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犬埃利希氏体病是一种由立克次氏体——犬埃利希氏体所引起的犬血液病。犬埃利希氏体病又称犬热带性泛血球减少症,是一种以各类血细胞和血小板计数减少、血象异常、出血、消瘦、多数脏器浆细胞浸润和骨髓造血细胞减少为特征的犬传染性败血性血液疾病。本病藉由蜱虫传播感染。多发于7~9月份,据专业文献资料报道,在品种方面,德国牧羊犬对这种病易感且有较高的死亡率。由于感染该病时的临床症状不具特异性,往往不易诊断。 相似文献
<正>某犬场共有21只2~3岁的德国牧羊犬。2008年5月25日,一条犬患细小病毒病,治疗8天后于6月2日死亡。6月4日下午5时,又一只呕吐、排黑色腥臭稀便的犬3天死亡,与第一只死亡犬不同的是该犬腹胀明显。此时,犬群中部分犬相继出现食欲下降(个别食欲废绝)、活动量明显减少等症状。在随后的1周又有5只犬相继死亡,病程最长2天,其中3只犬有腹胀症状,且死后时间越长,腹胀越明显。 相似文献
犬埃立克体病是由犬埃立克体引起的一种犬传染病,继1998年广州发现并证实首宗犬埃立克体病流行后,国内相继有报道该病的发生。由于目前没有疫苗进行免疫,使得该病的防治难度大,特别是规模化犬场一旦引入该病,损失往往是毁灭性的,而且无法根治。笔者就多年来对犬埃立克体病的认识及临床防治经验作一总结,供同行交流借鉴。 相似文献
<正>弓形虫病是一种广泛存在、人畜共患、寄生于细胞内的原虫病,具有广泛的自然疫源性。犬弓形虫病一般处于隐性感染,当机体免疫力下降时才发病,其临床症状与犬瘟热非常相似,极易被误诊,应该引起广泛重视。 相似文献
犬埃里希氏体病( Canine Ehrlichiosis)是一种蜱传播性的、犬埃里希氏体引起的、临床症状多样的、致死率较高的犬传染性疾病.该病最早发现非洲的阿尔及利亚,由于多以蜱为传染媒介,因此目前常见于热带和亚热带地区[1-2].临床症状可以表现为厌食、鼻液增多、衄血、贫血、血小板较少、白细胞减少、低蛋白血症及丙球蛋白升高等症状[3-4].目前国内有关于犬埃里希氏体病的病理剖检变化及病理组织学变化详尽报道的少见.本文通过采用传统的病理学实验技术,对一例疑似犬埃里希氏体感染病例进行了病理组织学观察,结果发现,患犬具有典型的浆细胞增生肝炎及浆细胞增生性肾炎等特征性变化.同时采用病原诊断试剂盒对其进行血清学诊断,最终确诊为犬埃里希氏体感染.该病理组织学观察结果,将为犬埃里希氏体病的治疗及预防提供参考依据,为今后进一步开展其感染机制的研究提供线索. 相似文献
为了解石河子地区犬埃立克体的流行状况,本研究从石河子市宠物医院及周边地区采集犬血液和体表寄生蜱,利用间接ELISA对采集的血清样品进行血清学调查,并通过PCR扩增犬埃立克体16S rRNA基因和及系统进化分析进行其分子流行病学调查。血清学检测结果显示,犬埃立克体抗体阳性率为22.40%,表明石河子地区犬中存在埃立克体的感染。从犬体表蜱样本中扩增出埃立克体452 bp特异片段,测序和比对结果证实这些片段为犬埃立克体;遗传进化分析显示,犬源埃立克体石河子流行株,与Fujian、Yonaguni206、Yunnan、Ehrlichia muris(AY587608.2)、Ehrlichia chaffeensis(NR_074500.1)等流行株具有较近的亲缘关系,首次证实石河子地区存在犬埃立克体的感染和流行,为埃立克体病的防控提供了流行病学资料。 相似文献
附红细胞体病是由立克次氏体目中的附红细胞体感染所引起的一种人畜(马、牛、羊、猪、犬、猫、兔)共患传染病。病原体附着在红细胞表面或寄生在红细胞内,游离于血浆中,以二分裂萌芽法在红细胞内增值。其形态呈圆形、卵圆形、环形或杆状等多种状态,大小为0.2~2m。 相似文献
一例犬附红细胞体病的诊断与治疗报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
附红细胞体病是附红细胞体附着在红细胞上而引起的人畜共患的传染病,近几年在部分省份呈暴发流行,造成严重的经济损失。附红细胞体属立克次氏体目、无浆体科、附红细胞体属,其形态呈环形、卵圆形、逗点形或杆状,常常单独或呈链状附着于红细胞表面,使红细胞呈星状突起。附红细胞体病的传播方式及途径非常复杂,有直接接触性传播、血源性传播、垂直传播、媒介昆虫传播等。直接接触性传播,是指动物之间通过长期或短期接触发生的传播,摄食血液或带血的物质直接传播。血源性传播大多数是指通过污染的注射器、针头等发生感染。垂直传播是指胎儿在母体中或分娩过程中通过胎盘发生的母源性传播。媒介昆虫传播是指通过活的媒介如疥螨、虱子、吸血昆虫间接传播。 相似文献
The clinical and epidemiological features of the first recorded outbreak of canine tracheobronchititis (kennel cough) in Zaria are described. During the outbreak which occurred between October and December 1980, 21 per cent of dogs presented to the Small Animal Clinic were diagnosed clinically as suffering from kennel cough, compared with 0.2 per cent in the preceding year. Bordetella bronchiseptica was among the several microorganisms isolated from affected dogs. 相似文献
Brennan SJ Ngeleka M Philibert HM Forbes LB Allen AL 《The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue veterinaire canadienne》2008,49(7):703-708
Canine brucellosis is rare in Canada. This report describes an outbreak of Brucella canis infection within a kennel, emphasizing diagnostic and pathologic findings. Gender differences are described. The progestational, nongravid uterus, female spleen, and prostate gland are consistent sites of bacterial isolation. 相似文献
M. V. Thrusfield C. G. G. Aitken R. H. Muirhead 《The Journal of small animal practice》1989,30(10):550-560
A case-control study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of several vaccines in protecting against canine kennel cough. Cases and controls were selected from a random sample of veterinary practices in the UK, and relevant information was collected using postal questionnaires. The relationship between vaccinal status and the occurrence of kennel cough was examined using a linear logistic model. Vaccination against Bordetella bronchiseptica and canine parainfluenza virus was associated with reduced risks of the disease, as indicated by a decrease in the log odds (log relative risk) of disease in vaccinated animals, when integrated with usual vaccination strategies. Statistical interaction between these two vaccines and adenovirus vaccines was identified. 相似文献
