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非洲狮是国家一级保护动物,野外数量急剧减少,为挽救濒危物种,有的动物园已经开展非洲狮饲养和繁育工作。本文通过对鄂尔多斯野生动物园非洲狮成功繁育进行总结,分析、探讨动物园非洲狮在饲养管理、疾病预防诊疗和繁育等方面技术要点,为提高非洲狮在动物园饲养管理和繁育水平,提供实践经验和依据。  相似文献   

吴宣  黄和 《四川畜牧兽医》2003,30(11):48-48
1手术方法1.1采用眠乃宁进行全身麻醉。并在手术过程中适时、适量地追加麻醉。手术全过程共用眠乃宁2.2mL,首次用量1.2mL(11min后动物进入全麻状态),以后分五次追加麻醉,每次用量为0.2mL。1.2用加双抗的生理盐水清洗口腔。然后切开非洲狮下颌骨骨折处的口腔黏膜及牙龈,并用指骨板对断面进行单面固定,下颌骨左右两翼分别用4cm的指骨板固定。左侧用了三颗螺丝(由于断面为楔形),右侧用了四颗螺丝。最后用10号羊肠线将黏膜及牙龈缝合。手术历时180min。1.3在手术开始的同时,补液、强心及抗感染。主要用药为:头孢唑林钠(5.0g),GS-Ca(2.0g)地米…  相似文献   

通过PCR-DGGE技术探讨同一养殖环境中的成年非洲狮和幼年非洲狮肠道菌群多样性。提取总DNA,对16S rDNA的V3区进行变形梯度凝胶电泳,对DGGE图谱进行特异性条带回收和克隆测序,通过BLAST与已知条带对比,结果显示:成年非洲狮肠道内含有梭菌属Clostridium)、毛螺旋菌Lachnospiraceae bacterium)、优杆菌属Anaerovorax)、乳球菌属Lactococcus)、消化链球菌属Peptostreptococcus)和Blautia菌属。而幼年非洲狮肠道内菌群较少且均为共有菌群,如:拟杆菌Bacteroidetes bacterium)、瘤胃菌属(rumen bacterium),UPGMA聚类分析得出,成年非洲狮与幼年非洲狮之间菌群结构相似度较低,仅为34%.以上结果表明,非洲狮成长的不同阶段,菌群结构存在明显的差异。这为野生动物不同阶段微生态制剂的研发提供理论基础。  相似文献   

眠乃宁对华南虎麻醉效果的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
华南虎的麻醉以前一直采用噻胺酮(隆朋和氯胺酮的复合制剂)进行麻醉,但近年来由于各种原因噻胺酮已经停产且各单位库存量都不大,因而探索新的麻醉药已经刻不容缓。眠乃宁主要用于鹿科动物和熊的麻醉,后来逐渐用于东北虎、非洲狮、金钱豹等肉食动物的麻醉。由于华南虎的珍贵性,很少有人将眠乃宁用于华南虎的麻醉。为了探索眠乃宁对华南虎麻醉效果,我们进行了有关试验,效果满意。  相似文献   

2002年11月8日三峡森林动物世界1只雄性非洲狮与另2只非洲狮打斗,被咬成下颌骨双侧全骨折,采用内固定法进行治疗,取得了成功,至今未见异常反应.现就手术经过报道如下.  相似文献   

2015年4月-5月,对一对成年非洲狮进行了户外活动场气味丰容。每天从8:00-16:00采用瞬时扫描法每5 min对丰容前后非洲狮行为进行记录。结果表明,气味丰容前休息行为占比86.06%,采用羊驼粪便、东北虎粪便和兔子血液丰容后非洲狮休息行为比例分别下降了6.77%、5.71%和9.39%;活动频次有所提高;使用SPSS 16.0软件进行单因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)和多重比较(LSD)法研究发现,气味丰容时非洲狮活动时间显著增加(P0.05)。由此可见,通过不定期采用不同气味对非洲狮进行丰容刺激,可以显著改善非洲狮的活动情况,从而提高非洲狮的观赏展示效果,也有利于提高非洲狮的福利。  相似文献   

