牧和重度放牧分别高6.3%和46.2%。经方差分析表明,3个处理的牦牛平均个体增重有显著的差异(P<0.05),进一步作新复极差测验,30%和50%之间差异不显著,但他们和70%之间的差异均显著。  相似文献   

Soil properties that influence the capacity for infiltration and moisture retention are important determinants of rangeland productivity. Monitoring effects of grazing on dynamic soil properties can assist managers with stocking rate decisions, particularly if monitoring takes into account environmental variability associated with inherent soil morphological properties. On a Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie in northeast Oregon, we applied three cattle stocking rates (0.52, 1.04, and 1.56 animal unit months · ha?1) and an ungrazed control in a randomized complete block design for two 42-d grazing seasons and measured the change in four dynamic soil properties: soil penetration resistance, soil aggregate stability, bare ground, and herbaceous litter cover. To address apparent environmental heterogeneity within experimental units, we also utilized a categorical soil factor (termed Edaphic Habitat Types or EHT), determined by characterizing soil depth, texture, and rock fragment content at sample sites. Stocking rate did not affect extent of bare ground or soil aggregate stability. Stocking rate had a significant effect on penetration resistance, which was greatest at the high stocking rate (1.6 J · cm?1 ± 0.1 SE) and lowest in the control (1.1 J · cm?1 ± 0.1 SE). For litter cover, the effects of stocking rate and EHT interacted. In two rocky EHTs, litter cover was highest in the controls (60% ± 6 SE; 50% ± 3 SE) and ranged from 27% ± 3 SE to 33% ± 6 SE in the stocking rate treatments. Measures of penetration resistance, aggregate stability, and bare ground were different across EHTs regardless of stocking rate, but did not interact with stocking rate. Our study demonstrates that response of dynamic soil properties to stocking rates should be considered as a useful and accessible approach for monitoring effects of livestock management decisions on rangeland conditions.  相似文献   

试验主要研究环境富集和饲养密度对绵羊生产性能、血清指标、屠宰性能的影响。选用健康的小尾寒羊24只,分为A、B、C 3组,每组8只,A 组为高集约化模式,B组为高集约化模式+运动场模式,C组为环境富集模式。结果表明,各组绵羊的末重、平均日增重、平均日采食量、饲料转化率差异不显著,环境富集和适宜的饲养密度有提高绵羊生产性能的趋势。环境富集和适宜的饲养密度可以极显著改善前膝清洁度指数(P<0.01),显著改善后膝、后臀的清洁度指数(P<0.05);环境富集和适宜的饲养密度能显著降低第37天血清皮质醇浓度(P<0.05);各组肉品质差异不显著(P>0.05);宰杀后各组pH45 min和pHult的差异不显著(P>0.05)。因此,环境富集和饲养密度能在一定程度上提高绵羊福利。  相似文献   

稻鸭共生中鸭的放养密度及作用效果研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在稻田中,放养鸭子的密度为10,20和30只/667m2.根据试验田的面积,将110只巢湖麻鸭随机分为4组,经58 d的稻鸭共生试验表明,稻鸭共生技术具有良好的稻田除虫、除草和防水稻病害效果.在稻田中放养鸭子20 只/667 m2时,具有良好的鸭只生长情况和最高的水稻产量,为最佳放养密度.  相似文献   

通过补饲和不补饲条件下放牧率对高寒草地牧草和家畜生产影响的研究,结果表明,3种放牧率对草地牧草产量影响不大,组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。放牧率影响羯羊体重。在补饲条件下,羯羊日增长量随放牧率减小而增加,组间差异显著(P<0.05);不补饲使羯羊减重,羯羊日减重量随放牧率减小而降低。同时,放牧率影响羯羊肉用性能和肉的品质。在补饲条件下,草地生物学效率明显高于不补饲组,且中组比低、高组高,草地生产能力最大。由此得出,高寒草地以中等放牧率为最佳,即1.8只/hm~2,且补饲效果最明显。  相似文献   

