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AIM: Using specified indices, to determine the nutritional and thermal status of calves between 1 and 4 days of age. METHODS: After birth, calves (n=106) were collected daily, according to farm practice. Over the following 4 days a jugular blood sample and rectal temperature were taken twice daily before feeding. Plasma concentrations of glucose, beta-hydroxybutyrate and urea, and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activities were determined. The significance of differences in plasma composition and rectal temperature between calves whose birth had been assisted or unassisted, and between calves with low and high plasma GGT activities 24 h after birth, was determined using repeated measures analysis of variance. RESULTS: There were no marked differences in plasma metabolite levels or body temperature of assisted and unassisted calves. Calves that had high plasma GGT activities 24 h after birth had higher plasma glucose concentrations over the 4 days than calves that had low plasma GGT activities (p<0.001). Overall, compared to published data on poorly-fed and hypothermic calves, calves in this study were normoglycaemic, their plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate and urea concentrations were low and their rectal temperatures were normal, indicating that they were well fed and did not become hypothermic. CONCLUSIONS: The nutritional and thermal status of at least 90% of the calves was compatible with good health and survival during the first 4 days after birth.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the physiological status of calves at birth and the perinatal factors that might predispose newborn calves to debility and death, using criteria previously established for newborn lambs. METHODS: Friesian mixed-aged cows and heifers on a dairy farm in New Zealand that were close to calving were separated from the main herd and observed 24 h a day until they calved. Cows in which labour did not progress for over 1 h or which were in distress were assisted. About 12-13 min after birth, rectal temperature was measured and a blood sample was taken from each calf. The packed cell volume (PCV) and plasma lactate, glucose and fructose concentrations were determined. The time to stand for each calf and the air temperature and weather conditions at birth were recorded. RESULTS: The parameters measured were within normal ranges for newborns for the majority of calves. Calves sired by an Angus bull and born to heifers (AngusX) had significantly higher plasma lactate and fructose concentrations than Friesian calves born to cows, but there were no significant differences between the two breeds in any of the other parameters measured. Calves of both breeds born with assistance had significantly higher plasma lactate concentrations than those born without. Friesian calves that were assisted at birth had significantly lower PCVs and took significantly longer to stand than calves born without assistance. Assisted AngusX calves were significantly heavier than their unassisted counterparts. Calves born during windy and wet weather and when air temperatures were below 10 degrees C had lower rectal temperatures, took longer to stand and had higher plasma glucose concentrations than those born in dry weather and when air temperatures were above 10 degrees C. CONCLUSIONS: Calves with physiological parameters outside the normal range had experienced difficult labour and/or intrapartum hypoxaemia. Placental insufficiency and maternal undernutrition during late pregnancy did not apparently contribute to neonatal problems in the present study.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the physiological status of calves at birth and the perinatal factors that might predispose newborn calves to debility and death, using criteria previously established for newborn lambs.

METHODS: Friesian mixed-aged cows and heifers on a dairy farm in New Zealand that were close to calving were separated from the main herd and observed 24 h a day until they calved. Cows in which labour did not progress for over 1 h or which were in distress were assisted. About 12–13 min after birth, rectal temperature was measured and a blood sample was taken from each calf. The packed cell volume (PCV) and plasma lactate, glucose and fructose concentrations were determined. The time to stand for each calf and the air temperature and weather conditions at birth were recorded.

RESULTS: The parameters measured were within normal ranges for newborns for the majority of calves. Calves sired by an Angus bull and born to heifers (AngusX) had significantly higher plasma lactate and fructose concentrations than Friesian calves born to cows, but there were no significant differences between the two breeds in any of the other parameters measured. Calves of both breeds born with assistance had significantly higher plasma lactate concentrations than those born without. Friesian calves that were assisted at birth had significantly lower PCvs and took significantly longer to stand than calves born without assistance. Assisted AngusX calves were significantly heavier than their unassisted counterparts. Calves born during windy and wet weather and when air temperatures were below 10°C had lower rectal temperatures, took longer to stand and had higher plasma glucose concentrations than those born in dry weather and when air temperatures were above 10°C.

