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  1. The structure of food webs provides important insight into biodiversity, organic matter (OM) pathways, and ecosystem functioning.
  2. Stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) was used to characterize the trophic structure and the main OM pathways supporting food webs in the Rapa Nui coastal marine ecosystem.
  3. The trophic position of consumers and isotopic niche metrics were estimated for different assemblages (i.e. mesozooplankton, emergent zooplankton, reef invertebrates, reef fishes, pelagic fishes, and seabirds). Furthermore, the relative importance of different OM sources (i.e. macroalgae, zooxanthellate corals, and particulate OM [POM]) was assessed for heterotrophic consumers using Bayesian mixing model (MixSIAR).
  4. Results show a clear pattern of 13C and 15N enrichment from small-sized pelagic and benthic invertebrates, to reef and pelagic fishes, and seabirds. Most invertebrates were classified as primary consumers, reef fishes as secondary consumers and pelagic predators and seabirds as tertiary and quaternary consumers.
  5. Isotopic niche metrics indicate a low trophic diversity for pelagic assemblages (mesozooplankton and pelagic fishes), in contrast to reef fauna (invertebrates and fishes), whose higher trophic diversity suggest the exploitation of a wider range of trophic resources. Overlapping of standard ellipses areas between reef invertebrates and reef fishes indicates that both assemblages could be sharing trophic resources.
  6. Mixing models results indicate that POM is the main trophic pathway for mesozooplankton, macroalgae (Rhodophyta) for emergent zooplankton, and a mix of coral-derived OM and Rhodophyta for coral reef assemblages such as macrobenthos and reef invertebrates. In contrast, POM contribution was notably more important for some pelagic fishes and seabirds from upper trophic levels.
  7. This study provides key elements for conservation efforts on coral reefs, management planning and full-implementation of the recently created Rapa Nui Multiple Use Marine Protected Area.

The factors that regulate the self‐recruitment of fish larvae were explored in Cabrera National Park (CNP), an insular Marine Protected Area (MPA) located off southern Mallorca (Western Mediterranean). Our study attributes the regulation of larval arrival to the MPA to a combination of retention by topographically generated circulation patterns around the island and shelf break frontal dynamics. Specifically, within the shelf, interaction of the wind‐induced oscillatory flow with the island was shown to generate ephemeral recirculation patterns that, over time, favor larval retention in the proximity of the MPA. According to our measurements, oscillatory flows produced by wind‐forced island‐trapped waves (ITWs) dominate the flow around CNP. ITW‐forced dispersion simulations were in agreement with the observed distributions of several typical fish species that breed in the CNP. A second regulator of environmental variability is the influence of boundary currents and open ocean mesoscale structures at the shelf break. These structures generate frontal zones that are comparatively more long‐lived than inner‐shelf circulation patterns, and they were shown to act as barriers to the offshore dispersion of coastal fish larval assemblages. Finally, inferences from larval size distributions around the MPA together with particle‐tracking model simulations suggested the relevance of behavioral processes for larval recruitment to the MPA. Based on these observations, the waters around the CNP can be viewed as a relatively stable system that allows breeding fish populations to rely on self‐recruitment for their long‐term persistence, independent of other source populations along the coast of Mallorca.  相似文献   

  1. A spatial approach to coastal management, such as marine protected areas, is being increasingly used to address biodiversity and fishery declines resulting from habitat loss, degradation, and overfishing. This approach is especially applicable in regions and fisheries that are data poor, and which often lack regulations and adequate capacity for enforcement. In data-poor situations, species that have economic, cultural, and charismatic value can provide leverage for ecosystem protection.
  2. In this study, acoustic telemetry was used to confirm a pre-spawning aggregation site, acting as critical information for protection of essential habitat for bonefish. Additionally, data sharing with an acoustic telemetry study on smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) documented linkages between the pre-spawning aggregation site and bonefish home ranges ≥70 km distant, thus providing an estimate of the catchment area.
  3. These data provided post hoc support for a marine national park designated in 2002, and demonstrate that the park is of the appropriate spatial scale.

