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Objective: To compare surgical times and perioperative complication rates of single portal access and 2-portal laparoscopic ovariectomy (LapOVE) in dogs using a bipolar vessel sealer/divider device, and to evaluate the performance of novice laparoscopists for right ovariectomy.
Study Design: Controlled clinical trial.
Animals: Female dogs (n=42).
Methods: Dogs were divided into groups: 1=single portal and 2=2 portal. LapOVE was performed using a 5 mm vessel sealer/divider device and a 10 mm operating laparoscope (Group 1) or a 5 mm laparoscope (Group 2). Dog characteristics (weight, body condition score, ovarian ligament fat score), operative time, and perioperative complication rate were compared between groups. Right ovariectomy duration was evaluated for 2 novice laparoscopists.
Results: No significant difference was found in mean total surgical time between group 1 (21.07 min/s) and group 2 (19.06 min/s). Factors significantly affecting times included body condition scores, ovarian ligament fat score, ovarian bleeding, and surgeon expertize. Minor complications (bleeding from ovaries or after splenic trauma) occurred and were similar in both groups. Bleeding was correlated to body condition score and ovarian ligament fat score. Interindividual differences were found among surgeons for right ovariectomy time.
Conclusions: Single portal access LapOVE using vessel sealer/divider device is feasible, safe, and does not significantly increase total surgical time in comparison with 2-portal approach. Laparoscopic skills may play a role in ability to perform single portal LapOVE.
Clinical Relevance: LapOVE can be performed using single portal access.  相似文献   

Mules are hybrids bred from the mating of a jack donkey and a horse mare, known for their strength and resistance and still used to work in agriculture. Although they have been for long considered sterile, evidence of estrus cycle has been demonstrated together with abnormal behavior related to ovarian activity. In this study, a bilateral standing laparoscopic ovariectomy technique using the LigaSure technology was applied in 10 mare mules for treating unwanted behavioral patterns. The technique was effectively performed on these animals avoiding the risk of general anesthesia, and the use of the LigaSure technology allowed good hemostasis and reduced surgical time. Owners declared to be satisfied with the resolution of the behavior.  相似文献   

Our objective was to compare the invasiveness of single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) and multiport laparoscopic surgery (MLS) for ovariectomy in 5 standing healthy adult Thoroughbred mares. First, laparoscopic ovariectomy was performed by SILS or by MLS on the right paralumbar fossa region in a standing mare. One month after surgery, ovariectomy by the other method was performed on the left side. For surgery evaluation, the surgical time, length of incision, and amount of lidocaine used were recorded and compared between SILS and MLS. Physical examination (body temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate) and hematology (number of leukocytes and hematocrit) were performed before surgery and every day for 7 days after surgery. Similarly, the degrees of swelling, heat, pain, and incisional wound healing were evaluated (grades1-4). The length of incision and amount of local anesthetic for SILS were significantly less than those for MLS. Moreover, the scores for swelling, heat, and pain in the SILS group tended to be lower than those in the MLS group for several days after surgery. We concluded that SILS was less invasive than MLS and is therefore useful for ovariectomy in mares.  相似文献   

Ventral Abdominal Approach for Laparoscopic Ovariectomy in Horses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eleven mares and four mules were ovariectomized by a ventral abdominal laparoscopic technique. This approach required tilting the operative table about 30 degrees elevating the pelvis to allow observation of the ovaries. A triangulation technique with a single laparoscopic portal and four instrument portals was used. The ovarian pedicles were ligated and the ovaries were removed through a single enlarged instrument portal. Females ranged in age from 5 months to 18 years. Mean operative time was 44 minutes (range 20 to 90 minutes); mean operative time of the last seven animals was 26 minutes. Signs of abdominal pain occurred in three mules and one mare in the immediate postoperative period. Peritoneal fluid collected from six animals 48 hours after surgery had a mean leukocyte count of 34,463/μL: (range, 21,000 to 62,800/μL), mean protein concentration of 3.1 g/dL (range, 2.2 to 4.6 g/dL), and mean differential leukocyte count of 74% neutrophils and 26% mononuclear cells. The animals were confined for 2 weeks after surgery. Signs of estrus were observed in two mares within 6 months after ovariectomy. All owners reported satisfaction with the results of laparoscopic ovariectomy. The ventral abdominal laparoscopic approach permitted efficient and safe ovariectomy of foals and adults.  相似文献   

