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The effects of radiation and temperature during the seed set period (SSP) on pod number per square metre (PN m−2) and seed number per square metre (SN m−2) and those of temperature during grain filling on unit seed weight (USW, milligram per seed) of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) were examined in experiments involving irrigated crops of three or more cultivars of contrasting maturity sown on two or more dates per year from 1996 to 1998 at Buenos Aires, Argentina. The duration of the seed-setting phase was estimated from records of the progress of flowering on the main stem and an estimate (obtained using an optimisation procedure) of the thermal time from flowering at which the uppermost reproductive node reached the final stage of seed abortion (FSSA). The FSSA at a particular node was assumed to be achieved 200 °C day (Tb=4 °C) after flowering at the same node. The grain-filling phase was assumed to run from the achievement of FSSA at the first reproductive node through to 200 °C day (Tb=0 °C) after the date of achievement of the FSSA by the second flowering node.The treatments (cultivar, sowing date, year) produced important ranges of above-ground biomass (AGB) at maturity (271–782 g m−2), seed yield (SY, 119–331 g m−2), SN (1062–3698 seeds m−2) and USW (67–150 mg seed−1). Seed yield was strongly correlated with SN, and there was full compensation between SN and USW in large-seeded cultivars in the high SN range, but not at lower values of SN or in small-seeded cultivars. Both PN (r=0.83) and SN (r=0.87, P<0.0005) were strongly correlated with the mean daily value of the photothermal quotient (PQ=incident radiation/(mean temperature − base temperature)) for the seed-setting phase. Large- and small-seeded cultivars had PN/PQ and SN/PQ relationships with slopes which did not differ among categories but with significantly different intercepts. When the effects of low temperatures during flowering and early grain growth were allowed for, outliers on the PN/PQ and SN/PQ relationships for unstressed crops fell within the confidence limits of the respective linear regressions. Unit seed weight showed a negative response to mean temperature during the grain-filling phase in large- and small-seeded cultivars. We conclude that the relationships established in these experiments, taken together with previous work by other authors, constitute a robust basis for modelling the yield of unstressed field pea crops.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain yields vary considerably between seasons under subtropical irrigated conditions. Reports on comparisons of grain yield between early- and late-season rice in subtropical environments are lacking. In order to evaluate the role of climatic and physiological factors under double rice-cropping system in determining rice grain yield in farmers’ fields, six field experiments were conducted in both early and late seasons from 2008 to 2010 in Wuxue County, Hubei province, China. For early season crop, the attainable yield was highest under dense planting (38.5 hills m−2) when N was applied at a rate of 120–180 kg ha−1. However, the effect of hill density on grain yield was relatively smaller for late season crop, while moderate hill density (28.1 hills m−2) and nitrogen rate (120 kg ha−1) were advantageous in terms of grain yield and lodging resistance. Remarkably higher grain yields were achieved in late season crops compared with early season crops, as the former had superiority over the latter in sink size (sink capacity, such as spikelets per m2) and biomass production. The comparatively lower yield under early season mainly resulted from slower growth during the vegetative phase, which can be attributed to the lower temperature rather than reduced mean daily radiation. Summary statistics suggested that there was ample opportunity to improve rice yield in early season crops, compared with late season crops. Correlation analysis further showed that spikelets per m2, panicles per m2, leaf area index at panicle initiation and flowering, biomass at physiological maturity and biomass accumulation after flowering should be emphasized for increasing grain yield, especially in early season crops under the double rice-cropping system in central China. Current breeding programs need to target strong tillering ability, large panicle size and greater grain filling (%) for early season crops, and high yield potential and lodging-resistance for late season crops as primary objectives.  相似文献   

