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Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) is one of the most important viral diseases of small grains worldwide. An understanding of its epidemiology is crucial to control this disease in a sustainable way. The virus moves through the agricultural landscape via cereal aphids as vectors. Understanding movement of these aphids in space and time is of key importance and in doing so, the spatial and temporal variables that influence BYDV epidemiology can be identified. The presence of summer hosts, crop rotation, crop diversity, agricultural practices and climate variables are crucial. Through digitalization, spatial (e.g. land‐use) and temporal (e.g. weather) information is becoming more readily available. Including this information into a prediction model could improve decision support systems that will rationalize the decision‐making process towards a more integrated control of the disease. © 2020 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

BYDV PREDICTOR, a simulation model, was developed to forecast aphid outbreaks and Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) epidemics in wheat crops in the grainbelt region of southwest Australia, which has a Mediterranean-type climate. The model used daily rainfall and mean temperature to predict aphid ( Rhopalosiphum padi ) buildup in each locality before the commencement of the cereal-growing season in late autumn, and to forecast the timing of aphid immigration into crops. The introduction of BYDV by aphid immigrants, aphid buildup within the crop, spread of BYDV, and yield losses were predicted for different sowing dates. The model simulations were validated with 10 years' field data from five different sites in the grainbelt, representing a wide range of scenarios. When first aphid arrival dates ranging from 1 June to 2 September were compared with predictions, 65% of the variation between sites and years was explained. Progress curves for the predicted percentage of plants infected with the serotype BYDV-PAV closely resembled the starting point and shape of those recorded in 14 out of 18 scenarios. Sensitivity analysis confirmed that the combination of a high proportion of immigrants vectoring BYDV, early sowing of crops and early start to aphid arrival relative to sowing date led to the most BYDV spread and greatest yield loss. The model was incorporated into a decision support system used by farmers in targeting sprays against aphids to prevent virus spread in autumn and winter. BYDV PREDICTOR could serve as a template for modelling similar virus/aphid vector pathosystems in other regions of the world, especially those with Mediterranean-type climates.  相似文献   

通过田间小区试验,开展了6种病毒抑制剂对西藏青稞上大麦黄矮病防治效果的研究.采用带毒蚜虫人工接种法,于青稞起身拔节期每株接种10~15头带毒麦长管蚜,7 d后灭蚜,灭蚜后3d喷施病毒抑制剂,在成株期出现黄矮病症状后调查病株率、病情指数、防治效果,以及长势和产量.结果表明,6种病毒抑制剂对青稞上大麦黄矮病有不同程度的防治...  相似文献   

为了研究我国不同地区麦蚜携带大麦黄矮病毒麦二叉蚜麦长管蚜非专化性株系(BYDV GAV)比率的差异,采用RT-PCR技术,对BYDV-GAV的传毒介体麦蚜带毒情况进行检测.所用方法具有较高的灵敏度和特异性,测定样本用量可少至1/200头蚜虫;对采自我国主要麦区的蚜虫样本进行分子检测,山西、甘肃、青海、陕西11个小麦黄矮病重病区蚜虫样本带毒率为56%~91.5%,而河北、河南两省4个非重病区蚜虫样本带毒率为2.5%~33%.通过试验证实,我国不同地区麦蚜携带BYDV-GAV比率存在差异,小麦黄矮病重病区山西、甘肃、青海、陕西等地的麦蚜带毒率高,而非重病区河北、河南等地的麦蚜带毒率低.  相似文献   