Ventral Abdominal Approach for Laparoscopic Ovariectomy in Llamas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective —To evaluate a technique for laparoscopic ovariectomy by a ventral abdominal approach in the llama.
Study Design —Prospective evaluation.
Animal Population —Six healthy adult female llamas, aged 2 to 6 years.
Methods —Laparoscopic ovariectomy was performed with the llamas in a 30-degree Trendelenburg position. The mesovarium and proper ligament of the ovary were isolated, and two Hulka clips were placed in opposite directions across each mesovarium and proper ligament of the ovary. Ovaries were removed through either the instrument cannula or instrument portal.
Results —The ovaries, mesovarium, and proper ligaments of the ovaries were easily identified using laparoscopy by a ventral abdominal approach. The Hulka Clip Applicator was easy to use, and the Hulka Clips provided secure hemostasis of the vessels within the mesovarium. Mean duration of surgery was 35 minutes (range, 17 to 85 minutes). Two llamas were depressed after surgery but improved within 24 hours. No other complications occurred during an 18-month follow-up period.
Conclusions —Laparoscopic ovariectomy in the llama was facilitated by the use of Hulka Clips placed across the mesovarium and proper ligament of the ovary.
Clinical Relevance —Laparoscopic ovariectomy in the llama can be accomplished easily with few complications.  相似文献   

Objective— To evaluate the effects of porcine small intestinal submucosa (PSIS) on the healing of full-thickness wounds in dogs, specifically the appearance of granulation tissue, percent epithelialization and contraction, histologic variables of inflammation and repair, and aerobic culture results.
Study Design— Prospective, controlled, experimental study.
Animals— Purpose-bred, female dogs (n=10).
Methods— Wounds were created bilaterally on the trunk; 1 side as a control and 1 treated with PSIS. First appearance of granulation tissue was recorded. Total wound area, open wound area, and epithelialized area were measured at 21 time points—wound contraction and percent epithelialization were calculated. Aerobic cultures were taken at 4 time points and wound biopsies at 8. Histologic features were graded into an Acute Inflammation Score and Repair Score.
Results— There was no difference in first appearance of granulation tissue between PSIS-treated and control wounds. Wound contraction was significantly faster in control wounds as was percent epithelialization after day 21. Histologic Acute Inflammation Scores were significantly higher in PSIS-treated wounds compared with control wounds on days 2 and 6. There were no differences in Histologic Repair Scores between PSIS-treated and control wounds or in aerobic culture results.
Conclusion— Wounds treated with PSIS contract more slowly, epithelialize less, and have more pronounced acute inflammation after implantation than control wounds.
Clinical Relevance— Acute, full-thickness wounds in dogs do not benefit from treatment with PSIS.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate open heart surgery with deep surface‐induced hypothermia (sHT) and low‐flow cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) in small and toy‐breed dogs. Study Design: Case series. Animals: Small breed dogs (n=8) weighing <5.5 kg with naturally occurring cardiac disease. Methods: Deep sHT under isoflurane anesthesia and low‐flow rate CPB with a small‐volume prime circuit were used. Ventricular septal defect was closed directly in 2 dogs and severe mitral regurgitation was corrected with mitral valvuloplasty (MVP) in 5 dogs and mitral valve replacement in 1 dog. Results: All dogs survived surgery; 1 dog died 6 days and 1 died 2 months after MVP. The other 6 dogs lived (mean follow‐up, 32.8 months; range, 12–65 months). Mean body weight at surgery was 3.6 kg (range, 2–5.3 kg). Mean lowest esophageal temperature was 21.4°C (range, 19.8–23.8°C). Mean lowest pump flow volume was 29.2 mL/kg/min (range, 9.4–57.7 mL/kg/min) during aortic cross‐clamping (mean, 53.5 minutes; range, 25–79 minutes). Mean hematocrit before CPB was 38.6% (range, 33–47%) and 20.3% (range, 13–24%) during CPB with a small circuit priming volume of 225–260 mL. Conclusion: Deep sHT with low‐flow rate CPB may be used for open heart surgery in small dogs weighing <5.5 kg. Clinical Relevance: Open heart surgery for selected congenital defects and acquired defects in small and toy‐breed dogs may be successfully performed using deep sHT and CPB.  相似文献   

