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This study aimed to elucidate the response of diversity and activity of soil invertebrates to elevated soil metal concentrations that were a result of sewage sludge application. Field sampling of soil invertebrates was carried out from 2002 to 2004 at an experimental site established in 1982 to test the effects on crop production of metal contamination from sewage sludge applications with elevated concentrations of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) with certain treatments exceeding the current UK statutory limits for the safe use of sludge on land. At metal concentrations within the limits, none of the invertebrates sampled showed adverse effects on their abundance or overall community diversity (from Shannon–Weiner index). At concentrations above the limits, individual taxa showed sensitivity to different metals, but overall diversity was not affected. Earthworm abundance was significantly reduced at total Cu concentrations at and above 176 mg kg?1, while nematode and enchytraeid abundances were sensitive to Cu and high Zn concentrations. Correspondingly, litter decomposition was lower in Zn and Cu treatments although there was no direct relationship between decomposition and soil invertebrate abundance or diversity. Such enduring changes in both soil biodiversity and biological activity around the current UK regulatory limits warrant further investigation to determine whether they indicate detrimental damage to soil functioning over the long‐term.  相似文献   

Background: The phosphate concentration of the soil solution is generally low, allowing sufficient plant nutrition only for a few days. Therefore, supply from various fractions of bound phosphate is essential to meet plant demand. It is known that plants have developed strategies to acquire phosphorus (P) from phosphates adsorbed on clay minerals or oxides, from organically bound phosphates, and from calcium phosphates. However, it is generally assumed that occluded phosphate is not plant‐available. Results: In a pot experiment, two plant species, namely maize (Zea mays L.) and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), differing in acquisition efficiency, were used to investigate whether Al oxide‐occluded and Fe oxide‐occluded phosphates can be acquired. Artificially prepared Al oxide‐occluded phosphate or Fe oxide‐occluded phosphate, respectively, was added to a subsoil low in available phosphates. It is shown that both plant species were not able to acquire P from Al oxide‐occluded phosphate. Also, maize was incapable of using Fe oxide‐occluded phosphate. In contrast, white lupin took up significant amounts of P from Fe oxide‐occluded phosphate. Conclusion: It is concluded that the strategy to form cluster roots together with their reducing power may allow white lupin to destabilize Fe oxides that occlude phosphates and to mine the soil for this additional phosphate fraction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Among adults with diabetes attempting to change their own diets, we explored how these adults approached providing food for their children and how their children reacted to dietary changes in the household. DESIGN: The research design used semi-structured parallel individual interviews of adults and a child (aged 10-17 years) in their home. Interviews were audio-taped, transcribed, coded and analysed for themes. SUBJECTS: Subjects included families in which one inner-city African American or Latino adult with diabetes had completed a diabetes intervention promoting healthy dietary behaviours. RESULTS: We completed 29 interviews (14 adult-child pairs and one child). Adults approached making dietary changes for themselves and also providing food for their family in different ways, ranging from expecting everyone to eat the same thing to preparing two separate meals. Many children resisted dietary changes while fewer acquiesced. Among children who went along with changes, some reported resisting initially then adjusting, while others did not resist because the food still tasted good or they could obtain preferred foods outside the house. The intersection of adults' meal strategies and children's reactions to the changes can be used to categorise families into different patterns. These patterns highlight the tension between an adult who must make dietary changes to control diabetes and a child who is not necessarily motivated to change. CONCLUSION: From this framework we suggest hypotheses about how these patterns might influence dietary behaviour in adults and children. Understanding these patterns could guide interventions to assist parents in successfully including children in their dietary changes.  相似文献   

Is UK biofuel supply from Miscanthus water‐limited?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sustainable Miscanthus plantings encouraged under publicly funded schemes should be based on sound economic and environmental assessments. We developed an empirical yield model for Miscanthus from harvestable dry matter yields at 14 field trials in the UK to estimate site-specific and regional yields derived from meteorological variables and soil available water. Harvestable yields of crops established for at least 3 years at 14 arable sites across the UK ranged from 5 to 18 t/ha, averaging at 12.8 (±2.9) t/ha. Variables considered to affect yield were number of years after planting, length of season ( T air > 9 °C), temperature, global solar radiation, precipitation and potential evapotranspiration during the season, and soil available water capacity ( AWC ). At a single site (Rothamsted), AWC and the relative average potential soil moisture deficit during the main growing season explained 70% of annual yield variation (RMSE = 1.38 t/ha, P  < 0.001). For the complete UK data set ( n  = 67), yield variation was related to AWC , air temperature and precipitation (RMSE = 2.1 t/ha, P  < 0.01). Linking soil survey and spatially interpolated weather data we calculated an overall national average dry matter yield of 9.6 t/ha. As shown for two counties (Oxfordshire and North Yorkshire), estimated yield may decrease by 1 t/ha, and its uncertainty may rise from 15 to >20%, when soil survey instead of local soil data are used. Using data from a single weather station can introduce a bias (<1 t/ha) because of differences in elevation and local temperature and precipitation. Overall, it seems most important for bioenergy plantings to assure sufficient water supply from the soil ( AWC  > 150 mm) during the main growing season.  相似文献   

