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Nitrogen is one of the most important elements that can limit plant growth in forest ecosystems. Studies of nitrogen mineralization, nitrogen saturation and nitrogen cycle in forest ecosystems is very necessary for understanding the productivity of stand, nutrient cycle and turnover of nitrogen of forest ecosystems. Based on comparison and analysis of domestic and international academic references related to studies on nitrogen mineralization, nitrogen saturation and nitrogen cycle in recent 10 years, the current situation and development of the study on these aspects, and the problems existed in current researches were reviewed. At last, some advices were given for future researches.  相似文献   

退化喀斯特森林自然恢复过程中群落动态研究   总被引:84,自引:4,他引:84  
研究了贵州茂兰国家级自然保护区退化喀斯特森林自然恢复过程中群落的动态特征。群落组成结构变化体现于不同适应等级种组的变化 ,不同恢复阶段各种组的优势地位不同 ,草本群落阶段与草灌过渡阶段 ,灌丛灌木阶段与灌乔过渡阶段 ,常绿落叶阔叶林阶段与顶极群落阶段其居优势地位的种组分别为先锋种 ,次先锋种和过渡种 ,次顶极种和顶极种 ,种组替代规律是先锋种经次先锋种、过渡种最终被次顶极种和顶极种替代。随着退化喀斯特群落自然恢复 ,群落高度 (0 6~ 16 9m)、盖度 (0 2 9~ 0 79)、显著度 (0 872 0~2 1 8981cm2 ·m- 2 )逐渐提高 ,而密度早期增大之后逐渐降低 (36 32 8~ 5 6 116株·hm- 2 ,5 6 116~ 2 372株·hm- 2 ) ;物种数 (16~ 5 0 )、Shannon Wiener多样性指数 (0 99~ 4 72 )、均匀度 (0 77~ 0 83)升高而生态优势度 (0 16~ 0 0 5 )降低 ;群落生物量 (3 4 9~ 87 4 5t·hm- 2 )逐渐积累增大 ;萌生株数减少而实生株数增多 ,群落更新对策由早期阶段无性更新向后期阶段有性更新发展  相似文献   

湖南低山丘陵区鹅掌楸纸浆林种源选择研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用完全随机区组设计营造了包含20个鹅掌楸种源的种源选择试验林。对13年生的种源试验林进行调查和分析,结果表明:反映纸浆林产量和质量的主要指标在种源间均存在明显的差异,方差分析显示种源间树高、胸径和材积生长量差异达到显著或极显著的水平。利用主成分分析对20个种源进行评价,结果表明贵州黎平、松桃、陌南,浙江富阳,湖北鹤峰和美国密苏里州等地的种源为湖南低山丘陵区纸浆林最佳种源。  相似文献   

采用标准地法,对广西南宁市南部丘陵地2.25~2.67年生的桉树无性系人工林进行了调查研究。结果表明:林木平均保存率为89.3%,平均年蓄积生长量达30.0 m3/(hm2.a),林木径阶以10 cm居多,其次是12 cm径阶,二者合计占80%。林分生长量与无性系种类、林地坡位有一定关系,无性系的生长排序为DH33-29>DH33-26>DH33-28,坡位排序为下坡位>中坡位>上坡位,但差异均较小。林地土壤有效N含量对桉树生长影响显著,含量少的林地桉树生长量显著低于含量多的林地。林地土壤有效N、P、K含量普遍不足,林地施肥应充分考虑N、P、K养分,以满足桉树生长对各种元素养分的需要。  相似文献   

森林生态系统对大气氮沉降的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
氮是陆地生态系统中三大营养元素之一,在森林生态系统中被视作主要的限制生长因子。近年来,因工农业的迅猛发展而产生越来越多的含氮化合物,大大增加了氮向全球大气的排放。据研究发现,如果氮的输入已达饱和甚至超过生态系统所能承受的临界负荷,就会带来负面效应。本文主要从以下几方面综述了国内外学者关于大气氮沉降对森林生态系统的影响:1.与大气氮沉降相关的内容,包括1)氮饱和和2)确定氮沉降临界的指示树种;2.国内外的研究进展;3.大气氮对森林生态系统的影响,包括1)导致营养失调,2)对胁迫敏感性的增强,3)加速森林土壤酸化,4)氮淋溶的增加,5)物种多样性的减少和6)氮沉降的评价方法。  相似文献   

