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本文作者根据自己多年的工作经验,再经过反复试验的基础上,采取化学和物理方法,大大提高紫椴种子的发芽率,并且使其达到70%以上。  相似文献   

If some suitable treatments are used plantations can be grown and established on thesoil of soda-saline-alkali with the soil condition of PH 8.5—9.6,salinity 0.1—0.3% and normalityratio of saline base Na~+/(Ca~(++)+Mg~(++))≥4.From the results of plot Inventery and tree stem ana-lysis,the increment of Poplus simonigra is highest. For 9 years,the volume can reach 100 m~3/ha,the biomass(above ground)can reach 28.7 ton/ha.Poplus simonigra grows very well on the allkinds of soda-saline-alkali soils except for the alkali spot with the worst Soil condition.So Poplussimonigra is a good tree species for planting on the Soil of soda-saline-alkali.  相似文献   

池杉林分生长量定期调查与研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于1988年和1993年,对金湖县池杉标准地进行重复调查,研究林分生长量的变化。结果表明:池杉在22年生时材积生长尚未达数量成熟,材积年均生长量为16.8m^3/hm^2,比17年生时增长60%。  相似文献   

Three equations predicting height H = β1(t − 0.5)0.5, diameter D = β2(H − 1.3)/ln N, and mortality dN/N = −2(G/Gmax)3dD/D from plantation age (t), stocking (N) and basal area (G) can be calibrated with few data (even a single observation) for plantations in which re-measured data and growth models are unavailable. Despite having only three parameters to be estimated, these equations extrapolate reliably and allow objective forecasts of future plantation growth performance that may serve as useful first approximations until more precise growth models can be developed.  相似文献   

Growth and mortality of coast Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) were studied for 25 years after planting seedlings at 1–6-m spacings on a site of moderate quality in the western Cascade Mountains of Washington. Responses were compared to those from two other studies representing high and low site qualities. Third-year height did not differ among spacings (P = 0.80), providing no evidence that close spacing stimulated early growth. Piecewise regression identified the onset of competition-induced mortality when stand density index (SDI [Reineke, L.H. 1933. Perfecting a stand density index for even-aged forests. Journal of Agricultural Research 46, 627–638]) exceeded 52% (S.E. = 4.6) of the species’ maximum or when average crown ratio (CR) declined below 52% (S.E. = 0.9). For a range of SDI values, CR averaged 2–7% points greater at the high-quality site than at the moderate-quality site. In a regression analysis of combined data from the moderate- and high-quality sites, relative values of average stem diameter and stand volume (% of maximum values observed per site) 23–25 years after planting increased and decreased with planting spacing, respectively (R2 = 0.97 and 0.91, respectively). Intersection of these relationships at 3-m spacing indicated a point of equivalent relative development of tree size and stand yield. For a range of site qualities, stands planted at 3-m spacing: (1) maintained tree vigor (CR ≥ 50%) and stability (average height:dbh ratio <90), (2) experienced little or no competition-induced mortality through age 25 years, and (3) allocated 25-year growth equitably to development of tree size and stand yield, thereby providing a desirable starting point for subsequent management.  相似文献   

The effects of competition from red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) and northern hardwood tree species on white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings were examined on a clearcut site of the boreal mixedwood forest of the Bas-Saint-Laurent region of Quebec, Canada. A controlled experiment involving a gradient of five vegetation densities on the basis of the leaf area index (LAI) was established in a completely randomized plot design with six replications. Each of the five levels of vegetation cover (including vegetation-free plots) were examined to evaluate how they affected environmental factors (quantity and quality of light reaching the spruce seedlings, and soil temperature), spruce growth (height, basal diameter, volume index, and above-ground biomass), spruce mortality, browsing damage, spruce foliar mineral nutrition, as well as the stand structural development, during the first 5 years after seedling planting.

Each spruce growth variable analyzed in this study, according to a RMANOVA procedure, followed a negative hyperbolic form of density dependence of competitive effects. Loss of growth in young white spruce plantations in competition with northern hardwoods is likely to occur with the first few competitors. In cases where higher levels of competing vegetation were maintained over time, loss of spruce growth was extremely severe, to an extent where the exponential growth character of the young trees has been lost. At the end of the fifth year, spruce growing with no interference were larger in mean total above-ground biomass by a factor of 9.7 than those growing with the highest level of vegetation cover. Spruce did not develop a strategy of shade avoidance by increasing tree height, on the contrary. Spruce mortality differed among treatments only in the fifth year, indicating that early evaluation of spruce survival is not a strong indicator of competitive effects, when compared to diameter growth. Spruce foliar N and Ca contents were significantly reduced by the first level of competing vegetation cover, while K increased with the density of the vegetation cover, and P and Mg were not affected. Nitrogen nutrition of young white spruce planted on recently disturbed sites is discussed in relation to the potential root discrimination of this species against soil nitrate, a reaction observed by Kronzucker et al. [Kronzucker, H.J., Siddiqi, M.Y., Glass, A.D.M., 1997. Conifer root discrimination against soil nitrate and the ecology of forest succession. Nature London 385, 59–61]. The effects of hardwood competition indicate a prevalence of competition for light over a competition for nutrients, as revealed by the substantial increase in the h/d ratio of white spruce. Two indicators, h/d ratio and the quantity of light received at the tree seedling level, are suggested as a basis for the management of hardwood competition in a white spruce plantation.

