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Faecal samples were collected 3 times a week for 6 weeks from 22 peripartal cows and for up to 15 weeks after birth from 27 calves in 3 herds, to determine the numbers of Eimeria oocysts excreted and the age at which the calves first excreted oocysts. Only low numbers of oocysts were excreted by the cows and no oocysts were detected in 93% of the samples. However, half the cows excreted oocysts at least once. The age at which the calves first excreted oocysts ranged from 2.5 to at least 15 weeks, and there was a significant difference between the herds in their mean age at first excretion. Oocysts of Eimeria alabamensis, E. auburnensis, E. bovis and E. ellipsoidalis were found in numbers ranging from 7 to 8450 oocysts per gram faeces. About 50% of the calves excreted oocysts before they were transferred to group pens. The primary source of infection of the calves was probably their penmates or the previous occupants of the pens, and the cows probably played a subsidiary role.  相似文献   

The extent to which oocysts of the coccidian parasite Eimeria alabamensis can survive the winter and cause clinical coccidiosis in different parts of Sweden was investigated. Fecal samples were collected between May and July 1993 from calves on 59 farms where calves had grazed the same pasture for at least 5 consecutive years. The farms were situated in 9 regions of Sweden with different climatic conditions in the winter. On each farm, 5 samples of feces were collected from the floor of the calf-house before the calves were turned out in the spring, and again from the pasture on days 4 or 5, 8 or 9 and 10 or 11 after they were turned out. Overwintering of oocysts of E. alabamensis was considered to have occurred if an increase in the excretion rate of oocysts of this species could be demonstrated 8 to 11 days after calves had been turned out to pastures that had not been grazed since the previous autumn. Oocysts were shown to have overwintered on 27 farms, representing all 9 regions. Samples from 20 (34%) of the farms representing all the climatic regions contained more than 850000 oocysts per g of feces. This was comparable with the numbers found in animals with clinical coccidiosis due to E. alabamensis. Delaying turnout until the beginning of July did not affect the infection rate of the calves. However, calves which were turned out to pastures that had been grazed by older cattle or horses, either earlier in the spring or in previous years, excreted significantly fewer oocysts than calves which were turned out to pastures that had been grazed only by calves. A questionnaire answered by 321 dairy farmers revealed that of the 298 farmers who turned their first-season grazing cattle out to traditional pastures, 179 (60%) had used the same pasture for at least 5 years. These 179 farmers had experienced a significantly higher incidence of diarrhoea in their calves during the first 2 weeks at pasture than those farmers who had used different pastures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The study reported here was undertaken to assess the presence of antibodies to Sarcocystis neurona in the serum of horses of North American origin that had been relocated for 1 year or more to India (ie, outside of the known endemic areas for S. neurona). HYPOTHESIS: The presence or absence of such antibodies should provide information concerning the persistence of such antibodies, or support the presence of chronic infection, or both. ANIMALS: A total of 228 Thoroughbred horses were sampled in India, of which 86 were of North American origin that had been in India between 1 and 13 years, 124 were Indian-born horses that had never been out of India, 8 were of Irish origin, 8 were of English origin, and 2 were originally from France. METHODS: Sera were tested using established western blot analysis. RESULTS: Of the Indian-born horses, 0.8% were test positive, and of the North American horses, 42% were test positive. All of the English and Irish horses were test negative, and the 2 French horses were test positive. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: These data indicate that antibodies against S. neurona can be detected for many years after horses have been removed from an endemic area and that this may be attributable to long half-life of the antibodies or to chronic infection and ongoing antibody production, or both.  相似文献   

