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The aim of this study was to develop and test a new basal area growth model in mixed species continuous cover forests in northern Iran.Weanalyzed 421 core samples from 6 main species in the forest area to develop our growth model.In each plot,we measured variables such as total tree height(m),diameter at breast height(DBH)(cm)and basal area of larger trees as cumulative basal areas of trees(GCUM)ofDBH[5 cm.The empirical data were analyzed using regression analysis.There was a statistically significant nonlinear function between the annual basal area increment,as the dependent variable,and the basal area of the individual trees and competition as explanatory variables.Reference area from the largest trees,was circular plot with area of 0.1 ha.GCUM was estimated for trees of DBH>5 cm.Furthermore,we investigated the dependencies of diameter growth of different species on stand density at different levels of competition,and diameter development of individual trees through time.The results indicate that competition caused by larger neighborhood trees has a negative effect on growth.In addition,the maximum diameter increment is affected by competition level.Therefore,the maximum diameter increment of species occurs when the trees are about 35–40 cm in dense-forest(40 to 0 m^2 per ha)and when the trees are about 60 to 70 cm in very dense forest(60 to 0 m^2 per ha)which is more likely to Caspian natural forests with high level density due to uneven-aged composition of stands.  相似文献   

In the Euro-Mediterranean region, mechanical fuel reduction is increasingly used in response to the mounting occurrence of catastrophic wildfires, yet their long-term ecological effects are poorly understood. Although Mediterranean vegetation is resilient to a range of disturbances, it is possible that widespread fuel management at short intervals may threaten forest structural complexity and the persistence of some plant species and functional types, with overall negative consequences for biodiversity. We used a chronosequence approach to infer woody vegetation changes in the first 70 years after understory clearing in upland cork oak (Quercus suber) forests, and to assess how these are affected by treatment frequency. Across the chronosequence there was a shift between plant communities with contrasting composition, structure and functional organization. Understory cover increased quickly after disturbance and a community dominated by pioneer seeder and dry-fruited shrubs (Cistus ladanifer, C. populifolius, Genista triacanthos, and Lavandula stoechas) developed during about 15 years, but this was slowly replaced by a community dominated by resprouters and fleshy-fruited species (Arbutus unedo, Erica arborea) >40 years after disturbance. During the first 15 years there were rapid increases in woody species richness, vertical structural diversity, cover by Q. suber juveniles and saplings, and shrub cover at <1.5 m strata, which levelled off or slightly declined thereafter. In contrast, tree species richness, tree density and density of arboreal A. unedo and E. arborea, vertical structural evenness, and cover at >1.5 m strata increased slowly for >50 years. Treatment frequency showed strongly negative relationships with species richness, structural diversity and evenness, and horizontal and vertical understory cover, particularly that of slowly recovering species. These findings suggest that fuel reduction programs involving widespread and recurrent understory clearing may lead to the elimination at the landscape scale of stands with complex multi-layered understory occupied by large resprouters and fleshy-fruited species, which take a long time to recover after disturbance. Fuel management programs thus need to balance the dual goals of fire hazard reduction and biodiversity conservation, recognizing the value of stands untreated for >50 years to retain ecological heterogeneity in Mediterranean forest landscapes.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to examine how well species-specific stand attributes can be predicted using a combination of airborne laser scanning (ALS) and existing stand register data in urban forests. In this context, the ability of three data combinations: ALS data and stand register data, ALS data and digital aerial images and all of these combined, was tested in the prediction of species-specific basal areas. We divided tree species into seven and three different tree species strata and applied two prediction methods: (1) regression method, in which the predicted total basal area was divided into tree species based on tree species proportions from stand register data, and (2) the nearest neighbour (NN) method, in which tree species proportions were used as predictor variables for species-specific basal areas. Prediction models were built based on training data of 205 field plots, and the accuracy of the models was tested based on validation data of 52 forests stands. Our results showed that species-specific predictions of seven tree species were more accurate when tree species proportions from stand register data were used in the prediction. Both the regression and the NN method provided reasonable accuracy. This study showed that tree species information from existing stand register data could be used as an alternative for aerial images in ALS-based forests inventories. The use of ALS data together with stand register data and small field data could also be economically beneficial in an inventory of urban forests.  相似文献   