Analysis of the stand structural development indicates that spruce height distribution was affected only by moderate or dense cover of vegetation, while diameter distribution, when compared to competing vegetation-free plots, was affected by the lowest level of vegetation cover. This study shows that competition influenced the stand structural development in the same way as genetic and micro-site factors by aggravating the amplitude of size inequality. The impact of hardwood competition is discussed in view of reaching an equilibrium between optimal spruce plantation growth and benefits from further silvicultural treatments, and maintaining hardwood species known to improve long term site quality, within a white spruce plantation.  相似文献   

对绥阳两个林场东北虎栖息地的生境概况、现状及保护措施进行了论述、分析和评价。  相似文献   

宫伟光 《林业研究》1994,5(2):29-36
1NTRODUCT1oNMaoerMountainliesintheeasternpartofnortheastChinamountainareawithinthenaturalgeographicaldistributionrangeofavaluabletimberspeciesofKoreanpine(PinusKoraiensis).Foraboatmorethanlooyears,cuttinganddestroyingcontinued;f9wnaturalprimaryKoreanpineforestsleft.AlargeareaofKoreanpineplantations,nevertheless,has'grownupastimegoing.Itisapressingproblemforushowtocultivatethemwell,andtorecoveranddevelopthemraPidlyinourforestproductionandscientificresearch.FortheKoreanpinetree,peopledid…  相似文献   

笔者提出了饱和接近率的概念 ,可以用于描述林木间竞争的强度 ,并可用于发现那些接近于停滞生长的林木 ,以便在抚育间伐时将这些林木伐去 ;笔者还对三种常用的生物生长模型分析了内在的缺点 ,即生长速率与生物年龄无关。为了体现年龄对生物生长的影响 ,应在生长方程的右边乘上年龄因子t-b。  相似文献   

徐州人工侧柏林适宜经营密度的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据测定的不同密度侧柏林的每木胸径,绘制不同密度侧柏林的径阶分布曲线。结果表明,密度为10335株/hm^2的侧柏林需要尽快进行间伐,以减少林木之间的竞争。根据侧柏人工林胸径和冠幅的相关关系,编制了适宜的经营密度表,为徐州人工侧柏林的经营管理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

通过对红松人工林内小气候因子与对照区气候因子的对照分析,表明林分具有缓热、缓冷和涵养水源的作用;小气候的变化是一个漫长的过程,且其变化幅度在很小的范围内。  相似文献   

吴刚  杨秀 《林业研究》1995,6(2):14-18
INTRoDUCTIONl.Paulownia(PaulowniaSieb.etZucc.)isnotonlyoneofthemostimportantfast-growingbutalsoone'ofthelightest,andmostadaptabletimbertreesinChina.Itswoodhaslittledeformationandiseasytodry,moistUreProof,decay-resistance,andthereforewidelyusedinconstrUction,fUrnit-uremaking,indusnyetc..Thebranchesaregoodfirewood,andtheleavesandflowersaregoodfodderforsheepandpigs.xilthebranches,leaves,nowersandhoitshavetheirvalueinmedicaluse.Havingtheexcellentpropertiessuchasfastgrowth,sparsecrown,seepr…  相似文献   

抚育间伐对人工红松林生长效应的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用不同间伐强度后40 a的人工红松林,连续抚育3次的长期定位观测资料,分析了抚育间伐对人工红松单木胸径和材积、林分断面积和蓄积、林分枯损和总收获量的影响。研究结果表明:间伐可以增加单木平均胸径和材积的生长率,且不同间伐强度表现为相同的规律,即中度(33.2%)强度(43.4%)弱度(23.1%)对照(0.0%);间伐后林分的断面积和蓄积生长率,具有相似的自然规律,间伐样地的生长率均高于对照;林木枯损率随间伐强度的增加而降低;间伐后的林分总收获量平均增加11.6%,间伐林分之间差别不明显。在整个研究阶段,不同的抚育阶段表现不同的规律,抚育间伐可以延缓单木胸径和材积生长速度的降幅;而不同抚育阶段内,林分断面积和蓄积生长率均为增长,也就是说,在一定阶段内间伐可以有效地提高林分平均断面积和蓄积生长率;从林分枯损状况来看,应该减少间伐间隔期。  相似文献   

