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Upland heather moors are high priority biotopes for conservation in Britain, but are under threat from a number of sources. One such threat is a change from a vegetation dominated by dwarf shrubs, mainly Calluna vulgaris, to a grassland dominated by Molinia caerulea. Restoration of a dwarf shrub community has proved problematic with studies showing that herbicide use may be necessary to control Molinia. Previously the non-selective herbicide, glyphosate, has been recommended, but this herbicide may damage Calluna and other moorland species severely. Here, we tested a range of selective herbicides (graminicides) for use in an herbicide-based conservation strategy under field conditions. Two selective herbicides, propaquizafop and quizalofop-ethyl, gave a short-term check to Molinia and another, cycloxydim, provided a reduction for at least 1 year, but this effect disappeared after 3 years. Damage to Calluna was less than that caused by glyphosate, and the selective herbicides had little effect on other moorland species present. Our findings suggest that selective herbicides have a potential role in reducing Molinia during moorland restoration, although follow-up applications, and appropriate moorland management, will also be needed.  相似文献   

The dwarf shrub heather Calluna vulgaris is an important component of the UK landscape, with value for amenity, nature conservation and animal production. A model, called “HeathMod”, is described, which investigates the impact of grazing on upland heather. It combines an empirical model of production with a simple process-based model of grazing impacts. Validation from short-term studies in the literature indicated that the model predicts grazing impacts well, although more studies of grazing impacts are required to confirm the model’s accuracy. Analysis of the model allowed derivation of a simple general formula for predicting sustainable levels of grazing, given knowledge of local site productivity. Predicted levels of sustainable grazing were lower than previous estimates, mainly because the model predicts the long-term impacts of sustained grazing. Application of the model is most appropriate in areas where heather is in mixed-age stands, because there is inadequate information available to model interactions between grazing and degeneration in even-aged stands of heather.  相似文献   

We evaluate the role of intensive beach management, meaning intense patrolling and nest reburial to a central hatchery, as a strategy for improving the success of sea turtle conservation at nesting sites in Mexico. We report the results of an experimental program at Playa Cuixmala, Jalisco, western Mexico. Sea turtle conservation efforts in Mexico have, in general, poor results because of lack of funds, which leads to insufficient beach protection and severe negative effects of nest removal on hatching success and sex ratios. Alternative strategies are needed to optimize limited resources. We predicted that intensive beach management, which included intense patrolling and careful nest reburial, could be an effective way to maximize nest survival and hatchling release under limited financial and human resources. The results of our 9-year study were very positive. Survival rate increased several fold during the study period. Hatching success and sex ratios were not significantly different between in-situ and removed nests. Survival in removed nests was, however, much higher that in-situ nests, because of predation and beach erosion. In total, the small (3 km length) Playa Cuixmala became the second most productive sea turtle nesting beach in the region because of these concentrated efforts. Intense beach management can be an important technique for sea turtle conservation, and can be properly applied to small beaches or the most productive sections of large beaches.  相似文献   

To understand the implications of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on carbon turnover in peatlands, we conducted a 13C pulse labeling experiment on Calluna vulgaris and Eriophorum vaginatum already receiving long-term (5 years) amendments of 56 kg N ha−1 y−1 as ammonium or nitrate. We examined shoot tissue retention, net ecosystem respiration returns of the 13C pulse, and soil porewater DOC content under the two species. 13C fixation in Eriophorum leaves was enhanced with nitrogen addition and doubled with nitrate supply. This newly fixed C appeared to be relocated below-ground faster with nitrogen fertilization as respiration returns were unaffected by N inputs. By contrast, increases in 13C fixation were not observed in Calluna. Instead, net ecosystem respiration rates over Calluna increased with N fertilization. There was no significant label incorporation into DOC, suggesting a conservative strategy of peatland vegetation regarding allocation of C through root exudation. Greater concentrations of total DOC were identified with nitrate addition in Calluna. Given the long-term nature of the experiment and the high N inputs, the overall impacts of nitrogen amendments on the fate of recently synthesized C in Eriophorum and Calluna in this ombrotrophic peatland were surprisingly more moderate than originally hypothesized. This may be due to N being effectively retained within the bryophyte layer, thus limiting, and delaying the onset of, below-ground effects.  相似文献   