Questions as to which crop to grow, where, when and with what management, will be increasingly challenging for farmers in the face of a changing climate. The objective of this study was to evaluate emergence, yield and financial benefits of maize, finger millet and sorghum, planted at different dates and managed with variable soil nutrient inputs in order to develop adaptation options for stabilizing food production and income for smallholder households in the face of climate change and variability. Field experiments with maize, finger millet and sorghum were conducted in farmers’ fields in Makoni and Hwedza districts in eastern Zimbabwe for three seasons: 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12. Three fertilization rates: high (90 kg N ha−1, 26 kg P ha−1, 7 t ha−1 manure), low (35 kg N ha−1, 14 kg P ha−1, 3 t ha−1 manure) and a control (zero fertilization); and three planting dates: early, normal and late, were compared. Crop emergence for the unfertilized finger millet and sorghum was <15% compared with >70% for the fertilized treatments. In contrast, the emergence for maize (a medium-maturity hybrid cultivar, SC635), was >80% regardless of the amount of fertilizer applied. Maize yield was greater than that of finger millet and sorghum, also in the season (2010/11) which had poor rainfall distribution. Maize yielded 5.4 t ha−1 compared with 3.1 t ha−1 for finger millet and 3.3 t ha−1 for sorghum for the early plantings in the 2009/10 rainfall season in Makoni, a site with relatively fertile soils. In the poorer 2010/11 season, early planted maize yielded 2.4 t ha−1, against 1.6 t ha−1 for finger millet and 0.4 t ha−1 for sorghum in Makoni. Similar yield trends were observed on the nutrient-depleted soils in Hwedza, although yields were less than those observed in Makoni. All crops yielded significantly more with increasing rates of fertilization when planting was done early or in what farmers considered the ‘normal window’. Crops planted early or during the normal planting window gave comparable yields that were greater than yields of late-planted crops. Water productivity for each crop planted early or during the normal window increased with increase in the amount of fertilizer applied, but differed between crop type. Maize had the highest water productivity (8.0 kg dry matter mm−1 ha−1) followed by sorghum (4.9 kg mm−1 ha−1) and then finger millet (4.6 kg mm−1 ha−1) when a high fertilizer rate was applied to the early-planted crop. Marginal rates of return for maize production were greater for the high fertilization rate (>50%) than for the low rate (<50%). However, the financial returns for finger millet were more attractive for the low fertilization rate (>100%) than for the high rate (<100%). Although maize yield was greater compared with finger millet, the latter had a higher content of calcium and can be stored for up to five years. The superiority of maize, in terms of yields, over finger millet and sorghum, suggests that the recommendation to substitute maize with small grains may not be a robust option for adaptation to increased temperatures and more frequent droughts likely to be experienced in Zimbabwe and other parts of southern Africa.  相似文献   

Integrated crop–livestock systems can help achieve greater environmental quality from disparate crop and livestock systems by recycling nutrients and taking advantage of synergies between systems. We investigated crop and animal production responses in integrated crop–livestock systems with two types of winter cover cropping (legume-derived N and inorganic fertilizer N), two types of tillage [conventional disk (CT) and no tillage (NT)], and whether cover crops were grazed by cow/calf pairs or not. The 13-ha field study was a modification of a previous factorial experiment with four replications on Ultisols in Georgia, USA. Recurring summer drought severely limited corn and soybean production during all three years. Type of cover crop had little influence and grazing of cover crops had minor influence on crop production characteristics. Cattle gain from grazing of winter cover crops added a stable component to production. No-tillage management had large positive effects on corn grain (95 vs. 252 g m−2 under CT and NT, respectively) and stover (305 vs. 385 g m−2) production, as well as on soybean grain (147 vs. 219 g m−2) and stover (253 vs. 375 g m−2) production, but little overall effect on winter wheat grain (292 g m−2) and stover (401 g m−2) production. Our results suggest that robust, diversified crop–livestock systems can be developed for impoverished soils of the southeastern USA, especially when managed under no tillage to control environmental quality and improve resistance of crops to drought.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the efficiency of the assimilation of the fraction of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (fIPAR) data derived from Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre SPOT images into the MOSICAS sugarcane crop growth model for estimating the yield at field scale on Reunion Island. Over 3 years, time series of SPOT satellite imagery were used to estimate the daily evolution of NDVI for 60 plots located on two climatically contrasted farms. Ground measurements of the fIPAR were performed on 5 reference fields and used to calibrate a relationship with the corresponding NDVI values. Forced and not forced simulations were run and compared with respect to their ability to predict the final observed yield. Forcing MOSICAS with fIPAR values derived from SPOT images improved the accuracy of the model for the yield estimation (RMSE = 12.2 against 14.8 t ha−1) closer to the 1:1 line. However, underestimations of the yield by the forced model suggest that some of the model parameters were not optimal. The maximal radiation use efficiency parameter (RUEm) was optimised for each field, and an analysis of variance showed the significant effect of the ratoon number of the field, of its cultivar and of the farm where it is planted. Accordingly, the RUEm was recalibrated for each cultivar for the number of ratoons and farms. New RUEm values ranged from 3.09 to 3.77 g MJ−1, and new computations were run using the optimised values of RUEm. The results indicate that recalibrating the maximal radiation use efficiency according to the number of ratoons improved the yield estimation accuracy by as much as 10.5 t ha−1 RMSE. This study highlights the potential of time series of satellite images to enhance the estimation of the yield by a forced ecophysiological model and to obtain better knowledge about the ecophysiological processes that are involved in crop dynamics with the recalibration method.  相似文献   

