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Changing land-use practices in northern Thailand have increased tillage intensity. This study re-assesses the rate of tillage erosion by manual hoeing on steep slopes (17–82%) in northern Thailand. Previously collected soil translocation data during an on-farm tillage erosion experiment and additionally collected data during an on-farm tillage erosion survey have been analysed whereby a new calculation method (i.e. trapezoid tillage step) has been used. A comparison with previously collected data indicates that the trapezoid tillage step method and the tracer method are the most reliable methods to assess downslope translocation by manual tillage. Based on newly acquired understanding of the processes involved, soil fluxes by tillage erosion are quantified by linear functions for different slope gradient classes rather than one single diffusion-type equation for the whole slope range. For slope gradients smaller than 3%, soil fluxes are close to zero as farmers do not have a preferred tillage direction. For slope gradients between 3% and 70%, soil is tilled only in the downslope direction and soil fluxes range between 16 and 67 kg m−1 tillage pass−1. On slopes with gradients in excess of 70%, the angle of repose for soil clods is often exceeded resulting in a sliding down of the complete tilled top layer. These data are used to assess the soil flux for complete cropping cycles for the most dominant cropping systems in the highlands of northern Thailand: i.e. upland rice, maize, (soy) beans, cabbage and ginger. The on-site effects of tillage erosion will be very pronounced if parcels are short with respect to their slope length, cultivated for upland rice or cabbage, or when weed pressure is high. Tillage erosion results in a tillage step with low soil fertility and low infiltration capacity. Solutions to reduce tillage erosion intensity depend on the degree that tillage intensity can be reduced. This might happen by an improved weed management or by changing landuse to perrenial cropping. Other strategies are concentrating nutrients on the truncated hillslope sections and retaining soil on the field by vegetative buffers.  相似文献   

Cover crops are a very effective erosion control and environmental conservation technique. When cover crops freeze at the beginning of the winter period, the above-ground biomass becomes less effective in protecting the soil from water erosion, but roots can still play an important role in improving soil strength. However, information on root properties of common cover crops growing in temperate climates (e.g. Sinapis alba (white mustard), Phacelia tanacetifoli (phacelia), Lolium perenne (ryegrass), Avena sativa (oats), Secale cereale (rye), Raphanus sativus subsp. oleiferus (fodder radish)) is very scarce. Therefore, root density distribution with soil depth and the erosion-reducing effect of these cover crops during concentrated flow erosion were assessed by conducting root auger measurements and controlled concentrated flow experiments with 0.1 m topsoil samples. The results indicate that root density of the studied cover crops ranges between 1.02 for phacelia and 2.95 kg m− 3 for ryegrass. Cover crops with thick roots (e.g. white mustard and fodder radish) are less effective than cover crops with fine-branched roots (e.g. ryegrass and rye) in preventing soil losses by concentrated flow erosion. Moreover, after frost, the erosion-reducing potential of phacelia and oats roots decreased. Amoeba diagrams, taking into account both below-ground and above-ground plant characteristics, identified ryegrass, rye, oats and white mustard as the most suitable species for controlling concentrated flow erosion.  相似文献   

Concentrated flow experiments using a small hydraulic flume and a constant flow discharge and bed slope have been conducted in order to investigate the effects of rock fragment cover (Rc) on sediment yield for an initially wet and an initially air-dry loamy topsoil. The experimental results indicate that Rc reduces concentrated flow erosion rates (E) in an exponential way (i.e., E=ebRc), which is similar to previously reported relations for other water erosion processes such as interrill erosion and sheet-rill erosion measured on runoff plots. The decay rate (b) of this exponential relationship increased throughout the experiments because of scour-hole development and bed armouring. The concentrated flow erosion rates and b-values also depend on the initial moisture content of the topsoil. Depending on Rc, mean concentrated flow erosion rates were 20% to 65% less on initially wet compared to initially air-dry topsoils. The mean value for b was 0.032 for the initially wet, but only 0.017 for the initially air-dry topsoil, indicating that a rock fragment cover is less efficient in reducing concentrated flow erosion rates when the topsoil is initially air-dry than when it is initially wet. The results help explain the data scatter in reported relationships between Rc and interrill–rill erosion rates. They also indicate that a given surface rock fragment cover will offer more protection to wet topsoils than to dry topsoils, which are very common in Mediterranean environments. Event-based water erosion models should incorporate effects of antecedent soil moisture content as well as those of Rc on concentrated flow erosion rates.  相似文献   

