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Current silvicultural practices in the northeastern United States create diverse vegetation patterns and microclimates that provide a mosaic of terrestrial habitats for amphibian species. We inferred patterns of habitat use by the spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum, by studying colonization of four newly created breeding pools each surrounded by four different forest treatments: a control, partial cut, clearcut with coarse woody debris (CWD) removed, and clearcut with CWD retained. Created pools were rapidly colonized, indicating that breeding salamanders readily bred in new pools they encountered. This suggests that in our study area pool-specific philopatry and site fidelity may not be high and that particular pools may not define local breeding populations. In the experimental silvicultural treatments, juvenile salamanders preferred the control forest to the clearcuts, whereas adult salamanders showed no significant preferences among the treatments. Although silvicultural practices such as clearcutting may reduce juvenile movement between pools, inter-pool movement by adults that are more tolerant of habitat change may ameliorate this effect in our study area. If juveniles are the primary life-history stage dispersing between local populations (i.e., moving between more isolated groups of pools), however, there is potential for clearcutting to reduce the connectivity between local populations.  相似文献   

Both observational and experimental studies have documented drastic reductions in salamanders after forest harvesting. Yet, the amount of time until salamander populations rebound and the factors limiting recovery after harvesting are unknown. We compared the effects of six oak regeneration practices to a control, representing a disturbance gradient from no treatment to silvicultural clearcut, on the relative abundance and reproductive demography of terrestrial salamanders through 13-years post-harvest. Following the experimental disturbance, relative abundance of terrestrial salamanders in treatments that opened the canopy were significantly and persistently lower than in either untreated control stands or midstory herbicide treatments. In general, this trend persisted through 9-13 years after treatment. Changes to demography of commonly captured salamanders varied by species, but Plethodon cinereus had a greater proportion of juveniles in unharvested treatments 7-13-years post-harvest, and Desmognathus ochrophaeus had a greater proportion of juveniles and a greater number of eggs/female in unharvested treatments 1-6-years post-harvest. Population modeling of P. cinereus indicated that adult survival had the greatest elasticity of the vital rates. Further, >60 years may be needed before P. cinereus reduced by the observed decline could reach pre-harvest levels of abundance. Of the treatments with canopy disturbance, the group selection harvest had the greatest abundances of salamanders 7-13-years post-harvest, but when coupled with future stand entries, the volume of wood fiber extracted, costs of harvesting, reduced sprouting of oaks, and soil disturbances, this method may not have the best balance of ecological and economic sustainability in central Appalachian hardwood forest.  相似文献   

As rural landscapes experience increasing levels of residential development, the persistence of species that rely on them will depend on informed planning and management decisions. An understanding of habitat requirements is essential for setting priorities and developing landscape-level plans for the survival of these species. In many temperate rural landscapes, artificially created ponds may be the only wetlands available for aquatic reproduction by amphibians. The introduction of non-native fish into these ponds reduces survival and prohibits successful reproduction of many native pond-breeding amphibians. We surveyed 105 randomly selected wetlands in a primarily privately-owned, rural landscape in north Idaho, USA, for pond-breeding amphibian larvae in 2004 and 2005. We used an information theoretic multimodel inference and an algorithmic (random forests) approach to model habitat for each species based on local and landscape characteristics. We also used a mail survey to quantify how landowners value fish in their wetlands and their plans for future wetland development and fish stocking. Sixty-seven percent of pond owners reported that fishing in their pond was at least slightly important to them and 36% of owners indicated that they were at least 50% likely to add fish to their ponds in the next 5-10 years. Landscape change predictions for this area indicate that forests will become more open due to thinning; habitat models indicated that this is likely to be detrimental to long-toed salamanders and beneficial to Pacific treefrogs. Habitat models also indicate that Columbia spotted frog breeding sites consist of wetlands on flat ground with high solar insolation and that this species is sensitive to nearby development, indicating that as this landscape becomes further developed, this species may require habitat protection for persistence.  相似文献   

