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Isolation of Leptospira interrogans serovar bratislava from sows in Iowa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Leptospira interrogans serovar bratislava was recovered from 2 of 10 sows examined from an Iowa slaughterhouse. Isolations were made from the kidney and genital tract of each sow. Serovar bratislava is not included in vaccines because it has not been previously isolated in the United States.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid hybridization, bacteriologic culture, and a fluorescent antibody test were compared for detection of Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo type hardjo-bovis in bovine urine. Seventy-five urine samples were collected from pregnant cows challenge exposed with type hardjo-bovis. Twenty samples were collected from steers not exposed to hardjo-bovis. Sediments from each sample were examined, using fluorescent antibodies and a repetitive sequence element nucleic acid probe, to detect the presence of leptospires. Urine samples were processed for bacteriologic culture, using standard techniques. Under laboratory conditions typically used for these techniques, leptospires were detected in 60 of 75 urine samples from challenge exposed cows by nucleic acid hybridization, in 24 samples by fluorescent antibody test, and in 13 samples by bacteriologic culture. Leptospires were not detected in the urine of steers not exposed to hardjo-bovis.  相似文献   

Ten non-pregnant heifers, experimentally infected with Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo, were each given an intramuscular injection of dihydrostreptomycin at a dose rate of 25 mg kg-1. In five of these animals this treatment was repeated after 14 days. Treatment failed to remove established genital or renal infection in seven of the 10 heifers, although the number of organisms persisting was apparently reduced in these animals. Serovar hardjo infection persisted for at least 83 days in the oviduct and uterus and these tissues may be as important carrier sites for serovar hardjo as bovine kidney tissue.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate a multivalent leptospiral and clostridial vaccine for prevention of renal colonisation and urinary shedding in sheep, following experimental challenge with New Zealand strains of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo type Hardjobovis and L. interrogans serovar Pomona.

METHODS: Two separate but similarly designed studies were conducted. In both studies, Romney-cross lambs, aged 9–11 weeks, were randomly allocated to a vaccinated group and a control group. Vaccinated lambs each received two 1.5-mL S/C doses of a multivalent leptospiral and clostridial vaccine, 4 weeks apart, and animals in the control groups received the same dose of saline. Groups of 12 vaccinated and 12 control lambs were randomly selected in each study for challenge with serovars Hardjo or Pomona. Challenge was initiated 16 weeks following the second vaccination with three daily doses of live leptospires by intranasal and conjunctival routes. Following challenge, urine samples were collected weekly for 6 weeks, for dark field microscopy and leptospiral culture; 6 weeks after challenge the lambs were slaughtered and kidneys collected for leptospiral culture.

RESULTS: In lambs challenged with serovar Hardjo, 8/12 unvaccinated lambs had ≥1 urine or kidney sample that was positive for leptospires following culture, compared with 0/12 lambs in the vaccinated group (p=0.001). In lambs challenged with serovar Pomona, 9/12 unvaccinated lambs had ≥1 urine or kidney sample that was positive following culture, compared with 0/12 lambs in the vaccinated group (p<0.001). Prevention of renal colonisation and urinary shedding, expressed as the prevented fraction, was 100 (95% CI=61.7–100)% and 100 (95% CI=68.3–100)% against challenge with serovars Hardjo and Pomona, respectively, at 4 months after vaccination.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Use of a multivalent leptospiral and clostridial vaccine demonstrated protection against challenge from New Zealand strains of serovars of Hardjo and Pomona 4 months after vaccination in lambs first vaccinated at 9–11 weeks of age. Further studies are required to assess the duration of immunity against challenge in sheep.  相似文献   

Leptospira interrogans serovar bratislava was isolated from a herd of swine in Iowa with a history of stillborn and weak neonatal pigs. Placentas, kidneys, and lungs of stillborn and weak pigs from 3 litters were processed to detect leptospires by use of bacteriologic culture and fluorescent antibody testing. Sera from stillborn and weak pigs were tested to detect agglutinating antibody against leptospires. A low antibody titer against L interrogans serovar bratislava was detected in the sera of stillborn and weak pigs. Small numbers of leptospires were sometimes detected in tissues by use of the fluorescent antibody test. Serovar bratislava was isolated from placentas, stillborn pigs or weak pigs from each of the 3 litters.  相似文献   

Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo was isolated from urine from dairy cattle in the Onderstepoort area. This was the first successful isolation of this serovar as sole agent causing an abortion storm in the Republic of South Africa. Abortions occurred as early as at 4 months' gestation.  相似文献   