Pasture soils used for cattle overwintering may represent significant sources of N2O emissions from soils. Therefore, the long-term effect of cattle overwintering on the abundance and activity of a denitrifying community was explored. The study was performed at a cattle overwintering area in South Bohemia (Czech Republic), where three sites differing in the degree of animal impact were selected: severely impacted (SI) and moderately impacted (MI), as well as a control site with no impact (NI). N2O flux measurement and soil sampling were performed in spring and fall of 2005. The activity was measured in terms of potential denitrification activity. Bacterial nirK, nirS and nosZ genes were used as functional markers of the denitrifying communities; abundance was analyzed using a real-time PCR assay. Surprisingly, in situ N2O emissions were the highest in spring at MI and significantly differed from those at SI and NI, while in autumn, rates of emissions generally decreased. In contrast potential denitrification rates were highest at SI, followed by MI, and the lowest at NI. An overall significant shift in N2O/N2 molar ratio was shown in cattle impacted sites. The highest abundance of all genes measured at both sampling times was found at site SI, whereas at site MI increased numbers were observed only in spring. Our results indicate a strong influence of cattle on the abundance as well as the activity of microbes involved in denitrification.  相似文献   

Mount Meiron Nature Reserve is the largest Mediterranean reserve in Israel. Since its establishment, goat grazing and woodcutting have been prohibited and dense oak maquis has developed by succession. The succession of vegetation poses the risk of losing species. The peony (Paeonia masculla) is a locally endangered species in Israel, growing only in a small population in the Mount Meiron Nature Reserve with only 5% of plants flowering. We sought a management practice that would increase the flowering percentage of the peonies and secure the future of its population. We found that flowering peonies grew mainly in locations with about 47% direct sun radiation, while most plants grew under heavy shade with only 27% direct radiation. Creation of small gaps increased the flowering to 15-20%. To ensure the future of the peonies in the Mount Meiron Nature Reserve, small gaps must be created—even if this conflicts with broader current management policies.  相似文献   

A study of the catch composition of a cooperative fishery practiced between cast-net fishermen and Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) in the Ayeyarwady River, Myanmar, was conducted at fishing grounds near Myay Zun, Indown, The‘ Kyun and Hsithe during November and December 2006 and 2007. A total of 4139 fish from 42 species and five crustaceans from a single species were recorded in 1099 net casts made during 33 fishing sessions. Sufficient data were only available to conduct in-depth analyses of catches obtained from Myay Zun (776 net casts, 41.2% while cooperating with dolphins). These analyses indicated that catch per cast, defined by the number of fish, their weight and economic value, was higher (Mann-Whitney P < 0.001) during both 2006 (about double for all parameters) and 2007 (about triple for all parameters) while the dolphins were cooperating with fishermen. Differences in catch between cooperative and non-cooperative net casts were primarily explained by the much higher frequency of empty catches (Chi-square P < 0.001, df = 3 during both 2006 and 2007) recorded during non-cooperative casts (68.3% and 71.3% in 2006 and 2007, respectively) versus cooperative casts (13.7% and 31.6% in 2006 and 2007, respectively). Overall, fish catch could be described as meager, which may partially be explained by the abnormal timing of flow recession during both years. However, the cast-net fishermen also consistently reported dramatically depleted catches in recent years due to illegal electric fishing. Elimination of electric fishing in a recently established protected area will be crucial for conserving the dolphins and the cooperative cast-net fishery.  相似文献   

