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Long term investigations on the combined effects of tillage systems and other agronomic practices such as mineral N fertilization under Mediterranean conditions on durum wheat are very scanty and findings are often contradictory. Moreover, no studies are available on the long term effect of the adoption of conservation tillage on grain yield of maize and sunflower grown in rotation with durum wheat under rainfed Mediterranean conditions. This paper reports the results of a 20-years experiment on a durum wheat-sunflower (7 years) and durum wheat–maize (13 years) two-year rotation, whose main objective was to quantify the long term effects of different tillage practices (CT = conventional tillage; MT = minimum tillage; NT = no tillage) combined with different nitrogen fertilizer rates (N0, N1, N2 corresponding to 0, 45 and 90 kg N ha−1 for sunflower, and 0, 90 and 180 kg N ha−1 for wheat and maize) on grain yield, yield components and yield stability for the three crops. In addition, the influence of meteorological factors on the interannual variability of studied variables was also assessed. For durum wheat, NT did not allow substantial yield benefits leading to comparable yields with respect to CT in ten out of twenty years. For both sunflower and maize, NT under rainfed conditions was not a viable options, because of the unsuitable (i.e., too wet) soil conditions of the clayish soil at sowing. Both spring crops performed well with MT. No significant N × tillage interaction was found for the three crops. As expected, the response of durum wheat and maize grain yield to N was remarkable, while sunflower grain yield was not significantly influenced by N rate. Wheat yield was constrained by high temperatures in January during tillering and drought in April during heading. The interannual yield variability of sunflower was mainly associated to soil water deficit at flowering and air temperature during seed filling. Heavy rains during this latter phase strongly constrained sunflower grain yield. Maize grain yield was negatively affected by high temperatures in June and drought in July, this latter factor was particularly important in the fertilized maize. Considering both yield and yield stability, durum wheat and sunflower performed better under MT and N1 while maize performed better under both CT and MT and with N2 rates. The results of this long term study are suitable for supporting policies on sustainable Mediterranean rainfed cropping systems and also for cropping system modelling.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to assess the effect of N fertilizer application to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), tillage system and crop rotation on total denitrification N losses, N2O and CO2 emissions under Mediterranean conditions in a long-term trial started 18 years ago on a Vertisol soil. The tillage system consisted of conventional tillage vs. no-tillage and the crop rotation system consisted of two different 2-years rotations: wheat–sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (WS) and wheat–faba bean (Vicia faba L.) (WF). Fertilizer rates were 0 and 100 kg N ha−1 applied to wheat splitted in two amendments of 50 kg N ha−1 each. Two different fertilization systems were studied. In the old fertilized plots system fertilizer had been applied for 18 years since the beginning of the trial, and in the new fertilized plots system fertilizer was applied for the first time when this experiment was started. Measurements were carried out after fertilizer applications.

In the long term, continued fertilizer application produced a higher soil total N content. Nevertheless, no increase in denitrification potential, N2O + N2 production by denitrification, N2O or CO2 emissions was observed either by the recent application of N or by the continued application during 18 years. The soil presented a higher potential to denitrify up to N2 than up to N2O. So, denitrification was probably occurring mainly in the form of N2, while N2O emissions were occurring in a great manner by nitrification, both denitrification and nitrification occurring simultaneously at soil field capacity (60–70%) expressed as water filled pore space (WFPS). Conventional tillage induced an increase in soil total N content and in the potential to denitrify up to N2 with respect to no-tillage. This higher potential was translated into higher N2O + N2 production by denitrification presumably stimulated in the short time by the higher available carbon provided by decomposing roots and by the subsequent creation of soil anaerobic microsites. Contrarily, no effect of tillage was observed on N2O emissions because of being produced in an important manner by nitrification, which does not depend on carbon availability. The wheat–faba bean rotation induced higher soil nitrate contents than the wheat–sunflower, although the effect in the long time was not observed regarding soil total N content. The same as for the fertilizer effect, this increase in nitrate content was not followed by a higher denitrification potential or higher N2O + N2 production by denitrification because of the lack of organic matter, while an increase was observed in N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Efficient management of legumes in order to maximize benefits depends on a correct field assessment of N2 fixation. A field experiment was conducted during a 6-year period (2001–2002 to 2006–2007) in Córdoba (Southern Spain) on a rainfed Vertisol within the wheat-chickpea and wheat-faba bean rotation framework of a long-term experiment started in 1986. The aim was to determine the effect of tillage systems [no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)] on chickpea and faba bean N2 fixation. Fixation was calculated using the 15N isotopic dilution (ID) and 15N natural abundance (NA) methods with the reference being the wheat crop. The strong inter-annual rain variation caused great differences in the behaviour of both leguminous plants with regard to grain yield, nodule biomass and N2 fixation. The NT system showed more nodule biomass than the CT system in both legumes. The ID method was more accurate than the NA method in determining N2 fixation. The average amount of fixed N in faba bean (80 kg ha?1 year?1) was much greater than that in chickpea (31 kg ha?1 year?1). The Vertisol under the NT system offered more favourable conditions for the stimulation of the N2 fixation, with fixed N values that were significantly higher than under CT. The N added to the system through N2 fixation was low in faba bean and virtually nonexistent in chickpea, only in terms of above-ground biomass.  相似文献   

