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菱鳍乌贼渔业生物学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈芃  方舟  陈新军 《海洋渔业》2015,37(2):187-196
菱鳍乌贼(Thysanoteuthis rhombus)是广泛分布于世界三大洋的经济头足类,是日本和中国台湾省等国家和地区的商业化捕捞对象之一。根据其洄游路径的研究及分布广、价值高的特性,今后有可能成为我国头足类渔业的捕捞对象,为此,本文对菱鳍乌贼的种群结构、年龄与生长、摄食生态与垂直分布状况、繁殖习性、早期生活史和洄游等生物学研究进展做了归纳和总结,阐述其开发利用状况。同时,以我国东海外海菱鳍乌贼资源为重点,阐述其今后应该重点研究的内容,即需要对我国东海及其外部附近西北太平洋海域的菱鳍乌贼资源状况进行详细的调查,了解其生活史及资源与环境变化的关系,科学评估其资源量,确保其资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

世界黄鳍金枪鱼渔业现状和生物学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)是金枪鱼渔业的重要经济鱼种。文章叙述了世界黄鳍金枪鱼最近20多年来的渔业历史和现状,并按照不同渔具对黄鳍金枪鱼在各海区的渔业历史和现状进行了分析。叙述了渔场时空分布以及各海区主要从事黄鳍金枪鱼作业国家的渔业产量。此外,还对黄鳍金枪鱼的分布、洄游、种群、生长、繁殖及食性等基本生物学特性进行了综述。  相似文献   

2003年4月、10月对乌苏里江下游海青江段2只船渔获物瓦氏雅罗鱼234尾进行渔业生物学研究。捕捞群体平均体长16.6cm(15~29.5cm),平均体重151.4g(50~300g)年龄由1~5龄组成,2占36%;绝对生殖力为8050~12448粒/g,平均为3700粒/g;相对生殖力9.04~100.64粒/g,平均为34.3粒/g;肥满度系数雌性为0.9436~2.0547%(平均为1.999%),雄性为1.4577~2.050%(平均为1.6262%)。  相似文献   

2005年4月对江段瓦氏雅罗鱼2只船渔获物234尾进行渔业生物学研究。捕捞群体平均体长16.6 cm(15~29.5 cm),平均体重151.4 g(50~300 g),年龄由1~ ~5~ 龄组成,2~ 占36%;绝对生殖力为8050~12448粒/g,平均为3700粒/g;相对生殖力9. 04~100.6粒/g,平均为34.3粒/g;肥满度系数雌性为0.9436~2.0547%,平均为1.999%。雄性为1.4577~2.054%,平均为1.6262%。捕捞数量2005年春汛6.75 t。嫩江中游讷河江段瓦氏雅罗鱼资源呈现小型化、低龄化趋势;渔业资源呈下降趋势,亟待采取限定捕捞规格的保护措施。  相似文献   

根据在东南太平洋的探捕调查 ,对所渔获的智利竹鱼 (Trachurus murphyi)群体的构成、叉长与体重的关系 ,年龄与生长的关系和性腺发育等基本生物学特征进行了初步探讨。结果显示 ,渔获智利竹鱼的叉长范围为 1 45~ 61 0 mm,体重范围为 42~ 1 95 0 g,年龄组成为 2~ 1 3龄 ,3~ 4龄鱼为优势群体 ,初次性成熟年龄为 3龄 ,不同年龄个体性腺成熟的节律差异明显  相似文献   

