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动物饮水质量的卫生要求与卫生标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饮水与饲料一样,是维持动物生命活动与保证生产性能的重要物质基础。但在生产实践中,人们往往只重视饲料,而忽视饮水。实际上,缺水、水质不良以及水的污染,都会对动物的健康、生长和生产性能带来严重的不良影响。因此,保证饮水的卫生质量,是动物饲养与管理工作中的重要环节。 饮水的卫生质量指标包括水的感官性状指标、化学指标和细菌学指标三个方面。现将各项指标的  相似文献   

生产绿色动物是历史的必然   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 绿色动物的概念绿色 ,是生命的源泉 ,也是生命的象征。“绿色食品”是世界公认的食品发展方向。我们国家给“绿色食品”的定义为“安全、营养、无公害类食品” ,并制订了相应的标准。绿色动物意为在动物的整个饲养周期内 ,采用完全无害的生物学方法 ,防治疫病 ,减少使用乃至完全不用对人体健康可能构成危害的化学药品或添加剂 ,使用无污染、无有害成分蓄积的植物和水饲喂养殖对象 ,以保证动物源性食品对人类健康绝对安全有益。2 绿色动物食品的要求加工绿色动物性食品的原料必须生产于良好的生态环境中 ,即土壤、大气、水源无污染 ;饲料…  相似文献   

水质的好坏关系到畜禽业养殖的一个重要环节,很多畜禽消化道疾病和寄生虫类疾病都是由于饮用的水质不达标而引起,所以对水质性状进行评价对畜牧养殖业极具重要意义。根据天然水物理性状指标的测定结果,可判断水质的好坏,也可以发现水质是否受到污染。天然水中含有多种微生物,受人畜粪便、生活污水或工业废水污染时,水中细菌大量增加,所以细菌学检查,特别是粪便指示菌检查,可作为水体粪便污染的直接指标,在水质的卫生学评价中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本标准规定了生产无公害畜禽产品养殖过程中畜禽饮用水水质要求和配套的检测方法。  相似文献   

1进口血浆蛋白粉11血浆蛋白粉作用血浆蛋白粉是猪血或牛血分离出红血球经喷雾干燥而制成的粉状产品。血浆蛋白粉中粗蛋白含量70%~78%,赖氨酸含量6%~76%,其消化利用率较高,粗蛋白和赖氨酸的消化率分别为76%~80%和86%~90%(见表1),...  相似文献   

论畜牧业生产与动物福利   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着畜牧生产的快速发展,畜牧生产和动物福利之间也出现了一系列的问题.对于动物福利问题的评价,不同国度、不同经济基础以及不同的养殖理念和养殖模式,评价的方法和要求应有所不同.通过对畜牧业生产与动物福利之间的关系和动物福利评定的综述,以亟为畜牧生产和动物福利的和谐发展提供理论性指导.  相似文献   

动物生长激素与肉畜生产   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文综述了动物生长激素在肉畜生产中的作用、机制以及影响激素作用的因素。研究表明:生长激素能提高猪、牛、羊的日增重及饲料利用率,增加体蛋白合成,降低脂肪沉积。但生长激素作用的效果受使用的剂量、动物及日粮等因素影响。目前认为生长激素作用机制是:生长激素通过调节物质代谢, 提高蛋白质的合成速度, 抑制脂肪酶的活性,从而降低脂肪的合成。此外,生长激素还通过刺激机体产生IGF-I( 类胰岛素生长因子- I) ,促进肌细胞生长。  相似文献   

动物福利与畜牧业生产   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
动物福利问题,在国外已有几十年的历史,有较多的国家制定了相关法律法规,并在畜禽饲养、运输和屠宰过程中实施.在我国加入WTO后,许多国家对我国的动物产品不仅要求满意的质量和合理的价格,还要求在饲养、运输和屠宰过程中给动物以一定的福利.这对我国长期不重视动物福利的畜牧生产和畜产品出口带来了严重的影响.  相似文献   

随着畜牧生产的快速发展,畜牧生产和动物福利之间也出现了一系列的问题。对于动物福利问题的评价,不同国度、不同经济基础以及不同的养殖理念和养殖模式,评价的方法和要求应有所不同。通过对畜牧业生产与动物福利之间的关系和动物福利评定的综述,以亟为畜牧生产和动物福利的和谐发展提供理论性指导。  相似文献   

为了探讨奶牛饮用水安全存在的卫生问题及其对策,改善奶牛饮水条件,试验在榆中县选择15个奶牛养殖场(户)作为调查对象,每个乡镇选择2~4个采样点进行水样的采集和检测。结果表明:共检测水样15份,成年畜饮用水合格15份,合格率为100%;幼畜饮用水合格12份,合格率为80%;微生物指标特别是菌落总数合格率较低。说明微生物污染是榆中县奶牛饮用水的主要卫生问题。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国农业部公告第1519号为加强饲料及养殖环节质量安全监管,保障饲料及畜产品质量安全,根据《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》有关规定,禁止在饲料和动物饮水中使用苯乙醇胺A等物质(见附件)。各级畜牧饲料管理部门要加强日常监管和监督检测,严肃查处在饲料生产、经营、使用和动物饮水中违禁添加苯乙醇胺A等物质的违法行为。  相似文献   