The former and present distribution of white clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) in the province of Granada (southern Spain) is studied. Before 1980 it was widely distributed but at present only 16 populations exist. The decline is related to the presence of the freshwater red-swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), an American species, vector of the aphanomycosis disease, introduced to the Iberian Peninsula in 1974 and now widely distributed in the watercourses and marshes of southern Spain. To establish an appropriate conservation policy for A. pallipes at its southernmost distribution limit, we studied watercourses from two river basins, Genil and Guadiana Menor, (tributaries of the Guadalquivir River). P. clarkii inhabits the medium to lower reaches of these two river basins (with its upper limit at 820 m a.s.l.). The distribution of this species was best explained by the effect of three of the 12 analyzed variables: altitude, water-current and minimum winter temperatures. From our results, the repopulation of the native crayfish is almost impossible in those reaches inhabited by P. clarkii. However, based on the habitat selection study, it is clear that upper reaches are unsuitable for the red-swamp crayfish, where the native white-clawed crayfish may have greater survival possibilities, and these sites can be used for future restocking projects.  相似文献   

Granivorous rodents and birds are both predators and dispersers of the nuts produced by many woody plants. This study examines the role of granivores as predators and dispersers of Corylus avellana L. and the consequences of this interaction for Corylus regeneration and scrub encroachment into grassland. In the Cressbrook Dale nature reserve (Derbyshire, UK), Corylus nuts were buried in the grassland at two distances (<15 and >70 m) from scrub vegetation (the main source of nuts, and habitat of the granivores) to estimate the rate of seed removal over 3 years, assessing also the success of dispersal and seedling establishment in the grassland. The rate of nut removal at close sites (<15 m from scrub) was consistently higher than at far sites (>70 m) over the 3 years. All sown nuts were removed over 2 years at close sites, while at the far sites around 20% of the sown nuts were still present the following spring. Grassland close to the scrub had the highest intensity of nut predation but also had the highest density of Corylus seedlings. Sciurus carolinensis was the most important disperser of hazelnuts into the grassland. This squirrel scatter-hoarded 10-12 thousand hazelnuts in 1.5 ha of grassland adjacent to scrub. In this reserve, two vertebrates - both non-native - are largely responsible for maintaining the dynamic balance between the scrub and grassland habitats. American grey squirrels disperse hazelnuts into the grassland and sheep slow the encroachment of scrub by repeated browsing.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that densities of little bustard Tetrax tetrax breeding males tend to be higher in areas with smaller agricultural fields, presumably due to increased habitat diversity. However, exceptionally high densities have been found in large grassland fields in Portugal, which suggests that the influence of field size varies geographically, and that the role of this factor is not yet fully understood, despite its importance as a key management issue.We studied how field size, together with vegetation structure, influences the presence and density of breeding little bustards in a region of southern Portugal. Fifty-four grassland fields were sampled in 2007 and another 29 in 2008, with sizes ranging from 23 to 172 ha. A total of 183 breeding males were found in 47 of these fields, reaching densities of up to 37 males/100 ha. A higher probability of occurrence of breeding males was found in larger fields with a vegetation height below 40 cm and field size alone explained 46% of the variability in male density. These results suggest that larger continuous areas of suitable habitat attract many males, most likely as a consequence of their lek mating system. We conclude that conservation efforts, in a landscape context of large farm sizes, should: (1) be channelled to farms with large fields; (2) ensure adequate livestock grazing to create suitable habitat and (3) promote management at a landscape level to ensure the most continuous grassland habitat patches possible.  相似文献   