Mouldboard ploughing is known to accelerate soil organic matter (SOM) mineralization rate in Mediterranean regions. Long-term reduced tillage intensity potentially diminishes soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (STN) depletions. Here, we compared long-term no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) impact on SOC and STN sequestration rates at different depths ranging from 0 to 30 cm. The long-term experiment started in 1986 on a Typic Xerofluvent soil in Central Italy using a randomized complete block design with four replications. Ten years after the experiment began, SOC and STN concentrations in the 0–30 cm soil layer were already higher under NT compared to CT. The shallow layer (0–10 cm) showed the highest SOC and STN concentration increments. However, no differences between tillage systems were observed in the deeper layers. After 28 years, continuous NT increased SOC and STN content in the 30 cm soil depth by 22% compared to initial values. In the same period, continuous CT decreased SOC and STN content by 3% and 5%, respectively. On average, the total SOC and STN gains under NT may be attributed to the shallow layer increments. In the 10–20 and 20–30 cm soil layers, SOC accumulation over time was negligible also under NT. In the whole profile (0–30 cm), the mean annual SOC variation was +0.40 Mg ha−1 yr−1 and −0.06 Mg ha−1 yr−1 under NT and CT, respectively. Under NT, SOC content increased rapidly in the first ten years (+0.75 Mg ha−1yr−1); later on, SOC increments were slower indicating the reaching of a new equilibrium. Data show that NT is a useful alternative management practice increasing carbon sequestration and soil health in Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

High rates of nitrogen (N) fertilizer may increase N leaching with drainage, especially when there is no further crop response. It is often discussed whether leaching is affected only at levels that no longer give an economic return, or whether reducing fertilization below the economic optimum could reduce leaching further. To study nitrate leaching with different fertilizer N rates (0–135 kg N ha−1) and grain yield responses, field experiments in spring oats were conducted in 2007, 2008 and 2009 on loamy sand in south-west Sweden. Nitrate leaching was determined from nitrate concentrations in soil water sampled with ceramic suction cups and measured discharge at a nearby measuring station. The results showed that nitrate leaching per kg grain produced had its minimum around the economic optimum, here defined as the fertilization level where each extra kg of fertilizer N resulted in a 10 kg increase in grain yield (85% DM). There were no statistically significant differences in leaching between treatments fertilized below this level. However, N leaching was significantly elevated in some of the treatments with higher fertilization rates and the increase in nitrate leaching from increased N fertilization could be described with an exponential function. According to this function, the increase was <0.04 kg kg−1 fertilizer N at and below the economic optimum. Above this fertilization level, the nitrate leaching response gradually increased as the yield response ceased and the increase amounted to 0.1 and 0.5 kg kg−1 when the economic optimum was exceeded by 35 and 100 kg N ha−1, respectively. The economic optimum fertilization level depends on the price relationship between grain and fertilizer, which in Sweden can vary between 5:1 and 15:1. In other words, precision fertilization that provides no more or no less than a 10 kg increase in grain yield per kg extra N fertilizer can be optimal for both crop profitability and the environment. To predict this level already at fertilization is a great challenge, and it could be argued that rates should be kept down further to ensure that they are not exceeded due to overestimation of the optimum rate. However, the development of precision agriculture with new tools for prediction may reduce this risk.  相似文献   

