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The Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) is known for its high levels of species richness and endemism. Freshwater ecosystems within this region are highly threatened, putting both biodiversity and human livelihoods at risk. Protected areas (PAs) should provide the foundation for conservation actions to tackle threats but currently poorly represent freshwater species. To address this issue, systematic conservation planning (Marxan) was used to identify networks of sites within the LVB for the conservation of freshwater biodiversity, based on existing Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) and PAs, and with minimal cost in terms of area and human impact. Networks were identified separately for threatened species and/or those endemic to the LVB, and those susceptible to the impacts of climate change. Here, these were combined to present an overall sites network for the conservation of freshwater biodiversity. Site‐level recommendations are provided as a scientific basis for the development and expansion of the existing network.  相似文献   

  1. The European Natura 2000 (N2K) network of protected areas stands out as the main conservation strategy in the European Union to preserve biodiversity under the auspices of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  2. The management of N2K sites is mainly focused on protecting the biological elements as Special Areas of Conservation for habitats or species listed in the European Habitats Directive, or as Special Protection Areas for birds listed in the European Birds Directive for which the site was designated. It seems urgent, therefore, to discriminate which N2K sites are really providing effective protection for aquatic biodiversity.
  3. Although the main objective of N2K is to protect species listed in the Birds and Habitats Directives, the conservation status of threatened species included in the European Red List of the IUCN must also be a concern for the European Union.
  4. Focusing on Central Spain as a case study, the aim of this work was to evaluate how far aquatic N2K (i.e. N2K sites designated for the occurrence of freshwater elements) is effective in protecting both those aquatic species in the Directives [referred to here as Species of Community Importance (SCI) and threatened species (TS)].
  5. Most of the N2K sites in the study area have been designated using aquatic elements, which means that N2K could theoretically provide appropriate mechanisms to preserve aquatic biodiversity. However, N2K provides a low percentage of overlap with some of the hotspots identified for both TS and SCI. Surprisingly, TS are in general similarly or even better represented than SCI by N2K.
  6. N2K may provide good coverage for aquatic biodiversity, mainly by acting as an umbrella for other species, but it could be improved by addressing some spatial gaps, thereby making it more relevant to current challenges such as climate change and other human impacts.

  1. The people of the Pacific have long relied on the ocean for sustenance, commerce and cultural identity, which resulted in a sophisticated understanding of the marine environment and its conservation.
  2. The global declines in ocean health require new and innovative approaches to conserving marine ecosystems. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been shown to be a highly effective means of conserving biodiversity and managing fisheries, while also restoring and preserving overall ecosystem function.
  3. Traditional ecological knowledge held by many island peoples in the Pacific is critical to the development, design and implementation of contemporary MPAs.
  4. Chile's offshore islands are among the few oceanic archipelagos along the west coast of South America. These islands have cultural and ecological connections to the broader insular Pacific, yet our scientific understanding of them is extremely limited.
  5. Chile has created several large-scale MPAs around their offshore archipelagos. By protecting these unique ecosystems, Chile has established itself as a global leader in marine conservation.
  6. Effective management and a better understanding of social–ecological interactions are currently the biggest challenges facing MPAs in the Pacific Islands.