Objective —The purposes of this study were to develop a technique of paralumbar fossa laparoscopic ovariectomy using Endoloop ligatures and to avoid a laparotomy incision for ovary removal by using a 33–mm diameter muscle spreader trocar-cannula unit.
Animals or Sample Population —Seven mares.
Methods —Bilateral laparoscopic ovariectomy was performed under general anesthesia in two horses and under neuroleptanalgesia and local anesthesia in five standing mares. Ovaries were approached from the ipsilateral paralumbar fossa through two portal sites located in the paralumbar fossa and a third between the 17th and 18th ribs. Insufflation of the abdominal cavity was achieved using an automatic carbon dioxide insufflator. Two Endoloop ligatures were placed on the mesovarium. The cannula, located in the center of the paralumbar fossa, was removed, and a 33-mm diameter trocar-cannula unit, with a cone-shaped muscle spreader extremity, was inserted through the same portal. The mesovarium was transected between the ovary and the ligatures. The ovaries were removed from the abdomen through the 33-mm diameter cannula. The abdominal wall was closed in a routine manner.
Results —No major complications occurred during or after surgery.
Conclusion —Paralumbar fossa laparoscopic ovariectomy in mares using Endoloop ligatures and the 33-mm diameter trocar-cannula unit was an effective technique for ovariectomy of normal ovaries in this study.
Clinical Relevance —Endoloop ligatures provide a viable alternative for laparoscopic ligation of ovarian pedicles in mares.  相似文献   

Because laparoscopic surgery eliminates the side effects of general anesthesia, the success and therefore the use of laparoscopic surgery continues to broaden. Laparoscopic ovariectomy, once only used to treat medical problems such as granulosa cell tumors, is now being expanded to treat behavioral problems in mares. Thirty-five mares with behavioral or medical problems were treated with ovariectomies, and their owners were later contacted and questioned concerning the effect of ovariectomy on their mares.Behavioral improvement was seen in 83% (19/23) of mares treated for behavior-related problems. Aggression problems improved in 86% (12/14) of cases, general disagreeable demeanor improved in 81% (17/21), and excitability improved in 75% (12/16) of cases in which these behaviors were previously observed. Kicking and biting improved in 73% (8/11), problems in training improved in 72% (13/18), and frequent urination and problems with other horses improved in 64% (7/11 and 9/14, respectively) of cases.Owners with nonovariectomized mares also were contacted to compare the normal progression of mare behavior over time with the behavioral change in ovariectomized mares. A statistically significant change in behavior of ovariectomized mares over nonovariectomized mares was seen in the categories of decreased aggression (P < .01), decreased training problems (P < .025), decreased frequency of problem behaviors (P < .001), and improved overall behavior (P < .01).In cases in which medical problems such as granulosa cell tumors, ovarian cysts, and cycle-related colic were treated with ovariectomy, all of the clients were very satisfied with the treatment, whereas clients attempting to treat cycle-related laminitis were dissatisfied.  相似文献   

