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Although increase in rice (Oryza spp.) production is a common objective for rice-producing countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), basic information on yield and its variation at farm level is lacking. Field surveys were conducted in irrigated lowland (IL), rainfed lowland (RL), and rainfed upland (RU) rice production systems in 19 SSA countries in the 2012–2014 wet seasons. Mean yield varied widely across sites: 2.2–5.8 t/ha, 1.1–5.2 t/ha, and 1.0–2.5 t/ha in IL, RL, and RU, respectively. Rice yield levels differed between the agro-ecological zones (AEZs) with the highest yield in the semi-arid zone in IL, and in the highlands zone for RL and RU. Cluster analysis identified four groups using mean yields, coefficient of variation, and skewness of yield distribution of 42 site–production system combinations. Grouping was related to production system, AEZ, and field water condition. A high-yielding group with 5.3 t/ha mean yield and negative skewness had only four site–production system combinations. Other groups had mean yields from 1.6 to 3.5 t/ha with positive skewness. In these groups, research and development priority for lifting rice yield could be given to low-yielding IL and RL sites with large yield gaps. Raising rice yield in the humid zone irrespective of the production systems and RU across AEZs remain major challenges. Further assessment of the impact of farmers’ agricultural practices on yield variation is warranted to identify potential interventions to realize further yield enhancement.  相似文献   

A reduced rank factorial regression was carried out to assess effects of environmental factors in sustainable agriculture on yield performances of homogeneous (one F1 hybrid) and heterogeneous (one landrace, LR, and two derived synthetics) broccoli varieties under Organic Agriculture (OA) and Low-Input (LI) management systems. The study was motivated by a general lack of data on environmental variables that affect broccoli yield. Agronomic trials were carried out for three years in three locations in Central Italy with different pedo-climatic conditions. Reduced rank factorial regression was efficient in summarising the effect of environmental variables on the pattern of Genotype (G) × Environment (E) interactions.Nitrogen content, together with rainfall, minimum temperature and clay content, were the most important environmental variables and explained 91% of the variability in the G × E interaction matrix. A mild and nitrogen-rich environment allowed good performances to be achieved with all genotypes and maximised the F1 hybrid yield. The synthetic varieties and the LR tolerated a high clay content, even though broccoli crops prefer, in general, alluvial, deep and permeable soils without water stagnation. This suggests that the above mentioned varieties are the best materials for these yield-limiting environments, possibly because they were selected under those conditions.The results highlight the needs (i) to carry out further agronomy research aimed at identifying the most suitable areas and optimizing the control of environmental variables in OA and LI (in particular, type, quantity and time of application of N fertilization), (ii) to develop specific breeding programs for OA and LI and, while carrying them out, (iii) to evaluate the responses of the genotypes under selection to limiting environmental variables.  相似文献   

Blast disease (Magnaporthe oryzae B. Couch) is one of the most important causes of rice yield losses worldwide. Although farmers implement countermeasures to limit its impacts, blast disease is still an important constraint to rice production in both tropical and temperate environments. This study presents the coupling of a generic disease model to the WARM rice simulator to quantify the pathogen impact on key physiological processes and thus on final yield. The impact of leaf blast was simulated by reducing the photosynthetic leaf area index and in turn radiation interception, as a function of disease progress rate. Panicle blast damage was reproduced by decreasing the percentage of photosynthates translocated to kernels. The modelling solution was calibrated and evaluated using field observations of blast impact at harvest, collected on 20 rice cultivars with different blast resistance and grown in five sites in Northern Italy in the period 1996–2012 (total 272 observations). Results showed a good correlation between simulated impacts (fraction of potential yield) and observations (0–5 scale used for the visual assessment, with 0 = no impact and 5 = complete crop failure), for both calibration (R2 = 0.57) and evaluation (R2 = 0.51) datasets. Model outputs were converted to the same scale used for the visual assessments to perform an in-depth evaluation of the modelling solution, which exactly matched the 46% of observed impact values, and presented an error of 1 class in 48.2% of the cases. This study demonstrated the soundness of the approach developed for crop-pathogen interactions and its suitability for the application in research—e.g., to explore the impacts of climate change on blast-related yield losses —and operational contexts—e.g., to test alternate fungicide strategies to optimize agricultural chemical applications.  相似文献   

