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The commercially available parasitic nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita is an effective biocontrol agent for slugs and particularly Deroceras reticulatum, a widespread pest species. Use of the nematode is currently limited by cost and it may be that by developing a fuller understanding of the ecology and behaviour of this nematode, more cost effective application strategies can be developed. We investigated the ability of two strains of P. hermaphrodita (one newly isolated and one that had been maintained in vitro for >15 years) to move through mineral soils and organic media. Active dispersal of both strains was found to be greatest in organic media (bark chips and leaf litter, and to a lesser extent peat) and the nematode was capable of growth and reproduction in leaf litter. Conversely, active dispersal was poor in mineral soils. Nematodes moved further in a clay loam compared with a sandy loam, and moved more at a bulk density of 1.0 vs. 1.2 Mg m−3. However, P. hermaphrodita was capable of moving greater distances in mineral soils by using the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris as a phoretic host. Our data suggest that P. hermaphrodita is a facultative parasite that is adapted to living in leaf litter and organic material where slugs frequently rest. The implications of these findings for using the nematode as a biological control agent for slugs are discussed.  相似文献   

We conducted the first orangutan population census of Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, between April and September 2001. We used a refined line-transect nest-count methodology utilizing transect recounts to survey 69 km at 14 sites within the park and 14.2 km in the buffer zone. We present the first Bornean orangutan density estimate using complete site-specific parameters and long term monitoring of nest decay rates. Average orangutan density was 3.0 individuals/km2, with densities ranging from 2.4 ind/km2 in montane forest to 4.1 ind/km2 in primary peat swamp. In addition, we tested alternative approaches to calculation of the nest-duration parameter. The second count of each transect resulted in 30% higher density estimates overall. We conclude that recounts should be incorporated into standard line-transect methodology. We estimate there to be ≈2500 individual orangutans in Gunung Palung, indicating the importance of this site in plans to conserve a network of viable orangutan populations. While logging may reduce densities, disturbed forest both inside and adjacent to the park has high conservation value as orangutan habitat. Further research into long-term orangutan population persistence in disturbed forest is needed.  相似文献   

The endemic Seram cockatoo, Cacatua moluccensis, was placed on Appendix I of CITES in response to declining trade statistics but in the absence of population data. We conducted population surveys and collected data on habitat structure at seven sites on Seram in 1998. Cockatoo densities ranged from 0.93 to 17.25 birds/km2 and averaged 7.9 birds/km2 across sites. We classified habitat into three types but found that cockatoo densities did not correspond closely to habitat differences across sites. Cockatoo abundance was significantly associated with presence of potential nest trees and strangling figs. Analysis of forest cover and landuse indicates that while most of the island is still covered in lowland forest, only 14% of these forests are protected and almost half the island is classified as logging concession. Conservation recommendations include better information and enforcement of laws protecting Seram cockatoos and resolution of boundary conflicts between parks and logging concessions.  相似文献   

The western Amazon is experiencing unprecedented levels of oil and gas exploration, a trend of particular concern given the high levels of biodiversity found in this relatively pristine and unstudied region. Despite the widespread use of seismic reflection technology for exploration, no studies have investigated the response of wildlife populations to this disturbance in the tropics. We conducted a trail camera survey inside a large oil concession (Block 39) in the Peruvian Amazon near the Ecuador border with ongoing 2D seismic explorations to investigate its effects on ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) activity and abundance. The estimated size of the ocelot population within our 22 km2 study area was the same before (control period: 34 ± 6.9 ocelots) and during exploration operations (disturbance period; 34 ± 4.6 ocelots) and we detected no change in activity patterns between the two periods. Ocelot capture rate was unaffected by the presence of seismic crews, and distance to the nearest seismic line was not correlated with capture rate at individual stations. Our density estimates (ocelots/100 km2) from the control (75.2) and disturbance period (94.7) include the highest reported for the species, and represent the first ocelot density estimates from the northwest Amazon forest. These high values conform to recent research showing a positive association between ocelot density, annual rainfall, and proximity to the equator (this study: >2500 mm annual rainfall; <200 km from equator). We discuss the potential short- and long-term environmental impacts of seismic operations, particularly as they relate to large mammal populations.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of habitat alteration on population structure and persistence is critical for effective conservation strategies. Timber harvest and wildfire are two of the most prevalent disturbances across temperate forests, yet the long-term effects of these two forces on population connectivity have rarely been studied. We studied populations of the Rocky Mountain tailed frog (Ascaphus montanus) across landscapes that have experienced either timber harvest or broad scale fires. Rocky Mountain tailed frogs generally require forested habitat, and are a species of concern in managed forests. We used landscape genetic techniques to test the explanatory power of alternative paths of connectivity across both burned and harvested forests and identified topographical and climatic variables that significantly influenced gene flow. We found that timber harvest and fire led to different patterns of genetic connectivity. Widespread terrestrial gene flow was maintained across previously burned areas and connectivity was primarily limited by solar radiation. In contrast, gene flow among populations in managed forests followed riparian corridors, presumably to avoid the loss of cover due to timber harvest. Gene flow along riparian corridors in Rocky Mountain tailed frogs differs from a population of the closely related coastal tailed frog (Ascaphus truei), for which gene flow appears to occur primarily over land. These results suggest management of Rocky Mountain tailed frogs should focus on maintaining riparian buffer zones, which may be less effective for the coastal species. Thus, consideration of landscape differences is essential even for conservation of closely related, morphologically similar species.  相似文献   