根据2013 年于南沙海域永暑礁手钓采集的金带齿颌鲷( Gnathodentex aurolineatus) 样品, 对其体长与体质量组成及关系、年龄组成、性比及性腺成熟组成、摄食强度等进行了初步研究。结果显示, 7 月和9 月金带齿颌鲷体长分别为112 ~157 mm和120 ~162 mm, 其体长分布、各体长组平均体长及平均体质量无显著差异( P 0. 05) 。7 月和9 月其体长与体质量关系生长参数b 值分别为2. 814 8 和2. 629 6。92 个耳石中, 年龄为1 ~11 龄; 7 月优势年龄组为2 ~4 龄, 峰值为2 龄; 9 月优势年龄组为3 ~6 龄, 峰值为6 龄; 其von Bertalanffy 生长方程生长参数分别为: l = 224 mm, K = 0. 028, t0 = - 27. 282。7 月金带齿颌鲷性腺成熟度包括Ⅱ期和Ⅲ期, 9 月则包括Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期和Ⅲ期。7 月金带齿颌鲷摄食等级均以2 级、3 级和4 级为主, 9 月则均以1 级、2 级和3 级为主。随体长增加金带齿颌鲷雄性个体饱满指数降低。  相似文献   

Yellowfin stock structure in the Indian Ocean was studied by using industrial tuna longline fishery data. Three types of test variables were used to detect stock structure, i.e., CPUE, age-specific CPUE, and coefficient of variation for size. Time-series data of test variables were compiled for six sub-areas that were arranged by dividing the whole region systematically along longitude lines every 20 degrees. Then time-series data were smoothed by moving averages, and regressed by simple models. Patterns of time-series trends were graphically and statistically compared to classify homogeneous sub-area groups. Two assumptions were (a) that homogeneous stocks exist longitudinally and overlap in adjacent waters, and (b) that test variables within homogeneous sub-area groups are equally affected, and hence patterns of the time-series trends are similar. After graphical screening for significant sub-area groups, analysis of covariance was applied to test homogeneity of regression parameters representing patterns of the time-series trends. By classifying homogeneous sub-area groups, stock structures were determined at the P <0.05 and P <0.50 levels. The P<0.50 level was recognized as a useful criterion for ‘weak’ test variables since masked or vague structures at the P <0.05 level were likely cleared at this level in many cases. Results of this study and past stock structure studies were reviewed and compared. It was concluded that there are two major and two minor stocks of yellowfin tuna. The two major stocks (the western and the eastern) are located at 40o-90oE and 70o-130oE respectively. The minor stocks are the far western and the far eastern stocks (the latter possibly being a part of the Pacific stock), which are located westward of 40oE and eastward of 110oE respectively. Neighboring stocks are intermingled in adjacent waters.  相似文献   

东海区鲐鱼生物学特征及其渔业现状的分析研究   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:26  
本文以1960~1961年、1973~1975年、1982~1986年和1999~2002年4个年代的东海区渔业资源监测调查资料为依据,比较分析了东海区鲐鱼的种群结构、生长和死亡等生物学性状的动态变化特征。结果表明,东海区鲐鱼从20世纪60年代起至今,经过近40年时间的开发利用,目前该种群的低龄化、小型化现象较为明显;其平均叉长从343.14mm下降到193.66mm,平均体重从588.79g下降到96.89g;种群的个体生长内禀动力发生了较大变化,生长参数K从0.22提高到0.81,渐近叉长从486.84mm减小到367.50mm,体重的生长拐点年龄从4.48龄逐渐减小到1.27龄。尽管东海区鲐鱼目前渔获产量仍维持在较高水平,但种群已长期处于生长型捕捞过度状态。  相似文献   

The European conger eel, Conger conger, is a fish widely distributed in the north-eastern Atlantic, being an important commercial and recreational fish species. A total of 85 juvenile congers eels were used in this study. Seventy-three congers were captured mainly by hook and pots in inshore waters (10–15 m depth) of the Iberian Peninsula (North Portugal and Vigo), monthly from March 1998 to March 2000. Another twelve specimens have been captured during a research cruise (R.V. “Capricórnio”) in summer 1999 by trawl at depths about 400 m in south Portugal. The length and weight of the congers eels ranged from 38 to 173 cm and 125 to 14,553 g, respectively. The observation of burnt otoliths under UV light proved to be a useful method for ageing conger eels. Marginal increment analysis was used to validate the annual pattern in the deposition of bright zones in the otoliths. Age for the congers ranged from 2 to 12 years. The VBF population growth curve estimates from the otoliths of the females gave results of L = 265 cm, k = 0.07 and t0 = −1.20. Sex determination and gonadal development were obtained from histological analysis. All the specimens collected in the coastal shallow waters were females, either immature or in a developing stage. The ovaries contained oocytes in two main stages of development: a pre-vitellogenic stage and an early vitellogenic stage. The few males (n = 4) observed have been captured in the trawl fishery at deeper waters. The males possessed small cells spermatogonias and spermatocytes clustered in crypts in the testis scattered in a matrix of adipose tissue. The sexual steroids, 17β-oestradiol and testosterone, were measured in blood plasma samples by solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Both sexual steroids presented a high correlation with the sexual development stage in terms of maximum oocyte diameter and gonadosomatic index. This work presents for the first time, data on age, reproductive biology and endocrinology of conger eels captured in the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