Northern hardwood stands, notably those with American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh), sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), and yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britton), are abundant across the forested landscapes of northeastern USA and southeastern Canada. Recent studies have reported an increasing dominance of American beech in the understory and midstory of these forests. Beech is a commercially less desirable tree species due to its association with beech-bark disease, and because it commonly interferes with the regeneration of other more desirable tree species. We examined hardwood regeneration characteristics nine years after application of a 3 × 4 factorial combination of glyphosate herbicide (0.56, 1.12, and 1.68 kg ha?1) and surfactant concentrations (0.0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0% v v?1) to release sugar maple regeneration from beech-dominated understories using three stands that received shelterwood seed cutting in central Maine. Measurements nine years after treatment showed that glyphosate rate increased both absolute (AD) and relative density (RD) of sugar maple regeneration, but not its height (HT). In contrast, beech AD, RD, and HT were all significantly reduced with increasing glyphosate rate. Post-release browsing by ungulates and a high residual overstory basal area resulted in reduced sugar maple HT. Our results indicated that glyphosate herbicide applied in stands that have been recently shelterwood seed cut can significantly increase the abundance of sugar maple regeneration. However, subsequent browsing damage combined with the negative influence of the residual overstory cover can limit the longer-term benefit of understory herbicide treatments. Subsequent removal of the overstory and browsing-control measures may be needed to promote sugar maple regeneration over beech in similar northern hardwood stands.  相似文献   

不同密度油松飞播林灌草多样性与林分空间结构关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林下植被是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,物种多样性和林分空间结构是评估森林生态系统功能和林分经营质量的关键指标。本文以44年生油松飞播林为研究对象,通过典型样地调查,运用单因素方差分析和相关分析,分析林分密度对油松飞播林灌草多样性和林分空间结构的影响。结果表明:(1)林分密度对灌草多样性指数影响差异显著,灌草多样性指数均在低密度的样地中达到最大值。(2)混交度和密集度受林分密度影响显著,而林分密度对乔木胸径和树高的影响体现在林分水平上,而非空间结构单元中。(3)林分空间结构与灌草多样性之间有密切联系,影响林下植被多样性的最主要因子是乔木层混交度。因此,未来在飞播林经营活动中,调整林分密度的同时,应综合考虑林木分布格局,兼顾灌草多样性保护。  相似文献   

Interactions among ecosystem services are increasingly perceived as important to ecosystem service delivery. Synergies and trade-offs among ecosystem services arise through direct ecological interactions or indirectly through correlated responses to other factors. To investigate whether and how interactions of overstory trees and shrubs with livestock forage species growing beneath generate ecosystem service interactions, overstory and forage species were examined in smallholder fallows in western Kenya. In 18 grazed and 21 improved fallows, we estimated biomass and quantified soil properties. We assessed whether the overstory reduces forage biomass and quality through competition, and whether overstory niche complementarity ameliorates competition or enhances facilitation. In improved fallows, forage biomass declined with overstory biomass, indicating competition and a wood-forage trade-off. In grazed fallows, biomass of higher quality forage species increased with overstory biomass, indicating a synergy, likely indirect. Niche complementarity, quantified as taxonomic and functional diversity, did not appear influential. Forage quality was not associated with overstory characteristics, but declined with grazing intensity. The contrasting relationships between overstory and forage species among fallow types appear ultimately attributable to the presence and intensity of grazing and the dense overstory in improved fallows.  相似文献   

Forests growing on former agricultural land often have reduced frequencies of many native forest herbs compared with forests that were never cleared for agriculture. A leading explanation for this pattern is that many forest herbs are dispersal limited, but environmental conditions may also hinder colonization. We examined the response of six forest herb taxa (Arisaema triphyllum, Cimicifuga racemosa, Disporum lanuginosum, Osmorhiza spp., Polygonatum spp., and Prenanthes altissima) to nitrogen (N) fertilization in forests with and without an agricultural history to investigate how N availability affects plant performance. The study was conducted in the southern Appalachian Mountains in western North Carolina, USA. There was a significant interaction between land-use history and N treatment for several species. In A. triphyllum and Osmorhiza spp., N fertilization increased aboveground biomass or leaf area more in the post-agriculture site than in the reference site. However, in the reference site, N fertilization depressed aboveground biomass or leaf area in the same taxa, as well as in C. racemosa. The foliar N concentration of these three taxa was elevated in fertilized plots regardless of land-use history, and there was no indication that the light environment differed among plots. These results suggest that some plants growing in post-agricultural stands may be N limited, whereas undisturbed stands in this region appear to be approaching N saturation. Thus, environmental conditions, and particularly N availability, may be an obstacle to the restoration of forest herb communities.  相似文献   

