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The present study investigated motility, acrosome reaction, fertility and cryobiological parameters of the semen of the sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus L. Sperm motility persisted for about 4 min in water, and the main swimming type was the linear motion. Motility was prolonged at osmolalities of 12.5 mosmol kg?1 and in the presence of magnesium ions, while calcium had no effect. Also a pH in the range of 7.0–9.0 had no effect on ` motility. At osmolalities of 25–50 mosmol kg?1 the sperm motility was partly inhibited, at osmolalities of 100 mosmol kg?1, completely and irreversibly. In 50 mosmol kg?1 solutions with 2.5–5 mM L?1 KCl the motility inhibition was total, but reversible. The acrosome reaction was not induced by one of the described solutions, but the percentage of spermatozoa with reacted acrosomes was low (<20%) and highly variable in all experiments. The optimal extender base for cryopreservation was a solution consisting of 50 mM L?1 NaCl, 5 mM L?1 KCl, 10 mM L?1 Tris (pH 8.5). From the tested cryoprotectants only dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) and methanol provided sufficient cryoprotection. After freezing and thawing, the motility rates and swimming velocities were higher with DMSO than with methanol. However, the fertility was very significantly reduced with DMSO (10.3±0.5%) while with methanol fertilization rates in a similar range (32.7±4.4%) as with fresh semen (33.90±0.8%) could be obtained. Optimal freezing conditions for sterlet semen were in the vapour of liquid nitrogen 3–5 cm (?95°C to ?85°C) above its surface, the optimal thawing conditions at 25°C for 30 s. The acrosome reaction was not induced by these cryopreservation protocols.  相似文献   

In this study, the physiological response and growth performances of Acipenser ruthenus were investigated after a long‐term background colour adaptation (12 weeks). Twelve groups of 10 individuals with initial mean body weight of 183 g were reared in black, dark blue, grey and white tanks (three replicates for each colour). At the end of the experiments, growth (initial body weight, final body weight, weight gain per cent, food efficiency ratio, protein efficiency ratio, specific growth rate), blood (cortisol, glucose, pO2, pCO2, pH, haematocrit, osmolality, triglycerides, cholesterol, total lipids) and liver (hepatosomatic index, total lipids, glycogen) parameters were analyzed. Plasma cortisol in the dark‐adapted sterlet (21.95 ± 3.9 ng mL?1) was significantly lower than those in white‐adapted fish (39.44 ± 6.5 ng mL?1), whereas there were no significant differences in cortisol levels between the grey‐adapted fish (23.05 ± 4.1 ng mL?1) and dark blue‐adapted fish (24.2 ± 3.6 ng mL?1). A remarkable increase in mean of body weight (%) was detected in dark‐adapted sterlet (45.2 ± 3.2) being 27.67%, 12.1% and 11.8% higher than the white, grey and dark blue‐adapted fish respectively. The obtained results verified that different background colours lead to different growth performances and physiological responses of starlet, depending on rearing conditions.  相似文献   

Sturgeons are valued as specialty black caviar, which is very expensive. Only females are used in the technology of caviar aquaculture. Universal method of sex determination has not yet been developed. Most of known methods are not sufficiently accurate, or used at a relatively late age, or difficult to use. Perfect early determination of sex is considered to be impossible. Because of the dark colour of most sturgeons and important morphological differences, which fish of almost all ages have, were overlooked. We first found that the scute structure of sterlet sturgeon depends on the sex. The found dependencies with the help of machine learning algorithms open a possibility for creation of sex determination equipment using the artificial intelligence. Our results open a perspective for creation of sex determination methods for other 23 sturgeon species, which can increase the efficiency of caviar aquaculture and restoration of sturgeons in natural waters.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the long‐term effects (7‐month experiment) of diets consisting of fish oil (Kilka fish) and vegetable oil (rapeseed) on the reproductive performance of sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) broodstock. Forty‐five broodstock (990.3 ± 20.05 g) were randomly allocated to three different diet treatments. Three experimental diets were formulated with graded levels of fish oil (100% FO), vegetable oil (100% VO), and a combination of fish and vegetable oil (50% FO + 50% VO). At the end of the 7‐month feeding trial period, the weight gain and final weight were changed significantly different between the treatments (p < 0.05). Broodstock fed the FO + VO diet had higher growth than those fed the only FO or VO diets (p < 0.05). The highest germinal vesicle migration percentage was observed in FO + VO treatment (p < 0.05). The DHA/EPA, DHA/ARA and EPA/ARA ratios in oocyte exhibited a significant difference in the different treatments (p < 0.05). This study indicates that nutrition of broodstock with diet including FO + VO (p < 0.05) can positively affect the growth performance of larvae compared with only FO or VO diets. Furthermore, the high levels of 18:1n‐9, AL and ALA contents in oocytes from broodstock fed VO and the lowest ALA content in oocytes from broodstock fed FO underlined the important role of broodstock diets in the reproductive process and embryonic and/or larval developments of sterlet.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea is a unique ecosystem and the largest body of brackish water in the world. It is inhabited by several originally freshwater fish species, one of them being pike (Esox lucius), which is adapted to the mesohaline conditions of the southern Baltic Sea and colonises its south‐western bays and lagoons. Using twelve microsatellite markers, we analysed the genetic structure of 407 Baltic Sea pike collected from ten locations in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic region and adjacent rivers and nearby lakes. We used traditional F‐statistics and a Bayesian approach implemented in STRUCTURE to investigate spatial structuring. Our results show an overall isolation by distance pattern with two distinct coastal clusters. The border area between the two clusters is characterised by a sharp salinity leap, indicating that the dispersal barrier is not physical, but physiological in nature. A third cluster was formed by three lake populations, presumably as a result of past stocking measures. Additional otolith microchemical studies demonstrate the brackish origin and residency of the majority of the pike from the coastal lagoons, supporting previous studies which suggest that the anadromous pike “ecotype” is scarce in this area of the Baltic Sea. Our results contribute to current knowledge on the population genetics of Baltic Sea pike in a previously unsampled area.  相似文献   

