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越橘病害概述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着越橘在中国的大面积产业化栽培,其病虫害问题显得越来越突出。现对越橘生产中比较常见且危害比较严重的真菌、细菌和病毒病的症状、发病规律和防治措施等方面进行综述,以期为越橘的产业化推广栽培和管理提供科学依据和支持。  相似文献   

结合多年的园林植保实践工作,对温州地区园林的主要虫害种类、危害时间和危害特点进行总结。在对温州地区园林虫害特点进行分析的基础上,提出园林虫害的防治原则及防治要点。  相似文献   

杨华 《现代园艺》2014,(20):70-70
松大蚜、松梢螟为白皮松常见虫害,影响了白皮松的生长。本文对白皮松松大蚜、松梢螟等虫害的危害特征进行了分析,并总结了防治措施。最后提出:对白皮松常见虫害必须坚持综合防治的原则,注重预防,加强常规管理,做到防治的动态化和综合化。  相似文献   

大庆市山楂叶螨发生原因及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栾海霞  尹林  张璇 《北方园艺》2010,(12):164-165
概述了大庆市山楂叶螨的发生及危害特点,针对叶螨对园林植物造成的危害,从大庆市的气候特点及虫害发生的自身特点等原因分析虫害发生的原因,并浅谈虫害的防治方法。  相似文献   

本文对张掖市黑河流域内主要森林(天然林、防护林带、经济林)虫害的发生状况进行了调查,分析了森林虫害危害的原因,并提出了转变观念,探索新路,摸清情况,抓住重点,保护和利用天敌昆虫资源,采用综合防治对策的防治意见。  相似文献   

在林业管理中防治害虫是一个重要的工作,我国的林业面积相对较少,而且还存在着分布不均的现象,虫害又是最为平常的林业危害,因此林业管理应该着重于虫害防治工作,下面就针对如何防虫害进行简要的探讨。  相似文献   

林地里生长的松茸受各种病、虫、鸟、兽危害达45%,造成严重的经济损失,调查松茸主要虫害7类,并调查了虫害发生的主要原因,提出了综合防治措施。  相似文献   

对国槐虫害天牛在驻马店的分布情况、危害、形态特征、发生规律及防治方法进行了阐述,供参考。  相似文献   

针对冬枣虫害问题,通过查阅相关文献资料,总结了冬枣的主要害虫,如绿盲蝽、枣桃小食心虫、枣瘿蚊、枣粘虫、枣尺蠖、枣锈壁虱、红蜘蛛等的危害症状及防治措施,以期为冬枣产业提供虫害防治的技术资料。  相似文献   

近年来温室蔬菜生产发展迅速,为菜农收入发挥了重要作用。由于温室内温度高、湿度大,环境封闭,为蔬菜虫害的繁殖和周年危害提供了适宜的气候条件及越冬场所,导致蔬菜虫害种类增多、危害程度加重,严重影响了蔬菜的产量和品质,给菜农造成较大经济损失。现将大棚蔬菜主要虫害及其防治技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

蓝莓栽培中土壤改良的研究进展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
蓝莓是一种经济价值高、发展潜力大的新兴果树。由于其对土壤要求苛刻,喜疏松、有机质含量高的酸性土壤,限制了其栽培范围。该文综合国内外有关文摘系统概述了土壤酸碱度、土壤有机质、菌根真菌对蓝莓生长的影响,分析了不同土壤因子对蓝莓生长影响机理;介绍了不同土壤改良方式在蓝莓栽培中的应用,为我国蓝莓栽培中的土壤改良工作提供了必需的参考资料。  相似文献   