To optimize wheat segregation for the various markets, it is necessary to add to genotype segregation, a prediction before harvest of the values of yield and grain protein concentration (GPC) for the different fields of the collecting area. Different tools allowing a prediction of crop production exist. Among them, the evaluation of nitrogen concentration by a chlorophyll meter (Soil–Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) readings), classically used to adapt the nitrogen fertilizer application, has been used in few works to foresee grain yield and grain protein concentration. But the relationships between N crop status and SPAD measurements varies among varieties and this genotypic effect has rarely been incorporated in models of forecasting grain quality.This paper compares several models to forecast yield, nitrogen uptake in grain (NUG) and grain protein concentration from trials carried out in 2001 and 2002 at the INRA experiment station of Grignon (West of Paris). Trials crossed nine varieties by four (2002) or five (2001) nitrogen rates. Input variables of those models are mainly chlorophyll meter measurements (SPAD) on the penultimate leaf at GS65 and on the flag leaf at GS71 Zadoks growth stages and ear number per square meter (NE).A square root model of yield based on NE × SPAD gave the best fit (RMSE = 0.6 t ha−1 for both stages) if considering three different groups of genotypes. Based on the same variable, NE × SPAD, a quadratic model for NUG without significant effect of genotypes gave the best fit (RMSE, between 21 and 30 kg ha−1 depending of the growth stage). And, for GPC, considering the same three groups of genotypes, the slope of the linear model with the ratio of predicted grain nitrogen concentration to predicted yield, is the same at both stages and very close to the standard value used to calculate protein concentration from nitrogen concentration (5.7), but the predictive quality of the model is more than 10% higher at GS71 (R2 of 0.77) than at flowering (R2 of 0.64). Finally, the sensibility of the models to delay in the stage of measurement is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the interaction between Eucalyptus saligna woodlots and maize crop in southern Rwanda. Three sites were selected and in each, a eucalypt woodlot with mature trees and a suitable adjoining crop field of 12.75 m × 30 m was selected. This was split into two plots of 6 m × 12 m and further subdivided into nine sub-plots running parallel to the tree-crop interface. Maize was grown in both 6 m × 12 m plots and one of these received fertiliser. Soil moisture, nutrients and solar radiation were significantly reduced near the woodlots, diminishing grain yield by 80% in the 10.5 m crop-field strip next to the woodlot. This reduction however affects only 10.5% of the maize crop field, leaving 89.5% unaffected. Spreading the loss to a hectare crop field, leads to an actual yield loss of 0.21 t ha−1, equivalent to 8.4%. Expressing yield loss in tree-crop systems usually presented as a percentage of yield recorded near the trees to that obtained in open areas may be misleading. Actual yields should be reported with corresponding crop field areas affected. Variation in grain yield coincided with those for soil moisture, soil N and K; all increasing from the woodlot-maize interface up to 10.5 m and remaining similar to the values in open areas thereafter. Solar radiation continued to increase with distance up to 18 m from the woodlot-maize interface. Harvest index in unfertilised maize exceeded that in the fertilised treatment reflecting the crop’s strategy to allocate resources to grain production under unfavourable conditions. Fertilisation increased maize yield from 1.3–2.6 t ha−1 but the trend in the woodlot effects on maize remained unaltered.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain yields vary considerably between seasons under subtropical irrigated conditions. Reports on comparisons of grain yield between early- and late-season rice in subtropical environments are lacking. In order to evaluate the role of climatic and physiological factors under double rice-cropping system in determining rice grain yield in farmers’ fields, six field experiments were conducted in both early and late seasons from 2008 to 2010 in Wuxue County, Hubei province, China. For early season crop, the attainable yield was highest under dense planting (38.5 hills m−2) when N was applied at a rate of 120–180 kg ha−1. However, the effect of hill density on grain yield was relatively smaller for late season crop, while moderate hill density (28.1 hills m−2) and nitrogen rate (120 kg ha−1) were advantageous in terms of grain yield and lodging resistance. Remarkably higher grain yields were achieved in late season crops compared with early season crops, as the former had superiority over the latter in sink size (sink capacity, such as spikelets per m2) and biomass production. The comparatively lower yield under early season mainly resulted from slower growth during the vegetative phase, which can be attributed to the lower temperature rather than reduced mean daily radiation. Summary statistics suggested that there was ample opportunity to improve rice yield in early season crops, compared with late season crops. Correlation analysis further showed that spikelets per m2, panicles per m2, leaf area index at panicle initiation and flowering, biomass at physiological maturity and biomass accumulation after flowering should be emphasized for increasing grain yield, especially in early season crops under the double rice-cropping system in central China. Current breeding programs need to target strong tillering ability, large panicle size and greater grain filling (%) for early season crops, and high yield potential and lodging-resistance for late season crops as primary objectives.  相似文献   

