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稻种包衣处理应用于工厂化育秧的试验研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
为了适应水稻抛秧工厂化育苗过程中精密播种的需要,对稻种进行了包衣处理。通过2年共8批大棚育秧试验研究,结果表明:稻种采用包衣处理,可以省去浸种催芽这一传统技术环节,有利于机械精密播种,简化了育秧过程,实现了播种、育秧的机械化、工厂化生产,且能够在育秧工厂中培育出符合农艺要求的壮秧来  相似文献   

基于物联网技术的寒地水稻程控催芽系统设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对大规模寒地水稻芽种生产中,浸种、破胸、催芽3个环节存在的上下层水温不均匀、浸种箱内稻种有氧呼吸差,易导致种子"出芽率低"甚至发生"烧种"、"烂芽"等问题,研究了浸泡温度、时间对水稻种子生理活性的激发机理,构建了基于物联网技术的温度、湿度、氧气监控体系,研发了程控水稻催芽系统,实现浸种箱内催芽环境分段式自动化管理。通过对浸种箱内温度场模拟及大田生产试验证明:系统温、湿、氧调控准确度高,均匀性好,水温控制精度?0.2℃,水位控制精度?0.3%,种子发芽率达97.79%,箱内不同区域芽种出芽率相差1%以内,芽种整齐度、健壮程度大幅提高。该系统研究为寒地水稻生产水平的提高提供了技术支撑,体现了较好的社会经济效益。  相似文献   

五种水稻育秧播种机的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究适应丘陵山区使用的水稻田间育秧播种机,以重庆市农业科学院研发的半机械化水稻育秧机、改进后宁波江北喜达机械制造有限公司2BJD-840型全自动育秧机、引进的佳木斯2FBS-Ⅱ型手动育秧播种机、哈尔滨同策科技发展有限公司2BJ-840型电动水稻育秧播种机和台州市一鸣机械设备有限公司的YM-0819全自动育秧播种流水线为试材,进行性能比较试验。通过测定各项作业性能和质量指标,结果表明:YM-0819全自动育秧播种流水线效果最好,播种合格率81.17%,平均覆土厚度为6.68mm,整机体积大,适合工厂化育秧。半机械化水稻育秧机比引进的2FBS-Ⅱ型手动育秧播种机效果更好。电动育秧机中,改进后的喜达2BJD-840型全自动水稻育秧播种机播种合格率为69.68%,平均覆土厚度为6.69mm,综合效果好于同策2BJ-840型育秧播种,且机器体积小,播种均匀,移动方便,适合丘陵山区的田间育秧。文章还介绍了5种育秧播种机的构造、工作原理与特点。  相似文献   

为了研究适应丘陵山区使用的水稻田间育秧播种机,以重庆市农业科学院研发的半机械化水稻育秧机、改进后宁波江北喜达机械制造有限公司2BJD-840型全自动育秧机、引进的佳木斯2FBS-Ⅱ型手动育秧播种机、哈尔滨同策科技发展有限公司2BJ-840型电动水稻育秧播种机和台州市一鸣机械设备有限公司的YM-0819全自动育秧播种流水线为试材,进行性能比较试验.通过测定各项作业性能和质量指标,结果表明:YM-0819全自动育秧播种流水线效果最好,播种合格率81.17%,平均覆土厚度为6.68 mm,整机体积大,适合工厂化育秧.半机械化水稻育秧机比引进的2FBS-Ⅱ型手动育秧播种机效果更好.电动育秧机中,改进后的喜达2BJD-840型全自动水稻育秧播种机播种合格率为69.68%,平均覆土厚度为6.69 mm,综合效果好于同策2BJ-840型育秧播种,且机器体积小,播种均匀,移动方便,适合丘陵山区的田间育秧.文章还介绍了5种育秧播种机的构造、工作原理与特点.  相似文献   