Short‐term effects of six insecticides used to control aphids were assessed in wheat on plant‐dwelling aphid predators. Products were applied to small plots of winter wheat in June or at the beginning of July and the densities of predators were estimated three days after treatment using a beating method. Insecticides were tested in 1994, 1995 and 1997 at a single dose, corresponding to their maximum recommended field rate in Belgium. Fluvalinate and esfenvalerate did not significantly reduce catches of syrphid larvae compared to the control but ladybirds were affected by these compounds. Pirimicarb was the only product tested that had no effect on ladybirds. However, syrphid larvae appeared sensitive to this product. Cyfluthrin, deltamethrin and phosalone reduced catches of both syrphids and ladybirds. Populations of lacewing larvae were unaffected by any of the insecticide treatments. Syrphid larvae were the most abundant aphid predator and Episyrphus balteatus the most common species. Ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata and Propylea quatuordecimpunctata) were less numerous and only a few Chrysoperla carnea larvae were recorded. These results indicate that products that are less toxic to syrphid larvae, like esfenvalerate and fluvalinate, may be preferable to other compounds to control cereal aphids in wheat in spring and early summer. However, other criteria, such as the effectiveness of the different aphid‐specific predators, cost, efficacy of the treatment and side effects on other aphid antagonists (including parasitic hymenoptera and polyphagous predators) must also be taken into consideration. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

 RNA沉默是植物中一种保守的抗病毒机制,其以大量病毒来源的小干扰RNA(virus-derived small interfering RNAs,vsiRNAs)的产生为标志,病毒在侵染寄主过程中可通过vsiRNAs靶向寄主转录本以对抗这种防御机制。BYDV-GAV引起的小麦黄矮病导致小麦黄化和矮化症状,对小麦生产构成严重威胁。通过深度测序技术,分析了感染BYDV-GAV的感病小麦品种‘小偃6号’中vsiRNAs的特征,共得到11 384个vsiRNAs,并预测到37 784个寄主靶基因。发现来源于BYDV-GAV基因组的正义和反义链的vsiRNAs的数量分布大致相等,在5’末端具有A和C偏好性,长度主要在21nt~22nt。靶基因的功能分析表明这些靶基因参与了广泛的生物学功能,尤其是在寄主-病原物互作中占的比重最大。选取25个参与寄主-病原互作的抗性相关基因进行定量验证,发现接种BYDV-GAV后有15个明显下调,6个上调,4个微弱下调,表明测序结果和靶基因预测可靠。推测BYDV-GAV可以通过vsiRNAs干扰寄主抗性基因表达和信号转导,从而实现对感病寄主的侵染。研究结果对揭示BYDV-GAV与小麦互作的分子机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

1,5‐Diphenyl‐1‐pentanone (A) and 1,5‐diphenyl‐2‐penten‐1‐one (B) are natural products extracted for the first time from Stellera chamaejasme. Laboratory bioassay showed that the two products have strong contact activity and very good anti‐feedant activity against Aphis gossypii and Schizaphis graminum. Both products showed dose‐dependent relationships for both forms of activity against the two aphids, the contact activity of B being about twice that of A. Both products were inferior to methomyl in contact activity but superior in anti‐feedant activity against the two aphids. This is the first report of aphicidal activity in these two compounds, which may represent a new class of aphicide. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

 RNA沉默是植物中一种保守的抗病毒机制,其以大量病毒来源的小干扰RNA(virus-derived small interfering RNAs,vsiRNAs)的产生为标志,病毒在侵染寄主过程中可通过vsiRNAs靶向寄主转录本以对抗这种防御机制。BYDV-GAV引起的小麦黄矮病导致小麦黄化和矮化症状,对小麦生产构成严重威胁。通过深度测序技术,分析了感染BYDV-GAV的感病小麦品种‘小偃6号’中vsiRNAs的特征,共得到11 384个vsiRNAs,并预测到37 784个寄主靶基因。发现来源于BYDV-GAV基因组的正义和反义链的vsiRNAs的数量分布大致相等,在5’末端具有A和C偏好性,长度主要在21nt~22nt。靶基因的功能分析表明这些靶基因参与了广泛的生物学功能,尤其是在寄主-病原物互作中占的比重最大。选取25个参与寄主-病原互作的抗性相关基因进行定量验证,发现接种BYDV-GAV后有15个明显下调,6个上调,4个微弱下调,表明测序结果和靶基因预测可靠。推测BYDV-GAV可以通过vsiRNAs干扰寄主抗性基因表达和信号转导,从而实现对感病寄主的侵染。研究结果对揭示BYDV-GAV与小麦互作的分子机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