Crop residue is often grazed by sheep after harvest, over the dry summer period from December to March in Mediterranean environments. However, soil cover provided by crop residues is a key component of conservation agriculture for maintaining favourable soil structure and high yields.A series of 31 site × year experiments was conducted to assess the effect of summer stubble grazing on residue levels and following crop yields. Relatively light grazing, with stocking rates below 10 dry sheep equivalent (DSE) and between 90 and 471 DSE days ha−1, had no significant effect on the amount of residue, soil properties, soil water, weeds or yield in the following crop. The main effect of grazing was to knock down and scatter the standing crop residues. However, longer term grazing at relatively high intensity (956 DSE days ha−1) on heavy soil, over both summer and winter, as in a pasture phase, did significantly reduce residue levels, infiltration and yield (by 59%). The effect of summer grazing on soil mineral N was small and inconsistent, with increased mineral N, by about 3–7 kg N ha−1, following grazing at two of the 13 sites. By contrast, higher mineral N, by 2–15 kg N ha−1, was measured in the un-grazed plots at three of the 13 sites. This was due to increased growth of legume pastures in the absence of grazing.More research is needed to confirm the yield effects when cropping after an annual pasture/fallow that is grazed over summer and winter, particularly on different soil types.  相似文献   

The antifungal activities of cinnamon extract (CE), piper extract (PE) and garlic extract (GE) were evaluated on banana crown rot fungi (Colletotrichum musae, Fusarium spp. and Lasiodiplodia theobromae) in vitro. The assay was conducted with extracts of CE, PE and GE with concentrations of 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0 and 0.75 g L−1 of carbendazim (CBZ) on potato dextrose agar at room temperature. CE completely inhibited conidial germination and mycelial growth of all fungi at 5.0 g L−1. PE totally suppressed mycelial growth of all fungi at 5.0 g L−1 and conidial germination at 10.0 g L−1 except for Fusarium spp. GE had no significant effects but low concentrations (0.1 and 0.5 g L−1) enhanced germ tube elongation of the three fungi. The ED50 values were higher for mycelial growth than for conidia except for Fusarium spp. Combined treatments were investigated on crown rot development in banana fruit (Musa AAA group ‘Kluai Hom thong’). Treatments included 5.0 g L−1 CE, 1% (w/v) chitosan solution, hot water treatment (HWT, 45 °C for 20 min), CE plus chitosan, CE plus HWT and 0.75 g L−1 of CBZ, applied before and after inoculation of the fruit. Crown rot development was assessed during storage at 13 °C for 7 weeks. Disease development was least (25%) on CE treated fruit after inoculation compared to CBZ but was higher when CE was applied before inoculation. Chitosan significantly delayed ripening as in terms of peel color, firmness, soluble solids and disease severity. CE showed no negative effects on quality of fruit. CE plus HWT caused unacceptable peel browning.  相似文献   

