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Plant species and cultivars of the indigenous agroforestry system of Pohnpei were surveyed in transects through 54 randomly-selected farms. The agroforestry system was characterized by extensive cultivation of yams (Dioscorea), aroids (Alocasia), and Piper methysticum under a permanent overstory of breadfruit, coconut, and forest remnant trees and a middle canopy of Hibiscus tiliaceus, Musa spp., and Morinda citrifolia. In the 10 ha of survey plots, 161 species were found, of which 102 were trees, shrubs, and crops and 59 were uncultivated herbaceous plants. Numbers of tree, shrub, and crop species per farm ranged from 16 to 37 with an average of 26. Twenty-eight breadfruit and 38 yam cultivars were found in the survey plots, showing that cultivar diversity is an important component of the biological diversity maintained and utilized in Pohnpeian agroforests.  相似文献   

In an effort to mitigate severe environmental problems, the Chinese government introduced ecological agriculture as an approach to sustainable grain production. One such method heavily employed in the Northern Plains of China is agroforestry. This region provides a unique case to assess the effect of agroforestry on agricultural output. This paper estimates a production function with a measure for forest cover to test the hypothesis that agroforestry makes a positive and significant contribution to agricultural output. Evidence shows that the effects of agroforestry on agricultural output are positive, though not always significant. This finding is relevant not only to Chinese agriculture, but also in answering the question of how agricultural sustainability can be accomplished in the long term. With increasing populations and decreasing opportunities for land expansion globally, agroforestry is one answer to improving agricultural growth.  相似文献   

中国多功能林业思想的历史演进   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
充分开发利用林业的多种功能已成为中国林业的一项紧迫任务, 研究和借鉴历史上已有的多功能林业思想有着重要意义。文中从历史角度对多功能林业思想进行了初步总结。结果表明, 从先秦时期开始, 人们就已经认识到森林具有多种功能, 但直到明代尚没有形成系统的论述; 清代俞森是比较早地系统论述林业具有多种效益的学者; 1947年, 郝景盛发表《森林万能论》, 标志着中国多功能林业理论正式诞生; 20世纪末出现的现代林业理论, 在突出强调森林生态效益的同时, 要求高效发挥森林的多重功能和价值; 2010年, 《中国多功能林业发展道路》著作出版, 使该理论进一步完善。  相似文献   


The study was carried out (a) to identify the changes in the soil organic carbon (SOC) content during the different phases of slash-and-burn cultivation—i.e., before slash-and-burn (Phase 1), after slash-and-burn (Phase 2), and after harvest (Phase 3); and (b) to determine the status of soil organic carbon content in the primary undisturbed forest (Site 1) and in the secondary forests, where slash-and-burn cultivation was taken up ~25 yr (Site 2), 15 yr (Site 3), and 5 yr back (Site 4). The undisturbed forest holds the largest amount of SOC % (5.25) followed by 25 yr (3.07), 5 yr (2.86), and 15 yr (2.27) fallow. The mean percentages of SOC in the 0- to 15-cm layer fell from 3.07 in Phase 1 to 2.53 and 2.37, respectively, in Phases 2 and 3; in the subsurface 15- to 30-cm layer, they fell from 1.95 to 1.62 and 1.63, respectively. Although, the SOC in Phase 3 still seems sufficient to support another round of cultivation, further studies are needed to examine crop yields in successive cultivation cycles, suitability of other rice varieties, and weed and pest types and rates of invasion. Tribal population dynamics is another major concern, which needs assessment for monitoring future land requirements.  相似文献   

Recommended managerial inputs and associated outputs expected from practicing agroforestry on marginal farm lands in the central USA are discussed. Modeled management combinations are based on five timber species, three sites indices, three timber growth rates, five agricultural crops, all common crop rotations, and three tillage systems. Black walnut (Juglans nigra L.), combined with row crop production, is used to illustrate a specific multicropping alternative. Based on net present value, modeled agroforestry systems incorporating black walnut performed better on the better sites and at the medium to high timber growth rates whereas management systems using red oak (Quercus rubra L.) with row crops performed better on the poorer sites and at the lower growth rates. For agroforestry to be competitive with traditional agriculture, medium to high timber growth rates were necessary. Also, lower interest rates and the existing U.S. income tax structure favored agroforestry versus traditional agriculture. Substantial increases in net income may be possible through incorporating other income producing activities such as nut production within the agroforestry system.  相似文献   

Farming systems research and extension (FSRE), as used by the global Association for Farming Systems Research-Extension, applies to a family of methodologies used to generate, evaluate and disseminate agricultural technologies in association with farmer participation. FSRE shares many attributes with Diagnosis and Design as practiced in agroforestry. The history of FSRE is traced from 1965 to the present, showing the formalization of the methodology and its critical use in sustainable agricultural technology development. In on-farm research, a primary basis for FSRE, research and extension merge in practice. The definition of recommendation domains (a fundamental concept of FSRE) is based on analysis and interpretation of multi-environmental research results as evaluated by varied criteria.In this paper, we present the results of three research projects to demonstrate the nature of farmer criteria for evaluation. Modified Stability Analysis (MSA) is used to demonstrate the relationship of on-farm research to specific extension messages. Design of on-farm research to make it amenable to analysis by MSA is discussed.Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. R-03113.  相似文献   

