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We assessed the impact of domestic cats on population persistence of native and exotic urban bird populations using a model adjusted for habitat-specific catch rates, cat ownership and hunting activity data. GPS-derived home ranges of 32 cats and resource selection indices demonstrated the degree of penetration and preference for native vegetation fragments. Owners reported on prey brought back by 144 domestic cats in Dunedin, New Zealand, during 12 months. One third of cats never brought back prey, and 21% returned more than one item/month. Cats brought back a mean of 13.4 prey items/year (median = 4), with cats aged <1 year returning more prey than older cats. Birds were the most common prey, followed by rodents. Although cats penetrated adjacent vegetation fragments they did not catch more birds and preferred garden habitat, suggesting that predation pressure may be reduced in fragments. Cat home range size appears to be constrained by cat density while the number of birds caught depends on the density of available prey. Estimates of city-wide catch for six bird species were either more than total urban population size estimates or close to lower confidence intervals. Modelling of three species indicated low likelihood of population persistence with cat predation. The observed persistence of these prey species suggests a meta-population structure with urban populations acting as sinks with source populations located on the city fringe.  相似文献   

Hedges provide important nesting, feeding and sheltering sites for birds in agricultural areas, while organic farming also enhances farmland birds. However, it is little known how the interaction of these local variables (amount of hedges and organic management) with landscape scale variables affects birds. We selected paired conventional and organic winter wheat fields and meadows in each of 10 landscapes in Germany. Birds were surveyed in the fields and in the adjoining hedges. More bird species occurred in organic than in conventional fields regardless of land-use type (wheat fields and meadows). However, hedge length had a much stronger effect on bird richness than organic farmland management. We found an interaction of landscape complexity and hedge length in that hedge length enhanced bird richness only in case of simple landscapes (<17% semi-natural areas within a 500 m radius around the centre of bird survey plots). In more complex landscapes the local effect of hedge length levelled off because bird richness was high even without local hedges. Therefore, adding hedges or introducing organic farming practices should be primarily promoted in simple landscapes, where it really makes a difference for biodiversity.  相似文献   

Remnant forest strips are frequently proposed as valuable conservation tools in fragmented tropical landscapes, yet we currently lack evidence to evaluate their potential conservation value for native biota. We examined the potential value for understorey forest birds of 30-year-old riparian and terra firme (unflooded) primary forest strips within a large silvicultural landscape in the north-east Brazilian Amazon, where the matrix is dominated by Eucalyptus plantations. We conducted mist-netting in eight forest strips connected to continuous forest (four of each forest type), with a total of 24 replicate sampling sites located near to (<1 km), far from (2.5-9 km), and within undisturbed forest controls (i.e. 16 samples within the strips, and 8 in controls). Bird communities in both strip types changed with increasing distance along forest remnants into the plantation matrix. Matrix-embedded samples were characterised by a higher representation of birds typical of secondary growth forest but not those typical of the Eucalyptus-dominated matrix. While the long-term viability of the bird populations in these remnants remains unclear, our data demonstrate that forest strips can provide important habitat for many bird species that are otherwise rarely found outside primary forest. Forest strips therefore provide an important tool to enhance biodiversity conservation in plantation landscapes. The relative practical ease with which these areas can be selected and maintained means that the protection of forest strips as part of a wider conservation strategy is likely to have particular appeal to policy makers and landscape managers working in the human-dominated tropics.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes with spatial and temporal variations interact with each other to affect the existing biodiversity. Though rice fields provide important habitats for birds all over the world, studies so far have rarely explored the effects of landscape heterogeneity on bird species in rice paddy areas. This study investigated the effects of habitat cover and landscape variables on the species richness and the abundance of birds in rice paddy areas in Japan. Data on bird occurrence and the environment were collected at 32 grid squares (1 × 1 km) in the Tone River basin. The richness and the abundance of agricultural wetland species were particularly high in landscapes with large areas of rice fields in summer, when rice fields were irrigated, but in those with large areas of open water in winter, when rice fields were drained. It is important to maintain a combination of rice fields and open water to satisfy multiple habitat requirements by agricultural wetland species throughout the year. Grassland species were positively associated with a rich diversity of land cover including fallow fields and open water, indicating the importance of a simultaneous existence of multiple landscape elements. Forest cover in landscapes positively affected edge species and woodland species. Since forest cover had a relatively strong correlation with edge density, the responses of bird species to changes in forest cover and edge density need to be explored further. This study illustrates the importance of spatial and temporal landscape complementation for bird species in rice paddy areas.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a leading cause of species endangerment in the United States; however, certain species thrive in urban habitats. The loss of key predators or the addition of new predators in urban areas could alter the structure of urban communities. A reduction in nest predation is hypothesized to explain the high density of urban birds, yet urban areas typically have increased populations of avian nest predators. The loss of important nest predators in urban habitats, prey switching of urban predators, or successful nest defense against avian nest predators could explain this urban nest predator paradox. To assess these hypotheses I compared nest predation rates of Northern mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) in parking lots and residential neighborhoods to populations in pastures and wildlife preserves during 2007–2009 in Florida, USA and placed video cameras on a subset of nests in 2008–2009. Data do not support the hypothesis that urban nest predation rates are consistently lower than non-urban nest predation rates. Of the 56 nest predation events recorded, cats were the dominant urban predator and Cooper’s hawks (Accipiter cooperii) were the dominant non-urban predator. There was no evidence for a loss of important nest predators in urban habitats; however, prey switching by Cooper’s hawks likely occurred. There was also indirect evidence for the importance of nest defense. Furthermore, some of the cats recorded as nest predators in residential neighborhoods were owned cats and all but one cat predation event occurred at night. To reduce nest predation rates, cat owners should keep their cats indoors at night.  相似文献   