2003年5、10月对乌苏里江上游虎头江段江鳕进行种群结构及生物学特性调查研究,通过对60尾样本分析,结果表明:乌苏里江上游虎头江段江鳕W=0.0195L^2.7022(r=0.8991),性比(♀:♂)为1.2:1。种群结构低龄个体所占比例明显偏高,年龄组成以2^ -3^ 为主,4^ 以上个体较少,种群低龄化现象严重,生殖群体组成单一,基本由第一次性成熟个体组成,种群数量2002年7.8t,2003年7.5t。目前乌苏里江上游虎头江段江鳕的资源状况处于下降状态。  相似文献   

根据2005、2006、2008、2009年在长江口附近水域采集的凤鲚样品,通过测量其体长、体重、性腺重、肝重、繁殖力等生物学参数,对凤鲚生殖群体的生殖特征和条件状况进行了研究。结果表明,(1)凤鲚生殖群体的体长、体重范围分别为61.2~224.3mm、2.1~32.7g;凤鲚雌性生殖群体的体长和体重普遍大于雄性,尤其是2008、2009年。而且随着体长的增加,体重差异越大;同等体长的雌性体重大于雄性。不同年份生长速度不同,其中2006年生长状况最差;(2)凤鲚生殖潜能受鱼体长、体重的影响比较密切。2005年性腺发育最好,2006年性腺发育最差;(3)凤鲚生殖群体肝重与体长、体重呈正相关。凤鲚肝重与体长、体重拟合关系式存在显著的性别差异,同等体长的雌性肝重大于雄性。雌、雄凤鲚的肥满度有相似的变化趋势,2006年凤鲚的肥满度最小,其他年份雌、雄肥满度K值变化不显著。雌、雄凤鲚的脂肪重和脂肪系数都没有显著的性别差异。总之,短寿命凤鲚的生殖特征和条件状况年际间变化较大,尤其是2006年凤鲚生殖群体的K值较低,体长和体重较大,但是性腺较轻,反映了该年长江流域极端高温、汛期降雨量严重偏低的特点。而2005年为历史上温度...  相似文献   

In this work, we investigated the nutritional status of Ruditapes decussatus juveniles under different rearing conditions, using biochemical indices (RNA/DNA ratio and protein content) and the linear instantaneous growth rate (IGR). Two experiments were conducted to study the effect of starvation, addition of substrate (sand) as rearing support and diet composition on somatic growth and biochemical indices. Results show that biochemical indices of fed juveniles were significantly (P<0.05) higher. Highest RNA/DNA values and protein content were recorded in fed juveniles reared with substrate (P<0.05); conversely, lowest values were recorded in starved ones reared without substrate. In the second experiment, the highest RNA/DNA ratio was recorded in juveniles fed with control algal mixture composed of species commonly used in bivalve nurseries [Isochrysis galbana (clone T-Iso), Chaetoceros calcitrans and Tetraselmis suecica] and lowest in those fed with algal species isolated from Tunisian coasts. This confirms the usefulness of the RNA/DNA ratio and protein content in the clam's nutritional status evaluation. This assay is useful to provide information about the nutritional status and health of the clam in field conditions.  相似文献   

