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以长春市繁荣路的行道绿化树种垂爆109柳为观测材料,对其抗寒能力进行调查与分析,结果表明:在2009年至2010年冬春季节的温度条件下,冻害发生严重,有整株死亡现象,3个地段的冻害指数分别为52.8、43.5和32.2,平均冻害指数为42.8,受害率达到80%以上。在2010年至2011年冬春季节的温度条件下,冻害相对较轻,无死亡植株发生,但枯梢现象仍比较严重。冬春季节温度低且持续时间长形成的累积效应是导致冻害发生的主要因素,此外,还与植株的生长势以及是否感染病虫害有一定关系,而与遗传性没有必然联系。  相似文献   

以长春市部分绿地的主要园林绿化树种为对象,对其适应低温冻害的能力进行了调查与分析,结果表明:在2009~2010年冬春季节持续低温作用下,12种外来树种中未遭受冻害的有青杄等7种,占58.3%;油松、丹东桧柏、大径级垂榆、京桃、刺槐普遍遭受冻害,都有死亡植株发生,其中大径级垂榆冻死率高达63.6%。低温累积效应是导致树木遭受冻害的主要因素,种间的遗传差异亦是因素之一。乡土野生树种无冻害相发生。  相似文献   

垂榆冻害调查及其影响因素的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对长春市4个不同地点(路段)栽植垂榆的受冻害状况进行了调查与分析,结果表明:4个调查地点垂榆的冻害率分别为67.0%、31.0%、72.0%和92.0%,平均值为65.5%;冻害指数分别为31.0、11.4、49.2和64.9,平均值为39.1。2009~2010年冬春季节持续低温的累积作用是导致发生冻害的主要因素,老龄植株生长后期的嫁接不亲和作用与砧木个体抗寒能力的遗传差异亦是影响因素之一。  相似文献   

广州栽培的凤仙花,几乎都是夏秋期间生长和开花的一年生花卉。而苏丹凤仙,却在冬春低温季节生长繁茂和开花最盛。这对美化环境和丰富人民生活起到良好作用。 苏丹凤仙(Impatiena sultonii Hook.f.)属凤仙花科、凤仙花属的多年生草本花卉。茎肉质,高约20—30厘米。叶纸质;互生,上部近轮生;广卵形或圆形:两侧有纯齿,  相似文献   

香樟大树移植技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了增加动物园在盛夏季节的绿荫地 ,移植了胸径为 2 0~ 30cm的香樟大树 112株 ,成活率达 93%。该文具体介绍了香樟大树移栽前的准备 ,移栽和管护技术 ,分析了未成活植株的死亡原因  相似文献   

正"灰霉病,大棚花卉的主要病害之一,主要危害花卉的花、果及叶片,在花卉的生长季节常伴随发生,尤其在冬春棚室生长期间。"灰霉病,大棚花卉的主要病害之一,主要危害花卉的花、果及叶片,在花卉的生长季节常伴随发生,尤其在冬春棚室生长期间。如果放松管理,该病就极易发生和流行,严重时可引起大量落花落叶,影响植物开花,降低观赏价值。  相似文献   

干热河谷是指高温、低湿河谷地带。其气候特点是:冬春季节干旱无雨、空气干燥,夏季气候炎热、雨量充沛。在冬春季节植物停止生长、进行休眠阶段,是林业上植树造林的季节,而夏季虽然雨量较多,但是气温也很高,同时是植物的生长旺盛的季节,苗木移植容易死亡,不利于造林;由于这种小气候的原因,造成造林成活率低,造林不见林,一直以来是干热河谷造林难的最大问题。  相似文献   

杨凯  谷会岩 《林业科学》2005,41(5):33-37
针对红松果林从幼龄到开花阶段植株体内激素水平的变化、激素水平的季节动态以及施入赤毒素(GA3)后对植株开花的作用,从果林中选取7~8年生、11~12年生和17~18年生3个年龄阶段的植株为对象进行研究。结果表明:红松幼龄时生长素(IAA)和玉米素核苷(ZR)的含量偏低,随着树龄增大而升高,至18年左右其含量又逐渐降低;激素的季节动态变化为5月末IAA和ZR的含量达到了最高水平,7月中旬后明显降低;从不同性型植株的激素水平来看,雌型植株体内IAA、ZR和脱落酸(ABA)的含量在春、夏、秋3个季节均高于同龄的雄型植株,3种激素的平均高出值分别为36.11%,43.58%和31.68%;施入外源激素20mg的GA3或玉米素(ZT)时,对增加雌球花数量有较好效果。  相似文献   