When habitats are declining, niche segregation by demographic groups, such as the two sexes, can have a profound impact on the extinction risk of a species as a whole. Thus, differences in the requirements of demographic groups are of importance in conservation. We combined behavioural and genetic data to investigate whether the sexually segregated parti-colored bat (Vespertilio murinus) exhibits sex-specific niche partitioning. We use our data to evaluate implications for conservation of this potentially vulnerable species in Switzerland, the western boundary of its range. Using radio-telemetry, we found sex-specific differences in habitat use. Foraging females strongly relied on lakes while foraging males displayed more flexibility in their habitat use. Moreover, males covered significantly larger foraging areas than females. Sequencing 341 base pairs of the mitochondrial D-loop of 247 individuals revealed sex-specific differences in the genetic structure of colonies, but no such difference was observed for three nuclear micro-satellite markers. We found high mtDNA diversity in two Swiss male colonies and one German female colony, but low mtDNA diversity in two Swiss female colonies. Our genetic data suggest that considerable gene flow occurs via male dispersal and mating. At the same time immigration of females into the existing female colonies in Switzerland is rare compared to the immigration of new males into male colonies. Since we found the sexes in Vespertilio murinus to differ markedly in their ecology, population genetics, and behaviour, we conclude that sex-specific conservation plans are required to protect this species efficiently.  相似文献   

Pinus leucodermis (=P. heldreichii var. leucodermis) is widespread in the Balkan Peninsula and is present as a post-glacial relict in Southern Italy. The oldest Italian populations of this species are located at high elevation in the National Park of Pollino, where grazing and logging had endangered their survival, especially during the 20th century. In 1993 the National Park was founded and anthropogenic activities were restricted. To understand the response of P. leucodermis at the upper tree-line to climatic and anthropogenic activity variations, we developed a tree-ring width chronology (1464-2003). For the period 1804-2003 separate chronologies for the earlywood and latewood were built, and resin duct density was assessed on total ring, earlywood and latewood. Age structure of saplings was also determined. After 1950 a steep decline in tree-ring width was followed by a recovery since 1981. During the 20th century radial growth response to climate was not strong and not stable. In the period 1953-2000 P. leucodermis radial growth seemed to take advantage of high temperatures and low precipitation. Resin duct density chronologies were not a reliable dendroecological variable, but they documented a metabolic trade-off between growth and differentiation processes. The gap in the age structure between long-lived trees (over 200 years old) and saplings around 40 years old, which mainly grow in protected microsites between rocks, could indicate a negative influence of grazing and related human activities. We suggest that the protection strategies introduced by the National Park could play a positive role in the recruitment of new saplings and in the ring growth recovery of old trees of P. leucodermis.  相似文献   

To conserve the foraging habitat of Daubenton’s bat (Myotis daubentonii) in a large lowland river, we investigated the influence on this bat of prey variables (number or biomass) and insect origin (aquatic or terrestrial). We tested the hypothesis that river restoration (re-meandering) conducted in the Shibetsu River, northern Japan, enhances foraging habitat quality by increasing the abundance of aquatic insects. From June to September 2004, flying insects were collected using Malaise traps in restored and channelised reaches in the Shibetsu River. Bat activity was recorded by bat detectors placed near the Malaise traps in each of the two reaches. Foraging activity of Daubenton’s bat was more strongly related to the number of insects than to biomass, and to adult aquatic insects than to terrestrial insects. The high dependence of Daubenton’s bat on aquatic prey was attributed to the fact that aquatic insect numbers were always higher than those of terrestrial insects. Contrary to the hypothesis, Daubenton’s bat was more active in the channelised reach than the restored reach in all months except June, and it synchronized its foraging activity with the seasonal distribution of adult aquatic insects. However, the study was undertaken just two years after restoration and the riparian vegetation had not yet established itself. Our results demonstrate the importance of aquatic insect abundance for Daubenton’s bat throughout the seasons in large lowland rivers. A further decrease in aquatic insects, associated with progressive anthropogenic alteration of river environments, undoubtedly exerts a harmful influence on the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

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