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Feiyu Tang  Weujun Xiao 《Euphytica》2013,194(1):41-51
Within-boll yield components are the most basic contributors to lint and seed yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), which is a major source of natural fiber and edible oil throughout the world. Little information is available on genetic effects and heterosis of these traits in cotton. Three cotton cultivars and six breeding lines differing in within-boll yield components were used for this study. Parents and their F1 progeny with reciprocals from a 3×6 factorial mating design were grown at Jiangxi Agricultural University experimental farm in 2008 and 2009. Seven within-boll yield components and two boll bur characters were analyzed under an additive-dominance genetic model with genotype and environment interaction. Additive effects were significant for all traits and dominance effects were significant for all traits except seed mass per seed. Genetic variances for lint mass per seed, SM/S and boll bur weight were primarily additive variances ranging from 39.6 to 58.9 %. Lint mass per boll and seed number per boll variances were primarily due to dominance genetic effects ranging from 36.4 to 48.8 %. Dominance and additive effects were equally important for boll weight, seed mass per boll and boll bur percentage. Additive and additive × environment effects were more important than other effects for lint percentage. A802-1 had the best mean performance and additive effects increasing BW, SM/B, S/B and SM/S, but reduced LP and LM/S. A9-1 and Lu40534 had additive effects associated with increasing LP. The two crosses A9-1×Lu40534 and Tezsh×33B were detected with favorable heterozygous dominant effects and heterosis over best parent for BW, LP, LM/B, SM/B and S/B. Favorable genotypic and phenotypic correlations were identified between within-boll lint yield components (LM/B, LM/S) and within-boll seed yield components (SM/B, S/B, SM/S). These results indicate that simultaneous genetic improvement of multiple within-boll yield components can be expected in breeding populations derived from these cotton cultivars and breeding lines.  相似文献   

Association mapping has revolutionized human genetics and is increasingly used in plant genetics. It is an efficient way of determining the genetic basis of complex traits. In cotton so far numerous association mapping studies are available as compared to many other important crops. In our study, mapping was performed using cotton 63K infinium beadchip with 201 germplasm lines. Through fast STRUCTURE analysis, lines were grouped into 12 subgroups and revealed genome sharing among the groups. The critical value (R2) was set to 0.243 as threshold to claim LD between two loci. About 3.13% marker pairs recorded significantly high LD (R2 = 1), and 8.19% of marker pairs were in the range of 0.3 to 0.99 R2. In MLM, 349 significant marker–trait associations were detected as against 642 in GLM because of effectiveness in eliminating false associations in MLM. A total of 68 markers explained >10% phenotypic variation for yield and fibre quality traits. Phenotypic variation explained by markers was smaller, suggesting that they might be associated with minor QTLs.  相似文献   

Knowledge of genetic relationships between within‐boll yield components and fibre quality is essential for simultaneous improvement of lint yield and fibre quality in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Nine parents and their F1 progeny with reciprocals from a 3 × 6 factorial mating design were grown in 2008 and 2009. Seven within‐boll yield components and two boll morphological traits and the three fibre quality parameters were analysed based on a conditional additive/dominance (AD) genetic model. Results showed that boll length contributed to the largest proportion of phenotypic, additive and dominance variances for UHM length; seed index contributed to the largest proportion of phenotypic and additive variances for fibre strength; boll width made the largest contribution to phenotypic and additive variances and the second largest contribution to dominance‐by‐environment interaction variance for micronaire, indicating that they played an important role than the other traits for fibre length, strength and fineness/maturity, respectively. It is worthy of note that those correlations between boll shape and fibre quality apply only to the nine parents and the resultant hybrids in this study and do not imply a cause and effect relationship.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between heterosis and genetic distance in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Heterosis in the different environments was evaluated and the relationship between heterosis and genetic distance (GD) was determined based on SSR markers for yield quantitative trait loci (QTL). Yields of seed cotton and lint showed a linear relationship with mid‐parent heterosis (MPH) and better‐parent heterosis (BPH). The variation in heterosis for other traits and their correlation with GD may be due to environmental factors or the effort of QTLs tested in the present study may vary in different environments. The present findings provide a foundation for heterotic grouping of parental lines and breeding of new cotton hybrids with improved seed cotton yield. This study calls for more research with stable QTLs as well as advance molecular marker techniques may be used in predicting yield heterosis in a more precise and reliable manner.  相似文献   