Mediterranean temporary pools represent unique species-rich habitats with many rare and endangered species. The Roque-Haute Natural Reserve is one of the few sites in France with Isoetes setacea Lam., a very rare Mediterranean quillwort, considered as a keystone species determining a priority habitat for the European Union. Land uses changes have favoured the invasion of the pools by several shrub and tree species (e.g., Ulmus minor, Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. oxycarpa). Clearing shrubs in an experimental area of one pool resulted in the increase of I. setacea as compared to control, combining a higher cover in previously occupied quadrats and more quadrats occupied. Litter accumulation had a negative effect on the population of Isoetes but this effect was detectable only in the cleared area. Light attenuation was shown experimentally to be detrimental to the vegetative and regenerative production of I. setacea. Clearing of the shrubs and removal of the litter led to an increase in the I. setacea populations and therefore appears to be an effective technique for restoring these plant communities invaded by shrubs. Long-term shrub control should be ensured by reintroducing sheep grazing in order to enhance the sustainable conservation of this oligotrophic habitat.  相似文献   

The endangered fish species Anaecypris hispanica is restricted to eight disjunct populations in the Portuguese Guadiana drainage. The genetic structure of these populations was studied in order to determine levels of genetic variation within and among populations and suggest implications for conservation of the species. Based on five microsatellite loci, the null hypothesis of population homogeneity was tested. Tests for genetic differentiation revealed highly significant differences for pairwise comparisons between all populations, and substantial overall population subdivision (FST=0.112). All sampled populations contained unique alleles. Our findings indicate marked genetic structuring and emphasise limited dispersal ability. The high levels of genetic diversity detected within and among A. hispanica populations suggest, however, that the observed fragmentation and reduction in population size of some populations during the last two decades, has impacted little on levels of genetic variability. Data imply that most A. hispanica populations should be managed as distinct units and that each has a high conservation value containing unique genetic variation. It is argued that geographic patterns of genetic structuring indicate the existence of eight management units.  相似文献   

The impact of increased-deposited sediment loads on growth and development of tadpoles of the spotted tree frog, Litoria spenceri, in south-eastern Australia was assessed in conjunction with food type and tadpole density. This investigation was conducted in stream enclosures subjected to varying treatments of tadpole density, substrata and deposited-sediment load. Tadpole growth and development were not significantly affected by food type, but there was a trend toward increased performance on periphyton substrata. Tadpole growth and development were significantly reduced by increases in tadpole density and sediment load. These effects were independent, suggesting that increased sediment load reduced food quality rather than quantity. Activities in catchments that increase sediment loads in streams may adversely affect growth and development of tadpoles of L. spenceri. Increased sediment input into streams may therefore reduce tadpole fitness and recruitment to the terrestrial stage. Disturbance processes that increase stream sediment loads, such as forestry activities and associated road construction, may potentially have contributed to the observed declines of L. spenceri and other lotic anurans in south-eastern Australia.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the current size of endangered bullhead (Cottus gobio) populations and microsatellite genetic variability. Additionally, the microsatellite data were used to evaluate whether a genetic test for population bottlenecks was able to provide evidence of recent severe population declines. Finally, our results were used to develop conservation priorities and measures. Population size appears to be a crucial parameter in determining the amount of genetic diversity that can be preserved in bullheads, since a significant positive correlation was observed between both variables. Furthermore, in some populations we were able to detect genetic signatures of the documented decline in population size. We suggest that the most immediate goal for bullhead conservation should be to increase the size and the range of the populations, and in doing so minimise or even reverse further genetic erosion. Potential management actions like habitat quality improvement, reduction of river fragmentation and supplementation programmes (translocation, supportive breeding) are discussed.  相似文献   

Baseline data on distribution and abundance of tigers in the Sundarbans is required to identify problem areas and evaluate management strategies. This paper outlines a khal (creek) bank survey of track set frequency throughout the Bangladesh Sundarbans to aid formulation of a management-driven monitoring program. Three teams of two observers surveyed a total of 1 201 km of waterways throughout the Sundarbans, recording 1 338 tiger track sets. These sets became unrecognizable as tiger sign after a mean 10 days (range 6-14). Proportion of detectable sign recorded was 0.91. Mean (±standard error) sample unit track frequency was 1.12 ± 0.86 track sets/km of khal. The mean coefficient of variance in sample unit track rate, estimated by multiple counts of six sample units, was 0.21 (range 0.06-0.34). Track frequency generally increased from northeast to southwest. Four sample units (6%) had signs of reproduction, with a mean litter size of 1.75 ± 0.5. Monte Carlo simulation suggests a monitoring program of one complete survey every two years will have power of 0.8 (α = 0.2), to detect track frequency declines of ?19% and increases of ?17%. We recommend this monitoring scheme be implemented on the Indian side of the Sundarbans to provide a standard assessment of the tiger population and to form the basis for setting management objectives and evaluating transboundary conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

