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Periodical and aperiodical changes of properties of young marshland soils seawards the dike The changes of properties of young marshland soils searwards the dike were investigated (1.) throughout the year, (2.) after storm tides, long drought periods and intensive rainfalls, and (3.) in the course of the low-high tide cycle. - In each case the relative cation distribution of the saturation extract remained constant. The relative distribution of the mobile cations remained also constant within the low-high tide cycle, white it shows fluctuations with a deviation of up to 16 % from the mean Na-content within the oneyear investigation and up to 28 % after extreme climatic or storm tide conditions. The annual salt fluctuations were determined to be at least 60–80 %. The deviations from the mean salt content were at least 100 % after storm tides and long drought periods (extreme deviation of 370 % within the first 1–3 cm soil) and partly also after heavy rain. The redox conditions remained constant within the low-high tide cycle, whereas they differed to a small extent following extreme climatic or storm tide conditions. With values of 0.4–0.9 the soils showed a small spectrum of different Ca/Mg ratios. Moreover, the determined annual fluctuation of the Ca/Mg ratios showed that the Ca/Mg ratio is not a suitable classification criterion.  相似文献   

Changes of three-layer clay minerals by native K in holocene loess derived soils of Central Germany and Lower Bavaria . Transformations of the clay minerals illite, vermiculite and smectite were determined in Central German (31 profiles) and Lower Bavarian loess districts (5 profiles) using 31–36 soil properties. To get significant differences between solum and sediment, the multivariate diskriminant analysis was applied. In the Central German loess district the following properties were crucial, to receive significant separation between solum-horizons and sediments: smectite content, several values of potassium fixation, interlattice potassium. Important were also some parameter of the K-Ca-exchange curve: Activity ratio \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ \left({\frac{{{\rm aK}}}{{\sqrt {{\rm aCa}}}}} \right) $\end{document} of a soil solution in equilibrium with a soil (ARo), buffering capacity of the soil for K at equilibrium (BCKE), labile K(K1), exchange capacity of the exchange sites with a specific affinity for K minus labile K(ECx—K1). The differences of these values can be explained by assuming that (at pH 6–7) the beidellitic layers of smectites of the parent loess were transformed to illitic layers in the solum-horizons. In the Lower Bavarian loess landscape potassium fixation, total K in clay fraction (< 2 μm) and the parameters of the K-Ca-exchange curve indicate the same clay mineral transformation as in Central Germany. Smectite values were not introduced to the diskriminant function, because they were highly significantly correlated with potassium fixation. In this case potassium fixation has caused a better separation between the solum-horizons and the parent loess than X-ray data. From these results, from total -K of the fraction 2–20μm (solum-horizons smaller than sediments) and the vermiculite content fo the clay fraction, it can be concluded, that the rate of potassium release from micas and the rate of potassium fixation by beidellitic sheets during the Holocene period were nearly equal.  相似文献   

Chemical and microbiological changes in a Rigosole after mineral fertilization in long-term field experiments and short-term aerobic incubation trials A sandy clay loam which often showed priming effects in a differently fertilized (control, 120 kg N/ha, 240 kg N/ha) long-term field experiment, was aerobicly incubated (25°C) and analysed for chemical and microbial parameters. The total nitrogen and Corg contents in the 240 kg N/ha treatment were markedly lower than in the unfertilized as well as in the 120 kg N/ha treatment. Long-term fertilization with 240 kg N/ha increased the dehydrogenase activity by about 34% in comparison to the control and about 54% to the 120 kg N/ha variant and enhanced the population of amino acid ammonifying and proteolytic bacteria. After analogous fertilization in model trials, positive as well as negative priming effects were shown. Thereby no linear dependence occurred in relation to the amount of nitrogen added. The effects on biological criteria were similar both under laboratory conditions as well as in long-term field experiments. The total nitrogen and Corg contents of humus fractions partly showed differences in dependence on fertilization.  相似文献   