We examined the occurrence of Dactylorhiza majalis, the most abundant terrestrial orchid species growing in rapidly disappearing wet meadows, at 50 historical sites for 3 years. We aimed to find the most frequent reasons for its recent extinction at many sites. We found that the main reasons for its extinction were absence of mowing, intensive fertilisation and washouts of fertilisers from fields nearby. At extant sites, we studied its biometric characteristics and composition of surrounding vegetation, to determine factors affecting its persistence. Bad performance of persisting populations of this species was associated with prevalence of grasses, low May temperatures and absence of mowing. This confirms, at metapopulation level, what has previously been observed at the level of individual populations. We suggest that the system of agricultural subsidies in the country should change towards more sensitive allocation of funds to those farmers, who will adopt the appropriate management of wet meadows and their surroundings.  相似文献   

Protection of area-limited species is an important component of plans to conserve biodiversity, but the habitat needs of such species can be different and important habitats may not align with existing reserves. We used empirically derived landscape suitability models for the spotted owl and the fisher to evaluate the overlap in habitat suitability for these two old forest-associated predators in an area of northern California affected by the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP), a bioregional conservation plan. The area includes designated Wilderness areas and new reserves (Late-Successional Reserves, LSRs) established under the NWFP. We used the site selection algorithm MARXAN to identify priority habitat areas for each species, and for both combined, and to compare these areas with reserves. Sites were selected under two constraints, to achieve a threshold proportion of total habitat value and to select new areas equal to the total current area in existing reserves. The rank correlation between predicted value for the two species was low (0.11), because areas of highest predicted habitat value were more widely distributed for the owl. This difference also meant that the sites selected to optimize habitat value were more aggregated for fishers than owls, resulting in greater overlap of owl habitat and current reserves. To capture 25%, 50% and 75% of total habitat value for the owl required 14.0%, 29.2%, and 47.3% of the planning units, respectively; capturing the same for the fisher required only 5.3%, 13.5%, and 27.2%. A combined owl-fisher scenario resulted in areas that overlapped only ∼50% of existing reserves. The current location of LSRs may not be the best solution to maintaining well-connected habitats for these area-limited species in northwestern California. Whether LSRs are a better solution to protecting the diversity of other lesser-known taxa (i.e., salamanders and mollusks) is the subject of related work.  相似文献   

Due to increasing fragmentation of the boreal forests of Fennoscandia, a number of epiphytic lichens are now becoming threatened. Since these species typically are limited by a poor ability of dispersal, one possible but largely unexplored strategy for conservation is to disperse lichen material artificially into suitable habitats. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate survival and vitality in lichen fragments from Evernia divaricata (L.) Ach. and Ramalina dilacerata (Hoffm.) Hoffm. after transplantation into three different stand types situated in northern Sweden, using different fragment sizes and modes of transplantation. After one year, survival ranged between 85% and 97.5%, and new growth occurred at all transplantation sites. The study has shown that transplantations of small fragments might constitute a resource-efficient option for establishment of new populations of endangered lichen species, or for enlarging their populations at the present sites of occurrence. In addition, the mode of transplantation was of importance for fragment vitality.  相似文献   

We investigated the brown bear habitat suitability in an 8000 km2 study area encompassing Abruzzo, Latium, and Molise regions in central-southern Italy. Based on long-term field surveys and published records, we classified bear habitat as occupied or unoccupied in 92 out of 320 sample squares (5 × 5 km). For each sample square 36 habitat variables were measured from topographic maps and Corine land-cover III level digital maps. The influence of habitat features on bear presence was investigated by multivariate and one-way analyses of variance and by logistic regression analysis. The logistic model correctly classified 95.5% of sample squares of bear presence and 93.8% of those where bears were absent. Average altitude, deciduous woodlands and ecotone length, showed a positive relationship with bear presence, whereas vineyard-olive groves and shrublands were negatively correlated with bear presence. No specific land management guidelines or strategies exist for bear conservation in central Italy, based on knowledge of habitat-population relationships. The landscape scale habitat model we developed could be useful to predict bear occurrence, to identify critical areas for a brown bear conservation strategy, and to enhance the arrangement of the protected areas network for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