  • 1. Data are analysed from visual censuses of shallow‐water holothurians (sea cucumbers) in 72 shallow water transects 100 m×2 m within four atolls of Chagos. Mean holothurian abundance in Diego Garcia, where harvesting is absent, was 18.5 individuals/transect (all transects) and 55.4 individuals/transect (only those containing holothurians). In the three exploited atolls, mean abundance did not exceed 3.5 and 5.2 individuals/transect, respectively.
  • 2. Comparison with data collected during this study and an earlier investigation reveals a marked decline over four years in both mean and maximum density of commercially valuable Stichopus chloronotus and Holothuria atra in Salomon and Peros Banhos, both exploited atolls, and also for Holothuria nobilis in the latter.
  • 3. Holothurian counts were also made along an extensive transect (21 km×4 m) encircling Salomon atoll. Abundance showed highly significant negative correlation with fishing pressure, the latter estimated using an ordinal (0–3) scale (Rs=?0.605, P?0.01). Harvesting effects were not discernible using data from 200 m2 transects.
  • 4. While recent studies have shown Chagos is virtually pristine regarding contaminant levels, its holothurian resources are under increasing pressure. Results from this study, and examination of Sri Lanka's fishing activity in distant waters, point to heavy and illegal harvesting.
  • 5. Stronger measures are needed to control the illegal fishery, to prevent holothurian abundances falling to the non‐sustainable levels now prevalent across much of the Indo‐Pacific, and to ensure that Chagos remains a biodiversity hotspot and environment of international renown. Use of smaller surveillance vessels would facilitate this.Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Mangalore coast is well known for its multi‐species and multi‐gear fisheries and the fishery and oceanographic features of this region is a true representation of the Malabar upwelling system. Ten years of study (1995–2004) of oceanographic parameters has been carried out from the inshore waters off Mangalore to understand their seasonal and interannual variations and influences on the pelagic fishery of the region. Attempt has been also made to understand the influence of local and global environmental conditions on the alternating patterns of abundance between the Indian mackerel and oil sardine from the area. Field‐ and satellite‐derived oceanographic data have shown that coastal upwelling occurs during July–September with a peak in August resulting in high nutrient concentrations and biological productivity along the coast. Nearly 70% of the pelagic fish catch, dominated by oil sardine and mackerel, was obtained during September–December, during or immediately after the upwelling season. Catches of scombroid fishes were significantly related to cold Sea Surface Temperature, while such relationships were not observed for sardines and anchovies. Significant positive correlations were observed between the ENSO events (MEI) and seawater temperature from the study area. The extreme oceanographic events associated with the cold La Niña, which preceded the exceptional 1997–98 El Niño event, were responsible for the collapse of the pelagic fishery, especially the mackerel fishery along the southwest coast of India (Malabar upwelling system). Coinciding with the collapse of the mackerel fishery, oil sardine populations revived during 1999–2000 all along the southwest coast of India. Tolerance of oil sardine to El Niño / La Niña events and the low predatory pressure experienced by their eggs and larvae due to the collapse of mackerel population might have resulted in its population revival.  相似文献   