CONCLUSIONS: Calves with physiological parameters outside the normal range had experienced difficult labour and/or intrapartum hypoxaemia. Placental insufficiency and maternal undernutrition during late pregnancy did not apparently contribute to neonatal problems in the present study.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: During the 2014/2015 season 823 predominantly Holstein-Friesian cows calved on a pasture-based farm in the Waikato region of New Zealand. A high prevalence and recurrence rate of lameness had been noted for several years but cows feet were not routinely picked up and therapeutically trimmed.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: At a farm visit in December 2015, 23 cows feet were examined and 18/23 (78%) cows had white line disease and 17/23 (74%) sole haemorrhages, as well as severely overgrown and misshapen hooves.

EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION: Lameness, culling and reproductive data were collected for the farm for the period from 01 July 2014 to 30 November 2015. In the 2014/2015 season, 207/823 (25.2%) cows were recorded lame, and in the first half of the 2015/16 season 120/850 (14%) cows were recorded lame. Of the cows recorded lame, 52/207 (25.1%) in the 2014/15 season had >1 case of lameness, and 39/120 (32.5%) cows recorded lame in the 2015/2016 season had been lame in the previous season. There was an apparent increase in prevalence between 29–37 weeks post-calving. Cows >7-years-old had seven times the odds of being recorded as lame compared to 2–3-year-old cows (p<0.001). Lameness was not associated with culling, empty rate or days to conception (p>0.3).

DIAGNOSIS: No direct cause for the lameness could be determined.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: It was hypothesised that, along with the degenerative changes in the pedal bone as dairy cows increased in age, suboptimal treatment and overgrowth of hooves resulted in permanent changes in the cows feet, resulting in a high prevalence of lameness in older cattle and a high recurrence rate of lameness within and between seasons. This case highlights the importance of prompt identification and treatment of lame cattle.  相似文献   

The health of 3081 heifer calves born in 122 dairy herds in the south-west of Sweden from 1 January to 31 December, 1998, was monitored from birth until 90 days of age. The calves were kept either in individual pens (n=2167), in group pens, with 3–8 calves to a pen and manual feeding of milk (n=440), in group pens with 6–30 calves per pen and an automatic milk-feeding system (n=431), or with their dams (n=43). Disease incidence was recorded by farmers and project veterinarians, who clinically examined the calves and auscultated their lungs every 2–3 months. A disease was graded as ‘severe’ if the general loss of condition or of appetite in the calf continued for >2 days or if the animal suffered severe weight loss due to the disease. The effects of season, breed, housing, and type of colostrum feeding, and time, place and supervision of calving on the incidences of diarrhea, severe diarrhea, respiratory disease, other infectious disease and moderately to severely increased respiratory sounds, were analyzed by logistic-regression models (with herd as a random effect). The total morbidity rate was 0.081 cases per calf-month at risk. Incidence rates of arthritis, diarrhea, omphalophlebitis, respiratory disease and ringworm were 0.002, 0.035, 0.005, 0.025 and 0.009 cases per calf-months at risk, respectively. The odds ratios for diarrhea and severe diarrhea were increased in Swedish Red and Whites (OR: 1.6, 2.3) and in calves that received colostrum from first-lactation cows (OR: 1.3–1.8), and for severe diarrhea in calves born in summer or that received colostrum through suckling (OR: 1.7, 1.8). The odds ratios for respiratory disease and increased respiratory sounds were increased in calves housed in large-group pens with an automatic milk-feeding system (OR: 2.2, 2.8). Supervision of calving was associated with a decreased odds ratio for respiratory disease (OR: 0.7) and birth in individual maternity pen or tie stalls with a decreased odds ratio for increased respiratory sounds (OR: 0.5–0.6). Cross-breeds with beef breeds were associated with increased odds ratios for increased respiratory sounds (OR: 2.1–4.3) and colostrum from second-lactation cows and birth during night for other infectious disease (OR: 1.6, 1.5).  相似文献   