Fire hazard reduction treatments are commonly applied to mixed-species coniferous forests in western Montana, USA, to modify fuels structures and alter the competitive environments of individual trees. An improved understanding of how competition can be measured and how it conditions individual tree growth is needed for projecting the development of these forests, with and without treatment. Numerous studies have evaluated how competition affects tree growth and many indices have been developed to quantify the competition an individual tree experiences. These studies suggest that no single competition index or a single class of indices is universally superior; indices perform differently according to forest type and forest conditions. We chose several widely used distance-independent and distance-dependent competition indices, and also derived anisotropic distance-dependent indices from estimates of light interception by tree crowns. We evaluated the effectiveness of these competition measures for predicting basal area increment (BAI) of Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii, and Larix occidentalis in western Montana. The best distance-dependent competition indices explained a larger proportion of growth variation than the best distance-independent indices (64% vs. 56%). This result indicates that competition is an important growth determinant in these forests and that competition varies locally, with variable tree densities and relatively complex stand structures creating heterogeneous neighborhood conditions. Competition indices derived from light interception models were only weakly correlated with other indices and performed poorly in terms of predicting tree growth. This result accords with previous observations that competition for light is not the primarily growth limitation for trees in the semi-arid conditions of western Montana. More sophisticated light availability models could be used to better assess variability in light interception and its marginal contribution to predictive accuracy of radial tree growth. Diameter and distance-dependent BAI models were developed for growth prediction at the species level and for all species combined.  相似文献   

Agroforestry Systems - Sustainable forest management is proposed as a solution for many ecological and socio-economic trade-offs associated with different forest uses. In Patagonia, silvopastoral...  相似文献   


Key message

Cattle grazing and overstory cover restrict understory growth and interact in shaping the understory community structure in Mediterranean conifer plantations.


Understanding how silvicultural manipulations drive understory structure and function in Mediterranean pine plantations is essential for their multifunctional management.


This paper aims to study the interactive effects of cattle grazing and overstory thinning on understory structure and function.


Ten plots (0.25 ha) were selected in East Mediterranean mature Pinus brutia plantation (rainfall = 600 mm year?1) representing thinned (≈100 trees ha?1, leaf area index (LAI) ≈ 1.6) and non-thinned (≈230 trees ha?1, LAI ≈ 3.5) areas. Two subplots (100 m2) within each plot were fenced in 2000 and 2006 while a third one remained grazed. Understory growth and species composition were measured in 2010.


Thinning and grazing exclusion both positively influenced woody growth with their combined effect during 10 years leading to 20-fold increase in vegetation volume. An increase (15-fold) in herbaceous biomass was recorded 4 years after grazing exclusion but disappeared 10 years after exclusion due to increased woody cover. Species richness was not influenced by grazing but was positively affected by thinning. Understory composition was affected by grazing × thinning interaction with herbaceous ephemerals and short woody species being more frequent in grazed, thinned areas while larger woody species were more associated with ungrazed, non-thinned areas.


Grazing impacts on forest understories depend on overstory cover. We propose variable grazing-thinning combinations to meet multiple management objectives.

Oak regeneration within pine monocultures is an opportunity to diversify forest structure. We examined the relationships between overstory (Pinus brutia) light interception and understory oak (Quercus ithaburensis) performance in water-limited forests. The study was performed in a mature pine plantation in Mediterranean Israel. Twenty-year-old oaks differing in location with respect to pine overstory and representing a gradient of light availability, such as open space (irradiance 100 %), interface (17–77 %), and understory (14–23 %), were monitored. Photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), leaf gas exchange, and twig water potential (TWP) were measured during the growth season under increasing drought stress. Predawn TWP decreased sharply from early to late spring and was positively related to irradiance during mid-spring only. Predawn to midday TWP gradient was positively related to irradiance mostly so during mid-spring. Daily averages of stomatal conductance (gs), net carbon assimilation rate (A), and transpiration rate (E) were highest in early spring and decreased gradually toward late spring. They were positively related to irradiance though this relationship became less pronounced from early to late spring. Oak height and stem basal area were positively related to irradiance. A/gs ratio was positively related to irradiance throughout the entire growth season. It increased from early to mid-spring but decreased toward late spring. A/PPFD ratio decreased from early to late spring showing a negative relationship with irradiance. We concluded that light availability was mainly responsible for spatial variation in oak performance and proposed that small-scale overstory gaps aiming for direct sunlight exposure during early spring should achieve maximum understory oak performance with minimal pine removal.  相似文献   

