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Since 1992 the European Union helps member states to reverse the loss of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes by the financial support of agri-environment schemes. Long-term studies investigating the effects of these schemes are an essential prerequisite for the development of an effective policy to restore biodiversity on farmland. In Dutch meadow landscapes almost all agri-environment schemes focus on the restoration of meadow bird populations by postponement of the mowing date. Between 1990 and 2002 we measured long-term changes in meadow bird densities in areas with and without agri-environment schemes in the Netherlands, both before and after the start of the contract. During these years bird territories were surveyed during five field visits between 15 March and 15 June. Densities of black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa), and redshank (Tringa totanus) were higher in the areas with management agreements, but these differences were already present before the start of the contracts. After the start of the management contracts densities of black-tailed godwit and oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) did not increase, while those of lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) and redshank even declined relative to the control areas. It is concluded that the current agri-environment schemes are not sufficient to restore meadow bird populations in Dutch agricultural landscapes. In addition to the prescribed postponement of the mowing date, it is probably necessary to raise groundwater levels and to reduce fertilization to allow for the development of an open vegetation structure that will increase chick survival to sufficiently high levels.  相似文献   

The switch from spring-sown to autumn-sown cereals and the loss of habitat heterogeneity are often suggested to be key drivers of breeding bird decline on arable farmland. Yet, both factors are interlinked and it remains uncertain whether autumn-sown cereals reduce breeding bird numbers also in the structurally complex arable farmland of northern Europe. We tested whether autumn-sowing of cereals at both local and landscape scales affected the breeding bird community in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape of south-central Sweden. Rotation between sowing types was used as a semi-experiment based on 34 spring- vs. 41 autumn-sown cereal plots centred on infield non-crop islands of similar structure, size and surroundings. Species richness and territory abundance of ground-foraging species were significantly lower in autumn- than in spring-sown cereal plots both in the crop fields and the infield non-crop islands during the breeding season. No such effect was observed among foliage gleaning birds. Species richness in spring-sown cereal plots was less the more autumn-sown crops in the surrounding landscape within a 500 m radius. Average skylark densities did not differ between autumn- and spring-sown cereal plots because habitat preferences changed; densities declined in autumn-sown cereals during the growing season whereas they increased on spring-sown fields which had shorter swards throughout the breeding season. Our results indicate that negative effects of autumn-sown crops on breeding bird numbers spill over into both neighbouring non-crop and crop habitats. We conclude that agri-environmental schemes should place more emphasis on facilitating the value of the cropped area of fields as a foraging and nesting habitat. The retention of various non-crop habitats alone may not provide sufficient food close to nest sites for farmland birds that rely on crop fields for foraging.  相似文献   

Winter food for farmland birds can be enhanced by planting seed-rich ‘winter bird crops’ (WBCs), the content of which is highly variable. Data from three winters (October to March in 1998/1999, 1999/2000 and 2000/2001) were used to assess the value of different WBCs for lowland farmland birds in England, based on around 100 plots per winter. Densities of gamebirds, insectivorous and seed-eating passerines were generally higher on WBCs than on conventional crops, stubbles or grassland (except for skylark (Alauda arvensis) and rook (Corvus frugilegus). Kale supported high densities of the widest range of bird species (including insectivorous and seed-eating species), quinoa was used by finches and tree sparrows (Passer montanus), and (unharvested) seeding cereals supported high densities of buntings. Sunflowers, phacelia and buckwheat supported low densities of most bird species. The differences between WBCs were more marked in late winter, owing to better seed retention by kale and quinoa compared with other crops. A combination of kale, quinoa and seeding cereals will support the highest densities of the greatest variety of bird species, but WBC content can also be varied to suit circumstance or species. This study demonstrates the value of WBCs for a wide range of birds, and discusses this with respect to existing ‘agri-environment schemes’, highlighting the need for similar options in pastoral landscapes where seed resources are particularly rare.  相似文献   