With the increasing popularity of viscoelastic coagulation analyzers, such as rotational thromboelastometry [ROTEM] and thromboelastography, the need for standardized methodology for appropriate interpretation has become increasingly important. Viscoelastic analysis is heavily influenced by a multitude of pre-analytic factors, both in vivo and in vitro, leading to a large amount of variation between institutions. We investigated the effect of room temperature during a 30-min sample rest time on ROTEM, which analyzed both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. We also evaluated the feasibility of using ROTEM to assess coagulation in non-anesthetized domestic rabbits. Rabbits were selected because they are a common companion animal that could benefit from the use of viscoelastic analysis for various disease processes that could lead to coagulopathies. Citrated whole blood was collected from 10 rabbits and allowed to rest upright for 30 min either at room temperature (~ 21°C) or in a tube warmer (37°C) before analysis. There was no significant difference in results between room temperature and warmed samples, which suggests that allowing samples to rest at room temperature is acceptable clinically. Additionally, blood collection and analysis were feasible in all rabbits.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between serum gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT) activity and passive transfer status in beef calves less than 18 days of age. Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) concentrations were measured in 69 commercial beef calves between the ages of 24 and 72 hours. GGT activities were then measured in these same calves at various ages between 3 and 18 days of age. Models were developed predicting serum IgG1 concentration as a function of calf age and serum GGT activity. Minimal association was present between initial serum IgG1 concentration and serum GGT activity when all calves less than 18 days of age were considered (r2 = 0.065). When the study population was restricted to calves less than 8 days of age, the fit of the developed model was greatly improved (r2 = 0.438). Serum GGT activity has no apparent advantage relative to other assay procedures for predicting passive transfer status in beef calves. If serum GGT activity is to be used to assess passive transfer status in beef calves, application of this procedure should be restricted to calves less than 8 days of age.  相似文献   

Previous work has hypothesised that cows in low body condition become lame. We tested this in a prospective longitudinal study. Body condition score (BCS), causes of lameness and milk yield were collected from a 600-cow herd over 44-months. Mixed effect binomial models and a continuous outcome model were used to investigate the associations between lameness, BCS and milk yield. In total, 14,320 risk periods were obtained from 1137 cows. There were 1510 lameness treatments: the most common causes of lameness were sole ulcer (SU) (39%), sole haemorrhage (SH) (13%), digital dermatitis (DD) (10%) and white line disease (WLD) (8%). These varied by year and year quarter. Body condition was scored at 60-day intervals. BCS ranged from 1 to 5 with a mean of 2.5, scores were higher in very early lactation but varied widely throughout lactation; approximately 45% of scores were <2.5. The key finding was that BCS < 2.5 was associated with an increased risk of treatment for lameness in the following 0–2 months and >2–4 months for all causes of lameness and also specifically for SU/WLD lameness. BCS < 2.5 was associated with an increased risk of treatment for SH in the following 0–2 months but not >2–4 months. There was no such association with DD. All lameness, SU/WLD, SH and DD were significantly more likely to occur in cows that had been lame previously, but the effect of BCS was present even when all repeat cases of lameness were excluded from the analysis. Milk yield was significantly higher and fell in the month before treatment in cows lame with SU/WLD but it was not significantly higher for cows that were treated for DD compared with non-lame cows. These findings support the hypothesis that low BCS contributes to the development of horn related claw lameness but not infectious claw diseases in dairy cows. One link between low BCS and lameness is a thin digital cushion which has been proposed as a trigger for claw horn disease. Cows with BCS 2 produced more milk than cows with BCS 2.5, however, this was only approximately 100 kg difference in yield over a 305-day lactation. Given the increased risk of lameness in cows with BCS 2, the direct costs of lameness and the small variability in milk yield by BCS, preventing cows from falling to BCS < 2.5 would improve cow welfare and be economically beneficial.  相似文献   


The milk composition in a Swedish herd, consisting of Swedish Red and White cows (SRB) and Swedish Holstein cows (SLB), and in a Danish herd, consisting of Danish Holstein-Friesian cows (SDM), was evaluated. Concentrations of the major milk proteins (κ-casein, αS1-casein, β-casein, β-lactoglobulin A, β-lactoglobulin B and α-lactalbumin) of 134 individual milk samples were determined by reversed phase (RP) HPLC. Other parameters determined included milk fat, urea, lactose, calcium, lactoferrin, somatic cell count and protein degradation (determined as level of free amino-terminals). Analysis of variance was used to compare concentrations of analysed milk variables between SRB and SLB or between SLB and SDM. Concentration of total protein, total casein, β-casein and κ-casein were significantly higher in SRB milk compared with SLB milk. Concentration of α-lactalbumin and calcium were significantly higher in SDM milk than in SLB milk. The concentration of urea was higher in SLB than in SDM milk and is suggested to reflect differences in feeding regimes between the investigated Swedish and Danish herd.  相似文献   

