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Objective To measure the plasma cortisol response in lambs castrated and docked by three different methods (ring castration and tail docking, ring and clamp castration and tail docking; ring and clamp castration and ring tail docking) for 4 h after treatment.
Design A physiological study with controls.
Procedure A rubber ring was applied to the scrotum. Then the castration clamp was placed, distal to the ring, on each spermatic cord such that there was no overlap of the crush lines.
Results There were no differences in the cortisol secretion of the lambs castrated and tail docked by the ring only and by the ring plus castration clamp methods. Using the castration clamp in addition to the ring on the tail had no effect on cortisol secretion.
Conclusions Using the castration clamp did not appear to reduce the cortisol response to ring castration and docking, as demonstrated elsewhere, because the areas of uncrushed tissue between the two castration clamp crush lines allowed nociception from ischemic scrotal tissue to be transmitted cranially via undamaged nerve fibers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test whether the cortisol response to ring castration plus docking is reduced by additional application of a castration clamp across the full width of the scrotum distal to the ring. DESIGN: A physiological study with controls. PROCEDURE: Lambs, 3 to 6 weeks of age, were castrated using a ring or ring plus castration clamp applied for 6 or 10 s and docked using a ring. Blood samples were taken before and regularly for about 4 h after treatment and analysed for plasma cortisol concentrations. The healing of the scrotal wounds was monitored for 6 weeks after castration. RESULTS: The plasma cortisol concentrations were lower only at 60 min after treatment in lambs castrated with a clamp placed on the scrotum for 10 s after ring castration and docking than in lambs castrated and docked by ring alone. Scrotal wounds healed more quickly after ring plus clamp than after ring only castration. CONCLUSIONS: The castration clamp had at most a marginal effect on the cortisol response to ring castration and docking of 3- to 6-week-old lambs, but it did seem to improve the rate of healing.  相似文献   