Different preceding crops interact with almost all husbandry and have a major effect on crop yields. In order to quantify the yield response of winter wheat, a field trial with different preceding crop combinations (oilseed rape (OSR)–OSR–OSR–wheat–wheat–wheat), two sowing dates (mid/end of September, mid/end of October) and 16 mineral nitrogen (N) treatments (80–320 kg N ha−1) during 1993/1994–1998/1999, was carried out at Hohenschulen Experimental Station near Kiel in NW Germany. Single plant biomass, tiller numbers m−2, biomass m−2, grain yield and yield components at harvest were investigated. During the growing season, the incidence of root rot (Gaeumannomyces graminis) was observed. Additionally, a bioassay with Lemna minor was used to identify the presence of allelochemicals in the soil after different preceding crops.Averaged over all years and all other treatments, wheat following OSR achieved nearly 9.5 t ha−1, whereas the second wheat crop following wheat yielded about 0.9 t ha−1 and the third wheat crop following 2 years of wheat about 1.9 t ha−1 less compared with wheat after OSR. A delay of the sowing date only marginally decreased grain yield by 0.2 t ha−1. Nitrogen fertilization increased grain yield after all preceding crop combinations, but at different levels. Wheat grown after OSR reached its maximum yield of 9.7 t ha−1 with 210 kg N ha−1. The third wheat crop required a N amount of 270 kg N ha−1 to achieve its yield maximum of 8.0 t ha−1.Yield losses were mainly caused by a lower ear density and a reduced thousand grain weight. About 4 weeks after plant establishment, single wheat plants following OSR accumulated more biomass compared to plants grown after wheat. Plants from the third wheat crop were smallest. This range of the preceding crop combinations was similar at all sampling dates throughout the growing season.Root rot occurred only at a low level and was excluded to cause the yield losses. The Lemna bioassay suggested the presence of allelochemicals, which might have been one reason for the poor single plant development in autumn.An increased N fertilization compensated for the lower number of ears m−2 and partly reduced the yield losses due to the unfavorable preceding crop combination. However, it was not possible to completely compensate for the detrimental influences of an unfavorable preceding crop on the grain yield of the subsequent wheat crop.  相似文献   

In this study, we report efficiencies of light capture and biomass yield of festulolium and tall fescue cultivated on a riparian fen in Denmark under different harvesting managements. Green biomass targeted for biogas production was harvested either as two cuts (2C) or three cuts (3C) in a year. Three different timings of the first cut in the 2C systems were included as early (2C-early), middle (2C-mid) and late (2C-late) cuts corresponding to pre-heading, inflorescence emergence and flowering stages, respectively. The fraction of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR) was derived from the canopy reflectance measured on 61 dates throughout a year, and cumulative interception of PAR (IPAR) and radiation use efficiency (RUE) was calculated. The dynamics of fPAR and biomass accumulations was similar for both crops before the first cuts in all managements. Festulolium fPAR in 2C-early and 2C-mid managements declined faster than in 2C-late and 3C managements in the second growth period and thus growing period IPAR of 2C-early and 2C-mid declined by 8% as compared to 3C management where IPAR was 925 MJ m−2. Annual festulolium dry matter (DM) yield in 2C-early and 2C-mid managements (average 14.1 Mg DM ha−1) decreased by 22% compared to 3C management (18.2 Mg DM ha−1). The highest and the lowest RUE of festulolium were observed in 3C and 2C-mid managements as 1.97 and 1.59 g MJ−1, respectively. For tall fescue fPAR declined rather slowly in the second growing period in all 2C managements, which contributed to similar IPAR (908–919 MJ m−2), total biomass yield (16.4–18.8 Mg DM ha−1 yr−1) and RUE (1.80–2.07 g MJ−1) for all managements. Whereas both crops were highly productive under both 3C management and 2C management with first harvest after flowering (i.e., 2C-late), the 2C-late strategy is recommended as the least intensive of the two management systems.  相似文献   

Farmers obtain high yield when proper crop management is matched with favourable weather. Nitrogen (N) fertilization is an important agronomic management practice because it affects profitability and the environment. In rainfed environments, farmers generally apply uniform rates of N without taking into account the spatial variability of soil available water or nutrient availability. Uniform application of fertilizer can lead to over or under-fertilization, decreasing the efficiency of the fertilizer use. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of variable rate nitrogen fertilizer application on spatial and temporal patterns of wheat grain yield. The study was conducted during the 2008/2009 and 2009/10 growing seasons in a 12 ha field near Foggia, Italy. The crop planted each year was durum wheat (Triticum durum, Desf.) cultivar Duilio. The field was subdivided into two management zones High (H), and Average (A). Three N rates were identified using a crop model tested on the same field during a previous growing season. The N rates were: low N (T1: 30 kg N ha−1), average N (T2: 70 kg N ha−1), and high N (T3: 90 kg N ha−1). The ANOVA test showed that there were no effects of the N levels for the first growing season for the H and A zone. For the 2009/10 growing season with higher rainfall there was a significant difference in grain yield for the A zone (2955 kg ha−1), but not in the H zone (3970 kg ha−1). This study demonstrates the optimal amount of N for a given management zone is not fixed but varies with the rainfall amount and distribution during the fallow and growing season.  相似文献   

