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Recognition that one infective agent could cause ram epididymitis and ewe abortion in New Zealand was due to McFarlane et al. (1952 McFarlane, D., Jebson, J. L., Hartley, W. J., Salisbury, R. M., McClure, T. J. and Osborne, H. G. 1952. Aust. vet. J., 28: 226226. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). The organism was not identified at that time, but Buddie and Boyes (1953 Buddle, M. B. and Boyes, B. W. 1953. Aust. vet. J., 29: 145153. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) classified it in the genus Brucella—possibly a variant of Br. melitensis. This finding provided a basis for research on control and treatment of the disease. The present paper describes studies on one aspect of this problem, the chemotherapy of affected rams.  相似文献   



Increasing references have been made in the recent veterinary literature to malacic diseases of the nervous system in sheep and other animals. Plowright (1954 Cordy, D. R. 19S4. J. Neuropath., 13: 330330.  [Google Scholar]) and Innes and Plowright (1955 Hartley, W. J. 1956. N.Z.vet.J., 4: 129129. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) have described a focal symmetrical spinal poliomalacia of unknown aetiology in sheep in Kenya. In the U.S.A., Cordy (1954 Haymaker, W., Ginzler, A. M. and Ferguson, R. L. 1952. Military Surgeon, 111: 231231.  [Google Scholar]) has described a focal symmetrical encephalomalacia of horses following the ingestion of a species of thistle, and Jensen et al. (1956 Hurst, E. W. 1940. Aust. J. exp. Biol. med. Sci., 18: 201201.  [Google Scholar]) have described an idiopathic polio-encephalomalacia in cattle and sheep. In New Zealand, Hartley (1956 Innes, J. R. M. and Plowright, W. 1955. J. Neuropath., 14: 185185.  [Google Scholar]) has described a focal symmetrical encephalomalacia (F.S.E.) of lambs that may be related to the sublethal effects of the toxin of Clostridium perfringens (welchii) Type D. Smith (1957 Jensen, Rue, Griner, L. A. and Adams, O. R. 1956. J. Amer. vet. med. Ass., 129: 311311. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]) has described widespread lesions of polio-encephalomalacia together with eosinophilic meningoencephalitis in sodium chloride poisoning of swine.  相似文献   



Surveys on perinatal infection in lambs in New Zealand have been reported and the pathology and bacteriology of the conditions described (Hartley and Boyes, 1955 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 120120.  [Google Scholar], 1964 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1964. N.Z. vet J., 12: 3333. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]; McFarlane, 1955 McFarlane, D. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 104104.  [Google Scholar]; Hartley and Kater, 1964 Hartley, W. J. and Kater, Joan C. 1964. N.Z. vet. J., 12: 4949. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). Potentially pathogenic organisms were isolated from 58 to 288 lambs from five flocks, Clostridium septicum being isolated from five of these cases (Hartley and Boyes, 1955 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 120120.  [Google Scholar]). In another survey, 5.5% of lambs born dead or dying up to 4 weeks of age died from navel infection. Clostridium septicum was isolated from 69% of 48 consecutive cases (Hartley and Boyes, 1964 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1964. N.Z. vet J., 12: 3333. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). McFarlane (1955 McFarlane, D. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 104104.  [Google Scholar]) recorded that 7.3% of perinatal mortality was due to navel infection but no bacteriology was carried out nor was the organism suspected stated. On individual farms, up to 15% of lambs recorded died from navel ill. It should be pointed out that, in this survey, only small numbers of lambs were received from some properties.  相似文献   



