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Gastric acid suppressants frequently are used in cats with acid‐related gastric disorders. However, it is not known if these drugs effectively increase intragastric pH in cats.


To examine the effects of PO administered ranitidine and omeprazole on intragastric pH in cats and to compare the efficacy of once‐daily versus twice‐daily dosage regimens for omeprazole.


Eight domestic shorthair cats.


Using a randomized 4‐way cross‐over design, cats were given enteric‐coated omeprazole granules (1.1–1.3 mg/kg q24h and q12h), ranitidine (1.5–2.3 mg/kg q12h), and placebo. Intragastric pH was monitored continuously for 96 hours using the Bravo system1, starting on day 4 of treatment, followed by a median washout period of 12 days. Mean percentage of time pH was ≥3 and ≥4 was compared among groups using repeated measures ANOVA.


Mean ± SD percentage of time intragastric pH was ≥3 and ≥4 was 67.0 ± 24.0% and 54.6 ± 26.4% for twice‐daily omeprazole, 24.4 ± 22.8% and 16.8 ± 19.3% for once‐daily omeprazole, 16.5 ± 9.0% and 9.6 ± 5.9% for ranitidine, and 9.4 ± 8.0% and 7.0 ± 6.6% for placebo administration. Twice‐daily omeprazole treatment significantly increased intragastric pH, whereas pH after once‐daily omeprazole and ranitidine treatments did not differ from that of placebo‐treated cats.

Conclusion and Clinical Importance

Only twice‐daily PO administered omeprazole significantly suppressed gastric acidity in healthy cats, whereas once‐daily omeprazole and standard dosages of ranitidine were not effective acid suppressants in cats.  相似文献   

In this experiment, effect of wheat processing on rumen conditions and development were investigated. Fifty‐six neonatal Holstein‐Friesian calves (22 male and 34 female) were fed calf starters and post‐weaning diets containing 35 (pre‐weaning) and 21.90% (post‐weaning) popped wheat (PW), steam‐flaked wheat (SFW), dry‐rolled wheat (DRW) or ground wheat (GW) till 12 weeks of age. Calves were weaned at the end of 9th week, and a post‐weaning‐specific starter diets were fed for 1 month. Rumen liquor was analysed in days 30, 60 and 90 of the experiment to determine volatile fatty acids (VFA), pH and ammonia nitrogen concentrations. Twelve male calves (three calves/treatment) were slaughtered, and digestive tract was emptied. Forestomach empty weight and rumen parameters were assessed. Results indicated that calves received PW had the highest total VFA, acetate, propionate, butyrate, ammonia nitrogen, rumen wall thickness, papilla width and density. Calves fed DRW experienced the lowest rumen pH throughout the experiment probably because high proportion of fine particles in GW. Calves consuming PW apparently had more functional rumen in comparison with other groups.  相似文献   

Pure bred Holstein–Friesian (FR) and beef breed × FR male calves are used for beef production in Ireland. Beef breeds used for crossbreeding on FR cows include Aberdeen Angus (AA) and Belgian Blue (BB) which represent extremes in terms of maturity. The objective of this study was to compare spring-born steers of FR, AA and BB breed types, offered two feeding levels in their second winter, and subsequently finished on pasture or on a high concentrate diet indoors. Seventy-two steers (24 per breed type) were managed together to the end of their second grazing season. They were then blocked on weight within breed type and assigned to a 3 (FR, AA and BB breed types) × 2 (winter feeding levels) × 2 (finishing systems) factorial experiment. The two winter feeding levels were grass silage ad libitum plus mean daily concentrate levels of 0.91 (L) or 4.0 (H) kg dry matter for 113 days. The two finishing systems were pasture or concentrates ad libitum for a mean period of 94 days. Mean slaughter and carcass weights for FR, AA and BB were 634, 644 and 642 (s.e. 8.1), and 313, 326 and 340 (s.e. 4.7) kg, respectively. Other than bone proportion which was lower for AA, there were few differences in ribs joint composition or in m. longissimus chemical composition between FR and AA. BB had less fat and more muscle in the ribs joint, and more moisture and protein, and less lipid in m. longissimus than both FR and AA. Compared with L, the H winter feeding level increased slaughter weight and carcass weight by 24 and 15 kg, respectively. Indoor finished animals were 63 kg live weight and 39 kg carcass weight heavier than those finished at pasture. They also had more fat and less muscle and bone in the ribs joint and more lipid and less moisture in m. longissimus. It is concluded that except for BB finished at pasture all carcasses were commercially acceptable. Despite the excellent finishing performance on concentrates, this system is not profitable at current concentrate and beef prices.  相似文献   