The sal forest is the only plainland forest in Bangladesh, and is of national economic and environmental importance. High population and ever increasing poverty has stimulated exploitation of the forest alarmingly and brought it near extinction. In facing this situation, the Bangladesh Forest Department implemented a participatory management approach, involving the householders living in and around the forests, for forest maintenance and protection. This study examines the effectiveness of practicing participatory forestry on the settlers’ livelihood in the encorached area of the sal forest. The settlers were given degraded and encroached forest land through the program. Two major social forestry models — namely agroforestry and woodlots — are included in the study. Participation in the resettlement increased household income, employment opportunities and financial and non-land assets. It was found that the participatory management regime could attain the sustainability of the forest and accelerate the standard of settlers’ livelihood, hence the program is an efficient management option towards sustainability of the forest resources. These findings suggest that there is a role for extending the approach to rehabilitate other degraded and encroached forest lands in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Riparian forests greatly influence aquatic ecosystems by providing shade cover, which controls water temperature and limits primary production. We examined the relationship between forest cover and summer stream temperature in northernmost Japan. Heat budget and statistical analyses were employed and the results were compared. Heat budget analysis revealed that the water temperature would decrease almost linearly from 29°C to 25°C with an increase in forested reaches along a 3.2 km stretch of the river. Multiple regression analysis by the stepwise method chose only open channel length as a variable to explain the variation in maximum stream temperature. A sharp increase in stream temperature was noted when riparian forest cover was removed in short lengths, of up to 1.0km; this increasing trend gradually flattened as the length of open stretch increased. Thus, even small openings in the riparian canopy resulted in drastic rises in summer stream temperature. The maximum summer temperatures estimated by the two methods were coincided, and can therefore be accurately estimated by regression analysis. Retrospective analysis based on the regression equation showed that the maximum summer temperature in 1947 was 6°C lower than at present, and that a sharp increase occurred from 1947 to 1960, a period of rapid expansion of agricultural land development in the watershed.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of forest vegetation on soil erosion,surface runoff, and sediment generation by using field simulated rainfall apparatus. We measured runoff and sediment generation of five 4.5 × 2.1m runoff plots (a bare soil as a control; two Pinus tabulaeformis forestplots and two Platycladus orientalis forest with row spacing of 1 m × 1m and 1.5 m × 1.5 m, respectively) in Beijing Jiu Feng National ForestPark under three rainfall intensities (0.42, 0.83, 1.26 mm per minute).Forest vegetation significantly reduced soil erosion and sediment yield.Mean total runoff volume in the four tree stand plots was 93% of that inthe control plot, demonstrating the limited effectiveness of forest vegetation in runoff control. With increasing rainfall intensity, runoff reductionin forest plots declined from 28.32% to 2.1%. Similar trends in runoff coefficient and the relationship between runoff volume and rainfall duration was observed. Mean total sediment yield and mean sediment yield reduction rate under different treatments was 55.05% and 43.17% of those in the bare soil control plot, respectively. Rainfall intensity playedan important role in runoff and sediment generation processes, and had agreater impact on runoff than on soil erosion and sediment generation.When considering several factors in runoff and sediment transport processes, the P. tabulae form plot with row spacing at 1 × 1 m had a greater effect on soil and water conservation than did other forested plots.  相似文献   

Land use plays a much more important role than other factors, such as climate, soil properties, topographic features, vegetation coverage, human activities and others, in affecting soil erosion and sediment discharge. In order to understand the effects of changes in land use on sediment discharge and to provide a theoretical basis for land use planning, management and ecological restoration, we used the controlled Qiaozidong watershed and the uncontrolled Qiaozixi watershed in the third sub-region of the Loess Plateau as examples and analyzed the effects of land use and land cover on the discharge of sediments. The results show that the impact of land use and land cover on the annual amount of sediment discharge is significant. Compared with the uncontrolled watershed during similar periods, the amount of sediment discharged from the controlled watershed was reduced by 44%, 75% and 86%, respectively, in wet, normal and dry years. In the controlled watershed, compared with the period from 1986 to 1994, the amount of sediments discharged was less during the period from 1995 to 2004. The impact of land use and land cover on sediment discharge demonstrated characteristics of seasonal fluctuation. The effects of sediment reduction in the controlled watershed were greater than those in the uncontrolled watershed in May and September. In the controlled watershed, the reduction effect coincided with the distribution of rainfall. The amount of discharged flood sediments is closely correlated with rainfall, rainfall intensity in a 60 min period and the volume of flood. The rainstorm-runoff process and the rainstorm-sediment discharge process demonstrate that land cover has a strong regulatory and control function in the flood process and sediment discharge in rainstorms. For the controlled watershed, given the same precipitation frequency distribution, the average amount of sediment discharged during the land use period from 1995 to 2004 was less than that during the earlier land use period from 1986 to 1994 under every recurrent period. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2007, 29(6): 115–122 [译自: 北京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