An infectious epididymitis of rams caused by Brucella ovis (Buddie, 1956 Buddle, M. B. 1956. J. Hygiene, 54: 351351.  [Google Scholar]) infection, first described in Australia (Simmons and Boyes, 1953 Simmons, C. G. and Hall, W. J. K. 1953. Aust.vet.J., 29: 3333. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and New Zealand (Buddie and Boyes, 1953 Buddle, M. B. and Boyes, B. W. 1953. Aust.vet. J., 29: 145145. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) was recognized subsequently in Czechoslovakia (Gdovin et al, 1955 Gdovin, T., Hrudka, F., Chladecky, E. and Koppel, Z. 1955. Shorn, ces. Akad. zemedelsk Ved., 28: 617617.  [Google Scholar]), the United States (McGowan and Shultz, 1956 McGowan, B. and Shultz, G. 1956. Cornel Vet., 46: 277277.  [Google Scholar]), South Africa (Van Rensburg et al, 1958 Van Rensburg, S. W. J., Van Heerden, K. M., Le Roux, D. J. and Snyders, A. J. 1958. J.S.Afr. vet. med. Ass., 29: 223223.  [Google Scholar]), Rumania (Tudoriu, et al, 1958 Tudoriu, C. D., Andrei, M., Draghici, D. and Moldoveanu, P. 1958. Anu. Inst. Pat.Igien. anim. Bucaresti, 8: 55.  [Google Scholar]), and South America (Dr Justo Zomara B, 1961, pers. comm.). As the infection can affect ram fertility and, further, can be responsible for abortion in ewes and perinatal mortality in lambs, attention has been directed to the development, evaluation, and application of control measures in a number of important sheep-raising countries.  相似文献   



Drake et al. (1960 Drake, C, Grant, A. B. and Hartley, W. J. 1960. N.Z. vet. J., 8: 77. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) have shown that selenium will control outbreaks of lamb and hogget ill-thrift on the pumice soils of the Rotorua-Taupo area. As an ill-thrift problem also exists in calves on the newly-broken-in farms in the same area, it was decided to investigate the effect of oral selenium and other minerals in the control of this problem.  相似文献   



Sir — The recently published advances by Done (1957 Done, J. T. 1957. Vet. Rec., 69: 13411341.  [Google Scholar]). Done et al. (1957 Done, J. T., Brooksbank, N. H. and Buntain, D. 1957. Vet. Rec., 69: 6767.  [Google Scholar]) and Harding cl al. (1957 Harding, T. D. J., Done, J. T. and Kershaw, G. F. 1957. Vet. Rec., 69: 824824.  [Google Scholar]); ill Great Britain concerning the knowledge of different disease of the central nervous system ot pigs have prompted a closer examination of these diseases by Diagnostic Officers of the Animal Research Division in this country.  相似文献   



Sir, — Correspondence in your journal has indicated that there is some divergence of opinion about the efficacy of the complement fixation (CF) test for the diagnosis of ovine brucellosis (Brucella ovis) (1) Hicks, J. D., Burr, G. R., Marshall, D. R. and Vidier, B. M. 1978. CFT inaccurate for epididymitis. N.Z. vet. J., 24: 3434.  [Google Scholar] (2) Bruére, A. N. and West, D. M. 1978. CFT inaccurate for epididymitis. N.Z. vet. J., 26: 115115. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar] (3) O'Hara, P. J., Anderson, L. D. and Weddell, W. 1978. N.Z. vet. J. CFT inaccurate for epididymitis, 26: 115116. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar] (4) Hicks, J. D., Burr, G. R. and Marshall, D. R. and. 1978. CFT inaccurate for epididymitis. N.Z. vet. J., 26: 135135. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. A number of letters which have recently been received at the Animal Health Reference Laboratory indicate that this issue is not yet fully resolved. We believe that part of the difficulty is due to misunderstanding about the use and interpretation of the test, and we would therefore like to comment.  相似文献   



Sir,—We should like to take this opportunity to congratulate Messrs Cordes, Dodd and O'Hara (1964 Cordes, D. O., Dodd, D. C. and O'Hara, P. J. 1964. N.Z. vet J., 12: 9595. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) on their excellent article on bovine mycotic abortion and pneumonia in New Zealand, and at the same time mention certain complementary features of these conditions as noted in Tasmania.  相似文献   



Robins and Shapcott (1954 Robins, J. H. and Shapcott, R. 1954. N.Z. vet. J., 2: 5555. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) recorded cases of presumed acorn poisoning in sheep.  相似文献   



Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) is a disease of goats of any breed, sex and age, caused by a retrovirus related to, but distinct from, the maedi-visna virus which affects sheep.(4) Gazit, A., Yaniv, A., Divr, M., Perk, K., Irving, S.G. and Dahlberg, J.E. 1983. The caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus is a distinct virus within the lentivirus group. Virology, 124: 192195.  [Google Scholar] (10) Roberson, Susan M., McGuire, T.C., Klevjer-Anderson, Paula, Gorham, J.R. and Cheevers, W.P. 1982. Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus is distinct from visna and progressive pneumonia viruses as measured by genome sequency homology. J. Virol., 44: 755758. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Both infections are included among the so-called slow virus diseases which are characterised by a long incubation period, protracted clinical course and persistent infection. Maedi-visna is not present in New Zealand but CAE has been detected in a number of goat flocks.  相似文献   