The effects of soil tillage and straw management systems on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) were evaluated in a cool Atlantic climate, in central Ireland between 2009 and 2011. Two tillage systems, conventional tillage (CT) and reduced tillage (RT) each with and without incorporation of the straw of the preceding crop, were compared at five levels of fertiliser N (0, 140, 180, 220 and 260 kg N ha−1).CT had a significantly higher mean grain yield over the three years but the effect of tillage varied between years. Yields did not differ in 2009 (Year 1), while CT produced significantly higher grain yields in 2010 (Year 2), while RT produced the highest yields in 2011 (Year 3). Straw incorporation had no significant effect in any year.Nitrogen application significantly increased the grain yields of all establishment treatment combinations. Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) ranged from 14.6 to 62.4 kg grain (85% DM) kg N ha−1 and decreased as N fertiliser rate was increased.The CT system had a significantly higher mean NUE over the three years but the effect of tillage varied with years. While there was no tillage effect in years 1 and 3, CT had a significantly higher NUE than RT in year 2. Straw management system had minimal effect on NUE in any year.The effect of tillage and N rate on soil mineral N content also varied between years. While there was no tillage effect in years 1 and 3, RT had significantly larger soil N contents than CT in the spring before N application, and post-harvest in year 2. N application rates had no effect on soil N in year 1, increased residual N content in year 2 and had an inconsistent effect in year 3. Straw management had no significant effect on soil mineral N content.These results indicate that RT establishment systems can be used to produce similar winter wheat yields to CT systems in a cool Atlantic climate, providing weather conditions at establishment are favourable. The response to nitrogen is similar with both tillage systems where the crop is successfully established. Straw management system has very little effect on crop performance or nitrogen uptake.  相似文献   

Under irrigated Mediterranean conditions, no-tillage permanent bed planting (PB) is a promising agriculture system for improving soil protection and for soil carbon sequestration. However, soil compaction may increase with time up to levels that reduce crop yield. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mid-term effects of PB on soil compaction, root growth, crop yield and carbon sequestration compared with conventionally tilled bed planting (CB) and with a variant of PB that had partial subsoiling (DPB) in a Typic Xerofluvents soil (Soil Survey Staff, 2010) in southern Spain. Traffic was controlled during the whole study and beds, and furrows with (F + T) and without traffic (F  T), were spatially distinguished during measurements. Comparisons were made during a crop sequence of maize (Zea mays L.)—cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)—maize, corresponding to years 4–6 since trial establishment. After six years, soil compaction was higher in PB than in CB, particularly under the bed (44 and 27% higher in top 0.3- and 0.6-m soil layers, respectively). Around this time, maize root density at early grain filling was 17% lower in PB than in CB in the top 0.6-m layer. In DPB, the subsoiling operation was not effective in increasing root density. Nevertheless, root density appeared to maintain above-ground growth and yield in both PB and DPB compared to CB. Furthermore, at the end of the study, more soil organic carbon was stocked in PB than in CB and the difference increased significantly with a depth down to 0.5 m (5.7 Mg ha−1 increment for the top 0.5-m soil layer). Residues tended to accumulate on furrows, and this resulted in spatial and temporal differences in superficial soil organic carbon concentration (SOC) in the permanent planting systems. In PB, SOC in the top 0.05-m layer increased with time faster in furrows than on beds, and reached higher stable values (1.67 vs. 1.09% values, respectively). In CB, tillage homogenized the soil and reduced SOC in the top 0.05-m layer (average stable value of 0.96% on average for beds and furrows).  相似文献   