Acacia pennatula groves in mid-elevation valleys of southern Mexico supported both the highest density and diversity of migratory birds compared to other habitats in the region. In addition, we found the highest numbers for over half of the common migratory species. Despite the high degree of leaf loss during the late winter, acacia groves do not experience greater declines in insectivorous migratory bird populations than other local habitats. Color-marked individuals of canopy species had a strong tendency to remain resident within a single acacia grove throughout the winter. Management of native acacias on subtropical rangelands for wood products, fodder, and soil improvement would probably directly and indirectly benefit migratory song bird populations. Neotropical acacia woodland is primarily associated with grazing land for livestock which might discourage some from considering acacia management a viable option for migratory bird conservation. However, acacias were probably widespread in recent geologic time under drier conditions with heavy browsing and seed dispersal by a now extinct megafauna. Two observations suggest a foraging advantage for acacia use: the higher density of migratory birds in acacia is a result of higher numbers of canopy insectivores; and acacias are selected by migrants when they occur in mixed habitat. We hypothesize that plant investment in mechanical defenses (thorns) reduces energy available for chemical defenses effective against insect herbivores.  相似文献   

The main reason for meadow bird declines is supposed to be the intensification of grassland management with earlier first harvest dates and more frequent harvests, resulting in high nest destruction rates. To increase productivity of meadow bird populations in intensified grassland areas a delay of mowing date and individual nest protection measures have been proposed. However, for ground-nesting songbirds such as the whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) the effectiveness of such measures remains widely unknown. In particular, if nest predation rate is high, measures to protect nests from agricultural destruction alone might be questionable. Here, we quantify whinchat nest survival of (1) unprotected nests situated in early mown meadows, (2) protected nests situated in early mown meadows, and (3) nests situated in late mown meadows. Analyses considered the fact that successful and unsuccessful nests are not found with equal probabilities. Periods of reduced nest survival were associated with mowing periods in the different types of meadows. In early mown meadows nest survival rates were low (S < 0.1), and both conservation measures, individual nest protection and delayed mowing, resulted in significantly increased nest survival rates (S > 0.7). Individual nest protection cannot avoid changes in habitat quality of intensively managed meadows, and therefore is only suitable as small-scale and short-term measure to increase nest success until a high portion of late mown meadows is established. Thus, we suggest that a combination of the two measures applied to intensified grassland fields should be provided to maintain viable sizes of endangered meadow bird populations.  相似文献   

为研究草地雀麦的水土保持作用,在延庆县选择25。坡地建立了相应的径流试验小区,并对土壤侵蚀量、土壤水分、土壤紧实度以及根系地下生物量等指标进行了测定。结果表明,种植草地雀麦能显著减小荒坡地水土流失。土壤侵蚀量随植被覆盖度增加而逐渐减小,当植被覆盖度为90%时,年径流量和侵蚀模数仅为14233.19m^3/km^2和57.82t/(km^2&#183;a),保水固土能力分别可达67.8%和98.31%。种植草地雀麦后,浅层(0~30cm)土壤的紧实度显著增加,10cm土层深度处是对照地的1.72倍,雨后土壤水分动态变化趋势平缓,保水效果显著;草地雀麦根系的98.1%集中分布于0—30cm土层。  相似文献   