Malignant hyperthermia is a rare and usually fatal complication of general anaesthesia. It occurs in man (Britt and Kalow, 1970 Britt, B. A. and Kalow, W. 1970. Malignant hyperthermia: a statistical review. Can. Anaesth. Soc. J., 17: 293315. [Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]) and in certain breeds of pigs, the, Landrace (Hall et al., 1966 Hall, L. W., Woolf, N., Bradley, J. W. P. and Jolly, D. W. 1966. An unusal reaction to suxamethonium chloride. Br. med. J., 3: 594594.  [Google Scholar]; Berman et at, 1970 Berman, M. C., Harrison, G. G. and Bull, A. B. 1970. Changes underlying halothane-induced malignant hyperpyrexia in Landrace pigs. Nature. Lond., 225: 653655.  [Google Scholar]; Harrison et al., 1970 Harrison, G. G., Berman, M. C., Heekman, R., Bull, A. B., Terblanche, J. and Kench, J. E. 1970. “Anaesthetic induced malignant hyperpyrexia — Some observations of the syndrome in Landrace pigs”. In Ill Asian Australasian Congress of Anesthesiology, Canberra. Butterworths 158166.  [Google Scholar]) the Poland China (Jones et al., 1972 Jones, E. W., Nelson, T. E., Anderson, I. L., Kerr, D. D. and Burnap, T. K. 1972. Malignant hyperthermia in swine. Anesthesiology, 36: 4251.  [Google Scholar]), the Pietrain (Allen et al., 1970 Allen, W. M., Harding, J. D. J. and Paterson, D. S. P. 1970. Experimentally induced acute stress syndrome in Pietrain pigs. Vet. Rec., 87: 6469.  [Google Scholar]) and the Large White (Mawdesley-Thomas, 1969 Mawdesley-Thomas, L. E. 1969. Cited by Allen, W. M. et al. (1970) [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



Recent research has shown that the gene frequency for mannosidosis (pseudolipidosis) may approximate 0.05 in pedigree Angus herds (Jolly, unpublished data). As epidemiological studies suggest an equal frequency in commercial non-pedigree herds, the disease is elf economic importance to the national beef industry. Mannosidosis is an inherited lysosomal storage disease associated with a defect in catabolism, of the heterosaccharide fractioln of glycoproteins (Whittem and Walker, 1957 Donnelly, W. J. C., Sheahan, B. J. and Rogers, T. A. 1973a. GM1 gangliosidosis in Friesian calves. J. Path., 111: 173179.  [Google Scholar]; Jolly 1971 Donnelly, W. J. C., Sheahan, B. J. and Kelly, M. 1973b. Bet α-galactosidase deficiency in GM1 gangliosidosis of Friesian calves. Res. vet. Sci., 15: 139141.  [Google Scholar]; Hocking et al., 1972 Hocking, J. D., Jolly, R. D. and Batt, R. D. 1972. Deficiency of α-mannosidase in Angus cattle. Biochem. J., 128: 6978.  [Google Scholar]; Phillips et al., 1974 Jolly, R. D. 1971. The pathology of the central nervous system in pseudolipidosis of Argus cattle. J. Path., 103: 113121.  [Google Scholar]). Whereas animals with mannosidosis have negligible tissue sand plasma levels of α-mannosidase, heterozygotes having one normal gene and one defective gene have approximately half the normal level of enzyme in their tissues and plasma. This observation forms the basis for a control programme in which heterozygotes are identified by their plasma α-mannosidase 1evels (Jolly et al., 1973 Jolly, R. D., Tse, C. A. and Greenway, R. M. 1973. Plasma α-mannosidase activity as a means of detecting mannosidosis heterozygotes. N.Z. vet. J., 21: 6469. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar], 1974a Jolly, R. D., Thompson, K. G., Tse, C. A., Munford, R. E. and Merrall, M. 1974a. Identification of mannosidosis heterozygotes — factors affecting normal plasma α-mannosidase levels. N.Z. vet. J., 22: 155162. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar], b Jolly, R. D., Thompson, K. G. and Tse, C. A. 1974b. Evaluation of a mass screening programme for identification of mannosidosis heterozygotes in Angus cattle. N.Z. vet. J., 22: 185190. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