Excessive tillage compromises soil quality by causing severe water shortages that can lead to crop failure. Reports on the effects of conservation tillage on major soil nutrients, water use efficiency and gain yield in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) in rainfed regions in the North China Plain are relatively scarce. In this work, four tillage approaches were tested from 2004 to 2012 in a randomized study performed in triplicate: one conventional tillage and three conservation tillage experiments with straw mulching (no tillage during wheat and maize seasons, subsoiling during the maize season but no tillage during the wheat season, and ridge planting during both wheat and maize seasons). Compared with conventional tillage, by 2012, eight years of conservation tillage treatments (no tillage, subsoiling and ridge planting) resulted in a significant increase in available phosphorus in topsoil (0–0.20 m), by 3.8%, 37.8% and 36.9%, respectively. Soil available potassium was also increased following conservation tillage, by 13.6%, 37.5% and 25.0%, and soil organic matter by 0.17%, 5.65% and 4.77%, while soil total nitrogen was altered by −2.33%, 4.21% and 1.74%, respectively. Meanwhile, all three conservation tillage approaches increased water use efficiency, by 19.1–28.4% (average 24.6%), 10.1–23.8% (average 15.9%) and 11.2–20.7% (average 15.7%) in wheat, maize and annual, respectively. Additionally, wheat yield was increased by 7.9–12.0% (average 10.3%), maize yield by 13.4–24.6% (average 17.4%) and rotation annual yield by 12.3–16.9% (average 14.1%). Overall, our findings demonstrate that subsoiling and ridge planting with straw mulching performed better than conventional tillage for enhancing major soil nutrients and improving grain yield and water use efficiency in rainfed regions in the North China Plain.  相似文献   

有机培肥与轮耕方式对夏玉米田土壤碳氮和产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探明不同轮耕和有机培肥方式对夏玉米田土壤碳氮及其酶活性的影响,对提升农田土壤肥力及促进玉米高产具有重要意义。设秸秆(P)与牛粪(F)两种有机培肥方式和小麦季旋耕-玉米季深松(RS)、小麦季深松-玉米季免耕(SN)、小麦季翻耕-玉米季免耕(CN) 3种轮耕方式,共6个处理,于2015—2016和2016—2017玉米收获期采样测定,研究了不同有机培肥和轮耕方式对土壤碳氮及其酶活性和作物产量的影响。结果表明,轮耕方式、有机肥及其交互效应对土壤肥力有显著影响。在0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层,与轮耕方式CN相比, RS和SN能够显著提高土壤有机碳、全氮含量和脲酶、蔗糖酶活性。在轮耕方式RS中,与施用牛粪相比,秸秆还田显著提高了10~20 cm、20~30 cm和30~40 cm土层的有机碳含量,增加了10~20 cm土层的全氮含量和蔗糖酶活性。在轮耕方式SN中,与秸秆还田相比,施用牛粪显著提高了0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层的有机碳、全氮含量和蔗糖酶活性,增加了各土层脲酶活性。与秸秆还田+翻耕-免耕(PCN)相比,秸秆还田+旋耕-深松(PRS)和施用牛粪+深松-免耕(FSN)能显著提高土壤肥力。在0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层,各处理中以FSN增加土壤有机碳、全氮含量和蔗糖酶、脲酶活性最为明显。轮耕方式、有机肥及其交互效应对产量有显著影响。轮耕方式RS和SN的产量较CN分别显著提高了1.89%~10.49%、5.44%~11.99%。在轮耕方式RS中,产量表现为秸秆还田较施用牛粪显著提高了2.91%~3.11%;而在轮耕方式SN中,则表现为秸秆还田较施用牛粪显著降低了5.02%~9.07%。两年玉米产量均表现为FSNPRSFRSPSNFCNPCN。综上所述,在6种处理中,处理FSN在提高土壤肥力和产量方面最为显著,可以作为试验及周边地区适宜的轮耕培肥方式。  相似文献   