Chemical properties of forest soils in the pleistocene of Northwest Germany and their classification based on soil buffering systems In order to characterize the chemical characteristics of forest soils of Hamburg, 800 soil samples and 400 root samples from 172 sites were used to obtain suitable soil chemical and ecochemical parameters. A strong and deep reaching soil acidification was observed on all sites with exception of those on till. The sulfate concentration in the equilibrium soil solution allows the conclusion that deposition of acid plays a significant role in this acidification. Classification of sites based on edaphic factors did not provide useful information on the chemical status of soils. However, grouping of soil horizons using pH measured in 0.01 M CaCl2 lead to a stratification according to the soil buffering systems. Distinction between the exchanger and the aluminium buffer ranges was, however, not quite satisfactory.  相似文献   

Determination of analytical criteria for classification of sandy soils with deepreaching humus contents in the region of Westmünsterland While mapping agricultural areas in the region of Westmünsterland a problem of soil classification became obvious. There are widespread sandy soils of brown to greybrown colour, which have unusually high contents of humus down to several decimeters depth. Several chemical and physical laboratory investigations were carried out to answer the question of natural or anthropogenic origin. Based on the characteristics of diagnostic horizons from certain classifiable soils like Kultosole espec. Plaggenesche (Plaggepts/Anthrosols, 7 profiles) and Spodosols/Podzols (8 profiles) clearly differentiating characteristics should be derived. Comparing with datas from subsoil horizons of the questionable 11 profiles these should be attached to one of the former groups. Univariate and multivariate statistic methods like discriminant and cluster analysis were used to evaluate the analytical laboratory results. It was possible to attach 5 of 11 systematic questionable soil profiles to the group of Kultosole/Plaggenesch. As there is no better fitting systematical classification (like deepreaching humous Brown Earth o.s.) the remainder must be classified as Brown Earth or Podzol-Brown Earth.  相似文献   

The Stability of Sandy Soils and its Dependence on Humification Degree and Content of Organic Matter The influence of organic matter on the strength parameters cohesion and friction angle was investigated with mixtures of a fine sand and 0-8% peat of different humification degrees - determined by using a thermobalance - and under different soil water suction. The results show that the strength parameters cohesion and friction angle increase with increasing organic matter content, but the increase is greater with lower humification degree. Especially if the organic matter content is lower than 5%, cohesion and friction angle depend on soil water suction and have a maximum in the range of about 50 hPa soil water suction. A simplified model based on the capillary theory for the calculation of cohesion was proposed to explain the influence of content and humification degree of organic matter on cohesion. One possible reason for the lower cohesion with higher humification degree is its lower wettability. The dependence of friction angle on soil water suction and humification degree of organic matter needs further examinations.  相似文献   

Patterned ground and properties of permafrost soils of the Northsiberian Lena Delta The land surface of the Lena Delta is covered by polygon structures with scattered pingos and dunes. There exist so-called aerated, swampy and open polygons (open water surface) with Gelic Gleysols and Gelic Histosols (gelundic phase). The soils show only minor signs of cryoturbation and weathering. They contain high amounts of silt and slightly decomposed organic matter down to soil depths far beyond the permafrost table during summer. The soil surface is rising due to accumulation of organic matter and periodic flooding. This leads to a continuous rise of the permafrost table and subsequently to a permafrost freeze storage of plant material. The soils are therefore effective carbon sinks. On top of an investigated pingo a Gleyi-gelic Cambisol developed due to windexposed position, good drainage and higher soil temperatures connnected with a deeper permafrost table. This soil did not show any signs of cryoturbation. It has a relatively low content of organic matter due to a higher mineralization. As a consequence of frost effected sorting and wind erosion the soil material near to the surface is rich in sand and has a reduced silt content.  相似文献   

Dynamics of organic matter during the degradation of Chernozems In the course of pedogenesis especially the amount and the composition of soil organic matter changes. This is investigated in the presented paper at 6 different developmentstages of a Chernozem-degradation-sequence from Hildesheim region. The mechanisms of this process can be deduced from the ‘degradation products’, found in the different soils. Using several methods for extraction of organic substances by successively stronger reagents or conditions, different amounts of fulvic and humic acids were got. The findings give indications to the different stability of bondings between mineral and organic substances in the soils and their change during degradation. The ascending exhaustive fractionating method was found to be the best for obtaining and-simultaneously - separating completely the organic matter in distinct franctions and also to earn a humus-clay and a silica humic acid component. Using this method, 5 fractions of the humus complex at any of profile-horizons were got in greater amounts and quantitative as far as qualitative determined. It was found that the loss of organic matter is differently distributed to the single humus fractions in the profiles and in the horizon-zones. Therefore it is not sufficient to determine only the total C- and N-content. Comparing the increase or decrease of humic substances in the upper resp. lower zones of the profiles of the sequence, the degradation process can be pursued retrospectively.  相似文献   