舒泰是一种新型分离麻醉剂,曾在犬猫临床上使用多年,舒泰的诱导时间短,在经肌肉和静脉途径注射时,具有良好的局部耐受性。但是,在使用舒泰对1只雄性孟加拉虎和1只雌性东北虎进行麻醉的案例中,2只虎均在麻醉4 d后出现四肢僵硬,无法站立,大便糊状等症状。使用肌肉注射头孢塞肟钠、地塞米松、维生素和盐酸纳洛酮治疗,3~4 d后痊愈。我们曾用舒泰麻醉黑猩猩、赤猴、山魈、金钱豹、猎豹、非洲狮,均未出现不良反应。2只虎出现的不良反应目前原因不明。因此,使用舒泰进行麻醉时应注意以下事项:动物最好先禁食禁水12 h再麻醉;麻醉前10 min,可先肌肉注射阿托品以抑制唾液分泌;麻醉过程中和麻醉后,注意监测动物的体温、心跳和呼吸频率等体征;不要与乙酰丙嗪、氯丙嗪等吩噻嗪类药物和氯霉素合用。  相似文献   

1 病史及临床症状非洲狮 ,雌 ,体重约 1 5 0千克 ,于1 999年 9月 1 6日从秦皇岛动物园购买 ,1 7日空运到成都双流机场后 ,立即用汽车运抵四川雅安碧峰峡动物园。由于长途运输 ,动物发生运输应激综合征 ,精神较差 ,不喝水。为了刺激食欲 ,当晚以活兔喂之。此后食量减少 ,只吃少量的牛肉 ,排尿次数及尿量均很少 ,至第六天后一直未排粪 ,而且发现动物拱背 ,烦燥不安 ,不断呕吐 ,且呕吐物中混有胆汁 ,卧多站少 ,精神极度沉郁。据此初步诊断为肠梗阻 ,决定对动物施行麻醉检查 ,必要时作腹腔探查术进行确诊。2 麻醉及手术经过2 1 麻醉 用眠乃…  相似文献   

20 0 2年3月8日,我园1只经产非洲母狮,自然分娩产下4只仔狮后,在生产第5只仔狮时发生胎势异常、胎儿过大及产力微弱而引起难产,经全身麻醉保定后人工助产,挽救了母非洲狮。介绍如下。1 母狮情况及产前症状 母狮,6周岁,分娩前营养状况良好,2 0 0 1年7月生产时曾出现过产程过长、胎儿过大现象。2 0 0 2年3月8日凌晨1时4 5分自然分娩,产下死胎1只,3时产出第2只非洲狮,4时30分生产第3只非洲狮后,动物表现较为平稳,9时30分动物出现阵发性努责,遂肌肉注射缩宫素注射液1ml×3支(30 IU ) ,下午1时倒生一只死胎,动物极度疲乏,表现较为安静,3月9日…  相似文献   

现将狮同时施行胃和肠的手术病例报道如下。一、术前情况非洲狮,2.2岁,雄性。1991年11月19日发病,食后出现呕吐,曾按胃肠炎投服黄连素、氟哌酸、胃得乐等药,治疗不见效,12月5日呕吐出细麻绳、裤边和碎胶皮水管,病情仍  相似文献   

为了筛选适合于贵州黑山羊胚胎移植手术的麻醉方法,试验以贵州黑山羊为试验动物,比较了速眠新Ⅱ注射液2种麻醉方法(肌肉麻醉和静脉麻醉)对山羊生理指标,麻醉山羊的诱导期、麻醉期、苏醒期,麻醉苏醒后山羊的采食、反刍及精神状况的影响。结果表明:2种麻醉方法下,麻醉效果优、良的山羊数量和生理指标无明显差异;速眠新Ⅱ注射液静脉注射麻醉时,山羊的诱导期、麻醉期和苏醒期均较短,在苏醒后0.5 h,90.0%的山羊可以采食,83.3%的山羊可以反刍,93.3%的山羊精神状况良好;苏醒后1 h基本上全部可以恢复正常;采用静脉注射麻醉山羊进行胚胎移植手术,速眠新Ⅱ注射液用药剂量小,且安全、有效,明显优于肌肉注射。  相似文献   