The paper deals with the spatial distribution of root density in highbush blueberry plantations of various ages for a proper planting distance recommendation and a better irrigation and fertilization management. The environmental conditions consist of sandy-loamy soils and a continental temperate climate. Two highbush blueberry cultivars were studied, ‘Bluecrop’ and ‘Blueray’. Root density (RD) and density of root cross-sectional area (RCSA) were investigated for various root diameters. It was found that the prevalent type of roots in highbush blueberry crops is the hair type, with root diameters less than 0.1?mm. Both RD and RCSA decreased with distance from plant and with soil depth; the 38-year-old crop showed a more developed root system versus the 8?year-old crop. In both cases the roots did not grow more than 0.6?m laterally and more than 0.7?m deep. According to these results, the planting distances in highbush blueberry could be reduced to substantially increase the number of plants/ha and fruit yield. Irrigation application should be carried out to wet a proper soil volume, about 0.6–0.7?m deep for older crops, and about 0.5?m deep for younger crops.  相似文献   

防寒措施对越橘越冬微环境和越冬性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以高丛越橘蓝丰为试材,研究了不同防寒措施对大连地区越橘生长微环境变化规律和越冬性的影响。结果表明,2007-2008年冬春大连地区露地极端最低温度、冷驯化及脱驯化期间的最低温度均高于同期越橘能够忍受的最低温度,但露地防寒越橘越冬伤害严重,枝条长度枯死率达53.46%,花芽完全枯死。与对照相比,黑塑料袋外置稻草、黑塑料袋防寒对越冬期间日最低温度、日平均温度、日最高温度影响不大,但明显提高了空气相对湿度,枝条含水量保持在较高水平,1 a生枝条长度及花芽枯死率均较低,防寒效果较好;透明塑料套袋降低了日最低温度,提高了日平均温度、日最高温度和日温度变幅,空气相对湿度略高于对照,越冬后枝条含水量略高于对照,枝条长度及花芽枯死率较高,防寒效果较差。这说明影响大连地区越橘越冬的主要原因是水分胁迫。  相似文献   

该研究以吉林农业大学越橘园内78个品种(系)为试材,对其果实性状及产量等进行调查研究。结果表明:(1)越橘平均单果重0.49~3.73g,其中高丛越橘为1.13~2.92 g,半高丛越橘为1.01~1.97 g,矮丛越橘为0.49~1.33 g,杂交品系为0.67~3.73 g。越橘最大果重可达4.89 g。(2)果型指数为0.661~0.992,果实均呈扁球形。(3)越橘果实成熟期为6月中旬—9月下旬。其中早熟品种(系):高丛越橘品种有4个,半高丛越橘品种有4个,矮丛越橘品种有8个,杂交品系有8个;中熟品种(系):高丛越橘品种有18个,半高丛越橘品种有7个,矮丛越橘品种有2个,杂交品系有25个;晚熟品种(系):只有高丛越橘品种2个。(4)越橘单株产量为8.23~2632.00g。其中高丛越橘为171.97~2325.00g,产量高于1000.00g的品种有14个;半高丛越橘为553.93~2632.00g,产量均高于500.00g;矮丛越橘为8.23~1278.17g,产量高于500.00g的品种有6个;杂交品系为393.30~2465.03g,产量高于1000.00g的品系有25个,仅1个品系产量低于500.00g。  相似文献   

科学合理的水分管理是越橘丰产优质的基本保证,明确越橘水分生理特点,研究探明越橘需水觃律是越橘园科学管理的前提条件。综述了越橘水分生理斱面的研究迚展,分析了影响越橘需水量的内外界因素,在此基础上,对越橘水分生理生态研究的发展趋势迚行了展望。  相似文献   