The objectives were to investigate the relationships between endometrial cytology (EC) and interval from calving to first ovulation, and pregnancy in dairy cows, and that between uterine fluid and EC. On day 25 postpartum, 39 dairy cows were grouped based on EC, as having low (?8%) or high (>8%) polymorphonuclear cells (PMN), and the quantity of uterine fluid was assessed by ultrasound. The interval from calving to first ovulation was shorter in low, than in high PMN cows (32 vs. 45 d). A greater proportion of cows with uterine fluid had high PMN (64% vs. 21%), and the PMN increased from 14% to 34% as the quantity of uterine fluid increased. The mean interval from calving to ovulation was longer in primiparous cows with high PMN (49 d) compared to that of primiparous and multiparous cows with low PMN (28 and 29 d, respectively). Although the conception rate to first service at 92 d postpartum was not different between PMN groups, the cumulative pregnancy at 270 d tended to be higher in low than in high PMN (80% vs. 58%) multiparous cows. Also, cows that had uterine fluid on day 25 postpartum had a shorter interval from calving to pregnancy than those with no uterine fluid (161 vs. 208 d). In conclusion, combining transrectal ultrasonography with endometrial cytology on day 25 postpartum has diagnostic value in the assessment of uterine inflammation.  相似文献   



Measurement of salivary cortisol has been used extensively as a non-invasive alternative to blood sampling to assess adrenal activity in ruminants. However, there is evidence suggesting a considerable delay in the transfer of cortisol from plasma into saliva. Previous studies in cattle have used long sampling intervals making it difficult to characterise the relationship between plasma and salivary cortisol (PLCort and SACort, respectively) concentrations at different time points and determine whether or not such a time lag exist in large ruminants. Therefore, the objective of this study was to characterise the relationship between plasma and salivary cortisol and determine if there is a significant time lag between reaching peak cortisol concentrations in plasma and saliva across a 4.25 h time-period, using short sampling intervals of 10–15 min, following social separation in dairy cattle.Five cows were separated from their calves at 4 days after calving, and six calves were separated from a group of four peers at 8 weeks of age. Following separation, the animals were moved to an unfamiliar surrounding where they could not see their calves or pen mates. The animals were catheterised with indwelling jugular catheters 1 day before sampling. Blood and saliva samples were obtained simultaneously before and after separation.


In response to the stressors, PLCort and SACort increased reaching peak concentrations 10 and 20 min after separation, respectively. This suggested a 10 min time lag between peak cortisol concentrations in plasma and saliva, which was further confirmed with a time-series analysis. Considering the 10 min time lag, SACort was strongly correlated with PLCort (P < 0.0001).


Salivary cortisol correlates well with plasma cortisol and is a good indicator of the time-dependent variations in cortisol concentrations in plasma following acute stress. However, there is a time lag to reach peak cortisol concentrations in saliva compared to those in plasma, which should be considered when saliva samples are used as the only measure of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress in cattle.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight Norwegian Red Cattle dairy cows were fed silage ad libitum and restricted amounts of concentrates. Blood samples were collected before morning feeding, once or twice weekly, from 2 weeks before to 12 weeks after calving. Parameters of liver function, carbohydrate status and fertility were recorded in order to assess their interrelationships. Eight cows were treated for clinical ketosis. Four of these had to be treated 2 or 3 times. Aspartate aminotransferase and bilirubin showed the highest within-animal coefficients of correlation with acetoacetate. Analysis of variance revealed a significant effect of carbohydrate status (indicated by plasma acetoacetate levels) on the levels of aspartate aminotransferase, glutamate dehydrogenase and sorbitol dehydrogenase, though only a small part of the total variation was explained by this factor. The estimated volume density of liver fat in the 4th week of lactation averaged 6.0 +/- 6.4% (+/- SD) ranging from 0.1-25.1%. Liver fat content at this stage of lactation was not significantly correlated with other indicators of liver function or carbohydrate status. Cows treated for clinical ketosis had significantly lower plasma progesterone values at the time of first ketosis treatment than untreated multiparous cows. The frequency of high progesterone values (greater than 3 ng/ml) being significantly lower in treated than in untreated cows during the period from 3-5 weeks post partum, though not at later stages. In conclusion, the results revealed a significant relationship between carbohydrate status and liver function, and also between clinical ketosis and luteal function.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the occurrence of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts, Campylobacter spp and Salmonella spp in faecal samples taken from newborn dairy calves on 24 dairy farms in the Manawatu region of New Zealand.

METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted during the 2002 calving season. Faecal samples were collected from 185 newborn calves from a convenience sample of 24 dairy farms. The samples were tested microscopically for the presence of C. parvum oocysts, and bacteriologically for the presence of Campylobacter spp and Salmonella spp.

RESULTS: Infections with C. parvum were identified in 33/156 (21.2%) calves from 10 farms. More than 106 oocysts/g (OPG) faeces were detected in calves from four farms. Campylobacter spp were isolated from 58/161 (36%) calves from 18 farms; in particular, C. jejuni subsp jejuni was isolated from 11/161 (6.8%) calves from seven farms. Salmonellae were not detected.

CONCLUSIONS: Despite the short and concentrated calving pattern and the long interval between calving seasons characterising most dairy farms in New Zealand, C. parvum is widespread among calves. Campylobacter spp, especially C. jejuni, rapidly colonise the intestinal tract of newborn calves.

RELEVANCE: This study provided an estimate of the ecological impact of newborn dairy calves with regard to the potentially zoonotic enteric pathogens most frequently isolated from human gastrointestinal infections in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Dairy herd managers have attempted to increase and maintain profits by selectively breeding dairy cattle for high production. Selection for milk production may have resulted in a tendency for greater liveweight (LW) loss postpartum. This study aimed to: (1) determine if excessive LW loss and milk yield in the first 50 days in milk (DIM) was associated with the development of lameness after 50 DIM, and (2) estimate the incidence risk of lameness in this herd attributable to excessive liveweight loss. The dataset comprised details from 564 mixed age cows from a single, seasonally calving, pasture fed dairy herd in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been demonstrated that administration of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) in the postpartum period in dairy cows can enhance follicle growth, reduce the interval from calving to first ovulation and increase plasma estradiol concentrations, and, thus, could enhance reproductive performance in a dairy herd when administered on day 6 postpartum. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a single dose of eCG between days 9 and 15 postpartum on parameters of reproductive performance in dairy cows. German Holstein cows (n = 1937; primiparous cows: n = 748; pluriparous cows: n = 1189) in a commercial dairy farm were randomly assigned to three experimental groups. Animals within the group eCG received a single dose of 600 IU eCG intramuscularly (i.m.) between days 9 and 15 postpartum followed by an i.m. administration of 500 μg cloprostenol after 14 days. Those of treatment group PG received cloprostenol only between days 23 and 29 postpartum. Cows of the control group remained untreated. Starting on day 49 postpartum, cows were subjected to a Presynch‐Ovsynch protocol and inseminated artificially. The impact of application time (days postpartum) of eCG on the intervals calving to first service and calving to conception was statistically not significant. Outcomes of reproductive performance (i.e. first service conception rate, proportion of pregnant cows until 100 and 150 days in milk [DIM], number of inseminations until 150 DIM, calving to first service interval and calving to conception interval) did not differ significantly between treatment group eCG and group PG compared to control group. Regarding postpartum eCG administration, significant interactions between treatment and parity, season, milk yield, and early puerperal disorders, respectively, could not be shown. In conclusion, an eCG treatment of dairy cows between days 9 and 15 postpartum to increase reproductive performance cannot be recommended under the given circumstances.  相似文献   

AIM: To detect the presence of bovine herpesvirus (BoHV) type 4 in New Zealand dairy cows with clinical metritis.

METHODS: Serum samples taken from 92 dairy cows with clinical metritis, each from a different farm, were tested for the presence of antibodies against BoHV-4 using a commercially available, indirect ELISA. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were collected from 10 BoHV-4 seropositive cows, and PBMC were examined by a pan-herpesvirus nested PCR to detect herpesvirus. PCR products were sequenced directly and a proportion of the PCR products were cloned and sequenced to identify the virus present.

RESULTS: Antibodies to BoHV-4 were detected in 23/92 (25%) serum samples. The pan-herpesvirus PCR was positive in 8/10 PBMC samples. Cloning and sequencing identified that all of the eight PCR-positive PBMC contained bovine lymphotropic herpesvirus (BLHV); no BoHV-4 DNA was detected.

