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本研究按照OIE《陆生动物卫生法典》推荐的风险评估原则和步骤,对上海地区输入性羊群传播布鲁氏菌病开展危害识别、释放评估、暴露评估和后果评估,确定各类风险因素,对其风险等级进行描述和情景分析,并提出针对性的防控措施和建议,为政府部门制定管理政策提供科学依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

畜产品中盐酸克伦特罗残留的风险评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了提高我国畜产品的质量,严禁盐酸克伦特罗在畜牧业生产中的应用,本文从危害识别、危害描述、暴露评估、风险描述等方面对盐酸克伦特罗进行了风险评估;并根据我国目前盐酸克伦特罗的使用情况和管理情况,提出了风险管理的建议,为管理部门制定管理措施提供依据。  相似文献   

为减少叶菜类饲料亚硝酸盐危害,探讨了不同处理及贮藏时间对叶菜中亚硝酸盐含量的影响。以白菜(Brassica pekinensis)和包菜(B.oleracea)为试验材料,经炒、煮前处理后套保鲜袋或不套保鲜袋4℃保存以及青贮,青贮贮藏6、12、24、48h和40d后取样测定,其余处理在6、12、24和48h后取样测定。结果表明,前处理对白菜和包菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量影响显著(P0.05),而套袋和不套袋保存对硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的含量无显著影响(P0.05),煮制与炒制后的叶菜于4℃下贮藏48h,亚硝酸盐含量不会出现大幅度增加;青贮初期亚硝酸盐有所减少,在24h(白菜)或12h(包菜)后显著增加,但后期(白菜40d、包菜48h后)又减少,特别是包菜青贮40d,其亚硝酸盐含量比青贮前还低(P0.05)。  相似文献   

亚硝酸盐在抑制包括肉毒杆菌在内的食源性致病菌的生长方面起着重要作用。亚硝酸盐是加工肉制品的固色剂。亚硝基化合物可以从亚硝酸盐中产生,而亚硝酸盐被认为是致癌物。尽管加工肉制品摄入的亚硝酸盐在总亚硝酸盐摄入量中所占比例非常低,但消费者希望加工肉制品含有较低浓度的亚硝酸盐或根本不含亚硝酸盐。但较低的亚硝酸盐水平可能使消费者暴露于肉毒杆菌中毒或其他食源性病原体引起的疾病风险。因此,降低亚硝酸盐浓度,并结合其他因素,如低pH,高氯化钠水平等,常常用于减少食物中毒的风险。此外,可以抑制细菌生长和作为固色剂功能的天然化合物已开发出来,目的是取代亚硝酸盐在加工肉制品中的应用。但其抗肉毒毒素作用尚未完全阐明。  相似文献   

青贮饲料在畜牧业生产过程中占有非常重要的地位,但是青贮发酵过程中亚硝酸盐积累会严重危害动物生产性能及奶肉品质。亚硝酸盐中毒是家畜在临床上常见的一种食源性的疾病,家畜轻度中毒会影响其生长发育,重度中毒甚至会导致家畜死亡。因此,为减少家畜因食用青贮引发亚硝酸盐中毒的现象,同时提高青贮质量安全,本文阐述了青贮亚硝酸盐的危害、来源、转化途径、青贮过程中亚硝酸盐降解途径及调控措施,以期为青贮中亚硝酸盐降解及调控提供有效参考。  相似文献   

应用风险分析模型对疫苗微生物及环境释放进行安全性研究,明确地描述了鉴定和评估潜在安全风险的方法,提交风险分析报告,以确保新的试验性兽用疫苗的安全性。试验性兽用疫苗的风险评估包括:安全危害的鉴定、释放评估以及对动物、公共卫生或环境的安全风险的鉴定。  相似文献   

本文着重对水产养殖中氨氮与亚硝酸盐氮的危害进行了分析,从物理方法、化学方法和生物学方法 3个方面探讨了水产养殖中氨氮与亚硝酸盐氮的防治措施,降低水质中氨氮与亚硝酸盐氮的含量,提高养殖的产量与养殖物的质量。  相似文献   