Sir, — Avian adenoviruses are widely distributed in the world, and have been associated with a number of disease syndromes in poultry. including respiratory diseases, (6) McFerran, Gordon, W. A. M., Taylor, S. M. and McParland, P. J. 1971. Isolation of viruses from 94 flocks of fowls with respiratory disease. Res. vet. Sci., 12: 565569.  [Google Scholar] egg production loss, (9) Van Eck, J. H. H., Davelaar, F. G., Van den Heuvel-Plessman, T. A. M., Van Kol, N., Kouwenhoven, G. and Guldie, F. H. M. 1976. Dropped egg production, soft shelled and shell-less eggs associated with appearance of precipitins to adenovirus in flocks of laying fowls. Avian Path., 5: 261272. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar] and hepatitis. (10) Horner, G. W. and Hunter, R. 1977. Prevalence of precipitating antibodies to avian adenoviruses in diagnostic serums. N.Z. vet. J., 25: 236236. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]  相似文献   



Sir, — Leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica is now recognised as a widespread infection among opossums in New Zealand (2) Hathaway, S. C, Blackmore, D. K. and Marshall, R. B. 1978. The serologic and cultural prevalence of Leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica in opossums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in New Zealand. J. Wild Dis., 14: 345350. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and the possibility of domestic stock acting as accidental hosts has recently been demonstrated. (3) Mackintosh, C. G., Marshall, R. B. and Blackmore, D. K. 1980. Leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica in cattle. N.Z. vet. J., 28: 268268. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] With the recent development of hardjo vaccines (1) Flint, S. H. and Liardet, D. M. 1980. A Trivalent leptospiral vaccine with emphasis on a Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo component to prevent leptospiruria. N.Z. vet. J., 28: 263266. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] (4) Marshall, R. B., Broughton, E. S. and Hellstrom, J. S. 1979. Protection of cattle against natural challenge with Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo using a hardjo - pomona vaccine. N.Z. vet. J., 27: 114116. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] for controlling infection with this serovar in the maintenance hosts, stock could be left vulnerable to infection with other prevalent serovars such as balcanica.  相似文献   



In New Zealand, cobalt-containing drenches are recommended for the field diagnosis of cobalt deficiency, but find little use as a routine method of controlling the disease. For the latter purpose, cobaltized licks have a place on extensively-grazed untopdressed hill country. Otherwise, topdressing pastures annually with cobalt sulphate, usually as cobaltized superphosphate, has proved the best method of prevention (N.Z. Dept. Agric, 1954 N.Z. Dept. Agric. 1954. N.Z. Dept. Agric. Bull.,  [Google Scholar]; Andrews, 1956 Andrews, E. D. 1956. N.Z. J. Agric., 92: 239239.  [Google Scholar]). In Australia, however, greater reliance has been placed on drenches and licks, partly because cobalt topdressing is regarded as uneconomic on the extensive undeveloped holdings usually associated with cobalt deficiency in that country, and partly because the effects of cobalt applied to the land have often proved ephemeral, particularly on the acutely-deficient calcareous coastal sands (Lee, 1950 Lee, H. J. 1950. Aust. vet. J., 26: 152152. [Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]; Bennetts, 1955 Bennetts, H. W. 1955. J. Agric. West Ami., 4: 4242.  [Google Scholar]). However, recent work in South Australia opens up an entirely new approach to the control of cobalt deficiency disease. Dewey et al. (1958 Dewey, D. W., Lee, H. J. and Marston, H. R. 1958. Nature (Lond), 181: 13671367.  [Google Scholar]) report that when semi-porous pellets containing cobaltic oxide are administered to sheep they are retained in the reticulum, or less commonly in the rumen, and release a continuous and adequate supply of cobalt to the animal. Phalaris staggers and cobalt deficiency disease can be prevented in this way.  相似文献   