Humus changes after introduction of beech and oak into Scots‐pine monocultures Medium‐ and long‐term (16 to 83 years) effects of an introduction of broadleaf‐tree species (Common beech [Fagus sylvatica] and European‐Sessile Oak [Quercus robur/petraea]) into mature Scots‐pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands on humus type and chemical properties of the Oh layer (pH value, base saturation, C : N ratio) were studied on 16 sites in Bavaria/Germany. The sites investigated covered a large range with respect to elevation, climate, parent material, and soil type. At most sites, the introduction of beech resulted in a significant change of the soil humus type from biologically inactive humus types to more active ones. The strongest changes occurred on the poorest sites, where forest floors under pure pine were particularly biologically inactive. In most cases, the changes in humus type were accompanied by significant increases in the pH value and the base saturation and significant decreases in the C : N ratio of the Oh layer. However, the latter effect was not noticed at most sites with initial C : N ratios higher than 30. In contrast to beech, the introduction of oak did not result in a systematic change of the humus type, the pH value, or the base saturation of the Oh layer. In spite of the considerable change of humus type under beech to biologically more active types, the introduction of broadleaf trees did not result in a systematic change of the thickness or the mass of the forest floor. A decrease in the mass of the Of layer was compensated by an increase of the Oh‐layer mass. All studied sites considered, the introduction of broadleaf trees into Scots‐pine monocultures resulted on average in an 8% decrease of the total amount of organic carbon (Corg) in the forest floor; the Corg amount in the uppermost 10 cm mineral soil increased by 9%. At 35% of all investigated sites, broadleaf tree introduction resulted in increased (+5% to +18%) topsoil (forest floor and uppermost 10 cm mineral soil) Corg stocks. At 30% of the sites, the stock changes were less than ±5%, and on 35% of all sites, soil Corg stocks decreased by –5% to –36%. The average change in the topsoil Corg stock for all studied sites was –5%. The introduction of beech into Scots‐pine monocultures resulted in an ecologically desired translocation of soil organic matter from the forest floor into the mineral topsoil. It is an effective and sustainable silvicultural measure to restore and revitalize acidified, nutrient‐depleted topsoils with biologically inactive humus types.  相似文献   

Chemical changes of beech litter and barley straw during decomposition under laboratory conditions Beech litter and barley straw were incubated at 20°C and 70% of maximum water holding capacity in the presence and absence of artificial “soil” and earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Results show that beech litter biodegradation was enhanced by E. fetida during the first part, but delayed in later stages of the incubation period, as indicated by the changes of ash contents and C-to-N ratios with progressive decomposition. In the long run the organic matter (OM) of beech litter tended to be stabilised through the action of worms. In contrast, for barley straw a more intense biodegradation was observed in the presence of E. fetida throughout the experiment. Almost 80% of litter and straw OM could be identified by means of wet chemical degradation methods (70% polysaccharides, lignin; 10% lipids, protein). The proportion of the exclusively plant-derived constituents cellulose and lignin showed a partly strong decrease with progressive decomposition; simultaneously the contents of also microbially synthesised components such as non-cellulosic polysaccharides and protein increased. Changes of the non-cellulosic polysaccharide-cellulose-quotients (NCQ), lignin-cellulose-quotients (LCQ), and acid-to-aldehyde ratios (ac/al)v and (ac/al)s in the residual lignin reflected well the litter decomposition process. At the end of the experiment - irrespective of treatments - the degree of beech litter biodegradation was comparable to that of Of-Oh transitional layers in beech-derived forest humus profiles. In the case of barley straw only NCQ and LCQ, but not (ac/al)v,s were valuable parameters for the characterisation of the decomposition process.  相似文献   