We investigated the environmental factors in Japan, including meteorological conditions, on the fertility of a European cattle breed, Holstein–Friesian, by examining conception rates in different regions. First artificial insemination and associated conception details were recorded for 69,952 Holstein female cattle. In general, meteorological conditions vary considerably according to latitude in Japanese islands. Conception rates were higher in the Northern (above 37°N) than the Southern (below 37°N) region (61.3% vs. 53.3%). All the factors analyzed in the statistical model, including insemination year, region, month, AI technician, service sire and interaction between region and month, had significant effects on the conception rate. In the Southern region, conception rates were lower in the summer months (average temperature, 27.8 °C, and maximum temperature, 32.3 °C). However, this seasonal decline was not observed in the Northern region (average temperature, 23.7 °C, and maximum temperature, 28.4 °C). Regression analysis of conception rate in relation to temperature showed highly significant negative regression coefficients (− 0.66 to − 0.63% per °C; p < 0.001) in the Southern region, but non-significant coefficients in the Northern region. Humidity had a minimal effect on conception rate in both regions. Our data collectively suggest that 37°N latitude is a threshold that affects Holstein–Friesian conception rates in Japan.  相似文献   

A bio‐economic model was used to estimate economic values of 15 milk production, functional, growth and carcass traits for Hungarian Holstein‐Friesian cattle. The calculations were carried out for the situation in Hungary from 2000 to 2007, assuming no production quotas. The marginal economic values were defined as partial derivatives of the profit function with respect to each trait in a production system with dairy cow herds and with sales of surplus male calves. The economic weights for maternal and direct components of traits were calculated multiplying the marginal economic values by the number of discounted expression summed over a 25‐year investment period for 2‐year‐old bulls (candidates for selection). The standardized economic weight (economic weight × genetic standard deviation) of the trait or trait component expressed as percentage of the sum of the standardized economic weights for all traits and trait components represented the relative economic importance of this trait or trait component. The highest relative economic importance was obtained for milk yield (25%), followed by productive lifetime of cows (23%), protein yield and the direct component of a cow’s total conception rate (9% each), the maternal effect of the total conception rate of cows and the somatic cell score (approximately 7% each), fat yield (5%) and mature weight of cows and daily gain in rearing of calves (approximately 4% each). Other functional traits (clinical mastitis incidence, calving difficulty score, total conception rate of heifers and calf mortality) reached a relative economic importance between 0.5% and 2%. Birth weight and dressing percentage were least important (<0.5%). Based on these results, the inclusion of productive lifetime and cow fertility in the breeding programme for Holstein‐Friesian cattle in Hungary is advisable.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of disease incidence on selected parameters of cattle fattening performance and carcass quality, and the fatty acid profile of beef. The experimental materials comprised 16 bulls and 16 steers, Polish Holstein‐Friesian × Limousin crossbreeds (including 10 healthy and six treated animals of each category). At 5 weeks of age, bloodless castration was carried out using a rubber elastrator. The calves were fed milk replacer provided in automatic feeding stations. Until 540 days of age, the animals were fattened in an Animal Research Laboratory equipped with the Roughage Intake Control (RIC) system (Insentec, the Netherlands). In comparison with healthy (untreated) bulls and steers, sick (treated) animals had lower average body weight at 180 days of age, by 37 kg (P ≤ 0.05) and lower average final body weight at 540 days of age, by 56 kg (P ≤ 0.05). Sick animals were characterized by lower feed intake and worse feed efficiency (not statistically significant differences). Hot carcass weight reached 318 kg in healthy animals and 258 kg in treated bulls (P ≤ 0.05). In treated steers, the percentage of lean meat and bones in the three‐rib section was higher and the percentage of fat was lower, compared with their healthy counterparts (P ≤ 0.01). There was a category × health status interaction for carcass tissue composition. There were no significant influences of type of sickness on analyzed traits. In comparison with healthy steers, intramuscular fat of Musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) from treated steers had significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids (n‐6 and n‐3) and a lower content of conjugated linoleic acid.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to quantify the effect of strain of Holstein–Friesian and pasture-based feeding system on calving performance, blood parameters and overall survival within a seasonal calving milk production system. The three strains of Holstein–Friesian compared were high production North American (HP), selected entirely for milk production, high durability North American (HD), selected based on milk production, fertility and muscularity traits, and New Zealand (NZ) selected from a seasonal calving pasture-based system. The three feed systems compared were a high grass allowance feed system typical of spring calving herds in Ireland (MP; control); an increased stocking rate system (HS) and an increased concentrate supplementation system (HC). Data comprised up to 585 lactations on 240 cows. Data were analysed using linear mixed models, generalised estimating equations and survival analysis. Strain of Holstein–Friesian had no significant effect on calving difficulty or rate of stillbirths while the effect of feed system on calving difficulty and rate of stillbirths approached significance. Strain of Holstein–Friesian had no significant effect on plasma metabolite or hormone concentrations around parturition, with the exception of urea concentration. At the beginning of the breeding season the NZ strain had lower plasma concentrations of NEFA (0.20 mmol/l) and higher IGF-I (86.8 ng/ml) than the HD (0.24 mmol/l and 66.9 ng/ml, respectively) and HP (0.26 mmol/l and 64.0 ng/ml, respectively) strains. The higher IGF-I concentration of the NZ strain was maintained during the breeding season. The NZ and HD strains survived longer than the HP strain with median survival days post-first calving of 1372, 1367 and 1033 respectively, while feed system had no significant effect on overall survival rate over the study period.  相似文献   