Green mould (caused by Penicillium digitatum) is a major cause of postharvest losses in citrus. Residue loading of thiabendazole (TBZ) with application methods typically used in South African packhouses and green mould control was studied. TBZ was applied curatively and protectively in dip, drench and wax coating treatments and fruit were inoculated with a TBZ-sensitive or a TBZ-resistant isolate of P. digitatum. The dip treatments consisted of TBZ concentrations of 0–2000 μg mL−1; fruit were dipped for 60 s at 22 °C at a pH of 7. Residues differed between fruit batches and ranged from 0.5 to 1.7 μg g−1 at 1000 μg mL−1 TBZ. Curative dip treatments almost completely controlled green mould (>96% at 1000 μg mL−1 TBZ). The residue level needed for 75% curative control ranged from 0.06 to 0.22 μg g−1, depending on citrus type. Protective treatments were unreliable and control varied from 17% to 97.9% at 1000 μg mL−1 TBZ between fruit batches. Drench treatments consisted of exposure times of 30, 60 and 90 s with 1000 or 2000 μg mL−1 TBZ. Average TBZ residues were 2.14 μg g−1 for Clementine mandarin fruit and 3.50 μg g−1 for navel orange fruit. Green mould control on navel orange fruit resulted in 66–92%, 34–90% and 9–38% control for curative treatments after 6 and 24 h and protective treatments, respectively, depending on fruit batch. Wax with 4000 μg mL−1 TBZ was applied at 0.6, 1.2 and 1.8 L wax ton−1 fruit. Chilling injury was evaluated after fruit storage at −0.5 °C for 40 days. Average TBZ residues loaded was 1.3, 1.3 and 2.7 μg g−1 at the recommended 1.2 L ton−1 for Satsuma mandarin, Clementine mandarin and Valencia orange fruit, respectively. Protective treatments showed lower infection levels (14–20%) than curative treatments (27–40%) for Valencia orange fruit. The same trend was observed with Satsuma (92–95% curative; 87–90% protective) and Clementine mandarin fruit (82–90% curative; 59–88% protective), but control was relatively poor. TBZ application in wax exceeded 5 μg g−1 at higher wax loads (1.2 and 1.8 L ton−1). Wax treatments showed a significant reduction in chilling injury; TBZ had an additive effect. TBZ resistant isolates could not be controlled.  相似文献   

APSIM Nwheat is a crop system simulation model, consisting of modules that incorporate aspects of soil water, nitrogen (N), crop residues, and crop growth and development. The model was applied to simulate above- and below-ground growth, grain yield, water and N uptake, and soil water and soil N of wheat crops in the Netherlands. Model outputs were compared with detailed measurements of field experiments from three locations with two different soil types. The experiments covered two seasons and a range of N-fertiliser applications. The overall APSIM Nwheat model simulations of soil mineral N, N uptake, shoot growth, phenology, kernels m−2, specific grain weight and grain N were acceptable. Grain yields (dry weight) and grain protein concentrations were well simulated with a root mean square deviation (RMSD) of 0.8 t ha−1 and 1.6 protein%, respectively. Additionally, the model simulations were compared with grain yields from a long-term winter wheat experiment with different N applications, two additional N experiments and regional grain yield records. The model reproduced the general effects of N treatments on yields. Simulations showed a good consistency with the higher yields of the long-term experiment, but overpredicted the lower yields. Simulations and earlier regional yields differed, but they showed uniformity for the last decade.In a simulation experiment, the APSIM Nwheat model was used with historical weather data to study the relationship between rate and timing of N fertiliser and grain yield, grain protein and soil residual N. A median grain yield of 4.5 t ha−1 was achieved without applying fertiliser, utilising mineral soil N from previous seasons, from mineralisation and N deposition. Application of N fertiliser in February to increase soil mineral N to 140 kg N ha−1 improved the median yield to 7.8 t ha−1 but had little effect on grain protein concentration with a range of 8–10%. Nitrogen applications at tillering and the beginning of stem elongation further increased grain yield and in particular grain protein, but did not affect soil residual N, except in a year with low rainfall during stem elongation. A late N application at flag leaf stage increased grain protein content by several per cent. This increase had only a small effect on grain yield and did not increase soil residual N with up to 40 kg N ha−1 applied, except when N uptake was limited by low rainfall in the period after the flag leaf stage. The economic and environmental optima in winter wheat were identified with up to 140 kg N ha−1 in February, 90 kg N ha−1 between tillering and beginning of stem elongation and 40 kg N ha−1 at flag leaf stage resulting in a median of 8.5 t ha−1 grain yield, 14.0% grain protein and 13 kg N ha−1 soil residual N after the harvest. The maximum simulated yield with maximum N input from two locations in the Netherlands was 9.9 t ha−1.  相似文献   

