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One year old rooted cuttings were fertilized with Osmocote exact according to 0,8 g N L? ? 1 substrate in February 2009. In August half of the plants received the same fertilizer dose while the other half was not refertilized. In autumn 2009 and in spring 2010 early resp. late frost tests were carried out under controlled conditions, furthermore sprouting was evaluated in spring 2010. Frost damage was measured with the electrolyte leakage method. In the early frost test biochemical stress responses like glucose, sucrose and proline were analyzed. In the new shoots N-, P-, and K-concentration were measured. Refertilized plants did not grow more but showed higher N-, P-, and K-concentrations. These plants had more proline in their buds and roots compared to the non-refertilized ones. Sucrose and glucose contents in the roots of refertilized plants were lower than in non-refertilized ones, in the buds there was no difference. Damage due to early frost was independent from refertilization for new shoots and buds but in roots higher for the refertilized plants. In spring 2010 refertilized plants sprouted earlier compared to non-refertilized ones. In buds damage due to late frost slightly increased in refertilized plants while in roots there was no difference between the fertilization treatments.  相似文献   

In the East Pontic mountains at Giresun (Black Sea shore) three species of the genus Dreyfusia have been established: D. nordmannianae Eckst. and D. prelli Grosm. on Abies nordmanniana Link. and Picea orientalis Link. and Dreyfusia nov. spec. on A. nordmanniana. The latter species, earlier known from Greece and the Balkans, but not yet described is most probably unholocyctic on fir.In the Zigana mountains between Trabzon and Gümüsane a species producing plenty galls on young P. orientalis trees and closely resembling D. merkeri Eichh. has been observed. Further investigations are necessary to evaluate whether or not it lives unholocyclic on spruce.In the West Pontic mountains near Bolu D. nordmannianae was intensively studied in twig infestations on A. bornmülleriana Mattf. The pattern of attack differs greatly from the one experienced in central Europe in that almost exclusively the current year's shoots are attacked whereas the leader and the older twig axis remain free of attack. In Europe all parts of the trees are colonized.Considering the known facts about generation- and morph sequences, morph determination and phenological behaviour of D. nordmannianae the characteristics of their population dynamics in Turkey and the interactions of the curious mode of attack and the extraordinary efficiency of their special predators have been completely evaluated.  相似文献   