Changes in plasma cortisol concentrations during the first 4 hours after castration of 6-week-old lambs by one of four methods were measured. The methods were application of a rubber ring above the testes, application of a ring to shorten the scrotum below the testes, use of a castration clamp plus a ring, and use of a castration clamp alone. The efficacy of local anaesthetic in reducing or abolishing the cortisol responses to castration by all these methods except short scrotum was assessed. Local anaesthetic was injected into the neck of the scrotum, both spermatic cords, the scrotal neck plus spermatic cords, or into both testes. The combined clamp plus ring method was used to test whether or not clamp damage to afferent nerves from the testes would reduce the cortisol response to ring castration. The short scrotum method elicited a significantly lower cortisol response than that caused by ring castration. Injection of local anaesthetic into both spermatic cords marginally reduced the cortisol response to ring castration, but the response was virtually abolished by prior scrotal neck, or scrotal neck plus spermatic cords, or intra-testicular local anaesthetic injections. The clamp plus ring method, where each spermatic cord and the associated scrotal tissue were crushed separately for 1, 5 or 10 seconds with no overlap between the two crush lines, did not elicit lower cortisol responses than the ring-only method. Local anaesthetic injected into the scrotal neck virtually abolished, and spermatic cord injections markedly reduced, the cortisol responses to combined clamp plus ring castration. The IO-second clamp application caused a more protracted cortisol response than did ring-only castration, whereas the cortisol responses to 1-second clamp application and to ring-only castration were similar. Local anaesthetic injected into the scrotal neck or spermatic cords did not affect significantly the cortisol response to the IO-second clamp application. The following conclusions were drawn from this work: the testes as well as the scrotum were sources of noxious sensory input after ring application; the clamp plus ring method used here was ineffective in reducing the pain-induced distress (as indicated by cortisol concentrations) caused by ring-only castration; injection of local anaesthetic into the scrotal neck or into the testes prior to ring application blocked most noxious sensory input from both the scrotum and the testes; and on the basis of the present cortisol responses the 10-second clamp applications method could not be recommended in reference to the ring-only method, but the l-second clamp application method might be equally acceptable for castrating 6-week-old-lambs. Of the methods examined, injections of local anaesthetic into the scrotal neck or both testes were the most effective in reducing the pain-induced distress caused by ring-only castration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test whether injecting lignocaine into the scrotal neck 5 to 10 s before or into both testes immediately after ring castration and docking wound significantly reduce the plasma cortisol response to castration and docking. DESIGN: A physiological study with controls. PROCEDURE: Lambs were given one of six treatments: control handling, injection of lignocaine into scrotal neck, injection of lignocaine into both testes, ring castration and docking, ring castration and docking after lignocaine was injected into the scrotal neck, and ring castration and docking before lignocaine was injected into both testes. Blood samples were taken before and regularly after treatment and analysed for plasma cortisol concentrations. RESULTS: The plasma cortisol concentrations of lambs castrated and docked after lignocaine had been injected into the scrotal neck were significantly lower between 20 and 60 min after treatment than in lambs castrated and docked without local anaesthesia. Injecting lignocaine into the testes after ring application did not significantly reduce the cortisol response to ring castration and docking. CONCLUSIONS: Lignocaine injected into the scrotal neck 5 to 10 s before ring castration will reduce the cortisol response and by inference the pain associated with ring castration.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the analgesic efficacy of the NSAIDs flunixin and meloxicam administered locally to the scrotum before ring castration. Study design Randomised, controlled, prospective study. Animals Forty eight single born male Merino lambs. Methods Lambs, aged approximately 4 weeks, were allocated to four groups for castration. Groups were: sham control; castration + saline; castration + flunixin; castration + meloxicam. Drugs (5 mL) were administered subcutaneously around the circumference of the scrotum immediately before castration. Cortisol, rectal temperature, haematology and plasma haptoglobin were measured before and up to 48 hours after treatment. Behaviour recorded by video for 12 hours after treatment was classified as pain avoidance behaviours in the first hour and postural behaviours in three 4 hour intervals. Results Ring castration (saline group) induced a bi‐phasic increase in cortisol with peaks at 90 minutes and 24 hours but no significant changes in haematology, haptoglobin or rectal temperature. Pain avoidance behaviours were increased and teat seeking decreased. Normal lying and normal standing postures were decreased and abnormal ventral lying, statue standing, abnormal standing and total abnormal postures increased. Flunixin decreased cortisol at 90 minutes (60.3 versus 117.3 nmol L?1) and cortisol AUC (0–6 hours), decreased elevated leg movement (2.5 versus 5.4 events) and sum of pain avoidance behaviours (8.5 versus 16.7 events), improved time spent in normal ventral lying and decreased abnormal ventral lying and total abnormal postures compared to saline treated lambs. In a similar contrast, meloxicam caused non‐significant decreases in cortisol at 90 minutes, cortisol AUC (0–6 hours) and pain avoidance behaviours, and significantly improved the postural behaviours normal ventral lying (26.7 versus 15.4%) and normal standing (13.9 versus 7.5%), and reduced abnormal standing and total abnormal postures. Physiological and behavioural responses associated with ring castration for both NSAID treatment groups were generally greater than sham controls. Conclusions and clinical relevance Locally administered NSAIDs provided partial analgesia for ring castration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of surgical and latex banding methods of castration in 14- and 9-month-old bulls. DESIGN: Two randomised, controlled experiments. PROCEDURE: In Experiment 1, following administration of local anaesthetic, 14-month-old bulls were castrated by either surgical or banding methods, or left entire. Behavioural, plasma cortisol, plasma haptoglobin and bodyweight responses were recorded. A group of steers from the same mob was used as an additional comparison for bodyweight data. In Experiment 2, following administration of local anaesthetic, 9-month-old bulls were castrated by either surgical or banding methods and cortisol, haptoglobin and bodyweight responses were recorded. Entire bulls from the same group were used as an additional comparison for bodyweight data. RESULTS: In Experiment 1, surgical castrates exhibited more leg stamping and tail swishing than banded or entire animals in the hours after castration. Surgical castrates in both experiments also showed an increase in plasma haptoglobin, which resolved after 4 days. Plasma cortisol was generally not affected by castration. Surgical castrates grew more slowly than entire bulls, but faster than banded animals, in the 56 days after treatment. In Experiment 1, after 56 days, the bodyweights of surgical and banded castrates were not different from the bodyweights of the steers. Fourteen-month-old banded cattle developed persistent wounds above the latex band which remained for several weeks after scrotal dehiscence, but this did not occur in the 9-month-old animals. CONCLUSION: The banding procedure produced fewer acute effects, but a greater suppression of growth than surgical castration and induced prolonged wound formation in the older age group, suggesting that this procedure may not be as suitable for yearling cattle.  相似文献   