The expansion of biogas production from anaerobic digestion in the Po Valley (Northern Italy) has stimulated the cultivation of dedicated biomass crops, and maize in particular. A mid-term experiment was carried out from 2006 to 2010 on a silt loamy soil in Northern Italy to compare water use and energy efficiency of maize and sorghum cultivation under rain fed and well-watered treatments and at two rates of nitrogen fertilization. The present work hypothesis were: (i) biomass sorghum, for its efficient use of water and nitrogen, could be a valuable alternative to maize for biogas production; (ii) reduction of irrigation level and (iii) application of low nitrogen fertilizer rate increase the efficiency of bioenergy production. Water treatments, a rain fed control (I0) and two irrigation levels (I1 and I2; only one in 2006 and 2009), were compared in a split–split plot design with four replicates. Two fertilizer rates were also tested: low (N1, 60 kg ha−1 of nitrogen; 0 kg ha−1 of nitrogen in 2010) and high (N2, 120 kg ha−1 of nitrogen; 100 kg ha−1 of nitrogen in 2010). Across treatments, sorghum produced more aboveground biomass than maize, respectively 21.6 Mg ha−1 and 16.8 Mg ha−1 (p < 0.01). In both species, biomass yield was lower in I0 than in I1 and I2 (p < 0.01), while I1 and I2 did differ significantly. Nitrogen level never affected biomass yield. Water use efficiency was generally higher in sorghum (52 kg ha−1 mm−1) than in maize (38 kg ha−1 mm−1); the significant interaction between crop and irrigation revealed that water use efficiency did not differ across water levels in sorghum, whereas it significantly increased from I0 and I1 to I2 in maize (p < 0.01). The potential methane production was similar in maize and sorghum, while it was significantly lower in I0 (16505 MJ ha−1) than in I1 and I2 (21700 MJ ha−1). The only significant effect of nitrogen fertilization was found in the calculation of energy efficiency (ratio of energy output and input) that was higher in N1 than in N2 (p < 0.01). These results support the hypothesis that (i) sorghum should be cultivated rather than maize to increase energy efficiency, (ii) irrigation level should replace up to 36% of ETr and (iii) nitrogen fertilizer rate should be minimized to maximize the efficiency in biomass production for anaerobic digestion in the Po Valley.  相似文献   

Nutrient deficiencies can seriously reduce yield and economic returns to farmers. Tools that can rapidly quantify the nutritional status of plants are needed for efficient fertilizer management. Reflectance measurements have shown to be a useful tool to identify the nutritional status of different plant species. A set of calibration curves relating reflectance ratios to the nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), and iron (Fe) concentrations in corn leaves was established in greenhouse trials in a previous study. In this paper these calibrations were examined for their ability to identify nutrient deficiencies under field conditions. A 2-year field experiment was conducted to check and define the regions of the spectra that are influenced by leaf N concentration and to set up possible equations for quantifying the leaf N status in the field. The experiment was carried out on a loess derived soil in south-western Germany. Reflectance of corn leaves, from plants grown with six different N fertilization treatments ranging from 0 to 160 N kg ha−1, was determined once a week from the beginning of June until the end of July. Reflectance measurements were performed at the 4th leaf of corn plants with a digital LEICA S1 Pro camera under controlled light conditions. Reflectance was measured in different wavelength ranges in the visible and infrared spectra. Leaf scans were evaluated within the L*a*b*-color system. Total N concentration of corn leaves was determined chemically and correlated with reflectance patterns. Significant correlations between corn N status and leaf reflectance changes were obtained at a nitrogen level of N<3.0%. Reflectance patterns at 510780, 5161300, 5401300 nm were found most suitable to the corn N status in the field regardless of the year or sampling date. The results indicate that the spectral patterns and the defined calibration curves of N deficiency from greenhouse studies could be used in field studies. Thus, reflectance measurements may serve as a rapid, non-destructive approach to discriminate nitrogen deficiency in the field.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of soil water availability and nitrogen fertilization on yield, water use efficiency and agronomic nitrogen use efficiency of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) over four-year field experiment.After the year of establishment, three levels for each factor were studied in the following three years: I0 (irrigation only during the year of establishment), I1 (50% ETm restitution) and I2 (100% ETm restitution); N0 (0 kg N ha−1), N1 (60 kg N ha−1) and N2 (120 kg N ha−1).Irrigation and nitrogen effects resulted significant for stem height and leaf area index (LAI) before senescence, while no differences were observed for stem density and LAI at harvest.Aboveground biomass dry matter (DM) yield increased following the year of establishment in all irrigation and N fertilization treatments. It was always the highest in I2N2 (18.3, 28.8 and 28.9 t DM ha−1 at second, third and fourth year growing season, respectively). The lowest values were observed in I0N0 (11.0, 13.4 and 12.9 t DM ha−1, respectively).Water use efficiency (WUE) was significantly higher in the most stressed irrigation treatment (I0), decreasing in the intermediate (I1) and further in the highest irrigation treatment (I2). N fertilization lead to greater values of WUE in all irrigation treatment.The effect of N fertilization on agronomic nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) was significant only at the first and second growing season.Giant reed was able to uptake water at 160–180 cm soil depth when irrigation was applied, while up to 140–160 cm under water stress condition.Giant reed appeared to be particularly suited to semi-arid Mediterranean environments, showing high yields even in absence of agro-input supply.  相似文献   