We examined the population dynamics of three broad-leaved tree species with different susceptibilities to deer predation. Simulation analysis was conducted using a size-structured matrix model for a primary forest plot (PP) and a secondary forest plot (SP) with 56% and 12% evergreen conifer composition in the canopy, respectively. In both plots, populations of Neolitsea sericea, a species that is susceptible to deer predation, initially declined significantly but eventually leveled off. The number of small stems decreased, while that of larger stems increased, indicating that the population dynamics of N. sericea are strongly affected by browsing pressure and that the number of large trees is important for population maintenance. When we examined two deer-resistant species, Pieris japonica and Illicium anisatum, the population of P. japonica increased in the SP and decreased in the PP, whereas that of I. anisatum increased in both plots, likely because mortality tends to increase in persistently dark environments. No significant difference was observed between the present and predicted size distributions of resistant species in the PP. Competition for resources is expected to intensify in the SP as a result of the predicted increase in large stems of the resistant species I. anisatum. Therefore, a specific conservation and management strategy for tree species should be considered for each forest type under the influence of Sika deer.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate a basal area growth model for individual trees in uneven-aged Caspian forests. A survey was conducted in order to find a natural forest without any harvesting activities, a so called ‘untouched forest’ and an area was selected from the Iranian Caspian forest. Three sample plots in the same aspect and of the same forest type were selected. In each plot, total tree height, diameter at breast height, distance of neighbor trees and azimuth were measured. Thirty trees were selected and drilled with increment borer to determine the increment model. Regression analysis was used to estimate the growth model. Results show that, for individual trees, there is a significant nonlinear relationship between the annual basal area increment, as the dependent variable, and the basal area. The results also show that the basal area of competing trees has a positive influence on growth. That the increment is higher with more competing neighboring trees is possibly because plots with higher volume per hectare and more competition, most likely also have higher site index or better soil or better site productivity than the plot with lower volume per hectare.  相似文献   

The short-term effects of forest overstory reduction and slash mulching on ground vegetation were analysed in a Mediterranean Aleppo pine reforested woodland on degraded agricultural land in south-east Spain. This sort of practice is becoming common in the Mediterranean basin to guard against forest fires, but very few attempts have been made to analyse its effect upon biodiversity. The data concerning floristic richness and above-ground biomass of species were measured as dependent variables in 0.5 × 0.5 m quadrats in an overstory reduction versus control area (treatment factor) during the spring of 2006. The data were analysed by ANCOVA, in which slash-mulch weight was introduced as covariate. Relationships between dependent variables and slash-mulch weight were examined using linear regression, and variations in floristic composition were ascertained by means of principal component analysis (PCA). A total of 32 ruderal herbaceous species were recorded, none of which was exotic. In spite of some methodological constraints (i.e. low number of samples and data from a non-replicated case study), the results of our study point to the conclusion that most of these species were found more frequently in the overstory-reduction treatment compared to the control area, and that only a few species clearly preferred the control treatment. In general, overstory reduction led to a significant increase both in floristic richness and above-ground biomass. Slash mulching, on the other hand, encouraged the appearance of a greater quantity of above-ground biomass (in different ways depending upon treatment), although species richness did not improve, even to the extent of declining in the control area. On the basis of our findings, overstory reduction seems to increase species richness and productivity in dense Mediterranean afforestations on degraded agricultural land, at least in the short-term. Large quantities of mulch accompanied by high tree density would seem not to favour species richness.  相似文献   