The two principal mechanisms available to conserve breeding wading birds on lowland wet grassland in England are nature reserves and agri-environment schemes, particularly the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) scheme. ESAs offer payments to landowners in return for maintaining (‘low tiers’) or enhancing (‘high tiers’) the landscape, biodiversity and historic value of the land. Lowland wet grassland nature reserves managed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) have been successful at conserving breeding lapwings and redshank but habitat management usually only results in short-term increases in numbers of breeding snipe. Within ESAs, populations of breeding wading birds fare better on land managed under high tiers than on land managed under low tiers. Land managed under high tiers also supports more pairs of breeding wading birds per £ of ESA grant received than land managed under low tiers. Means of increasing the cost-effectiveness of the ESA scheme in conserving breeding wading birds are discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   

In highly-modified agricultural landscapes, regrowth (secondary) forest on abandoned farmland offers the potential for passive landscape restoration for biodiversity conservation. While numerous studies have investigated the ecological values of regrowth for fauna recovery at the local-level (1-10 ha), there is a dearth of studies quantifying the contribution of regrowth forest at the landscape-level (100-1000s ha). To address this critical knowledge gap we question how the age and amount of regrowth forest in the landscape influence species richness and abundance of mature forest dependent species? Using woodland dependent birds in fragmented sub-tropical brigalow landscapes in southern Queensland, Australia, we applied model averaging and hierarchical partitioning analyses to test and rank the relative importance of the amount of regrowth forest in the landscape in three age classes (<15, 15-30, and >30 years) compared to local (grazing disturbance, abundance of aggressive miners, mistletoe abundance and patch age) and landscape measures of habitat (amount of mature forest and number of mature forest patches). Response variables included the species richness of woodland dependent birds and sub-groupings of foraging guilds, and the abundance of selected individual species. The importance of explanatory variables differed considerably among response groups. Local attributes, such as patch age and the abundance of mistletoe plants, had the strongest influences on woodland dependent birds. However, we found that the amount of regrowth forest, particularly >30 years, also had a strong influence on both species richness and abundance. This study confirms that regrowth, especially older regrowth, can make an important contribution to landscape restoration in highly-modified agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