The loggerhead shrike, Lanius ludovicianus, is a declining songbird that forms breeding aggregations. Despite such reports from several populations, only one statistical analysis of loggerhead shrike territory distribution has been published to date. I use a spatio-temporal simulation technique to test for deviations from randomness in the spatial distribution of point data that takes into account date of nest establishment. I apply this model to data on the distribution of shrike nests in Comanche County, Oklahoma, USA, collected over the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons. When the data are considered without regard to date of nest-establishment, the results are equivocal; nests are significantly aggregated in 1999, but not 1998. However, when order of nest establishment is taken into account, later nests are significantly more likely to be closer than expected to conspecifics in both years. This is true even when the distribution of simple resources, such as suitable nest-trees, is included in the model. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that loggerhead shrikes ‘prospect’ for suitable habitat using the distribution of breeding conspecifics. This aspect of loggerhead shrike breeding ecology should be considered for both habitat conservation and captive breeding and reintroduction programs for this species.  相似文献   

Scattered trees are set to be lost from agricultural landscapes within the next century without sustained effort to increase recruitment. Thus, understanding the reproductive dynamics of scattered tree populations will be critical in determining how they can contribute to population restoration. The distance between conspecifics should be a key predictor of reproductive success, as more isolated trees are expected to receive fewer pollinator visits and experience increased transfer of self-pollen during longer pollinator foraging bouts. Further, isolation effects should be greater in species with less mobile pollinators. Here we contrast the effects of plant isolation on reproductive success of two species of eucalypt “paddock trees”, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus leucoxylon, with insect- and bird-pollination, respectively. Seed production was not affected by tree isolation in either the insect- or bird-pollinated species and once outliers were removed, neither was there an effect on germination rate. As somatic mutations may bias outcrossing rate estimates, we initially screened our microsatellite markers for mutations but found no variation in microsatellite profiles throughout the canopy of trees. Individual outcrossing rates did not decline with increasing tree isolation in either the insect- or bird-pollinated species, though there was considerable variation in these rates at large distances, suggesting that pollination becomes unreliable with increasing tree isolation. We found that pollination distances have likely increased in tree species in agricultural landscapes, and that this may be facilitated by introduced honeybees in the case of E. camaldulensis. We therefore suggest that even isolated trees of these species produce seed of sufficient quantity and quality to contribute to population restoration.  相似文献   

Recently, European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) populations have undergone a sharp decline that may be exacerbated by hunting. We investigate the effects of the timing of hunting on the conservation of wild rabbit using a model for rabbit population dynamics. Scenarios with different hunting rates and age strategies were simulated for different population qualities. We interviewed hunters to ascertain the degree to which they would accept a change in the timing of hunting. We also investigated the hunting pressure applied by hunters and its relationship with rabbit abundance. Modelling results indicate that the current hunting season has the greatest impact on rabbit abundance. Hunting in late spring optimises hunting extraction while conserving rabbit populations. When the rabbit population quality is low the effects of age strategies and the timing of hunting are less important than the effect of the hunting rate applied. Almost half the hunters would agree to policy changes. More than 75% of hunters implemented self-imposed hunting restrictions to improve rabbit populations, that were more frequently applied in high rabbit abundance areas. Therefore, changing the timing of hunting and increasing the participation of hunters in low abundance areas could optimise both the exploitation and the conservation of wild rabbit populations in southwestern Europe.  相似文献   

