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  1. The freshwater mussel (Unionida) fauna of the Yangtze River is among the most diverse on Earth. In recent decades, human activities have caused habitat degradation in the river, and previous studies estimated that up to 80% of the mussel species in the Yangtze River are Threatened or Near Threatened with extinction. However, a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of the conservation status of this fauna has yet to be completed.
  2. This study evaluated the conservation status of the 69 recognized freshwater mussel species in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, using the criteria published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). A new method for prioritizing species for conservation was then developed and applied termed Quantitative Assessment of Species for Conservation Prioritization (QASCP), which prioritizes species according to quantifiable data on their distribution and population status, life history, and recovery importance and potential.
  3. IUCN assessments showed that 35 (51%) species in the study region are Threatened or Near Threatened (11 Endangered, 20 Vulnerable, 4 Near Threatened). In addition, 16 species (23%) could not be assessed owing to data deficiency. Key threats to the freshwater mussel biodiversity of the Yangtze River include pollution, habitat loss and fragmentation, loss of access to host fish, and overharvesting of mussels and their host fish. The genera Aculamprotula, Gibbosula, Lamprotula, Pseudodon, Ptychorhynchus, and Solenaia were identified as particularly threatened.
  4. Data availability allowed QASCP assessment of 44 species. Only Solenaia carinata, regionally Endangered under IUCN criteria, achieved the highest QASCP rank, i.e. First Priority. The five species assessed as Second Priority were considered either regionally Endangered (one), Vulnerable (three), or Data Deficient (one) under IUCN criteria. The 23 Third Priority species were assessed as regionally Endangered (two), Vulnerable (15), Near Threatened (two), or Least Concern (four).

  • 1. Variation in age, shell growth, and demographic responses of two endangered mussel species, Epioblasma brevidens and Epioblasma capsaeformis, and a third non‐listed species, Lampsilis fasciola, were studied from 2004–2008 in a 32‐km reach of the Clinch River, TN.
  • 2. Observed maximum age and length of E. brevidens was 28 yr and 71.5 mm for males and 15 yr and 56.6 mm for females; of E. capsaeformis, 12 yr and 54.6 mm for males and 9 yr and 48.6 mm for females; and of L. fasciola, 45 yr and 91.3 mm for males and 24 yr and 79.8 mm for females.
  • 3. Estimated population size was ~46 000 individuals for E. brevidens, ~862 000 individuals for E. capsaeformis, and ~33 000 individuals for L. fasciola.
  • 4. Mean recruitment per year of 1 yr‐olds ranged from 12.0% to 24.0% for E. brevidens, 4.2% to 56.6% for E. capsaeformis, and 10.0% to 38.5% for L. fasciola, and mean annual population growth rate was 21.0%, 31.3%, and ? 24.3%, respectively.
  • 5. Juveniles were detectable but temporally and spatially variable in occurrence, and a significant proportion of the age‐class structure of each species. Recruitment was exceptionally high for E. capsaeformis during years when discharge was low in spring and summer.
  • 6. Population size, growth, recruitment, and mortality rates of the shorter‐lived E. capsaeformis were correspondingly higher than those of E. brevidens and L. fasciola.
  • 7. The federal recovery plan for E. brevidens and E. capsaeformis identifies quantification of demographic variables as a critical step toward meeting the recovery needs of each species. The data collected in this study begin to meet these needs and can be used to monitor and evaluate population performance of each species. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

五种蚌的形态变异与判别分析   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
魏开建 《水产学报》2003,27(1):13-18
运用多变量形态度量学方法,采用6个形态性状对褶纹冠蚌、三角帆蚌、圆背角无齿蚌、椭圆背角无齿蚌和球形无齿蚌5种蚌的种间以及地理种群间的形态变异进行了研究。主成分分析构建了2个主成分,第一主成分受4个性状的影响,贡献率为54.17%;第二主成分受1个性状的影响,贡献率为34.08%。主成分分析和聚类分析表明,褶纹冠蚌与三解帆蚌形态相近,随圆背角无齿蚌与球形无齿蚌外形相拟。方差分析和t检验表明,褶纹冠蚌和三解帆蚌的不同地理种群分别表现出形态上变异。建立了5种蚌的判别函数,三角帆蚌和圆背角无齿蚌的判别准确率均为100%,褶纹冠蚌、椭圆背角无齿蚌和球形无齿蚌的判别准确率依次为98.92%、86.36%和96.88%,总判别准确率为97.83%。  相似文献   

