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The efficient use by crops of nitrogen from manures is an agronomic and environmental issue, mainly in double-annual forage cropping systems linked to livestock production. A six-year trial was conducted for a biennial rotation of four forage crops: oat-sorghum (first year) and ryegrass-maize (second year) in a humid Mediterranean area. Ten fertilization treatments were introduced: a control (without N); two minerals equivalent to 250 kg N ha−1 year−1 applied at sowing or as sidedressing; dairy cattle manure at a rate of 170, 250 and 500 kg N ha−1 year−1 and four treatments where the two lowest manure rates were supplemented with 80 or 160 kg mineral N ha−1 year−1. They were distributed according to a randomized block design with three blocks. The highest N mineral soil content was found in the summer of the third rotation, in plots where no manure was applied. The yearly incorporation of manure reduced, in successive cropping seasons, the amount of additional mineral N needed as sidedressing to achieve the highest yields. Besides, in the last two years, there was no need for mineral N application for the manure rate of 250 kg N ha−1 year−1. This amount always covered the oat-sorghum N uptake. In the ryegrass-maize sequence uptakes were as high as 336 kg N ha−1 year−1. In the medium term, the intermediate manure rate (250 kg N ha−1 year−1) optimizes nutrient recycling within the farming system, and it should be considered in the analysis of thresholds for N of organic origin to be applied to systems with high N demand.  相似文献   

Irrigation induces processes that may either decrease or increase greenhouse gas emissions from cropping systems. To estimate the net effect of irrigation on the greenhouse gas emissions, it is necessary to consider changes in the crop yields, the content of soil organic carbon and nitrous oxide emissions, as well as in emissions from the use and production of machinery and auxiliary materials. In this study the net greenhouse gas emissions of a cropping system on a sandy soil in northeast Germany were calculated based on a long-term field experiment coupled with two-year N2O flux measurements on selected plots. The cropping system comprised a rotation of potato, winter wheat, winter oil seed rape, winter rye and cocksfoot each under three nitrogen (N) fertilization intensities with and without irrigation. Total greenhouse gas emissions ranged from 452 to 3503 kg CO2-eq ha−1 and 0.09 to 1.81 kg CO2-eq kg−1 yield. Application of an adequate amount of N fertilizer led to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions compared to zero N fertilization whereas excessive N fertilization did not result in a further decrease. Under N fertilization there were no significant differences between irrigation and non-irrigation. Increases in greenhouse gas emissions from the operation, production and maintenance of irrigation equipment were mainly offset by increases in crop yield and soil organic carbon contents. Thus, on a sandy soil under climatic conditions of north-east Germany it is possible to produce higher yields under irrigation without an increase in the yield-related greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

In this work, appropriate management practices for crop production under the variable climate conditions of the Mediterranean region, in particular rainfall, were tested with the use of a modelling system applied to long-term (i.e. 18 years) field data. The calibration of the CropSyst model was performed using data collected from 1996 to 1999 at three different Mediterranean locations (i.e., HYP-Guissona, MYP-Agramunt and LYP-Candasnos, i.e. high, medium and low yield potential, respectively) within a degree of yield potential. The model simulated reasonably well barley growth and yield to different tillage and N fertilization strategies.Simulations of barley performance over 50 years with generated weather data showed that yields were often greater and never smaller under no-tillage compared to conventional tillage with a mean increase of 36%, 63% and 18% for HYP-Guissona, MYP-Agramunt and LYP-Candasnos. In MYP-Agramunt, the long-term data showed a 40% increase in grain yields when using no-tillage compared to conventional tillage, as an average of 18 years.The model also predicted that greater N applications in no-tillage were appropriate to take advantage of additional water supply. Taking into account the limited amount of soil water available, overall N fertilizer applications could be reduced to about half of the traditional rate applied by the farmers without yield loss. The 50-yr simulation, confirmed by the long-term experimental data, identified no-tillage as the most appropriate tillage practice for the rainfed Mediterranean areas. Also, N fertilization must be reduced significantly when tillage is used or when increasing aridity. Our work demonstrates the usefulness of the combination of long-term field experimentation and modelling as a tool to identify the best agricultural management practices. It also highlights the importance of posterior analysis with long-term observed field data to determine the performance of simulation results.  相似文献   

