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The effect of 4-weekly anthelmintic dosing and other treatment regimes on the serological response of dogs to Taenia ovis was examined. Most dogs which were frequently fed infected meat and dosed with a cestocidal anthelmintic at 4-week intervals eventually showed a positive ELISA absorbance. The absence of dosing, or intermittent dosing, of repeatedly infected dogs raised ELISA absorbances to very high levels in most dogs and these absorbances took an increasingly longer time to fall after each new infection. The feeding of large numbers of frozen, dead cysts to sensitised dogs raised absorbance levels. The serological test for T. ovis infections in dogs does not detect false positives. Positive tests result from the dog being exposed to T. ovis scolex secretory antigen.  相似文献   

Fifty six dogs of mixed age and sex were acquired from farms in the Otago/Southland region, and maintained at the Hydatid Research Unit, Taieri, where 43 were each fed two Tueniu ovis cysts. All were bled fortnightly for six or 12 weeks. Coded sera were sent to Wallaceville Animal Research Centre for testing using ELISA, with antigen from T. ovis scoleces. Dog treatments were identified after all tests were complete. A discriminant level was derived from the mean absorbance value plus three standard deviations of 56 sera taken at time zero and 78 sera from serially bled uninfected dogs. None of these 134 sera registered as a false positive using this discriminant level. The data showed no significant deviation from normality, and the expected frequency of the occurrence of false positives is therefore less than 0.14%. Four weeks after infection 63% of dogs proved to be infected were serologically positive, rising to 78% after 6 weeks. When worms were removed by anthelmintic treatment, ELISA absorbance levels decreased. Four weeks after removal 70% of previously infected dogs remained positive, decreasing to 30% after 6 weeks. Six weeks after infection the sensitivity of the test was 78%, and the specificity 63%. However, if dogs with positive ELISA absorbance levels, but which did not purge worms, were regarded as having had worms, the respective figures would be 82% and 100%. The latter figures are similar to our previously published laboratory results. The test is of comparable efficiency to arecoline purgation for surveillance, and has the additional advantage of detecting infection in the majority of those dogs that have been infected for three weeks or more but fail to pass worms on purgation, and a substantial proportion of those infected dogs that were treated by their owners prior to presenting them for purgation in order to avoid detection of infection.  相似文献   

Fifty six dogs of mixed age and sex were acquired from farms in the Otago/Southland region, and maintained at the Hydatid Research Unit, Taieri, where 43 were each fed two Taenia ovis cysts. All were bled fortnightly for six or 12 weeks. Coded sera were sent to Wallaceville Animal Research Centre for testing using ELISA, with antigen from T. ovis scoleces. Dog treatments were identified after all tests were complete. A discriminant level was derived from the mean absorbance value plus three standard deviations of 56 sera taken at time zero and 78 sera from serially bled uninfected dogs. None of these 134 sera registered as a false positive using this discriminant level. The data showed no significant deviation from normality, and the expected frequency of the occurrence of false positives is therefore less than 0.14%. Four weeks after infection 63% of dogs proved to be infected were serologically positive, rising to 78% after 6 weeks. When worms were removed by anthelmintic treatment, ELISA absorbance levels decreased. Four weeks after removal 70% of previously infected dogs remained positive, decreasing to 30% after 6 weeks.

Six weeks after infection the sensitivity of the test was 78%, and the specificity 63%. However, if dogs with positive ELISA absorbance levels, but which did not purge worms, were regarded as having had worms, the respective figures would be 82% and 100%. The latter figures are similar to our previously published laboratory results. The test is of comparable efficiency to arecoline purgation for surveillance, and has the additional advantage of detecting infection in the majority of those dogs that have been infected for three weeks or more but fail to pass worms on purgation, and a substantial proportion of those infected dogs that were treated by their owners prior to presenting them for purgation in order to avoid detection of infection.  相似文献   