杜鹃花为常绿灌木,它株形紧凑,四季苍翠,形态优美,有红、白、粉、紫色花,花大而色艳,尤其是在冬春季节开放,为新春时节增添欢乐气氛而深受人们喜爱。但待到花后的春季,如不注意管理,则易造成植株逐渐枯萎、死亡。即使活着,生长势也偏弱,难以保证再次开花。其主要原因是管理者对杜鹃的生长习性缺乏了解而造成的管理不善。 一、土壤 杜鹃花盆土可用针叶腐叶土,加少量麻酱渣、骨粉等作底肥。要求土质疏松,排水良好富含腐殖质的酸性土壤。 二、施肥 杜鹃花花后植株营养消耗很大,及时补充营养是非常重要的。在3月中旬,将未开放的…  相似文献   

冬春季节,气温偏低,棚室透气性差,加之放风不及时,内外气体不能及时交换,致使棚室花卉会受到有害气体危害,轻者叶片黄化、干尖,生长不良,观赏价值降低,重者植株死亡。1氨气及氮氧化合物气体危害此2种气体多因施肥不当而产生。如追肥时施用碳酸氢铵或大量施用尿素、硫酸铵以及大  相似文献   

Earlier modeling has suggested that long distance gene flow is of importance in increasing the adaptability of tree populations in a changing climate. In times of warming temperatures, early flowering phenotypes may be favored, because early flowering may be connected to early onset of growth. Long term direct measurements of flowering, pollen cloud and intrapopulation fecundity variations are needed to test this hypothesis. Having one of the furthest transported types of pollen grains, birch may have good potential for long distance gene flow. Our daily observations over eight years, of 30 silver birches (Betula pendula Roth), showed that the onset and duration of flowering phenology was determined by the accumulation of spring temperature sums, but the window for potential long distance gene flow was narrow. The interannual phenology variations were large, the order of timing of female and male catkins in various trees of this monoecious species tended to differ, and the timing of generative and vegetative spring phenologies were not correlated at tree level. Early flowering trees tended to have a higher variation in germinability than later flowering trees. No other connection between timing of phenology of flowering and seed quantity or quality was found. Although stochastic climatic conditions produce interannually variable phenological windows, probability for long distance gene flow from areas differing in timing of spring temperature accumulations may be low in silver birch. Intertree variations in fecundity were high, and the majority of seeds and pollen were produced by only a few trees. Moreover, the amount of seeds produced was positively related to seed germinability, thus large phenotypic fecundity variations may decrease interannual genetic variations in seed sets.  相似文献   

研究气象因子对芳香植物始花期的影响情况,根据始花期的早迟对指导当地农业生产具有重要意义。对2003—2014年芳香植物的始花期与平均温度、平均最高温度、平均最低温度、降水量、日照时数等气象因子的相关性进行了分析。研究结果表明:芳香植物的始花期与温度关系最密切,降水量和日照时数对始花期的影响不太大。文中还以所测数据建立了芳香植物始花期的预测模型,利用逐步回归分析结果表明:早春和冬季平均最高气温、冬末初春平均最高气温和平均最低气温及平均气温每升高1℃,广玉兰、白玉兰、二乔玉兰、含笑和香樟的始花期分别推迟1.8、5.5、1.4、2.3和2.8 d;冬季平均气温每升高1℃,阴香的始花期推迟4.5 d;开花前5周的平均最低气温每升高1℃,腊梅的始花期推迟2.2 d;晚春平均最低气温、开花前5周的平均气温和平均最高气温及平均最低气温每升高1℃,二乔玉兰、女贞、含笑始花期分别提早5.0、3.3、1.0和2.0 d。  相似文献   