  1. Effective stock assessment relies on the evaluation of the reproductive potential of a population, but this is often achieved using fast, inexpensive, and inaccurate macroscopic indicators of gonadal maturity. Indeed, this approach suffers from high error rates as a result of misclassification and operator errors. Although histology is considered the gold standard to assign reproductive stages, it represents a time‐consuming and expensive method. Therefore, cost‐effective approaches are currently needed to assess the species‐specific reproductive potential and define the correct size at first maturity (L50).
  2. In the present study a histology‐calibrated method based on the gonadal index (GI) was developed to assign maturity stages to the overfished Mediterranean swordfish (Xiphias gladius), supported by histological classification of gonadal development, an estimation of L50, and an analysis of the reproductive output of this species.
  3. The performance of this new method had an overall agreement of 90% with histological data, and the L50 calculated by the GI‐based method compared with histology analysis was not statistically different (p > 0.05). Moreover, in order to apply this method without bias, a thorough validation of the relationship between length and gonad weight was carried out and the suitability of the GI to compare individuals of different size and maturity stages was confirmed.
  4. The present findings provide a comprehensive picture of the patterns characterizing Mediterranean swordfish reproduction and a promising method to assign maturity stages based on a macroscopic indicator. This method has the potential to be extensively applied during routine fish sampling activities in the field because of its simple requirements.

In this study, fish oil (FO) was replaced with canola oil (CO) in juvenile yellowtail diets to establish the optimal replacement levels that ensure adequate feed quality for aquaculture. Juvenile yellowtails (initial body weight: 104.7 g) were fed one of four diets for 10 weeks: 100% FO (FO group) or FO replacement with 25%, 50% or 100% CO (CO25, CO50 and CO100 groups respectively). Body weight, specific growth rate and feed efficiency were significantly affected by the replacement of FO with CO. The final body weight of the CO100 group was significantly lower than that of the FO (control) and CO50 groups. Furthermore, the CO50 group showed significantly higher feed efficiency than the FO group during the first 4 weeks (long photoperiod and high water temperature conditions). Increasing dietary CO increased serum glucose and triglyceride concentrations in a dose‐dependent manner. Regarding the proximate composition of fillet and liver, only crude protein in fillet was affected by the replacement of FO with CO. Fatty acid compositions of fillet and liver were correlated to the amount of CO in each diet. The activities of the metabolic enzymes phosphofructokinase and alanine aminotransferase were lowest in the CO25 and CO50 groups respectively. Thus, FO replacement with CO affected growth performance, serum components, fatty acid composition and the activity of metabolic enzymes. Overall, results obtained in the present study suggest that partial replacement (50%) of FO with CO is effective and might increase juvenile yellowtail growth under long photoperiod and/or high water temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Pop‐up satellite archival tags (PSATs) are now widely used to document the geographic and vertical movements of large pelagic fishes. These instruments record measurements of ambient light, depth and temperature at regular intervals and the light data are used to compute daily estimates of latitude and longitude. Several methods have been developed to improve those estimates, including the application of Kalman filter models and matching sea surface temperatures (SST) from tags with remotely sensed SSTs. Despite their widespread use, few studies have evaluated the accuracy of raw estimates of location from PSATs or quantified the improvements that may result from refinement techniques. To assess the accuracy of raw and refined estimates of locations from PSATs, we attached two PSATs and one Argos satellite‐linked transmitter (SAT tag) to one whale shark (Rhincodon typus) at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. The root mean square error (RMSE) in raw estimates of location provided by the PSATs was 5.16° latitude and 2.00° longitude. Estimates were more accurate after processing the data with a Kalman filter (RMSE = 2.97° latitude and 0.78° longitude) and most accurate after processing with a Kalman filter model that integrates SST measurements (RMSE = 1.84° latitude and 0.78° longitude). We also assessed the precision of the PSAT‐derived locations, and depth and temperature measurements by comparing the data from the two PSATs. Our findings support the use of archival tag data to reconstruct the large‐scale movements of marine animals and demonstrate the significant improvements that may result from two refinement techniques.  相似文献   