In banana plantations of the Caribbean, nitrogen (N) fertilization widely exceeds nutrient outputs after harvest. Under wet tropical climate, leaching results in considerable waste of N. Fertilization management aims at maintaining soil mineral N at the optimal level for banana nutrition throughout the year but it does not take into account variations in crop N demand or N supply through mineralization of crop residues. The dynamics of crop N demand and crop residue supply depend on the structure of banana populations, which become asynchronous with time. We designed the SIMBA-N model to simulate N dynamics in successive crop cycles of banana. The model calculates the N balance weekly, including N uptake by banana, N leaching, and N supply by organic matter mineralization. We validated the model using data from a field experiment comparing five levels of fertilization. Results showed SIMBA-N provides reliable indicators to support banana fertilization management taking into account N flows in the soil and change in N demand related to banana population structure.  相似文献   

Mediterranean cropping systems in rainfed conditions are generally based on rotations with a very high frequency of winter wheat and, therefore, they are at risk of declining trends for yield and soil health in the long-term. In order to quantify this risk, a long-term experiment was set-up in 1971 in central Italy, which is still running at present (2016). This experiment is based on 13 rotations, i.e. three continuous winter wheat systems with different N fertilization rates (W150, W200 and W250), five maize/winter wheat rotations with increasing wheat frequency (maize preceded by 1–5 years of wheat: i.e., WM, 2WM, 3WM, 4WM and 5WM) and five two-year rotations of winter wheat with either pea (WP), faba bean (WFB), grain sorghum (WGS), sugar beet (WSB) or sunflower (WSU). All these rotations are managed either with the removal of crop residues after harvest (REM), or with their burial into the soil at ploughing (BUR). For each rotation, all phases are simultaneously grown in each year, according to a split-plot design (with REM and BUR randomised to main plots), with three replicates in complete blocks and plots of 24.5 m2 each. The following data are considered: (1) total and marketable biomass yields from 1983 to 2012; (2) content of Organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (N) in soil, as determined in 2014. Considering the 30-year period, BUR resulted in an average positive effect on yield (+3.7%), increased OC (+13.8%) and total N content (+9.4%) in soil, while the C/N ratio was not significantly affected. Wheat in two-year rotations showed a significantly higher (+19.4%) average yield level than in continuous cropping or in 2WM, 3WM, 4WM and 5WM, mainly due to a drop in yield occurring in the first (−13%) and second (−19%) year of recropping. Increasing N fertilisation level from 150 to 250 kg N ha−1 with continuous cropping resulted in an increase (+3.7%) in long-term average yield and in a decrease in yield stability. All rotations heavily based on wheat (continuous cropping and 5WM) produced the highest amount of buried biomass (>175 t ha−1 in 30 years), with the highest increase in soil OC content (>16 t ha−1). All the other rotations produced a lower amount of residues and were less efficient in terms of carbon sequestration in soil, apart from WFB, which gave a high increase in soil organic carbon content (+18.9 t ha−1 in 30 years), in spite of a low amount of buried residues (158 t ha−1).  相似文献   

