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西北太平洋鸢乌贼种群遗传结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为检测西北太平洋鸢乌贼种群遗传结构,采用线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因(Cytb)序列分析方法对鸢乌贼东海群体、南海群体与菲律宾海群体进行遗传变异分析。结果显示,(1)所有群体总的单倍型多样度与核苷酸多样度分别为0.982±0.006、0.012±0.006;菲律宾海群体对应的遗传多样度均最高,分别为0.973±0.014、0.015±0.008;南海群体与东海群体的单倍型多样度分别为0.959±0.026、0.943±0.031,核苷酸多样度均为0.006±0.003。3个地理群体均具有较高的遗传多样性水平。(2)分子方差分析结果显示,34.6%的遗传变异来自于群体间,群体间遗传分化极显著。两两群体间Fst分析表明,西北太平洋鸢乌贼群体间均具有极显著的遗传分化。构建的单倍型邻接系统树和最小跨度树显示,西北太平洋鸢乌贼群体存在明显的系统发育谱系结构(谱系A、B、C),3个谱系单倍型类群间也存在极显著的遗传分化(Fst=0.735~0.805)。(3)中性检验和核苷酸不配对分析结果均表明,谱系B可能经历过近期群体扩张事件,发生群体扩张的时间在10.3~12.5万年前。综合分析认为,西北太平洋鸢乌贼的种群遗传结构模式及系统发育地理格局模式是由其栖息地海洋环境与更新世气候变化共同塑造的。建议在渔业管理上将3个地理群体划分为3个独立的管理单元。  相似文献   

The genetic structure of the gadiform fish species, burbot Lota lota L., was investigated across Germany to derive management options for facilitating the preservation of genetic diversity. Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial control region (n = 244) and microsatellite analysis (n = 861) of specimens from 20 sites revealed genetic structuring between major river basins, and particularly between lake and river habitats. The admixture zone between the Eurasian and West European phylogenetic clades in Lake Constance was confirmed and expanded to include the drainage basins of the rivers Rhine and Schlei/Trave. Haplotype distribution and private haplotypes in single river basins indicated population differentiation and imply that German burbot constituted an important part of the entire species' diversity. The derived genetic structuring has implications for future stocking programmes and the preservation of the adaptive potential of burbot, a guiding species for oligotrophic lakes in Europe.  相似文献   

The Chilean jack mackerel Trachurus murphyi, is a pelagic fish from the Carangidae family that is distributed in the South Pacific Ocean. Because this species constitutes an important economic resource across the South Pacific and plays an important ecological role in this ecosystem there is a growing interest in determining its population structure. In this study, we used molecular markers (mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellites) from Chilean jack mackerel samples to investigate its genetic population structure across the South Pacific Ocean. The mitochondrial DNA did not detect a genetic structure in T. murphyi populations in the Pacific Ocean, but revealed very low haplotype diversity and a short genealogy history compared to other small-pelagic species. The same general pattern of a lack of genetic structure was found with microsatellite loci; however, a large genetic diversity was revealed with microsatellite markers. The present results did not support the existence of different stock units for T. murphyi across the South Pacific Ocean but a more holistic approach will be necessary to determine an adequate management strategy for this fishery.  相似文献   

Drift of propagules occurs within many populations inhabiting flow fields. This affects the number of propagules that rejoin their source population (recruitment) and plays a role in adaptive spatial redistribution. We focus on the cause and consequence of interannual variation in geographic distribution of population density among five cohorts of young‐of‐the‐year (age‐0) juvenile walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus in the western Gulf of Alaska (GOA). The coastal GOA is a wind‐driven advective system. Walleye pollock spawn during spring and their eggs and larvae drift southwestward; by late summer, age‐0 juveniles are variously distributed over the shelf. We found that high population densities of age‐0 juveniles (ca. 6 months old) near the southwestward exit of the Alaska Coastal Current from the GOA corresponded with high abundance of larvae from the major spawning area upstream, but did not translate into high abundance at older ages. Further, offshore and upwelling‐favorable winds were associated with the high downstream abundance and presumed export. In contrast, downwelling‐favorable (northeasterly) wind during and shortly after spawning (April–May) was associated with high recruitment at age 1. Finally, we found that recruitment also increased with apparent retention of age‐0 juveniles in favorable habitat upstream near the main spawning area. We hypothesize that wind‐related retention in superior upstream habitat favors recruitment. Our results argue for including wind‐driven transport in future walleye pollock recruitment models. We encourage more work on the juvenile stage of marine fishes aimed at understanding how transport and species‐specific habitat suitability interact to affect population response to large‐scale forcing.  相似文献   