To identify the best practice for nitrogen (N) fertilization of overwinter processing spinach, two field experiments were carried out in the Foggia plain (Southern Italy), one of the most vocated area for leafy vegetables production. The field trials were aimed to define and suggest the proper fertilizer dose, typology and the right time of application. Experiment 1 evaluated four N fertilizer doses (0, 150, 225, 300 kg ha−1) in a two-year field trial. Experiment 2 was aimed to assess the effect of the split distribution of prilled urea fertilizer in comparison with the application of nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) containing urea fertilizer, broadcasted at sowing.Spinach yield, yield quality (nitrate – NO3 – and carotenoids content), N-use efficiency and risk of soil nitrate (NO3-N) leaching were evaluated. The processing spinach yielded 37.8 and 3.6 t ha−1 of fresh and dry yield, respectively (average of the two experiments). Fresh and dry yield among the fertilizing treatments were similar. Also the β-carotene and the lutein content of spinach leaves (19.5 and 38.1 mg kg−1, respectively) were not affected by the N fertilizer dose. Conversely, the N dose strongly influenced the NO3 content of the leafy vegetable tissues (1286 mg kg−1 on average, 58% lower than the limits imposed by the EC regulation). As expected, the different rainfall pattern influenced both the leaf NO3 content and the risk of soil NO3-N leaching. The results achieved demonstrated that, in order to get a favorable trade-off, among yield, yield quality, N-use efficiency and environmental impact, the processing spinach growers of the Foggia plain area should be encouraged to apply 225 kg N ha−1 as maximum fertilization rate. Also, the split urea fertilizer application appeared as the more effective strategy for N fertilization of overwinter spinach in comparison with the use of the nitrification inhibitor containing urea fertilizer, being the last strategy not able to adequately match the N crop demand.  相似文献   

White clover living mulch (LM) increases the uptake of phosphorus (P) and the yield of the main crop by promoting the colonization of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM). However, the extent to which the P fertilizer application rate can be reduced by using LM is not yet known. This study aimed to address this question. Two field experiments were conducted from 2008 to 2009 (Experiment 1) and from 2009 to 2010 (Experiment 2) at the fields where the available P of soil fluctuated near the lower limit of the optimum P level (43.6 mg kg−1: Truog method). Experiment 1 had a randomized block design, and Experiment 2 had a split-plot design with a factorial arrangement of two cropping systems (LM and no LM) with three P application treatments (0 kg ha−1, 43.6 kg ha−1, and 87.3 kg ha−1). LM increased P concentrations in the early stages of growth and the yield of corn. This can be attributed to the increased AM colonization rate in the early stages of growth. The yield and total digestible nutrient yield of corn in LM with no P application was comparable to the maximum yield in no LM with or without P application. Therefore, LM could make unnecessary P fertilization in soils where P fertilization is required for silage corn.  相似文献   

A series of field experiments were undertaken at three locations in Khyber PukhtunKhwa (KPK) Province, Pakistan to assess the effects of low temperatures and phytohormone applications on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) growth and yield. These trials showed that ABA application (10−4 M) to 40-day-old plants (before the first seasonal frost) offset low temperature-induced growth and yield depression at harvest (200-day-old plants) by up to 17%. These yield improvements were mainly due to an increase in the number of seeds pod−1. Growth room experiments were carried out under controlled environmental conditions to establish how foliar application of 10−4 M ABA to 40-day-old plants might improve seed production at harvest. The foliar application of 10−4 M ABA had no detectable effect on endogenous shoot or root ABA levels four-days after spraying or on biomass when plants were maintained in warm conditions. When exposed to night temperatures of −2 °C, however, the endogenous ABA levels increased dramatically in both control and ABA-treated plants, but this rise was more rapid after ABA application (p < 0.01); after 14 days, these plants had gained significantly more biomass than the unsprayed controls (p < 0.05). No evidence was found to suggest ABA affected the osmotic or water balance of plants, but parallel experiments have shown ABA reduced low temperature-induced cell damage. Analysis of the proteome of the shoot tissues of ABA treated and untreated plants by 2-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis identified several proteins that are induced by low temperatures and/or by ABA application in chickpea and which may be involved in conferring cold tolerance. Attempts were made to establish the identity of these proteins using mass spectrometry but in all cases the results were ambiguous; a more complete protein data base for legumes is required before the function of these proteins can be inferred.  相似文献   