Alcoa World Alumina Australia has been rehabilitating bauxite mines in the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest of Western Australia for more than 35 years. It is a requirement of Alcoa’s completion criteria that rehabilitated areas can be incorporated into the prescribed burning program implemented in the surrounding forest. Rehabilitated areas may be more susceptible to nutrient losses following burning because of their relatively young age and reliance on N fixation from a legume understorey. The objective of this study was to assess the impact that prescribed burning has on the nutrient pools within rehabilitated ecosystems 5 and 8 years after fire, and compare these responses to unburnt rehabilitated areas and the unmined forest. The nutrient status of sites established in previous studies were assessed five (burnt and unburnt forest, 1989 and 1992 rehabilitation) and 8 (spring, autumn and unburnt 1981/1982 rehabilitation) years after burning. Soil, litter and understorey samples were collected and analysed for nutrient content. Burning 1981/1982 rehabilitation in either season 8 years earlier had no long-term negative effect on the nutrient status of the rehabilitation compared to the unburnt controls. Spring burning increased the nitrogen status of the rehabilitated areas by 52 kg ha−1 compared with the unburnt control. Sites rehabilitated in 1989 and burnt 5 years ago showed similar post-fire recovery of nitrogen status to that of the burnt native forest sites (77–85%), while 1992 rehabilitation sites had only recovered 52% of the of the nitrogen of the unburnt sites. Therefore, the impact of burning on nitrogen status was greatest in the 5-year-old rehabilitation and least in the 12–13-year-old sites. Phosphorus was less affected by burning than nitrogen largely because the majority of P is bound in the soil in the jarrah forest. It is recommended that rehabilitated sites are burnt under low intensity in spring when they are 12–15-year-old to ensure rapid post-fire recovery of nutrients.  相似文献   

Tropical forests, like boreal forests, are considered key ecosystems with regard to climate change. The temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 production in tropical forests is unclear, especially in eastern Asia, because of a lack of data. The year-round variation in temperature is very small in tropical forests such that it is difficult to evaluate the temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 production using field observations, unlike the conditions that occur in temperate and boreal forests. This study examined the temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 production in the tropical hill evergreen forest that covers northern Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar; this forest has small temperature seasonality. Using an undisturbed soil sample (0.2 m diameter, 0.4 m long), CO2 production rates were measured at three different temperatures. The CO2 production (SR, mg CO2 m−2 s−1) increased exponentially with temperature (T, °C); the fitted curve was SR = 0.023 e0.077T, with Q10 = 2.2. Although still limited, our result supports the possibility that even a small increase in the temperature of this region might accelerate carbon release because of the exponential sensitivity and high average temperature.  相似文献   

在永顺县勺哈乡退耕还林试验示范区进行立地类型划分与评价的基础上,在各立地类型区根据各自不同的特点进行了模式和林种树种配置。示范区内共配置了保土经济林还林模式、土壤保持还林模式、块状混交还林模式、山顶防护型还林模式与封山育林模式等5个模式,在各模式中配置了柑桔、板栗等经济树种和杉木、木荷、青榨槭、桤木、马尾松等用材树种。  相似文献   

对林地审核手续中的项目批准文件、前置审查的有关问题进行研究,提出了解决问题的具体办法.  相似文献   

通过对延边国有林区林地(沟系)开发承包经营现状的分析,查找存在的问题,提出强化林地(沟系)开发承包经营的对策和重点工作,推动林地(沟系)开发承包经营步入规范化、规模化、效益化发展轨道。  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial variability of litterfall and NO3 and NH4+ leaching from the litter layer and 5-cm soil depth were investigated along a slope in a tropical dry evergreen forest in northeastern Thailand. Using ion exchange resin and buried bag methods, the vertical flux and transformation of inorganic nitrogen (N) were observed during four periods (dry, early wet, middle wet, and late wet seasons) at 15 subplots in a 180-m × 40-m rectangular plot on the slope. Annual N input via litterfall and inorganic N leached from the litter layer and from 5-cm depth soil were 12.5, 6.9, and 3.7 g N m−2 year−1, respectively, whereas net mineralization and the inorganic N pool in 0–5-cm soil were 7.1 g N m−2 year−1 and 1.4 g N m−2, respectively. During the early wet season (90 days), we observed 82% and 74% of annual NO3 leaching from the litter layer and 5-cm soil depth, respectively. Higher N input via leaf litterfall in the dry season and via precipitation in the early wet season may have led to higher NO3 leaching rate from litter and surface soil layers during the early wet season. Large spatial variability in both NO3 vertical flux and litterfall was also observed within stands. Small-scale spatial patterns of total N input via litterfall were significantly correlated with NO3 leaching rate from the surface soil layer. In tropical dry evergreen forests, litterfall variability may be crucial to the remarkable seasonal changes and spatial variation in annual NO3 vertical flux in surface soil layers.  相似文献   