The development of agroforestry for industrialised countries can be furthered by an understanding of the history and present functioning of traditional systems. In temperate Europe, fruit trees were traditionally grown on agricultural land undersown with crops or managed grassland (Streuobst). The historical evolution of this agroforestry system has been driven by the interaction of technical progress, market development and intervention by public authorities. Streuobst reached its peak in the 1930s, but has since been in continuous decline due to the development of intensively managed dwarf-tree orchards. However, even today, it still occupies approximately one million hectares in 11European countries and has a strong impact on the European fruit market. The profitability of streuobst is relatively poor due to its low labour productivity, but it has advantageous ecological and socio-cultural features, particularly in terms of biological diversity and landscape aesthetics. Accordingly, it finds strong acceptance among the general public, such that subsidised eradication programs have been abandoned and, in a number of countries, streuobst is now supported by non-governmental organisations and by state conservation policies. Modern agroforestry in temperate, industrialised countries should be oriented towards the creation of similar ecological and socio-cultural benefits in order to receive public support as a land-use system. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Before prioritising regional agroforestry training and extension content, it is necessary to discover which practices are common, what benefits are perceived, which barriers prevent use, and how people feel about practices. Agroforestry taps both agriculture and forestry agencies to increase the possible set of educators for landowners and managers. Interdisciplinary activities also present barriers to professionals unfamiliar with some topics or not served by lead partner agencies. To understand motives, barriers and needs involved in agroforestry extension and training activities for professionals, the Center for Subtropical Agroforestry (CSTAF) designed a survey to gauge knowledge, practice and information needs of professionals in Alabama, Florida and Georgia. Landowners in Alabama and Florida received similar survey questionnaires. Initial interviews of a test group with open-ended questions formed the basis for a closed-ended mail survey to all agriculture and natural resource extension agents and county foresters in the subtropical area. Response rates for various professional groups varied between 14% and 43%, and most ranked the potential for use of agroforestry as moderate or high. In all three states, wildlife habitat, water quality and soil conservation were the most important benefits seen by extension professionals. The most important concerns identified were lack of familiarity, lack of demonstrations, no financial incentive, and lack of information about agroforestry. These data provide insights about how to prioritise research and materials development and indicate that agroforestry training can be expected to be of value to at least half of the regional forestry and extension professionals.  相似文献   

混农林业与林业可持续发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
论述了混农林业的概念及其与林业可持续发展的关系 ,并通过对混农林业的主要模式、特点及其对林业可持续发展的促进作用的论述 ,充分揭示了其在林业可持续发展中的重要地位和作用。  相似文献   

Temporal analysis is introduced as a method to assess the suitability of agroforestry projects for meeting rural development objectives. This form of analysis provides a common base for examining social, economic, ecological, and managerial aspects of agroforestry systems.Temporal analysis begins by describing projects and the activities comprising them for both an agroforestry system and the local population. Factors constraining the sequence of activities are then examined. The assumptions and values regarding the past, present, or future are also analyzed for all groups involved in the agroforestry system. The range of goal oriented behavior affecting scale and duration of projects may be dependent on this time horizon.By understanding these factors, the changes in activities of a social system that may result from a proposed agroforstry innovation can be anticipated. The nature of these changes and their perception by the local population can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Agroforestry with its outstanding variety of systems and technologies has been practiced in all parts of the world since times immemorial. Its worldwide recognition, scientific promotion and application in rural development strategies in the tropics, however, ‘exploded’ with two events: the foundation of the International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), 1977 and the Eighth World Forestry Conference in Jakarta, 1978. This is important to be recalled at the occasion of the Ninth World Forestry Congress to be held in Mexico this year. Agroforestry's holistic approach to solving land use problems under prevailing conditions and constraints of different humid, semiarid and mountainous regions has gained importance and produced first remarkable results with regard to increasing the human-ecological carrying capacity. Forestry is gaining from the newly promoted strategies of integrated land use in various ways: less pressure on forest resources and thus less destruction of forest vegetation, additional lands for wood production outside the forest estate, cooperation instead of confrontation with other target groups, and an expanded multiple-use concept increasing the value of marginal forest lands. Agriculture and livestock management are improved by various environmental benefits of the forest component and by the availability of forest products within agroforestry systems. First achievements over the past seven years have been encouraging in many instances. Much more, however, remains to be done in future.  相似文献   