Remnant forest strips are frequently proposed as valuable conservation tools in fragmented tropical landscapes, yet we currently lack evidence to evaluate their potential conservation value for native biota. We examined the potential value for understorey forest birds of 30-year-old riparian and terra firme (unflooded) primary forest strips within a large silvicultural landscape in the north-east Brazilian Amazon, where the matrix is dominated by Eucalyptus plantations. We conducted mist-netting in eight forest strips connected to continuous forest (four of each forest type), with a total of 24 replicate sampling sites located near to (<1 km), far from (2.5-9 km), and within undisturbed forest controls (i.e. 16 samples within the strips, and 8 in controls). Bird communities in both strip types changed with increasing distance along forest remnants into the plantation matrix. Matrix-embedded samples were characterised by a higher representation of birds typical of secondary growth forest but not those typical of the Eucalyptus-dominated matrix. While the long-term viability of the bird populations in these remnants remains unclear, our data demonstrate that forest strips can provide important habitat for many bird species that are otherwise rarely found outside primary forest. Forest strips therefore provide an important tool to enhance biodiversity conservation in plantation landscapes. The relative practical ease with which these areas can be selected and maintained means that the protection of forest strips as part of a wider conservation strategy is likely to have particular appeal to policy makers and landscape managers working in the human-dominated tropics.  相似文献   

Mass increases of the levant vole (Microtus guentheri) are common in alfalfa fields in Israel. Deep ploughing, which is the main factor controlling vole numbers in other agricultural areas, is not possible in alfalfa. As alfalfa is a preferred food, voles in these fields are not attracted to poison baits and cannot be controlled by this means.A particularly striking increase of voles developed during the winter of 1975–1976 on 8 km2 of alfalfa fields in the northern Huleh Valley in Israel. This mass increase attracted large numbers of raptors and owls, mainly those wintering and on migration, but also resident species.Because the voles, which reached densities of 2400/ha, caused considerable damage to the alfalfa crop, destroying it completely in some places, the farmers sprayed the fields with Azodrin (Monocrotophos). This persistent insecticide is recommended in Israel only for the control of pests on cotton and in orchards. The dangers to wildlife described on the original label do not appear in the Hebrew translation.Due to secondary poisoning with Azodrin there was a mass mortality of raptors and owls that had fed on poisoned voles and birds on these 8 km2. 116 raptors and 29 owls were found dead during December 1975 through February 1976; 53 raptors and 16 owls were found poisoned but still alive, and were saved and later released. According to repeated counts of the black kite (Milvus migrans) population in the area it was estimated that about twice as many birds as those found were affected. Since it is probable that no poisoned birds could recover in the field, about 400 birds of prey had been destroyed on 8 km2 within three months.  相似文献   

Visitors formerly constituted a threat to the breeding success of bird populations on Bird Island, Lamberts Bay. Their activity also reduced the numbers of transient birds roosting on the island. Thus, guano production was depressed. Conservation measures were therefore implemented to protect breeding birds and to avoid disturbance to the nightly arrival of transients, while allowing human visitors to view nests at close quarters. The measures resulted in a vast increase in the non-breeding transient bird population and in the breeding population, as well as an increase in guano production. Adjacent islands showed no increase in guano production; consequently that of Lamberts Bay is attributable to the success of conservation measures.  相似文献   

We examined landscape supplementation (sensu [Oikos 65 (1992) 169]) by forest birds along forest/savanna boundaries in central Brazil to: (1) verify the role of savanna vegetation in providing resources to forest bird communities; (2) suggest minimum amounts of savannas to be conserved within corridors, to provide adequate foraging habitat for forest birds outside reserves. Transect counts parallel (n=64) and perpendicular (n=64) to forests were conducted in eight savannas (cerrado sensu stricto) between February 2000 and January 2001. Patterns of species richness and abundance of birds in relation to distances from forests were examined using Generalised Linear Mixed Models. Omnivores were the most abundant birds foraging in savannas, followed by insectivores and frugivores. Landscape supplementation in savannas was proportional to the density of savanna vegetation. Also, it was higher in the breeding season than in the non-breeding period. These two patterns suggest that surrounding savannas play a major role in providing additional foraging areas for forest bird species. We suggest that the environmental policy currently protecting 20 m of gallery forests along each side of rivers be modified to include at least 60 m of savanna along these forests through central Brazil. The study suggests that appropriate conservation efforts should also encompass the surrounding matrix to which the home ranges of target species are expanded, and not only their major habitat.  相似文献   