  1. Genetic information is crucial for the conservation of Dipturus oxyrinchus (Linnaeus, 1758), a threatened large skate with declining populations over most of its geographical range. The main aim of the present study was to investigate the genetic structure, connectivity and demographic history of the longnosed skate in Sardinia (western Mediterranean Sea).
  2. Patterns of population structure were assessed in 175 specimens from six sampling sites. Variation in two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and control region) highlighted high genetic diversity and low but significant genetic differentiation among sites, which clustered into three groups corresponding to the north‐west, north‐east and south Sardinian coasts.
  3. The observed genetic structuring could presumably depend on a combination of past geological events, contemporary restrictions to dispersal and biological characteristics of the species (e.g. site‐fidelity, no pelagic larval stage, limited dispersal of juveniles and/or adults).
  4. Demographic analyses showed signs of past population expansion, but substantial current stability of Sardinian populations. From a conservation perspective, these results are encouraging, and indicate that Sardinian populations are still large and stable, and seem not to have suffered negative side‐effects from the ever‐growing fishing pressure in the region.
  5. The occurrence of genetic structuring strongly supported the close monitoring of populations to identify any erosion of their gene pool, and high genetic variability of the Sardinian D. oxyrinchus populations could thus represent priority populations for conservation purposes, providing potential sources for recolonization in cases of local extinctions in other areas of the distribution range of the species.
  6. When the sequences from Sardinia were compared with those available from other areas, the data seem to exclude the possibility that the Atlantic and Mediterranean host totally isolated populations or even different species, as recently suggested. However, additional markers and a larger sampling sites are needed to confirm these findings.

The study on histological characteristics of the digestive system of Beluga (Huso huso) was conducted from hatching until 50 days posthatching at 16.5 °C. Development of the digestive system in this species followed the general pattern described for other Acipenserids, although there were differences in the timing of organ development among species. At hatching, the mouth was opened and digestive system was represented by a gastric cavity filled with yolk and lined by endodermal cells, and a partially differentiated hindgut. Gastric glands started to differentiate at 46.5 degree‐ days posthatching (ddph), the earliest appearance time among sturgeon fishes studied to date. At the onset of exogenous feeding (144.9 ddph), yolk sac reserves were not completely depleted in the stomach, suggesting a period of mixed nutrition. The complete development of the digestive system was not accomplished until 235.2 ddph when it showed all histomorphological features typical of juvenile specimens. According to histological results, it seems advisable to start co‐feeding H.huso larvae with inert diets at the onset of exogenous feeding, because exocrine pancreas and glandular stomach are fully differentiated, although the complete substitution of live prey by inert feed is not recommended until 235 ddph.  相似文献   

  • 1. Baiji were sighted 17 times during three recent simultaneous multi‐vessel surveys in the Yangtze River, China (November 4–10, 1997; December 4–9, 1998; October 31–November 5, 1999). There were 11 sightings in 1997 (consisting of 17 animals), five in 1998 (seven animals), and two in 1999 (four animals). It was concluded that 13 individuals could be considered as a minimum number of the baiji currently in the Yangtze River.
  • 2. An annual rate of population decrease was roughly estimated as 10%. From the body sizes observed, the proportions of old, adult and immature individuals were approximately estimated at 57, 26, and 17% respectively.
  • 3. Baiji showed a significant attraction to confluences and sand bars with large eddies. The present distribution range of the baiji is less than 1400 km in length in the Yangtze main river. Distances between the two nearest groups of baiji appear to be increasing.
  • 4. Two typical sightings are described, in which surfacing and movements of baiji were recorded. Baiji were often found swimming together with finless porpoise. In the surveys they occurred in the same group in 63% of occurrences. Interactions between baiji and finless porpoise are described and discussed.
  • 5. Human activities are the main threats to the baiji. Illegal electrical fishing accounted for 40% of known mortalities during the 1990s. Engineering explosions for maintaining navigation channels have become another main cause of baiji deaths. The last hope of saving the species may be to translocate the remaining baiji into a semi‐captive reserve, known as the ‘Baiji Semi‐natural Reserve’.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)是长江重要经济鱼类之一,长江中游是其重要栖息地。为研究其种群现状,2016—2017年对长江宜昌—荆州江段鲢开展了周年调查,共采集鲢样品470尾。结果显示,鲢的年龄范围为1~7龄,体长范围为18.2~93.8 cm,优势年龄组为3~5龄(72.7%),优势体长组为40~70 cm (77.2%);体长和体重关系式为W=4.0413×10~(-5)L~(2.7546)(R~2=0.9297,n=470),为非匀速生长类型;von Bertalanffy生长方程为:L_t=104.7[1-e~(-0.1603(t+0.89))], W_t=14.81[1-e~(-0.1603(t+0.89))]~(2.7546);生长参数为φ=3.2448, L_∞=104.7 cm, W_∞=14.81 kg;鲢生长拐点为5.43龄,拐点体长和体重为L_(tp)=66.6827cm,W_(tp)=4.2753kg。本研究表明长江中游鲢种群年龄结构得到了一定恢复,但生长性能出现衰退,建议加强鲢的种群及其栖息地的保护。  相似文献   