作者根据实际工作经验对机插育秧及其注意事项进行总结,提出了"九步育秧法",该技术浅显易懂,有利于提高机插秧的质量。本文简介其技术要点和注意事项。  相似文献   

水稻工厂化育秧过程中,秧盘播种量的精准控制能有效保证育秧质量。为解决水稻工厂化育秧中秧盘播种量调控操作繁琐和效率低等问题,该研究研究设计了一种水稻育秧生产线秧盘播种量智能调控装置,该系统以STM32F429微处理器为控制核心,利用双漫反射光电传感器检测连续输送秧盘的准确到达位置,设计了秧盘质量称量机构,建立了常规稻和杂交稻芽种秧盘播种量与排种轮电机转速(频率)的关系模型,基于统计分析、信息反馈技术与秧盘播种量变化规律模型,实现不同水稻品种秧盘播种量的智能精准调控。试验结果表明,在500盘/h的生产效率下,装置的平均检测精度为94.84%,经调控后的杂交稻秧盘播种量的平均变异系数为2.5%,常规稻秧盘播种量的平均变异系数为4.04%。所设计的水稻育秧生产线智能调控装置具有较高的播种量检测精度,满足当前育秧播种量调控的使用要求,对提高水稻秧盘育秧播种生产线智能化水平、保证秧苗质量具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

针对东北保护性耕作区玉米垄作农业技术对研发免耕播种机的要求,该文以阿基米德螺线为基础,分析了缺口圆盘刀破茬性能和理想种床对破茬刀的技术要求,进行了阿基米德螺线型缺口圆盘破茬刀的结构优化以及最优参数的优选,研制了破茬开沟和切拨防堵装置。田间试验表明,破茬开沟装置能开出"V"形沟,2片螺线型缺口圆盘刀直径为350 mm、入土深度为40 mm时,播种开沟宽度为28 mm;切拨防堵装置单片圆盘破茬装置质量为113 kg、破茬深度为70~100 mm时,开沟宽度为40~50 mm,清垄部件清垄宽度为210 mm,均达到了农业技术要求。同时,确定提高破茬率切拨防堵装置的最佳工作参数:机器前进速度为2.22 m/s,配质量为113 kg,破茬圆盘刀入土深度为7.50 cm;得出各因素对破茬率影响的主次顺序为机器配质量机器前进速度入土深度。该研究为高留茬模式和高留茬碎杆覆盖模式的保护性耕作地区的免耕播种作业提供了参考。  相似文献   

气吸式纸夹定位水稻精密育秧设备的研制   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
大量农艺试验表明:播种量和秧苗素质是影响水稻优质高产的主要制约因素,应用先进的精密播种技术培育均质壮秧是增加水稻单产的一个重要途径。针对现有水稻工厂化育秧方式一次性投资大,秧盘土采集困难和育秧过程繁琐等问题,在分析国内外水稻秧盘育秧精密播种技术与装备的基础上,根据水稻育秧的农艺要求,提出了应用纸介夹持定位封种的一种新的水稻无秧盘育秧精播方法,设计出气吸式纸夹定位水稻精密育秧设备并进行育秧试验。试验结果为单粒率达80%以上,合格指数(每穴1~2粒种子)超过95%,重播率(每穴3粒以上种子)小于4%,粒距合格率大于90%,纸介种带封固基本可靠,培育秧苗矮壮,栽插后发根能力强。  相似文献   

This research was conducted to investigate the effects of different medium compositions on physicochemical properties and the growth of two tomato varieties. Five treatments were applied, combining medium composition with rice husk ash (RHS) and coconut fiber (CF) with the following proportions: 1/3 Peat moss + 1/3 rice husk ash + 1/3 coconut fiber (T1); 1/3 Vermicompost + 1/3 rice husk ash + 1/3 coconut fiber (T2); 1/3 Cattle manure compost + 1/3 rice husk ash + 1/3 coconut fiber (T3); 1/3 Chicken manure compost + 1/3 rice husk ash + 1/3 coconut fiber (T4); 1/3 Hog manure compost + 1/3 rice husk ash + 1/3 coconut fiber (T5). The results demonstrated that between pH, electrical conductivity (EC) value, and nutrient content in the media, there was a significant difference that led to different concentrations of total macro- and micronutrients in the shoots of both varieties. In addition, the root weight, shoot weight, and root volume were affected by medium composition for two varieties in seedling stage. A mixture of cattle manures composted with RHS and CF under the rate (1:1:1 by volume), respectively, gave the highest value of germination rate, plant height, leaf number, and plant biomass. Medium composition significantly influenced the germination rate and elongation of seedlings, specifically for each tomato variety. Therefore, cattle manure compost as a medium supplement improves seedling quality and growth of the two tomato varieties.  相似文献   