1. Development of environmental protected areas has been driven ‘more by opportunity than design, scenery rather than science’ (Hackman A. 1993. Preface. A protected areas gap analysis methodology: planning for the conservation of biodiversity. World Wildlife Fund Canada Discussion Paper; i–ii). If marine environments are to be protected from the adverse effects of human activities, then identification of types of marine habitats and delineation of their boundaries in a consistent classification is required. Without such a classification system, the extent and significance of representative or distinctive habitats cannot be recognized. Such recognition is a fundamental prerequisite to the determination of location and size of marine areas to be protected. 2. A hierarchical classification has been developed based on enduring/recurrent geophysical (oceanographic and physiographic) features of the marine environment, which identifies habitat types that reflect changes in biological composition. Important oceanographic features include temperature, stratification and exposure; physiographic features include bottom relief and substrate type. 3. Classifications based only on biological data are generally prohibited at larger scales, due to lack of information. Therefore, we are generally obliged to classify habitat types as surrogates for community types. The data necessary for this classification are available from mapped sources and from remote sensing. It is believed they can be used to identify representative and distinctive marine habitats supporting different communities, and will provide an ecological framework for marine conservation planning at the national level. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. Conservation efforts have traditionally been directed to ‘flagship’ species (whales, seals, migratory birds, etc.) that capture public attention. Often these flagship species occupy distinctive habitats. Distinctive habitats appear to be distinguished because of anomalous physical structures and unique oceanographic processes occurring within them, whereas representative habitats are not notable in this way. Distinctive habitats are found in areas of various physical anomalies described primarily by temperature, chlorophyll and topography.
  • 2. Several different kinds of distinctive habitats can be defined by their anomalous physical structures and oceanographic and biological processes. Species diversity may be either higher or lower in distinctive than in representative habitats. Distinctive habitats predominantly belong to a class of environments called ‘ergoclines’, and are typically associated with elevated resources at some ‘trophic level’.
  • 3. These elevated resources may be either the product of true production (i.e. they are generated (in situ), or they are the product of physical accumulation due to circulation mechanisms. These processes lie at the heart of the ecology of distinctive habitats, and are fundamental to maintenance of ecosystem health, ecological integrity, distributions, abundances and recruitment of species, patterns of animal migrations, and potential or actual fisheries yields.
  • 4. Conservation strategies need to examine the relationships between distinctive and representative habitats and species diversity. A strategy, leading from studies on flagship or other focal species, could have several advantages. It should rejuvenate the inherent appeal and significance of ‘species’ approaches to marine conservation, provide a rationale for human interest and a new foundation for examination of marine ecological interactions. It would also require a novel synthesis of relationships between ‘species’ and ‘spaces’ approaches to marine conservation by asking how we can take the best advantage of both approaches, rather than seeing them as in conflict.
Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. Systematic conservation planning in freshwater ecosystems faces multiple challenges because of the dynamic nature of rivers and their multiple dimensions of connectivity. In intermittent hydrological systems connectivity is functional when water is available, allowing the exchange of aquatic individuals between isolated freshwater ecosystems. Integrating these isolated systems in their hydrological context is essential when identifying priority areas for conservation, in order to try to minimize the propagation of threats into target water bodies (management units) from the surrounding landscape.
  2. Here, the use of a systematic planning approach is demonstrated to identify a set of priority management units to preserve freshwater biodiversity in an arid system of fragmented water bodies immersed in a landscape subject to a range of impacts.
  3. Twenty-six water-dependent taxa from 59 mountain rock pools (gueltas) of three southern Mauritanian mountains were used as a case study. A conservation planning tool (marxan ) was used to find priority conservation areas to integrate intermittent hydrological systems in their hydrological context, promote connectivity, and minimize the downstream propagation of threats. Three types of connectivity were analysed: (i) no connectivity, (ii) connectivity between gueltas, and (iii) connectivity between gueltas and sub-catchments.
  4. Considering different types of longitudinal connectivity affects the number and spatial allocation of the priority gueltas selected, and the conservation status of the gueltas and their upstream areas. Incorporating connections between gueltas and upstream locations in the modelling resulted in the selection of gueltas in areas with a low human footprint and in the increased connectivity of the solutions.
  5. The results obtained revealed important locations for local biodiversity conservation, and the method presented can be used when assessing the propagation of potential waterborne threats into isolated management units. The framework developed allows connectivity to be addressed in conservation planning. It can be replicated in regions with similar isolated habitats that connect through intermittent hydrological systems and can also be applied to lateral and vertical hydrological connectivity.

  • 1. The intensity of marine activities in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of British Columbia, Canada, was quantified.
  • 2. Humans use the ocean for a multitude of purposes, many of which have a direct impact on marine life and habitat. Yet such uses are seldom assessed in an integrated fashion.
  • 3. Using a GIS approach, spatial information for 39 marine activities was mapped, including commercial and recreational fishing areas, transportation and infrastructure uses, and terrestrial activities along the coast of British Columbia.
  • 4. A relative scale was used to rank both the impact of marine activities and the extent of stressors beyond the location of occurrence. Limited information on the latter led to the application of three ranges of buffer distances to the data (0–1 km, 0–5 km, and 0–25 km).
  • 5. The most conservative estimate (?1 km buffers) indicates at least 83% of the continental shelf and slope of British Columbia is currently being used by humans. The largest buffer assumption shows 98% of the continental shelf and slope being affected by stressors from anthropogenic activities.
  • 6. This analysis provides a baseline for assessing future changes in the state of British Columbia's marine environment, and could assist in identifying areas of conservation potential.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. The paper ‘Biodiversity values of remnant freshwater floodplain lagoons in agricultural catchments: evidence for fish of the Wet Tropics bioregion, northern Australia’, published in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems in 2015, has contributed in several ways to the integration of freshwater wetland science within new catchment management policies and practices for Great Barrier Reef (GBR) sustainability.
  2. The Tully–Murray biodiversity study developed novel protocols to sample larval, juvenile, and adult fish life‐history stages in floodplain lagoons using a combination of boat‐based backpack electrofishing and fyke netting. In addition, hydrological and hydrodynamic models were applied in a completely new way to quantify the timing, extent, and duration of water connectivity across floodplain streams, cane drains, and wetlands. Combining the two novel approaches enabled an analysis of lagoon fish assemblage patterns in relation to environmental gradients, especially floodplain hydrology, connectivity patterns, and measures related to agricultural land use.
  3. In demonstrating the importance of different levels of connectivity for different biodiversity outcomes in freshwater floodplain lagoons of the Tully–Murray catchment, the subject paper established that floodplain connectivity needs to be taken into consideration in wetland management practices.
  4. The timing of the subject publication was fortuitous. It coincided with the preparation of the evidence‐based 2017 Scientific Consensus Statement on land‐based water quality impacts on the GBR. As one of the few freshwater wetland ecology publications for the catchments of the GBR at that time, this paper played an important role in demonstrating freshwater wetland values, fish conservation options, and management imperatives to sustain wetland ecological health and services in GBR catchments.
  5. By advancing the understanding of factors driving biodiversity patterns, and the importance of connectivity and ecohydrological processes in freshwater floodplain wetlands of the GBR catchment, the Tully–Murray study helped to drive new policy directives for the protection and restoration of catchment, floodplain, and estuary functions, and connectivity, now embedded in the Reef 2050 Long‐Term Sustainability Plan 2018, an overarching strategy for managing the GBR over the next 35 years, and complementary Queensland environmental legislation.

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