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Natural cases of Babesia canis infection in Nigerian dogs were encountered over a two-year period. Over 70 per cent of the dogs were less than or equal to one year of age. The hyperacute and acute forms of the disease were encountered in dogs as young as four weeks. The acute form of the disease was most common. Consistent clinical signs of the acute form included abnormal appetite, lethargy, fever, anaemia, generalised lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, emaciation and icterus. Anaemia was of the regenerative type in all cases while neutrophilic leucocytosis was mainly observed in hyperacute cases. Four dogs with hyperacute disease died despite treatment while all other dogs recovered following single dose (3–5 mg/kg) treatment with diminazene aceturate. The results of this study indicate that hyperacute babesiosis in dogs should be considered more frequently by veterinarians.  相似文献   

Canine babesiosis is an important worldwide, tick-borne disease caused by hemoprotozoan parasites of the genus Babesia. Babesia gibsoni is the predominant species that causes canine babesiosis in Taipei, Taiwan. It is a small pleomorphic intraerythrocytic parasite that can cause erythrocyte destruction and hemolytic anemia. Efficacy of oral administration of a doxycycline-enrofloxacin-metronidazole combination with and without injections of diminazene diaceturate in the management of naturally occurring canine babesiosis caused by B. gibsoni was evaluated retrospectively. The overall efficacy of this combination of doxycycline-enrofloxacin-metronidazole in conjunction with and without administration of diminazene diaceturate was 85.7% and 83.3%, respectively; with a mean recovery time of 24.2 and 23.5 days, respectively. Concomitant use of intramuscular diminazene diaceturate may not improve the efficacy of a doxycycline-enrofloxacin-metronidazole combination in management of canine babesiosis caused by B. gibsoni.  相似文献   

In the presented study we evaluated the hematological changes in samples of blood obtained from 248 dogs naturally infected with large Babesia. The evaluation included red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), leucocyte counts, thrombocyte counts, mean platelet volume (MPV), morphology of erythrocytes and leucogram. The most common disorders in affected dogs were thrombocytopenia and anisocytosis. The count of erythrocytes below reference values was detected in 26.2% of dogs and 31.4% of affected animals presented hematocrit below the reference values. Hemoglobin concentration below the reference values was noted in 29% of dogs, an increase of MCHC above normal values was detected in 21% of examinated dogs and MCV below normal values was recognized in 2% of dogs. 60.5% of dogs presented anisocytosis, 25% poikilocytosis, 23.8% polychromasia, 19.7% hypochromia and 4.4% erythroblastosis. Thrombocytopenia was detected in 99.5% of dogs, but only 15.3% of examined animals showed increase of MPV, which suggests a response of the bone marrow. 36.3% of dogs had neutropenia, and 21.8% presented a left shift, 14.9% had the lymphocytosis and 7.2% lymphopenia.  相似文献   

This prospective, cross-sectional, observational study was designed to determine the association between the hormones of the pituitary-adrenal and pituitary-thyroid axes and outcome in dogs with naturally occurring Babesia canis rossi babesiosis. Ninety-five dogs with canine babesiosis were studied and blood samples were obtained from the jugular vein in each dog prior to treatment at admission to hospital. Serum cortisol, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), thyroxine, free thyroxine and thyrotropin (TSH) concentrations were measured. Diagnosis was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction and reverse line blot and dogs infected with Babesia canis vogeli or Ehrlichia canis were excluded. Three outcomes were defined: hospitalization with subsequent death (n=7); hospitalization followed by recovery (n=56); and treatment as an outpatient (n=32). Serum cortisol and ACTH concentrations were significantly higher in the dogs that died, compared to hospitalized dogs that survived and compared to dogs treated as outpatients. Serum T4 and free T4 concentrations were significantly lower in the dogs that died, compared to the hospitalized dogs that survived and compared to dogs treated as outpatients. Serum TSH concentrations were not significantly different between any of the groups. Mortality was significantly associated with high cortisol and high ACTH concentrations and with low T4 and fT4 concentrations in dogs suffering from B. canis rossi babesiosis.  相似文献   

Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) is a negative acute phase protein bound to high density lipoproteins (HDL) and during the acute phase response (APR) protects HDL from peroxidation. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between PON1 and HDL in canine babesiosis, a disease characterized by oxidative damages and by an APR. PON1, HDL and C-reactive protein (CRP), were measured in blood collected from 15 controls and 29 dogs with babesiosis sampled at admission, and on days 1 and 7 after treatment. At admission, PON1 and HDL were significantly lower in affected dogs. HDL concentration increased at day 1 while PON1 increased and CRP decreased at day 7. This suggests that the decrease of PON1 at admission is in part due to an increased consumption, the decreased HDL may depend on lipid peroxidation and its rapid increase after treatment may depend on the antioxidant activity of PON1.  相似文献   