为提高黑斑侧褶蛙(Pelophylax nigromaculata)养殖效益,探究养殖密度对黑斑侧褶蛙生长发育及两性异形的影响,对3种养殖密度(140,80,55只/m~2)的黑斑侧褶蛙的生长发育进行了比较研究。结果表明:不同养殖密度对黑斑侧褶蛙形态特征的影响显著,85日龄时不同养殖密度蛙的体长、体质量、头宽、前肢长、后肢长出现极显著差异(P<0.01),胫宽和肥满度差异显著(P<0.05),中等养殖密度蛙的各形态学指标显著高于其他养殖密度蛙的形态学指标,中、高养殖密度蛙的肥满度显著高于低养殖密度蛙的肥满度。不同养殖密度的黑斑侧褶蛙的饵料系数差异不显著(P>0.05),特定生长率差异显著(P<0.05),摄食率和质量增加率差异极显著(P<0.01),中等养殖密度蛙的特定增长率、质量增加率较其他两组养殖密度蛙的特定增长率、质量增加率高,低养殖密度蛙的摄食率较其他两组密度蛙的摄食率高。中、高养殖密度黑斑侧褶蛙两性异形(体长、体质量)出现时间较低密度蛙的早,雌雄体长、体质量的差异极显著(P<0.01),雌性体长、体质量均显著大于雄性。以体长为协变量的协方差分析头宽、前肢长、胫宽、后肢长局部性状的两性差异均不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

不同载畜量全天候放牧条件下云南半细毛品质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
羊毛的物理性状指标是衡量羊毛品质质量的主要指标,许多指标由品种遗传特点决定,但也受饲养方式和营养条件影响〔1〕。绵羊主要是以放牧饲养为主的家养动物,由于自然气候的季节性变化,草场牧草的生长发育也随季节变化而发生变化,绵羊采食的牧草质量和数量也发生变化...  相似文献   

<正>为探讨不同日龄段"京红1号"父母代后备鸡的最佳饲养密度,进行不同日龄段下低、中、高饲养密度对鸡群生产性能的影响研究。1试验材料选择1、22、36、78日龄"京红1号"父母代蛋  相似文献   

饲养密度对猪生产效果和行为的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
为了探索本地区猪的适宜饲养密度,将74头断奶仔猪(长自×成华)随机分为8组,在面积为9.13m2的水泥地面猪圈内,每圈分别养1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8头,其饲养密度分别为9.13、4.57、3.04、2.28、l.83、l.52、1.30和1.14m2/头。各组相应的日增重分别为459.2、486.3、513.9、503.1、510.2、496.5、471.6.和445.9g(P<0.01);每日采食风干料分别为1.63、1.69、1.71、1.70、1.69、1.68、1.66和1.64kg;每增重1kg耗DE46.10、45.30、43.38、44.00、43.08、44.00、45.85和47.90MJ,随饲养密度的增大,咬斗频率(天)从0.08次(2组)上升到0.35次/头(8组),站立活动时间从6.79(1组)增加到8.35小时/头(8组)。利润和产出投入比以5组和6组为好,饲养密度过高或过低都将降低经济效益。  相似文献   

饲养密度对蛋用鹌鹑生产性能和行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
试验旨在探讨不同饲养密度对蛋用鹌鹑生产性能和行为的影响,以确定适宜的饲养密度,为提高其生产性能和福利水平提供理论依据。试验选择71日龄体况相近健康的蛋用鹌鹑440只,随机分为4个处理,每处理设4个重复,饲养密度分别为65、80、95、110只/m~2,鹌鹑自由采食、饮水,其他饲养管理条件相同,试验期为4周。试验期间测定了蛋用鹌鹑生产性能和行为指标。结果表明,不同饲养密度对蛋用鹌鹑生产性能的影响存在差异,平均日采食量、平均蛋重、产蛋率各处理组差异不显著(P0.05),但3组产蛋率呈现升高趋势;料蛋比3、4组显著低于1组(P0.05)。不同饲养密度对蛋用鹌鹑行为影响不同,采食行为3、4组显著高于1、2组(P0.05),且1组显著高于2组(P0.05);饮水行为3组显著低于1、2、4组(P0.05);站立行为2组显著高于1、3、4组(P0.05);趴卧行为3、4组显著高于1、2组(P0.05)。行走行为1组显著高于2、3、4组(P0.05)且2组显著高于4组(P0.05)。梳羽、伸展等舒适行为各处理组差异不显著(P0.05)。啄物等异常行为3、4组显著高于1、2组(P0.05)。因此,饲养密度95只/m~2时有助于提升饲料转化率且产蛋率存在升高趋势。高饲养密度(95、110只/m~2)有助于采食、趴卧行为的发生,低饲养密度(65、80只/m~2)有助于饮水、行走、站立行为的发生;而且高饲养密度(95、110只/m~2)增加了啄物异常行为的发生,并使梳羽、伸展等舒适行为呈现降低的趋势。  相似文献   

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