Rill hydraulics (and hence, flow detachment) are modified by the presence of incorporated vegetation residue. Typically, water flow in the rill is retarded due to the extra shear stress generated by the residue. The main objective of this study was to develop an approach to predict soil detachment by rill flow in the presence of freshly incorporated vegetation residue that is compatible with our current understanding of rill hydraulics and requires no additional information on rill geometry. Laboratory experiments were carried out to collect a dataset on rill flow detachment on surfaces with incorporated straw that was compatible with existing dataset on bare soils (Giménez and Govers, 2001). Interaction between bed roughness and flow hydraulics in eroding rills. Water Resources Research, Vol. 37 No. 3, 791–799).  相似文献   

通过对泰国区域土壤侵蚀的定量评价,掌握泰国土壤水蚀特征,以期为泰国土壤侵蚀防控和相关研究提供技术和数据支撑。采用CSLE模型,基于30 m分辨率区域侵蚀因子综合运算完成泰国土壤水蚀速率计算(地图代数法制图),基于亚米级分辨率抽样调查完成抽样单元水蚀速率计算,再以抽样单元计算结果为参考,对地图代数制图结果进行直方图匹配,最终获得研究区土壤水蚀速率专题图。结果表明:(1)直方图匹配制图结果既保留了原有的空间分布特征,又具有准确的统计特征。(2)泰国平均土壤水蚀速率为687.9 t/(km2·a),是全球平均土壤水蚀速率的2.4倍,个别地区达到1 000 t/(km2·a)以上(占面积13.2%,占侵蚀总量72.0%),与全球平均水蚀速率相比,土壤水蚀较为严重,0.6%的区域年侵蚀量约占研究区侵蚀总量的21.5%,局部侵蚀剧烈。(3)在各土地利用类型中,耕地水蚀最为严重,平均水蚀速率高达1 020.2 t/(km2·a),水蚀速率>2 500 t/(km2·a)的热点地区84.1%区域为耕地。由此可知,泰国局部区域的土壤水蚀较为剧烈,耕地对区域水土流失的贡献较大。  相似文献   

《Soil Use and Management》2018,34(3):404-417
In South‐East Asia, rapid land use changes in recent decades have raised concerns for biodiversity and soil conservation. Weeds provide many ecosystemic services for soil protection and support biodiversity, and could mitigate the negative effects of intensification. We investigated the changes in weed assemblages and weed–soil interactions on a chronosequence from annual crops to mature rubber tree plantations. We sampled five fields for each of four land uses in mountainous northern Thailand (rainfed upland rice, maize, young rubber tree (RT ) intercropped with maize, and mature RT ). We characterized weed assemblages (abundance, richness) and soil properties (bulk density, water, carbon and nitrogen content). Rice had the most diverse and abundant weed assemblages. Weed assemblages differed between (i) rice, (ii) maize and young RT with maize and (iii) mature RT . Soil water content was the highest in mature RT . Other soil properties varied strongly within and among fields, and did not vary significantly among land uses. Water and nitrogen content increased overall with living soil cover but decreased with weed species richness in mature RT . Such interactions could provide a basis for sustainable weeding practices favourable to soil and biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Soil crusts and deposits as sheet erosion indicators in southern Mali   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rills are indicators of erosion, easily recognized by farmers and extension workers. However, they are rare on fields in Mali with slopes of 0–3%, even though run‐off and sheet erosion may be a problem. The suitability of three other soil surface features as erosion indicators was therefore investigated: (1) structural crusts formed by rainfall impact without lateral soil movement; (2) in situ depositional crusts, formed by sedimentation leaving the finest particles on top; and (3) run‐off deposits of fine and coarse sand, formed after the removal of finer particles. Feature (1) occurred on the elevated parts and ridges, whereas (2) and (3) occurred in lower parts and in furrows. Soil cover with a run‐off deposit of coarse sand proved to be a suitable indicator and this was well explained by erosion risk: a 2% increase in slope related to a 9% increase in deposit cover. The extent of this deposit also related well to cotton yield from the previous season: a 30% increase in deposit cover was reflected in a 23% decrease in cotton yield. Only a few farmers confirmed that the deposits were produced by erosion. It is recommended that soil and water conservation programmes pay more attention to the presence of crusts and deposits.  相似文献   