The lacquer tree (Toxicodendron vernicifiuum) based agroforestry system is a very important farming system with development potential in western Yunnan, southwest China. It is, however, less understood in scientific fields. The Lemo people (a branch of the Bai minority nationality) traditionally grow lacquer trees interplanted with upland food crops in swidden fields. During a 10–15 year fallow period, farmers can harvest various products from lacquer trees, including resin for selling or trading, leafy shoots for vegetable, pericarps for making wax, roots and leaves for pesticide, dry resin for medicine, and seeds for vegetable oil extraction. The Lemo people believe the lacquer tree is the most important crop in their community. The lacquer agroforestry system provides the Lemo people with food, cash income and environmental benefits. Further studies on the lacquer agroforestry system will be indispensable to improve this system so as to disseminate it to other communities.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Farming Systems developed in Humid Tropical Zones are frequently characterized by a combination of perennial and annual plants, intermixed in complex tree-crop associations. The productive functioning, the agronomic and economic performances, and the sustainability of these crop associations remain poorly understood. To improve the management capacity of these complex agroforestry systems, adequate indicators must be developed and integrated in assessment systems. These may then be used to aid farmers, assisted by their extension agents, in making decisions regarding management practices. The present study focused on the agroforestry systems developed by 38 farmers in the South West Region of Cameroon, which were surveyed for a large set of variables, aiming at formulating a Traditional Agroforestry Performance Indicators System (TAPIS). Analyses of the relationships among indicators in TAPIS allowed an improved understanding of agro-ecological and agro-economic performances in the studied plots, revealed tradeoffs regarding plant stand, income generation, food production, input demands and work requirements; and may contribute to the sustainability assessment of agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

Since its foundation in the 1970’s, agroforestry science has evolved from setting its concepts, research approaches and flagship technologies towards its increasing contribution to ecologically sound land use, food security and income generation in the global North and South. The Third World Congress on Agroforestry held in Delhi in April 2014 continued contributed to this evolution by focusing, beyond the scientific realm, on the implementation of findings by convening ad-hoc stakeholders and subjects. Accordingly, some of the congress sessions dealt with key aspects of how agroforestry can foster and contribute to development. The special issue “Lessons for research, capacity development and policy in agroforestry for development” compiles approaches, experiences and overall lessons from (i) research, (ii) capacity development, and (iii) policy-making, capable to promote and generate developmental change through agroforestry. This introductory paper outlines the rationale for the three areas and the contributing articles.  相似文献   

The development of agroforestry education and training is hampered by a shortage of information on agroforestry practices and systems and by institutional constraints which limit effective transfer of existing knowledge. Generation of knowledge through research and the effective sharing of information on agroforestry are critical to the building of a solid resource base for agroforestry education. Networks of individuals and institutions can accelerate the development of resources for agroforestry education. Primary activities of an agroforestry network would include the development and dissemination of training materials on agroforestry, curriculum development and training of teaching staff. Critical considerations for the successful establishment and operation of a network include: (1) focusing the network on a problem and identifying sufficient interest, (2) personnel requirements such as an institution with a strong commitment, and (3) other resource requirements such as funds for network meetings, publications and research.  相似文献   

A review of agroforestry practices in one lowland and one highland community of Xishuangbanna [Yunnan, P.R. China] has been carried out. Multilayer homegardens and taungya for fuelwood in the lowlands, tea shaded by natural forest and shellac production in a swidden farming system in the highlands are described. The extention of these agroforestry systems in Xishuangbanna is analyzed.Farming systems are facing problems related to shifting cultivation and to a rapid development of rubber which induce a negative evolution of these agroforestry systems.New agroforestry patterns based on Chinese research work, with rubber trees or with shade medicinal plants, are in extension in villages and in state farms.
Résumé Un inventaire des systèmes agroforestiers du Xishuangbanna [Yunnan, R.P. Chine] a été réalisé: jardins à plusieurs étages et production de bois feu par système de taungya dans un village de plaine, thé à l'ombre de forêt naturelle et production de gomme-lacque dans un système d'agriculture sur brûlis dans un village de montagne.Les systèmes de production sont confrontés aux problèmes liés à l'agriculture sur brûlis, et au développement de l'hévéa. Il en résulte des évolutions négatives de ces practiques agroforestières.De nouveaux modèles agroforestiers, à base d'hévéa ou de plantes médicinales d'ombre, se développent dans les villages et dans les fermes d'état á la suite des travaux de la recherche chinoise.

This paper overviews a variety of traditional agroforestry systems found in a small community of Filipino migrant farmers. Background information provides context, and then case studies of seven farmers are offered to illustrate the functions which their agroforestries fulfill in a situation of parcellization of farm-holdings into both level and sloping fields. The implications of the brief portraits presented for further research and development and for the acceptability of a social forestry program now going on in the community are suggested.  相似文献   

This work examines the contribution that an ethnographic methodology can make to gender-sensitive agroforestry research. Using a Gambian case study, diverse subsistence, commercial and socio-cultural roles of forest products are investigated and the gender-based similarities and differences in their uses are highlighted. An ethnographic approach is combined with political economy perspectives to illustrate how the significance of such products, particularly for women, has markedly increased during the past two decades, especially for commercial purposes, in response to changing environmental, economic and social circumstances. Environmental management practices are used by rural individuals to regulate forest resources. Although there is potential for formal management policy to build upon these indigenous practices, a detailed understanding of local human-environmental relationships is essential for any planning mechanism to succeed. Thus an enthnographic approach can make a positive contribution towards gender-sensitive agroforestry research and practice.  相似文献   

Agroforestry Systems - While many agroforestry research projects contribute to improving food security, livelihoods and management of natural resources, few have had a significant role in achieving...  相似文献   

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