根据马家河乡2005年和2010年的土地开发利用数据,采用Costanza提出的生态系统服务功能价值(ESV)计算方法,对其不同利用类型土地的森林生态系统服务功能及森林生态系统单项服务功能的价值进行评估。结果表明:马家河乡土地利用类型变化中,以林地、居住及建设用地等类型变化为主。其中,林地面积减少的最多,其所占国土总面积的比例减少幅度达到11.94%;其次为耕地面积,减少了3.02%;果园、草地水域的面积基本保持不变;而居住及建设用地增幅最大,达到了8.14%。马家河乡土地的森林生态系统的服务功能价值以林地价值减少最多,达到664.5元;果园价值减少459.77元;耕地价值减少188.97元;草地价值减少了64.39元;水域、居住及建设用地和未利用地的价值有不同程度的上升。马家河乡森林生态系统单项服务功能价值中除了森林游憩保健服务功能的价值有所上升,其余各项服务功能的价值均有不同程度地下降。  相似文献   

沅陵县林地保护利用规划探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林地是国家重要的自然资源和战略资源,是森林赖以生存发展的根基。编制和实施林地保护利用规划,对于发展现代林业、保障国土生态安全、建设生态文明和应对全球气候变化具有重要意义。本文以2009年沅陵县森林资源数据为基础,综合分析了沅陵县林地保护利用现状,提出了全县林地保护利用规划及规划实施保障措施。  相似文献   

Today, most poplar plantations in the temperate region are established on abandoned marginal agricultural land, but there is great potential for planting poplars on forest land as the available area is large and does not compete with food production. The objective of this study was to examine how different planting types (un-rooted cuttings, bare-rooted and containerized plants) affect the establishment and early growth of poplar plants on forest and agricultural sites. Our results suggest that on the agricultural site, survival and growth during the first two years are not influenced by plant type. However, at the forest sites, survival of rooted plants was superior compared to un-rooted cuttings. The height and biomass (stem and root) increment of bare-rooted plants was low; greater height and biomass growth was found for containerized plants. Container sizes had no effect on height growth, but leaf and stem biomasses were higher if the largest containers were used. When using the largest containers, concentrations of macronutrients (N, P) were increased compared to bare-rooted plants. Thus, these results suggest that practices for establishing poplar plantations of agricultural land include planting of un-rooted cutting, but on forest land, a plant grown in a container of 470?ml should be used. Together, this can reduce the cost of establishment, increase the available area for poplar plantations and have an impact on poplar plantation economics in Sweden.  相似文献   

From September 1999 to July 2000, N and P concentrations of fine roots were measured with the method of sequential soil core at bimonthly intervals in a mixed forest of Tsoong's tree (Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun) and Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.) in Sanming, Fujian. The results showed that N, P concentration of Chinese fir and Tsoong's tree in fine roots were negatively related to root diameter size. The concentrations of N and P in living roots and dead roots were compared. The order of N concentration in fine roots in different samples was Tsoong's tree>undergrowth>Chinese fir, while that of P was undergrowth>Tsoong's tree>Chinese fir. For Chinese fir, the seasonal change of N, P concentrations in fine roots with various diameter classes showed a single-apex curve with a maximum in September. For Tsoong's tree, maximized concentration of N in fine roots appeared in July or September and maximized P concentration in May. Foundation item: The project was supported by The Foundation of Post-doctoral Research of China (1999, No 10), the Foundation for University Key Teacher by the Ministry of Education, and the Research Programs on Basic Theory of Fujian Province (2000F004). Biography: YANG Yu-sheng (1964-), male, professor in Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University, Nanping 353001, P.R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

对日本冲绳岛北部相同土壤条件下的琉球松纯林及其混交林的土壤氮素及有机碳素、地表凋落物量、枯枝落叶量以及土壤氮素矿化速率进行了比较研究。结果表明 ,琉球松纯林的地表凋落物层氮、碳平均贮量分别为133kg·hm- 2 和 7199kg·hm- 2 ,混交林则分别为 10 5kg·hm- 2 和 6 14 3kg·hm- 2 。然而 ,混交林地表 10cm矿质土层的氮、碳贮量则显著高于纯林 ,氮素比纯林多 4 93kg·hm- 2 ,碳素多 5 5 5 4kg·hm- 2 。在 30d的实验室培养实验中 ,混交林表层土壤的氮素矿化速率高于纯林 18% ;而且 ,混交林的落叶和土壤的碳氮比值亦明显低于松纯林。混交林土壤的年平均矿化氮素 (NH4 NO3- )浓度高于纯林 2 2 %。与松纯林相比 ,混交林通过枯枝落叶年平均氮素归还量多 4 3 7kg·hm- 2 ,碳素归还量多 16 5 5kg·hm- 2 。混交林具有较高的氮素归还量 ,主要是混交林的针叶含氮含量较高以及大量的高含氮量的阔叶落叶所致。上述结果充分说明针阔混交导致了林分氮素循环的变化。  相似文献   

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