Aims: To compare the effect of a topically applied anaesthetic to no pain relief or meloxicam on the behavioural responses, pain sensitivity and weight gain of calves following disbudding with or without sedation.

Methods: A total of 364, 2–6 week-old calves from three commercial farms were systematically allocated to one of six treatment groups. All calves received a cornual nerve block prior to disbudding, with half restrained in a crate and half sedated with xylazine. Within these groups one third received no further treatment (control), one third were treated with meloxicam >10?minutes prior to disbudding and one third received a topical anaesthetic applied to the horn bud wounds following disbudding. The frequency of ear flicks, head shakes, head scratches and pain sensitivity of the wound were recorded on up to eight occasions over 24 hours after disbudding. Calves were weighed before, and 7 and 28 days after, disbudding to determine average daily weight gain (ADG).

Results: Compared to calves in the crate-control group, all other groups had reduced ear flicks at all times following disbudding (p?<?0.01). Treatment with meloxicam and topical anaesthesia in addition to sedation reduced head scratches compared to calves in the crate-control group (p?≤?0.013). At 22 hours after disbudding head shakes were reduced in sedated calves treated with topical anaesthetic compared to calves in the crate-control group (p?<?0.001). Pain sensitivity was lower in all sedated calves than unsedated calves (p?<?0.001). The ADG between Days 0–7 was 0.14 (95% CI?=?0.015–0.274) kg/day greater in sedated calves treated with meloxicam than calves in the crate-control group (p?=?0.03), and the ADG between Days 0–28 tended to be 0.06 (95% CI=?0.01–0.13) kg/day greater in sedated calves treated with topical anaesthetic than calves in the crate-control group (p?=?0.09).

Conclusion and clinical relevance: Sedation of calves for disbudding reduced the pain experienced in the following 24 hours. There was a benefit to providing calves with topical anaesthetic following disbudding on behavioural responses and pain sensitivity, which was similar to that of treating calves with meloxicam.  相似文献   

Aims. To evaluate the use of local anaesthesia and systemic analgesia for alleviating the distress associated with dehorning by monitoring stimulated behaviours in calves.

Methods. Eight behaviours were monitored in 3-4 month-old calves dehorned with and without local anaesthesia and/or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, from 2 hours after treatment.

Results. Four of the behaviours, lying, grazing or ruminating, tail shaking and ear flicking, were significantly different during the first 4-6 hours of observation in control calves, which were not dehorned, compared to calves dehorned without anaesthesia or analgesia, which suggests that these behaviours are useful indices of the acute pain experienced by calves after dehorning. The behaviour of calves dehorned after both a local anaesthetic and a non-steroidal anti- inflammatory agent had been administered was similar to control calves. The behaviour of calves given only local anaesthesia or systemic analgesia prior to dehorning was similar to that of calves dehorned without any pain relief.