During winter when the active layer of Arctic and alpine soils is below 0 °C, soil microbes are alive but metabolizing slowly, presumably in contact with unfrozen water. This unfrozen water is at the same negative chemical potential as the ice. While both the hydrostatic and the osmotic components of the chemical potential will contribute to this negative value, we argue that the osmotic component (osmotic potential) is the significant contributor. Hence, the soil microorganisms need to be at least halotolerant and psychrotolerant to survive in seasonally frozen soils. The low osmotic potential of unfrozen soil water will lead to the withdrawal of cell water, unless balanced by accumulation of compatible solutes. Many microbes appear to survive this dehydration, since microbial biomass in some situations is high, and rising, in winter. In late winter however, before the soil temperature rises above zero, there can be a considerable decline in soil microbial biomass due to the loss of compatible solutes from viable cells or to cell rupture. This decline may be caused by changes in the physical state of the system, specifically by sudden fluxes of melt water down channels in frozen soil, rapidly raising the chemical potential. The dehydrated cells may be unable to accommodate a rapid rise in osmotic potential so that cell membranes rupture and cells lyse. The exhaustion of soluble substrates released from senescing plant and microbial tissues in autumn and winter may also limit microbial growth, while in addition the rising temperatures may terminate a winter bloom of psychrophiles.Climate change is predicted to cause a decline in plant production in these northern soils, due to summer drought and to an increase in freeze-thaw cycles. Both of these may be expected to reduce soil microbial biomass in late winter. After lysis of microbial cells this biomass provides nutrients for plant growth in early spring. These feedbacks, in turn, could affect herbivory and production at higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Pot experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of soil water regimes on the formation of iron (Fe) plaque on the root surface of rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) and on the microbial functional diversity in a paddy soil. The rice seedlings were subjected to three moisture regimes (submergence, 100%, and 60% water‐holding capacity [WHC]), and were grown for 5 and 11 weeks. Aerobic lithotrophic Fe(II)‐oxidizing (FeOB) and acetate‐utilizing Fe(III)‐reducing bacteria (FeRB) in the rhizosphere and non‐rhizosphere soil were determined at 5 weeks using the most probable number (MPN) method. The carbon substrate use patterns of the microbial communities in the rhizosphere and non‐rhizosphere soil samples were determined at 11 weeks using Biolog‐GN2 plates. The amount of Fe plaque (per unit dry root weight) was much higher under submerged conditions than at lower soil moisture contents and decreased with plant age. There was a positive correlation between the amount of Fe plaque and phosphorus accumulated in the Fe plaque at both sampling times (r = 0.98 and 0.92, respectively, n = 12). Numbers of FeOB and FeRB in the submerged soil were lower than in aerobic soil, but by two orders of magnitude higher in the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil. On the other hand, the functional diversity of the rhizosphere microbial communities was much higher than that of the non‐rhizosphere soil, irrespective of soil water regimes. We conclude that soil flooding results in a decreased number and diversity of Fe‐oxidizing/reducing bacteria, while increasing the Fe‐plaque formation.  相似文献   

A method is described for the rapid and simple assay of soil β-glucosidase activity. It involves colorimetric estimation of ρ-nitrophenol released by β-glucosidase activity when soil is incubated in McIlvaine buffer (pH 4.8) with ρnitrophenyl βd-glucoside and toluene at 30°C for 1 hr. The method has been applied to three different soils. The range of β-glucosidase activity in cultivated soils was from 10.1 to 15.2 mµ mole per min per gram of dried soil. Km value for ρ-nitrophenyl β-d-glucoside was 3.3 × 10-4 M. Optimum pH was 4.8.  相似文献   