Primary infection with Eimeria intestinalis confers very effective immunity against further infections in rabbits. This study was designed to determine the onset of the immune response in primary-infected rabbits and to characterise the immune status of protected rabbits. Variations in kinetics of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subpopulations were followed after primary infection at the intestinal sites of penetration (duodenum) and development (ileum), in mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and in the spleen. The response against the parasite was measured by specific lymphocyte proliferation in the spleen and MLN and by determining specific IgG titres in serum. The mucosal immune response was strong after primary infection and was characterised by (i) transient increase in the percentages of intestinal CD4+ lymphocytes and MLN CD8+ lymphocytes 14 days PI and (ii) strong increase in the percentages of intestinal CD8+ lymphocytes from 14 days PI persisting throughout further infections. Extensive infiltration of the lamina propria with CD8+ lymphocytes was observed 14 days PI. The specific proliferative response started between 7 and 14 days PI in MLN but remained undetectable in spleens for up to 21 days, in contrast to “immunised” rabbits. The fact that systemic immune responses were low after primary infection, in contrast to indicators of mucosal immune responsiveness, suggests that protection of rabbits against E. intestinalis infection is due to an effective mucosal immune response, and that systemic responses that increase after successive infections are only reflections of repeated encounters with parasite antigens.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary supplementation of Natustat™, a propriety plant derived product (Alltech Inc., KY, USA) and Salinomycin, on performance, feed efficiency and intestinal lesion scores were observed during two Eimeria challenge trials in broiler chickens. In the first trial chickens were challenged with Eimeria sp. via infecting the litter with a known amount of Eimeria oocysts. In the second trial the source of the Eimeria challenge was the litter from the first trial and the same treatment groups were assigned to the same pens as in the initial trial.

Birds were placed 55 per pen with seven pens per treatment. Performance parameters were recorded on days 21 and 42 during both trials. Intestinal lesion scores were assessed on days 14 and 21 during Trial 1 and on day 21 during Trial 2. Average weight gain and feed conversion ratios were significantly improved in the Natustat™ and Salinomycin treatment groups when compared to the non-supplemented infected group. Furthermore, lesion scores were lower on all sampling days in the Natustat™ and Salinomycin groups when compared to the non-supplemented group. However, only lesions associated with Eimeria tenella were significantly lowered by Natustat™ and Salinomycin supplementation.

Natustat™ and Salinomycin were equivalent in alleviating the negative performance effects associated with coccidiosis challenge. In summary, Natustat™ has the potential to be used as a natural alternative to chemotherapeutic drugs for Eimeria control.  相似文献   

A non-cytopathic strain of BVDV-2 was isolated from a batch of live infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) vaccine, and inoculated intranasally into four 3-month-old calves. Severe signs of disease developed by days 4 and 6 in three of the calves, free of BVDV and antibodies to BVDV, that had been exposed to the virus. These calves survived the acute phase of the infection and progressively recovered. BVDV was consistently isolated, or the respective viral RNA was detected, in the buffy coats from blood samples collected starting from days 2 or 4 up to days 11 or 14 after the experimental infection. Viral RNA was also detected in sera from these infected calves until the presence in the serum of virus neutralizing antibodies was demonstrated. By contrast, the only calf having pre-existing neutralizing antibodies to BVDV at the start of the study was protected from the disease. No virus was detected at any time after experimental inoculation of this calf. Genomic characterization of the BVDV-2 isolated in cell cultures, or detected in sera from the experimentally infected animals, revealed 100% homology in the nucleotide sequence with the BVDV-2 detected as a contaminant of the live IBR virus vaccine. These findings provided evidence of the infective nature of the contaminant BVDV-2 and of its potential to generate disease outbreaks when inoculated into susceptible animals.  相似文献   

Information on the epidemiology of rotavirus in any particular area is necessary for vaccine development against the disease caused by the virus. This study presents preliminary information on the prevalence of human rotavirus in diarrhoeic calves in North-east Nigeria. Faecal samples from 188 diarrhoeic calves in various farms in North-east Nigeria, obtained between November 1998 and February 1999, were analysed by ELISA for the presence of rotaviruses. A prevalence rate of 3.2% was recorded, with the virus being prevalent among calves aged 29–56 days (p<0.05). The implications of these findings are discussed with respect to the close association between the herdsmen and their animals and the sharing of a common source of drinking water in the predominantly livestock-producing communities of North-east Nigeria.  相似文献   

The concentration of serum proteins and plasma fibrinogen were determined in 151 normal and 49 diarrheic calves at intervals from birth to ten days of age. There were significant differences in the concentrations of the various serum proteins in normal calves when the results were analysed at six age intervals. There was no significant relationship between the concentration of the various proteins and the season of the year.