Rapeseed yields in Argentina are low (averaging 1400 kg/ha nationwide) with a high inter-annual variability. One of the limiting factors for improving yields is the lack of information on the adaptability of the cultivars, especially in the main rapeseed-producing area, the southeastern Pampas. The objectives of this study were to (i) quantify and analyze the yield variability of winter and spring rapeseed hybrids introduced in Argentina, (ii) identify the main environmental factors that affect the yields of the spring and winter genotypes in the southeastern Pampas, and (iii) model and validate rapeseed yields from environmental variables in the pre- and post-flowering periods. Principal component analysis (PCA) and linear regression methods were used to analyze 129 data points from 16 comparative yield trials in eight sites of southeastern Pampas. The rainfed crops were sown between April and July and from 2007 to 2009. Pre- and post-flowering phases were recorded in each experiment; temperature, frost occurrences, rainfall and radiation were measured during each phase. Yield variability (600–3700 kg ha−1) was slightly lower in spring than in winter genotypes (CV 0.25 versus 0.38). Sixty percent of the winter genotype variability was explained by the first axis which was associated to the pre- and post-flowering durations, while 25% of the variability was explained by the second axis associated to yield. Almost 50% of the spring genotype variability was explained by the first axis associated to pre-flowering and total durations, while 27% of the variability was explained by the second axis in which post-flowering duration was associated to yield. Winter genotypes evidenced vernalization requirements that were either partially or not fulfilled, so, the longer the photoperiod, the longer the pre-flowering phase duration. In the critical period of 30 d post-flowering, yield was not associated to the photothermal quotient. In winter genotypes, yield was associated to a linear model which included rainfall during the crop cycle, radiation and pre-flowering temperatures (R2 = 0.50). The model was adequately validated with independent data (n = 116) from official trials. For spring genotypes, only the frost occurrences during the critical period were relevant (R2 = 0.26) and placing the flowering time after October decreased the risk of late frost damage. Water use efficiency (WUE) values ranged from 1.6 to 6.7 kg ha−1 per mm of rain without a clear trend between spring and winter genotypes for this trait. In conclusion, winter genotypes did not necessarily yield more than the spring materials. In addition, rainfall during the crop cycle and frost occurrences during flowering were the main limiting factors of the winter and spring genotype yields, respectively, in the southeastern Pampas.  相似文献   

For increasing rice production in West Africa, both expansion of rice harvested area and raising rice yield are required. Development of small-scale irrigation schemes is given high priority in national rice development plans. For realizing potential of the newly developed schemes, it is essential to understand yield level, farmers’ crop management practices and production constraints. A series of field surveys were conducted in six small-scale irrigation schemes in Zou department, Benin during the dry season in 2010–2011 to assess variation in rice yields and identify factors affecting the variation. The schemes were established between 1969 and 2009. Rice yields ranged from 1.3 to 7.8 t ha−1 with an average yield of 4.8 t ha−1. The average yield was only 2.9 t ha−1 for newer irrigation schemes developed in 2002 and 2009. Multiple regression analysis using farmers’ crop management practices as well as abiotic and biotic stresses as independent variables revealed that 75% of the variation in yields could be explained by five agronomic factors (fallow residue management, ploughing method, water stress, rat damage and N application rate) and two edaphic factors (sloped surfaces and sand content in the soil). Removing fallow residue from the fields for land preparation reduced yields. Yields were lower in plots ploughed by hand than by machine. Sloped surface, water stress and rat damage reduced yields. Yield increase due to N application ranged from 0.8 to 1.6 t ha−1. Higher sand content was associated with lowered yields. The low yields in new irrigation schemes caused by sub-optimal crop management practices suggest that farmer-to-farmer learning and extension of good agricultural principles and practices can increase yields. Organizational capacity is also important to ensure the use of common resources such as irrigation water and tractors for land preparation.  相似文献   