The northwest of Scotland is a stronghold for two of the UK’s rarest bumblebee species, Bombus distinguendus and Bombus muscorum. The predominant form of agricultural land management in this region is crofting, a system specific to Scotland in which small agricultural units (crofts) operate rotational cropping and grazing regimes. Crofting is considered to be beneficial to a wide range of flora and fauna. However, currently there is a lack of quantitative evidence to support this view with regard to bumblebee populations. In this study we assessed the effect of land management on the abundance of foraging bumblebees and the availability of bumblebee forage plants across crofts in northwest Scotland. The results of our study show that current crofting practices do not support high densities of foraging bumblebees. Traditional crofting practice was to move livestock to uplands in the summer, but this has been largely abandoned. Summer sheep grazing of lowland pasture had a strong negative impact on bumblebee abundance and forage plant availability throughout the survey period. The use of specific ‘bird and bee’ conservation seed mixes appears to improve forage availability within the crofted landscape, although the number of bees observed remained low. Of the forage plants available, the three most frequently visited species were from the Fabaceae. We therefore conclude that the creation of agri-environment schemes which promote the use of Fabaceae-rich seed mixes and encourage the removal of sheep grazing on lowland areas throughout the summer are essential in order to conserve bumblebee populations within crofted areas.  相似文献   

Bounty records from Montana (1902-1930) were used to better understand spatial and temporal response of wolves (Canis lupus) and cougars (Puma concolor) to an eradication program. Number of payments for wolves declined from a high of 4116 in 1903 to 0 by 1928. Numbers of cougar pelts fluctuated, but generally declined from 177 in 1908 to 2 in 1930. An inverse spatial relationship existed between density of payments for wolves and cougars. Payments for wolves were greatest in the Prairie ecoregion, while payments for cougars were greatest in the Montane. The ratio of pup to adult wolves also was greatest in the Prairie ecoregion and least in the montane. If distribution and frequency of bounty payments were a reflection of the distribution and abundance of wolves, populations were highest and most productive in areas where they currently do not occur.  相似文献   

The persistence of amphibian populations in fragmented landscapes requires dispersal and recolonization of habitat patches after local extinction. These processes entail individuals crossing habitat edges. Edge permeability integrates the behavior of individuals with the vegetative structure of the habitat edge and may influence the dispersal rates between habitat patches. We used drift fences, radio telemetry, and an experimental displacement to examine the movement behavior of juvenile and adult spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) at a pond located in continuous forest and a pond located on a distinct forest-grassland edge. At the pond on the habitat edge, adult salamanders migrated to and from the forested side of the pond. Resident adults with transmitters migrated to forested habitat without approaching the habitat edge. Displaced adults with transmitters halted emigration movements when they approached the habitat edge. None of the radio-tagged adults were observed more than a few meters into the grassland. Recently metamorphosed juveniles exiting the grassland side of the pond changed their direction of movement and migrated into the forested habitat. We conclude that salamanders oriented movements with respect to features in the terrestrial habitat, detected the habitat edge, and behaviorally avoided the grassland. Exploring the permeability of habitat edges will improve our understanding of dispersal within fragmented landscapes and enhance efforts to conserve regional populations of amphibians.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification in Northern Ireland has brought about large-scale changes to the landscape with a detrimental effect on biodiversity. Between 1996 and 1998, we surveyed a stratified random sample of 1 km squares for bats using a spot-sample technique and time expansion bat detector to establish linear and area habitat associations. Bats strongly selected water bodies with bankside vegetation, treelines, and deciduous and mixed woodland edge, avoiding open areas such as upland/unimproved grassland and improved grassland. Of three sympatric pipistrelle species (Pipistrellus pipistrellus, P. pygmaeus and P. nathusii), two were shown to forage in different habitats; P. pipistrellus being more of a ‘generalist’, foraging in a wider variety of habitats than P. pygmaeus, a ‘specialist’ which foraged in a smaller range of habitats. Nyctalus leisleri selected parkland/amenity grassland, deciduous woodland edge and rivers/canals and avoided improved grassland, hedgerows, whilst Myotis spp. selected deciduous woodland centre, lake/reservoir margins and rivers/canals. Reduction in area and quality of inland water, deciduous woodlands and field boundaries in Northern Ireland may impact on bat populations. Habitat management should focus on improving those habitats which are selected by bats, including the maintenance and enhancement of connecting linear habitats.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》2002,106(3):365-372
The lizard Zootoca vivipara has both oviparous and viviparous populations which belong to distinct clades. This study aims to elucidate the geographic distribution, phylogeography and conservation priority of the oviparous subspecies, Zootoca vivipara carniolica, that has recently been identified in Slovenia. We studied seven Slovenian populations, two northeastern Italian populations and five northwestern Italian populations. The seven cytochrome b haplotypes that we identified from the Slovenian and Italian oviparous populations form a monophyletic basal clade. The high homogeneity of the Slovenian and northeastern Italian populations (nucleotide diversity π=0.06%) is a striking contrast with the pattern observed in northwest Italy where each of the five populations studied presents a private haplotype (π=1.03%). The results obtained suggest that all the extant lineages of Z. v. carniolica have originated in an Italian refuge. The reproductive and phylogenetic distinctiveness of Z. v. carniolica clearly justifies conservation of its populations, especially in Italy where the highest genetic diversity and the most ancestral haplotype were observed.  相似文献   