The effect of in vitro storage of oocytes on embryos survival rate, egg oxidation status, antioxidant enzyme activities, lipid classes and fatty acid composition profile was investigated in common tench Tinca tinca. In order to identify the role of oxidative stress in the progress of oocyte ageing the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and carbonyls as indicators of lipid and protein oxidation were measured and the activity of antioxidant enzymes were examined. Stripped ova from six females were stored in cell culture plates at 20°C for up to 10 hr post‐stripping (HPS). The stored ova were fertilized and the embryo survival rates were assessed. The results indicated that tench eggs could be successfully stored in vitro for 4 hr after stripping at 20°C. Superoxide dismutase enzyme activity increased at 6 HPS, whereas glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities decreased in oocytes during in vitro storage (p < .05) at 4 and 8 HPSs, respectively. The level of malondialdehyde did not show any significant changes during the progress of oocyte ageing. Carbonyls increased up to 2 HPS and thereafter decreased significantly. However, ova ageing did not affect the main lipid class composition and the fatty acid composition of the eggs. Lower quality eggs exhibited lower levels of cholesterol but higher levels of triacylglycerol.  相似文献   

Juveniles of the fan mussel Pinna nobilis were collected in Mali Ston Bay from October to December 2006. Cages with juveniles were placed at three depths: 1, 3 and 5 m. At the end of a 2‐year growth period at 1 m depths, the average length was 244.1 ± 22.9 mm, at 3 m depths, specimens averaged 244.0 ± 25.3 mm, and at 5 m depths, the average length was 231.1 ± 22.5 mm. The average monthly growth of shell length for the total experimental period was 8.7 ± 5.3, 8.4 ± 4.5 and 7.6 ± 4.4 mm, at 1, 3 and 5 m depths respectively.  相似文献   

From 1986 to 1994, we collected 3,098 Gulf of Mexico sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus de sotoi) during their spring migration from the Gulf of Mexico to the Suwannee River, Florida. We estimated population size and described migratory and seasonal growth patterns of sturgeon in the Suwannee River, using data from tag returns, movement of ultrasonic-lagged fish and weight records. Population size estimates for 3.0- to 81.0-kg Gulf of Mexico sturgeon in the Suwannee River ranged from 1,504 to 3,066 fish. Sturgeon migrated from the Gulf of Mexico into the Suwannee River from mid-February to early May. Fish moved upstream and remained within a 2-km upstreamdownstream “home” area. These sites were closely associated with undenvater springs that discharge into the river. Sturgeon migrated downstream and into the Gulf of Mexico in October and November. In the Gulf of Mexico, ultrasonic-tagged fish were located in the Suwannee Sound area just north of Cedar Key, Florida. On an annual basis, fish gained an average of 20% of their body weight while in the Gulf of Mexico and lost about 12% of their weight during their stay in the Suwannee River. We observed movement of tagged sturgeon between the Suwannee and Apalachicola Rivers.  相似文献   

The rotifer Brachionus urceus (Linnaeus, 1758) was experimentally infected with the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) by the virus-phytoplankton adhesion route in order to assess the possibility of rotifer acting as a vector of WSSV to infect the shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Osbeck, 1765) larvae at zoea stage III. The nested-PCR test revealed WSSV-positive results in the rotifers exposed to WSSV by the virus-phytoplankton adhesion route. Among 10 replicates in the infection treatment, 40% of F. chinensis larvae became WSSV-positive when fed with WSSV-positive rotifers, whereas all were WSSV-negative for F. chinensis when fed with WSSV-free rotifers. Though the mortality of shrimp larvae in the infection treatment (39.47 ± 15.44%) was higher than that in the control treatment (34.67 ± 15.11%), there was no significant difference in the mortality between them (P > 0.05). These results indicated that the rotifer could serve as a vector in WSSV transmission when ingested.  相似文献   

为评价重金属污染对长江口中华鲟幼鱼生长的影响,在长江口水域采集了日本沼虾(Macrobraohium nipponense)、中国毛虾(Acetes chinensis)、狼牙鳗虾虎鱼(Taenioides rubicundus)、矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)、窄体舌鳎(Cynoglossus gracilis)等5种中华鲟幼鱼重要饵料生物,研究了Cu、Cd、Hg3种重金属元素在这些饵料生物体内的积累特征,评价了饵料生物受重金属污染的程度。结果显示,虾类Cu的单项污染指数(Pi)均大于0.5,鱼类Cu的Pi均小于0.5;5种饵料生物Cd和Hg的Pi均大于1。表明它们均不同程度受到重金属污染,虾类的重金属污染程度比鱼类严重。与历史资料比较发现,长江口鱼虾的重金属污染存在加重趋势,重金属污染已对洄游入海的中华鲟幼鱼构成威胁。  相似文献   

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