Soil chronosequences developed on elevated marine terraces are ideal for studying changes in soil-forming processes with time. The coastal range of eastern Taiwan is a product of active arc–continent collision. Vertisols, Mollisols and Entisols are generally found on the different levels of marine terraces herein, but no detailed investigations of soil chronosequence have been conducted by integrating field morphology, physio-chemical characterization, micromorphology and mass-balance interpretations. Five soil pedons were selected on the three marine terraces including Tt-1 and Tt-2 pedons (Typic Hapluderts) on the first higher level with the oldest soil age (9–10 ka), Tt-3 (Vertic Hapludolls) and Tt-4 pedons (Typic Hapludolls) on the second intermediate level (5–6 ka), and Tt-5 pedon (Typic Udipsamments) on the third lower level with the youngest soil age (≤ 3.5 ka). The morphological characteristics showed that strongly developed angular blocky structures, pressure faces and slickensides are more common in higher terrace soils than in lower terrace soils. In this study, depth to C horizon, solum thickness, and thickness of the clay-enriched zone increase with relative terrace age. Although only one to two profiles per terrace were characterized, the following soil analytical characterizations increase with time: the degree of sand grains weathering, pH (H2O), organic carbon, CEC, contents of Fed, Feo and Mnd. Based on X-ray diffraction analysis of the clay-size fraction, soils on all terraces have a mixed mineralogy. Mica, smectite, and kaolinite have slightly increased with increasing terrace age. Furthermore, the dominant processes identified with mass-balance analysis include loss of bases (Ca and Mg), iron, and clay with time. The soil properties, including analytical and mineralogical characterizations, which do not have notable changes with time are primarily due to relatively young soil age (< 10 ka).  相似文献   

Soil erosion science: Reflections on the limitations of current approaches   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
John Boardman   《CATENA》2006,68(2-3):73

The strongly incised mountain landscape of northern Thailand has changed dramatically during the last few decades due to increased population pressure, agricultural commercialization, limitation to use old fallows and reforestation of upper catchments. The traditional shifting cultivation with fallow periods of 7 years and longer was gradually replaced by 1 to 4 year fallow periods. As a result, in high population areas the landscape became dominated by fields planted to rainfed upland crops, wetland rice terraces, fallow vegetation, and patches of secondary forest. This new land-use system seems to have triggered new land degradation processes that are easy to observe when travelling through this landscape.  相似文献   

Atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs) project that increasing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases May, result in global changes in temperature and precipitation over the next 40-100 years. Equilibrium climate scenarios from four GCMs run under doubled CO2 conditions were examined for their effect on the climatic potential for sheet and rill erosion in the conterminous USA. Changes in the mean annual rainfall factor (R) in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) were calculated for each cropland, pastureland and rangeland sample point in the 1987 National Resources Inventory. Projected annual precipitation changes were assumed to be from differences in either storm frequency or storm intensity. With all other USLE factors held constant these changes in R translated to changes in the sheet and rill erosion national average of +2 to +16 per cent in croplands, -2 to +10 per cent in pasturelands and -5 to +22 per cent in rangelands under the eight scenarios. Land with erosion rates above the soil loss tolerance (T) level and land classified as highly erodible (eredibility index >8) also increased slightly. the results varied from model to model, region to region and depended on the assumption of frequency versus intensity changes. These results show the range of sensitivity of soil erosion potential by water under projected climate change scenarios. However, actual changes in soil erosion could be mitigated by alterations in cropping patterns and other management practices, or possibly by increased crop growth and residue production under higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Wind erosion is not as significant or a widespread problem in Europe as in dryer parts of the world, but it can cause major damage in small areas. The hazard is greatest in the lowlands of northwestern Europe with more than 3 million ha at high-potential wind erosion risk. Crop damage and off-site damage have prompted farmers and policymakers to pay more attention to wind erosion control. A great variety of measures have been developed in the last decades. Most farmers, however, only use measures to protect their high value crops. In existing policies, little attention is paid to the off-site effects and long-term effects of wind erosion. There are no direct policy measures at a European level to control soil erosion, and few measures exist in individual Member States. Agricultural or environmental EC policies offer different policy tools to approach the wind erosion problems related to agricultural practices. Tools like subsidies for the re-afforestation of arable land can help regional policy makers with the implementation of wind erosion control measures. A case study concerning the ‘Code of Good Agricultural Practice’ shows that regional differences result in different control measures that fits best given the physical, social and economic context. The formulation of the practical details of such code should therefore remain a task of the local or regional government. The main objectives of a Code of Good Agricultural Practice could be formulated at national or European level.  相似文献   