为探讨鸭瘟弱毒苗诱导鸭局部黏膜和系统免疫中抗体发生的规律,本研究将鸭瘟病毒Cha株弱毒苗经口免疫20日龄樱桃谷鸭,60 d内定时随机剖杀5只鸭,采集血清、胆汁、气管和消化道(食道、十二指肠、空肠、回肠、盲肠和直肠)分泌液,应用间接ELISA检测抗DPV的IgAI、gM和IgG滴度(以Log10表示)。结果表明:①血清中检测到IgA、IgM和IgG的时间段分别为9-36、3-15和9-60天,滴度由高到低为IgG、IgM和IgA;②胆汁中检测到IgAI、gM和IgG的时间段分别为6-15、9-12和12-36天,滴度由高到低为IgA、IgG和IgM;③气管中检测到IgA、IgM和IgG的时间段分别为6-60、3-12和9-27天,滴度由高到低为IgAI、gM和IgG;④食道中检测到IgAI、gM和IgG的时间段分别为3-60、3-27和9-60天,滴度由高到低为IgA、IgM和IgG;⑤各肠段抗体滴度由高到低及相应检测到的时间段:十二指肠中为IgA(3-60天)I、gM(3-15天)和IgG(9-27天);空肠中为IgA(6-60天)I、gM(6-12天)和IgG(9-36天);回肠中为IgA(9-60天)、IgM(6-9天)和IgG(15-21天);盲肠中为IgA(6-60天)I、gG(12-36天)和IgM(6天);直肠中为IgA(3-60天)I、gG(12-21天)和IgM(6天)。结果显示,鸭瘟弱毒疫苗经口免疫鸭后,IgM和IgG分别是系统免疫中体液免疫的先锋抗体和主要抗体;IgA、IgG和IgM在胆汁中存留时间短;IgA是气管和消化道中的主要抗体。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to find functional polymorphism within two exons of the SIGLEC5 (sialic acid‐binding Ig‐like lectin‐5) gene and to examine its effects on the production and fertility traits of cows and bulls. Two hundred seventytwo Holstein‐Friesian cows and 574 bulls were included in the study. Novel missense polymorphism (A > G) within exon 3 causing substitution of amino acid arginine by glutamate in position 260 of SIGLEC5 protein (R260Q) was identified by sequencing and digestion by restriction enzyme Msp I. Basic production and fertility traits of cows and estimated breeding values (EBV) of bulls were analysed. The study demonstrated a significant association of SIGLEC5 R260Q polymorphism with days open and calving interval in cows as well as with breeding value for calving interval in bulls. An opposite effect of SIGLEC5 alleles for production and fertility traits was observed: the allele G increased the breeding value for the protein yield, while the allele A increased the breeding value for the calving interval. The current study suggests the involvement of SIGLEC5 R260Q polymorphism in biological processes related to fertility traits. This finding can be applied as a biomarker for a genetic improvement programme in Holstein‐Friesian cattle.  相似文献   