Kenaf is a warm-season species that recently has been proved to be a good source of biomass for cellulose pulp for the paper industry in Mediterranean countries, where the use of hemp is problematic for legal reasons. A two-year research program aiming at studying the effects of different water regimes and nitrogen fertilization levels, upon plant growth, leaf area index, biomass accumulation, water and radiation use efficiency, was carried out on kenaf under a typically semi-arid Mediterranean climate of South Italy. In cv. Tainung 2, four different water regimes (I0 = no irrigation, I25, I50 and I100 = 25, 50 and 100% ETc restoration, respectively) and three nitrogen levels (N0 = no nitrogen, N75 and N150 = 75 and 150 kg ha−1 of N, respectively) were studied. The amount of water applied strongly affected plant growth (in terms of LAI, plant height and biomass) and final total and stem dry yield, which significantly increased from I0 to I100. Nitrogen did not exert any beneficial effect upon dry yield. Radiation Use Efficiency (RUE), calculated in the second year only, was the highest (1.95 g DM MJ−1) in fully irrigated treatment (I100) and the lowest (0.86 g DM MJ−1) in the dry control.Water use efficiency (WUE) was rather similar among water regimes, whilst irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) progressively increased with the decrease of total volume of water distributed to the crop by irrigation, from 3.47 to 12.45 kg m−3 in 2004 and from 4.27 to 7.72 kg m−3 in 2005. The results obtained from this research demonstrate that in semi-arid areas of South Italy, irrigation at a reduced rate (50% ETc restoration) may be advantageous, since it allowed a 42–45% irrigation water saving, when compared to the fully irrigation treatment, against a 23% (in 2004) and 36% (in 2005) yield reduction, and a still good efficiency (near that potential) in transforming the solar radiation in dry biomass was maintained (RUE = 1.76 g DM MJ−1, against 1.95 g DM MJ−1 in fully irrigated treatment).  相似文献   

Competition for soil resources plays a key role in the crop yield of intercropping systems. There is a lack of knowledge on the main factors involved in competitive interactions between crops and weeds for nutrients uptake. Hence, the purpose of this work was to compare the effects of arbuscular mycorrhial fungi (Funneliformis mosseae) colonization in interspecific competitive relations and its effect on nutrients uptake and weed control in dill and common bean intercropping. Two field experiments were carried out with factorial arrangements based on randomized complete block design with three replications during 2013–2014. The factors were cropping systems including a) common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sole cropping (40 plants m−2), b) dill (Anethum graveolens L.) sole cropping at different densities (25, 50 and 75 plants m−2) and c) the additive intercropping of dill + common bean (25 + 40, 50 + 40 and 75 + 40 plants m−2). All these treatments were applied with (+AM) or without (-AM) arbuscular mycorrhiza colonization. In both cropping systems, inoculation with F. mosseae increased the P, K, Fe and Zn concentrations of dill plants by 40, 524, 57 and 1.0 μg kg−1 DW, respectively. Intercropping increased Mn concentration in common bean (4.0 μg kg−1 DW) and dill (3.0 μg kg−1 DW), and also seed yields of both crops (198 g m−2 and161 g m−2, respectively). AM colonization improved seed yields of dill and common bean by 169 and 177 g m−2 in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Moreover, AM application enhanced competitive ability of dill + common bean intercrops against weeds at different intercropping systems. Intercropping significantly changed weed density compared to sole cropping, as weed density was decreased in the dill + common bean intercropping. Diversity (H), Evenness (E) and richness of weed species of weeds for intercrops were higher than those for sole crops.  相似文献   