Increased phosphorus (P) use efficiency (PUE) of potato production systems through P uptake and P utilization efficiency (PUPE and PUTE, respectively) is one of the main challenges for potato breeding and crop management programs. The aim of this study was to assess PUE, PUPE, PUTE and related traits in different potato genotypes (Solanum tuberosum L.) in response to P availability. Three field experiments were carried out in southern Chile in Andisol soils. In each experiment treatments were the factorial combination of (i) 22 genotypes of potatoes and (ii) two P fertilization rates (0 and 130 kg P ha−1, −P and +P, respectively). On average, biomass, P concentrations and P uptakes were reduced (P < 0.05) 32, 13 and 41% by −P, respectively. Conversely, −P increased PUTE (1.2-fold), PUPE (7-fold) and consequently PUE (8.3-fold). All traits were consistently affected (P < 0.01) by genotype (G), and the coefficient of variation (up to 47%) for each trait reflects the genotypic variability under both +P and −P. In all experiments, PUE and its main components were affected (P < 0.01) by P × G interaction. PUE was highly correlated with tuber yield, total biomass, P uptake and PUPE (P < 0.01; r = 0.74  0.99) but not to PUTE. In addition, PUPE was well correlated to yield and highly correlated with total P uptake (P < 0.01; r = 0.94–0.99). By contrast, PUTE was strongly negatively correlated (P < 0.01; r = −0.85  0.89) with P concentration in tubers. Genotypes from native (1 and 4), national cultivar (Puren-INIA, Yagana-INIA and Patagonia-INIA) and advanced line (R 89063 and RD 36–35) groups were among the best regarding PUE under −P. The PUPE was found to be more important than PUTE in determining PUE across a broad range of genotypes. Moreover, there is important genotypic variability in these traits with the potential to be used to improve PUE in potato crops through breeding and crop management programs.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean environments, flood irrigation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) crops is in danger of disappearance due to its unsustainable nature. The aim of the present study was to determine the short- and long-term effects of aerobic rice production, combined with conventional and no-tillage practices, on soils' physical, physicochemical, and biological properties, as well as on the rice yield components and productivity in the semi-arid Mediterranean conditions of SW Spain. A field experiment was conducted for three consecutive years (2011, 2012, and 2013), with four treatments: anaerobic with conventional tillage and flooding (CTF), aerobic with conventional tillage and sprinkler irrigation (CTS), aerobic with no-tillage and sprinkler irrigation (NTS), and long-term aerobic with no-tillage and sprinkler irrigation (NTS7). Significant soil properties improvements were achieved after the long-term implementation of no-tillage and sprinkler irrigation (NTS7). The short-term no-tillage and sprinkler irrigated treatment (NTS) gave lower yields than CTF in 2011 and 2012, but reached similar yields in the third year (NTS 8229 kg ha−1; CTF 8926 kg ha−1), with average savings of 75% of the total amount of water applied in CTF. The NTS7 data showed that high yields (reaching 9805 kg ha−1 in 2012) and water savings are sustainable in the long term. The highest water productivity was with NTS7 in 2011 (0.66 g L−1) and 2012 (1.46 g L−1), and with NTS in 2013 (1.05 g L−1). Thus, mid- and long-term implementation of sprinkler irrigation combined with no-tillage may be considered as a potentially productive and sustainable rice cropping system under Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