大麦黄矮病毒(barley yellow dwarf viruses, BYDVs)引起的小麦黄矮病严重威胁我国麦类生产,造成严重经济损失。植物中的miRNA调控植物生长发育、信号转导及对外界压力的反应,通过调控植物抗性基因的表达影响植物与病原物的互作。本研究对感染BYDV-GAV后3 d、7 d及健康对照的‘小偃6号’小麦样品进行miRNA测序,合并去冗余后分别得到99、96、95个已知的miRNA序列和806、809、1 024个新miRNA序列。对这些miRNA进行差异表达分析,BYDV-GAV侵染后3 d和7 d的小麦样品,与对照相比上调表达的miRNA数量分别为3个和7个,下调表达的为14个和12个。将差异表达的miRNA利用psRNATarget进行靶基因预测,共得到1 254个靶标基因。靶基因的KEGG和GO富集分析,进一步明确了其功能及作用通路。对14个病毒病症状相关的靶基因进行定量分析,结果表明随病毒侵染时间的延长,这些靶基因出现差异性表达,显示miRNA参与了寄主与病毒的互作。研究结果有助于揭示BYDV-GAV与寄主小麦的互作机理。  相似文献   

 大麦黄矮病毒(barley yellow dwarf viruses,BYDVs)引起的小麦黄矮病严重威胁我国麦类生产,造成严重经济损失。植物中的miRNA调控植物生长发育、信号转导及对外界压力的反应,通过调控植物抗性基因的表达影响植物与病原物的互作。本研究对感染BYDV-GAV 后3 d、7 d及健康对照的‘小偃6号'小麦样品进行miRNA测序,合并去冗余后分别得到99、96、95个已知的miRNA序列和806、809、1 024个新miRNA序列。对这些miRNA进行差异表达分析,BYDV-GAV侵染后3 d和7 d的小麦样品,与对照相比上调表达的miRNA数量分别为3个和7个,下调表达的为14个和12个。将差异表达的miRNA利用psRNATarget进行靶基因预测,共得到1 254个靶标基因。靶基因的KEGG和GO富集分析,进一步明确了其功能及作用通路。对14个病毒病症状相关的靶基因进行定量分析,结果表明随病毒侵染时间的延长,这些靶基因出现差异性表达,显示miRNA参与了寄主与病毒的互作。研究结果有助于揭示BYDV-GAV与寄主小麦的互作机理。  相似文献   

水稻新病害南方水稻黑条矮缩病发生特点及危害趋势分析   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
由斐济病毒属(Fijivirus)暂定新种南方水稻黑条矮缩病毒(Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus,SRBSDV)引起的水稻矮缩病,自2001年在广东省阳西县被发现以来,已迅速扩散至我国南方广大稻区。2009年,该病害在我国南部及越南晚季稻上暴发成灾,造成严重的产量损失。本文简介了该病害的症状、危害特点、病原病毒及其传毒介体特征,对其发生趋势进行了讨论,提出了以秧苗期治虫为重点的病害防控应急措施。  相似文献   

湖南水稻上1种新矮缩病的病原研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Summer rice was suffered extensive damage from a new dwarf disease in Hunan Province in year 2009. In this study, the causal agent of this disease was confirmed as Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus (SRBSDV) by nested RT-PCR, RT-PCR and PCR product sequencing.  相似文献   

Several problems limit the productivity and acceptance of crop protection, including pesticide overuse, pesticide resistance, poor adoption of integrated pest management (IPM), declining funding for research and extension, and inefficiencies of scale. We discuss the proposition that alternative business models for crop protection can address these problems by incentivizing and benefiting from efficiency of pesticide use. Currently, business models are not linked to the adoption of IPM and are sometimes at odds with IPM practices. We explore a business model based on the provision of pest management adequacy through services rather than the sale of pesticide products. Specifically, we advocate for establishment of crop protection adequacy standards that would allow a market system to maximize efficiency. Changing some of the relationships between agricultural companies and producers from one based on products to one based on services is an idea worthy of debate and evaluation for improving the efficiency of pest management. Contemporary information technology enhancing monitoring and coordination warrants attention in this debate. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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