The bovine embryonic signal interferon‐τ (IFN‐τ) produced by the trophoblast is known to pass through the uterine fluid towards the endometrium and further into the maternal blood, where IFN‐τ induces specific expression of interferon‐stimulated gene expression (ISG), for example in peripheral leucocytes. In sheep, it was shown experimentally by administration of IFN‐τ that ISG is also detectable in the liver. The objective was to test whether ISG can be detected in liver biopsy specimens from Holstein–Friesian heifers during early pregnancy. Liver biopsies were taken on day 18 from pregnant and non‐pregnant heifers (n = 19), and the interferon‐stimulated protein 15 kDa (ISG‐15) and myxovirus‐resistance protein‐1 (MX‐1) gene expression was detected. The expression of both MX‐1 (p: 24.33 ± 7.40 vs np: 9.00 ± 4.02) and ISG‐15 (p: 43.73 ± 23.22 vs 7.83 ± 3.63) was higher in pregnant compared to non‐pregnant heifers (p < 0.05). In conclusion, pregnancy induced ISG‐15 and MX‐1 gene expression in the liver already at day 18 in cattle.  相似文献   

The reliability of genomic evaluations depends on the proportion of genetic variation explained by the DNA markers. In this study, we have estimated the proportion of variance in daughter trait deviations (DTDs) of dairy bulls explained by 45 993 genome wide single‐nucleotide poly‐ morphism (SNP) markers for 29 traits in Australian Holstein‐Friesian dairy cattle. We compare these proportions to the proportion of variance in DTDs explained by the additive relationship matrix derived from the pedigree, as well as the sum of variance explained by both pedigree and marker information when these were fitted simultaneously. The propor‐ tion of genetic variance in DTDs relative to the total genetic variance (the total genetic variance explained by the genomic relationships and pedigree relationships when both were fitted simultaneously) varied from 32% for fertility to approximately 80% for milk yield traits. When fitting genomic and pedigree relationships simultaneously, the variance unexplained (i.e. the residual variance) in DTDs of the total variance for most traits was reduced compared to fitting either individually, suggesting that there is not complete overlap between the effects. The proportion of genetic variance accounted by the genomic relationships can be used to modify the blending equations used to calculate genomic estimated breeding value (GEBV) from direct genomic breeding value (DGV) and parent average. Our results, from a validation population of young dairy bulls with DTD, suggest that this modification can improve the reliability of GEBV by up to 5%.  相似文献   

试验选用120头大白仔猪,随机分为3组。A组为对照组,饲喂生理盐水,其余各组均于出生后24 h之内饲喂不同剂量的牛初乳免疫球蛋白制剂,观察对仔猪5、10日龄血清中牛IgG和猪IgG含量以及断奶时增重的影响。结果表明,饲喂牛初乳免疫球蛋白制剂4 g的仔猪,其5、10日龄血清中牛IgG和猪IgG含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05),断奶时增重显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

