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The foramen magnum (FM) has been an integral component of studies on the ontogeny and evolutionary transformation of the skull. While its shape is variable in different species and breeds, the morphological variations and metrical indices of the foramen have scarcely been studied in camels. A total of 30 adult camel heads with equal sex disparity from three different locations of Northern Nigeria were used in this study for determining the morphological characteristics and osteometry of their foramen magnum. The study reported a mean foramen magnum height and width of 4.04 ± 0.15 and 3.70 ± 0.16 cm, and 3.65 ± 0.27 and 3.45 ± 0.21 cm in the overall males and females, respectively, and a foramen magnum index (FMI) in adult camels, which was over 100. We propose a classification for the morphology of foramen magnum in camels demarcating them into three types. The dorsal border of the foramen presented either a smoothly curved bony margin (Type I), a small, ventrally directed, median bony protrusion (Type II) or a dorsal notch (Type III). No significant osteometric differences were found in any of the variables of the foramen magnum measured in the adult camels (FMH, FMW and FMI) of the various geographical locations, nor between animals of either gender except for the FMH that had a significantly higher mean value in overall males.  相似文献   

高钙与高蛋白日粮诱发鸡痛风   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
将120只35日龄健康蛋仔鸡随机分为3组:对照组饲喂基础日粮,高钙组(HC)在饲喂基础日粮的同时添加石粉(含钙3.80%),高钙高蛋白组(HCHP)在饲喂基础日粮的同时添加石粉和豆粕(含钙3.55%,粗蛋白24.58%),进行30d的饲养试验。结果显示:HC组鸡出现普遍的肾脏损害,但未见尿酸盐在内脏器官的沉积;HCHP组鸡出现尿酸盐在内脏器官表面广泛沉积,发生典型的内脏型痛风。与对照组相比,HC组血清无机磷和钾显著降低,血清尿酸和钠显著升高;HCHP组血清尿酸极显著升高,血清钙显著升高;HC和HCHP组尿液中钠及钾浓度均显著降低,无机磷浓度均显著升高;HC组24h尿液中镁排出量显著升高,HCHP组24h尿液中镁与钾排出量显著升高,HC和HCHP组24h尿液中尿酸、钙和无机磷排出量极显著升高,而钠排出量极显著降低。  相似文献   

鸡骨质石化病(骨型白血病)的综合诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸡骨质石化病(OP)尚缺乏有效可行的现场诊断方法,作者用放射学、免疫学、病理组织学、电镜观察和血清生化等方法,对497只鸡(其中生产场种鸡265只、人工诱发OP实验与对照鸡232只)进行诊断试验比较,结果用放射学检出OP阳性率为13.68%(68/497),可疑率为5.23%(26/497)。免疫学(羽髓琼扩)随机检查214例,检出阳性率仅为4.67%(10/214)。病理组织学抽样20例病骨检查(其中阴性2例、可疑6例、不同程度阳性12例)诊断结果均与放射学诊断结果一致,并证实可疑鸡已有轻度病理改变,应视为阳性。抽样5例(含1例阴性)病骨作电镜观察,4例阳性均可见病毒粒子。实验组与对照组102只鸡血清生化学检查:磷、碱性磷酸酶、球蛋白及总蛋白虽有统计学差异,但不足以作为诊断依据。综合各种诊断方法,认为放射学的检出率最高,具有在生产现场诊断OP的实际价值。  相似文献   

Light microscopic observations revealed that in camel foetuses of 25 mm crown‐to‐rump length (CRL) the primordial tubular system of the prospective lung was formed of several tubules lined by undifferentiated columnar epithelium. Intra‐epithelial neuroendocrine cells were the first elements to be differentiated in the lining epithelium of the primordial tubular system of the prospective lung as early as 25 mm CRL. On reaching 50–67 mm CRL, the primordial tubular system started to differentiate into two systems of primordial tubules, the prospective bronchial or light tubules and the future respiratory or dark tubules. The lining epithelium of the prospective bronchial tubules revealed a clear evidence of ciliogenesis as early as 80 mm CRL. From 800 mm CRL onwards, the bronchial epithelium demonstrated ciliated and non‐ciliated secretory cells. The non‐ciliated secretory cells of the bronchial epithelium of fetal camel lung showed moderate reaction to AB/PAS technique, for the first time, in fetuses reaching 600 mm CRL.  相似文献   



Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (CKCS) have a high prevalence of Chiari‐like malformation (CM). Herniation of the cerebellum into the foramen magnum is a key diagnostic feature for CM. Midsagittal MR images are the preferred technique for visualizing cerebellar herniation (CH).


To investigate whether CT can be used to diagnose CH.


Fifteen client‐owned CKCS dogs referred for investigation of the brain and cranial cervical spine on MRI and CT.


Two reviewers retrospectively analyzed midsagittal T1WSE and T2WSE MR images and midsagittal pre‐ and postcontrast 2D multiplanar reformatted CT images from each dog for the presence of CH. And, if present, the length (mm, CHL) of the herniation was measured. The results were analyzed statistically.