A critical handicap to tropical biodiversity conservation efforts in agroecosystems is the unknowns regarding the influence of landscape-scale factors on the persistence of species. To address these uncertainties, we explored two essential landscape-scale questions, within India’s biologically-rich Western Ghats, examining two nearby human-dominated landscapes that dramatically differed in their pattern of land cover. First, how does the proximity of intact forest patches affect bird community composition within agricultural landscapes? Second, can simple remote sensing-derived measures (brightness, wetness, and NDVI) be used to estimate native bird species composition within those landscapes? In both landscapes, as distance to intact forest decreased, the similarity in bird community composition between agricultural areas and intact forest increased. This suggests that the retention of tropical forest bird communities within human-dominated landscapes critically depends on the maintenance of nearby intact forest. In an answer to the second question, the remote sensing measures correlated with forest-affiliated avian species richness in only one of the two landscapes, reflecting an ecological difference between the two in the response of forest bird species to local agricultural conditions. In the landscape where a correlation was found, there was high variation in vegetative structure, which strongly impacted both the remote sensing measures and forest bird species richness. In the other landscape, forest species richness strongly correlated with changes in tree species composition in the agriculture, a factor that could not be detected by the remote sensing metrics. In order to successfully conserve biodiversity in tropical agricultural landscapes, our findings show that it is essential to conserve intact forest within those landscapes and to understand the effect of local agricultural practices on species.  相似文献   

Changes in breeding bird diversity in the Netherlands between 1973-1977 and 1998-2000 were evaluated by testing three hypotheses related to the loss of biodiversity: (1) species diversity is declining, (2) biotic homogenization is increasing and (3) rare species are declining more severely than abundant species. Using data collected for two successive national breeding bird atlases, changes in diversity were assessed at different spatial scales (local, regional and national) and among species characteristic for different landscapes (farmland, woodland, heathland, wetland, coastal habitats and urban habitats). National species richness, diversity and equitability had increased between the two atlas periods, with more species increasing than decreasing in range and abundance. Most species in the large groups of woodland and wetland birds showed positive trends, whereas most in the smaller groups of heathland, reed-breeding and meadow birds showed negative trends. However, findings varied between regions and localities. Increases in species richness occurred mainly in regions in the low-lying, western part of the country which were previously relatively poor in species. By contrast, species richness decreased in some previously species-rich regions in the eastern part of the country. This has resulted in a homogenization of breeding bird communities between regions. We advocate the conservation and restoration of regional identity as a priority for landscape planning in the Netherlands. We did not find a clear relation between species abundance and trends, although both rare and very abundant species tended to decrease on average.  相似文献   

Afforestation often causes direct habitat losses for farmland birds of conservation concern, but it is uncertain whether negative effects also extend significantly into adjacent open land. Information is thus required on how these species react to wooded edges, and how their responses are affected by edge and landscape characteristics. These issues were examined in Mediterranean arable farmland, using bird counts at 0, 100, 200, 300 and >300 m from oak, pine and eucalyptus edges, embedded in landscapes with variable amounts and spatial configurations of forest plantations. Bird diversity declined away from edges, including that of woodland, farmland and ground-nesting birds. Positive edge responses were also found for overall and woodland bird abundances, and for five of the nine most widespread and abundant species (Galerida larks, stonechat, linnet, goldfinch and corn bunting). Strong negative edge effects were only recorded for steppe birds, with reduced abundances near edges of calandra larks and short-toed larks, but not of little bustards and tawny pipits. Edge contrast affected the magnitude of edge effects, with a tendency for stronger responses to old and tall eucalyptus plantations (hard edges) than to young and short oak plantations (soft edges). There were also species-specific interactions between edge and fragmentation effects, with positive edge responses tending to be strongest in less fragmented landscapes, whereas steppe birds tended to increase faster away from edges and to reach the highest species richness and abundances in large arable patches. Results suggest that forest plantations may increase overall bird diversity and abundance in adjacent farmland, at the expenses of steppe birds of conservation concern. Clustering forest plantations in a few large patches and thus reducing the density of wooded edges at the landscape-scale might reduce such negative impacts.  相似文献   