This study analysed of the ability of a crop model to simulate crop nitrogen (N) balance. The model was originally developed to serve as a foundation to develop a decision-making tool to analyse the impact of water management and nitrogen fertilization on crop yield. The model included a dynamic parameter for allocation of dry matter between root and shoot allowing root to shoot ratio to vary according to differing environmental conditions. The new allocation parameter was introduced in order to make the model more applicable under water and nitrogen limited growing conditions. Two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) data sets were used to test the model simulations. Generally, the model simulations agreed well with the recorded data on crop N uptake. The relationship between the actual and simulated amount of N taken up by the crop was close in the calibration treatments of a greenhouse experiment. The coefficient of determination (r2) of the regression line (simulated value = independent variable, measured value = dependent variable) was 0.90. The r2 was 0.83 for the validation data. In the field experiments, the r2 values were 0.91 for the calibration data and 0.82 for the validation data. In field data, the model underestimated in some cases the crop N uptake during the period when actual shoot dry weight increased exponentially in spring. Therefore, methods used in computation of nitrogen uptake have to be analysed further. Plant organ N content was simulated satisfactorily for both greenhouse and field data. However, the range over which the simulated values varied was larger than in the actual data.

The results from the study indicate that our model is capable of simulating the crop N balance and we suggest that the model could be used when developing an N application decision tool for field crops. However, the availability of N and soil water were provided as inputs in the present study. Thus, the model should be integrated with models simulating below ground processes in the future. Moreover, the model should be further validated with actual field data.  相似文献   

Many studies have been conducted in examining the effects of N fertilizers on cereal yields and nitrogen (N) uptake, the effects of different kind of crop residues and their management practices on cereal yield, nitrogen uptake and simple N balance have not been studied extensively. We studied the effects of antecedent leguminous (white clover and field pea) and non-leguminous (perennial ryegrass and winter wheat) crop residues, each subjected to four different residue management practices (ploughed, rotary hoed, mulched and burned) on grain yield, nitrogen uptake by succeeding winter wheat crops, soil N mineralization and simple N balance. Grain yield and N uptake by the first wheat crop were significantly higher under leguminous than non-leguminous residues, following the order of white clover>pea>ryegrass>wheat. Grain yield under the mulched treatment was significantly lower than those of other management treatments due to lower plant population established. While N uptake was significantly lower under rotary hoed and mulched treatments as compared to other treatments, mulching had a positive residual effect on the grain yield of second wheat crop. Similar to grain yield, total soil N mineralization was greater under leguminous residues during the growing period of first wheat crop and was significantly correlated with C/N ratio of the residues. The calculated simple N balance showed that positive N balances occurred under white clover after one wheat crop when N inputs from only crop residue tops was considered. This also occurred even after two wheat crops when total N inputs from crop residues (tops+roots) were considered. However, with pea, the positive N balance occurred only after the first wheat crop when total N input from crop residues (tops+roots) were considered. These calculations demonstrated the important contribution of root-N to the N economy of the cropping system, which was largely ignored in most studies. The burning of residues showed no significant advantage over other residue management treatments. This was also evident from N balance calculations, which showed, in general, N balance was lower or more negative under residue-burned treatment as compared with other treatments. Overall, present results showed that it is beneficial to retain crop residues in the field, even though non-leguminous residues may cause substantial soil N immobilization initially reducing N availability to the first wheat crop, this N eventually became available to subsequent wheat crops and also increase the fertility of soils in the long-term. Thus, N inputs from crop residues are far more beneficial to the cropping system as compared to the burning of crop residues in the field or their removal from the field.  相似文献   

Traditionally, barley in Argentina has been cultivated in low-yielding environments. A study was conducted to test whether breeding for improved performance under these conditions would have also improved the responsiveness to nitrogen availability. Four cultivars of two-rowed malting barley (released in 1944, 1960,1982 and 1998) were grown under 4 rates of nitrogen fertilizer at sowing (20, 50, 110and 160 kgN ha-1). All cultivars increased their yield with the increase in soil nitrogen. But yield of modern cultivars responded more strongly than yield of old ones. For modern cultivars, increase in grain yield was of 12 ± 0.6 kgha-1 for each 10 kg ha-1 of increase in the mean yield (environmental index). Absolute values of genetic gain were related to nitrogen availability: 1.59, 2.58, 4.52 and 4.29 g m-2 year-1 for the N20, N50, N110 and N160 treatments, respectively. Grain yield was associated with grain number m-2, which was dependent on spikes m-2 and grains spike-1. Total biomass at maturity also explained the changes in yield. It is concluded that selection under stress conditions was, in this case, beneficial to identify cultivars with high yields under a wide range of nitrogen availabilities. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