  • 1. On shallow reefs, day-night activity patterns between fishes and invertebrates are presumed to reflect trade-offs between feeding and predation; however, quantitative data on daily community dynamics are scarce. Moreover, night surveys may contribute important information for biodiversity inventories or baselines that normally are not considered.
  • 2. This study used standardized day–night visual surveys of fishes and mobile invertebrates on the same transect lines in Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and investigated how diel patterns vary between taxonomic and trophic groups.
  • 3. Distinct differences between taxonomic groups were observed, with fishes being more abundant during the day (>twice), whilst invertebrate abundance and richness showed an opposite trend with higher numbers at night (>three times).
  • 4. Analysis of trophic groups showed that herbivorous and planktivorous fishes were more abundant during the day. Carnivorous fishes did not show any trends. Top predators (Apex) were observed only at very low abundances. However, a replacement amongst carnivorous fish species between day and night was found, where labridae fishes were practically absent during nights.
  • 5. Most of the mobile invertebrates remained concealed during the day, probably due to the influence of predation risk (labrid fishes). The results emphasize the need for consideration of nocturnally active invertebrates in biodiversity inventories or baselines of reefs, which focus heavily only on diurnal surveys.
  • 6. Day–night reef surveys should be included in marine protected area planning and monitoring as this provides a better understanding of shallow benthic communities and helps inform proper management decisions.


  1. The protection of ecosystems with high diversity, such as coral reefs, is not an approach that guarantees their conservation. Thus, maintaining connectivity among coral populations over the long term is a strategy that should be adopted in order to protect diversity and ecological processes. Although coral reefs in Colombia are highly diverse, the population genetics baseline data of keystone species such as Orbicella faveolata are limited.
  2. To provide current information about the connectivity between populations of O. faveolata in the Colombian Caribbean, the genetic diversity and distribution of O. faveolata was evaluated with analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), principal components, and migration estimations using 113 genets distributed in six populations. Also, a genetic structure analysis that included the available data for the Caribbean population was conducted, seeking to understand how the Colombian populations relate to the broader region.
  3. According to the global fixation index (FST) for the Colombian Caribbean, there was no genetic structure (FST = 0.002). Discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) showed that Corales del Rosario Archipelago (CR), Este de Isla Fuerte (EIF), San Bernardo Archipelago (SB), and Varadero Reef (VR) were grouped with Oeste de Isla Fuerte (OIF), with Bushnell (BS) representing the most divergent cluster. Migration analysis showed relatively high migration from VR to CR and SB, highlighting the importance of VR as a genetic reservoir for the region. Structure analysis showed that the Colombian population presented a specific genetic identity (FST = 0.254), suggesting that the Colombian Caribbean population could be a peripheral population that contributes significantly to genetic variation and is connected through a complex connectivity process.
  4. In conclusion, the estimated genetic connectivity reflects the influence of sea surface dynamics over the interpopulation exchange dynamics and the role of protected and nonprotected coral reef in the Colombian Caribbean. Thus, the Colombian Caribbean population of O. faveolata could be relevant to the conservation of genetic diversity on a larger scale.