A comparative study was made of the serological response of rams to an inactivated Brucella ovis saline in-oil vaccine administered either once or twice by either the subcutaneous or the intraperitoneal route. The serological response of rams to two spaced doses of vaccine was more consistent and more persistent than when a single dose of vaccine was used. The rise in titre was more rapid and the final titre of greater magnitude when the subcutaneous route of administration was used in comparison with the intraperitoneal route. On a serological basis, the most satisfactory vaccination technique investigated consisted of two subcutaneous injections of vaccine administered ten weeks apart. The least satisfactory technique was a single intraperitoneal injection.  相似文献   

Lambs were reared from birth to 3 months of age on pasture contaminated with the eggs of either Taenia hydatigena or Taenia ovis. They were necropsied at 3, 6, 9 or 12 months. Almost all larvae that were viable at 3 months continued to survive throughout the experiment. Larvae of T. hydatigena were infective to dogs at 3 months, whereas those of T. ovis required more than 3 months to reach the infective stage.  相似文献   

Colostrum from ewes that had been repeatedly exposed to cestode infection, whether or not their immunity was boosted by vaccination with Taenia ovis, transferred a strong immunity to the lambs. Susceptible ewes, not recently exposed to tapeworm eggs, gave no protection to their lambs via the colostrum. There was no evidence that colostrum-deprived lambs were more susceptible to infection with T ovis than lambs that received colostrum from non-immune ewes. Colostrum from naturally immune vaccinated ewes gave good protection to lambs for up to six weeks but thereafter the effect was variable. The immunity that developed in susceptible ewes after vaccination with activated embryos was not passed on to the lambs via the colostrum.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of antibody in pigs infected with a possibly new species of Taenia isolated in Taiwan is described. The test antigen ThFAS was fractionated from the cyst fluod of a heterologous cestode Taenia hydatigena. In lightly infected pigs ( 4 recovered cysts at necropsy 17 weeks post-inoculation), antibody was detected as early as 3 weeks post-inoculation. In more heavily infected pigs (6–72 recovered cysts at necropsy 32 weeks post-inoculation), antibody was still detectable at the time of necropsy. Cysterci were found only in the livers of the infected pigs. This ELISA should be highly useful for detecting infection of pigs with this larval cestode in regions where the presence of Taenia solium is unlikely.  相似文献   


Taenia ovis is a parasite which infects dogs (the definitive host) and sheep and goats (intermediate hosts). It has been the subject of a control programme in New Zealand based largely on the 6-weekly dosing of rural dogs with praziquantel. Since the patent for praziquantel has expired, various generic formulations have become available, including the formulation tested here. It is debatable whether such products should be tested for bioequivalence and biological activity against the target parasite or for bioequivalence only. In this instance, although the drug had been registered on the basis of blood levels of praziquantel achieved, it was felt that a biological test would be beneficial if the generic drug, mixed with other anthelmintics, was to be used on a wide scale to control Taenia ovis in New Zealand.  相似文献   

The serological response of puppies from Nigeria to live Flury low egg passage (LEP) rabies vaccine was determined. Two sets of puppies were used: one set from rabies-vaccinated bitches and another set from non-vaccinated bitches. Puppies were vaccinated intramuscularly with Flury LEP strain rabies vaccine and serially bled from the 4th week to the 30th week. Serum rabies virus neutralizing antibodies (VNA) were measured by a modified rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT). Puppies from non-vaccinated bitches responded well to vaccination after the 4th week and through to the 10th week of age, showing a progressive increase in VNA. In contrast, puppies from vaccinated bitches responded well to rabies vaccination only at 10 weeks of age, although detectable maternal rabies VNA and rabies anti-ribonucleoprotein (RNP) antibodies had decreased by 6 weeks post partum.  相似文献   