几个杨树品种低温与变温胁迫对比试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以几种常见杨树品种为试材,在不同时期进行了低温胁迫试验,通过相对电导率测试及生长恢复情况调查,分析了不同时期低温对杨树发生冻害的影响,结果显示:在冬季树木深休眠期持续的低温对杨树具有一定的伤害,但伤害程度不大;初春树木萌动期低温对杨树伤害较大。根据此结论,进一步开展变温胁迫试验,结果显示:高温和低温的变温对不同杨树伤害较大,而且变化幅度越剧烈,造成伤害越严重。  相似文献   

Effects of elevated temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) on spring phenology of mature field-grown Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees were followed for three years. Twelve whole-tree chambers (WTC) were installed around individual trees and used to expose the trees to a predicted future climate. The predicted climate scenario for the site, in the year 2100, was 700 micromol mol-1 [CO2], and an air temperature 3 degrees C higher in summer and 5 degrees C higher in winter, compared with current conditions. Four WTC treatments were imposed using combinations of ambient and elevated [CO2] and temperature. Control trees outside the WTCs were also studied. Bud development and shoot extension were monitored from early spring until the termination of elongation growth. Elevated air temperature hastened both bud development and the initiation and termination of shoot growth by two to three weeks in each study year. Elevated [CO2] had no significant effect on bud development patterns or the length of the shoot growth period. There was a good correlation between temperature sum (day degrees>or=0 degrees C) and shoot elongation, but a precise timing of bud burst could not be derived by using an accumulation of temperature sums.  相似文献   

2007~2009年在河北科技师范学院昌黎校区内对3科40种(品种)园林树木连续3年进行定位物候观测,结合当地气象资料,较系统地研究了河北昌黎地区园林树木始花期、花期天数年份间的变化,以及有效积温与始花期的关系。结果表明,不同年份间蔷薇科、忍冬科树木始花期有效积温存在极显著差异,木犀科树木差异不明显;同一科内不同种(品种)间始花期有效积温差异显著;蔷薇科、木犀科树木的花期天数在不同年份间没有显著差异,忍冬科树木花期天数不同年份间存在显著差异。不同科的树木始花期对年份间生态因子变化的敏感程度有差异,木犀科树木始花期年份间的变化较蔷薇科、忍冬科树木相对稳定。同一科内不同种(品种)间始花期性状变异幅度较大。不同科的树木花期天数年份间的稳定性有差异,蔷薇科、木犀科树木花期天数年份间的变化较忍冬科树木相对稳定。用有效积温预测园林树木进入始花期的早晚,具有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

In spring, nitrogen (N) uptake by apple roots begins about 3 weeks after bud break. We used 1-year-old 'Fuji' Malus domestica Borkh on M26 bare-root apple trees to determine whether the onset of N uptake in spring is dependent solely on the growth stage of the plant or is a function of soil temperature. Five times during early season growth, N uptake and total amino acid concentration were measured in trees growing at aboveground day/night temperatures of 23/15 degrees C and belowground temperatures of 8, 12, 16 or 20 degrees C. We used (15NH4)(15NO3) to measure total N uptake and rate of uptake and found that both were significantly influenced by both soil temperature and plant growth stage. Rate of uptake of 15N increased with increasing soil temperature and changed with plant growth stage. Before bud break, 15N was not detected in trees growing in the 8 degrees C soil treatment, whereas 15N uptake increased with increasing soil temperatures between 12 and 20 degrees C. Ten days after bud break, 15N was still not detected in trees growing in the 8 degrees C soil treatment, although total 15N uptake and uptake rate continued to increase with increasing soil temperatures between 12 and 20 degrees C. Twenty-one days after bud break, trees in all temperature treatments were able to acquire 15N from the soil, although the amount of uptake increased with increasing soil temperature. Distribution of 15N in trees changed as plants grew. Most of the 15N absorbed by trees before bud break (approximately 5% of 15N supplied per tree) remained in the roots. Forty-six days after bud break, approximately one-third of the 15N absorbed by the trees in the 12-20 degrees C soil temperature treatments remained in the roots, whereas the shank, stem and new growth contained about two-thirds of the 15N taken up by the roots. Total amino acid concentration and distribution of amino acids in trees changed with plant growth stage, but only the amino acid concentration in new growth and roots was affected by soil temperature. We conclude that a combination of low soil temperature and plant developmental stage influences the ability of apple trees to take up and use N from the soil in the spring. Thus, early fertilizer application in the spring when soil temperatures are low or when the aboveground portion of the tree is not actively growing may be ineffective in promoting N uptake.  相似文献   