辽西地区垄作和平作保护性耕作方式比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了平作和垄作下不同保护性耕作方式对土壤水分、温度和作物生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明,几种耕作方式中平作的平均产量都要高于垄作,其增产率在11.38% ̄15.20%之间。在相同的垄作或平作方式下,不同的保护性耕作方式的增产幅度不同,其中秸秆还田增产幅度最大。平作方式的出苗率、叶面积指数、根干重和干物重都高于垄作,但不同的保护性耕作方式其各项指标变化有所不同。平作下保护性耕作方式的土壤含水量高于垄作;垄作方式有一定的增温效应,尤其在苗期的土壤表层。  相似文献   

The increasing demand for traditional and natural foods has renewed the interest in hulled wheat species. Among these, Triticum dicoccum Schübler has survived in Italy only in a few hilly and mountainous areas of central and southern Italy. As a rule, emmer is cultivated in marginal areas with organic farming procedures that use very low N inputs, since this wild species is characterised by low yield, long and weak culms that easily lodge under windy conditions. Unfortunately, there is a lack of information on crop productivity and N effect for this crop. Research was carried out to study the effect of cultivation year (2004 and 2005), plant origin (Garfagnana, Leonessa and Molise) and N dressing (N0, N30, N60 and N90 kg ha−1) on crop yield and grain quality of emmer grown in south-central Italy. Fertilizer was split at seeding, tillering and stem elongation. Tested parameters were highly influenced either by crop origin or N application (biomass, hulled and threshed grain yield, spikes m−2, spikelets per spike, kernel weight, plant height, lodging, kernel ash and proteins). Several parameters augmented as fertilization rate increased (hulled and unhulled grain yield, biomass accumulation, spikes m−2, kernels m−2, protein content); 1000-kernel weight showed an opposite trend and in some cases no differences were noticed among fertilized treatments (plant height and spikelets per spike). Molise was the most productive population, closely followed by Garfagnana. The present research rejected some common belief that emmer has to be grown without N dressing, and crop undergoes lodging in marginal mountainous areas. Besides, grain yield of N90 and N60 treated emmer was only 6 and 18% lower compared to the five most important durum wheat varieties cultivated in the same area, suggesting emmer as a possible alternative crop to durum wheat in marginal areas of Mediterranean-type agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

Drought cycling and soil re-watering trends due to intermittent rainfall patterns are key stress factors that influence rice growth and yield under upland cultivation conditions. However, upland rice adaptation responses to fluctuating soil moisture conditions remain poorly understood. This study investigated root and shoot responses of upland New Rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties to episodic drought and re-watering during growth. We examined root and shoot growth of NERICA 1 and NERICA 4 compared with those of IR72, an improved lowland variety, and Dular, a traditional drought-tolerant variety, in terms of soil moisture fluctuations with different levels of nitrogen fertilization under field conditions that impeded deep root development. During soil moisture fluctuation, all varieties reduced shoot dry weight compared with well-watered plants, regardless of nitrogen fertilization levels. However, total root length for the three upland varieties was enhanced by soil moisture fluctuations at moderate and high nitrogen fertilization, while that of the lowland variety was reduced. Comparing root development during water fluctuations revealed that NERICA 1 had a greater root system than NERICA 4, which was attributed to lateral root development. Furthermore, we found that NERICA varieties increase lateral root mass during soil desiccation under adequate nitrogen fertilization, while Dular and IR72 reduced their root growth rate during drought and increased it after re-watering. Both root growth patterns developed, from around maximum tillering to heading. The analysis of regression between root elongation and shoot growth with fluctuating soil moisture indicated that an enhanced root system during drought, on adequate nitrogen fertilization, can contribute to shoot growth when sufficient water becomes available, specifically around the maximum tillering to the heading growth stage of rice.  相似文献   

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