Rice husk application and its long-term effects on charge characteristics and elemental composition of a chemically degraded Oxisol have not been rigorously studied. The objective of the study was to determine the ability of composted rice husk (CRH) to preserve organic carbon (C), generate negative charge, and release various ions in heavy clay Oxisol. The topsoil and subsoil, representing natural and erosion conditions, respectively, were incubated with CRH for 24 months. Results showed carbon types of CRH, as revealed by solid-state cross-polarization magic angle spinning 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CP/MAS 13C NMR) spectroscopy, were relatively unchanged from months 5 to 12 after incubation, indicating limited decomposition. Carbon types were dominated by O-alkyl and di-O-alkyl C with small proportions of alkyl, methoxyl, aromatic, phenolic, and carboxyl C. After 24 months of incubation, O-alkyl and di-O-alkyl C decreased, indicating susceptibility, whereas alkyl, methoxyl, aromatic, and phenolic C increased, indicating resistance to decomposition. Values of pH0 and point zero net charge (PZNC) were measured using potentiometric titration and ion adsorption indices, respectively. Values of pH0 and PZNC decreased during CRH incubation for both topsoil and subsoil, suggesting the increase of soil negative charge. Total negative charge for topsoil and subsoil increased from 2.7 to 3.5 cmolc/kg and 2.5 to 3.2 cmolc/kg, respectively. This reflects that CRH was able to mask soil positive charge to increase negative charge. In situ soil solution study indicated CRH could release various elements in the order of potassium (K) > sulfur (S) > natrium (Na) > silicon (Si) > magnesium (Mg) > calcium (Ca). In addition, toxic elements, aluminum (Al) and manganese (Mn), were significantly suppressed. The implication of the study is that CRH offers a means to increase cation exchange capacity and nutrient content of highly weathered soils while preserving organic C, thereby reducing CO2 emission from agriculture.  相似文献   

本文概述了“水稻机械化综合增产技术”项目实施的主要内容、程序、方法及产生的结果——亩平均增产稻谷57.8kg,节约劳动工日15个,节约生产成本10.6元。对该项成果进行了经济效益分析。得出科技投资效益率为1:15.35,经济临界限为16.35。在双季水稻粮食产区具有普遍推广价值。本文还论述了水田机械化与丰收计划实施的一些基本方法。  相似文献   

擦离式碾米机碾米室压力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
擦离式碾米机碾米室压力是影响成品米的含谷量和碎米率的关键因素。对N—70型擦离式碾米机的碾米室压力,通过单因素和多因素正交试验表明:碾米室压力呈周期性波动,其最大值比平均值大20%~35%;出米口轴向阻力以及碾米间隙对碾米室径向压力的影响均高度显著;擦离式碾米机用于加工籼稻,难以解决要求碎米率低和含谷量少之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

The worldwide production of rice husk, a by‐product and agrowaste that causes serious environmental problems, may reach 116 million t y?1. The objectives of this study were (i) to determine the physicochemical changes of rice husk and its structural chemistry during composting using 13carbon nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) and (ii) to determine the effect of the composted rice husk (CRH) on the properties of Oxisol and cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) growth under glasshouse conditions. Results showed an active composting phase occurred at the first 53 days as revealed by high carbon dioxide (CO2)‐C (40–71 µg g?1 h?1) production, followed by a matured composting phase occurring at 54–116 days as revealed by decreasing in CO2‐C production (10 µg g?1 h?1). The active composting was accompanied by increases in electrical conductivity (EC), pH, ammonium (NH4 +), and nitrate (NO3), whereas during the matured composting phase, the EC and cation exchange capacity increased but pH, NH4 +, and NO3 ?1 decreased. The ash of the produced compost contains mainly calcium (Ca), potassium (K), sulfur (S), magnesium (Mg), and phosphorus (P) as essential nutrients. The CP/MAS 13C NMR spectra before and after various composting times indicated the dominance of sharp and well‐resolved signal peaks at O‐alkyl C and di‐O‐alkyl C regions (67–73%), which are characteristic of cellulose. The percentage of N‐alky/methoxyl was 23–26% whereas phenolic, carboxyl, and alkyl C types were less than 3% each. The application of the CRH to an Oxisol significantly increased soil pH and Ca, Mg, K, sodium (Na), and silicon (Si) ions of in situ soil solution but decreased the amounts of toxic ions [aluminum (Al), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe)]. The CRH was found to increase cocoa growth up to 37%.  相似文献   