Following the occurrence in the field of typical cases of hyperkeratosis (Haughey and Cooper, 1953 Haughey, K. G. and Cooper, B. S. 1953. N.Z.vet.J., 1: 99103. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) which was associated with the use of a pentachlorinated naphthalene wood preserving compound, it was decided to attempt to reproduce this disease under experimental conditions.  相似文献   



The results of recent New Zealand studies (Brunsdon, 1968 Brunsdon, R. V. 1968. Trichostrongyle worm infection in cattle: ostertagiasis — effect of a field outbreak on production, with a review of the disease syndromes, problems of diagnosis and treatment. N.Z.vet.J., 16: 176187. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar], 1969 Brunsdon, R. V. 1969. Trichostrongyle worm infection in cattle: ostertagiasis and concurrent infections in dairycalves: seasonal patterns of occurrence, pathology and diagnosis. N.Z. vet. J., 17: 161172. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) have indicated the potential pathogenicity of trichostrongyle worm infection in calves reared on pasture underdairy-type management and have confirmed overseas findings regarding difficulties associated with- the- diagnosis of trichostrongyle disease in general and of the various syndromes of ostertagiasis in particular (Anderson et al., 1965 Anderson, N., Armour, J., Jarrett, W. F. H., Jennings, F. W., Ritchie, J. S. D. and Urquhart, G. M. 1965. A field study of parasitic gastritis in cattle. Vet. Rec., 77: 1,1961,204.  [Google Scholar]; Michel, 1968 Michel, J. F. 1968. Faecal egg counts in infections of gastro-intestinal nematodes in cows. Vet. Rec, 82: 132133. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



Colitis X is a peracute, sporadic noncontagious disease affecting horses of all ages, characterized by sudden onset of shock, dehydration and foetid diarrhoea (Rooney et al., 1963 Rooney, J. R., Bryan's, J. T. and Doll, E. R. 1963. Colitis “X” of horses. J. Am. vet. Med. Ass., 142: 510511.  [Google Scholar]; Pickrell, 1968 Pickrell, J. W. 1968. Equine killer: Colitis X. Med. vet. Pract., 49: 6366.  [Google Scholar]). Rooney et al. (1966 Rooney, J. R., Bryans, J. T., Prickett, M. E. and Zent, W. W. 1966. Exhaustion shock in the horse. Cornell Vet., 56: 220235. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]) have described a form of colitis X without diarrhoea. Otubreaks of the disease which affected numerous horses under the same conditions of management have been described (Rooney et al., 1963 Rooney, J. R., Bryan's, J. T. and Doll, E. R. 1963. Colitis “X” of horses. J. Am. vet. Med. Ass., 142: 510511.  [Google Scholar]; W. P. C. Richards, pers. comm.).  相似文献   



A gram-negative pleomorphic facultative aerobic organism, indistinguishable morphologically and culturally from that isolated from suppurative epididymitis in rams and described by Dodd &; Hartley (1955) Dodd, D. C. and Hartley, W. J. 1955. N.Z. vet. J., 3: 105105. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar], has, over the last five years, been isolated at this laboratory on more than ten occasions from polytenosynovitis and pyaemia in lambs, and on one occasion from mastitis in a ewe. It still remains to characterize and classify this organism, but Roberts has made a detailed comparison of it with his Histophilus ovis (Roberts, 1956 Roberts, D. S. 1956. Aust. vet. J., 32: 330330.  [Google Scholar]) and considers that the two are indistinguishable (Roberts, 1958, pers. comm.).  相似文献   



Both Candida albicans and C. tropicalis have been implicated in cases of bovine mastitis following udder infusion with antibiotics (Loken et al., 1959 Loken, K. I., Thompson, E. S., Hoyt, H. H. and Ball, R. A. 1959. J. Amer. vet. med. Ass., 134: 401401.  [Google Scholar]). In some cases (Tucker, 1954 Tucker, E. W. 1954. Cornell Vet., 44: 7979.  [Google Scholar]), contamination of the diluting fluid and teats with yeasts from the operator has been given as the cause, while in other cases (Stuart, 1951 Stuart, P. 1951. Vet. Rec., 63: 314314.  [Google Scholar]; Hulse, 1952 Hulse, E. C. 1952. Vet. Rec., 64: 210210.  [Google Scholar]), yeasts from brewer's grains on which the cows were feeding have been blamed.  相似文献   

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