A base population of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians Lamarck, was produced by crossing two cultured bay scallop populations. After 1 year of rearing, the top 10% truncation selection of the top 10% ( i =1.755) was carried out in the base population of about 1300 adults. A control parental group with a an identical number to the select parental group was randomly selected from the entire population before isolation of the select parental group. The result showed that, at the larval stage, the growth rate of larvae in the selected line was significantly higher than that of the control ( P <0.05), and that the genetic gain was 6.78%. Owing to the lower density of control at the spat stage, the mean shell length of the control line was larger than that of the select line at day 100. When the same density was adjusted between two lines in the grow-out stage (from day 100 to 160), the daily growth rate of the selected line was significantly higher than that of the control line ( P <0.05). Survival of the select line was significantly larger than that of the control line in the grow-out stage. In conclusion, the results obtained from this experiment indicate that selective breeding from a base population with a high genetic diversity established by mass spawning between different populations appears to be a promising method of genetic improvement in bay scallop, A. irradians irradians Lamarck.  相似文献   


为了解安徽省内长江和淮河水系黄颡鱼 (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) 遗传多样性和遗传结构,选用10个微卫星标记对9个自然群体共254尾黄颡鱼进行了遗传分析。共检测到等位基因数 (Na) 245个,平均有效等位基因数 (Ne) 9.75个。各群体的平均Na为5.20~14.80,平均Ne为2.64~8.93;平均观测杂合度 (Ho) 为0.496~0.671,平均期望杂合度 (He) 为0.557~0.818;平均多态信息含量 (PIC) 为0.500~0.790。AMOVA分析显示仅8.15%的遗传变异来自群体间,各群体间的遗传分化指数 (FST) 为0.006~0.236。基于Nei's遗传距离的UPGMA系统树和利用Structure软件的群体遗传结构分析均显示,9个群体可被划分4或5个谱系,其中石台 (秋浦河水系)、麻川河 (青弋江支流)、阜南 (淮河水系) 3个群体的个体遗传结构均比较独立,与其他群体亲缘关系较远;其他6个群体 (长江水系的望江、无为、龙窝湖、泾县群体和淮河水系的凤台、瓦埠湖) 的较为复杂,可能存在谱系间的混杂。结果表明,研究区域内黄颡鱼野生资源遗传多样性较高,地理群体间存在遗传分化且部分群体可能经历了瓶颈效应。


  1. Scutellastra mexicana is the largest known patellid limpet species and probably is one of the most endangered marine invertebrates.
  2. The species was once distributed along the American Pacific coast from Mexico to Peru, but their large size (up to 35 cm long) and easy accessibility (shallow sublittoral), made it very vulnerable to human collection and now is extinct on most of the mainland Mexican coast.
  3. In August 2017, a large population of this species was found on María Cleofas island, off the coast of west‐central Mexico (Marías Archipelago, Pacific Ocean). This constitutes the only report of a population of this species since 1988.
  4. A total of 808 adult individuals of up to 26 cm in length and 20 cm in width were estimated, together with the presence of juveniles, suggesting that it is a self‐sustaining population. The population was monitored in August 2017 and August 2018.
  5. Although the species is under the category ‘Special Protection’ in the General Mexican Wild Law, and that María Cleofas island is a Biosphere Reserve, fishermen that operate with impunity in the area decimated the limpet population within a year of its discovery. Abundance in the shallowest area decreased significantly from 120 individuals per transect (65 m long and 2.75 m wide) in August 2017 to 48 individuals in August 2018, and the estimated adult population decreased from 808 to 304 limpets.
  6. Neither passive national conservation policies nor local practices have reduced current threats to biodiversity and resource depletion in Marías Archipelago. Protected areas like this are ‘paper parks’—parks in name only—because there is no active conservation strategy or protection of marine species.

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