There was no significant difference between the different observers and techniques for the detection of CH and measurement of CHL. Overall, the CHL was longer on the CT images.

Conclusion and Clinical Importance

Both techniques are useful for detecting CH and measuring CHL. Because CHL does not have a known direct impact on the clinical presentation of CM, CT can be used as a diagnostic tool in a routine clinical practice for CM in CKCS when MRI is not available. We emphasize that MRI is the standard screening technique in CKCS for breeding purposes to detect the presence of CM and SM and, at the current time, CT cannot replace MRI.  相似文献   

鸡骨型白血病疫情的放射学研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
报道了鸡骨型白血病在3个城市的10几个大型鸡场中存在的重大疫情。应用放射学诊断技术,分20批对3328只鸡胫骨组合X线片进行了观察。被检鸡包括蛋用种的柯比特、海兰和肉用种的AA、艾维因和ASA等10几个品种,检出该病发生率平均高达38.28%(1274/3328),蛋用鸡群最高者达48.02%(97/202),肉用种最高者达74.01%(131/177)。揭示出该病存在的广泛性、高发性和亚临床性。放射学诊断技术可用于该病的检出,对该病检疫和净化可能有重要作用。  相似文献   

为了较全面地了解禽流感病的研究现状,本文综述了禽流感病毒的HA基因、NA基因、NF基因,通过从病人分离的禽流感病毒基因组与人流感病毒基因组比较,结果表明禽流感病毒感染人;RT-PCR方法用于建立禽流感病的分子生物学诊断技术已逐步成熟,该技术具有敏感性高、特异性强等优点;禽流感病毒重组禽痘病毒rFPV-HA-NA活载体疫苗和H5-HA质粒的核酸疫苗对预防禽流感病可能具有广阔的前景.  相似文献   

对3周龄肉鸡胫骨近端干骺软骨进行解剖学观察,发现干骺软骨内除了有骺软骨生长板外,还有次级骨化中心生长板。  相似文献   

本实验将鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(澳大利亚T株)进行纯化,制成抗原,应用杂交瘤技术建立了5株分泌抗鸡传染性支气管炎病毒的杂交瘤细胞株,其免疫球蛋白的亚类分别属于IgG1、IgG3、IgM。杂交瘤细胞分泌抗体的能力稳定,长期传代对其抗体分泌能力没有影响。5株单克隆抗体与其它12株鸡传染性支气管炎病毒标准株之间存在不同程度的交叉反应,但对鸡新城疫病毒、传染性法氏囊病病毒、产蛋下降综合征病毒及禽流感病毒均无交叉反应。用此杂交瘤细胞制备腹水的ELISA效价为10-6~10-7,抗体对热的稳定性有一定的差别。抗体纯化后,经SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳表明具有单克隆抗体的特征,经快速蛋白分析鉴定其纯度为89.49%。竞争ELISA法证明其中4株的单抗与抗原结合位点并不完全相同。采用单抗夹心ELISA法,对抗原的检测方法进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

鸡传染性支气管炎病毒肾型毒株血凝特性的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文对鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)澳大利亚T株和分离的四株肾型毒株(BJ_(9301)、BJ_(9302)、TJ_(9301)、HN_(9301)株)的血凝特性进行了系统研究。结果表明IBV供试毒株经1~2%胰蛋白酶处理后,能凝集鸡和小鼠红细胞,同一毒株对两种红细胞的凝集价相近,且均能被IBV澳大利亚T株血清所抑制。处理后的IBV对鸡红细胞的血凝以缓冲液浓度0.01~0.05MpH6.0~8.4为宜,对反应温度及稀释液种类无严格要求。IBV的血凝活性能耐受37℃23天、56℃12小时、80℃1.5小时,但在-30℃、4℃和室温下保存2个月后,绝大部分丧失血凝活性。IBV经0.2%甲醛、0.2%脱氧胆酸钠、2%硼氢化钠、0.01M高碘酸钠37℃灭活24小时,仍能保持其血凝活性。从IBV的血凝活性可被过量胰蛋白酶破坏和氯仿灭活,推断该血凝素可能是由脂质和蛋白质组成。  相似文献   

Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli(APEC) is an important pathogen that causes localized and systemic infection in avian species of all ages.It is also an important reservoir or source of virulence genes of human extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC).In order to understand deeply the infection progresses,pathogenesis,host immune responses and genetic resistance mechanism of APEC,and evaluate the efficacy of drugs and vaccines,several experimental infection models were established to evaluate the virulence of APEC through different approaches.According to the different systems involved,it can be divided into respiratory system,vascular system,musculoskeletal system,dermatological system,reproductive system,gastrointestinal system and chicken embryo system.In addition,there are infection experiments in mice and rats,tissue culture cells and explants infection experiments in vitro.The author highlights the establishment,pathogenesis,host responses and application of the different APEC experimental infection models.  相似文献   