  1. The European Natura 2000 (N2K) network of protected areas stands out as the main conservation strategy in the European Union to preserve biodiversity under the auspices of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  2. The management of N2K sites is mainly focused on protecting the biological elements as Special Areas of Conservation for habitats or species listed in the European Habitats Directive, or as Special Protection Areas for birds listed in the European Birds Directive for which the site was designated. It seems urgent, therefore, to discriminate which N2K sites are really providing effective protection for aquatic biodiversity.
  3. Although the main objective of N2K is to protect species listed in the Birds and Habitats Directives, the conservation status of threatened species included in the European Red List of the IUCN must also be a concern for the European Union.
  4. Focusing on Central Spain as a case study, the aim of this work was to evaluate how far aquatic N2K (i.e. N2K sites designated for the occurrence of freshwater elements) is effective in protecting both those aquatic species in the Directives [referred to here as Species of Community Importance (SCI) and threatened species (TS)].
  5. Most of the N2K sites in the study area have been designated using aquatic elements, which means that N2K could theoretically provide appropriate mechanisms to preserve aquatic biodiversity. However, N2K provides a low percentage of overlap with some of the hotspots identified for both TS and SCI. Surprisingly, TS are in general similarly or even better represented than SCI by N2K.
  6. N2K may provide good coverage for aquatic biodiversity, mainly by acting as an umbrella for other species, but it could be improved by addressing some spatial gaps, thereby making it more relevant to current challenges such as climate change and other human impacts.

  • 1. The status of host fish populations and fish species richness was investigated at 36 sites of 20 extant freshwater pearl mussel populations, including the drainages of the Elbe, Danube, Rhine, Weser, Aulne, Kemijoki and Tuuloma in Germany, the Czech Republic, France and Finland, by carrying out comparative electrofishings.
  • 2. Brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario) were found to be the available host fish for pearl mussels in all except one of the streams investigated with mean densities of 2861 ha?1 (range 0–8710 ha?1) and a mean biomass of 119 kg ha?1 (range 0–478 kg ha?1). Streams that had been frequently stocked with brown trout had higher trout biomass and densities of host fish than natural populations, but trout stocking had no positive effect in two of the streams investigated.
  • 3. Fish species richness ranged from 2 to 16 species per stream and showed a negative correlation with host fish biomass and host fish densities. Undisturbed oligotrophic pearl mussel headwater streams usually only yielded a low number of fish species. Habitat degradation can reduce competitiveness of specialized trout and result in an increased abundance of ubiquitous or atypical species.
  • 4. A link between the lack of juvenile pearl mussels and a lack of suitable host fish was only rarely observed. Functional pearl mussel populations with relatively high numbers of juveniles had significantly lower densities and biomass of host fish than pearl mussel populations without recent recruitment.
  • 5. This study suggests that 0+ host fish are not necessarily required to sustain functional pearl mussel populations. Low densities of host fish can be compensated by the higher glochidia carrying capacity of older host fish with limited previous contact with pearl mussel glochidia, by the long reproductive period of mussels, and by low mortality rates of juvenile mussels during their post‐parasitic phase.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1. A population of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera L. was found in the River Narcea in the province of Asturias (north‐western Spain). Primary analysis of the population shows that it is well distributed along the river and is particularly abundant in shady river banks with a gravel substrate. 2. The length of living mussels ranges between a minimum of 22 mm and a maximum of 116 mm, with most in the size class between 65 mm and 70 mm. There is a good proportion of young mussels, although no fertile females were found in the course of the investigation. 3. Although there is no specific legislation in Spain for the protection of M. margaritifera, it has recently been proposed to include M. margaritifera in the Spanish List of Threatened Species as ‘vulnerable’. 4. Although the River Narcea seems to provide suitable conditions for the pearl mussel (water quality, available salmonid hosts, etc.), the main conservation measures must be directed at avoiding river fragmentation from dams, channelization and organic enrichment from individual farms or towns situated close to the river bank. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. Reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi) are one of the ocean's largest and most charismatic species. Pressure from targeted and bycatch fisheries coupled with their conservative life‐history traits including slow growth, late maturity, and low fecundity has led to catastrophic declines of the global population. The species is now listed as Vulnerable to Extinction on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. The global M. alfredi population is widely distributed in highly fragmented subpopulations. The Maldives supports the world's largest known subpopulation that undergoes seasonal migrations which are thought to be linked to peaks in ocean productivity induced by the South Asian Monsoon. Although the species is protected from targeted fisheries in the region, increasing pressures from habitat degradation and unsustainable tourism activities mean their effective conservation relies upon knowledge of the species' habitat use, seasonal distribution, and the environmental influences on such movements.
  3. Photo‐ID sighting records collected between 2005 and 2017 were used to identify key aggregation sites throughout the archipelago, and multiple linear regression and prediction analysis identified the environmental variables affecting variations in the intra‐annual sighting frequency of M. alfredi.
  4. Mobula alfredi were recorded at 273 different sites, 48 of which, with >100 sightings at each, were classified as key areas of habitat use. South‐west monsoon winds and chlorophyll‐a concentration predominantly affected the monthly percentage of M. alfredi sighted on the down‐current side of the atolls.
  5. In a country where climate change and touristic pressure are increasingly threatening this species and its habitat, the identification of key areas of habitat use and temporal changes in the use of these sites highlight the areas that should be prioritized for protection enabling more effective conservation management.

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