More than half of the world's population of the little bastard Tetrax tetrax lives in the Iberian Peninsula, where it is mostly dependent for survival on extensive agricultural areas. The species has declined dramatically, chiefly due to changes in agricultural practices, and is now globally ‘Near Threatened’. Knowledge of its habitat requirements is crucial to reverse the trend of habitat deterioration. Winter habitat preferences were studied in a region dominated by extensive cereal farming in Southern Portugal, comparing the characteristics of sites used by 54 flocks with those of randomly selected sites within the study area. The birds preferred recent fallows and grassy vegetation of mid-size (about 11-20 cm) and mid-density (about 11-50% cover). They tended to concentrate on the tops of hills and to avoid disturbed areas near roads and houses. Overall, the observed preferences suggest that predator avoidance is a significant factor in habitat selection. To improve habitat suitability for little bustard, managers of key wintering areas should minimize permanent sources of human disturbance, encourage rotations with frequent fallows, and favour moderate levels of grazing to manipulate vegetation height and cover. Particular attention should be given to the upper parts of the hills.  相似文献   

While it is widely understood that local abundance of benthic invertebrates can greatly influence the distribution and abundance of wetland birds, no studies have examined if wetland landscape context can mediate this relationship. We studied the influence of wetland food abundance and landscape context on use of agricultural wetlands by wintering dunlin (Calidris alpina) and killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, USA, over two winters (1999-2000, 2000-2001) of differing rainfall and subsequent habitat distribution. We monitored bird use (frequency of occurrence and abundance) at a sample of wetlands differing in local food abundance (density and biomass) and landscape context [adjacent shorebird habitat (defined as ha of wet habitat with less than 50% vegetative cover and within a 2-km radius) and nearest neighbor distance]. We evaluated predictive models for bird use using linear regression and the Cp criterion to select the most parsimonious model. During the dry winter (2000-2001), dunlin exhibited greater use of sites with higher invertebrate density and biomass but also with more adjacent shorebird habitat and closest to a wetland neighbor. However, neither landscape context nor food abundance were important predictors of dunlin use during the wet winter (1999-2000). Use of sites by killdeer was unrelated to either local food abundance or landscape context measures during both winters. Our findings contribute to a growing recognition of the importance of landscape structure to wetland birds and highlight a number of implications for the spatial planning and enhancement of wetlands using a landscape approach.  相似文献   