滨海盐渍土抗虫棉养分吸收和干物质积累特点   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
辛承松  董合忠  唐薇  张冬梅  罗振  李维江 《作物学报》2008,34(11):2033-2040
以转Bt基因抗虫棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)中早熟品种鲁棉研18和早熟品种鲁棉研19为材料,对黄河三角洲滨海盐渍土高、中、低产田抗虫棉的主要养分吸收、光合速率和干物质积累特点进行了研究。结果表明,中、低产田抗虫棉的主要养分吸收量显著低于高产田,而养分生理利用效率显著高于高产田。高、中、低产田抗虫棉的氮素生理利用效率分别为4.81、6.33和8.05 kg皮棉 kg-1 N,磷素生理利用效率分别为28.57、40.06和50.48 kg皮棉 kg-1 P,钾素生理利用效率分别为9.16、11.58和12.76 kg皮棉 kg-1 K。养分吸收比例总体上N高于K,更明显高于P。中、低产田抗虫棉的净光合速率和生物产量明显低于高产田,皮棉产量也显著低于高产田,分别低12.44%和36.93%,但棉柴比显著高于高产田。表明滨海盐渍土中、低产田的盐分高而养分有效性和供应能力差,影响抗虫棉的养分吸收和光合作用,进而阻碍棉花生长发育和干物质积累。滨海盐渍土棉田经济施肥的原则是保证中、低产田的肥料供应,高产田重施P、K肥,低产田重施N、P肥。  相似文献   

Research has indicated osmotic adjustment as a mechanism by which leaves and roots of cotton plants overcome a drought period. However, the relevance of this mechanism in reproductive tissues of modern cultivars under drought has not been fully investigated. The objectives of this study were to measure osmoregulation and carbohydrate balance in reproductive tissues and their subtending leaves grown under water‐deficit conditions. Two cotton cultivars were grown under controlled environment and field conditions. Plants were exposed to water‐deficit stress at peak flowering, approximately 70 days after planting. Measurements included stomatal conductance, proline concentration, soluble carbohydrates and starch concentration, and water potential components. Stomatal conductance of drought‐stressed plants was significantly lower compared to control, while osmotic adjustment occurred in reproductive tissues and their subtending leaves by different primary mechanisms. Pistils accumulated higher sucrose levels, maintaining cell turgor in plants exposed to drought at similar levels to those in well‐watered plants. However, subtending leaves lowered osmotic potential and maintained cell turgor by accumulating more proline. Soluble carbohydrates and starch concentration in leaves were more affected by drought than those of floral tissues, with corresponding reduction in dry matter, suggesting that flowers are more buffered from water‐deficit conditions than the adjacent leaves.  相似文献   

F. M. Azhar    Z. Ali    M. M. Akhtar    A. A. Khan    R. Trethowan 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(4):356-362
Global temperature is rising because of increasing concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases (e.g. methane, nitrous oxide, etc.) in the atmosphere because of the excessive use of fossil fuels. High temperature causes heat stress which reduces crop productivity. The development of heat-tolerant varieties is feasible and will help mitigate the effects of climate change. Fifty-one cotton accessions were screened in heat-stressed and non-stressed conditions in the glasshouse and field. Relative cell injury percentage (RCI %), a measure of cell membrane thermostability (CMT), was used to assess heat tolerance. Heat-tolerant accessions had more stable yield and yielded more seed cotton with better quality fibre than the heat-intolerant accessions across four environments. The responses of the 51 accessions to all four environments for the measured traits were strongly associated. RCI % of the accessions and hybrids was strongly and negatively associated with yield and fibre traits. CMT was concluded to be a useful technique for identification of heat-tolerant cotton.  相似文献   