犬QFM麻醉的综合监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
QFM是一种自行研制的新型犬用复合麻醉制剂。为了验证QFM的麻醉效果及对生理功能的影响,以0.15~0.2mL/kg剂量对7只犬进行麻醉,进行了单纯麻醉监测和QFM麻醉监测期间手术验证试验。结果证明:QFM无论单纯进行犬的麻醉,还是在麻醉过程中进行手术处置,都具有较为确实的麻醉效果,且镇静、镇痛、肌松效果均衡,诱导及复苏迅速平稳,无流涎和呕吐等负反应发生,对机体的正常生理功能及各项生理指标影响轻微,血氧饱合始终维持在90%以上,可为犬的临床常规手术提供良好的手术条件。但手术刺激对其药理作用有轻微的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

为探讨丙泊酚静脉麻醉与安氟醚吸入麻醉在巴马小型猪体外循环(CPB)中的麻醉效果,本研究选用巴马小型猪10头,平均分成2组,分别进行丙泊酚静脉麻醉和安氟醚吸入麻醉;开胸后进行全血肝素化处理,分别于升主动脉、上腔静脉和下腔静脉插管,连接体外循环机进行CPB;观察并记录麻醉诱导前(T0)、麻醉诱导后(T1)、CPB前即刻(T2)、降温至30 ℃(T3)、阻断主动脉前即刻(T4)、阻断主动脉后4 min(T5)、开始复温即刻(T6)、停CPB即刻(T7)、关胸后即刻(T8)及手术结束拔管后10 min(T9)10个时间点各组试验猪的生命体征、鼻温(NT)、心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)、pH及血氧饱和度(SPO2)指标。结果2组试验猪于CPB实施前后的基本情况如体重、手术时间和麻醉时间等指标均无显著性差异(P>0.05);安氟醚组恢复自主呼吸的时间显著短于丙泊酚组(P<0.05);与T0和T1相比,各组试验猪在CPB进行时其NT、HR和MAP值均显著降低(P<0.05);但各组间及组内SPO2和pH差异不显著(P>0.05)。由此可见,丙泊酚静脉麻醉与安氟醚吸入麻醉均可用于巴马小型猪CPB中的麻醉。选用丙泊酚时,应根据手术过程中试验动物的反应情况适当调整用量;而安氟醚麻醉过程相对平稳,麻醉效果好,术后苏醒快,适合情况复杂且时间较长的手术。  相似文献   

Eight healthy horses (337 to 643 kgs) were used to determine the effects of halothane and isoflurane (1.5 MAC) on cardiovascular and blood gas parameters over a 4 hour perio d, while in left lateral recumbency. Each animal was used twice (2 weeks apart) and the order in which the agents were used was randomized. End tidal CO2 was maintained at 45-55 mmHg using positive pressure ventilation. The following parameters were measured every 30 minutes; HR, ET CO2, ET anes. gas cone., SAP, CVP, PAP, and CO. Heparinized samples were also drawn for blood gas analysis from the right lateral metatarsal artery, right jugular vein, and the femoral veins in each rear limb. The 02 delivered to the tissues (TOD) was calculated using the following equation: {ie396-1} It was determined that more 02 was delivered to the tissues during isoflurane anesthesia (382m102/min/m2 + 21 SEM) than halothane anesthesia (280m102min/m2 + 11 SEM). Furthermore the 02 extraction ratio (OER) in the dependent limb was significantly higher during halothane anesthesia. The differences seen in the OER's are due to both anesthetic and positional effects. Serum biochemical changes also suggest differences in tissue damage related to differences in TOD and OER.  相似文献   

The clinical effects of sevoflurane, isoflurane, and halothane anesthesia with or without nitrous oxide, were compared in healthy, premedicated cats breathing spontaneously during 90 minutes of anesthesia. The effect of nitrous oxide in accelerating the induction of and recovery from anesthesia was more evident for halothane than for sevoflurane or isoflurane. The cats recovered more rapidly from sevoflurane-oxygen than from either halothane- or isoflurane-oxygen. Heart rates did not significantly change during anesthesia with any of the anesthetics. Arterial blood pressures during sevoflurane-oxygen anesthesia were somewhat higher than those with either isoflurane- or halothane-oxygen. There were no significant differences in arterial blood pressures among sevoflurane, isoflurane, and halothane anesthesia when combined with nitrous oxide. The respiration rate during sevoflurane-oxygen was similar to that during halothane-oxygen. There were no significant differences in respiration rate among sevoflurane, isoflurane, and halothane anesthesia when combined with nitrous oxide. The degree of hypercapnia and acidosis during sevoflurane anesthesia was similar to that observed during isoflurane anesthesia and less than during halothane anesthesia. The three anesthetic regimens, with or without nitrous oxide, induced a similar degree of hyperglycemia and hemodilution during anesthesia. Serum biochemical examination did not reveal any hepatic or renal injuries after each anesthesia.  相似文献   