After being vaccinated against rabies some cats and dogs fail to show an antibody titre adequate to meet the requirements of the UK Pet Travel Scheme. To investigate this problem, the data derived from 16,073 serum samples submitted to the Veterinary Laboratories Agency for serological testing between 1999 and 2002, 1002 samples submitted to BioBest during March and April 2001, and 1264 samples associated with one make of vaccine submitted to BioBest between June 2001 and January 2003, were analysed. The probability of antibody titre failing to reach at least 0.5 iu/ml was analysed by logistic regression as a function of the choice of vaccine, the interval between vaccination and sampling, the sex and age of the animal, and its country of origin. In dogs, all these factors, except sex, had highly significant (P < 0.001) effects on the test failure rate, and in cats all the factors had a significant effect (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

The susceptibility of naive cattle to infection with cysticerci of Taenia crocutae was tested using three six- to nine-month-old Ayrshire bull calves, previously unexposed to infection with taeniid eggs. One calf was given 10,000 T crocutae eggs orally, another 5000 hatched unactivated oncospheres orally and the third 5000 hatched and activated oncospheres by intravenous injection. None of the calves contained viable cysticerci at post mortem examination 15 to 17 weeks later. All three calves contained small numbers of lesions in the liver and lesions were also present in the lungs of the calf which received oncospheres intravenously. All the calves developed an antibody response which was most pronounced in the calf given hatched unactivated oncospheres orally.  相似文献   

From a Colorado enterprise annually fattening about 50,000 lambs, 3,664 animals were examined for muscular cysticercosis. Of the total number, 406 (11.1%) were parasitized, wheras an estimated 0.1% of Colorado lamb carcasses are infected. Of the infected lambs, 60% had cardiac lesions. Two types of cysticerci-viable and degenerated-were found. The lambs probably acquired infection from grazing summer ranges and pastures where coyotes or dogs infected with Taenia ovis contaminated the forage.  相似文献   

The effect of two synthetic corticosteroids on the cysticerci of Taenia ovis in sheep has been investigated. Dexamethasone given from four days before infection had no effect on the number of cysticerci recovered but did enhance their survival. When betamethasone was used there was an increase in the number of cysts compared with controls. Corticosteroids given for 12 days after infection did not increase the number of viable cysticerci recovered at autopsy three months later but when treatment was continued until the time of autopsy, a very high proportion of cysticerci were viable.  相似文献   


An important aspect of the campaign in New Zealand directed against Echinococcus granulosus and Taenia hydatigena is its possible effect on the prevalence of Taenia ovis. The burying of offal to eliminate E. granulosus and T. hydatigena is recommended as being preferable to cooking it and feeding it to dogs. The drastic reduction in the number of European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in many districts has also virtually eliminated an important dog-food. Consequently, in addition to commercial products, many farmers are relying on more sheep carcass-meat than previously as a source of dog-food. Other things being equal, conditions would seem ideal for an increase in the prevalence of. T. ovis. This is particularly significant to New Zealand which depends so much on a meat export trade. Damage to this on account of T. ovis could in turn pre- judice a campaign directed against E. granulosus and T. hydatigena.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty eight rams were allocated to four experimental groups. An inactivated Br. ovis vaccine was administered either once by the intraperitoneal route (1 i/p), twice by the intraperitoneal route (2 i/p), or twice by the subcutaneous route (2 s/c), and the last group was left unvaccinated. They were then challenged by the intravenous inoculation of between 123 and 1.23 × 108 live Br. ovis bacteria. The number of rams that succumbed to infection within the four groups was 4/35 (11%) for the 2 s/c, 7/33 (21%) for the 2 i/p, 9/35 (26%) for the 1 i/p and 18/35 (51%) for the unvaccinated rams. Vaccination reduced the number of rams that succumbed to experimental challenge and although there were differences between the vaccinated groups, these were not statistically significant.

Following challenge, unvaccinated rams were the first to excrete Br. ovis in their semen; three weeks following inoculation. Next, those vaccinated by either one or two doses by the intraperitoneal technique began to excrete the organism (five weeks) and then finally those rams vaccinated twice by the subcutaneous route (seven weeks).  相似文献   

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