蓝莓产业迅猛发展,蓝莓田间管理和加工产生的有机废弃物如修剪枝条、果渣等逐年增长,不加以处理利用会造成资源浪费和环境污染等问题。目前,针对蓝莓废弃物处理的研究鲜有报道。从提高资源循环利用率的角度出发,结合堆肥化处理其他果树修剪枝条研究现状,从堆肥化技术的"预处理-降解菌筛选-复合菌构建-条件优化控制"等环节分析蓝莓废弃物堆肥的可行性及技术难点,展望蓝莓修剪与果渣堆肥产物还园利用的可行性,为蓝莓田间管理与加工产生的废弃物资源化利用提供方法参考。  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted in 2007 and 2008 in North Carolina to determine the response of the weed Maryland meadowbeauty and blueberry to flumioxazin PRE (pre-emergence). No injury to non-bearing (blueberry plants not mature enough to produce fruit) or bearing (blueberry plants mature enough to produce fruit) blueberry from flumioxazin PRE was observed. In non-bearing blueberry, control of meadowbeauty was greater than 97% 90 DAT (days after treatment) with the registered rate of 0.42 kg ai ha–1 flumioxazin. Across two studies in bearing blueberry, a single application of flumioxazin at 0.42 kg ai ha–1 controlled meadowbeauty 79% to 92% 90 DAT. Flumioxazin at 0.21 kg ai ha–1 applied twice 60 d apart resulted in greater than 96% meadowbeauty control 90 d after the first application. Treatments of flumioxazin applied as a single application or two applications applied sequentially 60 d apart in bearing blueberry had yields ranging from 3150 to 6065 kg ha–1and 3551 to 5735 kg ha–1, respectively, and did not have a negative effect on blueberry yield regardless of application rate compared to the nontreated check.  相似文献   

This work examined the processing yields, physico-chemical characteristics, and bioactive properties of Canadian organic cranberry and blueberry pomace and phenolic-enriched extractives. The ethanol extracts from each berry contained three to four times the soluble solids and sugar contents compared to the pomace. The lipid content of organic cranberry pomace (4.44%), cranberry ethanol extractives (3.86%), and blueberry ethanol extractives (4.44%) were significantly lower than the lipid content of the organic blueberry pomace (5.42%). The organic blueberry pomace showed higher protein content (8.41%) than organic cranberry pomace (5.76%); however, both organic cranberry and blueberry ethanol extracts showed similarly low protein contents. Significant differences were observed in the mineral and elemental contents of both pomaces and their extractives. Total phenolics, tartaric esters, flavonols, anthocyanins, and antioxidant activities were increased by two to three times in both organic cranberry and blueberry ethanol extracts compared to their respective pomaces. The major anthocyanins detected in organic blueberry pomace and ethanol extracts were peonidin 3-glucoside, malvidin 3-galactoside, malvidin 3-glucoside, and cyanidin 3-arabinoside. Peonidin 3-galactoside, cyanidin 3-galactoside, cyanidin 3-arabinoside, and peonidin 3-arabinside were the major anthocyanins in the organic cranberry and ethanol extacts. Results indicated that cranberry and blueberry pomace could be used to develop bioactives with antioxidant activity for potential health benefit and/or bioenergy production.  相似文献   

适宜高寒山区栽培的越橘优良品种-美登   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从引入的35个越橘品种中,选出适宜长白山高寒山区商业性栽培的越橘优良品种美登。该品种抗寒力强,结果早,丰产稳产。  相似文献   

调查了7 a生北高丛越橘、半高丛越橘、矮丛越橘在辽南地区棕壤条件下根系垂直分布特征。结果表明:根系生物量以高丛越橘、半高丛越橘较大,矮丛越橘较小;不同径级根系生物量占总生物量的比例以1~3 mm的根系最大,其次为≤1 mm的根系,大于3 mm的根系所占比例较小;根长密度以北村、斯卫克、康维尔较大,北陆、美登较小;不同径级根系根长密度占总根长密度的比例以≤1 mm根系最大,其次为1~3 mm的根系,大于3 mm的根系所占比例较小;5个越橘品种根系生物量和根长密度垂直分布深度在30~40 cm以内,主要分布在0~20 cm土层中,其中康维尔和北村集中分布在0~10 cm土层中,美登集中分布在10~20 cm土层中,北陆和斯卫克在0~20 cm土层内分布相对较为均匀。  相似文献   

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