Although several plants endemic to Corsica and Sardinia are included in various redlists, no attempts have been made to analyse their genetic diversity with molecular techniques. Genus Anchusa occurs with seven taxa in either mountain or coastal habitats of the two islands, but the very restricted range and low population size pose these endemisms in a very precarious conservation status. Highly variable markers (AFLP) were therefore used to analyse the patterns and levels of genetic diversity in a sample of 11 populations from the entire range of the group.Results indicate the separation between a mountain genic pool including Anchusa formosa, Anchusa capellii and Anchusa montelinasana, and four groups of coastal accessions. In spite of small size, mountain taxa show low interpopulation differentiation (Fst = 0.02) and relatively high intrapopulation genetic variation (0.365), while coastal accessions showed on average a stronger differentiation (mean Fst = 0.20) and a lower diversity (0.281), possibly due to higher rates of inbreeding. The particularly low levels of variation found in A. sardoa, A. littorea and A. crispa ssp. maritima from the Coghinas bay are likely due to a historical decrease of populations and to bottleneck events caused by loss of habitat and natural stochastic factors on sand dune ecosystems. While habitat maintenance and regulation of grazing by domestic herbivores should be sufficient to ensure the persistence of the mountain endemics, additional actions of in situ and ex situ conservation are needed for the critically endangered coastal species A. sardoa and A. littorea. A. crispa showed a relatively high variation, especially on Corsica. No correlation between population size and genetic variation was found in the latter species, highlighting the importance of the small patches for its conservation. Also, the genetic separation between subspecies crispa and maritima stresses the need of keeping them distinct in redlists and conservation actions on Sardinia.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》2004,116(3):319-326
The limpet Patella ferruginea Gmelin, 1791, endemic to the Mediterranean, is the most endangered marine species on the list of the European Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitat of Wild Fauna and Flora (1992). Its Mediterranean range has progressively contracted to a few restricted areas and the species is now threatened with extinction. Seventeen stations were sampled along the littoral zone on the coast of Ceuta, North Africa, for quantifying environmental factors (water movement, siltation and suspended solids), and 70 transects were selected for P. ferruginea sampling. The study revealed the presence of a well-established population of P. ferruginea with values of density and size of 0.67 individuals m−1 ±0.96 and 48.94 mm±11.61 respectively (mean±standard error of mean). The biggest densities of P. ferruginea were found inside the harbour of Ceuta. The limpets were more abundant on artificial harbour stones than on natural rocky shores, and the areas under the highest human pressure were characterised by the lowest densities and the smallest specimens probably due mainly to the predation for food and fishing. Human pressure is probably the main contributing factor to the currently endangered status of P. ferruginea. Programmes of environmental education to avoid its collection for fishing, food or for fun as decorative objects should be conducted, and further experimental studies dealing with the reproductive biology of this species are needed to properly assess the future programmes of conservation.  相似文献   

