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稻谷是一个多型性作物,由于它的生物学特性决定其适应性很广、生长环境多样。一般把生长在水田的叫水稻,种地旱地上的叫陆稻,也叫早稻,无论是水稻或旱稻,并无本质上区别。水稻旱作技术,是把种子直接插在旱田或低洼易涝的旱田里,全生育期不需要建立水层,实行早种导管。其最大的优点是省水、省工。它不经过育苗和插秧作业程序,除靠降雨外,只需在分繁、孕稳、灌浆期通干旱时进行灌水,整个生育期需水量仅为水种的1/4。近两年,沈阳市郊区部分土地低洼易涝,单种蔬菜及其它作物效益不高。当地农民利用已有的灌溉条件,在肥菜下茬旱作…  相似文献   

美国新奥尔良森泰勒农场发明了一种被称为孔栽水稻的新方法,其具体作业过程是;在湿润免耕的土地上,用一种小巧的打孔栽秧机把稻种深深的插播到土壤下13~15cm处hi孔中,井灌溉一次,然后在下种后的40天内可不给水,使秧苗的克粮长得很深且有茁壮的根系,能有效地吸取地下的水分.在稻秧生长的同时,可在行间除草一次,并锄松2~3cm的土壤,这样既除草又起到了中耕的作用.40天后如无雨可浸润灌溉一次,直至成熟收获.这种方法只需普通水稻耗水量的20%~25%,是水稻子水和旱作的一种新方法.水稻旱作孔栽法  相似文献   

通过引种旱稻93-13-5,研究抗旱栽培水稻效果。结果表明,在盘锦新开农场,7月末至9月初灌水1-3次,灌水总量在80-150m^3/667m^2情况下,施行旱作栽培,可获得625-651kg/667m^2产量、生产成本降低100元/667m^2以上显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

1水稻纸膜覆盖旱作法该法首先在日本新泻农场采用。这种方法主要是利用旧报纸、废纸或再生纸膜作为覆盖膜,水稻耕作时只浸灌1次,将纸膜覆盖在泥土表面(纸膜浸水后就紧贴在上层表面),既不会被风刮走,又可遮挡直射的阳光,防止水分蒸发;保水保墒,减少杂草生长。2~3个月后纸膜逐渐分解完毕融入土壤中,也不会留下危害。这种方法可以减少用水量55%~70%,也可用于其它旱作物的保水。2水稻旱作孔栽法美国新奥尔良的泰斯农场发明了这种新方法。具体做法是:在湿润免耕的土地上,用小巧的打孔播种器(机)在土中打一直径约30…  相似文献   

通过对整地、播期、品种、肥料、密度等进行分析, 确定了直播条件下高寒旱作甜菜综合增产措施,包括秋翻秋松,选用优良品种,种子静电处理,配方施肥,适时早播,缩距增株为重点的栽培技术,并通过22146hm2 应用推广验证  相似文献   

黄土高原半干旱区旱作大豆研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄土高原半干旱区旱作大豆研究进展刘学义(山西省农科院经济作物研究所)黄土高原地区是我国旱作大豆集中区域,气候干旱,土壤瘠薄。大豆科学技术相对落后,特别是抗旱高产品种贫乏,大豆单产一直低而不稳,成为我国大豆低产区。以选育抗旱高产大豆新品种为突破口的研究...  相似文献   

旱作甜菜纸筒覆膜是指在纸筒育苗的条件下,将甜菜通过坐水移栽到覆盖地膜的旱地上去的一种综合栽培措施。它解决了水、旱地覆膜保苗率低的缺点,集中了纸筒育苗的优势,以保全苗为核心,以土地精耕细作、蓄水保墒、人为造墒为基础,通过合理定植、科学施肥等途径来提高群...  相似文献   

<正> 长期以来,我县由于受水源的限制,水稻生产一直发展缓慢。近年来采用了一系列的节水种稻和推广大棚盘育苗等措施,对扩大水稻面积,提高水稻产量起到了积极推动作用。随着人民生活水平的不断提高,对大米的需求越来越迫切,我县大米的数量与实际需要量差距越来越大,农民要想吃到大米只好用高价购买,或用三斤苞米兑换一斤大米。  相似文献   