We used camera traps in combination with capture-recapture data analysis to provide the first reliable density estimates for tigers and leopards from the high altitude and rugged terrain in Bhutan’s Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park. Fifty days of camera trapping in each of five study zones collapsed into two trapping blocks, resulted in a sampling effort of 4050 trap days. Camera trapping yielded 17 tiger photos (14 left flanked and 3 right flanked) and 48 leopard photos (25 left flanked and 23 right flanked). Using photos of these left flank, the closed heterogeneous Jackknife Model Mh was the best fit for the capture history data. A capture probability () of 0.04 was obtained for both tigers and leopards, thus generating population size (N) of 8 tigers (SE = 2.12) and 16 leopards (SE = 2.91) with densities of 0.52 tiger 100 km−2 and 1.04 leopard 100 km−2. Photographic evidence indicated that tigers and leopards did not overlap in their spatial use of space. Tigers preferred less disturbed areas located further away from settlements, while leopards appeared to be more resilient to disturbances in so far as they were found nearer to human settlements. Camera trapping using a capture-recapture framework was an effective tool for assessing population sizes for tiger and leopard in low density areas such as Bhutan.  相似文献   

Species can become regionally rare when limited by the availability of suitable habitats or by limited dispersal ability. We tested if the presence of a rare bryophyte species (Sphagnum angermanicum) was dispersal or habitat limited and at the same time investigated the possibility of establishing new populations of this rare species. Further, we tested how propagule (fragment) size and small scale disturbances affected establishment success. All field experiments were performed by artificially transporting propagules (of various sizes) to new and old sites for the species in Sweden.We show that S. angermanicum is dispersal limited on a regional scale, as no significant differences in establishment success were found between new suitable sites and old occupied sites. The larger the propagule the better was the establishment success; the best establishment success was found when transplanting whole shoots. Disturbances did not increase establishment success, in contrary, when compared to controls success was reduced by the more intensive disturbance treatments. We suggest that disturbance maybe more important for increasing direct dispersal than for making the microhabitat more advantageous for establishment. However, an intermediate disturbance, which slightly reduces the Sphagnum-community length increment, might also be beneficial for the establishment success of S. angermanicum propagules.The reasonably high establishment success of S. angermanicum propagules in new suitable sites suggests that artificial introductions of fragments could be considered as an active management regime for the species if the number of localities continues to decrease.  相似文献   

Fungal breakdown of plant material rich in lignin and cellulose (i.e. lignocellulose) is of central importance to terrestrial carbon (C) cycling due to the abundance of lignocellulose above and below-ground. Fungal growth on lignocellulose is particularly influential in tropical forests, as woody debris and plant litter contain between 50% and 75% lignocellulose by weight, and can account for 20% of the C stored in these ecosystems. In this study, we evaluated factors affecting fungal growth on a common wood substrate along a wet tropical elevation gradient in the Peruvian Andes. We had three objectives: 1) to determine the temperature sensitivity of fungal growth - i.e. Q10, the factor by which fungal biomass increases given a 10 °C temperature increase; 2) to assess the potential for above-ground fungal colonization and growth on lignocellulose in a wet tropical forest; and 3) to characterize the community composition of fungal wood decomposers across the elevation gradient. We found that fungal growth had a Q10 of 3.93 (95% CI of 2.76-5.61), indicating that fungal biomass accumulation on the wood substrate nearly quadrupled with a 10 °C increase in temperature. The Q10 for fungal growth on wood at our site is higher than Q10 values reported for litter decomposition in other tropical forests. Moreover, we found that above-ground fungal growth on the wood substrate ranged between 37% and 50% of that measured in the soil, suggesting above-ground breakdown of lignocellulose represents an unexplored component of the C cycle in wet tropical forests. Fungal community composition also changed significantly along the elevation gradient, and Ascomycota were the dominant wood decomposers at all elevations. Fungal richness did not change significantly with elevation, directly contrasting with diversity patterns observed for plant and animal taxa across this gradient. Significant variation in fungal community composition across the gradient suggests that the characteristics of fungal decomposer communities are, directly or indirectly, influenced by temperature.  相似文献   

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