No tillage (NT) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) offers a pragmatic option for resolving the time and edaphic conflicts in rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat cropping system (RWS). However, poor stand establishment is an issue in NT wheat, which adversely affects crop growth, grain yield, and profitability. Therefore, a 2-year field study was conducted to assess the potential role of seed priming in improving the stand establishment, grain yield, water productivity and profitability of NT and plough till (PT) wheat grown after direct seeded aerobic (conservation) and puddled transplanted flooded (conventional) rice-based systems. For seed priming, wheat seeds were soaked in aerated water (hydropriming) or solution of CaCl2 (ψs −1.25 MPa; osmopriming) for 12 h, and non-primed seeds were used as control. After harvest of rice, grown as direct seeded aerobic and puddled transplanted flooded crop, primed and non-primed wheat seeds were sown following NT and PT. In both years, stand establishment of NT wheat after direct seeded aerobic and puddled transplanted flooded rice was impeded. Nonetheless, seed priming improved the stand establishment which was visible through earliness and better uniformity of seedling emergence. Overall, primed seeds completed 50% emergence in 6.4 days, against 7.8 days taken by non-primed seeds in NT wheat. The highest emergence index (41.7) was recorded in primed seeds versus 32.0 for non-primed seeds. Improved stand establishment enhanced growth, grain yield, water productivity and profitability in NT wheat. In this regard, osmopriming was the most effective, and produced grain yield of 4.5 Mg ha−1 against 3.8 Mg ha−1 for non-primed seeds in NT wheat. Water productivity of the NT wheat grown from osmoprimed seeds was 8.72 kg ha−1 mm−1 while that from non-primed seeds was 7.21 kg ha−1 mm−1. Among the RWSs, the maximum wheat biomass was produced with PT after direct seeded aerobic rice. However, grain yield, water productivity, and profitability were the highest in NT wheat following direct seeded aerobic rice. Wheat yields grown after direct seeded aerobic rice and transplanted flooded rice were 4.4 and 4.2 Mg ha−1 respectively. Planting NT wheat after direct seeded aerobic rice provided the highest system productivity (1.80) than other RWSs. Thus, seed priming is a viable option to improve the stand establishment, grain yield, water productivity and profitability of NT wheat in the RWS. Nonetheless, osmopriming was a better option than hydropriming in this regard.  相似文献   

Two citrus types (‘Fallglo’ and ‘Lee × Orlando’) exhibiting differential fruit degreening response when treated with ethylene were selected. Fruit were harvested at commercial maturity but at different developmental periods (Harvest I, II and III). Rate of color change was greater in ‘Fallglo’ than in ‘Lee × Orlando’ when fruit were treated with 5 μL L−1 of ethylene for 24 h. After 24 h of transfer of fruit to ethylene-free storage, rate of change decreased in ‘Fallgo’ and exhibited varied response in ‘Lee × Orlando’ depending on harvest date. ‘Fallglo’ fruit from Harvests I and II were completely degreened at the end of storage for 7 d; however ‘Lee × Orlando’ were not and were green in color. No difference in seedling triple response was observed between ‘Fallglo’ and ‘Lee × Orlando’ and sequences of the four ethylene receptors were identical between them. Expression of genes involved in ethylene biosynthesis and signaling pathways were studied in flavedo to test if differences in these pathways were correlated with differential ethylene sensitivity of the citrus types. Basal levels of ACS2 and ACO expressions declined as maturity progressed, and ethylene-induced expression of ACS1 and ACO were influenced by fruit maturity. At Harvests I and II, ethylene-induced increase in ACS1 and ACO expressions and ACC levels were greater in ‘Fallglo’ than in ‘Lee × Orlando’. Ethylene treatment influenced MACC content only during Harvest I in ‘Lee × Orlando’. MACC levels were generally higher in ‘Lee × Orlando’ than in ‘Fallglo’. Expressions of ETR1 and ETR2 were ethylene responsive in ‘Fallglo’ and only ETR1 expression was ethylene responsive in ‘Lee × Orlando’. Ethylene had more impact on ETR1 expression in ‘Fallglo’ than in ‘Lee × Orlando’. Ethylene had a negative effect on ETR3 expression which was more pronounced in ‘Lee × Orlando’ than in ‘Fallglo’. Expressions of ERS1, CTR1, EIN2, EIL1 and EIL2 were not affected by ethylene in both citrus types. Expression of chlorophyllase gene and rate of total chlorophyll degradation were higher in ‘Fallglo’ than in ‘Lee × Orlando’ during ethylene treatment. Differential degreening behavior of ‘Fallglo’ and ‘Lee × Orlando’ correlated with peel maturity, and factor(s) downstream of ethylene signaling but upstream of ethylene biosynthesis play a role in the differential sensitivity.  相似文献   