Water plays an important roll in the epidemiology of a lot of infectious diseases. Groundwater as well as surface water contains generally microorganisms of several species, which cannot always differentiated properly in autochthonous flora and contaminants with health significance. Sources of bacterial or viral contaminants may be feces from man and/or animals but with different counts in ground and surface water. With respect to water used for supplying farm animals it is stated that it must have initially drinking water quality. Since it generally looses this quality in this supply system the following requirements shall be met: Free of Salmonellas and/or Campylobacter in 100 ml, no E. coli in 10 ml, total bacterial count at 37 degrees C less than 1000 cfu/ml and total bacterial count at 20 degrees C less than 10,000 cfu/ml.  相似文献   

To avoid health risks in farm animals it is necessary to limit the intake of unwanted chemical compounds via air, feed or drinking water. The basis for this procedure are experimental results of Veterinary Toxicology, after which acceptable daily intakes can be estimated. A health risk is not present, if those limits are not exceeded. Risks may not only occur as an impairment of health itself but as well as a reduction of yield of food producing animals (body growth, production of meat and fat, fertility, milk and egg production). In addition the cumulation of unwanted compounds in tissues, which are used for the production of food of animal origin, is of great importance for the limitation of daily intakes of those environmental pollutants. Following the results of toxicological experiments in the target animals "Toxicological Drinking Water Standards for Animals" can be established.  相似文献   

1. The effect of the bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, on the growth performance and meat quality of broiler chickens was investigated.

2. A total of 900-d-old Arbor Acres broilers were allocated to three experimental treatments for 6 weeks. Chicks were administered with R. palustris in drinking water as follows: (i) control group without R. palustris; (ii) treatment 1 (R1) with R. palustris of 8 × 109 cells per chick per day in drinking water; (iii) treatment 2 (R2) with R. palustris of 1.6 × 1010 cells per chick per day in drinking water.

3. The results showed that, compared with that of control, both groups of R. palustris treatment increased daily weight gain and improved feed conversion ratio of broiler chickens significantly during the whole growing period of 6 weeks.

4. Both total and glutamic acid contents of chicken breast fillet in R. palustris treatment R2 were higher, while the fat content was lower, than those of the control group. Furthermore, R. palustris treatments also improved sensory attributes of chicken breast fillet.

5. As a probiotic providing rich nutrients and biological active substances, R. palustris administration in drinking water displayed a growth promoting effect and improved meat quality of broiler chickens.  相似文献   

Human- and veterinary important parasites of the subkingdom of protozoans and helminths infect humans and animals by ingestion of parasites in contaminated water. The parasites are excreted from the body of infected humans, livestock, zoo animals, companion animals or wild animals in the feces. Recreational waters, agricultural practices and wild animals serve as vehicles of transmission of the parasites in the water supplies. The following topics are addressed: a) the life cycles of parasitic diseases-causing agents with proven or potential transmission via water b) the development and the current research status of the analytical techniques for the detection of parasitic diseases-causing agents from water c) the occurrence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in surface water supplies and in treated water d) the possible water sources and transmission ways of the parasites into the water supplies e) the behaviour and the possibilities for the removal or elimination of the parasites by water treatment.  相似文献   

