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日本落叶松苗木分级造林试验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
日本落叶松是我省东部山区的主要造林树种。本文通过日本落叶松苗木分级造林试验,表明选特级苗和I级苗上山造林,可提高造林的成活率和保存率,加速幼林的高、径生长,确保幼林尽快郁闭成林。造林时,一定将苗木进行分级,混合苗造林不宜提倡。  相似文献   

认真贯彻分级标准 切实提高苗木质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴振明 《湖南林业》2005,(10):23-23
由省林术种苗管理站组织起草的湖南省地方标准《主要造林树种苗木质量分级》(DB43/094—2005)7月1日已经省质量技术监督局发布了,并于8月1日起正式实施。该标准的施行,标志着我省林业标准化建设又迈出了新的一步,必将对我省林业生产带来积极影响。  相似文献   

针叶树苗木质量与造林成活生长关系的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过10多年来造林工作实践,总结出针叶树造林有关如何利用苗木的问题,油松、樟子松造林,这将有利于提高造林成活率和幼树生长量;采用不合格苗造林,将显著降低一次性造林成活率;苗木枯出圃前要灌足“三水”即解冻水、化冻水和起苗水,只有提高苗木的含水量,才能保证造林的成活率,苗木的含水率与造林的成活率呈正相关;在造林实践中,不可忽视苗木的保湿,应尽可能做到随起苗随运输,随栽植,缩短苗木在外裸露时间。  相似文献   

榉树容器苗苗木分级与种源研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对云南省易门、双柏、师宗及浙江平湖4个地点采集的榉树种子进行容器育苗,8月龄时对4个种源进行苗木分级标准探讨,同时对其生长量进行了比较分析.研究结果:苗木生长可分为三级;综合各项指标,4个种源生长优势顺序为:双柏〉易门〉平湖〉师宗.  相似文献   

将3个杉木无性系的一年生扦插苗分成5个等级进行造林试验,成活率均在95%以上。造林后4年,无性系间胸径生长差异极显著,Ⅰ~Ⅲ级苗的树高、胸径均显著或极显著超过Ⅳ、Ⅴ级苗,并提早一年郁闭成林,可节省一年的抚育投资。因此,采用壮苗加上优良无性系造林,能显著促进幼林生长,取得更大的增产效果。  相似文献   

采用主成分分析、多维尺度分析和聚类分析,对福建省2012—2017年间繁育的红锥1年生容器苗的地径、苗高、生物量比、根幅比、成苗率和种子千粒重6个指标进行统计分析,筛选苗木质量主要性状指标,并分析相关量化标准。结果表明:影响红锥苗木质量的主要性状指标是苗木地径、苗高、生物量比和种子千粒重;根据统计分析结果,并结合苗木繁育生产实际,选定苗高和地径作为红锥容器苗质量分级的性状指标,制定得出Ⅰ级苗质量标准为:苗高≥35 cm,地径≥0.30 cm;Ⅱ级苗质量标准为:苗高≥25.0 cm,地径≥0.20 cm。研究结果可为红锥良种优苗的选择及苗木繁育生产上的苗木质量管理提供依据。  相似文献   

聚类分析法在苗木质量分级中的应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
聚类分析法在苗木质量分级中的应用徐金光,解孝满,刘和风(山东省林木种苗站)聚类分析法在林业资源调查中应用较多,但用于种苗方面的报道还比较少。以往苗木质量一般按照“概率的正态分布”进行分级。由于苗木地径和苗高的实际分布频率与正态分布有偏差,所以,依此制...  相似文献   

雅安市主要造林树种苗木质量的分级研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2006年雅安各县苗圃主要造林树种苗木进行调查,以地径(D)和苗高(H)作为质量指标,采用逐步聚类分析对苗木质量进行分级,结合生产实际探讨了雅安市主要造林树种苗木标准。其中有些树种的苗木分级标准为首次研究。标准中各指标均大于现行国家标准,能较好地反映实际生产水平,为育苗生产和制定地方标准提供了参考。  相似文献   

主要阐述了通过采取抽样调查的方法来确定苗木的产量精度和质量精度的方法步骤,进而计算出苗圃苗木的预产苗量和苗木的质量指标。  相似文献   

苏北银杏苗木发展中心 主要经营:银杏实生,嫁接苗、意扬、法桐、国槐、水杉、合欢等绿化苗木。 联系人:杨继亮 电话/传真:0516-6456530 手机:13775939555 地址:江苏省邳州市港上镇齐村  相似文献   