Primary minerals of the parent material undergo weathering during the formation of terrestrial soils to varying extent. As a result, secondary minerals develop, which comprise, among many others, hydroxy‐interlayered minerals (HIMs). These minerals have formed by interlayering of hydroxy‐metal complexes (especially of Al3+, also Mg2+, Fe2+/3+) into micas, expansible 2:1 phyllosilicates and forming oligomers, or by weathering of primary chlorite. The degree of interlayer filling and the stability of these fillings affect several physico‐chemical soil properties, for instance the cation exchange capacity. Although many studies have been conducted on formation, occurrence, and properties of HIMs in soil during the last decades, several challenges still exist. These challenges include analytical identification and quantification of HIMs in soil, the nature of the interlayer filling and the identification of favorable conditions in soil for the formation of HIMs. In order to deepen the understanding of formation, properties, and fate of HIMs in soil, we critically reviewed the available literature. Based on the review, we recommend using a new structural model that enables quantification of hydroxy‐interlayered smectite in soil by X‐ray diffractometry, laboratory experiments on the formation and preservation of different types of interlayers and considering the temporal and spatial dimension of the formation of HIMs in soil in more detail.  相似文献   

A conventional photometric method to determine chlorophyll concentrations in maize leaves was evaluated. It was tested whether in Mg‐deficient plant tissue the addition of MgCO3 during pigment extraction converts protoporphyrin IX into chlorophyll, falsifying concentration measurements. The non‐destructive N‐tester was used as a reference for the destructive chlorophyll determination. It is shown that both methods are valid for the determination of chlorophyll concentration in Mg‐deficient leaves.  相似文献   

《Soil Use and Management》2018,34(2):177-186
Biochar application to soil is suggested as a way of enhancing soil fertility by increasing the availability of nutrients and water. The former is perhaps better documented while the latter has less experimental support. This review critically investigates the recent literature which focuses on determining whether biochar induces increases in plant available water and that this provides part of the explanation for possible increases in crop yield. A number of studies suggest that biochar increases crop yields, and this is linked to the enhancement of soil water content and increased crop growth. However, many of these studies fail to fully consider if the measured biochar increases of 10–30% in soil water content were actually responsible for an increase in plant available water for crop growth. There is also limited evidence of increased crop yields when biochar is used in field experiments. While biochar soil application may increase soil water content, this appears to most likely occur with free draining coarsely textured sandy soils. As yet there is limited evidence that biochar improves soil water content in temperate soils and even less that it facilitates plant tolerance to drought stress. More recent literature shows the use of methods which quantify soil biochar changes with respect to plant water availability. However, despite some advances in our understanding of biochar's mode of action, there are still only a few studies which link increases in plant available water with increased crop yields, and particularly with respect to the longer term use and functionality of soil‐applied biochar.  相似文献   

Soil scientists are receiving increasing numbers of requests for expert advice on soil over large areas, but at a high resolution. We tested the use of the soil data contained in sources of information that are not directly accessible (referred to as ‘grey’ data) to accomplish this task. We collected grey data about a pine forest, which is currently the subject of drastic, and questionable, changes in management, including a rapid rate of biomass removal. These grey data (from 266 sites) were compared with soil data obtained directly from our field sampling (83 sites). Our comparisons showed that the two sources of data were consistent when the variables concerned had been sampled and analysed by using methods shared by the soil scientists such as particle‐size distribution. Conversely, significant discrepancies appeared for variables for which different methods existed, such as for CEC. For the latter, using corrective equations gave contrasting results, depending on the soil variable. The final database was used to characterize the soils of the study region. Results showed that soils of the study region (mainly sandy podzols and arenosols) were acidic and particularly oligotrophic. Several important properties (CEC, phosphorus cycling, pH, bulk density) were related to the organic fraction or carbon (C) content of soils. For instance, CEC values were linearly and exclusively dependent on C content. The most oligotrophic sites of the study region were clearly not suitable for the new intensive management of the forest in the long term. For the other sites, the question remains open because some specific data are still needed before drawing conclusions. We conclude that as a complement to conventional soil studies, the grey literature is a useful source of data and information to characterize soils at a regional scale.  相似文献   

Activities of selected soil enzymes (invertase, acid phosphatase, proteinase, catalase, peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase) were determined under different spruce forests with restoration histories of 5, 13, 18, 23, 27 years and an old growth forest over 400 years old in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, and their possible use as indicators of ecosystems health were analyzed. Plots 10 × 10 m with 4 replications were established to investigate three hypotheses: soil enzyme activities a) would increase with the restoration process; b) would be greater in surface soils than at lower depths; and c) would be correlated to selected physicochemical properties. Results showed that as the forests developed after restoration, invertase and peroxidase activities usually increased up to the 23 year point. Also soil enzyme activities were associated with surface soils and decreased with depths, suggesting that in earlier restoration stages surface addition of organic fertilizer to soils might be more effective than additions at depth. In the 0-20 cm soil, there were significant correlations (P < 0.01 or < 0.05) between some soil enzyme activities and some selected chemical properties. Therefore, temporal changes in enzyme activities should be included as an indicator when evaluating sustainable forest management practices.  相似文献   