This study is designated to assess the effect of the severity of Babesia ovis infection on sialic acid concentration in blood sera in naturally infected sheep. Infected animals (diseased group) comprised 38 Iranian fat-tailed sheep, about 1–3 years old, naturally infected with B. ovis, divided into four subgroups with respect to parasitemia rates (low 0.1–0.3 %, moderate 0.4–0.9 %, high 1–2.5 %, and very high >2.5 %). The parasitological diagnosis was confirmed using PCR analysis. As a control group, ten clinically healthy sheep reared under the same management and environmental conditions were also sampled. Hematological parameters and the concentrations of total sialic acid (TSA), lipid-bound sialic acid (LBSA), and protein-bound sialic acid (PBSA) were measured in both groups. Compared to controls, sialic acid concentrations showed significant increase (p?Parasitemia rate was positively correlated with sialic acid concentrations. This study demonstrated that B. ovis infection induced marked and persistent elevations of serum sialic acid concentrations. It seems that increase of serum sialic acid concentrations during parasitemia alter receptor-ligand interactions, which are known to play important role in immune response. Furthermore, sialic acid would indirectly inhibit the action of leukocytes and consequently promote the evasion of the immune response and persistence of the parasite in the host. This factor could influence the parasite-host cell adhesion, but further detailed biochemical investigations are needed to precisely explain the exact role of sialic acid in invasion process of the parasite to the host cells.  相似文献   

The morphologically small Babesia species isolated from naturally infected dogs in Europe, Japan, and US are described as Babesia gibsoni despite the fact that molecular techniques show that they should be assigned to two or three separate taxons. The morphologically large Babesia isolated from dogs in Europe, Africa, and US were generally classified as B. canis until it was proposed to distinguish three related, albeit genetically distinct subspecies of this genus, namely B. canis canis, B. canis rossi, and B. canis vogeli. The insight into the molecular taxonomy of canine piroplasms is, however, limited because only partial small subunit ribosomal RNA (ssrRNA) sequence data exist for two species from the B. canis group. In this work, we molecularly characterised natural Babesia infections in 11 dogs from Croatia, France, Italy, and Poland. These infections were diagnosed as caused by B. canis canis and B. canis vogeli based on the analysis of the complete sequence of the ssrRNA genes. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the large Babesia species of dogs belong the to the Babesia sensu stricto clade, which includes species characterised by transovarial transmission in the tick vectors and by exclusive development inside the mammalian host erythrocytes. The new data facilitate the reliable molecular diagnosis of the subspecies of B. canis.  相似文献   

Canine babesiosis due to Babesia gibsoni (B. gibsoni) displays severe clinical manifestations. Recurrence of babesiosis after anti-babesial treatment is observable in over 10 % of the patients. The present study ascertains the risk factors and cumulative incidence of recurrence of canine babesiosis. For a sample of 145 dogs diagnosed with acute babesiosis, the following parameters were assessed over a period of 16 weeks: haematological parameters, status of anaemia, platelet count, total WBC count, haemoglobin concentration and RBC count, concurrent haemoparasitism, and secondary immune mediated haemolytic anaemia (IMHA). Patient demographics such as age, breed, sex were also recorded. The potential risk factors were statistically evaluated by the cumulative incidence function and the Kaplan-Meier method. The recurrent infections were observed in 11.8 % of the study sample. The following factors were found to associate with increased risk of recurrence: Rottweiler breed (CIR 21.8 % ± 6.9 %; p < 0.05), secondary IMHA (CIR 28.7 % ± 11.3 %; p < 0.05), RBC counts < 2 × 106/μl on the day of diagnosis (CIR 16 % ± 4.6 %; p < 0.05), and persistent anaemia over 20 days post treatment (CIR 29.14 ± 7.9 %; p < 0.001). Dogs with concurrent haemoparasitic infections were predicted to have a fatal outcome in the survival analysis (disease related mortalities 25 % ± 13 %; p < 0.001). According to the findings, veterinarians need to pay attention to Rottweiler breed, dogs with secondary IMHA, concurrent haemoparasitism, low RBC counts on diagnosis and those with persistent anaemia to reduce the risk of relapse.  相似文献   

Babesia canis has generally been considered the only large Babesia to infect dogs. In this study, we used PCR to detect and characterize B. canis canis isolated from naturally infected dogs in Poland by amplifying and sequencing a portion of the 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene. Venous blood samples were collected from 76 Babesia-symptomatic dogs. A 559-bp fragment of the B. canis canis 18S rRNA gene was amplified by PCR. The PCR products were then digested with HincII restriction enzyme, and isolates were classified according to whether they were cut (group A) or not (group B) by this endonuclease. Sequencing of the PCR products from the isolates led to the identification of seven sequence variants (four in group A, and three in group B). Sequences were compared with GenBank sequences, and alignments showed that all B. canis canis isolates from Europe may be classified into groups A or B as defined in our study.  相似文献   

Hemolytic anemia caused by Babesia gibsoni infection in dogs.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Babesia gibsoni caused severe hemolytic anemia in 11 dogs from southern California. The most common clinical signs of B gibsoni infection were lethargy, anorexia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Acute infection with B gibsoni may be misdiagnosed as autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Diagnosis was most reliably determined by identification of the intraerythrocytic parasites on Giemsa-stained blood smears. The pathogenicity of B gibsoni, difficulties in diagnosis, the parasite's resistance to treatment with available drugs, and frequent interstate movement of dogs indicate that this disease may be a serious threat to dogs throughout the United States.  相似文献   