禽畜粪便的固液分离是处理和利用禽畜粪便的重要环节之一。本文介绍了分离禽畜粪便的基本原理,综合分析了国内外各种分离设备的特点、结构形式、适用范围及不足之处,并就开发新的分离设备提出了建议。  相似文献   

气吸滚筒式自动清堵粳稻排种器的改进设计与性能试验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为进一步提高北方优质粳稻营养钵育苗播种精度,针对原设计的气吸滚筒式自动清堵排种器在播种过程中存在种箱内芽种的流动性差、伤种芽和每钵粒数不均等问题,改进了种箱结构设计,增加了二次清种部件和补种区。改进后排种器依靠窝眼自动充种、气力辅助吸种,通过2次清种、1次补种以及自动清除吸孔堵塞物等措施,提高了每钵2~3粒芽种的播种概率。以空育131催芽种子为试验对象,采用四因素三水平正交试验设计方法,研究了喂入口开度、清种间隙、辊刷转速和吸室真空度对空穴率、损伤率和每钵2~3粒率等排种性能的影响。正交试验结果表明:影响改进后排种器排种性能的主次因素依次为清种间隙、喂入口开度、吸室真空度和辊刷转速。在喂入口开度为40 mm、吸室真空度为5 kPa、辊刷转速为55 r/min、清种间隙为6 mm较优参数组合下,改进前、后排种器对外形尺寸相近的空育131和龙粳26以及有一定差异的龙洋16粳稻芽种进行了播种适应性试验与性能对比试验。对比试验结果表明:对于尺寸相近的空育131和龙粳26粳稻,改进后排种器具有较好的适应性能,并且每钵2~3粒率的概率分别达到83.23%和85.01%,较改进前分别提高了3.77和6.14个百分点,损伤率分别降低了5.73和6.44个百分点,空穴率分别降低了0.51和0.57个百分点;该研究表明,改善充种室芽种的流动性,能够有效降低芽种损伤率,提高排种器每穴2~3粒的充种性能。该研究为粳稻气吸滚筒式排种器结构优化与性能的进一步提高提供参考。  相似文献   

水稻秧盘育秧播种技术与装备的研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:19,自引:15,他引:19  
该文在收集、整理并研究国内外关于水稻秧盘育秧播种技术与装备的基础上,按照播种流水线的结构特点和工作原理进行分析归纳,系统地总结了每一类机型的研究现状,详细分析了播种、排土和秧盘同步传动等技术难点,以及主要部件采用的工作原理、技术参数和所能达到的性能指标,通过对现有机型特点的分析比较,给出了各类机型的适用范围.最后,根据水稻插、抛秧种植的农艺要求,尤其是中国超级杂交稻种植技术的要求,提出适合于超级杂交稻精密播种的新型育秧系统,上述研究为适用于中国传统水稻育秧,以及发展中的超级杂交稻低成本高速精准秧盘育秧播种技术研究提供参考.  相似文献   

依据松籽的结构特点,介绍了松籽破壳机的单粒定向喂入装置和钳夹式破壳部件的结构与工作原理,并对破壳部件试验结果进行了分析,为机器的结构设计和主要技术参数的确定提供了依据  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for plant growth but is often limiting in ecosystems; therefore, improving the P fertilizer use efficiency is important. Biochar and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) may enhance P cycling in paddy soils that contain high content of total P but low content of available P (AP). In this study, the effects of biochar addition and Rhizophagus irregularis inoculation on the organic and inorganic P contents and phosphatase activities in paddy soils, rice seedling growth, and AMF colonization were investigated. Compared with no biochar addition, biochar addition enhanced the percentage of spore germination at day 7, hyphal length, most probable number, and mycorrhizal colonization rate of R.irregularis by 32%, 662%, 70%, and 28% on average, respectively. Biochar and R. irregularis altered soil P cycling and availability. Biochar and R. irregularis, either individually or in combination, increased soil AP content by 2%-48%. Rice seedlings treated with biochar and R. irregularis produced greater biomass, improved root morphology, and increased nutrient uptake compared with those of the control without biochar and R. irregularis. The results suggest that combined application of biochar and R. irregularis is beneficial to rice cultivation in paddy soils with high content of total P but low content of AP.  相似文献   

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