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  1. The history of conservation of the Amazon can be viewed as a war involving many battles with interests in agribusiness on one side and in biodiversity conservation and sustainability on the other side. Trends in large-scale deforestation in the 1970s spurred a series of policies, stakeholder alliances and international and grass-roots movements, which decades later led to the establishment of protected areas and interventions in soy and beef supply chains of agribusiness. Together, these advances epitomized a conservation framework for the Amazon, which at one point nearly curbed deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, although it included very few protections for freshwater ecosystems.
  2. While those conservation advances were taking place, however, a series of policy changes started to undermine them through expansions in deforestation, river regulation and mining activities. The election of Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro in 2019 then hit the Amazon conservation framework much like a tsunami of policy setbacks and the re-establishment of the economic policies that sparked the Amazon war in the past.
  3. The current trajectory is one of large-scale degradation of Amazonian ecosystems and biodiversity with consequent impacts on local people. Because freshwater ecosystems are highly sensitive to human activities on water and on land, these growing impacts are particularly large.
  4. It is too early to know, but four decades of institutional and policy developments to conserve the Brazilian Amazon may soon be pushed past the point from which they will be able to recover. Four conditions will be pivotal to allowing the Amazon conservation framework to recoup: (a) the end of Bolsonaro’s mandate in 2022 or earlier; (b) remobilization of stakeholders; (c) investments in environmental research, policy and multiple collaborations; and (d) moving conservation beyond terrestrial landscapes to also encompass freshwater ecosystems and their people.

  1. Freshwater ecosystems represent less than 0.01% of Earth's surface water but proportionately encompass the most species-rich environment on the planet, including nearly one-third of all vertebrate species. Even though inland continental waters are widely regarded as highly endangered ecosystems, their species assemblages are mostly ignored in conservation plans, largely because spatial patterns of freshwater species remain poorly understood. This is particularly severe throughout the Neotropics, most notably in the Amazon superbasin, where the sheer biotic diversity is coupled with a severe lack of biodiversity knowledge at several levels.
  2. Spatial patterns of Neotropical freshwater fishes focusing mainly on the Amazon superbasin were investigated. First, Endemic Amazonian Fish Areas (EAFAs) representing central units for the conservation of continental fishes were delimited. Interpolated maps were then analysed using alternative methodologies to delimit spatial patterns of diversity and endemicity across the Amazon superbasin. Several biogeographical analyses used a comprehensive dataset of species and geographical coordinates of Amazonian fishes.
  3. The results reveal well-defined spatial patterns of species richness and endemicity in the Amazonian fish fauna, showing that most protected areas are concentrated in a single bioregion (Amazon lowlands). Those areas are incongruent and insufficient to protect endemic and threatened species, which are mostly distributed in upland regions.
  4. Effective conservation of the Amazonian fish fauna should include EAFAs within protected areas, especially those undergoing deforestation and hydropower development pressure and containing a high concentration of threatened species.
  5. The following EAFAs should be considered as conservation priorities: Upper Araguaia, Upper Tocantins, Lower Teles Pires/Serra do Cachimbo, Chapada dos Parecis and Upper Marañon. These regions should be urgently protected to avert the loss of important trophic relationships and unique elements of the Amazonian fish fauna.

  1. The Amazon basin hosts the Earth's highest diversity of freshwater fish. Fish species have adapted to the basin's size and seasonal dynamics by displaying a broad range of migratory behaviour, but they are under increasing threats; however, no study to date has assessed threats and conservation of Amazonian migratory fishes.
  2. Here, the available knowledge on the diversity of migratory behaviour in Amazonian fishes is synthesized, including the geographical scales at which they occur, their drivers and timing, and life stage at which they are performed.
  3. Migratory fishes are integral components of Amazonian society. They contribute about 93% (range 77–99%) of the fisheries landings in the basin, amounting to ~US$436 million annually.
  4. These valuable fish populations are mainly threatened by growing trends of overexploitation, deforestation, climate change, and hydroelectric dam development. Most Amazonian migratory fish have key ecological roles as apex predators, ecological engineers, or seed-dispersal species. Reducing their population sizes could induce cascading effects with implications for ecosystem stability and associated services.
  5. Conserving Amazonian migratory fishes requires a broad portfolio of research, management, and conservation actions, within an ecosystem-based management framework at the basin scale. This would require trans-frontier coordination and recognition of the crucial importance of freshwater ecosystems and their connectivity.
  6. Existing areas where fishing is allowed could be coupled with a chain of freshwater protected areas. Management of commercial and subsistence species also needs fisheries activities to be monitored in the Amazonian cities and in the floodplain communities to allow assessments of the status of target species, and the identification of management units or stocks. Ensuring that existing and future fisheries management rules are effective implies the voluntary participation of fishers, which can be achieved by increasing the effectiveness and coverage of adaptive community-based management schemes.