An enzymatic radioimmunoassay (ERIA) has been developed for detecting Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona in porcine urine. Four grower pigs were experimentally infected with serovar pomona. A total of 39 urine samples was collected, and ERIA was compared with dark ground microscopy (DGM) and culture for demonstrating leptospiruria. Of 20 samples positive by at least one technique, leptospires were detected by ERIA in 14, by culture in 16 and by DGM in 13. ERIA, unlike the other 2 methods, was suitable for use with urine which had been stored frozen for several months.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether evidence could be obtained of foetal infection with Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo in aborted foetuses collected from dairy farms. Material from 197 abortions occurring over a wide area of Victoria was collected over 3 years. None of 195 foetal kidney cultures or 7 cultures from membranes was positive for leptospiral organisms. Immunogold silver staining for leptospires was performed on sections of kidneys, lungs or heart from 156 foetuses, with negative results. Evidence of transient leptospiral infection in 11 of 123 foetuses was obtained by foetal heart blood serology. Two isolates of L. interrogans serovar hardjo were obtained from the urine of milking cows. These strains were examined by restriction endonuclease analysis and both were shown to be of the genotype Hardjobovis, as have been all Australian isolates studied so far. It appears that foetal infection with serovar hardjo is not associated with any substantial proportion of bovine abortions in Victoria, in contrast to the situation in Northern Ireland. The apparent absence from Victoria of the pathogenic genotype Hardjoprajitno is a possible explanation.  相似文献   

The genomes of 253 strains of Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo were examined by restriction endonuclease analysis of their DNA. The strains had been isolated from cattle at an abattoir (190), milk of agalactic cows (seven) and from aborted bovine fetuses (56). Two distinct genome types, Hardjoprajitno and Hardjobovis, were detected. The majority (91 per cent) of isolates from abattoir cattle were of the Hardjobovis type while most (76 per cent) of the isolates from clinical/pathological material were similar to Hardjoprajitno.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies produced against Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona have been studied for their diagnostic usefulness. All three monoclonals reacted strongly in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and indirect fluorescent antibody test with serovar pomona and did not react with serovars grippotyphosa, canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae and hardjo.  相似文献   

Two dogs with clinical histories suggestive of leptospirosis were examined serologically and culturally for evidence of leptospiral infection. Antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serovar bratislava were detected in serum from one dog, and the organism was isolated from urine of that dog. In a serologic survey of dogs in the state of Illinois, reactor rates to bratislava were higher than those to canicola or icterohaemorrhagiae. In cases of suspect canine leptospirosis, serovars such as bratislava, not contained in canine vaccines, should be considered in a differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

A commercial hardjo-pomona vaccine which has previously been shown to be effective against hardjo infection was tested against pomona. Following challenge all 11 six-month-old non-vaccinated calves seroconverted and pomona was isolated from blood or urine on at least one occasion from nine of them. Pomona was isolated once only, on the third day after challenge, from the blood of one of 11 vaccinated calves.  相似文献   

Data combining sequential bacteriology and serology from a longitudinal study of a dairy herd were used to demonstrate the limitations of serology as a diagnostic method in cross-sectional sampling of bovine populations. Whole-herd point serological prevalences showed considerable variation over a two-year sampling period (38.8 to 76.2 per cent), and this was mainly due to varying age-specific prevalence. Owing to the rapid decline in titres and the varying persistence of infection, point serological prevalences failed to approximate to cumulative infection rates (either past or present) at different times of the year. A higher estimate of the number of susceptible animals in the herd than is the case results in inaccurate information on true incidence rates and can confuse assessments of the susceptibility of different age groups, especially if only small numbers are sampled. A sampling exercise demonstrated that a 10-cow sample usually provided little useful information other than establishing the presence or absence of hardjo in the herd. Increasing the sample size markedly improved epidemiological information, investigations of clinical disease, assessments of vaccination needs and public health tracebacks. Preferably 10 sera from each of the yearling, first calver, second calver and older age groups should be tested. Serology was an inadequate indicator of infection in individual animals. Group geometric mean titres taken from a mean serological response curve were shown to have limited application in the interpretation of field data, unless infection had occurred in the previous two months.  相似文献   

The susceptibility to commonly used drugs of 18 isolates of Leptospira hardjo from the kidneys of feedlot cattle from different sources was determined quantitatively. All isolates were susceptible to penicillin G, ampicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin and streptomycin. Susceptibility to sulphamethazine was ambiguous. No drug resistance was detected and the results were similar to those described for other serovars.  相似文献   

During 1981, 265 bovine abortions were investigated by serological and histological methods for evidence of leptospiral infection. Leptospires were demonstrated in the tissues of 10 foetuses by a Levaditi silver impregnation technique. Serological testing of maternal sera indicated that Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo was associated with 5 of the abortions while the remaining 5 were due to L. interrogans serovar pomona infection. In cases of abortion associated with L. interrogans serovar hardjo leptospires were readily demonstrated in foetal liver, kidney, intestine and heart. They were demonstrated less often in lung and placenta and could not be found in foetal brain. Autolysis did not appear to interfere with the demonstration of leptospires by silver impregnation. No lesions attributable to leptospiral infection were seen in placentas but mild interstitial nephritis was found in some of the foetuses. Fourteen other cows had serological evidence of recent leptospiral infection but leptospires were not detected in foetal tissues. Histological examination of silver impregnated foetal tissues in combination with the microscopic agglutination test was shown to be an effective method for diagnosing abortion associated with L. interrogans serovar hardjo in cattle.  相似文献   

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