Alcoa of Australia Limited rehabilitate bauxite mined areas in the southwest of Western Australia. One of the aims of the revegetation programme is to promote the return of fauna species which inhabited areas prior to mining.This paper discusses the extent to which bird species utilise revegetated bauxite minesites. It was shown that revegetated areas as young as 4–5 years can support similar bird species numbers, densities and diversities as unmined forest. However, the avifaunal populations occupying any rehabilitated area depend largely on the rehabilitation technique used. Factors which may be used to increase further avifaunal utilisation of minesites are discussed.The effects of jarrah dieback and fire on forest birds are compared with results for bauxite mined areas. From this, it is possible to assess the combined impact of dieback, fire and mining on the longer term conservation of jarrah forest bird species.  相似文献   

General guidelines available to revegetation planners focus on the spatial context and dimensions of the revegetated site. However, site-specific habitat factors can have overarching importance for habitat value, especially where interactions with competitors or predators may play an important role. Current revegetation projects in Australia which aim to restore slow-growing buloke (Allocasuarina luehmannii) woodland, a threatened habitat important for bird conservation, usually include faster-growing eucalypts in plantings. This research aimed to identify whether eucalypt presence in buloke woodland facilitates invasion by the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), an aggressive competitor that is absent from pure buloke woodland. Birds were surveyed in buloke woodland remnants that contained eucalypts as a sub-dominant species at densities of 0-16 per ha. The probability of noisy miner presence in buloke woodland increased markedly where eucalypts were present at a density of approximately five per hectare. The presence of noisy miners resulted in a substantial difference in bird assemblage structure and composition. Small-bodied insectivorous birds which are experiencing population declines in southern Australia were recorded on average six times more often in transects without noisy miners (low-eucalypt density transects). Avian behaviour and habitat use was also altered, with birds flying more frequently in transects where noisy miners were present. A minor difference in habitat composition results in substantial degradation of the conservation value of non-eucalypt woodland in eastern Australia due to invasion by aggressive avian competitors. Revegetation and restoration practices should take into account the potential for such subtle floristic differences to result in substantial variation in conservation outcomes.  相似文献   

Afforestation often causes direct habitat losses for farmland birds of conservation concern, but it is uncertain whether negative effects also extend significantly into adjacent open land. Information is thus required on how these species react to wooded edges, and how their responses are affected by edge and landscape characteristics. These issues were examined in Mediterranean arable farmland, using bird counts at 0, 100, 200, 300 and >300 m from oak, pine and eucalyptus edges, embedded in landscapes with variable amounts and spatial configurations of forest plantations. Bird diversity declined away from edges, including that of woodland, farmland and ground-nesting birds. Positive edge responses were also found for overall and woodland bird abundances, and for five of the nine most widespread and abundant species (Galerida larks, stonechat, linnet, goldfinch and corn bunting). Strong negative edge effects were only recorded for steppe birds, with reduced abundances near edges of calandra larks and short-toed larks, but not of little bustards and tawny pipits. Edge contrast affected the magnitude of edge effects, with a tendency for stronger responses to old and tall eucalyptus plantations (hard edges) than to young and short oak plantations (soft edges). There were also species-specific interactions between edge and fragmentation effects, with positive edge responses tending to be strongest in less fragmented landscapes, whereas steppe birds tended to increase faster away from edges and to reach the highest species richness and abundances in large arable patches. Results suggest that forest plantations may increase overall bird diversity and abundance in adjacent farmland, at the expenses of steppe birds of conservation concern. Clustering forest plantations in a few large patches and thus reducing the density of wooded edges at the landscape-scale might reduce such negative impacts.  相似文献   