Long term investigations on the combined effects of tillage systems and other agronomic practices such as mineral N fertilization under Mediterranean conditions on durum wheat are very scanty and findings are often contradictory. Moreover, no studies are available on the long term effect of the adoption of conservation tillage on grain yield of maize and sunflower grown in rotation with durum wheat under rainfed Mediterranean conditions. This paper reports the results of a 20-years experiment on a durum wheat-sunflower (7 years) and durum wheat–maize (13 years) two-year rotation, whose main objective was to quantify the long term effects of different tillage practices (CT = conventional tillage; MT = minimum tillage; NT = no tillage) combined with different nitrogen fertilizer rates (N0, N1, N2 corresponding to 0, 45 and 90 kg N ha−1 for sunflower, and 0, 90 and 180 kg N ha−1 for wheat and maize) on grain yield, yield components and yield stability for the three crops. In addition, the influence of meteorological factors on the interannual variability of studied variables was also assessed. For durum wheat, NT did not allow substantial yield benefits leading to comparable yields with respect to CT in ten out of twenty years. For both sunflower and maize, NT under rainfed conditions was not a viable options, because of the unsuitable (i.e., too wet) soil conditions of the clayish soil at sowing. Both spring crops performed well with MT. No significant N × tillage interaction was found for the three crops. As expected, the response of durum wheat and maize grain yield to N was remarkable, while sunflower grain yield was not significantly influenced by N rate. Wheat yield was constrained by high temperatures in January during tillering and drought in April during heading. The interannual yield variability of sunflower was mainly associated to soil water deficit at flowering and air temperature during seed filling. Heavy rains during this latter phase strongly constrained sunflower grain yield. Maize grain yield was negatively affected by high temperatures in June and drought in July, this latter factor was particularly important in the fertilized maize. Considering both yield and yield stability, durum wheat and sunflower performed better under MT and N1 while maize performed better under both CT and MT and with N2 rates. The results of this long term study are suitable for supporting policies on sustainable Mediterranean rainfed cropping systems and also for cropping system modelling.  相似文献   

With a view to explore the possibility of developing the most economic and viable intercropping and border-cropping systems with nitrogen management in finger millet, an experiment was conducted at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India during summer season (December—March) under garden land condition. Different inter-crops tested were sorghum, sunflower, lady's finger, onion and cluster beans. The study indicated that intercropping and border-cropping in direct sown finger millet under irrigated condition were possible. The best and most remunerative border-crop as well as inter-crop in finger millet was onion. Application of 90 kg N/ha would be sufficient for such a cropping system in a sandy clay loam soil of medium fertility. Onion and cluster beans exhibited companion effect and sunflower and sorghum exerted competitive effect on growth and production of finger millet.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) mineralization and soil mineral N contents were measured at 2-week intervals over a 2-year period (June 1994–May 1996) on two different sites in the North West region of Portugal. The experiment was established in fields, which had for many years been under a double-cropping forage system with maize from May to September and a winter crop (mixture of cereals and Italian ryegrass) during the rest of the year. In addition to N fertilizers, dairy-cattle slurry was applied regularly at the sowing of each crop. On this intensive forage system, quantification of N released from slurry, crop residues and soil organic matter becomes important when better N use efficiency and reduced environmental impact from agricultural practices are required. Net N mineralization rates of the 0–10 cm soil layer fluctuated considerably between consecutive incubation periods and ranged from −0.88 to 1.87 mg N kg−1 day−1 with annual average rates of between 0.41 and 0.65 mg N kg−1 day−1. The total N mineralized in the 10 cm depth soil layer reached values between 122 and 224 kg N ha−1 year−1, showing that mineralization was a very important N source for the crops. The amounts of N released during the cold season (November–February) were equivalent to 27–48% of the yearly total. Regression analysis indicated that seasonal variation in N mineralization was only poorly explained by soil moisture and temperature. The changing balance during the year between soil moisture and temperature will contribute to the relatively constant N mineralization rates. Soil mineral N contents during the maize crop were high and exceeded the nutrient requirements for the optimum yield of this crop. Under the climatic conditions of the region and due to the poor development of the winter crop plants at the time, the mineral N left in the soil after the maize crop and released by mineralization during the cold season is particularly vulnerable to nitrate leaching losses.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted for 13 years in two olive groves of southern Spain to study the long-term effect of nitrogen (N) fertilization on trees and soil. In the first experiment, 12-year-old ‘Picual’ olive trees were arranged in a split plot design with method of N application (soil versus a 50% soil:50% foliar combination) as the whole plot factor, and amount of N applied annually (0, 0.12, 0.25, 0.5 or 1.0 kg N tree−1) as the subplot factor. In the second experiment, N application to 50-year-old ‘Picual’ trees was based on the previous season's leaf N concentration. Urea was the source of N in both experiments. During the last 4 years, soil samples were taken at 0–20, 20–40, 40–60, 60–80, and 80–100 cm depth to evaluate the effect of N application on soil eutrophication. Fertilization with N had no significant effects on yield, fruit characteristics, and growth of olive trees for the 13 years of study, even when leaf N concentration increased with the amount of fertilizer N applied. Combining soil and foliar application may reduce the amount of fertilizer N necessary to correct a possible N deficiency because our experiments showed this practice to be more effective in increasing leaf N that applying N only to the soil. Our results question the established deficiency threshold of 1.4% of N in dried leaf because no reduction in yield or growth was observed for lower concentrations. However, leaf N concentration did not drop below 1.2% after 13 years with no N application, probably because of N inputs from rainfall and the mineralization of organic N. Whereas under natural conditions of the non-fertilized treatments NH4+–N represented the dominant fraction of mineral N in soil, accumulation of high amounts of NO3–N in the soil profile occurred in the fertilized plots, which represents a high risk of N leaching from soil. All these results suggest that annual applications of fertilizer N are unnecessary to maintain high productivity and growth in olive. Applying N only when the previous season's leaf analysis indicates that leaf N concentration is below the deficiency threshold, is thus a recommended practice to optimize N fertilization in olive orchards and to reduce N losses by leaching.  相似文献   