Montane red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) in the northeastern United States has undergone a decline during the past two decades. One symptom associated with the decline syndrome is the episodic browning of first-year foliage in early spring. To examine the potential role of winter desiccation in this browning, the water relations of red spruce foliage in a subalpine forest on Mt. Moosilauke, New Hampshire, USA, were monitored from January to May, 1989. All sampled trees lost water during the winter and the first-year foliage on some trees turned brown in early spring. The relative water content of first-year shoots during the winter was a significant predictor of spring browning; red spruce trees that showed browning had desiccated faster and reached lower relative water contents. Damaged trees also had more closely packed needles and lower cuticular resistances to water loss. The first-year shoots had a significantly lower average relative water content than older shoots before and after browning. Cuticular resistance to water loss decreased with elevation. Sun-exposed shoots lost more water than shaded shoots because of solar heating of needles. Winter desiccation can occur before the decline-related spring browning of red spruce foliage.  相似文献   

Tropical stem-succulent trees store large quantities of water in their trunks yet remain leafless during the early and mid dry season. In contrast to most other tropical trees, bud break of vegetative buds is not induced in fully hydrated stem succulents between the winter solstice and the spring equinox by leaf abscission, abnormal rain showers or irrigation. Vegetative buds of leafless trees are therefore in a state of endo-dormancy similar to that of temperate perennial plants during early winter. Highly synchronous bud break regularly occurs soon after the spring equinox, often weeks before the first rainfalls of the wet season. These observations suggested that endo-dormancy and bud break might be induced by declining and increasing photoperiods after the autumn and spring equinoxes, respectively. In phenological field observations, we confirmed highly synchronous bud break after the spring equinox in many trees of five stem-succulent species in the northern and southern hemispheres. Shoot growth of potted saplings of Plumeria rubra L. was arrested by a decline in day length below 12 h after the autumn equinox, but continued in saplings maintained in a 13-h photoperiod. Conversely, exposure to a 13-h photoperiod induced bud break of dormant apical buds in saplings and cuttings in January, whereas plants maintained in the natural day length of < 11.7 h remained dormant. Photoperiodic control of endo-dormancy of vegetative buds in stem succulents is thus supported by field observations and experimental variation of the photoperiod. At low latitudes, where annual variation of day length is less than 1 h, bud dormancy is induced and broken by variations in photoperiod of less than 30 min.  相似文献   

Cheng L  Fuchigami LH 《Tree physiology》2002,22(18):1297-1303
Bench-grafted Fuji/M.26 apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees were fertilized with a nutrient solution (fertigation) containing 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 15 or 20 mM nitrogen (N) in a modified Hoagland's solution from June 30 to September 1. In mid-October, half of the trees in each N treatment were sprayed twice with 3% urea, 1 week apart. The remaining trees served as controls. All trees were harvested after leaf fall and stored at 2 degrees C over winter. One group of trees from each treatment was destructively sampled before bud break to determine amounts of reserve N and total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC); the remaining trees were transplanted to N-free medium in the spring. These trees were supplied with Hoagland's solution with or without 10 mM N (from 15N-depleted NH4NO3) for 60 days, starting from bud break. With increasing N supply from fertigation, tree N concentration increased, whereas TNC concentration decreased. Foliar urea applications increased tree N concentration and decreased TNC concentration in each N fertigation treatment. There was a negative linear relationship between tree N concentration and TNC concentration. Irrespective of whether N was provided the following spring, trees with high N reserves but low carbohydrate reserves produced a larger total leaf area at the end of the regrowth period than trees with low N reserves but high carbohydrate reserves. The pooled data on reserve N used for new growth showed that, regardless of the spring N supply, there was a linear relationship between total N accumulated in the tree during the previous season and the amount of reserve N remobilized for new shoot and leaf growth. About 50% of tree N content was remobilized to support new shoot and leaf growth over the range of tree N status examined. We conclude that the initial growth of young apple trees in the spring is determined mainly by reserve N, not reserve carbohydrates. The amount of reserve N remobilized for new growth in spring was proportional to tree N status and was unaffected by current N supply.  相似文献   

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