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绿色食品肉猪生产技术要点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从建立企业标准化体系 ;绿色食品肉猪产业化配套生产技术 ;产品质量监测 ;和绿色食品肉猪生产基地建设等方面 ,阐述绿色食品肉猪生产过程中的技术要点  相似文献   

现代条件下的绿色食品肉猪生产 ,必须是一个系统化的生物工程。从产业化生产的角度应包括 :饲料原料———绿色玉米、大豆生产 ;绿色饲料加工 ;肉猪饲养管理 ;猪病控制 ;质量监测等。总结生产实践认识到 :必须建立或引进种、养、加、销、研发一体化的企业集团 ,实施产业化开发生产 ;建立企业标准化体系 ;产地必须按照绿色食品生产基地的标准进行建设与管理。绿色食品肉猪的生产过程 ,就是从质量上严密上述产业化生产的每一个环节的过程。一、绿色食品肉猪生产背景农业经过近一个世纪的快速发展 ,逐渐以现代农业取代了传统型农业。但是 ,随着…  相似文献   

现代条件下的绿色肉猪生产,是一项系统工程。包括多个方面:产地环境质量检测与控制、绿色饲料生产、绿色肉猪饲养、管理及疫病防治所需条件控制、产品和生产过程质量全程监控等。绿色肉猪的生产,就是产业化生产的每一个环节上的科学管理、周密衔接、严格规范操作的过程。1产地环境质量控制产地环境质量对绿色猪肉生产有直接的影响。产地环境质量检测是对产地的大气、水和土壤的污染程度作综合的评定,用综合污染指数来表示,要求绿色食品产地三项综合污染指数均不得大于1。不同的养殖管理模式与环境质量控制效果有直接关系。适宜的养殖规模,规…  相似文献   

仔猪及肉猪的相关比价分析四川省营山县畜牧局(638150)李明全掌握仔猪市场价及肉猪出栏上市价与有关物价的比例关系,对生产者和决策者正确分析生产趋势,因势利导,科学决策,指导生产具有重要意义,本文对仔猪与肉猪,出栏肉猪与玉米,出栏肉猪与市场鲜销猪肉,...  相似文献   

仔猪和肉猪上市价格的高低,效益好坏直接影响到农民饲养母猪,生产肉猪的积极性。而农民观察行情,分析效益高低是以仔猪市价和肉猪出栏上市价与相关物价的比价系数为参照的,这种比价的变化直接调节着母猪饲养和肉猪的生产。因此掌握仔猪市价及肉猪出栏上市价与有关物价...  相似文献   

吴克亮  向伯先 《养猪》1999,(4):26-26
肉猪生产的主要目的是为消费市场提供质优价廉的猪肉产品,作为养猪企业来说是获得最大的经济效益。传统肉猪生产的商品猪群是由母猪和去势公猪组成,上市体重为100kg左右。现在国外肉猪生产方式正在发生一些变化,例如,肥育公猪不去势(全公猪,entiremalepig),头胎母猪作为肉用,上市体重的提高等。本文将讨论这些肉猪生产的新方式。1 全公猪作肉用传统肉猪生产,肥育公猪在出生后不久就被去势,以消除它们的性行为。最近,澳大利亚、爱尔兰、西班牙、英国等已经开始饲养全公猪作为肉猪生产方式。Ellis(19…  相似文献   

本介绍了先进的绿色食品肉猪屠宰工艺,在工艺制定中借鉴了欧共体标准和欧美先进工艺技术,在该屠宰工艺中采用了水平与垂直放血相结合的放血技术;蒸汽烫毛、二次分段冷却技术;烫毛或剥皮前的清洗、拍干技术;质量控制上采用了HACCP质量关键点控制体系,以确保绿色食品猪肉在屠宰过程中的质量标准和卫生要求。  相似文献   

目前,国内肉猪市场开始复苏,肉猪价格开始上涨,上升幅度之大,使肉猪饲养业出现了新一轮的商机,引起越来越多的人们的关注。笔者在农村长期从事肉猪的饲养和辅导工作,从实践中认识到:要稳定、持续发展肉猪生产,避免出现大起大落,养猪户应注意以下几个方面。  相似文献   

当前养殖业集约化程度越来越高,特别是在商品肉猪养殖中更加显著。然而,规模化养猪场生产中仔猪的成活率低下成为严重影响其经济效益的重要因素,因此,要想提高商品肉猪养殖生产的经济效益,必须高度重视哺乳仔猪的成活率问题。笔者在指导和扶持当地规模化肉猪养殖场的实践中,发现通过加强母猪、哺乳仔猪及其疾病防治的管理措施,可有效提高仔猪成活率,从而增强高效肉猪养殖发展的原动力。  相似文献   