品种与季节和日龄对仔猪血清中IgG含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探索品种、季节和日龄对仔猪血清中IgG含量的影响,将280头试验猪按不同品种/类群(久仰香猪、剑白香猪和长白猪)、不同季节和不同日龄(0、4、7、14、21、28日龄)采样、然后用双抗体夹心ELISA法(DAS-ELISA)测定其血清中IgG含量。结果表明:剑白香猪IgG含量比久仰香猪和长白猪高,差异显著(P<0.05);冬季仔猪IgG含量比其他季节高,差异极显著(P<0.01),春季与夏、秋季差异显著(P<0.05);仔猪IgG含量随日龄而增加,但从21日龄开始下降。  相似文献   



Transfer of passive immunity in calves can be assessed by direct measurement of immunoglobulin G (IgG) by methods such as radial immunodiffusion (RID) or turbidimetric immunoassay (TIA). IgG can also be measured indirectly by methods such as serum refractometry (REF) or Brix refractometry (BRIX).


To determine the accuracy of REF and BRIX for assessment of inadequate transfer of passive immunity (ITPI) in calves.


Systematic review and meta‐analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies.


Databases (PubMed and CAB Abstract, Searchable Proceedings of Animal Science) and Google Scholar were searched for relevant studies. Studies were eligible if the accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) of REF or BRIX was determined using direct measurement of IgG by RID or turbidimetry as the reference standard. The study population included calves <14 days old that were fed with natural colostrum (colostrum replacement products were excluded). Quality assessment was performed by the QUADAS‐2 tool. Hierarchical models were used for meta‐analysis.


From 1,291 references identified, 13 studies of 3,788 calves were included. Of these, 11 studies evaluated REF and 5 studies evaluated BRIX. The median (range) prevalence of ITPI (defined as calves with IgG <10 g/L by RID or TIA) was 21% (1.3–56%). Risk of bias and applicability concerns were generally low or unclear. For REF, summary estimates were obtained for 2 different cutoffs: 5.2 g/dL (6 studies) and 5.5 g/dL (5 studies). For the 5.2 g/dL cutoff, the summary sensitivity (95% CI) and specificity (95% CI) were 76.1% (63.8–85.2%) and 89.3% (82.3–93.7%), and 88.2% (80.2–93.3%) and 77.9% (74.5–81.0%) for the 5.5 g/dL cutoff. Due to the low number of studies using the same cutoffs, summary estimates could not be obtained for BRIX.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Despite their widespread use on dairy farms, evidence about the optimal strategy for using refractometry, including the optimal cutoff, are sparse (especially for BRIX). When using REF to rule out ITPI in herds, the 5.5 g/dL cutoff may be used whereas for ruling in ITPI, the 5.2 g/dL cutoff may be used.  相似文献   

本实验分两批选用120头大白仔猪(40,80头),随机分为4组,均食初乳。A组为对照组,其余各组均于出生后24h之内饲喂不同剂量的血浆免疫球蛋白制剂,观察对仔猪5、10、15日龄血清碱性磷酸酶活性、血清IgG浓度和平均日增重的影响。结果表明,饲喂免疫球蛋白制剂900mg的仔猪,其5、10日龄血清碱性磷酸酶活性和5日龄血清IgG浓度显著高于对照组(P<0.05),0-15日龄平均日增重显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

犊牛在出生后一段时期内消化道、代谢和内分泌的变化十分明显。消化初乳和常乳的能力需要胃肠道特殊的结构和功能。初乳的成分在哺乳期开始后发生变化。初乳的摄入对被动免疫和营养素的供给非常重要。此外,初乳中还含有对犊牛生长起重要作用的激素、生长因子、细胞分裂素、多胺和核苷。血清中的必需氨基酸的模式和谷氨酸盐/谷氨酸酯的比例也依赖于是否饲喂初乳和喂初乳的时间。初乳喂养的时间和数量对激素有相当大的影响。本文综述了有关初乳对胃肠道、内分泌和代谢作用的研究进展。  相似文献   

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