Thirty-two barrows were used to determine the effects of supplemental Mg in drinking water on pork quality. Pigs were determined to be free of the halothane and Napole mutations and were individually penned. After a 7-d adjustment period, barrows (111 +/- 1 kg BW) were blocked by BW and allotted randomly within block to 0, 300, 600, or 900 mg of supplemental Mg from Mg sulfate/L of drinking water for 2 d before slaughter. Pigs were not allowed access to feed (0.13% Mg) for 15 h before slaughter but continued to have access to experimental water treatments. Pigs were loaded and transported 110 km (1.75 h) to a commercial abattoir and remained in lairage for 5 h before slaughter. The LM was removed 24 h postmortem. Retail storage was simulated for 8 d, and the remaining LM was vacuum-packaged for 25 or 50 d at 4 degrees C. Plasma Mg concentration increased linearly (P = 0.001) with Mg supplementation; however, Mg concentration of the LM was not affected (P = 0.99) by Mg supplementation. Surface exudate, drip loss, and retail fluid loss of the LM were not affected (P > 0.10) by Mg. Lightness (L*) and redness (a*) of the LM were not affected (P > 0.10) by Mg, with the exception of initial redness (cubic; P = 0.05). Pigs supplemented with 300 or 900 mg of Mg/L had lower yellowness (b*) values of the LM displayed for 0 to 6 d than pigs supplemented with 0 or 600 mg of Mg/L (cubic; P < 0.05). Lightness of the LM after 25 (quadratic; P = 0.03) or 50 (quadratic; P = 0.04) d of vacuum-packed storage was greater at 300 and 600 mg of Mg/L than at 0 or 900 mg/L. Yellowness tended to be greater after 50 d, but not after 25 d, of vacuum-packaged storage for 300 or 600 mg of Mg/L compared with 0 or 900 mg/L (quadratic; P = 0.08). Oxidation of the LM, determined by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances after 4 d of retail storage, increased linearly (P = 0.05) as Mg increased in the drinking water. Furthermore, oxidation of the LM after 8 d of retail storage tended to increase linearly (P < 0.10), primarily because of the high oxidation of LM from pigs supplemented with 900 mg of Mg/L compared with controls (224 vs. 171 +/- 19 microg/kg, respectively). Oxidation of the LM was greater for pigs supplemented with 300 or 900 mg/L compared with 0 or 600 mg of Mg/L (cubic; P < 0.06) after 25 d of vacuum-packed storage. Magnesium did not improve pork quality characteristics of practical significance in pigs without the halothane and Rendement Napole mutations.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at evaluating the effects of different doses of humic substances (HS) in waterer pan on broiler performances and meat quality. For the trial, 480 chicks (ROSS 308) were allocated into four groups (HS0, HS150, HS300 and HS450) of 120 equally mixed‐sex birds, each receiving a drinking water supplemented with 0, 150, 300 and 450 ppm of a humic acid (provided by 0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% of HS, v/v) respectively. At the age of 21 and 42 days, feed consumption and live weight were taken. At the age of 42 days, 16 birds per treatment were slaughtered, dressing percentages, digestive tract traits were evaluated and samples of breast (pectoralis major) and thigh (iliotibialis) meat were taken to evaluate the changes in colour characteristics (CIE L*, a* and b*) and chemical composition. The body weight gain increased by the HS300 in relation to the HS0 and HS450, and decreased by the HS450 in relation to the HS0. The feed consumption of birds in the HS450 and feed efficiency of birds in the HS300 were lower and higher than those in the other treatments respectively. The carcass weight of broilers in the HS150 and HS300 were higher than those of in the HS0 and HS450. The carcass weight decreased by the HS450 in relation to the other treatments. The dressing percentage increased by the HS150 in relation to the HS450. The HS450 resulted in breast and thigh meat colour that were lighter than those found in the HS0 birds. The HS450 increased fat content of thigh meat in relation to the HS0. It was concluded that the humic acid supplementation at 300 ppm and 450 ppm appears to have a measurable impact on live performance improving feed efficiency and lightness of breast and thigh meat colours in broilers respectively.  相似文献   

韩枫 《水禽世界》2001,(1):14-15
水是家禽生活中唯一最重要的营养来源。鸡只在没有任何其它营养来源的情况下,只要有水就可以存活较长时间。虽然鸡只需要提供充足饮水的重要性已被广大同仁所接受,然而饮水质量对生产性能方面影响的重要性却往往被大家所忽视。 饮水质量可以直接或间接影响鸡群的生产性能。饮水中矿物质、细菌或有毒成份的含量较高会严重影响鸡只体内正常的生理过程,从而引发内脏功能紊乱。矿物质含量高也会阻塞饮水系统,使鸡只无法得到饮水。而且还会导致饮水器漏水、使垫料潮湿,从而引发疾病和腿病问题。 饮水质量由几项标准所确定。然而,由于许多标准都是从其它家畜或人类的饮水标准发展而来,所以很难确定家禽高质量的饮水标准该是如何。 另外,很多指标不是依据鸡只的生产性能表现,而是根据其死亡率的结果而制定。各种矿物质之间的相互作用,以及实际消耗的饮水量也很难制定任何某种矿物质确实可接受的毒性水平。 用水样进行化验分析是饮水管理中最基本的组成部分。然而化验分析的结果必须准确无误,以便确定最佳处理方法或确定采取措施的依据。 下列为影响饮水质量最主要的因素:  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate effects of L-carnitine supplied with drinking water on performance and egg quality of laying hens under high environmental temperature. In the study, 47-week-old laying hens (Brown hisex) were divided into two groups (control and treatment) and fed with a standard layer diet. Treatment group was received 50 p.p.m L-carnitine with drinking water for an 8-week period. Throughout the study, 8 h hot (35-37 degrees C) and 16 h thermoneutral (20-22 degrees C) environmental temperature regime was employed daily. The results showed that L-carnitine supplementation affected some egg quality characteristics of layers under high environmental temperature. Relative albumen weight and height were increased (p < 0.05) by supplemental L-carnitine. Live weight gain, feed intake, egg mass, egg weight, yolk weight, shell weight, yolk index, egg-shape index, yolk colour score and shell thickness were not affected (p < 0.05) by L-carnitine. It is concluded that L-carnitine supplementation in laying hens could have potential to improve albumen quality under high environmental temperature.  相似文献   

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