适用于绿色食品肉猪生产的重金属残留快速检测技术,一直是决定和影响绿色猪肉质量的瓶颈问题,近年对猪肉产品中砷、汞等有害物质的检测方法多用氢化物发生———原子荧光光谱法。但在实际检测中,该方法传统的试样前处理,无论是湿法消解还是干灰化法消解样品,都存在操作过程复杂  相似文献   

使用安全饲料饲养绿色肉猪的试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用同一种配合饲料,试验组不加喂添加剂,对照组添加促生长素和微量元素,进行116d的饲养试验。结果表明:试验组每头增重65.75kg,猪肉是安全、优质、营养的绿色食品;对照组每头增重70.58kg,猪肉存在污染和不安全因素。因此,对绿色肉猪要实行购、销价上浮的办法,鼓励发展。  相似文献   

食品中铅污染检测技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来食品铅污染事件时有发生,严重威胁着我国人民的生命安全。食品中铅的污染较为复杂,文章从食品中铅污染的现状、来源、检测技术及控制措施等方面进行综述,以期为食品安全问题提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to map citizen attitudes towards pig meat production systems, and to investigate whether these attitudes associate with pork and pork product consumption. A conjoint experiment was carried out with empirical data collected from 1931 individuals in four European countries with higher-than-average per capita meat consumption (Belgium, Denmark, Poland and Germany). The experiment was based on the following pig farming characteristics: herd size, housing and floor type, efforts to reduce the impact of the production system on the environment, animal feed designed for producing pork with specific fat content, and finally the preferred quality characteristics of the pork end-product. The results of the conjoint analysis were used for a subsequent cluster analysis in order to identify European citizen clusters. Respondents' socio-demographic profile, attitudes towards issues that are expected to influence the way people evaluate pig meat production systems, and consumption frequency of various pork products are used as background information to identify segment profiles. Pork appears to play a substantial role as a part of the diet for most respondents in the four countries of this study. The results of the conjoint experiment at the sample level show that people assigned most importance to animal and environmental well-being as criteria to discriminate between “good” and “bad” pig production practices, despite the fact that their attitudes towards environmental protection, animal welfare and industrial food production were only moderately strong. Moreover, the results of the cluster analysis allowed small-sized, clear-cut clusters of citizens to appear, which pay attention to specific pig farming attributes. In conclusion, attitudes towards environment and nature, animal welfare and the need for an environment-friendly food production were indeed related to citizens' specific attitudes towards pig farming at the cluster level. However, the relationship between citizenship and consumption behaviour was found to be weak. What people think in their role as citizens related to pig production did not appear to significantly influence their pork consumption choices.  相似文献   

迄今为止,质量安全可追溯是最为有效的食品安全管理方法,射频识别(radio frequency identification,RFID)技术已成为中国猪肉安全可追溯系统主要的技术手段。作者简述了可追溯系统和RFID技术的概念,重点阐述了RFID在生猪饲养、屠宰、运输、贮存、销售等环节的应用,最后针对中国RFID应用存在的问题提出相应对策,以期为建立适合中国国情的基于RFID技术的猪肉安全可追溯系统提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

The conditions for the food industry, in general, are changing. Especially in industrialized countries, the safety and quality of food is increasingly becoming an issue of concern to the consumer. This paper describes the impact of the farm-to-table concept and the implementation of HACCP plans throughout the food production chain on animal production and veterinary profession, using the example of the pork production chain.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟疫情对中国生猪产业可能产生巨大且长期的影响。一方面因为生猪饲养量大幅度减少,造成供给不足;另一方面,尽管猪肉消费在短期受到了一定程度的抑制,但由于消费偏好无法短期内改变,猪肉“刚需”仍然存在。预计2019年中国猪肉供需缺口将在1000万t左右,全年猪价将呈现“先抑后扬”态势,生猪价格将可能在近两年内都处在较高水平。猪价上升可能通过产业链波及至食品全行业,导致物价水平整体上涨。建议加大生猪生产扶持力度,调动生猪养殖积极性;明确政府管理权责,确保猪肉稳定供应;遵从产消对接、区域互补原则,以农牧结合为前提,构建生猪生产消费均衡区域布局。  相似文献   