Conclusion. These results suggest that calves should be given both a local anaesthetic and a systemic analgesic before dehorning to alleviate the pain associated with this procedure.  相似文献   

Without effective pain relief, rubber ring castration of lambs is acutely painful and can also produce chronic pain. The potential of novel, smaller rubber rings to reduce this pain substantially has been investigated. Three groups of eight 2-3 day old lambs, were castrated either with conventional rubber rings (cRR), or novel smaller rubber rings without (nRR) and with local anaesthetic treatment (nRR+La). Behavioural responses and chronic lesions indicative of pain were compared. No major reductions in behavioural responses were produced by castration with nRRs compared with cRRs, but injection of local anaesthetic did reduce these responses significantly. Lambs in all groups developed chronic inflammatory lesions but behavioural evidence of chronic pain was rarely seen. After 28 days, 6/8 necrotic scrotums had been shed by nRR+La; 4/8 by nRR and 2/8 by cRR lambs. The dimensions of rubber rings on necrotic scrotums, suggest that cRRs contracted to their un-stretched size before being shed, whereas nRRs did not. It is concluded that neither of these rubber rings exerted sufficient pressure on trapped nerves to produce anaesthesia rapidly and this may be explained by the physical properties of the tissues at the neck of the scrotum which support the ring.  相似文献   

Diffusion of local anaesthetic solution after a mid‐pastern ring block has not previously been investigated. The aim of this study was to demonstrate potential distribution of local anaesthetic solution following injection of radiodense contrast medium as performed for a mid‐pastern ring block. Twelve mature horses were used and 1.5 ml radiodense contrast medium injected over the medial or lateral palmar digital nerve at the level of the proximal aspect of the ungular cartilages. A dorsal ring block was performed on the ipsilateral side, 1.5 cm proximal to the palpable palmar aspect of the proximal eminence of the middle phalanx, using 2 or 5 ml contrast medium. Both forelimbs were injected on 2 days (48 injections). Four standard radiographic views of the pastern were obtained immediately, 10 and 20 min after injections. Images were analysed subjectively and objectively. After dorsal injections, the contrast medium was distributed in a diffuse patch over the ipsilateral half of the proximal phalanx (P1), extending proximally over the half of the length of P1 in all limbs (greatest proximal extension: 89.0% of the length of P1 [from distal] after 2 ml, 94.2% after 5 ml). There was significant proximal diffusion in the first 10 min after injection and significant dorsal diffusion between all time points (P<0.01). There was significant positive association between injected volume and the proximal extension of the dorsal contrast patch (P = 0.01). The median dorsal diffusion was to the dorsal midline of P1; 5 ml contrast medium resulted in significantly greater dorsal diffusion than 2 ml (P<0.01). The dorsal and palmar contrast patches did not merge. In conclusion, diffusion to the proximal aspect of P1 following a mid‐pastern ring block may occur even if only 2 ml of local anaesthetic solution is used.  相似文献   

Objective   To determine the effectiveness of a topical anaesthetic formulation (Tri-Solfen) with or without the administration of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (carprofen) on the pain and distress response associated with ring or surgical castration of ram lambs.
Procedures   Merino ram lambs (n = 78) were allocated to 10 treatment groups: 4 groups of knife-castrated lambs and 4 groups of ring-castrated lambs received carprofen (4 mg/kg SC) and Tri-Solfen; 2 control groups (sham) received carprofen at 0 or 4 mg/kg SC. Measurements included plasma cortisol and haptoglobin concentrations, haematology, and behaviour, including posture.
Results   Knife-castrated lambs had higher peak cortisol and integrated cortisol responses for the first 6 h after treatment and greater concentration s of circulating acute phase proteins than ring-castrated lambs, both of which were significantly different from the sham controls. Tri-Solfen applied to the knife castration wound significantly reduced both the peak plasma cortisol concentration and the integrated cortisol response for the first 6 h and improved lying behaviour in the first 12 h. Carprofen reduced the cortisol response to knife castration at 30 min, but elevated the cortisol responses at 24 and 48 h. Carprofen nearly halved the number of acute pain behaviours associated with ring castration. There were no significant additive or synergistic effects from combining the analgesic treatments. Tri-Solfen applied to the tail wound provided no detectible benefits during ring castration + tail docking.
Conclusions   The physiological and behavioural responses suggest that ring castration has less impact on the lamb than knife castration. The specific analgesic treatments can provide modest amelioration of the pain and discomfort associated with castration. Alternative doses or application methods may enhance their efficacy.  相似文献   