  1. Aquatic mammals worldwide are highly threatened in freshwater ecosystems where they are affected by direct human activities (e.g. hunting) as well as indirect human alteration of freshwater ecosystems (e.g. dams, mining activity). Although aquatic mammals of the Amazon Basin are experiencing many growing threats, little is known about the escalating impacts on them, current limitations in protection mechanisms, and possible strategies to ensure their conservation. This study synthesizes the available information on Amazonian aquatic mammals, including the ecological characteristics of these species, key threats, population status and conservation prospects.
  2. Amazonian aquatic mammals comprise seven species – Inia geoffrensis, Inia boliviensis, Inia araguaiaensis, Sotalia fluviatilis, Trichechus inunguis, Pteronura brasiliensis and Lontra longicaudis – which are characterized by low reproductive rates and keystone ecosystem roles. These species are endangered mainly by biological resource use, natural ecosystem modifications, energy production and mining, and climate change. Although information is sparse, there is evidence that these threats are inducing population declines of Inia spp., and hindering the recovery of populations of P. brasiliensis.
  3. Protection mechanisms for these species mostly include national and international laws and agreements, legislation governing environmental licensing and protected areas. Each of these protection mechanisms, however, has limited capacity to protect Amazonian aquatic mammals, largely because they are poorly enforced, lack transnational coordination or require population trend data that do not exist.
  4. Reversing the current state of affairs for Amazonian aquatic mammals requires an integrated research and policy approach that, at a minimum, substantially increases the present capacity to monitor their population responses to human impacts, establishes effective enforcement of existing legislation and prevents further impacts from hydropower development. To implement such an approach, information on the ecology of these species is necessary to create public and scientific awareness.

  1. Limnological aspects of Amazon floodplain lakes are examined in the context of aquatic conservation.
  2. A prerequisite to detecting and evaluating changes that could threaten the ecological health and organisms in floodplain lakes is understanding variation under present conditions. Based on one of the few studies with regular measurements over 2 years, chlorophyll, total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, transparency, and total suspended solids in Lake Janauacá indicate that the lake is naturally quite variable with a mesotrophic to eutrophic status.
  3. Direct threats to ecological health of floodplain lakes include mining operations that can increase turbidity and trace metals and reduce nutritional quality of sediments. Mercury contamination and methylation leads to bioaccumulation in aquatic organisms.
  4. Deforestation in uplands increases nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to floodplain lakes and can alter trophic status. Deforestation in floodable forests alters the habitat and food of the fish that inhabit these forests.
  5. Cumulative limnological responses as catchments are altered by urban, agricultural, and industrial developments, and as inundation is altered by changes in climate and construction of dams, have major implications for the ecology of floodplain lakes.
  6. To improve understanding and management of threats to the conservation of aquatic Amazon biota and ecosystems requires considerably expanded and coordinated research and community-based management that includes the spectrum of floodplain lakes throughout the basin.