Peruvian nutritional indicators demonstrate, in particular for the underprivileged groups in remote regions, as in Iquitos, a malnutrition caused by the insufficient uptake of vitamins and mineral nutrients. Promoting cultivation and consumption of vegetables shall counteract this situation, but unfavourable tropical conditions complicate local crop growing in Iquitos. Due to transportation by air, in Iquitos imported vegetables are expensive goods and thereby prohibitive for many people. Soilless cultivation techniques represent an opportunity to cultivate high-value crops throughout the year on a regional basis. By the use of simplified methods, this technique also offers the underprivileged population the means to provide themselves with healthy vegetables. In the present study, regional available cultivation media were tested for simplified soilless cultivation in Iquitos. The characteristics of one substrate-less cultivation method based on a nutrient solution and eight different types of substrates, derived from the base substrates rice husks, gravel, sand and composted saw dust were compared. Using the example of Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa L. ??Grand Rapids??, general and physico-chemical characteristics of the nine cultivation media and their influence on crop developing and crop quality were determined. Results show that rice husks also gravel-sand-mix 2:1 and 1:2 are particularly suitable for soilless cultivation of loose leaf lettuce in Iquitos. Using these substrates, lettuce showed the best growth of shoots and roots and the highest yield. The crop quality was high for all tested cultivation media. If high weight and cost of the mineral substrate is not assessed negatively, it could also be used for plant breeding. It is to be assumed that a combination of rice husks and gravel-sand-mix is advantageous, since an optimised substrate weight and an improved water-air balance are to be expected.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In den Jahren 1992 und 1993 wurden 24 schwarzeTheysohn-Schlitzfallen mit Kombinationen von synthetischen Borkenk?ferlockstoffen, Pheroprax, Chalcoprax, Linoprax und Cembrax, auf ihre F?ngigkeit getestet. Zum Vergleich wurden Fallen mit Einzelbestückung und Zweifachkombinationen von Pheroprax+Cembrax und Linoprax+Cembrax sowie zwei Fallen ohne Lockstoff in einem 24 ha gro?en Forstgebiet aufgestellt. Mit den Fallen wurde die Flugaktivit?t der angelockten Scolytiden ermittelt. Die erhaltenen Fangzahlen vonIps typographus, Pityogenes chalcographys, Xyloterus lineatus undX. domesticus wurden w?chentlich registriert und in Verbindung mit der unterschiedlichen Pheromonbestückung der Fallen diskutiert. Von den drei letztgenannten Arten wurde der Fang von M?nnchen und Weibchen getrennt bewertet. In einzeln mit Pheroprax bestückten Fallen fanden sich die meisten Buchdrucker pro Falle. Ihr Anteil nahm 1993 um 9% gegenüber dem Vorjahr zu. Für den Kupferstecher waren die vierfach kombinierten Pheromonfallen etwas f?ngiger als die einzeln mit Chalcoprax bestückten Fallen. AuchXyloterus-Arten bevorzugten die vierfach kombinierten Pheromonfallen gegenüber solchen, die nur Linoprax enthielten. Die Anzahl der gefangenen Ambrosiak?fer wurde im Verlauf von 5 Jahren stark reduziert. In beiden Untersuchungsjahren wurden neben den gezielt gek?derten Scolytiden 252 K?ferarten aus 49 Familien registriert, von denen 10 Arten eine Pheromonpr?ferenz erkennen lie?en. Der Beifang betrug j?hrlich 0,6–0,7% der Gesamtzahl an gefangenen K?fern. Zu 85–87% war der Kupferstecher am Gesamtfang beteiligt. Der Buchdrucker hatte einen Anteil von 11–14% an der Gesamtausbeute.
In the years 1992 and 1993 blackTheysohn slit-traps were set up in a forest area near Hanover, Germany. The traps were baited with combinations of the synthetic bark beetle pheromones Pheroprax?, Chalcoprax?, Linoprax?, and Cembrax?. Their captivity was tested in comparison to singly baited and control traps without pheromone. Additionally, combinations of Pheroprax+Cembrax and Linoprax+Cembrax were tested. The captivity numbers obtained fromIps typographus, Pityogenes chalcographus, Xyloterus lineatus andX. domesticus were discussed in relation to the differently baited traps. In the latter three species, females and males were separated. The periods of flight activity of the four Scolytidae baited were ascertained for both years. Concerning the singly baited traps, Pheroprax captured the highest amount ofIps typographus per trap, its population increased 9% in 1993 related to that of 1992. ForP. chalcographus, the combination of the four pheromones resulted in a little higher number of individuals than in singly baited traps.Xyloterus lineatus preferred the four-pheromone combination, in which Linoprax was present showing a synergistic effect of baiting. In contrary, the baiting ofX. domesticus was lower by the combined pheromones than by Linoprax alone. The latter was found in lower numbers thanX. lineatus. The trapped amounts of both Xyloterus species were continuously reduced throughout the years 1989 to 1993. The Coleoptera species, not specially trapped, amounted yearly to 0.6–0.7% of the collected individuals.P. chalcographus was collected to 85–87%, andIps typographus to 11–14% of the total amount of Coleoptera trapped.

The polyphagous gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is able to feed on about 400 different woody plant species. In general, oak species are preferred – on the other hand some other groups of plants are avoided on account of the presence of toxic substances. These unfavoured hosts are, for example, most of the Papilionaceae, like locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). We compared survival rate and development of two populations of different origin with long-term habituation to oak and locust, respectively. Larvae from the population habituated to oak proved unable to develop on locust food. There must be a lack of detoxification systems to modify the toxic alcaloids and flavenoids produced by Robinia pseudoacacia. On the other hand, larvae isolated from an locust stand were able to feed on oak leaves without problems in larval development or eclosion of adults. Gypsy moth larvae specialized on locust as host showed increased mortality (up to 27%) in the early larval instars, but the surviving animals, especially female individuals, reached significantly higher pupal weights and showed better fecundity: 40% higher egg numbers/egg mass compared to those feeding on oak. These results indicate that the gypsy moth population originating from the locust forest had achieved a high level of metabolic adaptation to this host plant and formed a 'biotype' of Lymantria dispar with optimal reproductive conditions in this special habitat.  相似文献   