笼养东北虎(Panthera tigiris altacia)的行为观察(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从1998年3月至2001年3月,采用全事件取样法和焦点动物取样法对哈尔滨动物园的4只笼养东北虎(1雄3雌)进行了系统的行为观察。笼养东北虎的行为可以分成5种主要的方式:运动、卧息、睡眠、取食和其他行为(饮水、排尿、修饰、嬉戏和站立)。在所有的行为类型中,睡眠和运动所占的比值很高(占整个时间分配的75.18%);而卧息、取食和其他行为仅占24.82%。除了取食,一只雄性和其中两种雌性东北虎的其他4种主要行为具有相似的活动规律,在白昼和夜晚各有一个活动高峰;而另外一只雌性东北虎在夜晚则具有两个活动高峰期。表2参16。  相似文献   

影响水曲柳人工林生长的主要立地因子   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在东北林业大学帽儿山试验林场尖砬沟森林定位研究站(12730?12734扙, 4521?4525扤), 建立了水曲柳人工林。在对不同立地条件下10年生水曲柳人工林生长指标进行标准地调查,分析结果表明:影响水曲柳人工林生长的主要立地因子依次为:土壤湿度、坡度和坡位;水曲柳最适生长的地点为山地中上腹,而不适于坡度平缓的山地中下腹。认为土壤湿度和因地形原因引起的逆温是限制水曲柳人工林生长的主要原因。图3表6参6。  相似文献   

滕丽微  李枫  刘振生 《林业研究》2002,13(3):241-244
从1998年3月至2001年3月,采用全事件取样法和焦点动物取样法对哈尔滨动物园的4只笼养东北虎(1雄3雌)进行了系统的行为观察。笼养东北虎的行为可以分成5种主要的方式:运动、卧息、睡眠、取食和其他行为(饮水、排尿、修饰、嬉戏和站立)。在所有的行为类型中,睡眠和运动所占的比值很高(占整个时间分配的75.18%);而卧息、取食和其他行为仅占24.82%。除了取食,一只雄性和其中两种雌性东北虎的其他4种主要行为具有相似的活动规律,在白昼和夜晚各有一个活动高峰;而另外一只雌性东北虎在夜晚则具有两个活动高峰期。  相似文献   

Amur corktree (Phellodendron amurense Rupr.) is one of the important accompanying species of Korean pine (Pinus Koraiensis Sieb et Zuce) broadleaved forest in northeast China. This paper reports on the seed dispersal, dormancy, seed bank and regeneration of amur corktree. Seeds of amur corktree arc dispersed mainly by the aid of birds and gravity. The aril of the seeds may increase seed longevity. In natural secondary forests, the store of the seed bank may reach 750, 000 seeds per heetare. Regeneration was correlated wirh disturbance, and was best under intensive disturbance.  相似文献   

黑龙江省东北虎野外种群监测研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2003~2004年,在黑龙江省建立了东北虎监测网络系统,共记录到东北虎活动足迹链等信息25个。监测结果表明,黑龙江省东北虎目前分布于完达山东部、老爷岭南部和张广才岭南部3个独立的分布区,东北虎的数量在9~11只之间,其中完达山东部5~6只(1~2♂,2♀,2幼体),老爷岭南部3~4只(1~2♂,1♀,1亚成体),张广才岭南部1只(1♂)。在完达山东部乌苏里江流域的中俄边境地带存在东北虎迁移生态通道;老爷岭南部的中俄边境与吉林省交界地带有东北虎跨境迁移活动,并发现亚成体;完达山东部是黑龙江省东北虎最适宜的栖息地,并且存在东北虎的繁殖个体,是东北虎种群恢复和增长最具潜力的林区。  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the growth and crown morphology of young balsam fir saplings naturally regenerated under a gradient of understory light environments and intraspecific competition densities for two size classes (50–100 cm and 100–200 cm). Most growth and crown morphological parameters investigated were strongly related to the natural light gradient investigated (3–83% full sunlight), but the relationship tended to plateau at around 25% full sunlight. The relationships were generally better for the larger size class. Intraspecific competition did not significantly affect growth and crown morphology of saplings receiving less than 25% full sunlight, but it affected relative height growth, relative radial growth and the apical dominance ratio for those receiving more than 25% full sunlight (R2=0.506; p<0.001; R2=0.403; p<0.002; R2=0.348; p<0.001, respectively). These results suggest that live crown ratio, apical dominance ratio and the number of internodal branches can provide, alone or in combination, useful indicators of vigour for understory fir. Such a study provides the basic data inputs required for the development of empirically-derived mechanistic models that can predict understory tree growth and survival.  相似文献   

观光木人工林生长规律的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对27年生观光木人工林的生长规律进行研究的结果表明,观光木人工林在幼林阶段树高生长较快,生长高峰期出现在第4年,之后逐渐下降;在第12~20年时保持较高且稳定的生长态势;胸径总生长量随着林龄的增加而增大,前7年为观光木人工林的胸径速生期;材积的增长一直呈上升阶段,且随着林龄的增大而加快,在27年达到材积数量成熟。  相似文献   

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