亚硝酸盐是一种对水产养殖动物危害较为严重的环境胁迫因子之一.为探究几种物质对水环境中亚硝酸盐降解能力,本文根据化学式NO2-+Fe2++2H+→NO ↑+Fe3+H2O得到降解亚硝酸盐所需的Fe2+浓度,依据该浓度配制不同浓度梯度的Fe2+溶液进行降解亚硝酸盐的探究,并同时针对所有梯度进行底益净除臭型、亚硝克星、硫酸镁溶液和Fe2+:Mg2+=1∶1这4种溶液降解亚硝酸盐能力进行实验.结果显示在达到一定浓度的情况下,Fe2+(3.64g/L)对亚硝酸盐降解能力较强,从1mg/L下降到0.278mg/L,降解过程缓和,在硬度较高的水中产生氢氧化铁沉淀但不影响降解能力;底益净除臭型(0.0546g/L)、亚硝克星(0.272g/L)降解亚硝酸能力较强,分别从1mg/L下降到0.447mg/L和0.461mg/L,降解迅速;而Mg2+对亚硝酸盐仅有微弱的降解能力.  相似文献   

为使人们正确认识加工肉制品中存在的影响人类健康安全的风险因素,本文对亚硝酸盐等N-亚硝基化合物的化学性质、危害特征、来源及检测方法等进行了综述。N-亚硝基化合物广泛存在于熏肉(鱼)、烟草、腌菜、啤酒等食品中,是一类强烈化学致癌物质。N-亚硝基化合物主要来源于动物性食物或蔬菜中的硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐。食品中N-亚硝基化合物的含量非常低,在检测时需要进行样品的提取和净化。提取方法主要有蒸馏法、消煮法和萃取法;仪器检测方法主要有紫外和可见光光度法、高效液相色谱法、气相色谱法、胶束电动毛细管色谱法。  相似文献   

试纸法快速测定肉制品中的亚硝酸盐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚硝酸盐是肉制品中常用的添加剂,起着防腐和发色的作用。但由于亚硝酸盐是致癌物质亚硝胺的前体物质,其残留量过高会危害人体健康,我国规定在肉制品中的允许残留量以亚硝酸钠不得超过30毫克/公斤。关于亚硝酸盐的测定方法较多,常用的有比色法、格氏试剂法、联苯胺蓝试验及雷佛奴尔法。比色法是测定食品中亚硝酸盐较准确的方法,但操作繁琐、费时,还需要一定的仪器;格氏试剂法及联苯胺蓝法可快速测定亚硝酸盐,但格氏试剂及联苯胺易氧化失效而导致假阳性;而雷佛奴尔法的灵敏度低,一般用于动物亚硝酸盐中毒的临床检测,不适合检测食品中的亚硝酸盐。因此,研究一种简便、快速、稳定、准确,适合于现场测定和大规模普  相似文献   

近年来我国乳品消费量持续增加,乳品质量安全关乎着人们身体健康和生命安全.金黄色葡萄球菌及其肠毒素引起的乳品中毒事件时有发生,逐本求源地针对原料乳开展金黄色葡萄球菌风险评估研究是十分必要的.本文根据国际食品法典委员会拟定的微生物风险评估的原则和指导方针,从危害识别、危害特征描述、暴露评估、风险描述四方面综述了关于原料乳中金黄色葡萄球菌国内外风险评估的研究现状.通过国外成熟的定量风险评估案例,介绍关于原料乳中金黄色葡萄球菌定量风险评估的基本框架,提出未来应加强构建肠毒素预测模型,较为系统的对原料乳从牧场到餐桌进行全程监控和风险评估的建议.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) are emetic toxins causing food poisoning in humans, because of their biological activity and structural relatedness They have been classified as members of the pyrogenic exotoxin superantigen family Among them nine major antigenic types of emetic enterotoxins were recognized In recent years several newly detected SEs were also discriminated, but their occurrence and role in human and animal diseases are not fully understood Neverthless, evidences of their pathogenic role and broad distribution in staphylococcal strains cumulate Therefore their importance as potential risk factor for food safety becomes essential For this reason their properties, genetic determinants and supposed mechanisms of the pathogenic activity are discussed in respect of their potential hazard to human health.  相似文献   