旱作甜菜增产增糖栽培浅析陈生,吴汉祥,霍艳志(辽宁省建平县制糖一厂)辽西地区是辽宁省甜菜重点产区,也是旱作甜菜的主要耕作区。多年来,在有灌溉条件的地区甜菜面积逐渐减少的情况下,为满足制糖生产需要,旱作甜菜面积逐年扩大,1987年以来仅制糖一厂产区已累...  相似文献   

浅析阜新市旱作农业的作物合理布局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
制约阜新市粮豆总产量的关键因素是降雨状况。通过对2000年特大干旱年份主栽作物生育状况的调查及不同气候条件下农作物经济效益分析,认为现有的作物布局不适应变化了的干旱气候条件,应进行合理调整,发展抗旱农业、避灾农业、高效农业。  相似文献   

Continuous hourly measurements of air and soil temperatures, irradiance and wind velocity, and less frequent measurements of soil water status and dry matter (DM) yield were recorded over two growing seasons and the intervening winter 1978–79 for an enclosed upland grassland in Cumbria, with the aim of establishing realistic combinations of environmental factors for the design of experiments under controlled conditions. Important features of the microclimate included high diurnal and day-to-day variation in environmental temperature, relatively high winter soil temperatures, variation between years in the influence of altitude upon irradiance, low wind velocity throughout the year at plant height and the loss of DM yield in the early summer of 1978 due to severe drought. Combinations of environmental factors throughout the 2 years can be obtained from the figures presented; in particular, the records indicate that in growth-cabinet or greenhouse experiments associated with the breeding or selection of cultivars for earlier DM production in spring, it is important to combine low temperatures (≤ 10°C) with realistic levels of irradiance (≥200 W m−2) and daylength (12.5–15 h).  相似文献   

AW04在新疆南疆早中熟陆地棉区生育期为138 d左右,植株塔形,Ⅱ式果枝,棉铃卵圆形,单株结铃7.1个,铃重6.2 g。2016―2017年在新疆维吾尔自治区早中熟陆地棉区域试验中,2年结果平均AW04的籽棉、皮棉和霜前皮棉产量分别为5 763.0 kg·hm-2、2 410.5 kg·hm-2、2 355.0 kg·hm-2;纤维上半部平均长度32.4 mm,断裂比强度32.8 cN·tex-1,马克隆值4.2;高抗枯萎病,抗黄萎病。本文简要介绍了AW04的选育过程、生物学特性、产量、纤维品质、抗病性及栽培技术要点。  相似文献   

对23个陆地棉亲本及其形态、产量、品质性状进行对应分析。结果表明,构成株型因子的主要性状是株高、果枝台数、果枝长、第一果节长;影响单株产量的主要因子是单株铃数,其次是衣分和单铃重;影响品质的主要因子是2.5%跨长、整齐度和马克隆值,其次是纤维强度。23个陆地棉材料根据因子得分进行聚类可划分为7个不同遗传差异的类型。  相似文献   

Supernatants derived from desiccated plant material gathered from Agrostis/Festuca vegetation had an inhibitory effect on the germination and early development of seedlings of Trifolium repens cv. S184. Two compounds, o -hydroxyphenylpropionic acid and benzoic acid, were identified chromatographically and their structures confirmed by mass spectrometry. Commercial preparations of the two compounds were effective inhibitors at a concentration of 10−2 and 10−3 m respectively when T. repens was used as the phytometer species. Benzoic acid lost its inhibitory effect when the pH of the two solutions was adjusted to pH 5·5. The roots of seedlings of white clover were severely distorted by o -hydroxyphenylpropionic add at 10−3 m . It is likely that phenolic acids, produced from the surface trash created by slot seeding procedures, interfere with the establishment of white clover in upland pastures.  相似文献   

用远缘杂交后代为材料,测定了不同叶型不同时期的叶绿素含量、光合强度.结果表明:在吐絮期前鸡脚叶叶片的叶绿素含量和光合作用强度均高于正常叶.而在吐絮期后正好相反.考查了不同叶型的单株结铃数、铃重、衣分、虫籽率和僵瓣率.试验结果表明:鸡脚叶对陆地棉产量没有不利影响;与正常叶比较,红铃虫为害的虫籽率和僵瓣率分别低32.7%和18.8%.  相似文献   

