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中国正在加强实施"走出去"战略,寻求多元化的林业国际合作。南非是非洲最为发达的国家,并且与中国同为发展中国家和金砖国家。文中以FAO和南非农林渔业部等机构最新资料和数据为依据,介绍南非森林资源、林业法规、管理机构、森林经营管理、森林旅游、林产品生产与贸易等林业发展现状,探讨其土地产权问题、林业转型和社区参与对中国林业发展的一些启示,并提出中国可与南非在精准提升森林质量、林产品贸易、森林资源开发以及旱区造林技术等领域深入合作,为加强双边合作提供参考,对提升中国林业在非洲乃至国际上的形象与影响力具有重要意义。 相似文献
科特迪瓦是非洲木材出口大国之一,长期以来由于大量砍伐、农业扩张、人口增长和动荡的社会政治环境等因素,导致森林严重退化。该国森林覆盖率从上世纪30年代的50%左右减少到现在的9%以下。文中从科特迪瓦林业所处地位、林业政策、森林资源变化及经营手段等方面介绍了该国的林业现状,并针对森林锐减等问题,提出一些建议和改进措施,以期为决策者实施森林可持续经营策略提供参考。 相似文献
巴布亚新几内亚(巴新)国家新闻网2007年8月28日消息:巴新林业部门已经提出下一个林业发展五年计划,该计划将制定林业部门的战略方针,以进一步促进全国林业的发展。 相似文献
热带森林生态系统具有重要的生态系统服务功能和价值,然而人类社会发展正影响着其完整性和稳定性。以巴布亚新几内亚、菲律宾和斐济为代表的太平洋岛国拥有丰富的热带森林资源,但森林资源的过度采伐和土地资源的不合理利用正在导致热带森林面积急剧减少。文中介绍了巴布亚新几内亚、菲律宾和斐济这3个太平洋岛国的森林资源现状,着重分析和比较了这些国家的森林资源现状、林业管理体制、政策与机构,以及林业生产与贸易状况,以期为在“一带一路”倡议下我国开拓太平洋岛国地区国际市场提供重要信息支撑。 相似文献
R. Michael Bourke 《Agroforestry Systems》1985,2(4):273-279
An agroforestry farming system is described from the Papua New Guina highlands (1400 to 2100 m) that has been developed by village growers since about 1960 and has expanded rapidly since about 1970. Major components of the system are numerous species of annual and perennial food crops (especially bananas), arabica coffee andCasuarina oligodon. It provides food, a cash crop and timber for construction and fuel. It is likely that returns on labour inputs are very favourable, but no formal assessments have been made. Evaluation of the system as a whole, and research on certain key components (casuarina ecology, banana cultivars, timing of operations) are suggested as high priority areas for systematic studies. 相似文献
Bryant J. Allen 《Agroforestry Systems》1985,3(3):227-238
The traditional shifting cultivation system in the lowlands of Papua New Guinea consists of mixed food crop gardens in which yams (Dioscorea spp.), bananas, taro (Colocasia esculenta) and sugarcane predominate. The cropping cycle is usually for 18 months, followed by a fallow cycle of up to 30 years. During the cropping cycle, two species of fruit trees, Pometia pinnata and Artocarpus altilis are also planted, the leaves of the former also being used as a mulch and green manure in yam cultivation. Fallow succession follows rather systematic patterns about which farmers have a thorough understanding. Robusta coffee, a cash-crop component, has been added to the system in some areas since the late 1950s. It is usually grown in permanent blocks, but is interplanted with Leucaena as shade. Food crops are planted in the establishment stage, bananas and Xantohosoma being retained even in mature coffee gardens. The system seems to be a potentially promising one. But very little quantitative information is available on the production and performance of the system and practically no systematic research has been undertaken. Since the Papua New Guinea fallow gardeners are willing to accept innovations, it will be appropriate and timely to undertake serious studies so that the system can be improved. A few items that merit immediate research attention are indicated. 相似文献
Sustainable forestry is considered as one of the most important focal points for sustainable development, as it is part of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio in 1992 which followed the completion of “Our Common Future.” To this end, many studies have been carried out on implementing of sustainable forestry at the global level. Geographically, Turkey can be seen as part of Pan-European and Near East sustainable forestry initiatives. Forest organizations have carried out many studies to implement the decisions made with these initiatives in line with their own needs in forest management. While conducting studies in the framework of the National Forestry Program prepared within this context, people have been confronted with various problems due to insufficient infrastructure and implementation difficulties. This article provides information on sustainable forestry leading to observations and suggestions relevant for Turkey. 相似文献
按照服务国家外交、外贸2个大局,我国正在加强实施林业“走出去”战略,寻求多元化的林业国际合作。洪都拉斯位于中美洲北部,水热条件良好,森林资源丰富,是我国在拉美地区开展林业双边合作的潜在国家。文中介绍了洪都拉斯森林资源状况、林业法规政策、林业管理体制、森林经营管理和林产品贸易等现状,归纳了洪都拉斯林业存在的问题,展望了我国林业未来与之在天然林可持续经营、发展人工林、林产品加工和林业扶贫减贫等重点领域的合作前景,以期为我国未来与之开展林业双边合作提供参考,有利于我国在拉美地区树立林业双边合作的样板,提升我国在该地区的形象与影响力。 相似文献
加强森林资源管理 实现云南林业可持续发展 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
论述了云南省森林资源管理现状,分析了所面临的任务和存在的困难,指出了任务的艰巨性和复杂性,对今后的森林资源管理工作提出了建议和对策。 相似文献
新西兰林业在发展中探索出一套商品林业、生态林业“分工”经营的模式,特别是集约经营人工林方面取得丰硕成果而成为世界林业发展的典型代表。作者就考察所得体会结合我省实际情况提出建议。 相似文献