  1. The five global Mediterranean-climate regions are experiencing alarming rates of freshwater biodiversity loss. Although freshwater mussels are recognized as important functional components in aquatic ecosystems, and are among the most threatened faunal groups globally, there has been no synthesis of the plight of this group within these regions.
  2. Data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List were reviewed to compare the conservation status, threats, and conservation actions needed for freshwater mussel species occurring in Mediterranean-climate regions (med-mussels) with those of other freshwater mussel species globally. The first comprehensive catalogue of med-mussel species was compiled using existing taxonomic literature.
  3. There are 41 med-mussel species, 30 of which occur in the Mediterranean basin. Many regions have just a single species, and regions where multiple species occur generally only have between one and four species per river basin. Med-mussel species are almost twice as likely to be ‘Imperilled’, are affected by 2.4 times more threats, and require 3.5 times more conservation actions than non-med mussels. In many cases, the exact threats have not been identified.
  4. In combination with low species richness, this level of imperilment means that Mediterranean-climate regions are at risk of losing the benefits that mussels provide to broader ecosystem functioning. The conservation of med-mussels can be improved by increasing our knowledge of species distributions, including the identification of cryptic species and significant management units, through population genetic work. In addition, recognizing the potential of ‘novel’ habitats and refuge areas could augment the management of this important functional group.

  1. Freshwater ecosystems are essential to human well-being and most have high biodiversity. However, this biodiversity has been suffering severe declines owing to the expansion of human activities. Protected areas (PAs) are essential for biodiversity conservation and have proved to be successful in stopping species extirpation if managed properly. Unfortunately, they are usually focused on terrestrial biodiversity, leaving freshwater ecosystems aside.
  2. The main goal of this study was to determine the influence of a PA (Montesinho Natural Park (MNP), Portugal) on freshwater biodiversity. Aquatic macroinvertebrates and fishes were surveyed, and biodiversity (richness, abundance, Shannon-Wiener diversity, and Pielou's evenness) and water quality (IASPT) indices were calculated inside, at the periphery and outside the MNP.
  3. Results showed that the PA does not affect positively either water quality or the two faunal groups monitored. Macroinvertebrate communities were not influenced by the PA; however, the abundance of pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera was significantly higher and size was significantly lower inside the MNP. The richness and abundance of fish communities were significantly higher outside the MNP, except for trout Salmo trutta abundance which was higher inside the MNP.
  4. Given these results, the MNP does not guarantee the safeguard of overall aquatic biodiversity and habitats and we propose an extension of MNP to downstream areas in order to increase the number of species (mostly cyprinids) under legal protection. This work demonstrates that terrestrial PA planning and management should also consider aquatic biodiversity to achieve successful conservation.

  1. Systematic conservation planning in freshwater ecosystems faces multiple challenges because of the dynamic nature of rivers and their multiple dimensions of connectivity. In intermittent hydrological systems connectivity is functional when water is available, allowing the exchange of aquatic individuals between isolated freshwater ecosystems. Integrating these isolated systems in their hydrological context is essential when identifying priority areas for conservation, in order to try to minimize the propagation of threats into target water bodies (management units) from the surrounding landscape.
  2. Here, the use of a systematic planning approach is demonstrated to identify a set of priority management units to preserve freshwater biodiversity in an arid system of fragmented water bodies immersed in a landscape subject to a range of impacts.
  3. Twenty-six water-dependent taxa from 59 mountain rock pools (gueltas) of three southern Mauritanian mountains were used as a case study. A conservation planning tool (marxan ) was used to find priority conservation areas to integrate intermittent hydrological systems in their hydrological context, promote connectivity, and minimize the downstream propagation of threats. Three types of connectivity were analysed: (i) no connectivity, (ii) connectivity between gueltas, and (iii) connectivity between gueltas and sub-catchments.
  4. Considering different types of longitudinal connectivity affects the number and spatial allocation of the priority gueltas selected, and the conservation status of the gueltas and their upstream areas. Incorporating connections between gueltas and upstream locations in the modelling resulted in the selection of gueltas in areas with a low human footprint and in the increased connectivity of the solutions.
  5. The results obtained revealed important locations for local biodiversity conservation, and the method presented can be used when assessing the propagation of potential waterborne threats into isolated management units. The framework developed allows connectivity to be addressed in conservation planning. It can be replicated in regions with similar isolated habitats that connect through intermittent hydrological systems and can also be applied to lateral and vertical hydrological connectivity.