  • 1. Recreational boating continues to grow in popularity, yet little is known about the effects of noise disturbance from boating on fish. Therefore, this study evaluated the organism‐level cardiovascular disturbance associated with different recreational boating activities using largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) as a model.
  • 2. Cardiac output and its components (heart rate and stroke volume) were monitored in real time, allowing for the determination of the magnitude of disturbance and the time required for recovery. Fish responses to three noise disturbances (canoe paddling, trolling motor, and combustion engine (9.9 hp)) for 60 s were contrasted using a Latin squares design.
  • 3. Exposure to each of the treatments resulted in an increase in cardiac output in all fish, associated with a dramatic increase in heart rate and a slight decrease in stroke volume. The level of change in cardiac output and its components increased in magnitude from the canoe treatment to the trolling motor treatment with the most extreme response being to that of the combustion engine treatment. Furthermore, time required for cardiovascular variables to recover varied across treatments with shortest periods for the canoe paddling disturbance (~15 min), the longest periods for the combustion engine (~40 min), and intermediate recovery periods for the trolling motor (~25 min).
  • 4. Collectively, these results demonstrate that fish experienced sublethal physiological disturbances in response to the noise propagated from recreational boating activities. This work contributes to a growing body of research that has revealed that boating activities can have a number of ecological and environmental consequences such that their use may not be compatible with aquatic protected areas. Future research should evaluate how free‐swimming fish in the wild respond to such stressors relative to frequency of exposure and proximity to noise as most research to date has occurred in the laboratory.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mithraculus forceps (A. Milne Edwards) has demonstrated a great potential for ornamental aquaculture and the present study tests the effects of temperature, stocking density and diet on the survival and growth of M. forceps juveniles. For 28 days post metamorphosis (DPM), the newly metamorphosed juveniles were reared at two temperatures (25±0.5 or 28±0.5°C), stocked at five densities (1, 5, 15, 30 or 60 crabs ring−1; approximately 226, 1132, 3395, 6791 or 13 581 crabs m2 respectively) and fed with commercial pellets (CP), microalgae (Amphora spp.), live newly hatched Artemia nauplii (NHA), frozen Artemia nauplii (FNHA), or combinations of each of these diets with NHA. At the end of the temperature experiment, carapace width of the crabs cultured at 28°C was significantly larger than the crabs reared at 25°C and average intermolt period was significantly shorter. Increased stocking density had a negative effect on survivorship and growth. Survivorship at the end of the diet experiment was significantly different between the crabs not fed, fed with CP and Amphora and the crabs fed with the other diets. Between the diet treatments, the crabs fed with NHA+Amphora were significantly larger than the ones fed with NHA+FNHA, NHA, FNHA and NHA+CP, and these in turn larger than ones fed with Amphora.  相似文献   

The Negombo estuary brush park fishery in Sri Lanka was investigated from June 1998 to March 1999. The mean fish yield (all species) in the fishery was 12.46 t ha−1 yr−1. Fin fish species formed about 91% of the yield and the rest was formed by penaeid shrimps and crabs. Fish yield and the twig density in the brush park exhibited a second order polynomial relationship indicating a minimum yield at an intermediate value of twig density in the brush parks. The relationship between fish yield and duration of implantation of brush parks showed an optimal period of 30–40 days for high fish yields. Income levels of fishermen, availability of construction material and suitable sites for implantation of brush parks are some of the factors determining size and number of brush parks per fisherman and duration of installation. Indigenous knowledge within the fishing community about the effect of salinity variations, twig density and mangrove species used on the harvests greatly contribute to effective operation of this fishing practice. Cultivation of mangroves to obtain twigs and branches is a unique feature in this estuary. Indigenous knowledge on mangroves has led to the adoption of sound silvicultural practices. Although cultivating mono-specific mangrove stands may not increase diversity of mangrove forests, it reduces denudation of naturally occurring mangrove forests because of brush park construction, and retains habitats for other organisms. Mangrove management plans in the Negombo estuary should therefore be viewed and treated in an integrated manner that takes into account both resource and social components.  相似文献   

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