This study sought to contribute to the understanding of soil redistribution by tillage on terraces and the extent and causes of within-field variation in soil properties by examining the spatial distributions of soil redistribution rates, derived using caesium-137, and of total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations, within a ribbon and a shoulder terrace in a yuan area of the Loess Plateau of China. Additional water erosion rate data were obtained for nine other terraces. Water erosion rates on the ribbon terraces were low (<1 kg m−2 yr−1), unless slope tangents exceeded 0·1. However, despite the use of animal traction, high rates of tillage erosion were observed (mean 5·5 kg m−2 yr−1). Soil nitrogen concentrations were related to rates of soil redistribution by tillage on the ribbon terrace examined in detail. In general, higher rates of water erosion (0·5–2·9 kg m−2 yr−1) and lower rates of tillage erosion (mean 1·4 kg m−2 yr−1) were evident on the longer shoulder terraces. On the shoulder terrace examined in detail, soil phosphorus concentrations were related to net rates of soil redistribution. A statistically significant regression relationship between water erosion rates and the USLE length and slope factor was used in conjunction with the simulation of tillage erosion rates to evaluate a range of terrace designs. It is suggested that off-site impacts of erosion could be further reduced by ensuring that the slope tangents are kept below 0·06 and lengths below 30 m, especially on the shoulder terraces. Tillage erosion and the systematic redistribution of soil nutrients could be reduced by modification of the contour-cultivation technique to turn soil in opposing directions in alternate years. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract. An area of about 24 km2 in arable East Lothian, Scotland, was examined for soil erosion by water following a severe rainstorm in October 1990. Significant erosion was found in only 10 fields out of 26.5 in an area where topography, soils and cropping suggest a high erosion risk. Doubt is cast on some assessments of the widespread risk of significant soil erosion by water in arable areas of the UK.  相似文献   

Soil erosion and carbon dynamics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R. Lal   《Soil & Tillage Research》2005,81(2):137-142
Accelerated erosion involves preferential removal of soil organic carbon (SOC) because it is concentrated in vicinity of the soil surface and has lower density than the mineral fraction. The SOC transported by water runoff is redistributed over the landscape and deposited in depressional sites where it is buried along with the sediments. However, the fate of the SOC transported, redistributed and deposited by erosional processes is a subject of intense debate. Sedimentologists argue that SOC buried with sediments is physically protected, and that depleted in the eroded soil is replaced through biomass production. Thus, they argue that the erosion–sedimentation process leads to globally net SOC sequestration of 0.6–1.5 Gt C/year. In contrast, soil scientists argue that: (i) a large portion of the SOC transported by water runoff comprises labile fraction, (ii) breakdown of aggregation by raindrop impact and shearing force of runoff accentuates mineralization of the previously protected organic matter, and (iii) the SOC within the plow zone at the depositional sites may be subject to rapid mineralization, along with methanogenesis and denitrification under anaerobic environment. Whereas, tillage erosion may also cause burial of some SOC, increase in soil erosion and emission of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion are net sources of atmospheric CO2. Soil scientists argue that soil erosion may be a net source of atmospheric CO2 with emission of 1 Gt C/year. It is thus important to understand the fate of eroded SOC by measuring and monitoring SOC pool in eroded landscape as influenced by intensity and frequency of tillage operations and cropping systems.  相似文献   

近十年土壤侵蚀与水土保持研究进展与展望   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
在当今生态文明背景下,土壤侵蚀与水土保持研究迎来了新的发展机遇和挑战。本文首先采用文献计量学方法,定量分析了近10年来国内外土壤侵蚀与水土保持学科发展现状。在此基础上,结合社会需求的变化,阐明了学科发展需求与存在问题。最后,提出了本学科研究的重点领域与方向:水文过程与侵蚀产沙机理,土壤侵蚀过程及其定量模拟,全球变化下土壤侵蚀演变及其灾变机理,社会经济系统—水土流失的互馈过程,以生态功能提升为主的土壤侵蚀防治,以及土壤侵蚀研究新技术与新方法等。  相似文献   

28年生油松人工林内天然降雨的溅蚀试验结果表明,当I30为0.07mm/min或P0为3.57mm时,无枯落物层覆盖的林地发生溅蚀,当I30为0.25mm/min或Po为45.8mm时,具1cm枯落物层的林地不发生溅蚀。从溅蚀月动态看出,7、8月份占全年溅蚀量的70%以上。在同一土壤和同一坡度条件下,I30、P0、H1是溅蚀发生的主要因素,且溅蚀量与其呈二次多项式回归关系。但当枯落物层具有一定厚度时溅蚀与其它因素无关。具有1cm厚的枯落物层即可防止土壤溅蚀量的79.7%.  相似文献   