In view of the continued decline in tropical forest cover around the globe, forest restoration has become a key tool in tropical rainforest conservation. One of the main - and least expensive - restoration strategies is natural forest regeneration. By aiding forest seed influx both into disturbed and undisturbed habitats, frugivorous birds facilitate forest regeneration. This study focuses on the tolerance of a frugivorous bird community to anthropogenic habitat disturbance within the broader context of natural forest regeneration with conservation purposes. It was carried out in the tropical cloud forest of Costa Rica’s Talamanca Mountains. Bird community response and tolerance to habitat disturbance was assessed by comparing bird presence and densities along a disturbance gradient, ranging from open pastures to closed mature forests. Birds were censused along nine transects applying the variable width line transect procedure. Forty relevant frugivorous bird species were observed during 102 h of survey time. Densities were calculated for 33 species; nine species responded negatively to increasing level of disturbance and nine others positively. Results indicate that large frugivores are generally moderately tolerant to intermediate, but intolerant to severe habitat disturbance, and that tolerance is often higher for medium and small frugivores. It appears that moderately disturbed habitats in tropical cloud forests are highly suitable for restoration through natural regeneration aided by frugivorous birds. Due to a lack of large forest seed dispersers, severely disturbed habitats appear less suitable.  相似文献   

Throughout North America, bird population declines may be attributable to loss of habitat on the breeding grounds. Human land uses such as residential development, greatly impact landscapes and biota, particularly breeding birds. Riparian areas, which are essential to breeding birds, are particularly vulnerable to development pressures. In North America, most studies have focused on eastern birds and it is unclear how western bird assemblages respond to the effects of residential development. We sampled bird community parameters and habitat variables at three spatial scales (microhabitat, macrohabitat, and landscape) along a residential development gradient within the Snake River riparian corridor in Jackson Hole, WY, USA. Principal component analysis and multiple linear regression statistical tests were used to determine the effects of housing densities on avian community parameters, guilds, individual species distributions, and environmental variables. Landscape-level features were most affected by residential development and trends associated with increasing housing densities, such as anthropogenic habitat fragmentation primarily structured local bird communities. Overall species richness and diversity declined with increasing residential development. Neotropical migrant species were most negatively impacted and consistently declined in proportional representation on forested plots as residential development densities increased. Food generalists, ground gleaners, and avian nest predators all increased with increasing residential development. Brood parasites, on the other hand, did not increase with increasing housing densities and their distribution may reflect the availability of nest host species. These results suggest that residential development within riparian habitats may be exerting a strong negative influence on western bird communities and at high densities may lead to a depauperate avian biota. The results of our study indicate that preserving forest structure may benefit certain species but will not likely conserve as diverse and rich an avian assemblage as minimizing fragmentation associated with residential development.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is being lost at an increased rate as a result of human activities. One of the major threats to biodiversity is infrastructural development. We used meta-analyses to study the effects of infrastructure proximity on mammal and bird populations. Data were gathered from 49 studies on 234 mammal and bird species. The main response by mammals and birds in the vicinity of infrastructure was either avoidance or a reduced population density. The mean species abundance, relative to non-disturbed distances (MSA), was used as the effect size measure. The impact of infrastructure distance on MSA was studied using meta-analyses. Possible sources of heterogeneity in the results of the meta-analysis were explored with meta-regression.Mammal and bird population densities declined with their proximity to infrastructure. The effect of infrastructure on bird populations extended over distances up to about 1 km, and for mammal populations up to about 5 km. Mammals and birds seemed to avoid infrastructure in open areas over larger distances compared to forested areas, which could be related to the reduced visibility of the infrastructure in forested areas. We did not find a significant effect of traffic intensity on the MSA of birds. Species varied in their response to infrastructure. Raptors were found to be more abundant in the proximity of infrastructure whereas other bird taxa tended to avoid it. Abundances were affected at variable distances from infrastructure: within a few meters for small-sized mammals and up to several hundred meters for large-sized mammals.Our findings show the importance of minimizing infrastructure development for wildlife conservation in relatively undisturbed areas. By combining actual species distributions with the effect distance functions we developed, regions sensitive to infrastructure development may be identified. Additionally, the effect distance functions can be used in models in support of decision making on infrastructure planning.  相似文献   