The expansion of biogas production from anaerobic digestion in the Po Valley (Northern Italy) has stimulated the cultivation of dedicated biomass crops, and maize in particular. A mid-term experiment was carried out from 2006 to 2010 on a silt loamy soil in Northern Italy to compare water use and energy efficiency of maize and sorghum cultivation under rain fed and well-watered treatments and at two rates of nitrogen fertilization. The present work hypothesis were: (i) biomass sorghum, for its efficient use of water and nitrogen, could be a valuable alternative to maize for biogas production; (ii) reduction of irrigation level and (iii) application of low nitrogen fertilizer rate increase the efficiency of bioenergy production. Water treatments, a rain fed control (I0) and two irrigation levels (I1 and I2; only one in 2006 and 2009), were compared in a split–split plot design with four replicates. Two fertilizer rates were also tested: low (N1, 60 kg ha−1 of nitrogen; 0 kg ha−1 of nitrogen in 2010) and high (N2, 120 kg ha−1 of nitrogen; 100 kg ha−1 of nitrogen in 2010). Across treatments, sorghum produced more aboveground biomass than maize, respectively 21.6 Mg ha−1 and 16.8 Mg ha−1 (p < 0.01). In both species, biomass yield was lower in I0 than in I1 and I2 (p < 0.01), while I1 and I2 did differ significantly. Nitrogen level never affected biomass yield. Water use efficiency was generally higher in sorghum (52 kg ha−1 mm−1) than in maize (38 kg ha−1 mm−1); the significant interaction between crop and irrigation revealed that water use efficiency did not differ across water levels in sorghum, whereas it significantly increased from I0 and I1 to I2 in maize (p < 0.01). The potential methane production was similar in maize and sorghum, while it was significantly lower in I0 (16505 MJ ha−1) than in I1 and I2 (21700 MJ ha−1). The only significant effect of nitrogen fertilization was found in the calculation of energy efficiency (ratio of energy output and input) that was higher in N1 than in N2 (p < 0.01). These results support the hypothesis that (i) sorghum should be cultivated rather than maize to increase energy efficiency, (ii) irrigation level should replace up to 36% of ETr and (iii) nitrogen fertilizer rate should be minimized to maximize the efficiency in biomass production for anaerobic digestion in the Po Valley.  相似文献   