Snowmelt-induced rill erosion could bring serious harm for soil quality and agricultural productive conditions of slope farmland in the black soil zone of Northeast China. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments to investigate the effects of the freeze-thaw (FT) temperature, number of FT cycles, water content, flow rate, and thaw depth on rill morphology and erosion amount in two common soil (black soil and albic soil). The thaw depth obtained the maximum range, which was the primary factor for the width-to-depth ratio of rills in the black soil; whereas, the flow rate obtained the maximum range as the primary factor for rill erosion in black soil and albic soil. The number of FT cycles had a minor effect on rill erosion in the two soils. Under the same conditions, the rill morphology showed a large difference between the two soils, and higher rill erosion occurred in albic soil than black soil. Rill erosion was relatively high in black soil and albic soil when the FT temperature fluctuated around 0°C during freezing-thawing. The water content exhibited a greater effect on rill erosion in black soil than in albic soil. The unthawed frozen layer could promote rill erosion during snowmelt period to some extent. The results could provide some reference for future study snowmelt-induced rill erosion mechanism and preventive measures.  相似文献   

基于WEPP模型的水土保持措施因子与侵蚀量关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水土保持措施能够有效减少水土流失,是土壤侵蚀过程中的一个重要影响因子。以北京市延庆县水土保持科技示范园的径流小区观测数据为基础,利用WEPP模型模拟了坡面不同水土保持措施下的侵蚀量,结果表明:(1)植被盖度与侵蚀量呈负相关关系,植被盖度越高侵蚀量越少,当盖度50%时侵蚀量会显著减少,且植被有效盖度的阈值为70%;(2)梯田的土壤侵蚀过程主要发生在田坎处,水平田面几乎没有水土流失,侵蚀量与田坎高成正比,与田面宽成反比。在北方土石山区,水平梯田田坎高度不宜超过2.5 m,田面宽不宜小于5 m;(3)粮—草间作能有效减少土壤侵蚀量,且草带所占比例越大减蚀效益越好。在水土保持为主的坡耕地上适合推广粮:草比为2:4的间作配置模式。研究结果对于北方土石山区的土壤侵蚀研究以及水土保持措施的配置具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

To properly assess soil erosion in agricultural areas, it is necessary to determine precisely the volume of ephemeral gullies and rills in the field by using direct measurement procedures. However, little information is available on the accuracy of the different methods used. The main purpose of this paper is to provide information for a suitable assessment of rill and ephemeral gully erosion with such direct measurement methods. To achieve this objective: a) the measurement errors associated to three methods used for field assessment of channel cross sectional areas are explored; b) the influence of the number of cross sections used per unit channel length on the assessment accuracy, is analysed and; c) the effect of the channel size and shape on measurement errors is examined. The three methods considered to determine the cross sectional areas were: the micro-topographic profile meter (1); the detailed measurement of section characteristic lengths with a tape (2); and the measurement of cross section width and depth with a tape (3). Five reaches of different ephemeral gully types 14.0 or 30.0 m long and a set of six 20.4 to 29.4 m long rill reaches were selected. On each gully reach, the cross sectional areas were measured using the three above mentioned methods, with a separation (s) between cross sections of 1 m. For rills, the cross sectional areas were measured with methods 1 and 3, with s = 2 m. Then, the corresponding total erosion volumes were computed. The volume calculated with method 1 with s = 1 m for gullies and s = 2 m for rills was taken as the reference method. For each channel, and for each one of the possible combinations of s and measurement method (m), the relative measurement error and the absolute value of the relative measurement error (Esmr and |Esmr|), defined with respect to the reference one, was calculated. |Esmr| much higher than 10% were obtained very easily, even for small s values and for apparently quasi prismatic channels. Channel size and shape had a great influence on measurement errors. In fact, the selection of the more suitable method for a certain gully shape and size seemed to be much more important than s, at least when s < 10 m. Method 1 always provided the most precise measurements, and its results were the less dependent on s. However, s must be < 5 m to guarantee an error smaller than 10%. Method 2 is not recommended, because it is difficult, time consuming and can lead to large errors. Method 3 seems to be enough for small, wide and shallow gullies, and for small rills, but only if s is shorter than 5 m. Results obtained after the analysis of rill measurement errors were similar to those of gullies. The analysis of Esmr and |Esmr| when calculating channel volumes using a unique representative cross section highlighted the importance of correctly selecting the adequate cross section. Due to the high error values that this method can entail, it is not considered as advisable whenever accurate erosion measurements are pursued.  相似文献   

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