[Objective] The aim of this study was to obtain the flanking sequences of T-DNA in the transgenic cotton containing a GbVe1 over-expression cassette. [Method] The T-DNA insertion copy number in the transgenic GbVe1 cotton was analyzed by southern blot. Flanking sequences of the transgenic lines with putative single T-DNA insertion copy were obtained using high-efficiency Thermal asymmetric interlaced polymerase chain reaction (hiTAIL-PCR). The T-DNA insertion sites were further confirmed by PCR with specific primers. [Result] RB-flanking sequences (119-1 018 bp) and LB-flanking sequences (243-516 bp) were obtained from three transgenic lines with low copy number of T-DNA insertion. The AT content was more than 63% in these flanking sequences. A same single insertion site in the intron of Gohir.D01G157600.1 was found in the two transgenic lines 7/100826-152 and 12/100826-393, while two separated insertion sites, one also in the intron of Gohir.-D01G157600.1 and the other in the intergenic region of A12 chromosome, were found in the transgenic line 1/w-ch14. A deletion of 21 bp was found in the insertion site in the intron of Gohir.D01G157600.1. The T-DNA insertion in the intron of Gohir.D01G157600.1 was further confirmed by the specific PCR. [Conclusion] The flanking sequences of T-DNA in the transgenic GbVe1 cotton were obtained and the specific transformation event in the intron of Gohir.D01G157600.1 was further confirmed by PCR.  相似文献   

Plant architecture is important for cotton cultivation and breeding. In this study, two mapping generations/populations F2 and F2:3 in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), derived from ‘Baimian1’ and TM‐1, were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for 10 plant architecture traits. A total of 55 main‐effect QTLs (M‐QTLs) were detected. Four common M‐QTLs, qTFB‐10(F2/F2:3) for total fruit branches, qFBL‐26b(F2)/qFBL‐26(F2:3) for fruit branch length, qFBA‐5(F2/F2:3) for fruit branch angle and qFBN‐26b(F2)/qFBN‐26(F2:3) for fruit branch nodes, were found. The synergistic alleles and the negative alleles can be utilized in cotton plant architecture breeding programmes according to specific breeding objectives. Altogether 54 pairs of epistatic QTLs (E‐QTLs) exhibiting the interactions of additive‐by‐additive (AA), additive‐by‐dominant (AD), dominant‐by‐additive (DA) and dominant‐by‐dominant (DD) were detected. The epistasis appeared to be an important contributor to genetic variation in cotton plant architecture traits. Therefore, the identified markers associated with E‐QTLs as well as M‐QTLs will be of importance in future breeding programmes to develop cotton cultivars exhibiting desirable plant architecture.  相似文献   

I. Ofori 《Euphytica》1996,91(1):103-107
Summary Direct and indirect effects of components of seed yield upon seed yield and those of leaf number and leaf size upon components of seed yield were examined using path analysis, in bambara groundnut germplasm from Ghana. The number of pods per plant and 100-seed weight had direct positive effects on seed yield, but the two traits were negatively correlated. The number of pods per plant gave the best indication of seed yield status. The number of leaves was more important in determining seed yield in the bunch types, but leaf size was rather more important in the spreading types. Seed size is genetically determined and the genes for seed size may have pleiotropic effects on leaf size. The genes for seed size may also be linked to genes for leaf size. Selection for varieties with high and stable number of pods per plant should improve production level of bambara groundnut.  相似文献   