Explaining yield gaps is crucial to understand the main technical constraints faced by farmers to increase land productivity. The objective of this study is to decompose the yield gap into efficiency, resource and technology yield gaps for irrigated lowland rice-based farming systems in Central Luzon, Philippines, and to explain those yield gaps using data related to crop management, biophysical constraints and available technologies.Stochastic frontier analysis was used to quantify and explain the efficiency and resource yield gaps and a crop growth model (ORYZA v3) was used to compute the technology yield gap. We combined these two methodologies into a theoretical framework to explain rice yield gaps in farmers’ fields included in the Central Luzon Loop Survey, an unbalanced panel dataset of about 100 households, collected every four to five years during the period 1966–2012.The mean yield gap estimated for the period 1979–2012 was 3.2 ton ha−1 in the wet season (WS) and 4.8 ton ha−1 in the dry season (DS). An average efficiency yield gap of 1.3 ton ha−1 was estimated and partly explained by untimely application of mineral fertilizers and biotic control factors. The mean resource yield gap was small in both seasons but somewhat larger in the DS (1.3 ton ha−1) than in the WS (1.0 ton ha−1). This can be partly explained by the greater N, P and K use in the highest yielding fields than in lowest yielding fields which was observed in the DS but not in the WS. The technology yield gap was on average less than 1.0 ton ha−1 during the WS prior to 2003 and ca. 1.6 ton ha−1 from 2003 to 2012 while in the DS it has been consistently large with a mean of 2.2 ton ha−1. Varietal shift and sub-optimal application of inputs (e.g. quantity of irrigation water and N) are the most plausible explanations for this yield gap during the WS and DS, respectively.We conclude that the technology yield gap explains nearly half of the difference between potential and actual yields while the efficiency and resource yield gaps explain each a quarter of that difference in the DS. As for the WS, particular attention should be given to the efficiency yield gap which, although decreasing with time, still accounted for nearly 40% of the overall yield gap.  相似文献   

One experiment lasting for two years was carried out at Pegões (central Portugal) to estimate the impact of mature white lupine residue (Lupinus albus L.) on yield of fodder oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Sta. Eulalia) as the next crop in rotation, comparing with the continuous cultivation of cereal, under two tillage practices (conventional tillage and no-till) and fertilized with five mineral nitrogen (N) rates, with three replicates. Oat as a first crop in the rotation provided more N to the agro-ecosystem (63 kg N ha−1) than did lupine (30–59 kg N ha−1). This was at a cost of 100 kg of mineral N ha−1, whereas lupine was grown without addition of N. A positive response of oat as a second crop was obtained per kg of lupine-N added to the system when compared with the continuous oat–oat. The cereal also responded positively to mineral N in the legume amended soil in contrast with the oat–oat sequence where no response was observed, partly due to the fast mineralization rate of lupine residue and a greater soil N immobilization in the continuous oat system. Each kg N ha−1 added to the soil through the application of 73 kg DM ha−1 mature lupine residue (above- and belowground material) increased by 72 kg DM ha−1 the oat biomass produced as the second crop in rotation when 150 kg mineral N ha−1 were split in the season, independent of tillage practice. Mature legume residue conserved in the no-tilled soil depressed the yield of succeeding cereal but less than the continuous oat–oat for both tillage practices, where the application of mineral N did not improve the crop response.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate production and reproductive structure development in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) depends on light availability, a determinant of cotton yield. Light availability is decreased by cloud cover or self-shading when cotton plants are grown in dense populations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of shading during cotton growth and its interactions with plant row spacings on yield and fiber quality. Three independent experiments were conducted as follows: in Paranapanema (23°39′S; 48°58′W), cotton was planted in November in row spacings of 0.45, 0.75 and 0.96 m; in Primavera do Leste (15°33′S; 54°11′W), planting was in January with at row spacings of 0.45 and 0.76 m; and in Chapadão do Céu (18°38′S; 52°40′W), cotton was planted in February in rows spaced at 0.45 and 0.90 m. Plants were exposed to shading during the phenological stages B1 (floral bud), F1 (early flowering), PF (peak flowering) and 3OB (fruit maturity). In addition, there was one treatment without shade. There were no interactions of crop spacing with shading. Increasing plant population and shading both decreased net photosynthetic rate. The number of bolls m−2 increased with higher plant populations only when planting was delayed, and were not affected by shading. When cotton was planted in November and January, higher yields were obtained at 0.75/0.76 m, but when planting was delayed to February, 0.45 m resulted in higher yields with no effect on fiber quality. Shading for eight or ten days decreases boll weight and yields, but do not affect fiber quality. Cotton yield is the most decreased when shading occurs during flowering. These results may be used to build management strategies to minimize shading effects by adjusting cotton sowing time and plant density, by selecting cultivars with increased shade tolerance and by choosing an adequate irrigation period to improve yield.  相似文献   

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