Through several years seedling-growing experiments in nursery in Daxing‘anMountains forest region,the author posed that the seedling cultivated for the region mustpossess the characteristics of being suited to thin and meager soil and having strongresistance to adverse conditions.For this purpose,the cultivation regime ought to bedirectization,standardization and programmatization;seedling growth ought to be promotedby regulating ecological conditions;and the mursery stock quality ought to be tested usingvigor index.  相似文献   

落叶松留床苗不同密度与苗木质量关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1991年在孟滦林管局八英庄苗圃监测了 2 a生落叶松留床苗不同密度与高、径生长和径高比的关系 ,1994~ 1996年又在龙头山苗圃也做了不同密度的留床苗试验 ,结果近似。为提高苗木质量 ,确定合理留苗密度 ,指导生产 ,应用于生产有较大的适用价值  相似文献   

McKay  H.M. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):369-399
This paper presents the experimental evidence on the effects of desiccation, low and high temperatures, rough handling, root loss and storage between lifting and planting on plant quality and performance. The review concentrates on the impact of these stresses on outplanting performance; their effect on seedling properties, such as root growth potential and root electrolyte leakage, is also described. Stresses most often happen in combination but there is relatively little information on their interactions. Examples of desiccation plus rough handling, cold storage plus desiccation, frost damage plus freeze storage and the triple stress of desiccation, heating and rough handling are presented. The limited evidence on the cumulative effect of stresses suggests tentatively that damage from rough handling does not accumulate in the same way as damage from desiccation and prolonged storage. Factors affecting stress resistance are briefly reviewed.There are three impediments to producing a critical review of the literature: experimental treatments, particularly of desiccation and rough handling, can rarely be directly compared; the impact of stress treatments can be modified by a large number of factors, and the levels of stress have seldom been quantified in normal forestry practice. The first two problems also make it difficult to formulate general statements concerning critical thresholds for the stresses. However, instruments are now available for measuring and monitoring stresses between lifting and planting and it is, in theory, possible to model the effects of these stresses to take account of the many factors that modify their impact on seedling survival and growth. This offers the possibility of significant improvements in our ability to predict the effect of stresses between lifting and planting on seedling performance.  相似文献   

<正>林木种苗是林业建设的物质基础,是林业发展的保证。进入新世纪,随着经济的发展、社会进步和人民生活  相似文献   

白蜡大苗培育技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绒毛白蜡 (FraxinusvelutinaTorr.)为落叶乔木 ,高 18m ,树冠伞形 ,树皮灰褐色 ,浅纵裂 ,幼枝、冬芽上均生绒毛 ,叶缘有锯齿 ,下面有绒毛。原产北美 ,2 0世纪引种于黄河中下游及长江下游。近几年来 ,山东省滨州市以黄河冲积平原优势 ,开始了大规模的引种种植 ,已成为国内闻名的白蜡大、小苗重要生产基地。白蜡以其独特的习性和绿化佳绩博得众识 ,耐盐碱、耐瘠薄、耐水湿 ,基本没有病虫害 ,耐修剪 ,抗有毒气体 ,耐最低温度 - 18℃ ,最高温度 4 2℃ ,全年无霜期 2 38d的条件下 ,均能生长良好。此树在生长季枝叶繁茂 ,叶色深绿而有光泽 ,秋叶…  相似文献   

湿她松苗木的正常生长离不开菌根菌,菌根菌在苗床的整体传播与苗木密度有关。现就湿地松圃期苗木密度与菌根的关系进行研究.提出一个合理的芽移点播密度。  相似文献   

Mohammed  Gina H. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):491-514
Stock quality testing (SQT) is a vital component of forest regeneration programs world-wide. SQT consists of stock quality control (SQC) during production at the nursery and planting stock quality assessment (PSQA) prior to planting. Current tests being used for SQC and PSQA are reviewed, indicating whether they are used on an operational or research scale. Prediction of growth by PSQA is still not far advanced, and the operational application of physiological methods in particular in SQT is still limited, although progress varies according to country or region. Challenges in implementation of operational SQT are reviewed, and a 'total quality management' approach to addressing the challenges is proposed.  相似文献   

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