Biological invasions constitute one of the most important threats to biodiversity. This is especially true for “naïve” birds that have evolved in the absence of terrestrial predators in island ecosystems. The American mink (Mustela vison) has recently established a feral population on Navarino Island (55°S), southern Chile, where it represents a new guild of terrestrial mammal predators. We investigated the impact of mink on ground-nesting coastal waterbirds with the aim of deriving a vulnerability profile for birds as a function of different breeding strategies, habitat, and nest characteristics. We compared rates of nest survival and mink predation on 102 nests of solitary nesting species (Chloephaga picta, Tachyeres pteneres), on 361 nests of colonial birds (Larus dominicanus, Larus scoresbii, Sterna hirundinacea), and on 558 artificial nests. We calculated relative mink and bird densities at all nest sites. Nests of colonial species showed the highest nest survival probabilities (67-84%) and no predation by mink. Nest survival rates for solitary nesting species were lower (5-20%) and mink predation rates higher (10-44%). Discriminant analyses revealed that mink preyed upon artificial nests mainly at shores with rocky outcroppings where mink were abundant. High nest concealment increased the probability for predation by mink. Conservation planning should consider that invasive mink might severely affect the reproduction success of bird species with the following characteristics: solitary nesting, nesting habitat at rocky outcrop shores, and concealed nests. We recommend that work starts immediately to control the mink population with a priority in the nesting habitats of vulnerable endemic waterbirds.  相似文献   

We evaluated the contributions of spatial distribution, juxtaposition, and quality of salt marsh habitat to salt marsh breeding birds along the New England coast, USA. We divided the region into two landscapes, Long Island Sound and the Gulf of Maine, based on latitude, geologic and human land use histories, and physical characteristics (tidal amplitude, wave energy). Species richness in both landscapes was at least 20% greater on larger salt marshes. Response to marsh isolation and human development varied regionally, with bird species more sensitive to marsh isolation and road proximity in the more pristine (Gulf of Maine) than altered (Long Island Sound) region. Relatively little overlap was evident between regions in predictors of occurrence and effects of marsh area on particular species. These results indicate that: (1) salt marsh bird communities show similar associations with habitat area and isolation as do forest, grassland, and freshwater wetland bird communities, and (2) landscape context mediates the influence of these parameters on the avian community and should be considered when defining the habitat requirements of salt marsh breeding birds.  相似文献   

Small patches of natural or semi-natural habitat have an important role in the conservation of biodiversity in human-dominated environments. The values of such areas are determined by attributes of the patch as well as its context in the surrounding land mosaic. There is a need for better understanding of the ways in which assemblages are influenced by patch context and the scale over which this occurs. Here we examine the influence of regional environmental gradients on the richness, annual turnover and composition of breeding bird species in small woods in south-eastern England. Regional gradients were defined independently of woods by an ordination of attributes for 5 km × 5 km landscape units across a 2100 km2 region. Patch-level attributes, particularly area, were the most important predictors for most bird variables. For woodland migrants and woodland-dependent species, variables representing the context of each wood, either at a local or regional scale, explained significant additional variance in species richness after accounting for wood area, but did not do so for species turnover. Significant context effects for woodland-dependent species related to the extent of hedges and woodland cover in the local vicinity (<1 km radius), whereas for woodland seasonal migrants the best predictors of richness after patch area were two regional environmental gradients. The initial cue to settlement for migrants may be at a coarse regional scale, with selection for suitable landscapes that have a greater extent of woodland cover. Edge species showed different responses: they were influenced by the diversity of structural features in woods, and were a more-dominant component of the avifauna in isolated woods in open fenland environments of the region. Significant relationships between coarse regional gradients (25 km2 units) and bird assemblages in small woods (0.5-30 ha) suggest that population and community processes in the avifauna operate across a broader scale than local patch neighbourhoods. They also highlight the importance of adopting a landscape or regional perspective on potential changes to land-use in rural environments, and on the conservation management of small reserves.  相似文献   

As rural landscapes experience increasing levels of residential development, the persistence of species that rely on them will depend on informed planning and management decisions. An understanding of habitat requirements is essential for setting priorities and developing landscape-level plans for the survival of these species. In many temperate rural landscapes, artificially created ponds may be the only wetlands available for aquatic reproduction by amphibians. The introduction of non-native fish into these ponds reduces survival and prohibits successful reproduction of many native pond-breeding amphibians. We surveyed 105 randomly selected wetlands in a primarily privately-owned, rural landscape in north Idaho, USA, for pond-breeding amphibian larvae in 2004 and 2005. We used an information theoretic multimodel inference and an algorithmic (random forests) approach to model habitat for each species based on local and landscape characteristics. We also used a mail survey to quantify how landowners value fish in their wetlands and their plans for future wetland development and fish stocking. Sixty-seven percent of pond owners reported that fishing in their pond was at least slightly important to them and 36% of owners indicated that they were at least 50% likely to add fish to their ponds in the next 5-10 years. Landscape change predictions for this area indicate that forests will become more open due to thinning; habitat models indicated that this is likely to be detrimental to long-toed salamanders and beneficial to Pacific treefrogs. Habitat models also indicate that Columbia spotted frog breeding sites consist of wetlands on flat ground with high solar insolation and that this species is sensitive to nearby development, indicating that as this landscape becomes further developed, this species may require habitat protection for persistence.  相似文献   