Acute peri-arthritis in a kennel of greyhounds 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M J Castell 《The Veterinary record》1969,84(26):652-654
F Saxegaard 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1972,13(3):373-380
Using a continuous cell line of canine kidney (MDCK-cell line) cells, HCC virus was isolated from 4 of 6 puppies affected in an outbreak of the disease in a dog kennel. The virus was most easily, and rapidly, isolated in primary cultures from the liver samples, but also from other organs such as the spleen and lung, although isolation from these organs could require 1 or 2 passages in addition to the primary culture. Attention is therefore drawn to the necessity of using a sufficient number of passages when organs other than the liver are available. Among the bacteria identified in addition to the virus infection, were Staphylococcus aureus, Bordetella bronchiseptica and β-hemolytic streptococci. Emphasis is made on the significance of isolation and identification of the virus in pure culture, thus enabling its various properties to be studied in detail, and possible new serotypes to be recognized.Keyword: canine hepatitis virus, canine kidney cell line 相似文献
J.F. Wedderburn B.V.Sc. 《New Zealand veterinary journal》2013,61(8):168-170
Abstract Extract The pathogenic significance of Ostertagia ostertag to cattle has been well established by many workers overseas (see Brunsdon (1968) for review) and in New Zealand (Brunsdon, 1968, 1969). 相似文献
Gaskin AA Schantz P Jackson J Birkenheuer A Tomlinson L Gramiccia M Levy M Steurer F Kollmar E Hegarty BC Ahn A Breitschwerdt EB 《Journal of veterinary internal medicine / American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine》2002,16(1):34-44
Although endemic throughout much of the world, autochthonous visceral leishmaniasis has been reported on only 3 previous occasions in North America. After diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis in 4 foxhounds from a kennel in Dutchess County, New York (index kennel), serum and ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA)-anticoagulated blood were collected from the remaining 108 American or cross-bred foxhounds in the index kennel and from 30 Beagles and Basset Hounds that were periodically housed in the index kennel. Samples were analyzed for antibodies to or DNA of tickborne disease pathogens and Leishmania spp. Most dogs had antibodies to Rickettsia spp., Ehrlichia spp., Babesia spp., or some combination of these pathogens but not to Bartonella vinsonii (berkhoffi). However, DNA of rickettsial, ehrlichial, or babesial agents was detected in only 9 dogs. Visceral leishmaniasis was diagnosed in 46 of 112 (41%) foxhounds from the index kennel but was not diagnosed in any of the Beagles and Basset Hounds. A positive Leishmania status was defined by 1 or more of the following criteria: a Leishmania antibody titer > or = 1:64, positive Leishmania polymerase chain reaction (PCR), positive Leishmania culture, or identification of Leishmania amastigotes by cytology or histopathology. The species and zymodeme of Leishmania that infected the foxhounds was determined to be Leishmania infantum MON-1 by isoenzyme electrophoresis. Foxhounds that were > 18 months of age or that had traveled to the southeastern United States were more likely to be diagnosed with visceral leishmaniasis. Transmission of Leishmania spp. in kennel outbreaks may involve exposure to an insect vector, direct transmission, or vertical transmission. 相似文献