氮素对棉株上部果枝铃 ̄叶系统生长及生理特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以鲁棉研28号为试验材料,不施氮肥为对照,在大田条件下研究低氮(120 kg·hm-2)、中氮(240 kg·hm-2)、高氮(480 kg·hm-2)处理对棉株上部果枝"铃 ̄叶系统"的形态和生理生化效应。结果表明:1)中氮和高氮显著增加棉花上部果枝的长度、叶面积,高氮显著降低上部果枝近远端直径比;2)与对照相比,中氮上部果枝铃对位叶的叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量显著增加,上部果枝棉子的可溶性蛋白含量也显著提高;3)中氮棉花果枝内外围铃重最大,结铃后期显著大于对照。氮肥提高棉花上部果枝的纤维品质,以中氮内外围棉铃的纤维品质最优。表明施适量氮肥能增强棉花上部果枝的"源 ̄库"协调性。  相似文献   

A. Elgersma 《Euphytica》1990,49(2):141-154
Summary We had previously found differences for seed yield among nine perennial ryegrass cultivars which were not associated with variation for seed weight. To detect the physiological basis of these genetic differences for seed yield, growth analyses were carried out. We related crop development and components of seed yield to seed yield during three years on clay and sandy soil. No significant differences occurred among cultivars for accumulation and partitioning of dry matter or the pattern of tiller production. Seed yield of the cultivars was not associated with ear number or total dry matter yield of the seed crop. Seed yield was more correlated with the number of seeds per unit area than with seed weight. The number of seeds as calculated after harvest from seed yield and seed weight was much lower than the number of seeds as estimated prior to harvest from seed yield components. The number of spikelets differed significantly among the cultivars, but the ranking was different from that for seed yield. The physiological basis of the genetic differences for seed yield is not clear. Implications for breeding perennial ryegrass are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of drought on the growth and development of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) was studied in controlled-environment glasshouses in the UK. There were three landraces (S19-3, DipC and UN from Namibia, Botswana and Swaziland, respectively) and two watering regimes; a control that was irrigated weekly to 90% field capacity and a drought treatment with no irrigation from 49 days after sowing (DAS) until final harvest (147 DAS). Bambara groundnut responded to drought by reducing the rate of leaf area expansion, final canopy size and total dry matter (TDM) during vegetative growth. Drought also caused significant reductions in pod dry matter (PDM), pod number, seed weight and harvest index (HI), leading to a decrease in final pod yield that was different between landraces. Across landraces, drought reduced mean pod yield from 298 g m−2 to 165 g m−2, representing 45% yield loss. Despite the reduction in all landraces, the mean pod yield across the droughted treatments that had received no water for almost 100 days indicated the resilience of the species to drought. The three landraces differed in their phenology; S19-3 exhibited a reduced phenology while UN maintained the longest life cycle. The different responses of the landraces reflect their adaptation to their local climates where mean annual rainfall ranges between 365 mm (Namibia) and 1390 mm (Swaziland). We discuss the significance of these results for future breeding programmes on bambara groundnut.  相似文献   

【研究目的】研究了不同施肥处理对3年生紫花苜蓿开花期叶面积、叶干重及比叶重的影响。【方法】用叶面积扫描仪测定苜蓿叶面积,在105℃下杀青,65℃下烘干24h,称取苜蓿叶干重,计算比叶重(SLW)。【结果】①氮、磷、钾单施或不同方式的配施均能增加苜蓿开花期叶面积和叶干重。其中以K40P60配施最有利于扩大苜蓿光合叶面积。以K40P40N10配施最有利于提高苜蓿开花期叶干重。②施氮,尤其是氮与磷配施能明显提高苜蓿开花期的比叶重,以P20N10配施效果最好。而单施磷(P20、P40、P60)、单施钾(K20、K40)或K20P20配施均不利于增加苜蓿开花期比叶重。【结论】①苜蓿施K40P60最有利于扩大开花期光合叶面积,增强光合作用。②施K40P40N10最有利于提高苜蓿开花期叶干重,从而有利于晒制干草。③施P20N10能明显提高苜蓿开花期比叶重,有助于苜蓿提高其光合速率,积累更多的光合产物。  相似文献   