前列腺素对禽类等级卵泡发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
前列腺素是一类由花生四烯酸通过环氧化酶途径合成的脂类介导物。在哺乳动物排卵、受精、胚泡植入、蜕膜化、子宫平滑肌收缩、黄体退化及卵泡发育过程中起重要作用。对于家禽,前列腺素促进其产卵和子宫收缩;在产卵中期,卵巢静脉血浆中前列腺素的浓度为外周血浆浓度的5~20倍。这种高剂量、脉冲式分泌的前列腺素不仅能促进家禽成熟卵泡的排卵,而且可作为促性腺激素的第二信使介导颗粒细胞对cAMP的反应,促进了等级前卵泡颗粒细胞的增殖,进而在优势卵泡的选择过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

中国结缕草居群形态变异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国结缕草种质资源典型自然分布区19个野生居群和1个栽培居群进行了生态学特性、生境类型和居群变异的研究,结果表明:结缕草主要分布在海拔5~385m之间,土壤pH范围6.5~8.3,其中60%为微碱性。生境类型可分为丘陵山地型、平原草甸型、滨海滩涂型和农林间隙地草地型四种类型;不同地理居群结缕草的匍匐茎长、小穗数和叶舌长等12个表型性状均存在着变异,不同的表型性状其变异幅度和变异来源各不相同,即各表型性状受环境影响的程度各异,其中匍匐茎的长度和直径、穗长、穗宽、叶长、叶宽等随纬度的降低而增加;而小穗数、匍匐茎中部节间长、叶舌长度等则随纬度增加表现出增加的趋势。主成分分析和聚类分析的结果显示,匍匐茎长、穗长、匍匐茎中部节间长这3个性状是造成结缕草各居群表型差异的主要因素,可将20个居群分为8类,聚类结果与材料的地理分布基本一致,其中2、3、11和12号居群可作为结缕草的适宜育种材料。  相似文献   

马兴树  强慧勤  杨锴 《中国畜牧兽医》2020,47(12):4103-4118
禽致病性大肠杆菌(avian pathogenic Escherichia coli,APEC)是导致不同日龄禽类局部和全身感染的重要病原菌,也是人肠外致病性大肠杆菌(extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli,ExPEC)毒力基因的重要储存宿主或来源。为深入理解APEC的感染过程、致病机理、宿主免疫应答及遗传抵抗机制、评估药物和疫苗防治效果,研究者通过不同途径建立了多种评估APEC毒力的实验感染模型。根据所涉及的系统不同可分为呼吸系统、脉管系统、肌肉系统、皮肤系统、生殖系统、消化系统及鸡胚系统等。此外,尚有小鼠与大鼠感染试验及组织培养细胞和外植块感染试验等。作者重点介绍了不同APEC实验感染模型的建立、致病机制、宿主应答及应用。  相似文献   

<正>1H5亚型禽流感病毒分离和免疫情况的相关性监测来自118个鸡群的鸡只,82群进行了免疫接种,没有分离到禽流感病毒(AIV),而36个未免疫的鸡群中有4群分离出病毒。监测来自81个鸭群的鸭只,其中22群进行了免疫接种,未分离  相似文献   

Postnatal development and variation of the bony cranial border of the lateral vertebral foramen (LVF) of the atlas was studied in 96 dogs. Developmental ossification was investigated in 8 known-aged Miniature Schnauzer pups, after each atlas was prepared either as an alizarin-red stained clearing or as a dried cleaned bone. Variation was investigated in 63 atlases from mature dogs and by study of radiographs from 25 mature dogs of various breeds. The soft tissue structures passing through the LVF and attaching to its cranial border were dissected in an additional 2 embalmed and 2 fresh cadavers. In 2-week-old pups, the LVF was represented by a notch in the cranial margin of the bony arch of the atlas, with a cartilage bar completing the foramen cranially. Between 6 and 16 weeks the bar forming the cranial bony border of the LVF ossified in its preexisting cartilage anlage. In mature dogs, the LVF was present in the craniolateral aspect of the arch of the atlas and was recognized on lateral radiographs. The vertebral artery and vein, and first cervical nerve passed through the LVF and the atlantooccipital joint capsule and dorsal membrane attached to the cranial border of the LVF. In one dog the cranial border of the LVF of the atlas was incompletely ossified bilaterally. This developmental variant was compared with variations in man and other mammals, and with proatlas neural arch derivatives.  相似文献   

禽脑脊髓炎病毒感染鸡胚的病理学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
6日龄SPF鸡胚经卵黄囊分别接种禽脑脊髓炎病毒VanRoekel株、1143株和NH937株,10日后剖杀。鸡胚主要病变:眼观活动减弱,发育不良,体重减轻,皮下和脑部出血,脑积水和萎缩,脑重量明显减轻;光镜下见中枢神经组织非化脓性脑脊髓炎,腺胃、十二指肠、肝、胰、肾淋巴细胞浸润,骨骼肌萎缩、肌间水肿,其中神经细胞中央染色质溶解具有证病意义;电镜下脑神经细胞胞核淡染,胞浆内近核处粗面内质网崩解,十二指肠上皮细胞、胰岛细胞胞浆内含有约25~30nm密集或散在的病毒颗粒。  相似文献   

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