磐安县地处浙中丘陵 ,全县有靠天易旱田4296hm2,占水田面积的57% ,缺水易旱是制约水稻优质高产的主要因素。2000年磐安县与中国水稻研究所合作 ,引进水稻覆膜栽培技术 ,与常规栽培方法相比 ,靠天易旱田增产31 % ,冷浸田增产16.3 % ,旱涝保收田增产10.6%。2001年根据磐安县实际情况 ,把覆膜种稻技术主要应用在增产最为明显的靠天易旱田类型上 ,选择磐安县深泽乡下马溪村的一条叫下马坞的山垅里进行覆膜种稻的生产示范。进行覆膜种稻生产示范的有13户农户 ,17丘水田 ,面积为0.43hm2。试验用地膜采用山…  相似文献   

略论我国旱稻的生产及发展   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
一、我国旱稻生产的历史回顾1.历史悠久 ,基础扎实我国是水稻的发祥地之一 ,也是旱稻栽培的故乡。北魏贾思勰所著的《齐民要术》中 (第60页 )就已将稻作分为水稻篇与旱稻篇并列记载 ,并详细地描述了各自的栽培技术。春秋战国时期孔子编著的《礼记》和管仲编著的《管子》中也有陆稻的称谓 ,说明我国在那个时代之前就已广泛种植旱稻了。到了20世纪30年代 ,农民不仅能从自然稻谷中择优选择种子 ,大面积种植 ,而且已经能够注意到品种的异地引种和对品种的改良选育了。1938年 ,河北抚宁县农民赵静山就从辽宁安东县引入旱稻并经过改良…  相似文献   

旱稻生产现状分析及发展策略   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
论述了发展旱稻生产的意义,从种植分布、种植方式、品种资源等方面分析了旱稻生产的现状,从根系特征特性、产量及构成因素、抗旱形态特征等方面分析了旱稻的抗旱机理,综述了旱稻栽培技术的发展情况,在此基础上提出了发展旱稻生产的策略.  相似文献   

赵淑贞 《江西棉花》2005,27(1):17-19
本文对3个陆地拂品种的8个纤雏品质性状进行索子相关分析,结果表明F1代长度与中索、高索都存在显著正相关,比强度与低亲显著相关,伸长率与中索显著正相关,反射率与高亲显著正相关,F2长度与低索呈显著负相关,伸长率与中索极显著负相关。F2与F1之间伸长率、气纺指标呈显著负相关,比强度为极显著正相关。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1999,61(1):79-95
Weed-competitive upland rices with an acceptable yield potential are needed for labor-limited systems in Africa, particularly where shortened fallow periods have increased weed pressure. Crosses between weed-competitive but low-yielding African rice, Oryza glaberrima, and improved Oryza sativa tropical-japonica rices, might reduce tradeoffs between competitiveness and yield potential. Parallel field studies under moist upland conditions were conducted during the 1996 and 1997 wet seasons at Mbe in Cote d'Ivoire to (1) characterize canopy properties, growth vigor and yield for O. glaberrima, O. sativa and interspecific progenies under monoculture, and (2) determine their competitiveness when grown in single rows in competition with natural weed growth, maize (removed 50 days after sowing [DAS]), the highly weed-competitive O. glaberrima IG10, and with themselves. In the monoculture study with 21 lines, dry matter, leaf area index (LAI), PAR extinction coefficient (Kdf), mean tip elevation angle (MTA) and specific leaf area (SLA) were measured 31, 46 and 64 DAS. Across lines, LAI was positively correlated with SLA, dry matter partitioning to leaves (31 and 46 DAS) and Kdf (46 DAS); and negatively with MTA (46 and 64 DAS). Plant height was negatively correlated with tiller number. In the competition study with 16 lines, the O. glaberrima landraces had superior relative yield (yield under interspecific competition/yield under intraspecific competition). Some breeding lines were competitive with specific competitors. Correlations between canopy characteristics under monoculture and competition indicated that LAI, SLA and tillering ability were predictive of competitiveness regardless of the competing species, whereas partitioning, Kdf and MTA were correlated with competitiveness only for specific growth stages and/or competitors. Competitiveness was negatively but weakly correlated with yield potential, and positively, with crop duration. The authors conclude that SLA and tillering ability, which are major determinants of vegetative vigor, and crop duration, which affects the ability to recover from early competition, are useful traits in the selection of weed-competitive rices, particularly in breeding programs that use O. glaberrima. The traits are compatible with high yield potential if cultivars have large SLA during early developmental stages and small SLA during advanced stages. Major knowledge gaps remain on weed competitiveness under drought- and flood-prone conditions, which are frequently associated with weed problems.  相似文献   

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