Wei Zhu  Kui Liu  Xue-De Wang 《Euphytica》2008,164(1):283-291
Leaf shape is an important factor affecting canopy structure, photosynthetic characteristics, and yield. Introducing okra leaf shape is considered an important strategy in cotton heterosis breeding. The objective of the study was to evaluate the heterosis in okra leaf cotton hybrid F1s, which were developed by crossing two sterile near isolines and three restorer near isolines. A normal leaf check hybrid F1, Zhongza 29, and four newly developed okra leaf oriented hybrid F1s, including the super-okra (severely cleft and narrowly lobed leaf), okra (deeply cleft and narrowly lobed leaf), semi-okra (intermediate leaf lobe), and sub-okra (large leaf lobe) hybrids were selected in this experiment. Okra leaf oriented cotton hybrids significantly reduced leaf area index (LAI) (< 0.0001), thus more light penetrated into the lower canopy. The LAIs for the super-okra and okra hybrids, however, were too small to supply adequate photosynthate, thus resulting in early maturity, short boll filling period, and low yield. As the LAI increases, the semi-okra and sub-okra hybrids showed certain heterosis. The semi-okra hybrid showed 7–12% heterosis over the check hybrid in lint percent, 6–11% in boll weight, 2–147% in canopy light intensity, 1–10% in net photosynthetic rate (Pn), and −3 to 3% in lint yield. As well, all tested okra leaf hybrids improved fiber quality such as micronaire compared with the normal leaf check hybrid. The results suggested that adopting okra leaf parental lines in cotton breeding provided potentials in increasing fiber quality with comparable lint yield.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted during the winter seasons of 1992–93 and 1993–94 at Anand to study the effect of FYM, nitrogen and source of fertilizer on growth and yield of mustard [ Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj & Cosson]. The results showed significant variation in leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), dry matter production and seed yield. The direct effect of farmyard manure (FYM) was conspicuous in improving the growth of mustard. FYM application at 10 tonnes ha−1 significantly increased the LAI, CGR and dry matter accumulation per plant at almost all the stages during first year study (1992–93) and in pooled analysis. Similarly, nitrogen application registered maximum LAI, CGR at 75 kg level and RGR and NAR at 50 kg level at almost all the during both years. Sulphur carrying source (Ammonium sulphate plus single super phosphate) increased all stages growth characters. Maximum dry matter accumulation per plant and seed yield were recorded with highest levels of FYM (20 tonnes ha−1), N (75 kg ha−1) and source having S. Seed yield was strongly associated with LAI and dry matter accumulation per plant at all the stages.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to estimate the general and specific combining ability of peppers by measuring fruit quality and yield traits. This experiment was carried out on the garden field from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Minas Gerais State—Brazil. Eight lines of Capsicum baccatum belonging to the UFV Horticultural Germplasm Bank were chosen based on their broad genetic and phenotypical background variation and then they were crossed in a complete diallel way. The F1 seeds of the 56 hybrids and eight parents were planted in the field in a randomized complete block design. The data were submitted to ANOVA and the means were grouped by Scott–Knott test (P ≤ 0.01). Significant variation for fruit quality and yield components was observed among parents and F1 generation. Analysis of variance for the combining ability showed that GCA effects exhibited significant difference and SCA effects of the crosses were significant, except for the height of first bifurcation. For almost all characters both additive and non-additive effects influenced the performance of hybrids.  相似文献   

Rl(t)卷叶基因在杂交水稻中的遗传表达及效应研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
以Rl(t)卷叶基因的一对近等基因系卷叶珍汕97B、珍汕97B为母本, 分别与明恢63、盐恢559杂交, 研究Rl(t)卷叶基因在杂交稻中的遗传表达及效应. 结果表明: (1) 开花期, 相同叶位间, Rl(t)卷叶组合的叶片卷曲度极显著大于其对应组合; 不同叶位间, 卷曲度均以倒1叶最大, 倒2叶次之, 倒3叶最小. 相同叶位的叶基角, 卷叶组合小于对  相似文献   

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