After the broad industrialization of the US pork industry, there has been a development of niche markets for export and domestic pork; that is, there is a pork niche market phenomenon. The US pork niche market phenomenon is characterized, and 2 of the major markets are explained in detail. With the Midwest's tradition of a diversified family-based agriculture and record low hog prices of the late 1990s, the conditions were conducive for this phenomenon to develop. Pork niche markets utilize various sales methods including Internet sales, local abattoir sales, direct marketing, farmer networks, and targeting to organized groups. In 2003, there were approximately 35 to 40 active pork niche marketing efforts in Iowa. The Berkshire breed is an example of a swine breed that has had a recent resurgence because of niche markets. Berkshire pork is known for tenderness and excellent quality. Berkshire registrations have increased 4-fold in the last 10 yr. One of the larger niche marketers of "natural pork" is Niman Ranch Pork, which has more than 400 farmer-producers and processes about 2,500 pigs weekly. Many US consumers of pork are interested in issues concerning the environment, food safety, pig welfare, and pig farm ownership and structure. These consumers may be willing to pay more for pork from farmers who are also concerned about these issues. Small- and medium-sized swine farmers are active in pork niche markets. Niche markets claim product differentiation by superior or unique product quality and social attributes. Quality attributes include certain swine breeds, and meat quality, freshness, taste or flavor, and tenderness. Social or credence attributes often are claimed and include freedom from antibiotics and growth promotants; local family farm production; natural, organic, outdoor, or bedded rearing; humane rearing; known origin; environmentally friendly production; and the absence of animal by-products in the feed. Niche pork markets and alternative swine production practices offer an unusual contrast to commodity pork markets and industrial confinement swine production. Because they strive to have these attributes in their product, the niche pork market producers are a distinct clientele group. If niche pork markets continue to flourish, the markets and the producers that supply them will be a viable sector in a diverse US pork industry.  相似文献   

我国经济发展进入新阶段,居民的收入水平和食品消费偏好都在发生巨大变化。消费偏好的变化带来新市场,新市场需要新供给,同时经济结构也需要新的调整。掌握都市居民的食品消费行为与变化趋势,对于了解我国经济发展新常态下食品行业的发展方式如何转变有着重要的社会意义。基于现有研究文献,本文利用2011—2018年连续8年的消费者问卷调查数据实证分析了消费者的社会特征、家庭特征与购买肉类食品的行为之间的因果关系。分析结果表明,消费者选择在超市购买肉类食品的比率由2011年的20.41%上升到2018年的41.34%,并有显著上升趋势。消费者性别、受教育程度、家庭人数构成、家中是否有老人、消费者对食品安全的关心度、消费者对肉类食品可追溯体系的关心程度等因素显著影响着消费者在超市购买肉类食品的频度。从长期来看,由于相当一部分消费者对"超市肉类食品的卫生安全条件比农贸市场的肉类食品更加有保障"这一特征并不了解,应加大宣传肉类食品卫生安全的重要性,并向消费者提供必要的超市肉类食品卫生监管方面的相关信息,提高超市肉类食品在卫生安全上的信用水平,进而提高消费者选择在超市购买肉类食品的比率。  相似文献   

[目的]为研究与集成配套张掖金牛绿色饲养技术.[方法]综合运用肉牛饲养学、动物疫病流行病学、动物环境卫生与畜舍建筑学、肉牛营养学、动物饲料加工学、动物传染病学等学科理论及有关生产绿色畜产品的法规、规范和标准,从张掖金牛产地环境、生产环境、牛舍设计和建筑、张掖金牛绿色饲草料科学配制等14个关键环节进行了研究.[结果]集成了11个有关绿色畜产品肉牛生产的单项技术及1项原则和1项规定,组装配套成为张掖金牛绿色饲养技术.[结论]张掖金牛绿色饲养技术顺应当今消费者追求绿色食品的潮流,示范推广前景广阔.  相似文献   

绿色动物性食品及其产业化发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文简述了我国绿色动物性食品的现状及大力发展动物性食品产业的必要性和重大意义。论述了影响绿色动物性食品的主要因素(即:养殖生产场地环境,饲料,兽药及食品加工,贮藏,运输等过程),提出了大力发展绿色动物性食品的主要对策;即在调查研究的基础上,统筹协调,切实制定好绿色动物性食品的发展规划,狠挖潜力,扩大绿色动物性食品总量,推进产业化经营;从养殖场地环境,饲料安全,实施畜禽安全保障工程等方面,加强对绿色动物性食品生产,加工,包装,贮藏和保鲜技术研究,开发,严把产品质量关,创建绿色动物性食品产业电子商务信息网,加快信息和技术的交流,迎接新世纪的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

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