  • 1. Marine reserves can play an important role in the conservation of subpopulations of marine fish metapopulations. The population spatial structure of northern Atlantic cod of Newfoundland and Labrador has characteristics of a metapopulation. Subpopulations of northern Atlantic cod on the continental shelf were decimated by decades of overfishing, and have not recovered. The remaining northern cod are concentrated in coastal areas.
  • 2. A Marine Protected Area (MPA) was established in Gilbert Bay, Labrador by the Government of Canada in 2005 to protect the bay's resident subpopulation of northern Atlantic cod. Conservation of Gilbert Bay cod will help protect the genetic diversity of the northern cod metapopulation.
  • 3. Unlike some other MPAs, Gilbert Bay is not a harvest refugium or ‘no‐take’ reserve. Aboriginal subsistence fisheries for salmonids with a bycatch of cod are allowed in designated areas of the MPA. A recreational fishery for Atlantic cod by angling open to all people is under consideration. Management of the MPA must ensure that fishing activities do not endanger the local cod population.
  • 4. The population dynamics of Gilbert Bay cod were simulated using an age‐structured Leslie matrix model to estimate the total mortality under various recreational fishing scenarios. The level of sustainable harvest by a recreational fishery depends on the natural mortality of the Gilbert Bay cod population, which is unknown. Therefore, there is risk in permitting a recreational fishery in the MPA.
  • 5. There may be benefits to the northern cod metapopulation, if the Gilbert Bay subpopulation is allowed to rebuild to the carrying capacity of the bay. If the abundance of Gilbert Bay cod exceeds the level which the local marine ecosystem can support, some cod may emigrate from the bay and recolonize adjacent coastal areas. The potential for Gilbert Bay cod to recolonize continental shelf areas is less certain.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. A high percentage of marine animals produce bioactive compounds that may play a leading role in the discovery of future compounds and drugs of marine origin. However, commercial fishing and other human activities leading to sea warming and pollution may affect these marine animals, even putting them in danger of extinction.
  2. To date, no comprehensive studies have evaluated the conservation status of Mediterranean species with bioactive potential, which is crucial to better understanding of how these species cope with the impacts of human activity.
  3. The study reviewed the bioactive potential and vulnerability of 833 fish and macro-invertebrate species inhabiting the marine protected area of Cap de Creus and surrounding areas. The most active taxa found were Porifera (49 out of 59 species; 83.0%) and Tunicata (17 out of 27 species; 63.0%). The most vulnerable species were Chondrichthyes (eight out of nine species) and Porifera (nine out of 12 species), which together account for over 75% of species classified as such.
  4. Results emphasize the need to introduce specific management measures that protect vulnerable species with bioactive potential as this is a valuable component of marine ecosystems, as well as a potential source of molecules with pharmacological properties beneficial for human health.
  5. Marine protected areas can contribute to preserving marine species of medical interest and achieving their sustainable use in the marine biotechnology industry.

  1. The coastal marine protected ecosystem at Punta Coles (as a part of the Reserva Nacional de Islas, Islotes y Puntas Guaneras) is located in a highly exploited area in southern Peru and contains several commercial, bioengineering and other benthic species.
  2. Pre-image population analysis was used to estimate the transient values of intrinsic growth rate (r) based on biomass and density time series as a proxy of productivity to assess the effectiveness of protection.
  3. The outcomes obtained showed that the gastropods Concholepas concholepas, Fissurella latimartiginata and the tunicate Purya chilensis showed a reduction of productivity during recent years, whilst the sea urchin Loxechinus albus, the barnacle Balanus laevis and the bivalve Semimytilus algosus showed an opposite pattern. Several species exhibited a chaotic dynamic, coinciding with the highest productivity values. In 2016 and 2017, several species exhibited a reduction of their abundance which could be delayed responses explained by changes in oceanographic conditions (reduction of coastal upwelling), La Niña event and illegal harvest.
  4. The above notwithstanding, the results suggest that effective protection of benthic species in the protected ecosystem of Punta Coles have been partially accomplished. Therefore, this work could be considered a baseline study, permitting the subsequent monitoring of productivity of the main species inhabiting the coastal area of Punta Coles.
  5. Pre-image population analysis could be used as a complimentary analytical tool since it enables the evaluation of transient population parameters (e.g. productivity) thus aiding population management, conservation and monitoring decisions.