Changes of leaf-blades and chlorophyll content of flag leaves from winter wheat due to growth regulator application In pot experiments with winter wheat at two N-levels the effect of CCC and Ancymidol on the morphology, the chlorophyll content and the slope of the chorophyll degradation after anthesis were studied. The area of the blades and the number of flag leaves per pot were increased by the higher N-supply and by the growth regulators as well, resulting in a larger leaf area of flag leaf-blades per pot. In all cases the mixture of CCC + Ancymidol at the higher N-level reached the maximum values. The late intermediate harvesting showed distinct differences in the chlorophyll concentration of the flag leaf-blades and the total amount of chlorophyll of all flag leaf-blades per pot, whereby a delay of senescence in the growth regulator trials compared with the control could be proved.  相似文献   

Predictions of water and nutrient dynamics from agricultural sites on sandy soils in East- Brandenburg The validity of the agroecosystem model EPIC was tested for two agricultural sites on sandy soils without groundwater located at the moraine landscape in East-Brandenburg. Measurements of soil moisture, soil nitrate, above ground plant biomass and yield from these two agricultural investigation sites were compared with the corresponding simulation results of the model. The calculations of the soil water balance show a good fit between simulated and observed soil moisture values. The comparison between simulated and measured above ground plant biomass presents an underestimation of biomass by the model at the beginning of crop growth in spring and an overestimation at the end of the vegetation period. EPIC shows also an overestimation of yield in this study. The observed and the simulated soil nitrate values show no fit. Probably one reason for this fact might be the kind of process modeling included in EPIC, which was designed for long term calculations up to 50 years. Another possible reason could be the over estimation of N-uptakes of plants in comparison with estimates of the N-demand of plants based on the simulated yields. However a clear reason for the insufficient calculations of soil nitrate status by the model could not be found in this study. Further analysis of mineralization, N-uptake of plants and N-Ieaching in EPIC must be done in future.  相似文献   

Using TRIME-TDR for the determination of soil water dynamics on sandy soils In this study the suitability of the TRIME-TDR system for the determination of soil water content was analysed. For this purpose a period of three years with continuous data of soil water contents, measured by TRIME-TDR, and soil water suction measured by tensiometer were available. Additionally soil samples at different times were taken for gravimetric moisture analysis. The determinations of soil moisture with the TRIME-TDR is based on a new measuring technique. The soil water contents measured by TRIME-TDR were analysed by comparison with corresponding soil moisture values from gravimetric measurements of soil samples. The soil water contents determined by TRIME-TDR in comparison with gravimetric soil moisture values show an absolute mean error of 7.9 Vol%. In most cases the soil water contents measured by TRIME-TDR were distinctly higher than the corresponding soil moisture values from gravimetric measurements. After correcting the TRIME-TDR the absolute mean error was reduced to 2.5 Vol%. Due to the results of this study soil water contents measured by TRIME-TDR-technique cannot be used in hydrological or ecological studies without a check based on the comparison with gravimetric soil moisture values.  相似文献   

The significance of wheat straw decomposition with regard to the C- and N-cycle of a cultivated loess soil In 1984/85, a microplot experiment with 15N-enriched fertilizer was carried out on a field of the Calenberg loess area near Hannover (surface area of the plots: 1 ± 2 m; experimental soil: stagnigleyic cambisol from loess). On the one hand, the extent of immobilization as well as remobilization of native soil- and fertilizer-N associated with straw incorporation (± 8 t/ha) was quantified. On the other hand, the turnover as well as the alteration of C- and N-masses in the decomposing straw material was studied. About 70% of the initial dry organic matter of straw was mineralized within one year. An enrichment of fertilizer-N as well as native soil-N in the residues of up to 20 kg/ha was observed as compared to the initial N-mass. On a microplot cropped with winter-wheat, microbial N-immobilization of about 30–40 kg/ha (native soil-N and fertilizer-N) occured in the soil after straw incorporation. The immobilization extended to march 1985. Subsequent, associated with a C/N-ratio in the straw of 43, N-remineralization as well as -extramineralization was observed with 40 kg/ha at maximum in december 1985.  相似文献   

Modification and fixation of lignin by Ca-bentonite Under the influence of Ca-bentonite natural and heavy decomposable lignin was modified to an oily product not easily to dry. A distinct part of lignin is fixed by Ca-bentonite as shown by uv., ir. spectra, carbon content and loss of ignition. These results suggest that clay-lignin complexes may be found mild conditions similar to natural conditions. The altered lignin is probably fixed on the edges of the clay mineral.  相似文献   

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