Biological invasions constitute one of the most important threats to biodiversity. This is especially true for “naïve” birds that have evolved in the absence of terrestrial predators in island ecosystems. The American mink (Mustela vison) has recently established a feral population on Navarino Island (55°S), southern Chile, where it represents a new guild of terrestrial mammal predators. We investigated the impact of mink on ground-nesting coastal waterbirds with the aim of deriving a vulnerability profile for birds as a function of different breeding strategies, habitat, and nest characteristics. We compared rates of nest survival and mink predation on 102 nests of solitary nesting species (Chloephaga picta, Tachyeres pteneres), on 361 nests of colonial birds (Larus dominicanus, Larus scoresbii, Sterna hirundinacea), and on 558 artificial nests. We calculated relative mink and bird densities at all nest sites. Nests of colonial species showed the highest nest survival probabilities (67-84%) and no predation by mink. Nest survival rates for solitary nesting species were lower (5-20%) and mink predation rates higher (10-44%). Discriminant analyses revealed that mink preyed upon artificial nests mainly at shores with rocky outcroppings where mink were abundant. High nest concealment increased the probability for predation by mink. Conservation planning should consider that invasive mink might severely affect the reproduction success of bird species with the following characteristics: solitary nesting, nesting habitat at rocky outcrop shores, and concealed nests. We recommend that work starts immediately to control the mink population with a priority in the nesting habitats of vulnerable endemic waterbirds.  相似文献   

Since the arrival of humans more than half of the Hawaiian archipelago’s known endemic bird taxa have been lost. Of the taxa that remain, 31 are federally listed under the US Endangered Species Act and 17 have populations of less than 1000 individuals. Previous studies have documented a geographic disparity in recovery expenditures on listed species, but none have specifically focused on Hawaiian birds. To draw attention to this disparity with the aim to improve Hawaiian bird conservation, I summarized recovery expenditures on listed birds from 1996 to 2004 comparing mainland and Hawaiian taxa in the context of their degree of endangerment. Federal and state spending on the 95 listed bird taxa over this nine year period totaled $752,779,924. Hawaiian birds comprise a third of the listed bird taxa (n = 31), yet dedicated recovery expenditures was only $30,592,692 or 4.1% of the total spent on all listed birds. Despite similar priority ranks assigned by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, listed mainland birds received over 15 times the funding of Hawaiian birds. In general, the threats to island taxa are unlike those of mainland taxa (e.g., non-native predators), management actions are expensive, and in many cases they must be conducted in perpetuity. Because of the status of many Hawaiian birds and the threats facing them, current recovery expenditures are inadequate to prevent additional extinctions.  相似文献   

In order to examine the effects of disturbance, vegetation type, and microclimate on denitrification and denitrifier community composition, experimental plots were established at the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. Soil cores were reciprocally transplanted between meadow and forest and samples were collected after 1 and 2 years. Denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA) was measured using the acetylene block assay and terminal restriction length polymorphism profiles were generated with nosZ primers that target the gene coding for nitrous oxide reductase. Nitrate concentrations, C mineralization, and water content were measured to gain additional insights into soil properties controlling DEA. Meadow soils were significantly higher in DEA than forest soils, and the highest DEA levels were observed in cores transferred from the meadow into the forest. Nitrate concentrations were also different between forest and meadow soils, but did not correlate to DEA. DEA was higher in open versus closed cores, suggesting an association between denitrification and the rhizosphere. Denitrifier communities of undisturbed forest and meadow soils shifted through a 4-year period but remained distinct from each other. Similarly, denitrifier communities clustered by vegetation type of origin regardless of manipulation, suggesting that the overall denitrifier communities are well buffered against environmental changes.  相似文献   

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