The formation of soil organic matter (SOM) has been proposed to depend on fragmentation of biomass after cell death. However, this is hard to mimic in laboratory experiments showing the process directly. We used heavy metal contamination in order to provide an environment in which one Streptomyces strain, the heavy metal resistant S. mirabilis P16B‐1, could survive while the sensitive strain S. lividans TK24 was expected to die and disintegrate; the necromass fragments would then contribute to SOM formation. Both strains were grown for 30 d in sterile mesocosms containing either highly metal‐contaminated soil from a former uranium‐mining site in Ronneburg, Germany, or control soil from a municipal park, Jena, Germany. The fate and morphology of living and dead bacterial biomass (necromass) was observed using scanning electron microscopy. Attachment of soil particles to the intact mycelium as well as decay of dead biomass was observed. Dead bacterial biomass was identified in form of patchy fragments while the superordinate filamentous structure of the hyphae was still visible and obviously stabilized in soil. The fate of cytosolic compounds was followed using the example of a nickel‐containing superoxide dismutase (NiSOD) which was found to be released after death of cells grown in liquid soil‐extract medium. Activity of the enzyme was proven for concentrated media supernatant by a gel‐based qualitative activity assay. This indicates that NiSOD remains active in soil after cell death. Hence, bacterial cell death results in the release of cytosolic compounds, e.g., intact proteins, as well as the formation of residual cell‐envelope fragments contributing to SOM formation.  相似文献   

The following parameters were measured on seven field plots at 3 sites which had been under organic farming for different periods of time: mineral nitrogen (N min) contents, in situ net nitrogen mineralization (N net), soil microbial biomass carbon (C mic), and nitrogen (N mic) contents, and extractable organic N contents. The measurements were conducted every three weeks from spring 1995/1996 to autumn 1997. The objective was to test whether, under organic farming: 1) temporal fluctuations of Nmic contents over the course of the year are indicative for a source‐and‐sink function for plant‐available N of the soil microbial biomass, and 2) temporal variations in Nmic content can be related with in situ Nnet or plant N uptake. Nmin contents gradually increased after ploughing in autumn until late winter. During intensive plant growth in spring, values rapidly declined. In situ Nnet fluctuated only moderately and reached high values during intensive plant growth (May—July) as well as after soil cultivation in autumn. The Cmic and Nmic contents generally were low in winter, increased in spring and reached maxima in late spring or summer. In spring, the increase in Cmic contents preceded the increase in Nmic contents, resulting in elevated Cmic:Nmic ratios until shooting of winter wheat. This corresponds to an uptake of available soil nitrogen by the plants at the expense of soil micro‐organisms. The subsequent increase in Nmic contents, coinciding with high plant N uptake rates, indicates an enhanced, plant‐induced N mobilization at that time. Possible mobilization mechanisms are discussed. Soil microbial biomass exerted a source‐and‐sink function for extractable organic N on some of the field plots. Estimates of in situ Nnet measurements were neither correlated significantly with soil microbial biomass N, Nmic flux, Nmic turnover, nor with plant N uptake. Lower Nmic turnover rates on 41 years versus 3 years organically managed fields indicate a stabilizing effect of organic farming on soil microflora.  相似文献   

The effect of digging activity of little souslik (Spermophilus pygmaeus Pall.) on the microtopography and soils was studied in the areas with shallow saline groundwater developing under continental conditions for 10.5–12.7 ka. The portion of microtopographic features related to the digging activity was quantified. It was found that the micromounds formed by sousliks appear on recently dried surfaces with shallow saline groundwater. However, their portion in this case is less than 3% because of the poor vegetation and shallow groundwater. Then, with the lowering of the base of erosion and aging of the territory, the zoogenic effect becomes more pronounced. On the first terrace of Khaki Sor (salt lake), the digging activity of sousliks creates the initial heterogeneity of soils and vegetation. The soil cover is composed of the virgin quasigleyed solonchakous solonetzes under the Atriplex-Artemisia santonica association (Gypsic Salic Solonetz (Albic, Ruptic, Oxiaquic, Siltic)) and of the zooturbated solonetzes under the Artemisia santonica-A. lerchiana association (Endosalic Hypogypsic Gypsisol (Sodic, Siltic, Novic)). A comparative analysis of morphology and some chemical properties of virgin and zooturbated soils is given. The soils of souslik-made mounds are strongly mixed, and the structure of their horizons is completely disturbed. They are characterized by an increased total content of salts mainly due to gypsum accumulation. At the same time, the content of toxic salts in the soil profile remains rather high because of their ascending migration from the strongly saline groundwater. On the first terrace, the process of zoogenic amelioration of solonetzes by sousliks is limited and does not affect deep soil layers.  相似文献   

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