CONCLUSIONS: This study reports the finding of the presence of apparent antibodies to BoHV-4, and BLHV DNA in New Zealand dairy cows affected by metritis.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bovine herpesvirus type 4 and BLHV are reported to have the potential to cause reproduction failure in cows. This is the first report of apparent BoHV-4 antibodies, and BLHV in New Zealand. The importance and epidemiology of these viruses in cattle in New Zealand requires further investigation.  相似文献   

1. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects on the rectal temperature of young chicks of the oral administration of a medium that contained both live bacteria that produce D-aspartate (D-Asp) and D-Asp.

2. In Experiment 1, chicks were subjected to chronic oral administration of either the medium (containing live bacteria and 2.46 μmol D-Asp) or water from 7 to 14 d of age. Plasma-free amino acids as well as mitochondrial biogenic gene expression in the breast muscle were analysed. In Experiment 2, 7-d-old chicks were subjected to acute oral administration of the above medium or of an equimolar amount of D-Asp to examine their effect on changes in rectal temperature. In Experiment 3, after 1 week of chronic oral administration of the medium, 14-d-old chicks were exposed to either high ambient temperature (HT; 40 ± 1°C, 3 h) or control thermoneutral temperature (CT; 30 ± 1°C, 3 h) to monitor the changes in rectal temperature.

3. Chronic, but not acute, oral administration of the medium significantly reduced rectal temperature in chicks, and a chronic effect also appeared under HT conditions.

4. Chronic oral administration of the medium significantly reduced the mRNA abundance of the avian uncoupling protein (avUCP) in the breast muscle, but led to a significant increase in avian adenine nucleotide translocator (avANT) mRNA in the same muscle.

5. (a) These results indicate that the medium can reduce body temperature through the decline in avUCP mRNA expression in the breast muscle that may be involved in reduced mitochondrial proton leaks and heat production. (b) The increase in avANT further suggests a possible enhancement of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of thermal manipulation at 5 days of age and short‐term fasting during the warmest part of the day on responses to prolonged heat stress of broilers. A total of 240‐day‐old Ross 308 female broiler chicks were divided into three groups: control, thermal manipulation (chicks were exposed to 36 °C for 24 h at 5 days of age) and short‐term fasting during the warmest part of the day (10.00–17.00 h). Prolonged heat stress was induced daily from 28 to 42 days by heating until the ambient temperature reached 32–35 °C between 10.00 and 17.00 h. Both thermal manipulation and short‐term fasting resulted in a decrease in rectal temperatures and haematocrit values at 35 and 41 days of age. Thermal manipulation improved body weight, feed consumption and feed conversion. However, short‐term fasting caused a reduction in body weight and a deterioration in feed conversion. Short‐term fasting lowered the percentages of carcass, whereas thermal manipulation highered breast yield. Both thermal manipulation and short‐term fasting decreased heart mass and abdominal fat.  相似文献   

The results of a series of trials conducted on 47 seasonal supply dairy farms in the southern North Island of New Zealand, which indicated a statistically significant overall production response of 2.24 kg milkfat/cow/lactation following a 2-treatment dry-cow anthelmintic drenching programme (Bisset et al., 1987), were subjected to further analyses in an attempt to identify any management factors or herd characteristics which may have influenced the levels of production response to treatment in individual herds. The management factors examined included calf drenching practices, types of grazing system, mean pre-calving condition of the herds, and 'nutritional status' of the herds over the milking season. The influence of herd quality, herd size and geographical location were also examined. Considered separately, only calf drenching practice had a significant influence on the level of herd response to treatment. Increases in milkfat production/cow due to the treatment programme were significantly greater (P less than 0.05, t-test) on farms where calves had received a minimal number of drench treatments (less than or equal to 2) between weaning and the end of March (mid-autumn) (+5.32 kg/cow/lactation, P less than 0.01) (= 108.2 l milk), than on farms where calves had received regular 3-4 weekly treatments over the same period (+0.42 kg/cow/lactation, N.S.) While none of the other factors, considered in isolation, appeared to significantly influence the production response of herds, observations on possible interactive effects suggested that the grazing system employed was probably of importance in so far as it determined the level of exposure of cows to calf-contaminated pasture. Thus, the greatest mean response to the treatment programme occurred in herds where cows were overwintered on areas grazed during the milking season by calves which had received less than or equal to 2 drench treatments from weaning until the end of March (+5.95 kg milkfat/cow/lactation, P less than 0.01).  相似文献   

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