Grassland birds are in steep decline throughout many regions of the world. In North America, even some common species have declined by >50% over the last few decades. Declines in grassland bird populations have generally been attributed to widespread agricultural conversion of grasslands; more than 80% of North American grasslands have been converted to agriculture and other land uses, for example. Remaining large grasslands should thus be especially important to the conservation of grassland birds. The Flint Hills of Kansas and Oklahoma (USA) preserves the largest intact tallgrass prairie (∼2 million ha) left in the world. The Flint Hills supports a major cattle industry, however, and therefore experiences widespread grazing and frequent burning. We assessed the regional population status of three grassland birds that are considered the core of the avian community in this region (Dickcissel, Spiza americana; Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum; Eastern Meadowlark, Sturnella magna). Our approach is founded on a demographic analysis that additionally explores how to model variability in empirically derived estimates of reproductive success across a large heterogeneous landscape, which ultimately requires the translation of demographic data from local (plot) to regional scales. We found that none of these species is demographically viable at a regional scale under realistic assumptions, with estimated population declines of 3-29%/year and a likelihood of regional viability of 0-45% over the two years of study. Current land-management practices may thus be exacerbating grassland bird declines by degrading habitat in even large grassland remnants. Habitat area is thus no guarantee of population viability in landscapes managed predominantly for agricultural or livestock production.  相似文献   

The alteration and fragmentation of natural habitats has resulted in increased rates of nest predation and poor reproductive success for many bird species. The development of effective conservation strategies to reduce elevated rates of nest predation has been hindered by difficulties in fully understanding mechanisms underlying patterns and rates of nest predation in particular habitats. I recorded the outcome for 2726 nesting attempts of prothonotary warblers (Protonotaria citrea) breeding in fragmented bottomland forests and quantified the effect of nest predation on annual fecundity, determined the influence of different nest predators on rates of nest predation, and identified the factor driving rates of nest predation. There was a highly significant negative correlation between rates of nest predation and the actual annual reproductive output of prothonotary warblers. Of 1156 nest predation events, 73% were attributed to raccoons (Procyon lotor), 15% to snakes and 7% to southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans). Rates of nest predation decreased with increasing water depth as a result of nest predation by raccoons. Nests that were over water deeper than 60 cm were particularly successful. Habitat fragmentation, the draining of wetlands, and stream channelization may act synergistically to elevate rates of nest predation for those birds breeding in forested wetlands. Conservation actions designed to stop or reverse these processes will be especially beneficial to birds breeding in bottomland forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The landscape context is crucial for forest conservation in regions where the natural forest is fragmented. The focus of practical conservation is currently shifting from local stands to a landscape perspective, but few studies have tested the relative effect of different spatial and temporal scales for occurrence and persistence of species of conservation concern. We studied Red Data Book and Indicator species (the latter proposed to indicate presence of Red Data Book species) of vascular plants, lichens, bryophytes and wood-inhabiting fungi in 22 old temperate broadleaved forests in southern Sweden. We analysed at which scales these species respond to habitat proportion in surrounding landscape. The proportion of suitable habitat was measured at two temporal scales (present-day and historic) and at two spatial scales (about 0-1 km and 1-5 km of study sites). Local density of Red Data Book species increased with increasing proportion of suitable habitat in the current landscape (within 1-5 km of study sites) while Indicator species were unaffected. The response to landscape differed between organism groups. Vascular plants (near significantly) and wood-inhabiting fungi showed a time delay of 120 years in their response, indicating a possible regional extinction debt. An appropriate minimum landscape scale for conservation of Red Data Book species in temperate broadleaved forests in Sweden seems to be about 5 km (radius), but smaller landscapes may be important for vascular plants and wood-inhabiting fungi of conservation concern. In addition, restoration is urgent to counteract the effect of time delays in species responses to recent habitat loss.  相似文献   