  1. In 1949, Aldo Leopold formalized the concept of the ‘land ethic’, in what emerged as a foundational and transformational way of thinking about natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, and stewardship in terrestrial systems. Yet, the land ethic has inherent linkages to aquatic ecosystems; Leopold himself conducted research on rivers and lakes, and freshwater ecosystems figured widely in his writing.
  2. We reflect on the land ethic and other aspects of Leopold's scholarship to identify key messages that provide insight into the stewardship and management of freshwater ecosystems around the globe. We also frame what we call the ‘freshwater ethic’ around Leopold's legacy. Although Leopold could not have envisaged the stressors affecting modern aquatic ecosystems, his core principles remain salient. These apply not only to ecosystem protection, but also to the ethics of modern conservation economics, sustainability, and the protection of natural capital, in which lakes, rivers, and wetlands now figure prominently.
  3. We identify key ‘Aldo-inspired’ recommendations for protecting and restoring freshwater ecosystems in the Anthropocene that emanate directly from his writings (e.g. adopt an ecosystem approach, identify win–win–win scenarios, recognize the irreplaceability of wild waters, and strive for freshwater optimism).
  4. In an epoch where links between people and nature are becoming more explicit in environmental management, policy, and governance, we suggest that Aldo Leopold's work illustrates how inspirational, seminal thinkers have offered leadership in this domain. We contend that today there is still much that can be learned from Leopold, especially by the next generation of environmental practitioners, to ensure the effective stewardship of our aquatic ecosystems.
  5. We submit that the adoption of a freshwater ethic in parallel with Leopold's land ethic will enhance the stewardship of the world's increasingly threatened fresh waters by raising the profile of the plight of fresh waters and identifying enduring actions that, if embraced, will help conserve and restore biodiversity.

  1. Although the network of national parks in Zambia offers a degree of protection for freshwater diversity, the protection status of numerous systems outside of these parks requires further action. The biodiversity associated with its freshwater systems, both lotic and lentic, is unique, covering a climatic gradient from tropical to subtropical across the Zambezi and Congo basins. Recent Zambian legislation allows for the delineation of water resource protection areas (WRPAs), with one of the criteria being that they include aquatic areas of ecological importance (AEIs).
  2. In this study, a systematic conservation planning approach was used to identify aquatic AEIs objectively. Importantly, the approach included a rigorous and iterative stakeholder engagement and review process.
  3. The conservation planning software marxan was chosen because of its ability to integrate upstream–downstream connectivity. In total, 5,671 planning units (sub-catchments with an average area of approx. 14,000 ha) were populated with 77 biodiversity features: data were drawn from a wide range of sources, and included fishes, semi-aquatic mammals, molluscs, amphibians, and ecotonal physiographic features, such as waterfalls. Sub-catchments were preferentially chosen using a combination of area- and distance-weighted boundary costs.
  4. The final solution highlights critical clusters in each of the major freshwater ecoregions in Zambia, with all conservation targets being met. Results show that although the existing protected area network also coincides with identified aquatic AEIs, approximately 80% of all aquatic AEIs fall outside of formally protected areas.
  5. The outcomes of this process serve as one of three prioritization layers (the other two being water provision and sensitivity to human impacts) that are integrated in a larger study to select and prioritize WRPAs.

  1. In many biomes, a variety of different small freshwater habitats, such as pools and phytotelmata can occur together in the same habitat matrix. However, both the biodiversity and the functioning of these ecosystems remain poorly known.
  2. Three freshwater habitat types in a tropical West African biodiversity hotspot were studied.
  3. The study demonstrated that animal communities in water-filled tree holes, temporary ponds and granite rock pools were strongly differentiated with exclusive faunas despite their spatial proximity and similar disturbance in the form of seasonal drought.
  4. In particular, granite rock pools stood out with a high gamma diversity. Rock pools were also functionally different from the other two habitat types. The three habitats had contrasting predator assemblages, a differential reliance on primary production and different concentrations of available nutrients.
  5. The work illustrates that the biodiversity and functions of small temporary freshwater habitats can be strongly differentiated. This shows the unique and potentially complementary roles that these habitats can fulfil in mediating fluxes of energy and nutrients and preserving aquatic biodiversity in landscapes.
  6. Temporary aquatic habitats are typically overlooked in conservation policy and local management plans despite being threatened by habitat transformation. In addition, livestock can threaten savanna ponds, wood exploitation can threaten tree holes, and mining and sediment disruption can threaten rock pools. Hence, better knowledge about the ecological functioning of these ecosystems is vital to the implementation of effective conservation strategies.