Of the diarrheic calves, those that died had significantly lower gamma globulin concentrations than the other calves. Severely diarrheic and dehydrated calves had significantly increased serum albumin and alpha glabulin concentrations and decreased gamma globulin concentrations. No significant variation occurred in total serum protein concentration. Plasma fibrinogen concentrations were similar in normal and diarrheic calves.


Number of platelets, leucocytes and packed red cell volume (PGV) have been determined in normal piglets during the first 2 weeks of life.A mean platelet count of 337 ± 79 at birth decreased during the first 2 days to 241 ± 48, followed by increasing numbers the next week to a maximum of 578 ±128 at 10 days after birth. Then a slight decrease to 492 ±115 on the 15th day was observed.The leucocyte counts were highest the first 30 hrs. of life, the mean count being 16.9. During this period, however, there was as wide a range as from 3.6 to 46.3. For the rest of the period the mean varied from 8.0 to 11.8, the counts ranging from 4.5 to 20.0.The mean PGV, which was highest at birth, decreased from a mean of 40.8 ± 6.1 to 32.9 ± 5.0 during the first 2 days. At 7 days of age the mean was 31.5 ± 3.8 but increased during the following week to 39.9 ± 3.6 on the 15th day.  相似文献   

Faustini  M.  Munari  E.  Russo  V.  Pastorelli  G.  Restelli  G.L.  Scocca  S.  Vigo  D. 《Veterinary research communications》2004,28(1):181-183
Veterinary Research Communications -  相似文献   

The objective was to compare horses' maintenance of fitness during extended periods of no forced exercise with that after stall confinement. Horses were divided into three groups: pasture turnout (P), stalled and exercised (E), or stalled with no exercise (S). Pre- and post-study body fat and bone mineral content were estimated, and horses performed a standardized exercise test (SET). Horses wore global positioning units to estimate distance traveled. The P group traveled a greater distance daily compared with the E and S groups (P < .01). Lateral bone density was greater for the P group after the study (P = .05). Comparing first and second SETs, the P group had lower heart rates at the trot (P < .01) and hand-gallop (P = .028), the E group had lower heart rates at the hand-gallop (P < .01), and the S group had higher 1-minute recovery heart rates (P < .01). Plasma lactate concentrations were higher at the peak of exercise (P < .01) and 10-minute recovery (P = .015) for the S group, whereas the P and E groups had lower rectal temperature at the peak of exercise (P = .029) and 10-minute recovery (P = .031 and P = .041, respectively). These data suggest that the S group lost fitness, whereas the P group remained as fit as the E group. The improvement for the P group compared with the E or S group was greater bone mineral content. Access to pasture appears to help maintain bone strength and exercise fitness ability.  相似文献   

The disposition kinetics and urinary excretion of pefloxacin after a single intravenous administration of 5 mg/kg were investigated in crossbred calves and an appropriate dosage regimen was calculated. At 1 min after injection, the concentration of pefloxacin in the plasma was 18.95±0.892 g/ml, which declined to 0.13±0.02 g/ml at 10 h. The pefloxacin was rapidly distributed from the blood to the tissue compartment as shown by the high values for the initial distribution coefficient, (12.1±1.21 h–1) and the constant for the rate of transfer of drug from the central to the peripheral compartment, K 12 (8.49±0.99 h–1). The elimination half-life and volume of distribution were 2.21±0.111 h and 1.44±0.084 L/kg, respectively. The total body clearance (ClB) and the ratio of the drug present in the peripheral to that in the central compartment (P/C ratio) were 0.454±0.026 L/kg h) and 5.52±0.519, respectively. On the basis of the pharmacokinetic parameters obtained in the present study, an appropriate intravenous dosage regimen for pefloxacin in cattle for most of the bacteria sensitive to it would be 6.4 mg/kg repeated at 12 h intervals.  相似文献   