The somatosensory-evoked potential (SEP) from caudal tibial nerve stimulation was recorded in sheep, using surgically implanted electrodes. Peak latencies of the SEP remained stable throughout the 3- to 5-month recording period. Wave-form and peak latencies from awake sheep and concomitant changes during barbiturate anesthesia were compared with those reported for other animal species, including man. Wave form components representing activities from the primary somesthetic cortex, association cortex, and non-specific diffuse projections were differentially susceptible to barbiturate anesthesia. The neural source of the initial positive peak (mean latency = 19 ms) was resistant to anesthesia and represented primary somesthetic activity of the cortex. Sheep with surgically implanted electrodes yielded stable latencies with SEP wave-form features essentially homologous to those reported for other animal species.  相似文献   

Digital semiological anesthesia in horses: Technique and elements of interpretation. Semiological anesthesia of the pes is used during examinations for lameness in horses. Recent research data on the distal digital, distal interphalangeal articular, and podotrochlear intrathecal nerve blocks indicate that they are less than specific when considered in isolation. They should be used in combination to localize pain in the pes. A positive response to anesthesia of the distal interphalangeal articulation could also indicate that the source of the pain was in the podotrochlear apparatus or the dorsal part of the sole. Podotrochlear anesthesia also anesthetizes the dorsal part of the sole and, later, the distal interphalangeal joint. Distal digital anesthesia affects a large palmar area of the hoof and extends dorsally. Overall, basic research provides little support for the practical uses of semiological blocks.  相似文献   

In Germany, Bio-beaker and infra-red irradiation (PSP) are used for beak trimming in turkey chicks as routine methods to prevent feather pecking and cannibalism. By both procedures the animals suffer from extensive damage and considerable continuous pain. Beak trimming is allowed by animal welfare legislation, but the operation requires an official permission and must be carried out under anesthesia. The official intention, due to animal welfare reasons, to decrease this operation and to question it permanently fails because beak trimming without anesthesia is tolerated. Elaboration of alternative programs has been demanded for a long time. Therefore selection of stocks tending less to cause feather pecking and cannibalism as well as adequate keeping and housing conditions during hatching and rearing are proposed.  相似文献   

采用体外环接法进行猪活体胆汁引流,麻醉方法采取氯胺酮、安定静脉注射全身麻醉;切口方式上采取“T”型切口方式;在术后护理方式上采取单猪单圈、自由活动和采食,并应用自制引流袋进行胆汗引流。结果表明:氯胺酮、安定复合麻醉安全、确实,“T”型切口可以充分暴露胆总管插管部位,使插管过程方便、安全。所采用的术后护理和引流方式比较简便,对动物的影响较小。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether maintenance of anesthesia with halothane or sevoflurane is associated with a lower incidence of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) than the use of isoflurane in dogs undergoing orthopedic surgery. ANIMALS: 90 dogs. PROCEDURES: Dogs were evaluated during elective orthopedic surgery. Dogs with a history of vomiting or that had received any drugs that would alter gastrointestinal tract function were excluded from the study. The anesthetic protocol used was standardized to include administration of acepromazine maleate and morphine prior to induction of anesthesia with thiopental. Dogs were allocated to receive halothane, isoflurane, or sevoflurane to maintain anesthesia. A sensor-tipped catheter was placed to measure esophageal pH during anesthesia. Gastroesophageal reflux was defined as an esophageal pH < 4 or > 7.5. RESULTS: 51 dogs had 1 or more episodes of acidic GER during anesthesia. Reflux was detected in 14 dogs receiving isoflurane, 19 dogs receiving halothane, and 18 dogs receiving sevoflurane. In dogs with GER, mean +/- SD time from probe placement to onset of GER was 36 +/- 65 minutes and esophageal pH remained < 4 for a mean of 64% of the measurement period. There was no significant association between GER and start of surgery or moving a dog on or off the surgery table. Dogs that developed GER soon after induction of anesthesia were more likely to regurgitate. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Maintenance of anesthesia with any of the 3 commonly used inhalant agents is associated with a similar risk for development of GER in dogs.  相似文献   

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