Comparison of Continuous Versus Intermittent Enteral Feeding in Dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In humans, continuous intragastric feeding has been suggested to cause fewer gastrointestinal (GI) adverse effects, better weight gain and nitrogen balance, and less glucose intolerance than bolus feeding. The aim of this study was to compare the GI adverse effects and the metabolic and nutritional consequences of intragastric feeding of an enteral formula (Jevity; Ross Laboratories, Columbus, OH) intermittently or continuously to dogs. Using a cross-over study design, 10 healthy dogs were randomly assigned to be fed Jevity via gastrostomy tube either continuously (CFI or in 3 bolus meals/day (IF) for 10 days. The dogs were weighed daily. Serum chemistry and glucose tolerance tests (GlT were performed before and after each 10–day trial period. Fecal dry matter (FDM), serum osmolality (sOsm), and serum electrolytes (sElec) were determined 5 times during each 10 day trial period. Urine specific gravity was checked intermittently. Hydrogen breath tests were performed on days 0, 3, and 10. During the last 6 days of each trial period, nitrogen balance and digestibility of the Jevity were determined. There were no GI adverse effects noted on either protocol, and no significant ( P > .05) differences in body weights, serum chemistry results, sElec, sOsrn, GTT, hydrogen breath tests, digestibility trials, or nitrogen balance. There was a significant (P < .051 decrease in FDM over time for both protocols, and a significant (P < .051 increase in urine volume for IF compared with CF. In summary, there were no significant differences between treatments in weight maintenance, GI adverse effects, GTT, nitrogen balance, or feed digestibility. Changes in FDM suggest that the dogs received excess water. In conclusion, this study of healthy dogs provides no support for the preferential use of continuous intragastric feeding over bolus feeding. J Vet Intern Med 1996;10:133–138. Copyright © 1996 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine .  相似文献   

腹腔镜手术具有术中腹腔脏器显露充分、对施术动物损伤小、手术切口小、出血量少、术后痛苦轻、恢复快和组织粘连少等优点。腹腔镜技术从20世纪80年代就普遍应用于人医临床,在兽医领域国外早就有腹腔镜技术在动物中应用的报道,而国内腹腔镜技术在动物上的应用则相对较少。腹腔镜技术在小动物中的应用主要包括在活组织检查中的应用、在消化系统中的应用,在泌尿系统中的应用及在生殖系统中的应用。  相似文献   



Measurement of plasma renin activity (PRA) is the gold standard for monitoring mineralocorticoid treatment in humans with primary hypoadrenocorticism (PH).


To compare PRA in dogs with newly diagnosed PH, dogs with diseases mimicking PH, and healthy dogs, and evaluate measurement of PRA to monitor therapeutic effects in dogs with PH treated with different mineralocorticoids.


Eleven dogs with newly diagnosed PH (group 1), 10 dogs with diseases mimicking PH (group 2), 21 healthy dogs (group 3), 17 dogs with treated PH (group 4).


In group 1, PRA was measured before treatment and at different times after initiating treatment. In groups 2 and 3, PRA was measured at initial presentation only. In group 4, no baseline PRA was obtained but PRA was measured once or every 1–6 months during treatment. Mineralocorticoid treatment consisted of fludrocortisone acetate (FC) or desoxycorticosterone pivalate (DOCP).


Plasma renin activity before treatment was increased in dogs with PH compared to normal dogs and dogs with diseases mimicking PH with median activity of 27, 0.8, and 1.0 ng/mL/h, respectively. In dogs with PH, PRA decreased and normalized with mineralocorticoid treatment using DOCP but not with FC. In dogs treated with DOCP, PRA was lower than in dogs treated with FC. Plasma sodium concentrations were higher and potassium concentrations were lower with DOCP treatment compared to FC treatment.

Conclusion and Clinical Importance

Plasma renin activity is a reliable tool for monitoring mineralocorticoid treatment. DOCP treatment more effectively suppresses PRA compared to FC in dogs with PH.  相似文献   

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