Objective To measure plasma cortisol responses in calves dehorned using a scoop after administration of local anaesthesia and/or cautery of the wounds.
Design A physiological study with controls.
Procedure There were six treatments: control handling with and without local anaesthesia, dehorning, dehorning after local anaesthesia, dehorning followed by wound cautery, and dehorning after local anaesthesia followed by wound cautery. Blood samples were taken before and after dehorning.
Results Dehorning caused an increase in plasma cortisol concentrations, which decreased a little to plateau values and then declined to pretreatment values 3 to 4 h after dehorning. The peak was smaller after local anaesthesia was administered but when its effects wore off, cortisol concentrations increased and thereafter were similar to those in the dehorned animals. The combination of local anaesthesia and cautery resulted in a plasma cortisol response similar to those in control calves with or without local anaesthesia.
Conclusions If plasma cortisol concentrations reflect the distress being experienced by the calves, then local anaesthesia reduces the acute distress for about 3 h after dehorning but not during the subsequent 3 to 4 h. Combining local anaesthetic and cautery prevented the significant increase in plasma cortisol following dehorning and may eliminate the acute distress caused by scoop dehorning.  相似文献   

Castration is a routine procedure performed on beef and dairy operations in the United States. All methods of castration cause behavioral, physiologic, and neuroendocrine changes associated with pain. The American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Association of Bovine Practitioners recommend that anesthesia and analgesia be administered during castration. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of bupivacaine liposome suspension, a novel, long-acting, local anesthetic formulation administered as a nerve block at castration. The authors chose to investigate this novel formulation as an alternative to the current industry standards using lidocaine nerve blocks alone or in combination with meloxicam. Thirty male Holstein calves, 16 to 20 wk of age, were enrolled and randomly assigned to one of the four treatment groups prior to surgical castration: 1) bupivacaine liposome suspension block + oral placebo (BUP), 2) lidocaine block + oral placebo (LID), 3) lidocaine block + oral meloxicam (1 mg/kg) (LID + MEL), and 4) saline block + oral placebo (CON). Biomarkers were collected at −24 h and from 0 to 120 h post-castration and included infrared thermography, pressure mat gait analysis, chute defense and behavior scoring (pain and activity), and blood sampling for serum cortisol and prostaglandin E2 metabolites (PGEMs). Responses were analyzed using repeated measures, with calf nested in treatment as a random effect, and treatment, time, and their interaction designated as fixed effects. The results from pressure mat gait analysis show that the CON had a shorter front limb stance time from baseline (−8.73%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: −24.84% to 7.37%) compared with BUP and LID + MEL (>5.70%; 95% CI: −22.91% to 23.79%) (P < 0.03). The CON tended to have an increase in front limb force from baseline (6.31%; 95% CI: −1.79% to 14.41%) compared with BUP, LID, and LID + MEL (<−5.06%; 95% CI: −14.22% to 0.95%) (P < 0.04). The CON displayed higher counts of hunched standing (2.00; 95% CI: 1.68 to 2.32) compared with LID + MEL (1.43; 95% CI: 1.13 to 1.72) (P = 0.05). The CON had higher cortisol concentrations at 24 h (7.70 ng/mL; 95% CI: 1.52 to 13.87 ng/mL) relative to BUP (3.11 ng/mL; 95% CI: −2.56 to 8.79 ng/mL) (P = 0.002). At 4 and 24 h, LID + MEL had lower PGEM concentrations from baseline (−32.42% and −47.84%; 95% CI: −78.45% to −1.80%) compared with CON (27.86% and 47.63%; 95% CI: 7.49% to 82.98%) (P < 0.02). The administration of bupivacaine liposome suspension as a local anesthetic block at the time of castration was as effective at controlling pain as a multimodal approach of lidocaine and meloxicam.  相似文献   