A 5‐year‐old indoor male neutered Siamese cat was presented with clinical signs of sneezing and chronic bilateral purulent nasal discharge. Multiple nasal cavity swabs were submitted for bacterial cultures, Mycoplasma felis‐DNA qPCR, and cytology. M felisqPCR was positive and cytomorphologic diagnosis was severe, acute, purulent, rhinitis with intralesional protozoal microorganisms consistent with a Trichomonas spp. Nested PCR (nPCR) confirmed the diagnosis of Tritrichomonas foetus. Systemic therapy with doxycycline for M felis and metronidazole for T foetus was started with remission of clinical signs within 2 weeks; however, symptoms relapsed shortly after therapy was discontinued. This study represents the first documented case of T foetus associated with chronic nasal discharge in a cat, which supports the hypothesis that T foetus can live in the nasal cavity. It is also the first reported case of M felis and T foetus coinfection, which indicates that with mycoplasmal feline upper respiratory tract infections, T foetus should be considered as a coinfecting agent.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究益生菌对犊牛生长性能和血清生化指标的影响.选取24头新生荷斯坦犊牛,随机分为4组,每组公母各1/2,分别饲喂基础饲粮(A组,由代乳粉、开食料和羊草组成)、基础饲粮+地衣芽孢杆菌(B组)、基础饲粮+地衣芽孢杆菌与枯草芽孢杆菌的复合菌(C组,复合菌中各菌菌数比例为1∶1)、基础饲粮+地衣芽孢杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和植物乳酸杆菌的复合菌(D组,复合菌中各菌菌数比例为1∶1∶1).每头牛食入益生菌总数为2×1010 CFU/d.试验期共8周,分0~2周龄、2~4周龄、4~6周龄和6~8周龄4期.每2周空腹称重、测量体尺、采血1次,每天记录采食量和粪便评分情况.试验0~8周龄,B组的平均日增重显著高于A组(P<0.05),试验各组的料重比差异不显著(P>0.05);第8周龄时,B组和D组的体躯指数均显著高于A组(P<0.05);试验各组采食量和犊牛粪便评分差异不显著(P>0.05);血清生化指标不受本试验处理因素影响(P>0.05).结果表明,饲粮中添加地衣芽孢杆菌单菌提高了犊牛0~8周龄的平均日增重和8周龄的体躯指数,添加地衣芽孢杆菌与枯草芽孢杆菌和植物乳酸杆菌的复合菌提高了犊牛8周龄的体躯指数,添加益生菌对犊牛血清生化指标没有显著影响.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics and urinary excretion of gatifloxacin were investigated after a single intravenous injection of 4 mg/kg body weight in buffalo calves. The therapeutic plasma drug concentration was maintained for up to 12 h. Gatifloxacin rapidly distributed from blood to tissue compartments, which was evident from the high values of the distribution rate constant, α1 (11.1 ± 1.06 h−1) and the rate constant of transfer of drug from central to peripheral compartment, k 12 (6.29 ± 0.46 h−1). The area under the plasma drug concentration–time curve and apparent volume of distribution were 17.1 ± 0.63 (μg.h)/ml and 3.56 ± 0.95 L/kg, respectively. The elimination half-life (t 1/2 β), total body clearance (ClB) and the ratio of drug present in tissues and plasma (T/P) were 10.4 ± 2.47 h, 235.1 ± 8.47 ml/(kg.h) and 10.1 ± 2.25, respectively. About 19.7% of the administered drug was excreted in urine within 24 h. A satisfactory intravenous dosage regimen for gatifloxacin in buffalo calves would be 5.3 mg/kg at 24 h intervals. Abbreviations for pharmacokinetic parameters are given in the footnote of Table I  相似文献   