Yam crops (Dioscorea spp.) present a very high and unexplained interplant variability which hinders attempts at intensification. This paper aims to characterize the plant-to-plant variability in yield and to identify its underlying causes for the two major yam species (Dioscorea alata and Dioscorea rotundata). Four field experiments were carried out between 2006 and 2009 in Benin. Yams were grown using a traditional cropping method (i.e. in mounds at 0.7 plants m−2) without biotic or abiotic stresses. In order to test interplant competition, a low density treatment (0.08 plants m−2) was included for D. alata in the 2006 experiment. Throughout four years of experimentation, yields varied from 12 Mg ha−1 to 21 Mg ha−1. Both yam species presented a high interplant coefficient of variation (CV) for tuber yield (42–71%). The unbiased Gini coefficient (G′) was used to measure how steep a hierarchy is in an absolute sense. CV and G′ of individual plant biomass both confirm clear plant size hierarchies from early growth. However, no difference in the CV of plant size and plant tuber yield was observed between high and low plant density. This implies that, despite early interaction between neighbouring plants, competition was not the driving factor controlling plant variability. In fact uneven emergence proved to be the primary cause. Yam emergence takes place over a long period (e.g. it took 51 and 47 days for the 90% central range to emerge for D. alata and D. rotundata, respectively), creating an early inter-plant size hierarchy which later affected tuber production. For both species, plants which emerged early initiated their tuberization earlier in the growing season and reached higher maximum yield regardless of weather conditions (e.g. 1200 and 764 g plant−1 for early-emerging D. alata and D. rotundata plants respectively, and 539 and 281 g plant−1 for late-emerging plants). Plant size hierarchization together with its observed left-skewed distribution, led to reduce total and marketable yield by increasing the proportion of small tubers. These results highlight the need to better understand the underlying mechanisms controlling the yams’ uneven emergence before attempting to improve traditional cropping systems.  相似文献   

The adverse effects of climate change are significantly decreasing yield levels and yield stability over time in current monocropping systems. Intercropping (IC), i.e. growing more than one species simultaneously in the same field, often increases resource use efficiency and agricultural productivity compared with growing the component crops solely and can enhance yield stability. This meta-analysis of published IC literature quantified and analysed yield stability in IC compared with the respective sole crops, focusing on the effect of intercrop components (e.g. cereal-grain legume, non-cereal-grain legume), experimental patterns (e.g. experiment over years, experiment over locations), IC design (e.g. additive and replacement) and climatic zone (e.g. tropical, subtropical, and temperate). In total, 33 articles were analysed. The coefficient of variation (%CV) of yields was used for assessing yield stability, with lower CV value indicating higher yield stability. The analysis showed that cereal-grain legume IC (CV = 22.1) significantly increased yield stability compared with the respective grain legume sole crops (CV = 31.7). Moreover, compared with the respective cereal and legume sole crops, IC in the cereal-grain legume systems gave higher yield stability than IC in the non-cereal-grain legume systems. Compared with the respective cereal (CV = 25.3) and legume (CV = 30.3) sole crops, IC (CV = 19.1) in a replacement design had significantly (P < 0.05) higher yield stability. Also intercropping in replacement design gave more stable yields than IC in an additive design. In tropical regions, cereal sole crops (CV = 26.3) showed lower yield stability than IC (CV = 17.7) and legume sole crops (CV = 21.7). However, IC in all climatic zones showed higher yield stability than both sole crops. Moreover in our analysis, it was found that a higher yield level provided higher yield stability in crop production. Thus, increasing crop diversification through IC of cereals and grain legumes can enhance yield stability and food security, making an important contribution to eco-functional, ecological or sustainable intensification of global food production.  相似文献   