The reliability of some behavioral and physiological indices used for the recognition and assessment of acute pain in lambs after castration and tail docking has been examined. Changes in the indices were measured after blocking neural activity with local anaesthetic (lignocaine) and after an opioid antagonist (naloxone) was administered. Six lambs, aged less than one week, were allocated randomly to each of six treatments. (i) control handling and blood sampling; (ii) castration plus tail docking with tight rubber rings; (iii) local anaesthesia; (iv) local anaesthesia followed by castration and tail docking; (v) intravenous naloxone only (0.2 mg kg-1); and (vi) intravenous naloxone followed by castration and tail docking. Local anaesthesia eliminated the behavioural and plasma cortisol changes which usually follow castration and tail docking. Naloxone had a limited effect on the increase in cortisol but altered the behaviour. The results support the view that such indices are useful for assessment of the response to acute pain and that, although endogenous opioids do reduce pain in young lambs after castration and tail docking, the effect is small.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to evaluate a pinhole castration technique in male ponies. Adult ponies (n = 12) were randomly allotted to one of the two equal groups. Both of the groups were anaesthetised with xylazine–ketamine–diazepam and had single (SLS, SLC) ligation of the spermatic cord on one side and double (DLS, DLC) ligation on the other side using silk (Group T1) and catgut (Group T2). Single ligation whether using silk or catgut (SLS and SLC) was completed in 3.50 ± 0.34 min. DLS took 6.66 ± 0.49 min and DLC 7.16 ± 0.47 min. Scrotal oedema was noticed in all of the ponies from Day 1 to Day 15. The scrotal circumference and testicular volume in animals of both of the groups showed a significant (P<0.05) increase from Day 1 to Day 4. Orchiectomy to recover testicular remnants was performed in all of the animals on Day 41. Straw-coloured fluid accumulation was noticed in seven testicular remnants (4 T1 and 3 T2). One testicle from Group DLS showed suppuration. Multiple gross and histological abnormalities were detected in all double ligated testes. The changes were more severe in the DLS than the DLC group and their epididymis (n = 3) also showed necrosis, fibroplasia and an obstructed lumen. Severe adhesions had developed in three and one testicle only from the SLS and SLC groups respectively. The remaining testes and epididymis in both of these groups showed only mild-to-moderate adhesions. From this study, it was concluded that castration may not be achieved by percutaneous single ligation of the spermatic cord in ponies. Although double ligation induces marked gross and histopathological changes, assessments of the testosterone levels and sperm analysis are required before recommending this procedure. Use of silk for ligation of the spermatic cord is advantageous over catgut but maintenance of strict asepsis is mandatory.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the pain responses of lambs to mulesing, and the effectiveness of potential analgesic treatments. PROCEDURES: Merino lambs (n=64) were allocated at 5 weeks of age to eight treatment groups: 1) sham mules; 2) conventional mules; 3) topical anaesthetic, incorporating lignocaine, bupivicaine, adrenaline and cetrimide, applied immediately after mulesing; 4) flunixin + topical anaesthetic, with flunixin administered 2.5 mg/kg s.c. 90 min before mulesing; 5) carprofen + topical anaesthetic, with carprofen administered 4 mg/kg s.c. 90 min before mulesing; 6) carprofen, administered as above; 7) flunixin, administered as above; and 8) carprofen + flunixin, administered as above. Plasma cortisol was measured at 0, 0.5, 6, 12 and 24 h relative to mulesing. Animal behaviour, including posture, was recorded for 12 h after mulesing. RESULTS: The conventional mules lambs exhibited large increases in plasma cortisol, reduced lying and increased standing with a hunched back compared with sham mules animals. Topical anaesthetic reduced the cortisol peak to mulesing and hunched standing, and increased lying compared with the conventional mules treatment, but generally did not result in values equivalent to sham mules animals. Carprofen, flunixin, and carprofen + flunixin treatments did not reduce the cortisol response to mulesing but substantially ameliorated some changes in behavioural postures. Flunixin + topical anaesthetic reduced the cortisol peak following mulesing and substantially ameliorated most changes in behavioural postures. Carprofen + topical anaesthetic abolished the cortisol peak following mulesing and substantially ameliorated most changes in behavioural postures. All mulesed animals lost weight in the week after mulesing regardless of analgesic administration, but there were no significant differences in growth rate between any of the eight treatments over the 3 weeks after mulesing. CONCLUSIONS: Analgesics can moderate the pain response of lambs to mulesing. The welfare outcome for lambs of mulesing could be improved by use of a combination of local anaesthetic and long acting non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.  相似文献   