Recovery of biomass and biodiversity of forest understory vegetation after fire disturbance has been widely studied; however, how this relationship changes and what are the determinants at different post-fire stages in larch boreal forests are still unclear. We investigated a chronosequence of 81 understory plots in larch boreal forests that were disturbed by fires in 1987 (S5), 1992 (S4), 1996 (S3), 2002 (S2), or 2007 (S1). Analysis of variance was conducted to test the differences of biodiversity and biomass among various post-fire stages. Different regression models were used to fit the relationship between biomass and biodiversity, while factors influencing this relationship were identified by boosted regression tree analysis. Results showed that total understory biomass increased from 2.51?t?ha?1 in S1 to 8.47?t?ha?1 in S3 and declined to 5?t?ha?1 in S5. Similar dynamics were also found between species richness and species diversity. Positive linear correlations linked biomass and biodiversity throughout most of the post-fire periods. Slope and stand density were the two most important factors influencing the secondary succession of understory vegetation after fire. Geographical factors and overstory competition determine the orientation of vegetation recovery, and the impacts of climate on vegetation are muted after fire disturbances.  相似文献   

张庆峰 《江苏林业科技》2010,37(6):29-31,41
城市热场空间分布和动态演变受城市下垫面特征影响较大,基于试验观测数据,对南京大学浦口校区不同景观类型下垫面(林地、草地和裸地)的温、湿度变化规律、特征进行了分析。结果表明:不同下垫面的温度变化趋势相似,温度白天在13:00左右达到最高点,夜间4:00达到最低点;而林地、草地、裸地的湿度变化与温度变化相反,一般在白天13:00左右为最低,而夜间2:00~4:00为最高。白天裸地、草地的温、湿度变化幅度明显大于林地,而在夜间3者非常接近。冬季裸地的地温变化幅度大于草地的地温变化幅度;各深度的地温均为草地高于裸地,并且差异显著。因此草地比裸地具有更强的保温效果。  相似文献   

Shrublands with kermes oak (Quercus coccifera L.) as a dominant species play an important role in the nutrition of grazing animals in the Mediterranean region during all seasons of the year. Their proper management, however, is inhibited by the lack of easy and inexpensive methods for measuring available forage. In this paper, the spatial distribution of available forage as well as its relationship with shrub cover measured on the ground and in aerial photographs were investigated. The research was conducted in kermes oak shrublands of central Macedonia, Greece. Two-phase sampling was applied by using 1:15,000 aerial photographs to select 47 plots, 0.1 ha each, on an area of 545 ha where shrub cover and available forage (herbage, current year's and total browse) were measured. These measurements were carried out on four shrub cover classes: open (0 to 15%), moderate (16 to 40%), dense (41 to 70%) and very dense (71 to 100%); and three height classes: low (0 to 0.5 m), middle (0.6 to 1.0 m) and tall (1.1 to 1.5 m). High resolution aerial photographs (1:6,000) taken during the year of ground sampling were used to estimate shrub cover and correlate to ground measurement. Estimated cover had a high correlation (r 0.96) with ground measurements in open, moderate and dense shrub stands. The open to dense cover classes had significantly more available forage than the very dense cover class; and the low height class significantly higher than the other two classes. The regression of available forage with shrub cover measured on the ground and on aerial photographs produced non-linear equations with high coefficients of determination (R2 > 0.70) only when shrub height up to 0.5 m irrespective of the cover class was considered. It is concluded that shrub cover measured on aerial photographs can be used to predict shrub cover on the ground as well as available forage in kermes oak shrublands provided that the shrubs are not too tall (up to 0.50 m).This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Intensive forest management practices often disturb understory vegetation, and the recovery of these plant communities may depend on the type and severity of the disturbance. We examined the effects of stump removal and N-fertilization on understory plant communities and functional group (shrubs, graminoids, forbs, and introduced species) cover and diversity at five study areas in the Pacific Northwest of North America 24–28 years after treatment. Treatments at each study area included stumped and non-stumped controls as well as four levels of broadcast ammonium nitrate (0, 336, 672, and 1345 kg N ha−1) in all combinations. Stumping had significant effects on community composition at all sites, and several plant species were associated (p < 0.05) with either controls or stumped plots. Diversity of graminoids, forbs and introduced species increased in stumped areas region wide. Stumping reduced cover and diversity of shrubs at some sites. Cover of graminoids and forbs also increased in stumped plots at some study areas. Forbs like Viola sempervirens were often indicators of stump removal while shrubs such as Acer circinatum tended to be associated with non-stumped plots. N-fertilization affected community composition at only one study area, and had no effects on cover or richness of functional groups. Stump removal has lasting impacts on plant communities and may make them more vulnerable to colonization by introduced species.  相似文献   

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