Clinical and pathological findings of Babesia infection in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clinical and pathological findings of Babesia infection in 32 dogs in northern Australia are presented. Eleven different breed types were represented from 6 localities in north Queensland and one locality in northern Western Australia. Twenty three (72%) were males. Babesia-infected dogs were grouped by the degree of haematological disturbance and clinical severity: Acute babesiosis (25/32), all pups with severe haemolytic anaemia; subclinical carriers (5/32) with non-specific malaise, characterised haematologically by a normal erythrogram but marked leucopenia; chronic anaemia, observed in 2 adult dogs. Pups were azotaemic (serum urea greater than 6.6 mmol/l) and had elevated serum bilirubin levels (20.8 to 48.5 mmol/l). Total serum protein was usually within the normal range. Pups that died were also hypoglycaemic and severely hyperkalaemic (K+ greater than 10 mmol/l). Low parasitaemias in routine blood smears complicated diagnosis but smears made from ear or toe capillaries, or after haematocrit concentration, greatly enhanced finding parasitised cells. At necropsy, pallor and jaundice were the most consistent observations. Haemoglobinuric nephrosis, an active reticulo-endothelial system and capillaries packed with large numbers of infected erythrocytes were the main histopathological findings. A combination of imidocarb dipropionate at 5 mg/kg body weight, given intramuscularly, with fluid therapy and blood transfusion was the most successful treatment.  相似文献   

Hypoadrenocorticism was diagnosed in 42 dogs over a two-and-a-half-year period. The disease occurred more commonly in young to middle-aged dogs, with a female:male ratio of 2:1. Most dogs had chronic intermittent signs (eg, poor appetite, lethargy and vomiting), but more than a third were in acute adrenal crisis at the time of diagnosis. Serum biochemical testing revealed azotaemia, hyperphosphataemia, hyper-kalaemia and hyponatraemia in almost all the dogs. In all dogs, results of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) stimulation testing revealed a low to low-normal serum baseline Cortisol concentration that failed to increase after ACTH administration. In two dogs with persistently normal serum electrolytes concentration, one had a markedly high plasma ACTH concentration diagnostic for primary hypoadrenocorticism, whereas the other had a low concentration confirming secondary hypoadrenocorticism. Fludrocortisone acetate was initially used for mineralocorticoid replacement in 33 of the 37 treated dogs withprimary hypoadrenocorticism (final median dosage, 27-0 μg/kg/day), but supplementation was changed to desoxycorticos-terone pivalate (DOCP) in four dogs because of poor response or adverse effects. Seven dogs with primary hypoadrenocorticism were treated with DOCP (final median dosage, 2-02 mg/kg/month). Prednisone, initially administered to 36 dogs, was discontinued in 11 dogs because of side effects. Of the dogs treated with fludrocortisone, the response was considered good to excellent in 26 dogs (78.8 per cent), fair in three, and poor in four. All dogs treated with DOCP responded well.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the pulp of dog teeth affected by advanced periodontal disease. Histological examination was done on demineralized teeth extracted during clinical treatment of mature, client owned small and medium-size breed dogs with either good periodontal health or with advanced naturally occurring periodontal disease. Routinely stained sections from 5 clinically normal teeth and 22 teeth with advanced periodontitis from dogs between 5 and 12-years of age were examined using light microscopy. The pulp cavities of most teeth were narrow with low cellularity and some fibrosis of the pulp. Findings specific to periodontally affected teeth included acute and chronic pulpitis, vascular congestion, and pulp necrosis. A glomus body was identified in the pulp of one tooth and areas of poorly mineralized cementum were seen in both normal and diseased teeth. Age related changes in dog teeth appear similar to those reported for man and the rat. In addition to age related changes, the pulp of dog teeth with advanced periodontal disease were frequently inflamed or necrotic. This may reflect the advanced periodontitis affecting these teeth or a mechanical effect related to excessive tooth mobility. Further study is required to determine the etiology and significance of these findings and to investigate pulp status in less severely diseased teeth.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Serum concentrations of acute phase proteins can provide valuable diagnostic information in the detection, prognosis, or monitoring of disease. Information available on the acute phase response in naturally occurring canine babesiosis is limited. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this investigation was to retrospectively evaluate serum concentrations of haptoglobin, C-reactive protein, and ceruloplasmin in dogs naturally infected with Babesia canis. METHODS: Haptoglobin, C-reactive protein, and ceruloplasmin concentrations were measured in serum samples from dogs with uncomplicated (n = 6) and complicated (n = 1) babesiosis and compared with 6 healthy dogs. RESULTS: Serum C-reactive protein and ceruloplasmin concentrations were significantly higher in dogs with babesiosis; however, serum haptoglobin concentration was significantly lower compared with control dogs (P <.01). CONCLUSIONS: Results of this study suggest that acute phase protein concentrations could be beneficial in the diagnosis and determination of the severity of babesiosis in dogs.  相似文献   

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