  1. Bivalves are important components of freshwater ecosystems; however, they are also one of the most threatened animal groups, especially members of the order Unionida. The main threats to freshwater bivalves are habitat modification and invasive species. Protected areas are a common way to minimize impacts and preserve native species, but they are rarely designated with a focus on freshwater invertebrates.
  2. The main goal of this article was to describe the distribution of freshwater bivalves in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and the relationship between these species and bioclimatic areas, land use and protected areas.
  3. Five native and two invasive bivalve species have been reported in Rio de Janeiro. They occur mainly in bioclimatic areas related to the Paraíba do Sul River and Campista Lowlands. The few records of bivalves inside protected areas are in areas of sustainable use that offer a lower level of protection, and frequently in sympatry with invasive bivalves.
  4. Thus, the established protected areas in Rio de Janeiro are not adequately effective for freshwater bivalve conservation, and some species remain under threat even within them. Freshwater bivalves thus remain largely unprotected in the state.
  5. The development of new protected areas and management plans should consider other faunal groups that are usually ignored, such as freshwater bivalves, to achieve more inclusive and effective protection.

  1. This article introduces a special issue of Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (AQC) whose contributions demonstrate examples of the practical impact of the authors' previous AQC articles on the conservation of aquatic ecosystems.
  2. The submitting authors of all articles published in AQC since 2009 were invited to express their interest in writing an article for the special issue. The 20 articles selected for publication discuss 33 AQC articles published from 2004 to 2019, spanning a wide range of geographical locations, habitat types, species groups, and impacts on aquatic conservation.
  3. The two impacts reported most frequently are ‘Undertaking practical management of habitats and species’ and ‘Establishing partnerships’, closely followed by ‘Restoring habitats/reintroducing or translocating species’. Many authors demonstrate the importance of their articles in raising awareness across an extensive range of organizations.
  4. Some impacts occur soon after publication (e.g. introduction of conservation guidelines), whereas others (e.g. influencing policy) take far longer. Authors report a wide range of methods for disseminating research results appropriate for different audiences, such as technical handbooks, seminars, magazine articles, media broadcasts, and field workshops.
  5. To assess whether ‘conventional’ measures of impact match authors' perceptions, three metrics were calculated for the 33 AQC articles discussed in this issue: the number of citations, the number of downloads, and the Altmetric Attention Score. These metrics were not significantly higher for the 33 articles than the corresponding median metrics of the articles in the issues in which the 33 were published.
  6. The goal of AQC is to continue to encourage scientists to recognize and promote the application of their research to practical conservation and management. Given the growing threats to aquatic ecosystems, much remains to be done to make this process even more effective.

  1. The Amazon basin has been subjected to extreme climatic events and according to climate change projections this hydrosystem could face changes in the natural dynamic of flood cycles that support the feeding and reproduction of many fish species, threatening aquatic biodiversity.
  2. Protected areas (PAs) are the main tools used to safeguard the biodiversity in the long term; however, they are fixed areas that could be subject to climate change, questioning their future efficiency in protecting biodiversity.
  3. The Amazon basin currently benefits from a relatively high level of protection as 52% of its catchment area is under the form of true PAs or indigenous lands. However, the capacity of these PAs to protect freshwater biodiversity remains unclear as they have generally been assessed with little regard to freshwater ecosystems and their hydrological connectivity. Here, the aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of PAs in representing the Amazon fish fauna under current and future climatic conditions.
  4. A macroecological approach was used to estimate the minimum size of the geographical range needed by each species to achieve long-term persistence, by a combined function of range size and body size, two ecological traits known to influence species extinction risk.
  5. In future the Amazon basin could risk losing 2% of its freshwater fish fauna owing to unsuitable climatic conditions, with a further 34% adversely affected. The present Amazon network of PAs will cover the minimum required range for species persistence for more than 60% of the freshwater fish species analysed under the future climate scenario. However, more than 25% of the future susceptible species are currently concentrated in large tributaries and in the central-lower Amazon floodplain where few PAs occur, highlighting the lack of appropriate conservation actions for these specific water bodies.