柔嫩艾美耳球虫感染后组织抗氧化功能的动态变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择 8 0只 33日龄健康罗曼公鸡 ,随机分成感染组 (n=40 )和对照组 (n=40 )。感染组口服接种柔嫩艾美耳球虫孢子化卵囊 1.5× 10 5个 /只 ,对照组不感染。分别于感染前 (0 d)和感染后 (2、4、6、8d)扑杀 ,采集心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏和肾脏 ,测定组织中丙二醛 (MDA)及过氧化氢酶 (CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 (GSH- Px)的活性。结果表明 ,柔嫩艾美耳球虫感染后 ,心脏和脾脏 MDA含量与对照组相比差异不显著 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,肝脏、肺脏、肾脏中 MDA含量呈波动变化 ;与对照组相比 ,除肾脏 SOD差异不显著外 ,其他 4种组织 SOD在感染后 2、4、6、8d均显著高于对照组 (P<0 .0 5或 P<0 .0 1) ;在整个试验期间 ,心脏、脾脏中 GSH- Px与对照组相比差异不显著 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,肝脏在感染后 6、8d显著高于对照组 (P<0 .0 5或 P<0 .0 1) ,肺脏、肾脏 GSH- Px仅在感染后 2 d与对照组相比差异显著 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;肝脏和脾脏 CAT与对照组相比差异不显著 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,心脏 CAT只在感染后 8d差异显著(P<0 .0 5 ) ,肺脏 CAT只在感染后 4d差异显著 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,肾脏 CAT只在感染后 2 d差异显著 (P<0 .0 5 )。提示感染柔嫩艾美耳球虫后 ,机体的抗氧化功能发生了一定的变化 ,自由基参与了球虫病的发病过程  相似文献   

本试验采用3头(120±5)日龄、体重为(72±2)kg的荷斯坦公犊牛,通过调整日粮营养水平来观察其尿中嘌呤衍生物(PD)的排出规律,比较其与成年反刍动物之间的差异,考察犊牛期能否用尿嘌呤衍生物法来估测瘤胃微生物蛋白。试验设计3种营养水平日粮,采用随机区组试验设计。结果发现,犊牛尿中嘌呤衍生物中尿酸大约为50%~75%,而在成年反刍动物尿酸不到15%。PD的排出量随可消化有机物(DOM)和可消化粗蛋白(DCP)进食量升高而上升,存在弱的相关性(R2=0.76,n=9)。其排出水平为0.12~0.24mmol/(BW0.75·d)。作为估测成年反刍动物微生物蛋白合成量的另一个指标[PD]×BW0.75/[C](其中[PD]为嘌呤衍生物浓度,[C]为尿中肌酐酸浓度,BW0.75为代谢体重,简称PDC),与DOM和DCP进食量存在负相关,这与成年反刍动物的研究结果是相反的。  相似文献   

The disposition kinetics, urinary excretion and a dosage regimen for ciprofloxacin after a single intravenous administration of 5 mg/kg was investigated in 5 healthy buffalo calves. The disposition kinetics were best fitted to a three-compartment open model. After 1 min, the concentration of ciprofloxacin in plasma was 8.50±0.39 g/ml and the minimum therapeutic concentration was maintained for 10 h. The elimination half-life and volume of distribution were 3.88 and 0.08 h and 3.97±0.22 L/kg, respectively. The total body clearance and T/P ratio were 0.709±0.025 L/kg per h and 6.13±0.54, respectively. Approximately 28.3% of the total administered dose of ciprofloxacin was recovered in urine within 24 h of administration. To maintain a minimum therapeutic plasma concentration of 0.10 g/ml, a satisfactory intravenous dosage regimen of ciprofloxacin, computed on the basis of disposition kinetic data obtained in healthy buffalo calves, would be 3 mg/kg repeated at 12 h intervals.  相似文献   

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