The selection of cultivars for the predominant cropping systems of small farms in the tropics depends to a large extent on the information obtained by testing their performance across the different systems. The main objective of this experiment was to measure the genotype × cropping system (G × CS) interaction for yield and selected agronomic traits of climbing beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown as sole crop and intercropped with two morphologically contrasting maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars. A secondary objective was to identify the most efficient and productive bean–maize intercrop combinations. Seven climbing bean genotypes were grown as sole crop and intercropped with two maize varieties, BH 140 (Mix. 1) and Guto (Mix. 2), in a factorial arranged Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications at Bako Agricultural Research Center in western Ethiopia. Main effects due to genotype and cropping system (except days to flowering) were significant for all bean traits considered. The genotypes × cropping system interaction terms were also significant for the number of seeds per pod, 100-seed weight, harvest index and seed yield. While bean seed yield significantly correlated with the number of seeds per pod (in Mix. 1) and with harvest index (in both mixtures), positive and significant correlations occurred with the number of pods per plant and 100-seed weight under sole cropping system. The correlation between bean seed yields of Mix. 1 and Mix. 2 and between Mix. 2 and sole crop were positive and significant. No such relationship was found between Mix. 1 and sole crop. The results suggest that selection of suitable climbing bean cultivars for intercropping with maize varieties predominantly grown in the area should be made under the associated culture of the two crops. Intercropping contributed to a significant reduction in seed yield of the bean genotypes due mainly to its adverse effects on the numbers of pods per plant and seeds per pod. The index tLER1 identified most bean–maize genotype combinations of Mix. 2 as biologically more efficient system than Mix. 1. On the other hand, tLER2 values of more than 1.00 for all treatments of Mix. 2 demonstrated higher overall productivity of the intercrop system when the bean genotypes were grown in association with a late-maturing and high yielding maize hybrid BH 140.  相似文献   

传统两熟制下的棉花生产存在种植模式和棉花栽培技术复杂、棉花生产周期长、机械化程度低、用工多、化肥农药投入多、植棉效益低等突出问题。经过近10年的研究和实践,我国建立并应用了两熟制棉花绿色化(减肥减药)、轻简化(简化管理)、机械化(机械代替人工)栽培技术。本文基于笔者的研究成果,结合国内外相关研究进展,对两熟制棉花绿色化轻简化机械化栽培的基本概念、技术路线、关键技术及其理论基础进行了总结和评述。其技术核心内容是,通过一次性机播(机械免耕单粒精量播种代替棉苗移栽,种肥同播,不间苗,不补苗),全程机管(通过合理密植和全程株型和熟性调控,免整枝、免人工打顶)和一次性机械收获(通过综合调控建立集中成熟的群体结构),实现省工70%;采用早中熟棉花品种,合理增密,一次性侧深施用专用控释肥、无人机喷施叶面溶肥等技术省肥50%;通过利用抗虫棉品种的抗性,适期晚播缩短棉花生长期,采用食诱、性诱剂及生物农药、杀虫灯、无人机施药等防控病虫害,实现省药40%。与传统技术比,本技术大大减少了棉花生产用工,农业机械对人工的替代率达60%,化肥利用率提高11.2%以上,经济效益提高30%,减轻了因过量使用化肥...  相似文献   

Average grain weight is a major yield component contributing to its variation, especially in Mediterranean regions where grain weight is frequently exposed to terminal stresses affecting grain growth. Most of the literature agrees that wheat grain growth is hardly limited by the source. However, no source–sink ratios studies seem to have been conducted in the Mediterranean region to determine to what degree wheat grain growth is actually limited by the source in these particular regions. We conducted two field experiments in Catalonia (north-eastern Spain), where an old cultivar (Anza) and a more recently released one (Soissons) were sown in a range of different nitrogen and water availabilities and sowing dates. This was to analyse the degree of source limitation for grain growth. Sink size was modified by removing half of the spikelets c. 10 days after anthesis, virtually doubling the availability of assimilates per grain effectively growing.

Trimming the spikes did not produce significant changes in grain growth rate or duration of grain filling. Consequently, grain weight did not respond noticeably to the reduction in sink demand and any eventual response has been far from representing a strong competition among grains during grain filling.  相似文献   