  1. Species are disappearing at a rate comparable with previous mass extinctions. Freshwater environments are being particularly affected, with biodiversity losses occurring much faster in freshwater than in terrestrial or marine ecosystems.
  2. This study assessed the research on drivers of biodiversity loss in freshwater environments as described in nearly 37,000 articles published in the last decade. Articles on biodiversity published between 2010 and 2019 were retrieved from the Web of Science to determine the number of articles that addressed a particular driver of biodiversity loss, by analysing the titles, abstracts, and keywords. The biodiversity and development status of a country was also investigated to see how it affects its scientific output (i.e. number of published articles).
  3. Twenty per cent of the articles on biodiversity addressed freshwater biodiversity. Researchers devoted considerable effort to six drivers – climate change, water pollution, flow modification, expanding hydropower, species invasions, and habitat degradation – but practically ignored other threats, such as plastic and light pollution. It was also found that megadiverse countries, which for the most part were also developing countries, published substantially fewer articles than developed but less biodiverse countries.
  4. We recommend a series of actions that could contribute to mitigate the biases found in this study.

  • 1. Freshwater ecosystems and their associated biota are among the most endangered in the world. This, combined with escalating human pressure on water resources, demands that urgent measures be taken to conserve freshwater ecosystems and the services they provide. Systematic conservation planning provides a strategic and scientifically defensible framework for doing this.
  • 2. Pioneered in the terrestrial realm, there has been some scepticism associated with the applicability of systematic approaches to freshwater conservation planning. Recent studies, however, indicate that it is possible to apply overarching systematic conservation planning goals to the freshwater realm although the specific methods for achieving these will differ, particularly in relation to the strong connectivity inherent to most freshwater systems.
  • 3. Progress has been made in establishing surrogates that depict freshwater biodiversity and ecological integrity, developing complementarity‐based algorithms that incorporate directional connectivity, and designing freshwater conservation area networks that take cognizance of both connectivity and implementation practicalities.
  • 4. Key research priorities include increased impetus on planning for non‐riverine freshwater systems; evaluating the effectiveness of freshwater biodiversity surrogates; establishing scientifically defensible conservation targets; developing complementarity‐based algorithms that simultaneously consider connectivity issues for both lentic and lotic water bodies; developing integrated conservation plans across freshwater, terrestrial and marine realms; incorporating uncertainty and dynamic threats into freshwater conservation planning; collection and collation of scale‐appropriate primary data; and building an evidence‐base to support improved implementation of freshwater conservation plans.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. Urbanization is one of the most influential land use changes globally and continues to affect wetland ecosystems and their biota. Freshwater turtles, which rely on both terrestrial and aquatic habitats to complete their life cycles, are one of the most endangered vertebrate groups, with approximately 60% of species threatened. Although habitat alteration caused by urbanization is recognized as one of the main threats to freshwater turtles, there is a paucity of studies quantifying the effects of terrestrial habitat change on turtle populations.
  2. The aim of this study was to determine how terrestrial land use change, associated with urbanization, influences the viability of freshwater turtle populations. Thirty‐three wetlands were sampled for the southwestern snake‐necked turtle (Chelodina colliei Gray, 1856) (Chelidae) between October 2016 and February 2017 within a region of continuing urban intensification. Land use and habitat types were classified at the aquatic–terrestrial interface and within a 300‐m band around each wetland. Generalized linear mixed models were used to identify the land use variables that best explained the relative abundance of C. colliei.
  3. Turtle abundance and population structure varied widely among wetlands. The percentage of residential land use, and the presence and accessibility of fringing native vegetation, was positively associated with the relative abundance of C. colliei. The association with residential land use may be an artefact of historical land use, whereas the association with native vegetation is probably because adjacent vegetation provides connectivity with suitable nesting sites, and thus facilitates increased recruitment.
  4. This study shows how the modification of terrestrial habitat around wetlands may directly influence the population viability of freshwater turtles. Protection and restoration of native vegetation fringing urban wetlands is crucial to support the viability of remnant freshwater turtle populations.

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