  1. The implementation of marine protected areas (MPAs) has been widely used as a tool to manage and conserve marine resources and services. Yet, to date, the reserve effect is still weakly evaluated, particularly for soft-sediment habitats.
  2. The Arrábida MPA, considered as a biodiversity hotspot, was fully established in 2009 on the west coast of Portugal and is characterized by large expanses of soft-sediment habitats. This MPA was established to protect biodiversity and to ensure the livelihood of the local small-scale fisheries community.
  3. Beyond before–after-control–impact (BACI) analyses were carried out on catch data (abundance and biomass) of 351 trammel net sets from experimental fishing campaigns (2007–2019) to study the reserve effect on demersal fish populations.
  4. The results show a declining trend in abundance inside and outside the protected area, with significant positive effects only found for undersize commercial species and Solea senegalensis, and a general increase in fish species total length. Despite the lack of any obvious reserve effect, the increase in fish length can be considered as a first sign.
  5. Anthropogenic pressures are generalized around the area, and transgressions of the restrictions are frequently observed inside the no-take zone. These can, among other aspects, delay or prevent the expected reserve effects. Therefore, enforcement and/or modification of the spatial plan must be incentivized to achieve the goals of the MPA.

  1. There is concern across the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) region that a consideration of vulnerable components and the wider support mechanisms underpinning benthic marine ecosystems may be lacking from the process of marine protected area (MPA) designation, management and monitoring.
  2. In this study, MPAs across six European ecoregions were assessed from a benthic ecology perspective. The study included 102 MPAs, designated by 10 countries, and focused on three aspects regarding the role of the benthos in: (i) the designation of MPAs; (ii) the management measures used in MPAs; and (iii) the monitoring and assessment of MPAs.
  3. Qualitative entries to a questionnaire based on an existing framework (EU project ‘Monitoring Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas’, (MESMA) were collected by 19 benthic experts of the ICES Benthic Ecology Working Group. A pedigree matrix was used to apply a numerical scale (score) to these entries.
  4. The results showed clear differences in scores between ecoregions and between criteria. The designation‐phase criteria generally achieved higher scores than the implementation‐phase criteria. Poor designation‐phase scores were generally reiterated in the implementation‐phase scores, such as scores for assessment and monitoring.
  5. Over 70% of the MPA case studies were found to consider the benthos to some extent during selection and designation; however, this was not followed up with appropriate management measures and good practice during the implementation phase.
  6. Poor spatial and temporal coverage of monitoring and ineffective indicators is unlikely to pick up changes caused by management measures in the MPA. There is concern that without adequate monitoring and adaptive management frameworks, the MPAs will be compromised. Also, there could be an increased likelihood that, with regard to the benthos, they will fail to meet their conservation objectives.
  7. This assessment was successful in highlighting issues related to the representation and protection of the benthos in MPAs and where changes need to be made, such as expanding the characterization and monitoring of benthic species or habitats of interest. These issues could be attributable to an ongoing process and/or an indication that some MPAs only have ‘paper protection’.

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are often promoted as tools for biodiversity conservation as well as for fisheries management. Despite increasing evidence of their usefulness, questions remain regarding the optimal design of MPAs, in particular concerning their function as fisheries management tools, for which empirical studies are still lacking. Using 28 data sets from seven MPAs in Southern Europe, we developed a meta‐analytical approach to investigate the effects of protection on adjacent fisheries and asking how these effects are influenced by MPA size and age. Southern European MPAs showed clear effects on the surrounding fisheries, on the ‘catch per unit effort’ (CPUE) of target species, but especially on the CPUE of the marketable catch. These effects depended on the time of protection and on the size of the no‐take area. CPUE of both target species and the marketable catch increased gradually by 2–4% per year over a long time period (at least 30 years). The influence of the size of the no‐take area appeared to be more complex. The catch rates of the entire fishery in and around the MPA were higher when the no‐take areas were smaller. Conversely, catch rates of selected fisheries that were expected to benefit most from protection increased when the no‐take area was larger. Our results emphasize the importance of MPA size on its export functions and suggest that an adequate, often extended, time frame be used for the management and the evaluation of effectiveness of MPAs.  相似文献   

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