The aggregation of simulated gridded crop yields to national or regional scale requires information on temporal and spatial patterns of crop-specific harvested areas. This analysis estimates the uncertainty of simulated gridded yield time series related to the aggregation with four different harvested area data sets. We compare aggregated yield time series from the Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison project for four crop types from 14 models at global, national, and regional scale to determine aggregation-driven differences in mean yields and temporal patterns as measures of uncertainty.The quantity and spatial patterns of harvested areas differ for individual crops among the four data sets applied for the aggregation. Also simulated spatial yield patterns differ among the 14 models. These differences in harvested areas and simulated yield patterns lead to differences in aggregated productivity estimates, both in mean yield and in the temporal dynamics.Among the four investigated crops, wheat yield (17% relative difference) is most affected by the uncertainty introduced by the aggregation at the global scale. The correlation of temporal patterns of global aggregated yield time series can be as low as for soybean (r = 0.28).For the majority of countries, mean relative differences of nationally aggregated yields account for 10% or less. The spatial and temporal difference can be substantial higher for individual countries. Of the top-10 crop producers, aggregated national multi-annual mean relative difference of yields can be up to 67% (maize, South Africa), 43% (wheat, Pakistan), 51% (rice, Japan), and 427% (soybean, Bolivia). Correlations of differently aggregated yield time series can be as low as r = 0.56 (maize, India), r = 0.05 (wheat, Russia), r = 0.13 (rice, Vietnam), and r = −0.01 (soybean, Uruguay). The aggregation to sub-national scale in comparison to country scale shows that spatial uncertainties can cancel out in countries with large harvested areas per crop type. We conclude that the aggregation uncertainty can be substantial for crop productivity and production estimations in the context of food security, impact assessment, and model evaluation exercises.  相似文献   

Developing tolerant genotypes is crucial for stabilizing maize productivity under drought stress conditions as it is one of the most important abiotic stresses affecting crop yields. Twenty seven genotypes of maize (Zea mays L.) were evaluated for drought tolerance for three seasons under well watered and water stressed conditions to identify interactions amongst various tolerance traits and grain yield as well as their association with SSR markers. The study revealed considerable genetic diversity and significant variations for genotypes, environment and genotype × environment interactions for all the traits. The ranking of genotypes based on drought susceptibility index for morpho-physiological traits was similar to that based on grain yield and principal component analysis. Analysis of trait – trait and trait – yield associations indicated significant positive correlations amongst the water relations traits of relative water content (RWC), leaf water potential and osmotic potential as well as of RWC with grain yield under water stressed condition. Molecular analysis using 40 SSRs revealed 32 as polymorphic and 62 unique alleles were detected across 27 genotypes. Cluster analysis resulted in categorization of the genotypes into five distinct groups which was similar to that using principal component analysis. Based on overall performance across seasons tolerant and susceptible genotypes were identified for eventual utilization in breeding programs as well as for QTL identification. The marker-trait association analysis revealed significant associations between few SSR markers with water relations as well as yield contributing traits under water stressed conditions. These associations highlight the importance of functional mechanisms of intrinsic tolerance and cumulative traits for drought tolerance in maize.  相似文献   

Extreme temperatures cause spikelet sterility in rice and thus yield losses. Predicting sterility is difficult because organ temperature may differ from air temperature. Four rice genotypes were planted under irrigated flooded conditions in a similar replicated design in four environments: the relatively humid dry season in the Philippines, the summer season in southern France and the cold-dry and hot-dry seasons in northern Senegal. Panicle temperature was measured by IR photography on ca. 4000 images, complemented with simultaneous monitoring of micro-climatic variables on the floodwater-canopy-air continuum. Spikelet sterility was observed at the population scale at grain maturity, and canopy morphology was also characterized (plant height, leaf area index, panicle position within the canopy and panicle exertion). The period and time of day of anthesis (TOA) was estimated using a model developed on the same experiments as described in a previous paper. Panicle temperature varied between 9.5 °C below and 2 °C above air temperature at 2 m. During TOA it was on average slightly warmer than the air in the Philippines and significantly colder in Senegal. Spikelet sterility was disaggregated into three components caused by chilling at microspore stage, incomplete panicle exertion at anthesis and high panicle temperature at anthesis. Chilling caused up to 100% and heat up to 40% sterility, the former mainly in the Senegal cool-dry season and the latter in the Philippines. All genotypes avoided heat sterility in the hot-dry season in Senegal despite air temperatures up to 40 °C, by a combination of escape (early TOA) and avoidance (transpiration cooling). Only one genotype had no chilling induced sterility due to physiological tolerance. It is concluded that heat stress causing sterility is more likely to occur in warm-humid than hot-arid environments due to humidity effects on transpiration cooling. Models predicting global warming effects on sterility losses need to consider microclimate and organ temperature, and research is now needed on the genetic control of panicle transpiration cooling  相似文献   