The polyphagous gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is able to feed on about 400 different woody plant species. In general, oak species are preferred – on the other hand some other groups of plants are avoided on account of the presence of toxic substances. These unfavoured hosts are, for example, most of the Papilionaceae, like locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). We compared survival rate and development of two populations of different origin with long-term habituation to oak and locust, respectively. Larvae from the population habituated to oak proved unable to develop on locust food. There must be a lack of detoxification systems to modify the toxic alcaloids and flavenoids produced by Robinia pseudoacacia. On the other hand, larvae isolated from an locust stand were able to feed on oak leaves without problems in larval development or eclosion of adults. Gypsy moth larvae specialized on locust as host showed increased mortality (up to 27%) in the early larval instars, but the surviving animals, especially female individuals, reached significantly higher pupal weights and showed better fecundity: 40% higher egg numbers/egg mass compared to those feeding on oak. These results indicate that the gypsy moth population originating from the locust forest had achieved a high level of metabolic adaptation to this host plant and formed a 'biotype' of Lymantria dispar with optimal reproductive conditions in this special habitat.  相似文献   

To investigate different control measures against the diseases in winter rye several trials were done in the German federal states. As a result from these trials the brown rust,Puccinia recondita f. sp.secalis, was the disease with the most negative influence on the yield. The brown rust occurrence at different times on the top three leaves depend on the winter and spring weather. It should be verify whether the protective use of fungicide mixtures with the new carboxamides active ingredient benefits the curative use (disease onset) in terms of achieved efficiency againstP. recondita. It can be stated that the action threshold does not need to be changed when using fungicide mixtures with carboxamides. Regarding the duration of the fungicide efficacy againstP. recondita an order in increasingly levels of efficiency could be determinate. The order is, from lowest to highest, azole fungicides, strobilurin-azole compounds, azole carboxamide compounds, and azole-carboxamide strobilurin mixtures. Due to the variability in the values of the individual test sites in the experimental series the tendency could be confirmed, however, no statistical significant differences between the various mixtures could be determined. The new carboxamides enrich the possibilities of targeted anti-resistance strategy againstP. recondita in winter rye. These trials results are introduced into recommendations for agricultural practice.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  An 2 Gracillariiden,Phyllonorycter robiniella undCameraria ohridella, wird gezeigt, wie rasch importierte Sch?dlinge sich ausbreiten k?nnen: Die RobinienblattmotteP. robinella wurde in Südtirol erstmals 1991 festgestellt und trat 1996 bereits in Massenbefall bei Brixen an Robinien auf.—Die Ro?kastanienminiermotteC. ohridella war hier erstmals 1992 im Pustertal bei Toblach festgestellt worden (Butin & Führer, 1994). Neueste Untersuchungen im Herbst 1997 zeigen, da? sie nun bereits im gesamten Eisacktal zwischen Franzensfeste und Bozen an Ro?kastanien (Aesculus hippocastanum) verbreitet ist (Tab. 1); hingegen wurde im Etschtal südlich und westlich von Bozen bisher noch kein Befall festgestellt.
On the occurrence of the robinia-leafminer,Phyllonorycter robiniella (Clem.) and the horse-chestnut- leafminer,Cameraria ohridella Desch. et Dim. (Lep., Gracillariidae) in South Tyrol
The examples of two species of Gracillariidae,Phyllonorycter robiniella andCameraria ohridella, show how fast the expansion can take place: The robinia-leafminerP. robiniella was first noticed in South Tyrol in 1991 and an outbreak occured on False Acacias near Brixen, already in 1996.—The horsechestnut leafminerC. ohridella was first noticed in the Pusteria Valley near Toblach-Dobiacco, in 1992 (Butin & Führer, 1994). The latest research, of autumn 1997, shows that they are now distributed on Horse Chestnut Trees (Aesculus hippocastanum) in the whole Isarco Valley, between Fortezza and Bozen-Bolzano (Tab. 1), whereas in the Adige Valley at south and west of Bolzano no occurrence could be found as yet.

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