Because forest width is thought to be the most relevant metric to ecological communities, it has persisted as the dominant paradigm and focus of management recommendations for riparian forest conservation. Consequently, managers may overlook important effects of the surrounding landscape matrix. We determined if characteristics of the landscape matrix, particularly the amount of urban development surrounding a forest, were better predictors of bird communities than forest width. We sampled breeding-bird communities 3 times each June 2001-2004 in 33 riparian forest sites (69-565 m wide) in Ohio, USA. We examined if bird community structure and composition were more closely associated with forest width or the amount of urban development within 1 km of each forest using canonical correlation analysis. Results indicate that the landscape matrix surrounding these relatively large forest tracts explained >94% of the variation in bird communities compared to <6% explained by forest width. Numbers of Neotropical migrants were negatively associated with urbanization in the landscapes (r = −0.43), whereas residents (r = 0.57) and short-distance migrants (r = 0.41) were positively associated with urbanization. Similar patterns persisted at the individual species level, particularly for Neotropical migrants as 76% of species in this guild were negatively related to urban development. Our findings suggest that the traditional approach to conserving riparian forests is not sufficient and that explicit consideration of the surrounding landscape matrix also should be a key component in conservation efforts.  相似文献   

In managed landscapes, habitat structure is frequently manipulated through the creation of features such as tracks, hedges, and waterways. If predator and prey activity are concentrated around these features, levels of predation may be elevated in these landscapes. This issue is of particular importance when habitat structures are used to attract species of conservation concern. For example, the installation of linear waterways in wet grasslands is a common form of habitat management to benefit breeding waders and wader nests and foraging chicks tend to be aggregated around wet features. If predator activity is also focused around these features, and if their linearity increases the probability of prey being located, then the conservation benefits of this management technique may be eliminated. We explore predator movement in relation to the structure and complexity of linear wet features within a lowland wet grassland landscape. We examine patterns of nest and chick predation in lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) at the whole-site, between-field and within-field scales. Mammalian predators were responsible for the majority of nest predation. However, we found no evidence that mammalian predators used linear wet features disproportionately within the landscape, or that wet feature distribution influenced the probability of nest or chick predation. At the whole-site scale, nest predation rates were significantly higher in areas with greater predator presence and lowest where the number of breeding neighbours was high. Thus, predation levels were influenced by large-scale patterns of predator presence and lapwing density but not by the use of linear wet features as a habitat management tool. Managing predator impacts is therefore likely to require empirical assessments of local predator distribution and abundance in order to target measures effectively.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether a collar-worn pounce protector, the CatBib™, reduces the number of vertebrates caught by pet cats and whether its effectiveness was influenced by colour or adding a bell. Fifty-six cats identified as hunters were studied in Perth, Australia over six weeks in November/December 2005 (southern hemisphere spring/summer). Cats spent three weeks wearing a device and three weeks without it and we recorded the number of prey brought home during each period.Cats caught 65 birds (13 species), 67 herpetofauna (11 species) and 164 mammals (five species). Alone or together with bells CatBibs stopped 81% of cats from catching birds, 33% from catching herpetofauna and 45% from catching mammals. Cats wearing CatBibs or CatBibs and bells caught only 25% of all birds, 43% of all herpetofauna and 36% of all mammals captured. Both colours were equally effective. Adding bells conferred no additional protection. Only one cat did not adjust to the CatBib and there was no long-term evidence that CatBibs altered cats’ fighting or wandering behaviour.Owners volunteered because of one or more of: environmental concern (81%), curiosity (38%), personal (35%) or family (24%) distress caused by hunting. Most owners (70%) said they would continue to use CatBibs although only 17% were doing so eight months later because some cats had stopped hunting or lost their CatBibs. Although confinement of pet cats is the complete solution to preventing predation on wildlife, deterrents such as the CatBib are effective if used consistently.  相似文献   

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