The critical nitrogen (Nc), defined as the minimum N concentration required for maximum growth, is proposed for diagnosis of the in-season N status in crop plants. It has been established for several crops including rice on whole-plant dry matter (DM) basis but has not been determined for canopy leaf basis. This research was undertaken to develop a new Nc dilution curve based on leaf dry matter (LDM) and to assess its applicability to estimate the level of N nutrition for Japonica rice in east China. Three field experiments were conducted with varied N rates (0–360 kg N ha−1) and three Japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) hybrids, Lingxiangyou-18 (LXY-18), Wuxiangjing-14 (WXJ-14) and Wuyunjing (WYJ) in Jiangsu province of east China. Five hills from each plot were sampled from active tillering to heading for growth analysis and leaf N determination. The Nc dilution curve on leaf N concentration was described by the equation Nc = 3.76W−0.218, when LDM ranged from 0.67 to 4.25 t ha−1. However, for LDM < 0.67 t ha−1, the constant critical value Nc = 4.09%LDM was applied. This Nc dilution curve on LDM basis was slightly higher than the curves on plant DM basis in Japonica rice, yet both lower than the reference curve of high yielding Indica rice in tropics. The N nutrition index (NNI) and accumulated N deficit (Nand) of leaves ranged from 0.65 to 1.06 and 79.62 to −6.39 kg ha−1, respectively, during main growth stages under varied N rates in 2010 and 2011. The results indicate that the present Nc dilution curve and derived NNI and Nand adequately identified the situations of N-limiting and non-N-limiting nutrition in two rice varieties and could be used as reliable indicators of N status during growth of Japonica rice in east China.  相似文献   

The antifungal activity of citral against Penicillium digitatum, the causal agent of citrus green mold, was tested by in vitro and in vivo experiments. In vitro assays showed that the minimum inhibitory concentration and the minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) were both 4000 μL L−1. Results of in vivo tests demonstrated that wax + citral (1× MFC) treatment did not effectively inhibit the growth of P. digitatum in Ponkan mandarin fruit, whereas wax + citral (10× MFC) treatment significantly decreased the incidence of green mold after 6 days of storage at 25 ± 2 °C. Wax + citral (10× MFC) treatment remarkably increased the content of vitamin C and antioxidant enzyme activities such as catalase, superoxidase dismutase, and peroxidase but decreased the activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase, polyphenol oxidase, and malonaldehyde. The treatment had minor effects on the pH, coloration index, and total soluble solids. This study provided theoretical data for the practical application of citral on citrus fruit quality during postharvest storage.  相似文献   

Assessing the performance and the characteristics (e.g. yield, quality, disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance) of new varieties is a key component of crop performance improvement. However, the variety testing process is presently exclusively based on experimental field approaches which inherently reduces the number and the diversity of experienced combinations of varieties × environmental conditions in regard of the multiplicity of growing conditions within the cultivation area. Our aim is to make a greater and faster use of the information issuing from these trials using crop modeling and simulation to amplify the environmental and agronomic conditions in which the new varieties are tested.In this study, we present a model-based approach to assist variety testing and implement this approach on sunflower crop, using the SUNFLO simulation model and a subset of 80 trials from a large multi-environment trial (MET) conducted each year by agricultural extension services to compare newly released sunflower hybrids. After estimating parameter values (using plant phenotyping) to account for new genetic material, we independently evaluated the model prediction capacity on the MET (relative RMSE for oil yield was 16.4%; model accuracy was 54.4%) and its capacity to rank commercial hybrids for performance level (relative RMSE was 11%; Kendall's τ = 0.41, P < 0.01). We then designed a numerical experiment by combining the previously tested genetic and new cropping conditions (2100 virtual trials) to determine the best varieties and related management in representative French production regions. Finally, we proceeded to optimize the variety-environment-management choice: growing different varieties according to cultivation areas was a better strategy than relying on the global adaptation of varieties. We suggest that this approach could find operational outcomes to recommend varieties according to environment types. Such spatial management of genetic resources could potentially improve crop performance by reducing the genotype–phenotype mismatch in farming environments.  相似文献   

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