A grazing study was performed with the main objective of examining the effect of fenbendazole (FBZ) in a ‘dose and move’ system on nematode infections in calves with special emphasis on Dictyocaulus viviparus.

Three groups of six calves were grazed from May to October 1993. One group (DM7) was treated with FBZ and moved to aftermath (pasture which had only been mown) 7 weeks after turnout. The second group (DM9) was similarly treated and moved 9 weeks after turnout and the third group served as untreated pasture control group (PC) and was moved to aftermath 9 weeks after turnout.

FBZ treatment removed adult lungworms from DM7 and DM9. Tracer calves grazed during the first 7 or the first 9 weeks after turnout acquired mean burdens of 18 and 125 lungworms, respectively. In PC faecal larval counts increased until the end of August. Most of the animals in this group were then suffering from lungworm disease and emergency treatment with ivermectin was given. In both FBZ-treated groups, larvae reappeared in the faeces of some of the calves 4–5 weeks after treatment. Subsequent reinfection resulted in higher mean faecal larval counts in both groups 2 months after treatment, although variation in faecal larval counts was high. In DM7 values tended to be higher than in DM9. These higher larval counts were associated with mild signs of parasitic bronchitis in some calves of DM7, whereas no signs were seen in DM9.

At the end of the experiment, all calves, and also a group of six permanently housed non-infected control calves (HC), were infected experimentally with 5000 D. viviparus larvae to evaluate development of immunity. The worm counts at necropsy showed that all calves on pasture had developed immunity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare measurement of spermatozoal membrane status using computer‐assisted spermatozoal quantification (CASQ) and eosin‐nigrosin (EN) staining with manual counting after CFDA/PI staining. Analysis was performed on both fresh and thawed cryopreserved canine semen. Membrane‐disrupted spermatozoa (MDS) were counted using CASQ (n = 311) in an untreated sample and a completely membrane‐disrupted sample, and the percentage of membrane‐intact spermatozoa (MIS) calculated: (Total count ? Untreated sample count) ÷ Total count × 100. Spermatozoa were stained with a one‐step EN stain (n = 501), and then, at least 100 spermatozoa were manually examined under ×1,000 magnification and classified as MDS (stained with eosin) or MIS (non‐stained). Spermatozoa from the same samples were also stained with CFDA/PI, and then, at least 200 spermatozoa were manually examined under ×1,000 magnification and classified as MIS (completely stained by CFDA) or MDS. The percentage of progressively motile spermatozoa (PMS) was determined by both computer‐assisted semen analysis (CASA) and subjective methodologies, and the data were subsequently analysed to measure the agreement between the CASQ and EN methods with the CFDA/PI technique using Bland–Altman methodology. Pearson's correlation was measured between the MIS and PMS percentage samples and correlation coefficients compared. The mean MIS percentage was lower for CASQ and higher for EN than in CFDA/PI for all comparisons. The agreement of MIS percentage between CASQ and CFDA/PI was ?20.2% to 32.0%, and between EN and CFDA/PI was ?32.9% to 14.9%. In all methods, the MIS and PMS percentages were correlated (p < .001). Measurement of CFDA/PI appeared to be the most reliable and accurate method of determining MIS percentage in dogs. Further investigation is required to determine whether the CASQ technique can be improved. Eosin‐nigrosin staining also appeared to be unreliable at MIS <80% and overestimated the MIS percentage.  相似文献   

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