Under irrigated Mediterranean conditions, no-tillage permanent bed planting (PB) is a promising agriculture system for improving soil protection and for soil carbon sequestration. However, soil compaction may increase with time up to levels that reduce crop yield. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mid-term effects of PB on soil compaction, root growth, crop yield and carbon sequestration compared with conventionally tilled bed planting (CB) and with a variant of PB that had partial subsoiling (DPB) in a Typic Xerofluvents soil (Soil Survey Staff, 2010) in southern Spain. Traffic was controlled during the whole study and beds, and furrows with (F + T) and without traffic (F  T), were spatially distinguished during measurements. Comparisons were made during a crop sequence of maize (Zea mays L.)—cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)—maize, corresponding to years 4–6 since trial establishment. After six years, soil compaction was higher in PB than in CB, particularly under the bed (44 and 27% higher in top 0.3- and 0.6-m soil layers, respectively). Around this time, maize root density at early grain filling was 17% lower in PB than in CB in the top 0.6-m layer. In DPB, the subsoiling operation was not effective in increasing root density. Nevertheless, root density appeared to maintain above-ground growth and yield in both PB and DPB compared to CB. Furthermore, at the end of the study, more soil organic carbon was stocked in PB than in CB and the difference increased significantly with a depth down to 0.5 m (5.7 Mg ha−1 increment for the top 0.5-m soil layer). Residues tended to accumulate on furrows, and this resulted in spatial and temporal differences in superficial soil organic carbon concentration (SOC) in the permanent planting systems. In PB, SOC in the top 0.05-m layer increased with time faster in furrows than on beds, and reached higher stable values (1.67 vs. 1.09% values, respectively). In CB, tillage homogenized the soil and reduced SOC in the top 0.05-m layer (average stable value of 0.96% on average for beds and furrows).  相似文献   

While intercropping annual non nitrogen-fixing crops with deciduous hardwood species is now well documented, there is a need to investigate if nitrogen-fixing intercrops may succeed in agroforestry systems. Intercropping with trees usually leads to a decline in crop yield, and could in addition possibly reduce the biological N fixation (BNF) over time due to the competition for resources. In a Mediterranean experimental site, 17 year-old hybrid walnut trees (Juglans nigra x Juglans regia L.) planted in East-West oriented lines were intercropped with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to assess the impact of competition for light and water on alfalfa yield and BNF. Alfalfa yield and shoot δ15N values (a proxy for the proportion of N derived from the air, %Ndfa) were measured during one year at different distances from the tree row in two directions (north and south). Alfalfa yield was reduced close to the tree row (−28% and −22% on the northern and southern sides respectively), but less than the reduction of irradiation (−59% and −33% respectively). Shading improved by 35% the apparent light use efficiency (LUE: aboveground biomass produced per unit of global radiation) of alfalfa, indicating that alfalfa was shade tolerant at this Mediterranean site. Alfalfa shoot δ15N values were lower close to the tree rows than at mid inter-row: BNF was stimulated close to the trees. Compensative and facilitative mechanisms between trees and alfalfa plants led to a rise in LUE and%Ndfa in shaded areas. These results contradict the frequent assumption that N fixation is reduced in the shade of trees. Appropriate tree canopy management may help maintain light competition between trees and alfalfa to a level that still enhance complementary, which would further improve the sustainability of the use of alfalfa as an intercrop in Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   

Over the last decade high-quality timber plantations have increased in Europe because of the constant high market price of timber and economical incentives from the EU. These latter are mainly due to timber plantations’ role in CO2 capture. Noble wood plantations have also been established in Mediterranean areas, but many of them suffer from low growth rates due to deficient plantation management and/or non-optimal environmental conditions. Furthermore, little information exists about soil and water management in these plantations and how different soil characteristics may affect management results. In this study, a trial was established in a pure wild cherry plantation under Mediterranean conditions. The trial evaluated the effects that soil type (low soil quality versus good performance for woody crops), soil management (soil tillage versus no tillage), irrigation regime (drip irrigation versus no irrigation) and their interactions may have on wood production. Soil water content and the spontaneous vegetation that appeared in the alleys of the no-tillage treatments were also measured.The results showed that sandy-clay-loam soil with a water-holding capacity of 101.5 ± 5.2 mm had 65% more wood volume increase during the study period than sandy-loam soil with a water-holding capacity of 37.9 ± 8.0 mm. Conventional tillage or zero tillage with the presence of spontaneous vegetation did not differ significantly in wood volume increment, regardless of the type of soil. Although soil water content was significantly increased by tillage in sandy-loam soil, this effect was not enough to increase tree wood volume. On the other hand, the application of drip irrigation did increase wood production by up to 50%. Therefore, 10 years less on the plantation's rotation length can be anticipated when applying irrigation: from 40 to 30 years (sandy–clay–loam soil) and from 56 to 46 years (sandy-loam soil).In conclusion, deep soil characterization of the site is essential before deciding whether to develop a plantation of this type in areas under soil water content limitations caused by deficient soil structure and texture. In addition, our results show important savings can be made by reducing soil tillage, as less tillage leads to greater ground cover and biodiversity. Further investigations are required to examine how long-lasting the effects are and what other benefits can be expected when this type of plantation is managed in a more sustainable way.  相似文献   

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