阐述了霉变饲料对养猪业的危害,猪食霉变饲料中毒后的初期表现及中毒后的治疗方法和预防措施。提配人们饲料中的霉菌毒素与动物的生产性能和健康问题有关。  相似文献   

Placing a nasogastric tube can be a life-saving act for a horse but is considered an occupational hazard for veterinarians. An online questionnaire was performed to assess and specify potential risks. 123 equine veterinarians completed the survey, and the majority admitted using the mouth to handle the end of the nasogastric tube (sucking or blowing air) and having accidentally swallowed or aspirated stomach content or medications. This can potentially lead to aspiration pneumonia or pneumonitis. Mineral oil seems to be especially dangerous as aspiration may be asymptomatic at the beginning and lipoid pneumonitis may develop. Furthermore, 60% of responders would also handle the tube with their mouth if the horse was presented with fever and diarrhea or reflux formation, which might be affected by Salmonella sp. or Clostridium difficile producing toxins. The fact that nasogastric tubes are rarely being disinfected increases the risk of infection. 50% of veterinarians would use their mouth to suck or blow air into the tube during nasogastric intubation, even if the patient was presented with suspected poisoning. Rodenticide zinc phosphide is particularly dangerous as its breakdown product is a highly toxic gas. Inhalation leads to serious symptoms in humans, including pulmonary edema and neurological signs. Alternatives to mouth use (lavage, big syringe, or suction pump) when passing a tube should be considered, especially if a patient is presented with duodenitis—proximal jejunitis, diarrhea, or suspected poisoning. Awareness needs to be raised among veterinarians that nasogastric intubation is an extremely hazardous occupational practice.  相似文献   

Chronic copper poisoning was investigated in ruminants within the Phalaborwa area of the Kruger National Park (KNP). Exposure of ruminants to environmental copper pollution resulting form copper smelting operations of a mine in the area was examined by comparing impala faecal copper concentrations in dung heaps and tissue (liver, lung and kidney) copper concentrations of organs collected from impala and buffalo culled within three risk zones (high, moderate and low) of the study area in relation to the distance from the smelter over a period of 4 years. An additional area within the KNP not exposed to the environmental copper pollution from the mine served as control. Tissue copper accumulation was also determined in tracer impala placed in the highest risk zone. The results of this study confirmed the occurrence of chronic copper poisoning in impala and indicated an inverse relationship in extent of impala faecal copper elimination and in tissue copper accumulation in impala and buffalo with distance from the copper smelter. Impala liver copper concentrations were shown to be a reliable indicator of copper accumulation for these ruminants. The presence lung copper concentrations, indicating the exposure to airborne copper were the highest in impala culled in the zone closest to the smelter. Liver copper concentrations above the diagnostic limit of 150 ppm for chronic copper poisoning in domestic sheep were consistently found in impala within the highest risk zone. Clinical pathological measurements suggested that AST activity could possibly be used as an indicator for chronic copper poisoning in impala. It is concluded that, in addition to the environmental and geo-botanical evidence previously reported, the copper smelter of a nearby copper mine is the most likely source of copper pollution responsible for chronic copper poisoning in impala and the occurrence of high copper concentrations in buffalo in the Phalaborwa area of the KNP.  相似文献   

Because of their curious nature and small size, ferrets are at risk for various toxicoses. At present, there is not a great deal of information on specific toxicants in ferrets. This article initially reviews general consideration in treating poisoning in ferrets, such as obtaining history and decontamination. It then discusses some specific agents that appear to be common causes of poisoning in ferrets based on the experience of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.  相似文献   

Stone martens (Martes foina) are particularly exposed to secondary poisoning by feeding on anti-coagulant-loaded rats and mice in premises. This study indicates that the risk can be considered relatively small as up to 31 bromadiolone-loaded mice were consumed during four days by a single stone marten without symptoms of poisoning.  相似文献   

乳品安全日益成为社会和科学关注的焦点.本文介绍了乳品安全及微生物风险评估概念,并从影响乳品安全的危害因素出发,对乳品中的微生物危害来源及现状作了全面性综述.详细论述了国内外乳品中微生物风险评估情况和通用步骤,比较了微生物风险评估与化学危害风险评估的差异,最后对乳品微生物风险评估在中国的未来发展方向作了前瞻性展望.  相似文献   

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