The decline of insectivorous farmland passerines has been attributed mostly to global decrease in arthropod availability, as a result of intensification of agricultural practices. The diminution of the Alpine Whinchat, once a widespread insectivorous passerine, has been ascribed to nest losses due to earlier and more frequent mowings. However, potential conjugated effects of deteriorated arthropod food availability had yet to be investigated. We compared food supply and nestling diet in intensively vs. traditionally managed grassland. Abundance and diversity of arthropods were much lower in intensive areas, where small-sized invertebrates, which do not enter nestling diet, were also predominant. Parents breeding in intensive habitats fed less biomass to nestlings than adults from traditional habitats. Nestling diet was less diverse and dominated by less profitable prey items in intensive than in traditional habitats. Feeding rate did not differ between the two habitats, but foraging distances from nest tended to be greater in intensive farmland. There were no significant differences in clutch sizes and hatching success with respect to management intensity, but fledging success was higher in traditional habitats. The recent intensification of farming practices has led to a decrease in the availability of grassland invertebrates, and of important Whinchat nestling food in particular, affecting parents’ foraging efficiency and reproductive success. Conservation actions must not only reduce nest losses by postponing mowing, but should also promote grassland farming that is less detrimental to invertebrates. Dominant at the study site, organic grassland farming does seemingly not provide sufficient conditions for Alpine Whinchats.  相似文献   

In order to assess the diversity of culturable Burkholderia populations in rhizosphere and bulk soil and to evaluate how different agricultural management regimes and land use history affect this diversity, four treatments were evaluated: permanent grassland; grassland converted into maize monoculture; arable land and arable land converted into grassland. Burkholderia isolates obtained on PCAT medium were grouped in 47 clusters using 16S ribosomal RNA gene based PCR-DGGE combined with BOX genomic fingerprinting (DGGE-BOX). The distribution of the isolates in the DGGE-BOX clusters was used to calculate the Shannon diversity index per treatment. Interestingly, we observed that the Burkholderia diversity was affected by changes in the agricultural management, since the highest diversity was observed in permanent grassland and in continuous arable land. In addition, the diversity tended to be higher in the rhizosphere than in the corresponding bulk soil. The use of species abundance models indicated that rhizosphere communities had more even distributions than communities collected from the bulk soil. Identification of isolates revealed that only 2% of these belonged to the B. cepacia complex and that the majority was assigned to either (1) new Burkholderia species or (2) Burkholderia species that had originally been isolated from soil. Isolates classified as B. hospita, B. caledonica and Burkholderia sp. ‘LMG 22934’ and ‘LMG 22936’ were found mainly in the arable land, while isolates belonging to Burkholderia sp. ‘LMG 22929’ and B. phytofirmans were associated with the grassland area. Another potentially new Burkholderia species, ‘LMG 22932’, was found in both areas, in close association with the maize rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Conservation strategies have three elements: species protection, site protection and, the most challenging component, conservation in the wider environment. Watson and Whitfield [Watson, J., Whitfield, P., 2002. A conservation framework for the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Scotland. Journal of Raptor Research 36(1 Suppl.), 41-49.] proposed a conservation framework for the golden eagle in Scotland whose main innovation, taking a lead from EU conservation Directives, was to incorporate the concept of favourable condition and its maintenance by implementing conservation policies that are regionally targeted at known constraints in the wider environment. Three criteria were suggested to judge favourable condition: a national abundance target of breeding pairs, national and regional targets for breeding productivity, and regional targets for the extent of suitable habitat which is occupied by breeding pairs. Here we refine these criteria, first to take the national abundance target and use it to set regional targets. Distribution targets were implicitly incorporated by this process because abundance targets were set regionally, with regard to the proportion of known territories which should be occupied. This allowed us to dispense with the distribution criterion as originally proposed. Our next refinement was to base regional demographic targets not only on breeding productivity, but also on indirect measures of survival (which are likely to have more influence on population dynamics). Despite apparent overall population stability over the last 20 years, the national golden eagle population failed to meet the abundance target and only 3 of 16 regions where eagles have occupied territories since 1982 were considered to be in favourable condition. The key constraint preventing favourable condition being met was persecution, predominantly in some areas managed for grouse shooting. The advantages of a conservation framework over similar approaches, such as species action plans, are highlighted.  相似文献   

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